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Feb 2, 2008 6:43 PM
Nov 2007
Woah, Ai-chan's taking some initiative! What a surprise! And that scene in Hiromi's bedroom was very good. I can't wait for the next episode. Looks like some major drama will arise.
Feb 2, 2008 11:11 PM
Jan 2008
the sub for ep 5 came out?!?
Feb 2, 2008 11:22 PM
Nov 2007
Ah no, only the raw. Wait like 2 days or something. I'm pretty sure w.0.0.f will sub it, lol.
Feb 2, 2008 11:56 PM
Jan 2008
just watched the raw (my first time watching a whole raw ep >.>) i think i understand most of it..(I think..) seems like everyone is making their move. Even hiromi is making her move.
Feb 3, 2008 6:31 AM
Anime DB Admin

Jan 2007
Not quite ^ .

Good episode though, Hiromi seemed quite upset after Shin suggested a possible date with Noe's brother. Ai-chan was great in this episode, and Noe's face lick was so like her. xD

Ai-chan is coming terribly close to the Moeness of Noe. Looking forward to the next episode, I wonder if Shin is going to say something to his mother. After all he overheard her 'discussion' with Hiromi.




[H+] ³  
Feb 3, 2008 7:49 AM

Jan 2008
The subbed version is out.....just go to's an incredible episode,especialy the licking part:)) sweet:P...canT wait next episode:X:
Feb 3, 2008 8:21 AM
Jan 2008
There is this one thing that keeps me wondering.. why is Noe and her bro in different schools? Shouldn't brother and sister be in the same school like the other animes?
Feb 3, 2008 9:23 AM

Oct 2007
all right, drama incomming! looking forward to a cat fight ^^
Feb 3, 2008 9:57 AM

Oct 2007
Noe still sees Shin as a rooster. I'm sorry but that is not a good foundation for romance. At best I can see them becoming friends and Shin getting Noe's tears back. Is it me or does it seem like Noe is lacking in some common sense? I think that passing drove her a little nutty. (What's up with the lick? She said her grandma did that to catch tears? What kind of old woman was she? o.O) missed your chance. Either get over Shin or dump your boy. I give her many props for adding to the drama but it is futile.

Ultimately I think the show is revolving around the dance of Hiromi and Shin. You know, maybe it's not all Hiromi's fault for not saying anything to Shin. I think mom has said other things to her in the past preventing her from saying and or doing what she really wants to do. I think she has 3 faces. One is her school face that lies to ensure no one knows she is suffering. (However, I think that face is closest to her true personality. It might be a lie but I think her nature is truly happy and outgoing like that.) Two is her "home" face. She doesn't have any say, pretty much stays in her room online, and moves around like a ghost. She can't really complain since they brought her in so she has to front with being obedient and non confrontational. Third is her true self, which I believe is suffering because of the other two selves. It's the self that wants to kick herself in the head for the lies or the self that we heard in her head in her room. That's the self that needs to get out again, cry, and be happy. There's just too many internal and external pressures for Hiromi to do so.

For complexity I give it to Hiromi>Noe>Ai. If you want to add mom then mom>Hiromi>Noe>Ai.

The mom is who I want to figure out the most. She cut those pictures out. Hiromi reminds her of Hiromi's mom. Why? That's what I'm waiting on.

If we got 80% or higher let me know! :)
Feb 3, 2008 10:08 AM

Nov 2007
thats one terrible mother, i hate her for treating Hiromi-chan so badly
wow this is getting really interesting, im usually not into these kinds of shows but this one is fantastic, cant wait for the next episode!

Feb 3, 2008 11:51 AM

Aug 2007
I'm liking the characters more and more each episode. It's getting very interesting now.

Ai-chan is beginning to make her move, and she's just as cute as Noe and Hiromi.
The shin-entering-hiromi's-room-scene was genius, showing both perspectives.
Feb 3, 2008 1:05 PM

Jan 2007
the face lick was awesome. The build up in this episode was good. Next episode looked intense.
Feb 3, 2008 1:30 PM

Jul 2007
bawwww :< cliff hanger
i wanna see what happens next T_T

must see what happens between noe's brother and hiromi ~ is he srsly gonna ask her out omg >_<
Feb 3, 2008 1:34 PM

Aug 2007
Good stuff. I'm rooting for Hiromi actually, but it's nice to see Ai take an initiative. But that kinda ignores Miyokichi, which could cause some problems.

Shinichirou's mom needs to die though.
Feb 3, 2008 1:36 PM

Jul 2007
I like how Shin's plan to turn the tables on Noe's brother failed so completely.

Hiromi needs to gather her courage before Ai-chan steals her man.

lilgumba said:
Noe still sees Shin as a rooster. I'm sorry but that is not a good foundation for romance. At best I can see them becoming friends and Shin getting Noe's tears back. Is it me or does it seem like Noe is lacking in some common sense? I think that passing drove her a little nutty. (What's up with the lick? She said her grandma did that to catch tears? What kind of old woman was she? o.O)

I think you're right -- Noe doesn't seem like a romantic interest at all, maybe more of a catalyst to start things between the main love triangle. I don't think she's actually crazy so much as maybe lacking an understanding of what's considered normal or socially acceptable. I can't remember if she has friends other than the chickens and Shin-ichirou, so that might account for something.
_k1_Feb 3, 2008 1:44 PM
Feb 3, 2008 2:23 PM
Jun 2007
AWESOME EPISODE!! Damn man! I hate those cliffhangers! Each and every episode has cliffhangers!! lol Anyway, awesome episode! Totally beat H2O.
Feb 3, 2008 2:28 PM

Sep 2007
Gnaaaaaaah, Shin'ichiro why did you say this to Hiromi?
I will kill him with my own hands if he hurts her again xD

Damn awesome episode, the face licking part was so "noe" <3

I can't wait how everything will turn out just now...
TrineasFeb 3, 2008 2:55 PM

Feb 3, 2008 3:36 PM

Sep 2007
I need the next episode, now! I wanna see how this thing with Ai will turn out in this situation. >_>
The face licking was so like noe, and this i why i love her. <3
Shes just so...random *g*

But still, i cant really sympathize with Hiromi...dunno why.
Feb 3, 2008 3:50 PM

Nov 2007
This series is turning in to one of my favourites for this season. Though I have an itching feeling it may have a BAD END. I just hope it's not NICE BOAT style if it does go sour, because it doesn't fit with the feel of the series so far.

Also, I'm torn between Noe and Ai. Both are really cute. Don't much care for Hiromi though.
Feb 3, 2008 3:53 PM
Jan 2008
I think some people got the wrong idea on Ai with the initiative... the sweater is for Nobuse not for Shin'. Well I might be wrong since this is a harem anime.. Earlier Nobuse said I wish Ai-chan would hand-knit a sweater for me and she said yes. Well at the end of the ep Ai was trying to say something to Shin' but Nobuse interupted it and Ai didn't want Shin' to open the door for Nobuse. So there can be 2 or 3 different outcome.
1) the sweater is for Nobuse.
2) the sweater is for shin'.
3) she will make a different sweater for Shin' later...
Theres something really wrong with Hiromi everytime Shin' tries to ask her something she changes the subject or stops Shin' to go any further with his question. Noe doesn't have any friends probably because she transferred last year so... don't hate on Noe. Noe>Hiromi>Ai =D
Feb 3, 2008 4:00 PM

Aug 2007
Haha Shin just stabbed himself in the foot with that one. Why in God's name would you go in a girl's room to tell her that another guy likes you? There are many reasons, but that is definitely not one of them. Poor Hiromi...liking an idiot of a guy like Shin...but I'll forgive him somewhat since he is a male harem lead.

Ai-chan seems to be somewhat committed to Nobuse, but she still can't forget about Shin. The primary reason as to why they are even going out is probably due to Nobuse and Shin's friendship. The whole being close to a friend of the person you like kind of thing, but Nobuse is growing on her. I think she is conflicted with her feelings and the preview next episode looks like Ai-chan confessing to Shin.

Then we have Noe's innocence and face-lick...nuff said =P

So much more stuff to write about, but I'm feeling lazy. This episode just sets the huge bombshell that will probably occur next episode. I see broken hearts and true tears I tell you!!! xD
Feb 3, 2008 4:04 PM

Nov 2007
Man this is turning into something good. I haven't seen this much drama building up since Kimi ga Nozomu Eien. This might replace Kiminozo in my favorites. I don't like Shin's mother, she seems a little.....protective. I think she has some grudge agains Hiromi's mom and passed it on to her daughter, though she might have a good reason to hate Hiromi's mother but hating her daughter too is bad in my book. I hope we find out in the next episode. I also like how they showed the scene in Hiromi's room from both perspectives. I knew she was lying about liking Noe's brother. Anyone guess what Hiromi was hopeing Shin to say and why she let him in her room?
Feb 3, 2008 4:09 PM

Aug 2007
I believe cutting out her face on photographs should easily spell out a lot of things...xD
Feb 3, 2008 5:20 PM

Oct 2007
nice episode... i wonder which girl is going to end up with shin... nice cliffhangers too >_<
Feb 3, 2008 6:45 PM
Jun 2007
I'm telling you people, Shin will end up with Noe. And it seems that Noe still view Shin as a replacement on Shigomaru (or watever that chicken's name.. XD lol). Anyway, so far, Noe doesn't have any feelings for Shin. But whhy do i have this feeling that he will end up with Hiromi?!! Geez!!
Feb 3, 2008 7:11 PM

Jan 2008
I think there is a good chance that Shinichirō and Hiromi have the same father. This would explain the mothers dislike of Hiromi and why she is living in the same house.

Shinichirō needs a good kicking. He needs to make up his mind (and choose Noe)! However that's the basis of Harem anime for you. I think he will break the hearts of Aiko and Hiromi. Aiko is equally bad for messing around Miyokichi.

I like Noe. Good for her for trying hard to get the guy she likes - and cooking for him. Noe seems pretty lonely and I don't see any indication she has other friends. I think she now realises Shinichirō is feckless unfaithful liar but still likes him. Of the three girls she seems the strongest.

Noe deserves better than Shinichirō.
Feb 3, 2008 7:30 PM

Aug 2007
Every girl usually deserves someone better than the male lead when it comes to harem anime, should be a law or something.

The anime is already shaping up for a Hiromi/Shin pairing, all the hints dropped might have led me to that conclusion. Noe doesn't even know if she likes Shin, hell she still mostly thinks of him as a replacement for that rooster.

Ai-chan is just a girl following her heart, Nobuse wouldn't even be in the picture if Shin didn't introduce the two of them. What Ai-chan said about sticking close to the people close to the one you like is primarily the reason she even started going out with the guy. Not sure about it now, but I'm positive that's how their relationship started.

As for the same father theory, there were two guys and two girls in that picture. Promise or not, your husband's illegitimate love child will never set foot in that household regardless as long as the mother has breath in her body.
Feb 3, 2008 7:34 PM

Aug 2007
Well this is getting pretty interesting. Ai-chan is starting to get her true feelings out now. Hiromi still isn't sure of hers. Noe is just kawaii. :D
Feb 3, 2008 8:38 PM

Jun 2007
I'm still going with the Past marriage/illegitimate child theory

This ep was pretty interesting but for some reason it felt like Noe and Hiromi's personality's changed a lot. Call me crazy but it just felt that way. The past Eps mainly just had Noe acting weird and talking about random things, then all of a sudden in this ep it felt more like she was trying to hook up with him. I'm not exactly sure what changed her so much (maybe her brother talked to her or something) but it just didn't feal right.

I think its safe to say now that all our theory's about Hiromi liking Shin where right. She clearly wanted him to confess to her or at least show some kind of affection when he was in her room. She became depressed when he mentioned number 4 and automatically started telling him things he already knew like "Your mom will get mad if she finds out your in here". I think the next ep may cause allot of drama for Shin and Hiromi's relationship when Number 4 asks her out (or talks to her). I almost wonder if he does something stupid and mentions that he's asking her out because Shin told him to or something XD.

Ai doesn't seem like a possible hookup for Shin. I think shes just clinging to something that happened in the past but will eventually get over it and stay with Nobuse once she realized Shin only sees her as a friend.

In my opinion, Noe and the whole "I must get tears for my little bottle" thing is just an unintentional front. I don't know if she really believes that or not but I'm almost cretin that to obtain her tears literately means to make her cry or break her heart. I also think Shin, at some point, will do that unintentionally when rejecting Noe or when she finds out he likes Hiromi. Thats kind of why she becomes attached to one thing at a time (ie. first was the chicken, now its Shin).
Feb 3, 2008 8:50 PM

Aug 2007
I see Noe as a person filled with innocence and one who will usually speak whatever is on her mind. A "normal" person will usually not say whatever is going on inside their heads, hence why Noe comes off as a "weird" person. She was still talking about tears, which shouldn't be a front considering her emotional scene with her grandmother.

There is currently no drama between Shin and Hiromi (well more Hiromi than Shin anyway). It feels like Shin has all but given up on Hiromi when he found out that Hiromi likes Jun, which was an obviously lie btw.

Ai-chan will be the one causing all the drama next episode, the preview might have hinted on a possible confession. Aiko would probably be the main girl only if she didn't go out with Nobuse, which all but started as a farce anyway.

Noe already mentioned that she "lost" her tears. Think it was mentioned that she has all but cried them out when her grandma died. Only way to get them back is to collect them from people she deem worthy, which is Shin in this case.

Noe is the innocent, straight-forward type...I don't think she is dumb o-O
Feb 3, 2008 9:15 PM
Jan 2008
thank you pimptoad nice explaination on Noe and also on Shin' and Hiromi. Shin' gave up on Hiromi and he is going for Noe. The rest of the series is probably going to end up like Shin' goes out with Noe and breaks her heart when Shin' finds out about Hiromi's feelings and they end up together which i don't like. Next ep is probably going show Ai's reason for liking Shin'. And maybe a fight between Hiromi and Shin's mom.
Feb 3, 2008 11:15 PM

Aug 2007
dangit i can't wait till the next ep!
Feb 3, 2008 11:30 PM

Dec 2007
One thing expressed by a non-zero number of people in this thread that I can't agree with is the idea of Shin being your typical weak and stupid harem lead. I don't think he's that at all. I think he's kind of lame in the sense that kids are kind of lame. He's clearly capable of intelligent thought, and has his own passions and aspirations. And he's dealing with a lot of weirdness (wtf is Noe doing, what is making Hiromi so sad, why is my mom such a bitch, doesn't Ai like my best friend, etc.).
Feb 4, 2008 4:13 AM

Jan 2008
To me it is clear that Noe is interested in Shinichirō romantically. You don't lick the face of someone you want as a friend or see as a rooster. Noe cooked him food and turned up at his place to see him dance, basically chasing him around. Noe has seen that Shinichirō lied to her about walking home with her. She may have thought better of him but now knows the score. I don't think she is particularly innocent.

Shinichirō seem to actually go looking for her by the tree and then chicken out. This seems to suggest he is pretty weak.
He seems to like girls making a fuss of him.

I think there is a good chance that Shinichirō father is like his son... a feckless womaniser.
If Hiromi's mother was like her daughter then there is a good chance she had an affair with Shinichirō dad.

Shinichirō mum is probably your typical japanese wife and puts up with things. She probably knew what her husband was like when she married him. Will history repeat with Shinichirō, Noe, Aiko and Miyokichi?
Feb 4, 2008 5:36 AM

Sep 2007
hmm... nice episode =| can't say much... =|

Feb 4, 2008 7:09 AM

Oct 2007
I don't think Shin is a womanizer. I think he was at the tree because he wanted to know if Noe's brother had said anything to her about the previous night. He sees Ai as a friend. I haven't really seen him get all blushy over her or anything. To him at best she's an older sister type that he cares for but not romantically. Hiromi is the only one that comes back to him time and time again that he gets blushy, embarrassed, and checks her out. He still remembers the stuff they did in the past. He is trying to make her happy by telling her news about No 4 even though he can't stand it. He's not a womanizer. I see him like Tenchi's cousin. I don't think he would intentionally forsake any of those girls. (Well maybe his mom but she's deserving it right now.)

If we got 80% or higher let me know! :)
Feb 4, 2008 8:35 AM

Jan 2008
This Ai-chan x Shin cliffhanger at the end is driving me nuts!

I'm not particularly fond of Aiko, she is dishonest to herself and indecisive meaning that she will always lead men on. I don't particularly want to see this current situation where Nobuse and Ai are a faux couple.

Unfortunately Shinchiro is probably going to open that door and these shenanigans are going to drag on for a few more episodes.
Feb 4, 2008 10:48 AM

Dec 2007
The thing that continues to impress me with this serious is how expressive everyone is; especially their eyes.

Noe's cheerful expression is quite possibly the most moe thing I have ever seen. (switches to Rena mode and takes her home with me!)
Feb 4, 2008 11:25 AM

Aug 2007
lilgumba said:
I don't think Shin is a womanizer. I think he was at the tree because he wanted to know if Noe's brother had said anything to her about the previous night. He sees Ai as a friend. I haven't really seen him get all blushy over her or anything. To him at best she's an older sister type that he cares for but not romantically. Hiromi is the only one that comes back to him time and time again that he gets blushy, embarrassed, and checks her out. He still remembers the stuff they did in the past. He is trying to make her happy by telling her news about No 4 even though he can't stand it. He's not a womanizer. I see him like Tenchi's cousin. I don't think he would intentionally forsake any of those girls. (Well maybe his mom but she's deserving it right now.)

I'm supporting the theory someone made in the AS forums about Shin being your stereotypical *good guy* type of character. With the kind of place he lives in and the fact that he is actually doing that dance thingy, sure looks like your typical good boy to me...xD
Feb 4, 2008 11:37 AM

Oct 2007
Great episode, I just want all the unanswered questions to be answered but I guess we'll all have to wait till around episode 10... or maybe even next episode. ^_^
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Feb 4, 2008 1:36 PM

Aug 2007
PimpToad said:

....I'm supporting the theory someone made in the AS forums about Shin being your stereotypical *good guy* type of character..

I have to agree with that. He's just trying to be nice though it can be misunderstood as more than that sometimes. I don't think he sees Noe as a love interest but he is just trying to be nice and get to know her.
Feb 4, 2008 2:03 PM

Sep 2007
Ai, marry me!
Feb 4, 2008 2:15 PM

Jul 2007
-is addicted-

Ai-chan is sure making her move, but I highly doubt that Shin will return the move. I feel bad for Nobuse, I actually like his character. THere are so many questions that I just want answered.... can't wait till the next episode, as usual.
Feb 4, 2008 3:05 PM

Oct 2007
Good episode ^_^

really thought that Hiromi may change but of course she's just her nasty self!

very interesting with the cut out faces in the photo albums XD

but looking forward to the next epside!!
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Feb 4, 2008 3:39 PM

Jun 2007
PimpToad said:
I see Noe as a person filled with innocence and one who will usually speak whatever is on her mind. A "normal" person will usually not say whatever is going on inside their heads, hence why Noe comes off as a "weird" person. She was still talking about tears, which shouldn't be a front considering her emotional scene with her grandmother.

There is currently no drama between Shin and Hiromi (well more Hiromi than Shin anyway). It feels like Shin has all but given up on Hiromi when he found out that Hiromi likes Jun, which was an obviously lie btw.

Ai-chan will be the one causing all the drama next episode, the preview might have hinted on a possible confession. Aiko would probably be the main girl only if she didn't go out with Nobuse, which all but started as a farce anyway.

Noe already mentioned that she "lost" her tears. Think it was mentioned that she has all but cried them out when her grandma died. Only way to get them back is to collect them from people she deem worthy, which is Shin in this case.

Noe is the innocent, straight-forward type...I don't think she is dumb o-O

I don't know if your post was directed towards me since you didn't quote it but you seemed to contradicted most of what I was saying so i figured id post back.

Noe changed, its very clear that she did. It's true she spoke what was on her mind but this episode was a clear change from the past Noe. I agree she seems to like him more then a friend but that wasn't as "in your face obvious" till this episode. The others only showed her acting weird and doing random things. I feel like I'm saying the same things over again and again.

No duh theres no drama between Shin and Hiromi, did I say there was rofl. Theres going to be some in the next few eps though. You can just see it coming now that Shin messed things up.

Ai's Drama is not going to be that substantial. It will clearly cause more drama for Nobuse if he finds out. Somehow I don't see the drama for Shin and Ai lasting more then an ep or two. Nobuse and Shin may be another story though since they're both so close.

Do you honestly think anything will change if Noe gets someones tears in a bottle? lol I don't. Her Grandma was most likely referring to her crying over someone she loves as much as her own grandma, her crying in happiness, or someone that loves her, crying. I think she already knows this thats why she rejects Shin's tears when he was thinking about crying before when it had nothing to do with Noe. She has to have an emotional connection to him and she didnt have one at that time when Shin wanted to cry. The whole jar is just a keep sake / reminder of what her grandma told her.
Feb 4, 2008 3:42 PM

Sep 2007
More true tears goodness! I really like how they're able to give all three girls some good air time every episode, and yet it never feels crammed or rushed. Most shows like this you see everything in an arc format, where it will focus on one main girl for a few episodes at a time, but True Tears found a great balance that keeps them from excluding anyone.

Also, the scene in Hiromi's room, where it went back and did it again showing her thoughts was rather clever, but I feel like it could have been done just as easily or even better if they had just cut to Hiromi's thoughts after shinichiro left the room. Also,

FiiFO said:

really thought that Hiromi may change but of course she's just her nasty self!

She just got hurt. She let him into her room and was quite literally opening up to him, hoping that he would say something about how he feels about her, but instead he pulls out this number 4 crap and blows everything. It was actually a little painful to watch :(

Still, another very good episode, looking forward to the next as always!

NatakiFeb 4, 2008 3:46 PM
Feb 4, 2008 4:56 PM
Nov 2007
Nice episode!

I'm wondering if Shinichiro really would go out with Noe, because Noe's brother is going to go out Hiromi. That's almost certain.
Heh.. I want to see the look on Hiromi's face when she sees that Shin was actually talking the truth! hehe..


Now the long wait for the next (most likely exciting) episode =_=...
Feb 4, 2008 5:04 PM
Jan 2008
I just thought up of something about Shin's mom's hatred toward Hiromi. The show never mentioned what happened to Hiromi's mom. If i'm right my prediction for Shin's mom hating on Hiromi is because Hiromi's mom abandon Hiromi's father and Hiromi LoL i know this sounds weird. And that causes Hiromi's father's death because of depression. The show didn't tell us how he died so...i thought that up. And Hiromi looks like her mom or i made that up. And probably Shin's mom was a very close friend of Hiromi's father and she is upset for what happened to him and now Hiromi reminds her of Hiromi's mom. So she takes it out on Hiromi for having an extra child to take care of and the reminder of the sad past. yea i don't make sense -_- oh well. So no affair between Shin's dad and Hiromi's mom besides Shin's dad doesn't look like a cheater to me. And who the heck would stay with a cheater?!? unless that person is desperate. Well Shin' is not that bad of a lead character. He is a caring person look back in the other episode when Hiromi was a kid back and got seperated from Shin' during the festival. and so on too lazy to type the rest.

DeathfireD and i have the same feeling about Noe. she does feels like she changed a little in this episode to me. Noe looks like a little saddish to me in this ep. don't know why but she does.
I feel bad for Hiromi but she should not lie that much -_-
every girl in this anime have their good points. The best one right now is Noe. Hiromi lies too much which mislead the one she loves. Ai should not even get a chance to be with Shin'. When she already have someone or she should dump Nobuse. Whats so bad about Nobuse anyways. He cares about Ai like no one does. He notice that She got a new sweater and felt the same way she did about the style of the sweater.("A bit plain). But in the end all of the girls have their good points.
Feb 4, 2008 5:47 PM

Aug 2007
DeathfireD said:
PimpToad said:
I see Noe as a person filled with innocence and one who will usually speak whatever is on her mind. A "normal" person will usually not say whatever is going on inside their heads, hence why Noe comes off as a "weird" person. She was still talking about tears, which shouldn't be a front considering her emotional scene with her grandmother.

There is currently no drama between Shin and Hiromi (well more Hiromi than Shin anyway). It feels like Shin has all but given up on Hiromi when he found out that Hiromi likes Jun, which was an obviously lie btw.

Ai-chan will be the one causing all the drama next episode, the preview might have hinted on a possible confession. Aiko would probably be the main girl only if she didn't go out with Nobuse, which all but started as a farce anyway.

Noe already mentioned that she "lost" her tears. Think it was mentioned that she has all but cried them out when her grandma died. Only way to get them back is to collect them from people she deem worthy, which is Shin in this case.

Noe is the innocent, straight-forward type...I don't think she is dumb o-O

I don't know if your post was directed towards me since you didn't quote it but you seemed to contradicted most of what I was saying so i figured id post back.

Noe changed, its very clear that she did. It's true she spoke what was on her mind but this episode was a clear change from the past Noe. I agree she seems to like him more then a friend but that wasn't as "in your face obvious" till this episode. The others only showed her acting weird and doing random things. I feel like I'm saying the same things over again and again.

No duh theres no drama between Shin and Hiromi, did I say there was rofl. Theres going to be some in the next few eps though. You can just see it coming now that Shin messed things up.

Ai's Drama is not going to be that substantial. It will clearly cause more drama for Nobuse if he finds out. Somehow I don't see the drama for Shin and Ai lasting more then an ep or two. Nobuse and Shin may be another story though since they're both so close.

Do you honestly think anything will change if Noe gets someones tears in a bottle? lol I don't. Her Grandma was most likely referring to her crying over someone she loves as much as her own grandma, her crying in happiness, or someone that loves her, crying. I think she already knows this thats why she rejects Shin's tears when he was thinking about crying before when it had nothing to do with Noe. She has to have an emotional connection to him and she didnt have one at that time when Shin wanted to cry. The whole jar is just a keep sake / reminder of what her grandma told her.

I try not to quote much anymore due to size. I can always quote specific portions, but I believe in either quoting the whole thing or don't quote at all. That and I like addressing multiple posts at a time without quoting (too lazy).

Your post destroys whatever symbolism True Tears is trying to portray. What that symbolism is, I don't have a clue yet.

I'll agree with you that Noe changed to a degree, but only when she tried those chicken pellets herself. Even after that, I didn't see much of a difference in her behaviour other than pursuing Shin out of pure interest. Her supposed change in character was only influenced because she found out that the pellets tasted bad, which leads me to believe that she upgraded Shin's status in her mind. Shin might be someone who tingles her interest somewhat, an upgrade from being a replacement for a rooster.

Meh Nobuse should stay as a side character that he is! There is going to be some Aiko/Shin drama next episode, with Nobuse being flabbergasted about it. If he does know Aiko, then he should know that she likes the guy. Either he knows or he is in denial, he certainly won't hold that relationship unless he confronts Aiko about it.

Get your facts straight...Shin, Nobuse, and Aiko are childhood friends. So they are all very close to each other even if Aiko attends another school.

I see a character change in Noe if she does accomplish her goals. Again the whole symbolism of the show, True Tears has to mean something. She didn't reject his tears because it had nothing to do with her, she just felt that his reason for crying doesn't fit her description of wonderful tears. After seeing him dance, she had an obvious change of mind. The jar might be a keepsake, she did say that she has no clue as to how to gather tears yet.

Are you watching the same show here? Maybe you should rewatch things again if you want to make any valid argument. People should really make sure they get their facts straight before posting anything...
Feb 5, 2008 8:50 AM

Nov 2007
I really like Ai, she's just so cute and nice but doesn't want to be mean to shin's friend. I get a bad feeling about hiromi like someone else suggested that maybe her mother and shin's father had something going on. I don't want to see where that goes, or maybe if it ends with shin going with one of the other girls. it seems like noe actually does like him and not as a rooster replacement lol.
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