wandering while wondering the wonderful wonders of the world
ferocious lion on the outside, timid as a rabbit on the inside
The first manga i've ever read and completed is Kaichou-wa Maid-sama. I'm sure not everyone will agree with me that it's a great manga. Personally, it is for me. Although my reading experience is different from reading other shoujo mangas like Bokura ga Ita, Ao Haru Ride, Black Bird and Chihayafuru, Kaichou-wa Maid-sama opened up something in my mind that no other mangas have done, well since it is the first ive read, so that explains that.
While everyone is really giddy with Usui Takumi, well I was also 'Kyaa.. kyaa..' while reading it and watching the anime, it's Misaki Ayuzawa that made me feel self-pity. Her character is so strong that I don't think any other female shoujo characters can beat her. She's not just smart, she intelligent and diligent. She has a charming personality, especially to girls. She's got a strong drive in anything that she wants to do, especially in her goals for the school to change and for her family. She can be quite stubborn, but I've really felt that she did her best in order to be the best as well for Usui. She didn't back down and she didn't give up in reaching her goals. I believe that's the reason why I'm envious of her and I pity myself. I enjoyed reading the manga and it will remain my top-most favorite.
wait let me rewrite what i've written up there, it sounds like im a grade schooler or worse. it doesnt really explain what i feel about the manga. it should be something strong and inspiring because that's how Misaki made me feel, although it's a little too late now, since im no longer in high school. but i'll redo that. :)
following reviews of
juungi, and
April 11.2016
i just cried after reading the manga Byousoku 5 Centimeter. it was really painful.. such pain from regret carried throughout many years of not seeing each other, not being able to convey what they felt for each other. :(
April 06.2016
I'm currently into Josei mangas. Lately, I've read mangas with characters in relationship with older men, or what they call 'oyaji' mangas. I find it interesting and has awakened my mind from what I've refused to accept, listen and understand. It's true that when you are aging you learn more and understand more of what this society thinks is unacceptable. If it is the high school or college me, I'd probably be like 'No you are too old for me'. But now I've matured and my world has expanded. My life is no longer limited to my parents and friends. I've walked different roads and one of these roads would probably take me to that path like in Josei mangas I've read.
Also, Josei mangas are really hitting me hard. While I can relate because of the age similarity, the circumstances of the characters are somehow new to me. I have to stop for sometime because my heart couldn't handle the pain that the characters are going through (especially involving infidelity).
March 2016
*pardon me, but my mind and heart have been consumed by Chihayafuru for these past weeks. :)
I would like to share a part of
czxcjx's review about Chihayafuru's anime. It really describes why I am deeply affected towards Taichi's character.
--Preliminary Proposition--
Chihayafuru is good, astoundingly and courageously good. There is crying almost every episode and yet it still remains utterly utterly good. It has an abundance of Shoujo romanticism yet it is good. The characters are good. The moments are good. The fights are good. The battles fought are good. The entirety of the show I cherish in my heart. Every episode I cherish. Every single interaction I cherish. The jokes, even though not necessarily of highest standard, I cherish. This show I cherish and cherish again. When it comes to this show I have no choice but to be giddy with love and to fight for its reputation. I shall have to fight for Chihayafuru to be placed not just among the best sports animes but as the best sports anime. I shall fight because it is my utter love that drives me, as a writer and an aesthete, to edify what my love consists of; perhaps in the process to teach others how words heavy with love can weigh with significance and how expressing love is the pinnacle of all and every language. Even though my tongue is tied and tangled up in a million knots by love and already I feel the schoolgirl giddiness that comes with trying to describe why exactly I love I must still fight for my love. ‘Fight’ is appropriate because in the end Chihayafuru is all about fighting; fighting and victory in the name of love. I must love like a girl and fight like a man.
But already I am at a dilemma because I cannot start merely with the standard formal descriptions of the show. I cannot just go into character or art or story; there is no love in the mere description of things. As much as I love this show I also love the medium of writing. I will fight therefore in the form of writing too. Like all writers and critics I want to win; my views need to be heard so that my love can be known. To be known is not enough. I am greedy and I must not just express my love for a single entity but in describing the love I have for this show I must express my love for a greater entity – that of life itself. I must transcend the critic who writes with mere puppy love and reach those sacred peaks that only full on master wordsmiths can conquer. This then must try to be edifying in the same way Motaigne or Orwell is edifying. Only in showing a love for life can my words bear significance and with these words I will be able to love Chihayafuru in a deeper way than before.
--Love Letter--
Balanced on the weighing scale of spirit, Chihayafuru is a perfect gem. I would wish that Chihaya be the main shining star of the show but I have to award that to Taichi. The repetitions of failure, the despair over lost time, the thrills, the spirit all belongs to him. He is the pure representation of the symbol of the will; the romantic symbol representing will. Chihaya stands strong in spirit but she is never weighed down in the same way that he is. Her obstacles, in that sense, are of lesser magnitude because she does not grapple with sorrow but single-mindedly fights on. She is an angel but she from her I do not get as much the pangs of human pain as I do from Taichi.
Why I love Chihayafuru is because it shows us that there is still a place for the highly romantic in this world. Once more a lesson on the history of Literature (like you haven’t seen this before if you’re familiar with my review style) dealing with Romanticism. In around the 19th century when faced with the growing significance of industrialization, the human spirit was greatly impoverished. With the rise of the machines progress was prioritized but there was a lack of love for nature and humanity itself. Artists reacted to that by creating a literary and artistic movement where feelings and emotions were placed as paramount to realism and the ultimate ideal was beauty. The picture Wanderer Above the Sea of Fog is a key example of this; the man in it symbolized the triumph of human strength over the sea of uncertainty that was going on at the time. After a whole load of wars though disillusionment became the norm and the romantic ideal faded into the background. Anime, I see now, may be the return of the romantic in another form. Chihayafuru shows us how essential fighting with one’s own soul is in its own innocent Shounenesque way. It is perfect because it shows the will’s triumph over the very realistic obstacles of life. It is really one of the only shows to be able to do this without falling into cliché or overtly romantic tones. It does not have to be literary but it is heartfelt and resonates within those who know what fighting is. Some may call it naïve but I call it powerful. Sometimes this kind of power and wide-eyed idealism is needed these days.
***the text above isnt mine. Read full review from here
All Comments (34) Comments
Happy Easter Sunday
Especially because his grades are dropping to the point that his grades now belong to those groups who actually failed.
I think he's more likely being rebellious? doing the same thing that Sou did by not letting himself get controlled but let themselves controlled by him.
Part of the reasons why I didn't like it was because...he was judge and called different names. His haters called him manipulator, bully and all. So Taichi was trying to prove them that he isn't, that's not him.
Although I also don't think it was bad and all, but it kind of condradicted what he's been trying to show everyone all this time.
But all I could think about this chapter from the last one as well is probably Suetsugu's way of telling her readers not to judge easily. I knew that Taichi will be harshly judge by this...seeing those comments in kissmanga...so I think Suetsugu must be planning something for him.
Another reason is that... Sou is Sou. I was in a hurry to post in forum before any Arata fans can say anything lol but now I have a lot of things going on my mind for this chapter.
Yeah...it's impossible for them to have a match this year. But honestly, I see it as another good thing for our ship :D
I thought if there will be Yoshino tournament this year, then Taichi's possibility of becoming the Meijin will raise.
But if not, then it's an additional point for our ship.
Because I believe that between Arata and Chihaya. Taichi will have to beat Chihaya first. So we might get Yoshino tournament next time - a way for Taichi to beat Chihaya.
But this hiatuses is making me impatient (T____T) I wish I have a time machine so I can just see what's going to happen lol
Yes I like Hong Kong ^_^ although I couldn't really get used to their food hehe.
But few days ago I was just out in another city.
Yes, I thought that maybe Chihayafuru was getting boring - especially with all of those hiatuses that happened last year and Taichi missing in action, but every time a new chapter is out, it still look as exciting.
Yeah I am surprised that Sou took a copy of the USB - although he did that thinking that it's okay because Sou just let it lay around but still...that's bad. Good thing Chihaya told him about it, I was touched knowing how much he loves karuta though. Although there is a big chance for him to become this year's representative, I will feel bad for him if ever he lose to Arata hehe.
It doesn't looks like it's going to end anytime soon though... but yeah it doesn't look like it will last that long as well.
Me too...I wonder what am I going to do once Chihayafuru ended...I will seriously miss it. I do not want it to run longer than this but I do not want it to end as well (-______________-)
Yes it's been a while hehe. Sorry for the late reply, I was gone as well.
How was your vacation? Hope you had lots of fun.
Yes, chapter 178 is one of the best chapters so far...Shinobu was really touching..although I hope she will not lose her unique side.
Chapter 179.... I've got mixed feelings about it, I think Taichi might get bashed by his haters again - although I rarely see those immature fans of Arata lately so maybe they will stay quiet( I hope)
I know (T___T) as a Taichihya shipper, watching that movie was painful for me because of the way they portrayed Chihaya's feelings. ( ;___; )
The actress who played as Shinobu is really cute and for some reason, she really looks like Shinobu lol - not to mention she's also left handed. Although the actor who played Hyoro is the one closest to the character he's playing for (in terms of face haha)
Me too, although I have some doubts that the movie will be able to show it as deep as how it was in the manga..
I honestly am interested to know who's going to play as Sou as well hehe.
Have you seen chapter 179?
Wow, I am surprised because most people didn't really like the second part of the movie.
I didn't like how they made Chihaya look as if she's in love with Arata (T___T)
But Arata and Shinobu's time together made me ship them a bit lol. They look so good together - especially because they look alike.
Yeah, I heard the third movie will show the outcome of that match.
I wonder if they are going to include the whole confession and rejection scene though.
Happy March too ^_^
I didn't like You like in April as much...it's just overly dramatic for me and I'm not into that.
Thank you for the compliment (∩__∩)
The first time I saw it, I seriously thought it was just a fan-made. I wonder why it ended up like that >_< although I put the manga on hold for a while now.
Gintama and One Piece are both funny. Gintama is more of a gag anime so it's main focus is making people laugh but sometimes there are serious arc too and good fighting scenes.
One Piece is also very funny but unlike Gintama, One Piece have a plot (Gintama doesn't) and I like how they go on different places, meet new people, fight and go back on their journey, it's more like telling off Luffy and his crew's journey towards their dream.
Full Metal Alchemist, it's also a shounen anime but more serious and have a better plot and good character development. It's actually the best anime for me lol.
Horimiya got an anime adaptation right? Did you watch it?
For some reason I like the manga better.
Yes I watched all of the funny scenes of Gintama and One Piece then watched FMA lol.
What manga are you planning to read btw?
It's okay for me, just a normal day lol. I'll probably just watch some funny anime scenes.
How about yours?
Those Taiwanese actors looked really handsome and good actors haha.
I think in Japanese, men are still seen as superior than women...their ideal beauty is a Yamato Nadeshiko after all. But maybe it's changing a bit now, there are manga/anime where the girls beat the men and men doesn't want to fight back because it's not manly to do so.
I do not like Hapi Mari btw. It started interesting and I like how strong the female lead is but later on she started to become weak and insecure.
Yes me too. I wish they will scan it soon, it's always nice to see everyone's opinion in each other - I just wish there will be more posters... the old posters that I knew were no longer as active >_<
Yes, I watched the Japanese, Taiwanese and Korean version. - I like the Taiwanese version the most. What's interesting tho is that, the actor and actress who portrayed them in the Japanese version..became real lovers and is now engaged.
Lol haha that's why I asked you about it because I was shocked about those scenes as well.
I made a mistake with Chihayafuru..it's not 5-6 months but 3 months.
The newest chapter was just out...although not scanlated yet.