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Aug 24, 2016 3:44 PM

Feb 2010
I have to say we are very grateful that we got anime for Rewrite. There lots of other great manga, LN, and VN that are not anime yet.
The studio can't did better job with their schedule and ep count.

This was a risk kind up. No hate should go to the Director.

So lets stop acting like little kids and enjoy what we have.
Atlest it is not like Tokyo Ghoul.

If u don't like it just drop it.
Pages (2) [1] 2 »
Aug 24, 2016 6:58 PM
Jul 2016
Before anything, I must say that I am thankful and I am loving the anime.

They are mad because one of their favorites stories got a really low budget for the animation in which a lot of people suspect that the only purpose for animating Rewrite was to make a commercial for the upcoming new version of Rewrite instead of actually trying to show a good series. Also there is a general hate for 8-bit, I kinda hate them a little too.

The pacing is all over the place, they outsourced cheap artist to quickly draw some parts, the animation is bad in many places, there is no characterization for the character and all that because of the low budget.

Once a small group start flaming and putting some reasonable arguments, the flame will catch on faster and faster burning everything with hate.
Aug 24, 2016 7:01 PM

Jan 2013
Oh yes let's be grateful that the one shot for an adaptation is now ruined by this sloppy mess. Rewrite isn't nearly important enough to get a second adaptation by another studio, either.

Rather, it's acting like a kid to try to impose your so-called maturity on others who are rightfully upset about something they have been waiting years for.
Aug 24, 2016 7:11 PM

Oct 2012
UnknownDepth said:
I have to say we are very grateful that we got anime for Rewrite. There lots of other great manga, LN, and VN that are not anime yet.
The studio can't did better job with their schedule and ep count.

This was a risk kind up. No hate should go to the Director.

So lets stop acting like little kids and enjoy what we have.
Atlest it is not like Tokyo Ghoul.

If u don't like it just drop it.

Actually, it kind of is like Tokyo Ghoul. Both share the fact they're substandard, if not complete deviations from the source material (Although this 6th route is, correct me if i'm wrong, supposed to be in Rewite+)

I don't think you have to be "grateful" for anything being developed. Studios license anime not to please fans, but to make money. They should be grateful that people out there are willing to pay for an adaption that, for anyone who actually read the source material, isn't up to snuff.

I get it, you're tired of people constantly posting in the discussions and reviews about how this adaption doesn't measure up to the original source material, and honestly, you may be enjoying it and this is putting a damper on things. However, you have to understand that this adaption COULD'VE been handled much better, even in its current format.

They could've taken a much safer, less risky path by just adapting the common route in the 12 eps, and if people wanted more, they would have bought enough copies to warrant a sequel, which they could have easily covered the ending of route 6, as well as maybe moon and terra. It could have worked as a decent way to advertise the VN, instead of making many people who were fans of the series, and people who were expecting more out of it, jaded.

Too bad anyone who watched just the anime adaption of this is going to have many of the major plot elements spoiled just so when they decide to get around to reading it, they'll lose alot of the impact from it.
Aug 25, 2016 4:20 AM

Apr 2015
^ There is no 6th route in Rewrite+. "Kagari route" only exists in this garbage.
Aug 25, 2016 4:41 AM

Apr 2015
UnknownDepth said:
I have to say we are very grateful that we got anime for Rewrite. There lots of other great manga, LN, and VN that are not anime yet.
The studio can't did better job with their schedule and ep count.

This was a risk kind up. No hate should go to the Director.

So lets stop acting like little kids and enjoy what we have.
Atlest it is not like Tokyo Ghoul.

If u don't like it just drop it.

Enjoy what we have? You mean this?

Anime HELL in a nutshell. Enjoy this!
N7n4shiAug 25, 2016 8:45 AM
Aug 25, 2016 6:03 AM
Jul 2016
Funny fact : this anime haters are the first to watch it, and the first to trash about it/making screenshoot to denunce it. There is a lot of masochism on MAL o.o. Anime is not even ended that people say that sequel are impossible too.♡▪♡. In my opinion, and i have got a poor one, I need to watch everything before give it a jugement. I agree with a part of the critism (leitmotiv ?)that we can read here and there, but i havnt found a good neutral one that juge honestly the anime
Aug 25, 2016 8:55 AM

Feb 2016
Gotrys_Cheslock said:
UnknownDepth said:
I have to say we are very grateful that we got anime for Rewrite. There lots of other great manga, LN, and VN that are not anime yet.
The studio can't did better job with their schedule and ep count.

This was a risk kind up. No hate should go to the Director.

So lets stop acting like little kids and enjoy what we have.
Atlest it is not like Tokyo Ghoul.

If u don't like it just drop it.

Enjoy what we have? You mean this?

Anime HELL in a nutshell. Enjoy this!

Its kinda expected since its 8bit, low budget makes it like this however they can fix this in the BDs as seeing Tenshos BD tweets it does look a lot better but because they are in a rush to release the episodes you just gotta deal with it until the end then rewatch once BDs are online then you can talk about shitty art or improvement in the art, although they wont fix the CGI much so don't expect that to change a lot.
Either way if your not enjoying just drop it or wait for BD release, but some of those screenshots are pretty horrifying xD

Aug 25, 2016 8:58 AM
Jul 2018
FontSize72LOL said:
UnknownDepth said:
I have to say we are very grateful that we got anime for Rewrite. There lots of other great manga, LN, and VN that are not anime yet.
The studio can't did better job with their schedule and ep count.

This was a risk kind up. No hate should go to the Director.

So lets stop acting like little kids and enjoy what we have.
Atlest it is not like Tokyo Ghoul.

If u don't like it just drop it.

Actually, it kind of is like Tokyo Ghoul. Both share the fact they're substandard, if not complete deviations from the source material (Although this 6th route is, correct me if i'm wrong, supposed to be in Rewite+)

I don't think you have to be "grateful" for anything being developed. Studios license anime not to please fans, but to make money. They should be grateful that people out there are willing to pay for an adaption that, for anyone who actually read the source material, isn't up to snuff.

I get it, you're tired of people constantly posting in the discussions and reviews about how this adaption doesn't measure up to the original source material, and honestly, you may be enjoying it and this is putting a damper on things. However, you have to understand that this adaption COULD'VE been handled much better, even in its current format.

They could've taken a much safer, less risky path by just adapting the common route in the 12 eps, and if people wanted more, they would have bought enough copies to warrant a sequel, which they could have easily covered the ending of route 6, as well as maybe moon and terra. It could have worked as a decent way to advertise the VN, instead of making many people who were fans of the series, and people who were expecting more out of it, jaded.

Too bad anyone who watched just the anime adaption of this is going to have many of the major plot elements spoiled just so when they decide to get around to reading it, they'll lose alot of the impact from it.

Well for me, I think the difference between Rewrite and Tokyo Ghoul is just that Rewrite doesn't have an established plot until the last few days of Common Route (which is why I don't find it that much of an issue), Tokyo Ghoul on the other hand, has an ALREADY established plot from the beginning, which skims a lot of major plot points and just changes orders at max. In Rewrite's Common Route, there's barely any major plot points given, only a few foreshadowing bits here and there, which is pretty much 15% of the Common Route, while the 85% of it is pure comedy/SoL.

But I do get where you're coming from, the Rewrite anime is kind of giving a lot of pin points and I won't blame that, but I get why Marshall (that's the person's name since I know him) is saying it's not like Tokyo Ghoul's adaptation. Rewrite doesn't really have anything to offer aside from the comedy and SoL stuff until the last few days of the Common Route (which while it has some great moments, its a big drag), while Tokyo Ghoul has an already established plot from the first episode/first chapter.

Now where am I coming from? Compared to Rewrite, it's not really as bad personally. At least it's not like it bugs me, at least. Tokyo Ghoul on the other hand, as a manga reader, is the only series I ignore its existence due to the major butchering af and rushing, not to mention you have the infamous Perriot writing Root A (which if you aren't aware of, Ishida offered himself to help on fixing the problems season 1 had, and then Perriot disregarded the help and did whatever the fuck they wanted with the writing, thus, Root A shitted on the manga in its entirety). Hey, at least be glad that this is not adapted by Perriot though because of this. Nothing against them, but surely I would at least appreciate what 8bit's Rewrite is doing despite the rushing, I don't think its THAT bad since I've seen worse adaptions in my lifetime (I mean, look at Black Bullet, Mahouka, Overlord, Tokyo Ghoul, Mahou Sensou, Gokukoku no Brynhildr, Taimadou Gakuen, Berserk 2016, Unbreakable Machine Doll, Corpse Party, Dramatical Murder, etc.), I think its fine in comparison so...

This might sound as I am rampaging afterwards, but just to make a point across.
Aug 25, 2016 9:25 AM
Jul 2012
Innanis said:
Funny fact : this anime haters are the first to watch it, and the first to trash about it/making screenshoot to denunce it. There is a lot of masochism on MAL o.o. Anime is not even ended that people say that sequel are impossible too.♡▪♡. In my opinion, and i have got a poor one, I need to watch everything before give it a jugement. I agree with a part of the critism (leitmotiv ?)that we can read here and there, but i havnt found a good neutral one that juge honestly the anime
Because most of us love the source material and we knew about the 6th route but they didn't have to ruin the common route. It had a few good moments in the anime but most of it was bad.
Aug 25, 2016 9:48 AM

Jul 2016
The anime adaptation isn't for everyone, but as they say, If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all. (Emphasis Supplied). We should learn to appreciate whatever we have, and as a fact, everyone is entitled to their own opinions and we should respect that.

Sharing one's negative opinion is perfectly fine. If he doesn't really like it, what the f could the whole world do to change that, right? But isn't it immature to keep on reiterating what has been stated once? You're not a broken CD player or something. I don't get why some people won't stop throwing hate as if they need to bring the whole anime down with them. Why waste all the time and energy? Don't ruin it for the people who would want to genuinely enjoy the show.

And I don't wanna hear people saying that it's their "freedom of expression" or however you want to call it. Mind you, this freedom you talk of have limitations. If you start affecting third persons's rights in the exercise of your freedom, then that is not allowed.

patiently waiting for the next rewrite episode
*under construction*
Aug 25, 2016 9:52 AM
Jul 2018
Schala07 said:
The anime adaptation isn't for everyone, but as they say, If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all. (Emphasis Supplied). We should learn to appreciate whatever we have, and as a fact, everyone is entitled to their own opinions and we should respect that.

Sharing one's negative opinion is perfectly fine. If he doesn't really like it, what the f could the whole world do to change that, right? But isn't it immature to keep on reiterating what has been stated once? You're not a broken CD player or something. I don't get why some people won't stop throwing hate as if they need to bring the whole anime down with them. Why waste all the time and energy? Don't ruin it for the people who would want to genuinely enjoy the show.

And I don't wanna hear people saying that it's their "freedom of expression" or however you want to call it. Mind you, this freedom you talk of have limitations. If you start affecting third persons's rights in the exercise of your freedom, then that is not allowed.

patiently waiting for the next rewrite episode


Disliking something is fine and I can understand that tbh, but putting people down for liking it... is really wrong. Really really irritating in fact. It's just making a person feel like complete shit for enjoying something. ._.
Aug 25, 2016 1:05 PM

Aug 2013
Schala07 said:
The anime adaptation isn't for everyone, but as they say, If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all. (Emphasis Supplied). We should learn to appreciate whatever we have, and as a fact, everyone is entitled to their own opinions and we should respect that.

Sharing one's negative opinion is perfectly fine. If he doesn't really like it, what the f could the whole world do to change that, right? But isn't it immature to keep on reiterating what has been stated once? You're not a broken CD player or something. I don't get why some people won't stop throwing hate as if they need to bring the whole anime down with them. Why waste all the time and energy? Don't ruin it for the people who would want to genuinely enjoy the show.

And I don't wanna hear people saying that it's their "freedom of expression" or however you want to call it. Mind you, this freedom you talk of have limitations. If you start affecting third persons's rights in the exercise of your freedom, then that is not allowed.

patiently waiting for the next rewrite episode

Sorry if I think something is a bad I will call it bad and if you disagree that's fine but still going to give my opinion.

I agree that there are some people attacking for liking the anime but there is some on the other side as well doing it and it seems the mods are taking care of it for the most part.
Aug 25, 2016 1:27 PM

Oct 2012

I mean, i do agree there are WORSE adaptions this season, but i feel that i should point out, Overlord wasn't THAT bad of an adaption, as far as source material goes. They rushed a few spots, but they were relatively faithful to the LN as far as i could remember (Its one of the few LNs i've actually read a few volumes of). The worst thing about Overlord was its budget/QUALITY.
Aug 25, 2016 2:11 PM
Jul 2018
Fayt89 said:
Schala07 said:
The anime adaptation isn't for everyone, but as they say, If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all. (Emphasis Supplied). We should learn to appreciate whatever we have, and as a fact, everyone is entitled to their own opinions and we should respect that.

Sharing one's negative opinion is perfectly fine. If he doesn't really like it, what the f could the whole world do to change that, right? But isn't it immature to keep on reiterating what has been stated once? You're not a broken CD player or something. I don't get why some people won't stop throwing hate as if they need to bring the whole anime down with them. Why waste all the time and energy? Don't ruin it for the people who would want to genuinely enjoy the show.

And I don't wanna hear people saying that it's their "freedom of expression" or however you want to call it. Mind you, this freedom you talk of have limitations. If you start affecting third persons's rights in the exercise of your freedom, then that is not allowed.

patiently waiting for the next rewrite episode

Sorry if I think something is a bad I will call it bad and if you disagree that's fine but still going to give my opinion.

I agree that there are some people attacking for liking the anime but there is some on the other side as well doing it and it seems the mods are taking care of it for the most part.

It's fine to give an opinion, and I think everyone can understand as well, but you really can't deny there are some people that can go a bit too extreme. And yeah, the mods are trying to take care of the situation and it's calm for now at least.

FontSize72LOL said:

I mean, i do agree there are WORSE adaptions this season, but i feel that i should point out, Overlord wasn't THAT bad of an adaption, as far as source material goes. They rushed a few spots, but they were relatively faithful to the LN as far as i could remember (Its one of the few LNs i've actually read a few volumes of). The worst thing about Overlord was its budget/QUALITY.

I may be exaggerating with Overlord a bit... But true on that I guess, they only skipped some few things from what I know of, but I do think the others I gave as examples are pretty much justified... and for adaptions this season, nothing much were off except for one that I particularly hated a shit ton (Berserk 2016), won't explain why since I did rambled around that a bit during conversations.
Aug 25, 2016 5:01 PM

Feb 2010
Gotrys_Cheslock said:
UnknownDepth said:
I have to say we are very grateful that we got anime for Rewrite. There lots of other great manga, LN, and VN that are not anime yet.
The studio can't did better job with their schedule and ep count.

This was a risk kind up. No hate should go to the Director.

So lets stop acting like little kids and enjoy what we have.
Atlest it is not like Tokyo Ghoul.

If u don't like it just drop it.

Enjoy what we have? You mean this?

Anime HELL in a nutshell. Enjoy this!

To be fair lets face it shots like that are never easy to do. You try to do that stuff so hard, but easy stuff to fix. This seem like some nickpics.

Here are some great shots for you kiddo.

if u don't like it drop it or want for Bluray
Aug 25, 2016 5:07 PM

Apr 2015
^ I'm sorry, but most of the art in this clusterfuck looks like that monstrosity in my post. And don't "kiddo" me. You're 7 years younger than me.
(Also, correct your pics.)

And this:

This anime in one sentence. What an irony.
N7n4shiAug 25, 2016 5:19 PM
Aug 25, 2016 5:26 PM

Jan 2014
UnknownDepth said:
I have to say we are very grateful that we got anime for Rewrite. There lots of other great manga, LN, and VN that are not anime yet.
The studio can't did better job with their schedule and ep count.

This was a risk kind up. No hate should go to the Director.

So lets stop acting like little kids and enjoy what we have.
Atlest it is not like Tokyo Ghoul.

If u don't like it just drop it.

Are you fucking stupid OP?

Bet you're only saying this cause you never played the VN

Rewrite deserves so much better than this.
Aug 25, 2016 5:42 PM

Feb 2010
DoctorWasabi said:
UnknownDepth said:
I have to say we are very grateful that we got anime for Rewrite. There lots of other great manga, LN, and VN that are not anime yet.
The studio can't did better job with their schedule and ep count.

This was a risk kind up. No hate should go to the Director.

So lets stop acting like little kids and enjoy what we have.
Atlest it is not like Tokyo Ghoul.

If u don't like it just drop it.

Are you fucking stupid OP?

Bet you're only saying this cause you never played the VN

Rewrite deserves so much better than this.

Are you kid Sir?
You try make 30 hour anime into 13 ep anime.
Then come back with me results.
How know i never played it?
I could had and still watch the anime.
Bro this better then what they did to T.G
Aug 25, 2016 5:48 PM

Feb 2010
Gotrys_Cheslock said:
^ I'm sorry, but most of the art in this clusterfuck looks like that monstrosity in my post. And don't "kiddo" me. You're 7 years younger than me.
(Also, correct your pics.)

And this:

This anime in one sentence. What an irony.

Then u been in anime game longer then me.

and you how hard do this type of pics.

In time they can fix that.

This art looks good Sir. Since you 7 years older the me.

If i was you i will drop it and what for the bluray, When the fix all that stuff you are crying over.
Aug 25, 2016 5:55 PM

Jan 2014
UnknownDepth said:
DoctorWasabi said:

Are you fucking stupid OP?

Bet you're only saying this cause you never played the VN

Rewrite deserves so much better than this.

Are you kid Sir?
You try make 30 hour anime into 13 ep anime.
Then come back with me results.
How know i never played it?
I could had and still watch the anime.
Bro this better then what they did to T.G

First of all don't make a 13 episode anime of a visual novel that is 30-50 hours long. If 8bit was actually smart they would have a 26 episode 1st season covering the common route, and each persons route. Then have the second season of 12-13 episodes covering Moon and Terra

If you actually played the VN then you would see why every one is not liking it all that much at all.

It's sad that you have that way of thinking on how " hey it's something, lets be happy about it" Look at the Berserk anime 2016. Stories that are extremely well written should not get a bad adaptation, it's disrespecting both to the original creator, and the audience who enjoyed the original work.

Rewrite is not a exception. It has made me, and almost everybody else cry their eyes out because on how beautiful the story unfolds and seeing what the characters are going through.
DoctorWasabiAug 25, 2016 6:02 PM
Aug 25, 2016 6:23 PM
Aug 2013
DoctorWasabi said:
UnknownDepth said:

Are you kid Sir?
You try make 30 hour anime into 13 ep anime.
Then come back with me results.
How know i never played it?
I could had and still watch the anime.
Bro this better then what they did to T.G

First of all don't make a 13 episode anime of a visual novel that is 30-50 hours long. If 8bit was actually smart they would have a 26 episode 1st season covering the common route, and each persons route. Then have the second season of 12-13 episodes covering Moon and Terra

If you actually played the VN then you would see why every one is not liking it all that much at all.

It's sad that you have that way of thinking on how " hey it's something, lets be happy about it" Look at the Berserk anime 2016. Stories that are extremely well written should not get a bad adaptation, it's disrespecting both to the original creator, and the audience who enjoyed the original work.

Rewrite is not a exception. It has made me, and almost everybody else cry their eyes out because on how beautiful the story unfolds and seeing what the characters are going through.

It's not like if 8-bit requested 26 episodes for the anime or even more to the publisher, it would have given them to the studio, most probably key wanted to promote Rewrite+ so tried to pull off an anime to advertise the original product without wasting money, also Aniplex is to blame here.
Also if the studio didn't actually care about the anime why do a 2nd op for a 1cour anime and a 2nd ending? (which are over all anime original songs?), it is true that it has flaws, especially on animation but a good part of them can be fixed in BDs and nothing confirms that another studio would have done it better, couldn't it have done it worse?
I get ranting about certain things because that's normal, but throwing hate at the anime and in particoular at the studio is just silly, let people enjoy it and if you don't like it as someone said before me just drop it.
I'm enjoying it a lot even as a fan of the Vn and i see anime onlies liking it especially now that we got into the original route part of the anime.
Aug 25, 2016 6:57 PM

Apr 2015
I'm just gonna use my old post here for our dear UnknownDepth, cause I don't like to repeat myself. Here you go. This is what I hate about this anime.

- awful art
- mediocre voice acting (REALLY? Who's responsible for this? I mean, look at that cast. LOOK AT THAT CAST!)
- characters who were totally butchered
- no story at all! it's just a random mash up of even more random scenes
- awful art
- 13 episodes is inexcusable
- Tensho as a director
- the whole thing is boring as fuck!
- not an adaptation. Just some plain anime with Rewrite skin
- pacing (It's not a race, guys~!)
- awful art
- bad use of soundtrack (Koibumi in 4th episode is a "great" example)
- no YO-SHI-NO song
- people who gave this 10/10
- awful art

Oh, I just found one more thing: This anime exists. It's a fucking disgrace and fanboys here are trying to convince me that this is the best thing ever. NO! FUCK THIS!
N7n4shiAug 25, 2016 7:03 PM
Aug 25, 2016 8:22 PM
Oct 2011
Gotrys_Cheslock said:
I'm just gonna use my old post here for our dear UnknownDepth, cause I don't like to repeat myself. Here you go. This is what I hate about this anime.

- awful art
- mediocre voice acting (REALLY? Who's responsible for this? I mean, look at that cast. LOOK AT THAT CAST!)
- characters who were totally butchered
- no story at all! it's just a random mash up of even more random scenes
- awful art
- 13 episodes is inexcusable
- Tensho as a director
- the whole thing is boring as fuck!
- not an adaptation. Just some plain anime with Rewrite skin
- pacing (It's not a race, guys~!)
- awful art
- bad use of soundtrack (Koibumi in 4th episode is a "great" example)
- no YO-SHI-NO song
- people who gave this 10/10
- awful art

Oh, I just found one more thing: This anime exists. It's a fucking disgrace and fanboys here are trying to convince me that this is the best thing ever. NO! FUCK THIS!

Aug 25, 2016 8:50 PM

Jul 2016
Fayt89 said:
Schala07 said:
The anime adaptation isn't for everyone, but as they say, If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all. (Emphasis Supplied). We should learn to appreciate whatever we have, and as a fact, everyone is entitled to their own opinions and we should respect that.

Sharing one's negative opinion is perfectly fine. If he doesn't really like it, what the f could the whole world do to change that, right? But isn't it immature to keep on reiterating what has been stated once? You're not a broken CD player or something. I don't get why some people won't stop throwing hate as if they need to bring the whole anime down with them. Why waste all the time and energy? Don't ruin it for the people who would want to genuinely enjoy the show.

And I don't wanna hear people saying that it's their "freedom of expression" or however you want to call it. Mind you, this freedom you talk of have limitations. If you start affecting third persons's rights in the exercise of your freedom, then that is not allowed.

patiently waiting for the next rewrite episode

Sorry if I think something is a bad I will call it bad and if you disagree that's fine but still going to give my opinion.

I agree that there are some people attacking for liking the anime but there is some on the other side as well doing it and it seems the mods are taking care of it for the most part.

As I've said, it's perfectly fine to dislike something and share one's opinion. Going overboard with one's opinion is the thing I don't agree with. It's not you, but there are some who keeps talking and talking and they start making others feel unpleasant (and they feel unpleasant themselves).
*under construction*
Aug 26, 2016 5:43 AM

Apr 2015
UnknownDepth said:
Gotrys_Cheslock said:
^ I'm sorry, but most of the art in this clusterfuck looks like that monstrosity in my post. And don't "kiddo" me. You're 7 years younger than me.
(Also, correct your pics.)

And this:

This anime in one sentence. What an irony.

Then u been in anime game longer then me.

and you how hard do this type of pics.

In time they can fix that.

This art looks good Sir. Since you 7 years older the me.

If i was you i will drop it and what for the bluray, When the fix all that stuff you are crying over.

Blu ray, huh?

I mean, it's better, but's it's still NOT good. Little tweaks here and there are not enough. It's like a spoon of water in the sea of shit. Oh, Blu Ray version is obviously gonna have better story and pacing too, right?
N7n4shiAug 26, 2016 5:46 AM
Aug 26, 2016 6:57 AM

Aug 2014
Gotrys_Cheslock said:
- mediocre voice acting (REALLY? Who's responsible for this? I mean, look at that cast. LOOK AT THAT CAST!)
It's the exact same cast as the VN, so what is the problem here?
Aug 26, 2016 7:06 AM

Apr 2015
Snappynator said:
Gotrys_Cheslock said:
- mediocre voice acting (REALLY? Who's responsible for this? I mean, look at that cast. LOOK AT THAT CAST!)
It's the exact same cast as the VN, so what is the problem here?

The problem? Quality of the voice acting. It's really meh compared to the VN. Especially Kotori. I think everyone there knows in what kind of shit they are right now, so they don't even bother.
N7n4shiAug 26, 2016 7:11 AM
Aug 26, 2016 7:12 AM
*hug noises*

May 2013
I don't think anyone is naïve enough to believe Rewrite could ever have been done properly in 13 episodes. That's not the really problem here. Rather that since anyone could say that was impossible to begin with, why even try? Like the argument "at least you got an anime" is pretty senseless because I honestly would rather not have gotten an anime at all if this was the best they could come up with. I'm not blaming 8bit for the fact that it got 13 episodes (think that's mostly Aniplex's fault), but nonetheless it doesn't change the fact that the anime sucks compared to the game. Yes, it was bound to do that given the episode count but that's not really relevant here

Really the only thing the anime is doing is dragging down the franchise's reputation. Sure it'll boost the sales of Rewrite+ as well but that's really the only upside here
Aug 26, 2016 7:17 AM

Apr 2015
^ "... I honestly would rather not have gotten an anime at all if this was the best they could come up with."

Aug 26, 2016 2:36 PM

Sep 2012
"If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all."

That's just a lame excuse not to engage in a discussion and avoiding answering to legit criticism. It promotes laziness and shouldn't be tolerated. It's also a contradiction since then you said "every opinion has to be respected" but you're refusing to respect and even read the ones who disagree with you. Typical.

"If u don't like it just drop it."

It needs to be exposed as the bad anime it is, otherwise non-VN fans will think of the original work as a joke. Again, not a good argument to defend it at all. Something bad will be bad even if you keep denying it with these really poorly thought-out comebacks to the criticism.

"You should be happy with what you got."

If you respected the original work, you wouldn't say this. I'd much rather not have an anime adaptation if this is the end result. By that logic, anything is good because it exists, which is a huge fallacy. Mars of Destruction is good because at least we got something! It's just shameless promotion for the upcoming Rewrite+.

"You try make 30 hour anime into 13 ep. anime. Then come back with me results."

Another lame excuse, whoever you told this to is most likely not a professional at making anime or planning how to direct it, and also the fact that it being 13 episodes long is one of the main problems itself. The fault lies with the ones who gave 8-bit the budget that only allowed for one cour worth of anime, though even then I'd claim that a lot of poor decisions have been made since making Kagari's personality change by being hit with a rock, even if it was sent by who I think it was, is NOT a good way to do it. And all of the people discussing the problems with the artwork as if it was the worst part of the show, it's not: the pacing, direction, amount of episodes, bland characters and lack of explanations are.

It's interesting how everyone accuses the people who are actually thinking for themselves of being haters, while providing all of these horrible excuses to defend this anime. I'm a huge Rewrite fan and I'm disappointed with most of the anime so far. Like people have said before, it feels like a cheap excuse to promote Rewrite+ and nothing else, it's an insult to the game.
Diogo_BrandoAug 26, 2016 2:54 PM
Aug 26, 2016 4:00 PM
Jul 2018
ChiefViriathus said:
"If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all."

That's just a lame excuse not to engage in a discussion and avoiding answering to legit criticism. It promotes laziness and shouldn't be tolerated. It's also a contradiction since then you said "every opinion has to be respected" but you're refusing to respect and even read the ones who disagree with you. Typical.

"If u don't like it just drop it."

It needs to be exposed as the bad anime it is, otherwise non-VN fans will think of the original work as a joke. Again, not a good argument to defend it at all. Something bad will be bad even if you keep denying it with these really poorly thought-out comebacks to the criticism.

"You should be happy with what you got."

If you respected the original work, you wouldn't say this. I'd much rather not have an anime adaptation if this is the end result. By that logic, anything is good because it exists, which is a huge fallacy. Mars of Destruction is good because at least we got something! It's just shameless promotion for the upcoming Rewrite+.

"You try make 30 hour anime into 13 ep. anime. Then come back with me results."

Another lame excuse, whoever you told this to is most likely not a professional at making anime or planning how to direct it, and also the fact that it being 13 episodes long is one of the main problems itself. The fault lies with the ones who gave 8-bit the budget that only allowed for one cour worth of anime, though even then I'd claim that a lot of poor decisions have been made since making Kagari's personality change by being hit with a rock, even if it was sent by who I think it was, is NOT a good way to do it. And all of the people discussing the problems with the artwork as if it was the worst part of the show, it's not: the pacing, direction, amount of episodes, bland characters and lack of explanations are.

It's interesting how everyone accuses the people who are actually thinking for themselves of being haters, while providing all of these horrible excuses to defend this anime. I'm a huge Rewrite fan and I'm disappointed with most of the anime so far. Like people have said before, it feels like a cheap excuse to promote Rewrite+ and nothing else, it's an insult to the game.

Unrelated to the topic but OMG I fell fucking dying because how you wrote this, and the fact that you have a Hinata picture of DR2 and I had the voice of the Japanese dub VA while reading this Lol. No offense really, but I just found it funny when I read it and then the voice came to my head.

But jokes aside though, I think I got your point across on this, but I think the problem from what I can gather from his thread, is the amount of backlash between people and others for disagreements. You see, there's clearly like a few that DO enjoy the anime (myself included and no I'm not a fangirl out of things... I don't even label myself as a fangirl like omg or something like that), I think that's the point of the thread from what I can get here. Though, what I do agree here and I kinda agree here:

- The excuse of saying "don't say anything if you don't have anything nice to say" because that's like saying "oh if you don't have anything to say about me then don't comment on me at all or don't criticize me." It is also a contradiction as you said. Because its just backlashing the previous sentence. It's for example:

"If you like this then I won't complain on you." and then saying suddenly this "You have no standards for liking this so you're shit."

- Not everyone is complaining about the art since that's the less of the problems, and besides most of the derps has to do with the horrible schedule that Rewrite's staff has received from Aniplex, which causes time constrains. That can be fixed in the Blu-Rays if anything (well not to mention that D.Gray Man Hallow and Qualidea Code is suffering the same thing as well in terms of the animation and art, but those two have different problems).

I can get that the directing isn't really well and at least I can understand from what those complains comes from. And there are actually a few people that I have talked to and gave their reasons and they can somehow understand my reasons as well for liking it. No issues there.

- You should be happy with what you got is the kinda agree thing, so-so. That just depends with which series can go for someone and for something. I mean for example I am kinda happy at least for Rewrite being animated (and not to mention I do enjoy it, I don't have MUCH complaints but that can change through). But then, at the same time, there are some series I am not happy with what I got.

Examples Mahouka was a pretty horrible adaptation imo, aside from that, Tokyo Ghoul is a series that I'm not appreciating its existence (due to the infamous rushed first season and then the second season's writing shitted on the manga itself as a whole, because Perriot had the brightest idea to throw the scripts from the mangaka aside), hell, even the recent Berserk adaption is really getting on my nerves for instance. I can consider that a series I just don't want it existing, due to poor production, rushed pacing where you can really notice it more (plastering 6 volumes in 1 episode), pretty horrible execution that goes beyond my mind, not really well written in anyway, transitions feels clusterfucked, horrible original filler which adds nothing in terms of transitions, and the characters were already butchered as much as I can imagine (for me at the very least, example in the anime, they already made him vomit... WHY DID HE VOMIT WHEN HE'S NOT SUPPOSE TO FEEL DISGUST?), and that's coming from a manga reader. It just depends really I guess.

I'm not really gonna say I'm accusing anyone who thinks for themlselves as haters at least, as I am pretty open minded with perspectives, and that's clearly how I go to sometimes (unless someone goes and tries to really not give any constructive criticism at all or at least try to say something and then shoehorn themselves right up the ass). But at least I can try to understand reasonings. That's all.

Maybe this doesn't make sense by the end but I'm gonna reply since this comment was rather interesting. I love Rewrite tbh (it was my very first actual Visual Novel before I started others, exclude Nekopara Hue), I mean yes it deserves better of course... But I guess I don't really mind it. I may have given a shoehorn or something but its more like I know it deserves better but I don't really mind it as it doesn't really insult me personally.
Aug 26, 2016 4:06 PM

Sep 2012
TheLittleRedHero said:
ChiefViriathus said:
"If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all."

That's just a lame excuse not to engage in a discussion and avoiding answering to legit criticism. It promotes laziness and shouldn't be tolerated. It's also a contradiction since then you said "every opinion has to be respected" but you're refusing to respect and even read the ones who disagree with you. Typical.

"If u don't like it just drop it."

It needs to be exposed as the bad anime it is, otherwise non-VN fans will think of the original work as a joke. Again, not a good argument to defend it at all. Something bad will be bad even if you keep denying it with these really poorly thought-out comebacks to the criticism.

"You should be happy with what you got."

If you respected the original work, you wouldn't say this. I'd much rather not have an anime adaptation if this is the end result. By that logic, anything is good because it exists, which is a huge fallacy. Mars of Destruction is good because at least we got something! It's just shameless promotion for the upcoming Rewrite+.

"You try make 30 hour anime into 13 ep. anime. Then come back with me results."

Another lame excuse, whoever you told this to is most likely not a professional at making anime or planning how to direct it, and also the fact that it being 13 episodes long is one of the main problems itself. The fault lies with the ones who gave 8-bit the budget that only allowed for one cour worth of anime, though even then I'd claim that a lot of poor decisions have been made since making Kagari's personality change by being hit with a rock, even if it was sent by who I think it was, is NOT a good way to do it. And all of the people discussing the problems with the artwork as if it was the worst part of the show, it's not: the pacing, direction, amount of episodes, bland characters and lack of explanations are.

It's interesting how everyone accuses the people who are actually thinking for themselves of being haters, while providing all of these horrible excuses to defend this anime. I'm a huge Rewrite fan and I'm disappointed with most of the anime so far. Like people have said before, it feels like a cheap excuse to promote Rewrite+ and nothing else, it's an insult to the game.

Unrelated to the topic but OMG I fell fucking dying because how you wrote this, and the fact that you have a Hinata picture of DR2 and I had the voice of the Japanese dub VA while reading this Lol. No offense really, but I just found it funny when I read it and then the voice came to my head.

But jokes aside though, I think I got your point across on this, but I think the problem from what I can gather from his thread, is the amount of backlash between people and others for disagreements. You see, there's clearly like a few that DO enjoy the anime (myself included and no I'm not a fangirl out of things... I don't even label myself as a fangirl like omg or something like that), I think that's the point of the thread from what I can get here. Though, what I do agree here and I kinda agree here:

- The excuse of saying "don't say anything if you don't have anything nice to say" because that's like saying "oh if you don't have anything to say about me then don't comment on me at all or don't criticize me." It is also a contradiction as you said. Because its just backlashing the previous sentence. It's for example:

"If you like this then I won't complain on you." and then saying suddenly this "You have no standards for liking this so you're shit."

- Not everyone is complaining about the art since that's the less of the problems, and besides most of the derps has to do with the horrible schedule that Rewrite's staff has received from Aniplex, which causes time constrains. That can be fixed in the Blu-Rays if anything (well not to mention that D.Gray Man Hallow and Qualidea Code is suffering the same thing as well in terms of the animation and art, but those two have different problems).

I can get that the directing isn't really well and at least I can understand from what those complains comes from. And there are actually a few people that I have talked to and gave their reasons and they can somehow understand my reasons as well for liking it. No issues there.

- You should be happy with what you got is the kinda agree thing, so-so. That just depends with which series can go for someone and for something. I mean for example I am kinda happy at least for Rewrite being animated (and not to mention I do enjoy it, I don't have MUCH complaints but that can change through). But then, at the same time, there are some series I am not happy with what I got.

Examples Mahouka was a pretty horrible adaptation imo, aside from that, Tokyo Ghoul is a series that I'm not appreciating its existence (due to the infamous rushed first season and then the second season's writing shitted on the manga itself as a whole, because Perriot had the brightest idea to throw the scripts from the mangaka aside), hell, even the recent Berserk adaption is really getting on my nerves for instance. I can consider that a series I just don't want it existing, due to poor production, rushed pacing where you can really notice it more (plastering 6 volumes in 1 episode), pretty horrible execution that goes beyond my mind, not really well written in anyway, transitions feels clusterfucked, horrible original filler which adds nothing in terms of transitions, and the characters were already butchered as much as I can imagine (for me at the very least, example in the anime, they already made him vomit... WHY DID HE VOMIT WHEN HE'S NOT SUPPOSE TO FEEL DISGUST?), and that's coming from a manga reader. It just depends really I guess.

I'm not really gonna say I'm accusing anyone who thinks for themlselves as haters at least, as I am pretty open minded with perspectives, and that's clearly how I go to sometimes (unless someone goes and tries to really not give any constructive criticism at all or at least try to say something and then shoehorn themselves right up the ass). But at least I can try to understand reasonings. That's all.

Maybe this doesn't make sense by the end but I'm gonna reply since this comment was rather interesting. I love Rewrite tbh (it was my very first actual Visual Novel before I started others, exclude Nekopara Hue), I mean yes it deserves better of course... But I guess I don't really mind it. I may have given a shoehorn or something but its more like I know it deserves better but I don't really mind it as it doesn't really insult me personally.

Oh no offense taken, I can acknowledge your points, and you actually know how to argue, so I can perfectly understand why you'd like the anime. My words were directed towards the extremists who were defending it with horrible reasoning, not everyone who likes the anime (though I did state that I don't) and from what I've read from your posts you don't seem to be one of the people I have problems with here. Nice Chiaki avatar by the way.
Diogo_BrandoAug 26, 2016 4:14 PM
Aug 26, 2016 5:04 PM

Apr 2015
Zyzyoro said:
Gaia (fk this world, fk this anime) vs Guardian (save myself, save this anime)

Wha? It's in your favorites, so clearly Guardian.
And this anime is beyond saving anyway. I hope in two years' time no one's gonna remember it even existed. Well, except you (10/10... really? -_-), Murasa and iNVivO that is.
N7n4shiAug 26, 2016 5:07 PM
Aug 26, 2016 5:39 PM

Jan 2013
"If you don't have anything nice to say don't say it"

Right, thank you, just gonna censor myself just because people don't like to hear it!


p.s. anyone who thinks this is going to be patched by Bluray editing is delusional.
Aug 26, 2016 5:59 PM

Feb 2010
ChiefViriathus said:
"If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all."

That's just a lame excuse not to engage in a discussion and avoiding answering to legit criticism. It promotes laziness and shouldn't be tolerated. It's also a contradiction since then you said "every opinion has to be respected" but you're refusing to respect and even read the ones who disagree with you. Typical.

"If u don't like it just drop it."

It needs to be exposed as the bad anime it is, otherwise non-VN fans will think of the original work as a joke. Again, not a good argument to defend it at all. Something bad will be bad even if you keep denying it with these really poorly thought-out comebacks to the criticism.

"You should be happy with what you got."

If you respected the original work, you wouldn't say this. I'd much rather not have an anime adaptation if this is the end result. By that logic, anything is good because it exists, which is a huge fallacy. Mars of Destruction is good because at least we got something! It's just shameless promotion for the upcoming Rewrite+.

"You try make 30 hour anime into 13 ep. anime. Then come back with me results."

Another lame excuse, whoever you told this to is most likely not a professional at making anime or planning how to direct it, and also the fact that it being 13 episodes long is one of the main problems itself. The fault lies with the ones who gave 8-bit the budget that only allowed for one cour worth of anime, though even then I'd claim that a lot of poor decisions have been made since making Kagari's personality change by being hit with a rock, even if it was sent by who I think it was, is NOT a good way to do it. And all of the people discussing the problems with the artwork as if it was the worst part of the show, it's not: the pacing, direction, amount of episodes, bland characters and lack of explanations are.

It's interesting how everyone accuses the people who are actually thinking for themselves of being haters, while providing all of these horrible excuses to defend this anime. I'm a huge Rewrite fan and I'm disappointed with most of the anime so far. Like people have said before, it feels like a cheap excuse to promote Rewrite+ and nothing else, it's an insult to the game.

Ok you are right. I feel like i lose this battle.
Here the deal i can't back done. I try my best to give my reason. You did made some good points.

Lets start at the top should we mate.

Point #1.
You are incorrect i had show no one disrespect. They should had show their proof and i had show mines. While respect the person choice.
-Point in taken. When the guy was talking about the dreps in the animation. I pointing out some of the parts of the animation that looks great.
Also another you got wrong.

"but you're refusing to respect and even read the ones who disagree with you."

If that was the case i wouldn't replay to this people. So that is wrong good sir.

I guess we should move on to the next one. Time try my best.

Point 2.
Fair enough i guess, but i have to strop you their. I think Non-VN reader will not take this as a joke.
Here let me used this as a exp.
Think of this as Tokyo Ghoul(Yeah i know i used this a lot). The anime made people go read the manga after the anime. Which had also boost up sells and made lots of people read it. Which they had enjoy it more because of the manga. If used that logic to it. I think we get more people to go read the VN. Which we make more people enjoy it and boost up sells too. Think of it as super long promo.

I guess i should also take about " If you don't like it drop it". Let me try get more into this. If think the anime is bad. What is the point of keep watching something you think is bad. To me it will be kind of pointless pointed into n something u don't like. So just drop it and spend your time on something better like Banana Cat or something better. Save yourself from a heart attack. I guess will not be deny it. If you acknowledge it was bad.

Lets keep moving down the list.

Point 3.


You right anything is good, but i don't think of it is a huge fallacy.
If you think about it no matter how bad a show can be. There is someone else that like it. Think of it if glass half full type deal. This is not the only anime that does this type of promotion. ToZ is doing the same thing. To promote the new Tales game. Thing of this double edge sword.
The anime come out and it done. Now the people i was talking about early on in this post. Want to buy this new Rewrite+, because of the anime. This people are curious and wanted more. Which will boost up the sell,and more people to read the Rewrite VN.
With that more people are to love VN more, but are all anime shameless promotions if you think about it.

Point 4.
Yeah i was going get to that, and i do agree with you on some parts. I was going come back with that saying that was ep. For something like this it will be better off as a 2 cour anime or more. This be better choice for the common route. It would feel rush. Like u saying it is the person who given the budget and also you have think of the schedule too. I had no idea what Aniplex or 8 bit was thinking tell you the truth, but saying like most things n this world. This is a business they are running.

If you want to do this right do with they did with Darararara. How they finish up their story with 12 eps a season every other season, or do how they do it with sports anime.

I think of no one a hater and i'm no extremists bro. Just a guy that see bright things of life. I hope i did good on my part.

You made some good points bro.

I know how Soda feel now

Plus i was rise to respect others.
UnknownDepthAug 26, 2016 6:03 PM
Aug 26, 2016 6:11 PM

Feb 2010
Syrup- said:
"If you don't have anything nice to say don't say it"

Right, thank you, just gonna censor myself just because people don't like to hear it!


p.s. anyone who thinks this is going to be patched by Bluray editing is delusional.

I know CGI can;t be fix.
I think some might be patch, but do in time. It might not.
Aug 26, 2016 6:13 PM

Feb 2010
Zyzyoro said:
I am a bit fairly new to the MAL community but out of curiosity I have a few questions:

1. Are we not allowed to rate something on MAL based on our subjective opinions? (Even if its a rating based off a different medium other than anime)
2. Do the scores matter?

2. For me no. Younger me it was differ, buy i did bit growing up.
Aug 26, 2016 6:21 PM

Jan 2013
UnknownDepth said:
Syrup- said:
"If you don't have anything nice to say don't say it"

Right, thank you, just gonna censor myself just because people don't like to hear it!


p.s. anyone who thinks this is going to be patched by Bluray editing is delusional.

I know CGI can;t be fix.
I think some might be patch, but do in time. It might not.
8bit is not known for making massive overhauls in their Blurays like SHAFT or other high budget studios. You can't patch the terrible decision to make it 13 episodes or the extremely bad pacing, either. At best, we might get the Oppai OVA we've always wanted, but I bet they'll find a way to disappoint us with that, too.
Aug 26, 2016 6:22 PM

Sep 2012

"Ok you are right. I feel like i lose this battle."

I have no "battle" with you, just with the ideology that you're generalizing everyone who dislikes the anime into mindless haters.

#1: It's the way you said it that made me think you were an extremist. Not just the content itself. Maybe you did read them but from the moment you said what you said, you aren't acknowledging their opinions, and thus not respecting them. I get that a lot might be mindless haters but there ARE some like me who genuinely have good reasons for disliking it, and others in this very thread too. I do understand why you said it at least.

#2: A VN like Rewrite takes much more time than a manga like TG, and there is a negative connotation to VNs too so I doubt many people will try it. It's just adding to that negative stereotyping instead. "If think the anime is bad. What is the point of keep watching something you think is bad" as someone who writes reviews, that to me is just wrong. Also if I don't watch it completely, I'll be accused of not watching it and thus my opinion is inferior, so I'm screwed with people defending the anime either way. I like watching it all so I can have a proper opinion on it, as a critical thinker, so I do it. If I think it's bad, I will still bash it, but I always do so with arguments.

#3: I agree 100% with you. I am a relativist when it comes to art, and I consider fiction to be so. However that does not excuse the way people argue about it, if you can't provide good arguments and you generalize an entire side of the argument to top it off, you can't expect them to remain quiet. So while I believe in relativism, I also believe in people being able to back up their side well, without using those excuses. Also most people who will buy Rewrite+ are already fans of the series + japanese people who watch the anime. I doubt many western people who watch this will care enough to buy it, but I'm not going to argue this point since there's no evidence for now.

#4: I know it's their business but that doesn't excuse it either. And I won't acknowledge the anime just because now it's inevitable, I will still call it bad because I think it is. We do agree that Aniplex is to blame, at least. 8-bit's director was doing a poor job too but the worst offenders are the ones at Aniplex.

Durarara is actually a good example. There's nothing bad about being an optimist but you can't use excuses that murder free thinking. Even if that wasn't your goal, it came off as such. If it wasn't, I apologize. My words still stand for those other extremists who truly believe that, regardless.
Aug 26, 2016 7:45 PM

Jan 2016
Indeed, we should be grateful for the anime of Rewrite, but I deem that even most frantic or fierce haters should be manifested. Every opinion should be shown, it will be better for anyone. From that swirl of notions and facts, you will be able to enhance your opinion and, for instance, exhort some hater that Rewrite anime is actually something good by refuting his arguments or just conveying what you deem. Other people shall notice that, and may even change their biases because of those discourses. Think about that as the class trial, but without homicides and hope bagels.
In time, you will know the tragic extent of my fapping's...
Aug 26, 2016 9:21 PM

Jul 2016
ChiefViriathus said:
"If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all."

That's just a lame excuse not to engage in a discussion and avoiding answering to legit criticism. It promotes laziness and shouldn't be tolerated. It's also a contradiction since then you said "every opinion has to be respected" but you're refusing to respect and even read the ones who disagree with you. Typical.

I guess if you take the quote only by itself, you can arrive at that conclusion. But then, my statement of the quote should be taken in context, I guess, and not per se. I've only pertained to those who speak of hate as to bringing other people down and degrading them. More of the Ad Hominem attacks (attacking other persons/people behind the anime instead of being subjective in the argument).

Well, yes they first of course present their issues (sometimes) but then they go on attacking people and cursing and throwing hate. I just don't see the need for the hate part.

I don't come here in hate or in the defense of the anime/vn/story. This is not my favorite anime/story/whatever and I also do see flaws. I just don't see the reason behind bashing. And for a last note, I'm not pertaining to you or anyone in particular.

(You might be under the impression that I'm disliking you or whatever, so just to clear things out, I'm just explaining hahaha)
*under construction*
Aug 26, 2016 10:38 PM

Feb 2010
ChiefViriathus said:

"Ok you are right. I feel like i lose this battle."

I have no "battle" with you, just with the ideology that you're generalizing everyone who dislikes the anime into mindless haters.

#1: It's the way you said it that made me think you were an extremist. Not just the content itself. Maybe you did read them but from the moment you said what you said, you aren't acknowledging their opinions, and thus not respecting them. I get that a lot might be mindless haters but there ARE some like me who genuinely have good reasons for disliking it, and others in this very thread too. I do understand why you said it at least.

#2: A VN like Rewrite takes much more time than a manga like TG, and there is a negative connotation to VNs too so I doubt many people will try it. It's just adding to that negative stereotyping instead. "If think the anime is bad. What is the point of keep watching something you think is bad" as someone who writes reviews, that to me is just wrong. Also if I don't watch it completely, I'll be accused of not watching it and thus my opinion is inferior, so I'm screwed with people defending the anime either way. I like watching it all so I can have a proper opinion on it, as a critical thinker, so I do it. If I think it's bad, I will still bash it, but I always do so with arguments.

#3: I agree 100% with you. I am a relativist when it comes to art, and I consider fiction to be so. However that does not excuse the way people argue about it, if you can't provide good arguments and you generalize an entire side of the argument to top it off, you can't expect them to remain quiet. So while I believe in relativism, I also believe in people being able to back up their side well, without using those excuses. Also most people who will buy Rewrite+ are already fans of the series + japanese people who watch the anime. I doubt many western people who watch this will care enough to buy it, but I'm not going to argue this point since there's no evidence for now.

#4: I know it's their business but that doesn't excuse it either. And I won't acknowledge the anime just because now it's inevitable, I will still call it bad because I think it is. We do agree that Aniplex is to blame, at least. 8-bit's director was doing a poor job too but the worst offenders are the ones at Aniplex.

Durarara is actually a good example. There's nothing bad about being an optimist but you can't use excuses that murder free thinking. Even if that wasn't your goal, it came off as such. If it wasn't, I apologize. My words still stand for those other extremists who truly believe that, regardless.

I think i mess up the DanganRonpa quote .

You are right bro. I guess i feel your pain bro. I wonder will Rewrite come to the west. We might get the anime in the west.
I guess i should had word my stuff better.
It was good talking to bro.
I will love talk DanganRonpa with you someday.

You think this come be like Kanon. Just redo this years later.

Thanks for everything.
Aug 26, 2016 10:39 PM

Feb 2010
Syrup- said:
UnknownDepth said:

I know CGI can;t be fix.
I think some might be patch, but do in time. It might not.
8bit is not known for making massive overhauls in their Blurays like SHAFT or other high budget studios. You can't patch the terrible decision to make it 13 episodes or the extremely bad pacing, either. At best, we might get the Oppai OVA we've always wanted, but I bet they'll find a way to disappoint us with that, too.

that is sad and breaks my heart.
thanks for the info.
Aug 27, 2016 3:40 AM

Jun 2015

Got a so-so adaptation. Where the fuck are the cool and interesting characters?
How can they ruin such a perfect visual novel.
8-shit is the shittiest studio ever.

(But I am happy that it got an anime adaptation.)
In the name of Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful. | You know what I hate the most? People who aren't free. They're no more than cattle.
Aug 27, 2016 4:47 AM

Jul 2014
We got some nice oavs with recaps of the common route(s) and a talkative Kagari.
Not an anime.
I'm fine with that.
Aug 27, 2016 4:48 AM

Sep 2012
Schala07 said:
ChiefViriathus said:
"If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all."

That's just a lame excuse not to engage in a discussion and avoiding answering to legit criticism. It promotes laziness and shouldn't be tolerated. It's also a contradiction since then you said "every opinion has to be respected" but you're refusing to respect and even read the ones who disagree with you. Typical.

I guess if you take the quote only by itself, you can arrive at that conclusion. But then, my statement of the quote should be taken in context, I guess, and not per se. I've only pertained to those who speak of hate as to bringing other people down and degrading them. More of the Ad Hominem attacks (attacking other persons/people behind the anime instead of being subjective in the argument).

Well, yes they first of course present their issues (sometimes) but then they go on attacking people and cursing and throwing hate. I just don't see the need for the hate part.

I don't come here in hate or in the defense of the anime/vn/story. This is not my favorite anime/story/whatever and I also do see flaws. I just don't see the reason behind bashing. And for a last note, I'm not pertaining to you or anyone in particular.

(You might be under the impression that I'm disliking you or whatever, so just to clear things out, I'm just explaining hahaha)

Oh no I'm not under that impression, I said what I said and you're defending it, it's fair enough, and you have all the right to explain yourself. While that might be true to you, however, I've met a lot of people who say that in the context that I presented, hence why I said what I said. If that wasn't your intention, then I apologize.
Aug 27, 2016 7:12 AM

Jan 2013
UnknownDepth said:
You think this come be like Kanon. Just redo this years later.
That's not going to happen either. In the first place, Kanon was a special case. I've been looking for about an hour for details and sourcing on this, but I'm fairly certain Kyoani only remade Kanon because it was popular enough to be profitable. Using their funds from the adaptation of Air, which did fairly decently for a VN adaptation at the time, the made Kanon after seeing how Toei's version became very popular but not what the fans wanted.

The situation is extremely different for Rewrite, which came out in 2011, long after the VN Adaptation Boom of 2006. The profitability of VNs is already well known with massive sales from adaptations like Fate/Stay Night or Clannad to back it up. The real boogeyman was the adaptation of routes into a watchable format. We already know how Little Busters was received, and that story is very easy to adapt compared to Rewrite which practically ends in world destruction with every route, leading to a resolution that can't easily lead into another route without a lot of force. Rewrite was fated to receive poor reception due to its complex nature.

Kanon's format EASILY leads into adaptation, where Rewrite does not. This is why in five whole years we did not see a single adaptation. This is not a simple case of "we didn't know it was profitable," which lead to Kyoani taking the lead with Kanon. In fact, if you look at it as a way to advertise the remaster, Rewrite+, it served its purpose as cheaply as possible. In some ways, we should be thankful to 8bit because this may never have happened without their low budget abilities. Though, this doesn't make it any less painful for people who wanted a real adaptation.

In any case, what happened for Kanon in 2006 will not happen for Rewrite in the future. This is a fact. If you wish to curse something, curse your existence for being born in the timeline where Rewrite was adapted as a low budget advertisement for a lackluster remaster of the VN. Kyoani will not save you.

Schala07 said:
ChiefViriathus said:
"If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all."

That's just a lame excuse not to engage in a discussion and avoiding answering to legit criticism. It promotes laziness and shouldn't be tolerated. It's also a contradiction since then you said "every opinion has to be respected" but you're refusing to respect and even read the ones who disagree with you. Typical.

I guess if you take the quote only by itself, you can arrive at that conclusion. But then, my statement of the quote should be taken in context, I guess, and not per se. I've only pertained to those who speak of hate as to bringing other people down and degrading them. More of the Ad Hominem attacks (attacking other persons/people behind the anime instead of being subjective in the argument).

Well, yes they first of course present their issues (sometimes) but then they go on attacking people and cursing and throwing hate. I just don't see the need for the hate part.

I don't come here in hate or in the defense of the anime/vn/story. This is not my favorite anime/story/whatever and I also do see flaws. I just don't see the reason behind bashing. And for a last note, I'm not pertaining to you or anyone in particular.
Quite frankly it seems like you are saying you cannot handle the hate, so you do not wish to see it. This is not something that's going to go away. There are fans who have been waiting for this adaptation for as long as 5 years, and we are presented with quite possibly the worst adaptation to come out for any source material in years. If you factor in KEY being a soft spot for most anime fans, especially the ones who are too uneducated in the ways of the market, there is a certain portion of the hate that will never be willed away.

In short, your demands to not see "ad-hominem attacks against the people behind the anime" are uncalled for and pretty selfish. If you do not have anything worthy to contribute, do not contribute at all.
Syrup-Aug 27, 2016 7:19 AM
Aug 27, 2016 9:55 AM

Jul 2016
Syrup- said:

Schala07 said:

I guess if you take the quote only by itself, you can arrive at that conclusion. But then, my statement of the quote should be taken in context, I guess, and not per se. I've only pertained to those who speak of hate as to bringing other people down and degrading them. More of the Ad Hominem attacks (attacking other persons/people behind the anime instead of being subjective in the argument).

Well, yes they first of course present their issues (sometimes) but then they go on attacking people and cursing and throwing hate. I just don't see the need for the hate part.

I don't come here in hate or in the defense of the anime/vn/story. This is not my favorite anime/story/whatever and I also do see flaws. I just don't see the reason behind bashing. And for a last note, I'm not pertaining to you or anyone in particular.
Quite frankly it seems like you are saying you cannot handle the hate, so you do not wish to see it. This is not something that's going to go away. There are fans who have been waiting for this adaptation for as long as 5 years, and we are presented with quite possibly the worst adaptation to come out for any source material in years. If you factor in KEY being a soft spot for most anime fans, especially the ones who are too uneducated in the ways of the market, there is a certain portion of the hate that will never be willed away.

In short, your demands to not see "ad-hominem attacks against the people behind the anime" are uncalled for and pretty selfish. If you do not have anything worthy to contribute, do not contribute at all.

I'm just saying, one can utterly dislike something and at least be civil in expressing it. :)

But then, are you stating that ad hominem attacks should be accepted as a way of hate? In no way am I being selfish, ad hominem statements are the ones that are uncalled for. Ad hominems are fallacious arguments, fallacy, wrong in it self. So we should just accept the wrong reasoning of people just because of their passion or what not?
*under construction*
Aug 27, 2016 10:16 AM

Jan 2013
Schala07 said:
But then, are you stating that ad hominem attacks should be accepted as a way of hate? In no way am I being selfish, ad hominem statements are the ones that are uncalled for. Ad hominems are fallacious arguments, fallacy, wrong in it self. So we should just accept the wrong reasoning of people just because of their passion or what not?
You're pulling at straws here. Nobody is making ad hominem attacks anywhere, let alone implying that attacking one's character is an acceptable argument. I suggest you go read over your list of fallacies again. While you're at it, could you please put your fedora on the hat stand?
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