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Nov 6, 2012 2:59 PM
Aug 2012
I am usually totally for this matchup but it didnt really make sense to me, how could the girl just give up on the guy she liked for so long? I understand the other guy was super nice and all, but I dont think it really works out, I think this was fan service probs.
"届どいた....手紙?" - スワ(オレンジ)
Jan 17, 2013 3:22 AM
Sep 2012
I think it's great that she chose Miyake-kun in the end. It separates itself from the usual shoujo manga outcomes that I've read.

However, somewhere inside of me reeeeeeeeeeeaaaallly wishes that she ended up with Kyousuke-kun. -.-;;
I was looking forward to that satisfaction I get at the end of each manga. Where, in this case, Nina-chan actualizes her dream of being with Kyousuke-kun... especially after all their on and off feelings for each other. :/

It would be great if they wrote an alternate ending where they DO end up together!! xD
Mar 16, 2013 5:25 PM

Dec 2009
Just because I'm so used to typical shoujo endings, I was actually really surprised that she didn't end up with Kyousuke, especially because he was like "yeah I'll tell her how I feel" and it was just like FINALLY KYOUSUKE FRICK YOU'VE MADE HER WAIT ALL THIS TIME FINALLY

Saori11 said:
I was looking forward to that satisfaction I get at the end of each manga. Where, in this case, Nina-chan actualizes her dream of being with Kyousuke-kun... especially after all their on and off feelings for each other. :/

This is what I was thinking, and because of that I was actually a little bit disappointed that it didn't go the typical shoujo route and have them end up together ;_; Sigh. You never want a cliche ending but then when it doesn't happen, it's somewhat a let down.

I suppose I sort of saw it coming though...with all of the focus that was still on Nina and Miyake's relationship even after they broke up.
Mar 16, 2013 5:26 PM

Feb 2013
hope it gets a anime adaption
"Currently playing the Game of of Life"
Poppin Pills is All We Know - Antidote
Mar 25, 2013 1:23 AM

Aug 2011
I read the series after knowing that the main girl ends up with 2nd lead guy.
After reading, I feel that the only strong point in this series is Miyake. Boy is perfect. Glad she ended up with him.

Apr 18, 2013 9:21 PM

Sep 2012
Miyake is just too cute! I'm so glad it ended with him!

I wouldn't mind an anime adaption, but I wonder how popular this series is in Japan.. I won't hold my breath.
Apr 19, 2013 8:36 PM

Mar 2012
I'm so glad she chose Miyake in the end. I never really had a particular fondness for Kyou, and I never felt that he and Niina ever had any real chemistry between them, only a mutual affection from growing up together that blossomed into innocent crushes. Miyake is so sweet and I'm really glad this manga ended with the more unexpected pairing with the 2nd guy/underdog. How it all ended up coming together did seem kind of rushed and sudden, but it was still a nice, satisfying ending nonetheless.
Sep 23, 2013 3:55 AM

Jun 2011
muntasir123 said:
but it didnt really make sense to me, how could the girl just give up on the guy she liked for so long?

It makes all the sense around the world. Constant heartbreaks streak, another guy enter her life and console her, always supporting her, and that's how she slowly moves away from Kyou, but still not completely, until Miyake breaks it off with her, then only she realized that the one she hold dear the most is Miyake. You can clearly see that Nina is definitely falling for Miyake, but due to her longed love for Kyou, she couldn't see how much she loved Miyake, and thus unconsciously hurting Miyake in the process. She's still new to love after all, so there is room for mistake, and it all turned out well anyway.

I want to know what happened to Asou though, is she now in love with Kyou, or still that jerky dude?
Honobono Log - best slice of life short
most kawaii loli overlord
Donquixote Doflamingo AMV - Control
Sep 29, 2013 12:13 PM

Nov 2008
I'm happy with it. Actually liked Miyake a lot more than Kyou. Also, I'm sick of people always ending up with their childhood friend.
Oct 2, 2013 10:21 PM

Jul 2011
I cried, and I cried, and I cried. I couldn't accept the ending, because I am used to the main guy always getting with the main girl. Though in the manga, I could understand why she ended up with Miyake. One of the points were how she addressed Kyou--"Kyou-chan" compared to calling his little brother Kousuke, without any honorifics. I think she realized her feelings for Kyou were more of admiration and endearment rather than a love interest. She wanted to keep Kyou in the position as her special friend. And the more she looked back on her past memories with Kyou, I didn't realize the meaning until after Kyou left the picture. In short terms, Kyou just got friend-zoned big time.

But in the end, I couldn't accept Miyake and Nina's relationship. I struggled so much with it, that it tormented me in my dreams. Every time I forced Kyou and Nina together, she always went back to Miyake...I must say I had quite a rough night after finishing Tonari no Atashi. I think it's better for me to stick with the stereotypical shoujo route given what just happened.
Nov 16, 2014 10:26 AM

Jul 2012
Completely satisfied! Really glad this series didn't fall into a cliche.
Jan 1, 2015 4:37 AM

Sep 2010
So happy with it. Kyou was a jerk.

He hurt her constantly (starting from chapter one, we talk about her getting over it quick but one kiss from some girl he hardly knows and BAM Nina who?) for a girl he didn't even have real feelings for. He pushed her away the entire manga until he noticed she was falling for someone else. Miyake loved her and only her, and showed her that love doesn't have to be sad and painful and what's important is supporting eachother. A+ boyfriend.
Jul 1, 2015 2:49 AM
Jul 2015
I hated the ending! I really loved this manga but the ending ruined it for me... I might be or might not be the only one, but I get really upset for about a week if the couple I want, doesn't end up together... :( I was super sad! Idk why but I always prefer original couples like when they looked good together from the beginning, I don't like new characters that come in and take the main girl away (For example: Mairunovich, the main girl got helped by Tenyuu from the very beginning and yet she goes out with three different other guys when she had the coolest guy right next to her!) And I also prefer cooler guys than try hard guys. I also most of the time prefer black hair cool guys, rather than blonde (brown) hair cute-ish guys. Anyway... Overall, I hated the ending!
Jul 1, 2015 2:53 AM
Jul 2015
Koemine said:
I cried, and I cried, and I cried. I couldn't accept the ending, because I am used to the main guy always getting with the main girl. Though in the manga, I could understand why she ended up with Miyake. One of the points were how she addressed Kyou--"Kyou-chan" compared to calling his little brother Kousuke, without any honorifics. I think she realized her feelings for Kyou were more of admiration and endearment rather than a love interest. She wanted to keep Kyou in the position as her special friend. And the more she looked back on her past memories with Kyou, I didn't realize the meaning until after Kyou left the picture. In short terms, Kyou just got friend-zoned big time.

But in the end, I couldn't accept Miyake and Nina's relationship. I struggled so much with it, that it tormented me in my dreams. Every time I forced Kyou and Nina together, she always went back to Miyake...I must say I had quite a rough night after finishing Tonari no Atashi. I think it's better for me to stick with the stereotypical shoujo route given what just happened.

That is how I roll too... I couldn't except it for 2 weeks! Even worse, the next manga I was reading, the main girl didn't even end up with someone while her twin sister did... And the guy that I wanted her to end up with, only was an ally. There was even a little manga column of him liking his childhood friend! Wahhhh I was so sadddd...
Jul 1, 2015 2:55 AM
Jul 2015
Lol and I also tend to like split hair guys! Uwahh so cute (eg. Akumal de koi shiyou)
Dec 23, 2015 7:41 PM

Sep 2015
Good! I'd have hated it if Kyosuke gets all the sweet ends. He was a jerk from beginning to end. I never understood why he dated Asou either.

I had half the mind to drop this manga around chapter 20 because Kyou annoyed the heck out of me. Gosh, he's supposed to be the main guy but I can't bring myself to like him. This is probably the first shoujo manga in which I loathe the main male character so much lol. So glad the ending isn't what you call a typical shoujo end. Also, thank god for small miracle called Miyake Shun.

6/10, I'd have given it a 4 if in the ending Nina ended up with jerkface. The two points bonus is of course for Miyake and the ending.
Apr 8, 2016 10:50 PM

Jan 2016
This is what I was thinking, and because of that I was actually a little bit disappointed that it didn't go the typical shoujo route and have them end up together ;_; Sigh. You never want a cliche ending but then when it doesn't happen, it's somewhat a let down.

I suppose I sort of saw it coming though...with all of the focus that was still on Nina and Miyake's relationship even after they broke up.

so true.. im happy for nina but feel bad for kyou-chan.
May 26, 2016 12:34 PM
May 2016
It was amazing and unique it made me cry 😭
May 26, 2016 12:37 PM
May 2016
muntasir123 said:
I am usually totally for this matchup but it didnt really make sense to me, how could the girl just give up on the guy she liked for so long? I understand the other guy was super nice and all, but I dont think it really works out, I think this was fan service probs.

i know but thats the reason i liked it .. it shows that not everything is bound to happen but.. falling inlove for her childhood friend was amazing for her and vice versa but it just shows that not all childhood friends end up together and that she fell in love with someone unconditionally. and made her realise her feelings for him and her childhood friend...
May 26, 2016 12:40 PM
May 2016
And i wasnt disappointed on the outcome .. am i the only one who thought that she should be with miyake? because not everything is about having childhood friend ending up together.. this manga did not focus on that thats why i like it. its about nina and kyouskes story on how they experience something that they wouldnt have known if they didnt fall in love with someone else.. but they could still stay bffs tho
May 26, 2016 12:46 PM
May 2016
Koemine said:
I cried, and I cried, and I cried. I couldn't accept the ending, because I am used to the main guy always getting with the main girl. Though in the manga, I could understand why she ended up with Miyake. One of the points were how she addressed Kyou--"Kyou-chan" compared to calling his little brother Kousuke, without any honorifics. I think she realized her feelings for Kyou were more of admiration and endearment rather than a love interest. She wanted to keep Kyou in the position as her special friend. And the more she looked back on her past memories with Kyou, I didn't realize the meaning until after Kyou left the picture. In short terms, Kyou just got friend-zoned big time.
But in the end, I couldn't accept Miyake and Nina's relationship. I struggled so much with it, that it tormented me in my dreams. Every time I forced Kyou and Nina together, she always went back to Miyake...I must say I had quite a rough night after finishing Tonari no Atashi. I think it's better for me to stick with the stereotypical shoujo route given what just happened.

yeah but kyou already knew.. but them falling inlove was just a phase bc they were childhood friend and honestly just bc they were childhood friends doesnt mean they should end up together or they are a perfect fit.. i liked this bc i felt reality in it.. trust me girl we think things that never happened .. just a advice its amazing falling inlove but you wouldnt know that mr. right is not the one who youve fallen with but its someone else .. life is a mysteryyy
Nov 29, 2016 2:37 PM

Apr 2012
The mangaka made it clearly towards the end of the series that Nina didn't really loves Kyou as a woman, she likes him as a sibling, she just confused it with love because she admire him so much. No clue why people keep missing this important point.

Glad she ended up with the best
Feb 13, 2017 9:25 AM
Jun 2012
Ioryogi-kun said:
Good! I'd have hated it if Kyosuke gets all the sweet ends. He was a jerk from beginning to end. I never understood why he dated Asou either.

I had half the mind to drop this manga around chapter 20 because Kyou annoyed the heck out of me. Gosh, he's supposed to be the main guy but I can't bring myself to like him. This is probably the first shoujo manga in which I loathe the main male character so much lol. So glad the ending isn't what you call a typical shoujo end. Also, thank god for small miracle called Miyake Shun.

6/10, I'd have given it a 4 if in the ending Nina ended up with jerkface. The two points bonus is of course for Miyake and the ending.

this is an old comment but i wanna second this 100%. i was about beat kyousuke's ass. like, what a shitty best friend. she's like "it's just, i dunno, i'm a little jealous of the girl you're hanging out with. sorry i'm being paranoid haha" and kyousuke's immediate reaction is: date the girl she's jealous of (who has made it clear she's emotionally unavailable and who he obviously. also does not really like?), cut her off completely (because what's years of friendship right?), and let her know the EXACT reason you won't be hanging out with her is because you'll be hanging out with the girl she's jealous of. also, do this right after coldly rejecting her confession just to make sure she feels bad about herself.

like the author tried so hard to take this back but it just did not work. like he's like "actually i went to this school because years ago you promised to cheer me on at my games!!" and it's like AH YES THAT EXPLAINS WHY YOU IMMEDIATELY STOPPED TALKING TO HER SHORTLY AFTER ENTERING THE SCHOOL, ALSO DURING HER MOST VULNERABLE MOMENTS. KUDOS.

plus like all affection he started feeling for nina while he was dating asou made him seem like the scummiest fucking guy. like he's like "i'll do it. i'll be the good boyfriend you deserved" and he makes a huge deal abt ditching his best friend over it but then as SOON as his friend almost gets over him and moves on he's like "hmm. i guess i kind of like her now. guess she's kind of hot. wish i hadn't talked all that shit" and this is all while he's with his incredibly insecure girlfriend who he KNOWS has issues. like this boy can't be nice to a single girl i fucking swear

also you calling miyake a small miracle: SAME. when he was introduced i was like...... is this a kind, well-meaning character in this hell manga? is he lost?? but he was just as nice as nina deserved after a "friend" like kyousuke and even though it was so frustrating seeing her thinking about kyousuke while she was in the presence of an angel, that ending saved my life. finding out this series ended with kyousuke Single and Rejected while miyake got the love he deserved was like coming upon an oasis in the desert of terrible shoujo manga. i swear i cried. and like. it didn't make up completely for how bad it was in general. but at least i didn't regret reaching the ending

also, for real, i'm gonna be salty about kyousuke in hell
aguecheekFeb 13, 2017 9:31 AM
Feb 9, 2021 7:20 AM

Feb 2020
I sorta wanted Kyousuke to end up with Asou too but oh well, he needs to move on first
a really troublesome girl just showed up at a troubling time to start some trouble.
Sep 29, 2021 7:47 AM

Jul 2016
i don't know what you guys saw in kyousuke that i didn't. boring, unlikable, indecisive cowards always getting the slice of cake because "that's how it is, that's the typical way." is always going to be an unsatisfying ending in my opinion. tell me. how many chances did this fool get before he squandered them all? what was his personality trait? regret? what was he deserving of (lol)? why did he go out with asou for that long even when they both knew he wasn't legitimately reciprocating, what kind of bullsh*t was that? obligation? are you saying that asou's "i want to be someone's number one," whining throughout the whole manga was what won him over? is kyou supposed to be some kind of self-appointed chivalrous charity donor? go cry a river damn

anyways, this is one of the few shoujo manga i have read where it doesn't go the worn-down traditional route of the main character going with the first male lead. who needs communication and a healthy relationship when you can have the longest tug of war of misunderstandings. two words: f*cking finally. too many shoujo mangakas are afraid of different endings. miyake may have came out of nowhere in volume 3, out of the radar, but he comes to care more for nina than her own childhood best friend. you can argue with me all day on that, i don't care because i know what i read.

so sad, so sad, boohoo. nah. one of the most satisfying endings.
Jan 23, 2024 6:04 PM

Aug 2010
I read if after knowing that the 2nd lead won, and was actually the reason I started reading - and I'm satisfied with it.

I think because of that, I didn't like Kyousuke at all in the beginning, but I sympathize with him by the end. Nina have never loved Kyousuke romantically. She didn't understand what love is, and thought she loved Kyousuke since she is used to him being around her. He knew that Nina doesn't love him more than a friend/brother, and was confirmed when she rejected to kiss him. Him dating Asou was probably his way to distract himself from his own unrequited feelings for Nina.

Nina choosing Miyake is the best outcome because not only he's best boy, he is the person Nina actually loves (romantically), and she realized this at the end.

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