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Feb 1, 2016 12:35 AM

Aug 2013
Cejara said:
Jonesy974 said:

Please. If that were the case, I'd pull a Manato. Only I'd just get myself shot in the fucking head to end the misery.

Lmao, yeah i hear you on that. I feel like thats why they decided to make it a shorter show with a faster pacing to it. The story the write is trying to portray I feel like lends itself better to the LN than it does an anime. This is just my opinion though from what I have seen. The pacing in this episode was fast and they skipped some important details like the whole encounter with the Goblins at the end, as well as, not including the missing arrow in Manato's back lol.

Yea, it was a bit rushed. It felt like they tried to fit a lot into one episode. Especially since they combined a lot of the exposition with explaining the new skills and such, combined with the death. Just felt like a tad too much.

The shitty thing about the condensed pace is that it's not helping the already less than stellar character development. But at the same time it wouldn't benefit the show by having all of it, because it would be super boring.

It's basically a tossup between: "condense the material, have SoL moments that aren't really important to the story so we can fit more material in, but then character development suffers and deaths aren't as impactful", or "draw the series out and portray characters the way they should be so people are invested, but at the cost of there being loads of episodes where they do absolutely nothing or just the same shit over and over".

Option A pretty much seems like the lesser of two evils, lol.
Feb 1, 2016 12:36 AM

Jun 2013
This guy died to a goblin. How lame do you have to be to die to a goblin. Thats like dying to snail in maplestory or some shit
Feb 1, 2016 12:41 AM

Oct 2013
The ideas they were going for in this episode were fantastic, but a lot of parts really failed to make it work well.

The whole point of Manato's death was to convey the message that death very often comes when you least expect it. This was conveyed well by making it look like they were building up his character in the opening scene by giving him more characterization with the animal thing as well as setting up a romantic relationship with Shihoru (how she deals with his death will hopefully be handled well in later episodes). Also, even though the scene itself was bland, Haruhiro explaining the different abilities of the characters, as well as showing how much they have progressed with respect to killing goblins both physically and emotionally conveys this theme well.

However, quite a number of scenes totally ruin this buildup from making much sense. The next episode previews from episode 3, the scene with Manato talking about the values of his friends, Haruhiro saying "Or, so I thought..." etc. Why would you make a point about how unexpected death can be when the viewer already knows by various obvious cues that Manato is going to die? So many elements about the buildup to Manato's death clash with one another that it left so little of an impact on me.

Also, I'm done with these fucking insert songs. I just keep thinking to myself "how much more emotional would that scene have been if it was just Shihoru crying in the background?" Not only does it clash with the tone of the scene, but they put in an insert song basically in the same timeslot of each episode, making Manato's cremation scene unimmersive and formulaic.

Grimgar is such a mixed bag so far, and this episode cements this for me. So many little details are done so well, yet there are a ton of things go against the things that make Grimgar interesting. Gonna keep watching this, but maybe I'll read the LN as I assume that is better handled than this.
Feb 1, 2016 12:57 AM
Sep 2013
Looks like the plot hits us pretty deeply this episode. Literally.
I'm actually looking forward to see the development of the other characters now. The pace has been slow for the past 4 episodes. Well, I could understand that since they were giving us an introduction of the story and stuff so I don't mind. Also, i hope that this won't turn into a weird harem with an OP MC. That's what's happened to some similar anime/manga that I've known and I don't like it.
dammdd123Feb 1, 2016 1:04 AM
Feb 1, 2016 1:16 AM

Aug 2012
hoopla123 said:
Manato dying was pretty obvious.

Noobs should have brought healing potions and reviving charms

They're poor noobs remember?

Still making rookie mistakes. Why was the healer so far back?

The song fit in a lot better unlike last time.
Feb 1, 2016 1:30 AM

Sep 2014
Also, the introduction to the new characters at the end makes me think that some of them will join the group. I mean, they are now out a priest and we saw this

from left to right what looks like a priest, a tank, and thief or hunter.

I think this new group may somehow run into them and Haruhiro will ask them to join, knowing he needs them. BUT, as keeping in relation to the story, the additions may pose a threat later on.

Also, if he does add those three, I'm seeing a possible issue with the chick that looks like a hunter/theif. She may take a liking to Haruhiro and I'm betting that Yume might like him and shit might go down between the two. Daddy needs his ships dammit.
Feb 1, 2016 1:38 AM

Dec 2013
So Lv.5 Manato was slain by a Lv.10 Goblin Archer.

Sad situation for the party indeed but honestly not much feels for me.

Shihoru's reaction is sad to watch and damn.. this is probably her first love?

BenphyreFeb 1, 2016 1:55 AM
Stay in yesterday 時を止めて
Feb 1, 2016 1:40 AM

Oct 2015
That was an amazing episode. Apart from the rather uninteresting skill showcase at the start.
This is one of a few times I've actually felt like crying in an anime. Though the death itself lacked impact, when you saw the rest of the casts reactions to his death it mad me feel terrible for them. Manato was basically everything for them. He organised everything they did, took care and was special to them all in different ways. So when you think about how the party will cope without him it is a bit of a tearjerker.

This anime should be ranked higher.
I expect it will only get better.
Feb 1, 2016 1:45 AM

Dec 2013
Darn even master fucking Pakku couldn't save him feelsbadman
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) fine booty
Feb 1, 2016 1:53 AM
Dec 2013
I feel like this mightve been better as a movie with multiple parts. The pacing is so slow to have to wait a week inbetween episodes lol. Anyways, I was waiting for manato to die since episode 2, hopefully things start to pick up. And it looks like a new character joins them next week.
Feb 1, 2016 1:53 AM

Jul 2010
5/5 Dayum Manato. RIP.
“Are there some unseen roles that we have unknowingly set ourselves into, dictating the rules of engagement whenever we see each other, inevitably leading to us hurting each other?”
Feb 1, 2016 2:00 AM

Apr 2014
I liked the first part, where they were killing those goblins. The second part was to be expected honestly. The leader of the group who is friendly with everyone dies, which makes the group closer. It has been done before but the acting and all was good, and that cry was eerie. 8/10

Also, this goblin looks like a fucking savage:
Feb 1, 2016 2:09 AM

Jul 2014
Fappa said:
slackvariable said:
I'm not really feeling those feels. Maybe I'm heartless, who knows...

I came to this thread hoping for this exact gif

You're not heartless. Ironically this is just a realistic behavior. While a character death usually should face us like hell this one rather tries to show us how people can die there any second even before you really get to know them.

We are basically the same as the other characters besides Manato they've spent a lot of time with him but they've never really known who he is. At the start of the episode we saw how they are start to slowly walk up to each other and open up. And within a blink of an eye all this has died off. It's supposed to show you how unforgiving this world is and that it can hit anyone, anytime.

So for you not really being attached to Manato is actually a way of showing, hey characters can be killed even if you are on the way to really know them.

Maybe, but I'd say all those mourning scenes at the end of the episode kinda suggest that I'm meant to feel something
Feb 1, 2016 2:11 AM

Nov 2011
Saw that coming a mile away.

The dude who was essentially perfect and linchpin of the group dies, so now we'll see where the characters go from here. I'm betting that while they'll probably get stronger (after some remorse) , something bad is going to come from it within the group.

As obvious as that was though, still pretty good, but I'm not too sure how I feel about this pacing. I think depending on the next episode will decide how the form of the show will be (imo). If it's a whole episode of just them mourning about it with some more music and panning of scenery... Meh.

If they can start getting things picked up; I think it's going to do fantastic.
Touch me, you filthy casual~
Feb 1, 2016 2:20 AM

Apr 2013
Goody, someone finally kick the bucket and it had to be the most useful guy. Next to game over better be a girl now. Screw this series if all females are protected by plot armor.
Feb 1, 2016 2:22 AM

Jun 2014
Jonesy974 said:

That ending scene right after they scatter his ashes and are standing in a group, that really irked me, because: it was STILL a part of the insert song, they replayed the same frame for like 25 seconds - just them standing there with the breeze blowing, and the art for those frames wasn't even good. Haruhiro and Yume's faces had like DBZ Super level of quality. It just blows my mind that if they reused the same frame for half a minute that they didn't make the quality god tier.

Exactly this. That last scene pissed me off.
DancingJack said:

This episode wasn't bad... but wasn't it pretty stupid of Manato to tough it out like "everything is fine" as a priest, instead of healing himself around the next corner?
Looked like they were mostly out of danger at that point and he didn't exactly need to run through the woods with a arrow in his back...

I think goblins would've caught up to them if they stopped to soon. It wasn't like they blocked all the ways for goblins. #goblinsOP
Feb 1, 2016 2:30 AM

Apr 2015
Kind of got spoilt before watching this episode (:/), but it was the best episode thus far. Was expecting some death from early on, but really didn't expect it to be their 'leader'. I'm interested to find out how the death will impact the party esp. Shihoru.
Feb 1, 2016 3:55 AM

Oct 2013
"Allright noobs. You got the basics. Tutorial is done. Guide goes bye-bye." <- basically that's what happened.

I am angry. Manato was not just my favorite character. I actually identified with him. I watched the anime thinking " If I suddenly got in a strange world without any memories and with a group of clueless idiots that's what I would do as well."
So when he died I lost connection with the anime, my alter-ego got killed. It isn't the first time though. I always choose a character to identify with more or less and I already had to watch deaths of 4 characters I really identified with so I am kinda used to it.

And I can't say I didn't see it coming. I knew Manato is too different and too perfect to be true. I actually supposed he might be some kind of "traitor"/"npc" - a character that actually knows a lot about the world and only pretends to be new and will stay with the team only till they learn enough to survive by themselves. And it happened.

I hope other characters will grow up as result of his death. I quess I will try identifying with Ranta or Shihoru next, depending how they change. And I am curious about the new, rumored priest. Maybe she will be a decent replacement.
I need a character to identify with in order to be able fully get into an anime world.
Feb 1, 2016 4:10 AM

Apr 2014
Bah..this episode annoyed me more instead of trying to make me feel sad.

First of all, that infodump in the beginning was completely unnecessary since it just ruined the immersion during the fights and I could see they've improved their skills. Second, Manato death was so moronic and poorly done I just couldn't help but sigh. Didn't they always scout ahead and map their locations whenever they hunted goblins? Something like an elite group of goblins should have been noticed if the area was scouted. But never mind that, Manato not telling them about the arrow made his character look incredibly stupid. His death could easily have been prevented if he told them about the arrow as soon as he got hit by one and got himself healed. If he was worried about being pursued then that's even more stupid because his blood loss could have slowed down his party putting them in danger.

Lastly, the usage of silence would have worked much better during the ending scenes but oh boy, another fucking insert song played for 4 minutes with a bunch of stills to use up the episode time. I would have been fine if they did it only once but this has been happening in every episode.

Feb 1, 2016 4:33 AM

Dec 2015
I am so happy that the leader died, he "babysitted" the all group so much it was becoming annoying. His real role in the story was better than I thought. First time I am really waiting for the next episode.
There are supernatural beings in this world? Interesting. Now, we just need the band to hire a native priest, who could bring his knowledges about the environment.

During the skills intro, I smiled when the hero mentionned the priest's position and role on the battleground. They lack more sense than a kid playing a video RPG.
By the way, thanks to the person who gave details from the novels about the skills, because the anime shows them as nothing more than auto-executed videogames moves.
Rei_IIIFeb 1, 2016 4:41 AM
Feb 1, 2016 4:33 AM

Sep 2013
Didn't expect that wow....

This episode was so depressing and i don't even know how they're gonna survive without a healer,this anime is just amazing for the moment can't wait for the next episode.
Deep dark fantasies
Feb 1, 2016 4:33 AM

Jan 2012
Didn't think anyone would die in this anime...

Feb 1, 2016 5:00 AM

Jan 2015
Xenocrisi said:
SkullProX said:
75% of people gave this ep an 5, but the anim ratings decreased from 7.79 to 7.3~.
And after seeing OPM get a 9, while that has 7.3 I can say it with confidence that MAL's taste s*cks.

Did you miss 3 weeks or something?

No, but I don't have a shitty attention span like most people here.
Feb 1, 2016 5:03 AM

Feb 2012
Them feels this episode is strong. I thought this was an anime where no one does. Guess wrong.

Hoping to see more chara yet development and new characters. They need a new healer so someone new should be introduced.
You can just be yourself. Do things your own way, one step at a time. You'll get there. Just be yourself, you'll be fine."
~Fruit Basket
Feb 1, 2016 5:19 AM

Jan 2013
Did this happen in the manga too? Have they killed him off early?
Feb 1, 2016 5:25 AM

Nov 2011
Its SAO without Kirito so its good but there's no one gonna save you now.

Feb 1, 2016 5:25 AM

Feb 2015
Benphyre said:

Shihoru's reaction is sad to watch and damn.. this is probably her first love?

her first love suddenly died......that is so painfull for her. she was liking him more than before, but suddenly he died...DAMN!
sorry for bad english.
Feb 1, 2016 5:28 AM

May 2009
CVArk said:
Did this happen in the manga too? Have they killed him off early?

It's a LN adaptation not manga adaptation.
Feb 1, 2016 5:29 AM

Dec 2010
...probably the most slow-pace anime ever, and always with FEELS! what with anime

...dark knight should have died instead
Feb 1, 2016 5:32 AM

Dec 2014
The priest died because he tried to take one member of the mc's unofficial harem. >:D

I wonder what would happen to the group now... I think i heard Kotomine Kirei, old dude..?
Feb 1, 2016 5:33 AM

Jan 2015
CVArk said:
Did this happen in the manga too? Have they killed him off early?


Feb 1, 2016 5:47 AM

Oct 2008
Definitely didn't see Manato being the first one to go. I thought the show would eventually tell us more about Manato was worrying about during his conversations with Haru at night. He seemed like the type that would have something more to reveal. :(

Also, officially can't stand Shihoru's character.

Fappa said:
- Also did you realize that their priest, their healer, was constantly at the front lines basically acting like a tank? The one class that was supposed to be the farthest away from battle was the focus of the battle instead. This was bound to fail sooner or later but they couldn’t help it.

This bothered me the most about their strategy because really, they have 5 other attackers and they use the healer at the front. :| But good to know that it was there to show how such mistakes can cost them...

Appreciate your detailed breakdowns each episode, keep doing the good work you are doing.

Nexxkinn said:
Just stop advertising the album already. Do you really want the album sold well that much?

Pretty much my gripe as well. Had the previous episodes not been using insert songs gratuitously it would have been more powerful here, since for once it actually deserved an insert song, but by this point it's just grating. Do the producers want the show to be remembered as an advertising vehicle for KNoWNAME? :|
Feb 1, 2016 5:49 AM

Jul 2015
Xenocrisi said:
CVArk said:
Did this happen in the manga too? Have they killed him off early?



But in the LN/Manga... they atacked two of those goblins but they were too strong and they had to retreat and Manato is killed with a knife that was thrown by the crossbow goblin.... the other two goblins only appear in the end of volume 1.
Feb 1, 2016 5:50 AM

May 2008
Pretty awesome episode. There I thought that the Shihoru x Manato ship was getting ready to sail. Ending part was very amazing and the still shots of the rest of the party were gorgeous especially with the background song. Pacing could do a little work but overall I will probably stick with the show until the end.
Feb 1, 2016 5:53 AM

Jun 2009
Welp, my only reason for watching the anime is dead.
I really liked their reactions though. It felt genuine.

But the scene when they scattered the ashes was too long for my tasting.

I wanted to drop the anime after this episode, but Manato's death will keep me watching. I'm interested to see how they're going to handle life from now on.
I like pancakes.
Feb 1, 2016 5:58 AM

Jan 2010
Yep, those were the hobgoblins, as you saw a little overwhelming compared to regular goblins.
Feb 1, 2016 6:11 AM

Jan 2015
pablomc said:
Xenocrisi said:



But in the LN/Manga... they atacked two of those goblins but they were too strong and they had to retreat and Manato is killed with a knife that was thrown by the crossbow goblin.... the other two goblins only appear in the end of volume 1.

He dies in any case.
Feb 1, 2016 6:14 AM
Dec 2009
Manato... it's too bad we didn't get to know him for another episode or two. It will be interesting to see what the team does not, they lost their calm leader and the guys left are hot heads. They'll need to regroup and find a new way to work together... and I guess they need to try and find a new healer or have someone else learn healing magic...
Feb 1, 2016 6:18 AM

Aug 2013
bastek66 said:
First half distracted everyone with Yume

Yume is adorable


Everything is going so well and dandy then... Manato dies ;A; RIP
Feb 1, 2016 6:27 AM

Jul 2015
Xenocrisi said:
pablomc said:

But in the LN/Manga... they atacked two of those goblins but they were too strong and they had to retreat and Manato is killed with a knife that was thrown by the crossbow goblin.... the other two goblins only appear in the end of volume 1.

He dies in any case.

Yep... but the action was far better in the LN and explained why he couldn't heal himself, besides, it was more dramatic and had more impact.
Feb 1, 2016 6:52 AM

Feb 2008
I guess one should never underestimate goblins...
Feb 1, 2016 7:03 AM

Nov 2010
That death was needed to spice things up in this series. Glad he died.

Now all we need is Shihoru to follow him to the other side.
Feb 1, 2016 7:22 AM

Jan 2013
FlamingYu said:
Next to game over better be a girl now. Screw this series if all females are protected by plot armor.

They are here to be raped by big green orcs, obviously, in order to make show more edgy and "realistic". You can have them die in combat before that.
Signature removed. It was too good for this cruel world.
Feb 1, 2016 7:26 AM

Dec 2014
this episode i was like daaaaaaaaaammmmmmmnnnnnnnnnnnnn.....
really liked the musice at the end part of the episode
Feb 1, 2016 7:27 AM

Jan 2013
PantsOnHead said:
Cejara said:

Also for people complaining about them killing Goblins alot: This is a realistic aspect of the show. Its not like Kirito where he just starts merking everything with his OP skills. These people had no fighting skills whatsoever. Think of it this way, if you were put in this world with 0 knowledge or training you would be stuck killing Goblins just to barely survive day by day. Heck most people on here would probably die by a goblin. This is not an action anime, it heavily relies on a realistic tone so things will show what would happen if your or a friend had to go through this situation (if you think of it this way). This is exactly what you would be doing with 0 basic skills to survive in this unknown world.

The way they Kill goblins is the least realistic aspect of the show. Being unable to hit an enemy from behind unless your job is a thief is as far removed from reality as you can get. If this was truely a show about realistic fantasy, then the combat wouldn't be constrained to video game tropes.

Also, Kirito started out by killing boars. There was a timeskip after that. Regardless, it was made clear to the viewer that SAO's combat wasn't supposed to be realistic. Its a game, after all. Even the title of the series itself screams "video game". The same cannot be said of "Grimgar of Fanservice and Edge".

I want to add to this that Grimgar actually randomly gets and loses RPG mechanics on whim mostly in order to mess with the protagonists, then calls it "realistic" when it can be used against them.
Signature removed. It was too good for this cruel world.
Feb 1, 2016 7:41 AM

Aug 2015
Now all I can hope for was Manato's death will not be in vain and this will make them improve even further.

Now all they need now was another priest though.
MizunashiFeb 1, 2016 7:45 AM
Feb 1, 2016 7:44 AM

Jul 2010
I wonder when we'll get comments that doesn't reference the LN?

Not trying to attack anybody or anything but, it's the anime we're talking about here, not the LN kinda thingy.
Feb 1, 2016 7:54 AM

Mar 2014
Manato was obviously going to be the first death and it definitely made it less impactful. This episode was still good though overall.
Feb 1, 2016 8:19 AM

Dec 2014
Nice episode, Started pretty light with each of them showcasing they're new spells. That sudden attack by the goblin archers and the goblin (ogre?) caught them completely off guard. The party still has much to learn I suppose, Still a bunch of amateurs XD

I should have known, I should have known this would happen. Especially since I knew

I did expect a death but not this early.

This death is really gonna show that the world they're in is not just a simple fantasy.
Feb 1, 2016 8:20 AM

Mar 2011
Was about time he die. Thank god.
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