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Log Horizon
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Nov 30, 2014 7:44 AM

May 2009
He died once and understands everything, the others died hundred of times and understands shits
<img src="" border="0" />
Nov 30, 2014 8:00 AM

Sep 2013
This is much more fun than season one. They are really hard pressed here. No longer feels like a walk in hte park. still wondering wtf happened to krusty?
- My creativity is plummeting. -
Nov 30, 2014 8:37 AM

May 2014
Lol... This episode had lots of flashbacks of his past and he looked like a real nerd but what can i say?
Nov 30, 2014 3:02 PM

Oct 2011
3 Raid Bosses OMFG
Nov 30, 2014 3:09 PM

Oct 2013
deanzel said:

Good god. Shiroe looks soooooooo Asian irl. He's making that face being like: "I faired agrain. Only got an A- on test."

Oh... and the episode. Just meh again. Classic DEENing.

I hope I'm not the only one who thought he looked really derpy.... right?

The episode was pretty good though!
Nov 30, 2014 4:33 PM

Jun 2014
you know.... I was super pissed that they were going backwards last week, but now I understand why. You learn a lot this episode. and it was a really cool one!
Next episode looks to be a hopeful one too
Be sure to message me if you quoted me and want me to respond! Just give me a link to the forum, because usually I leave my comment, then leave the forum.
Nov 30, 2014 5:02 PM

Dec 2013
Takuan_Soho said:
StevenHu said:

Well, things tend to appear bigger when placed near small objects. :P

Since it now is pretty clear that they are not going to explore Akatsuki's back story, this is a good time to explain it.

Akatsuki in real life IS that small (while her game body is closer to her real seize it is still larger). Though 23 she looks like a middle school student (not just short, but also looking extremely young - this is why they didn't show her in "real world" - I think NHK was a tad uncomfortable with the idea).

This is why she has such a complex and is socially mal-adjusted. Imagine going to college while looking like you are 13, no guy (except for those with extreme loli complexes) could ask her out because it would just be overpowering weird. The first time she WAS asked out was when she was 20 (her suitor was 13 and thought she was younger than him). Women also had a hard time knowing how to deal with her for the same reasons.

Because everyone else is so utterly focused on how she looks, no one ever bothered to know who she was, hence her confidence has been totally shot because she never knows if people actual respect what she did because the quality, or rather because they are praising her like they would a child.

This is why Akatsuki has such hostility towards perverts (because she attracted far more than her fair share of them), why she is so attached to Shiroe (like Nureha, he was the first person who honestly respected her for what she was, not who she looked like, and she is desperate to retain this judgement and attention since it was the first time in her life she has received it), and why she had problems dealing with other people.

Should add, the art is growing on me. It seems appropriate for the change in the tone of this season form the previous season. It's not Dean's fault that Tea Party Kanami had a far better character design than current Kanami.

Thanks for the info. I feel like I actually learned something useful. Shiroe basically saved her by ignoring the external appearances in favor of her usefulness overall. Typical Shiroe I guess...

Still, I don't understand what happened on the "Moon Sever" there. First off, why do they need to throw away their memories of the real world in order to revive themselves? Second, what was the significance of cutting their hair by the shore and letting the waves claim those hairs? Also, if that particular server is where people who die are allowed to revive, why did it seem like they were the only two people there? Where are the rest of Shiroe's raid party? They all died around the same time too, no?
Nov 30, 2014 7:16 PM

Oct 2013
3 at once? thats kinda cracked
"Urushibara Ruka. The mannerisms and voice of a woman... No... More feminine than any woman. But he's a guy. Taller than Mayuri, but so very thin... But he's a guy. Looks great in a miko outfit... But he's a guy. It's already twilight And yet, it's so hot. The cicadas are crying. But... He's a guy."
Nov 30, 2014 7:55 PM

Mar 2014
Hmm I didn't like the second half of the episode. A little too much recycled animation for my taste. Felt like I was watching the same episode as one of the previous ones.

I did like how they showed it from Shiroe's perspective this time though.
Strawberry-RainNov 30, 2014 8:01 PM
MAL: A community that thinks every anime is bad, but rates everything a 7/10.
Nov 30, 2014 8:11 PM

Jan 2008
deanzel said:

Good god. Shiroe looks soooooooo Asian irl. He's making that face being like: "I faired agrain. Only got an A- on test."

Oh... and the episode. Just meh again. Classic DEENing.
Lol. I for one, really liking the different character design they used for Shiroe's IRL look, with lot less anime-exagerated features. Well, most of the time anyways. There were times he looked a bit too squinty-faced (this coming from someone who's Asian).

At least by going with a different design, It really separates their game-avatars (like how most people would make their avatar look similar to themselves in games) with their real-world selves. I wouldn't mind them featuring more of their counterparts IRL, even if it's only in their memories like Shiroe's "death" scene.
Nov 30, 2014 9:13 PM

Oct 2013
Lol the recycled scenes. Eh, I'll make an excuse this time. It actually was okay cuz it sorta reinforced the meaning of the reunion between Akatsuki and Shiroe
Dec 1, 2014 12:24 AM

Mar 2012
I guess I'm the only who found IRL Shiroe kawaii. :3
Dec 1, 2014 11:31 AM

May 2013
Luseat of the Seventh Garden is pretty strong. The raid party already had a hard time trying to beat him, but then Taltaulgar of the Fourth Garden and Ibrahabra of the Third Garden appeared. That's three freakin' raid bosses. THREE.

Lol, real life Shiroe.
And some recycled scenes.

I guess it's time to encourage the raid members and finally finish this boss!
I’m always searching for something, for someone. This feeling has possessed me I think, from that day… That day when the stars came falling.
Dec 1, 2014 5:52 PM

Apr 2012
3 raid boss at once O_O

Nice to know Shiroe past. :)

Dec 1, 2014 7:20 PM

Nov 2013
Awesome episode. Log Horizon has the best 'slow pace'; it feels just so calming and soothing. And daaamn this studio really made Shiroe look Asian haha. Really Japanese looking outside the virtual world.
Dec 1, 2014 10:09 PM

Jun 2014
HandsomeMan said:
Awesome episode. Log Horizon has the best 'slow pace'; it feels just so calming and soothing. And daaamn this studio really made Shiroe look Asian haha. Really Japanese looking outside the virtual world.

xD True.
A great protagonist once said, "It's only overpowered if you can't return the favor!"

Dec 2, 2014 6:24 AM
Apr 2012
xytech said:
That boss looks insanely hard without any addons (looking at you DBM). Sure they use one guy to count the cooldown of one ability, but with 3 bosses simultaneously... Normally you'd dedicate one tank to each boss and tank 2 of them separate from the raid. Say main boss in the middle, one to the left and one to the right. Ranged stack so healers can reach all tanks, and melee stack in front of the boss. Spread momentarily if an ability requires it, but otherwise stay stacked for AoE protections and healing.

That wouldn't work here though, in Log Horizon tactics I'd probably split the group into 3. Send a tank and a couple healers to each of the doors where the other bosses came from. They'll run in before the bosses comes out and tank them there, thus preventing the bosses from entering the main raid room. That way the rest of the raid can finish the main boss in peace while out of range from the other bosses' abilities. Once he's down you bring in one of the others, take him out then bring in the last one.

Having 3 boss at the same time wasn't in the encounter's script. Remember, this is not really a game anymore.
Dec 2, 2014 12:41 PM

Nov 2013
That raid battle was so intense and awesome! I can`t wait to see how they will manage to destroy those raid bosses. >o</

Shiroe`s "real self" looks a lot different than his avatar haha~ That face expression! :))

This is just my assumption,but isn`t
This is where I`d put my signature...If i had one.
Dec 2, 2014 7:56 PM

Jul 2012
I liked the scene by the beach. It's probably my favourite LH season 2 scene so far. Didn't really care for fight scenes.
Dec 2, 2014 9:12 PM

Nov 2011
almost 3 and half minute of copy& paste material from a previous episode (episode 6)
(they pretty much only removed the part where Akatsuki looked up on Shiroe)
sasuga Deen.

the raid was interesting, but 3 bosses at the same time (especially high level bosses) is a tad unfair.
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Dec 2, 2014 9:18 PM
Oct 2013
Hi guys! Just wanted to know if anyone knows why commie hasn't released episode 09 yet?
Dec 2, 2014 9:30 PM

Nov 2011
deejay_valtore said:
Hi guys! Just wanted to know if anyone knows why commie hasn't released episode 09 yet?

maybe because they are prioritizing other shows before this one
or they're too busy with exams
or they gave up and dropped the series (i wouldn't blame them if this was the case)

the only way to know for sure is to ask them directly.
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Show your support to your favorite artist if you can!
ps. if you are looking for Japanese albums, you have to search it in Japanese (not romaji). Just copy and paste the name.

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Dec 3, 2014 6:34 PM
Oct 2012
DreamingBeats said:
almost 3 and half minute of copy& paste material from a previous episode (episode 6)
sasuga Deen.

This has been a standard complaint but I think those who think that are being a tad daft. The scenes were SUPPOSED to overlap, after all it was the exact same moment for both Akatsuki and Shiroe, they experienced the same thing at the same moment, so why shouldn't the art be the same in order to make this more clear?

And it bears repeating, because the only way to retrain parrots is through repetition, but Studio Deen isn't calling the shots here, the Director and writers are the same from season 1. All Deen is doing is providing the animation for the story boards the original team has created. If you don't like something about this aspect of the show blame them not Deen.
Dec 4, 2014 4:52 AM
Aug 2013
I 've really like this episode ,shiroe's retrospective and this raid boss was completly OP enoug but when the two other show off I was like "no way they gonna defeat them O_O .
Dec 6, 2014 12:16 AM

Nov 2010
Luseat has some nice skills as a raid boss
Too bad the battle animation was lacking mostly, but looking up some video's on MMORPG raids would fill that void
The scenes of Shiroe and Akatsuki on the moon from his perspective felt like a date
His flashbacks of his real looks (by DEEN standards) wasn't that far off with his character ingame
Dec 6, 2014 9:02 PM

Jun 2009
Takuan_Soho said:
DreamingBeats said:
almost 3 and half minute of copy& paste material from a previous episode (episode 6)
sasuga Deen.

This has been a standard complaint but I think those who think that are being a tad daft. The scenes were SUPPOSED to overlap, after all it was the exact same moment for both Akatsuki and Shiroe, they experienced the same thing at the same moment, so why shouldn't the art be the same in order to make this more clear?

And it bears repeating, because the only way to retrain parrots is through repetition, but Studio Deen isn't calling the shots here, the Director and writers are the same from season 1. All Deen is doing is providing the animation for the story boards the original team has created. If you don't like something about this aspect of the show blame them not Deen.

i bet you enjoyed and advocated for endless 8, didn't you? the last part of this episode was a disgrace.
Dec 7, 2014 10:01 AM
May 2011
I cant see shiroe and company takin all threeof them out
Dec 7, 2014 10:51 AM
Oct 2007
I loved the shows. It doesn't just go into game mode but about living in a game world. There everyday lives. Only in a game world could you find a building that cost less to buy than it does to run it! Really 10 million/month to run when the facility only cost 5 million to buy.

What a backwards economy.

Now I found reference to hair cutting in a dream.

To dream that you are cutting your hair suggests that you are experiencing a loss in strength. You may feel that someone is trying to censor you. Alternatively, you may be reshaping your thinking or ambitions and eliminating unwanted thoughts/habits.

So after what Shiroe experienced the last part of the meaning seems very plausible.
Dec 7, 2014 2:47 PM

Feb 2013
I want to solo 3 raid bosses at once. Would be fun.
That is kind of ridiculous though. They got rekt.
Dec 7, 2014 4:06 PM

Oct 2007
Stark700 said:
Pretty intense episode.

Pretty intense talking, huh?
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Dec 13, 2014 6:55 PM

Apr 2012
So, is the purpose of everybody being stuck in the game to teach them to value life?
Dec 16, 2014 7:43 AM

May 2010
Finally Akatsuki learnt her teaching, Thank God. I was so tired of her "I'm weak. "

Freezing liner attack was really awesome.
Dec 16, 2014 9:38 AM

May 2010
Recycle game going strong. Ain't that totally awesome?

A nice episode if you disregard that.
Dec 20, 2014 12:48 AM

May 2010
Shiroe's back-story is basically identical to my own. I felt exactly like he did as a child, called "mature" for my age but didn't really identify with my peers. We're even both strategists. And my biggest weakness is probably that I don't open up to/trust people! I didn't expect to get so much insight on my own life from Log Horizon.
Dec 23, 2014 2:20 PM

May 2013
Dec 30, 2014 6:05 AM

Jul 2012
Lol, they used a good bit of the same scene again. First half was solid though. How the hell are they supposed to beat three raid bosses at once? They could barely handle the first one o__o
Dec 31, 2014 1:49 PM

Dec 2008
Real life Shiroe is CUTE!

Sent with Mal Updater
Feb 6, 2015 6:35 AM

Dec 2012

Mar 4, 2015 10:46 PM

Aug 2013
And I was just thinking that knight all already an impossible boss.
Booom that was crazy I could only laugh. XD
Mar 19, 2015 10:57 AM

Dec 2010
Wow, an even better episode. This season totally puts the first one in the dust, I'm glad that the boring part was dealt with back then.
Apr 6, 2015 10:15 AM

May 2012
Solid development and lovely action so let's see what's next!
Nov 6, 2015 2:50 AM

Jul 2013
I see so those events were happening simultaneously and that's how they met. Still average episode though. Epic and awesome first half but shitty and boring second half.
Nov 15, 2015 8:45 AM

Oct 2010
Intense battle to be honest, I wouldn't mind if it lasted for an entire episode. 3 bosses was kinda overkill though. There was no way to get out of that. Can't wait for next one.
Mar 16, 2016 4:24 PM

Nov 2015
Takuan_Soho said:

Since it now is pretty clear that they are not going to explore Akatsuki's back story, this is a good time to explain it.

Akatsuki in real life IS that small (while her game body is closer to her real seize it is still larger). Though 23 she looks like a middle school student (not just short, but also looking extremely young - this is why they didn't show her in "real world" - I think NHK was a tad uncomfortable with the idea).

This is why she has such a complex and is socially mal-adjusted. Imagine going to college while looking like you are 13, no guy (except for those with extreme loli complexes) could ask her out because it would just be overpowering weird. The first time she WAS asked out was when she was 20 (her suitor was 13 and thought she was younger than him). Women also had a hard time knowing how to deal with her for the same reasons.

Because everyone else is so utterly focused on how she looks, no one ever bothered to know who she was, hence her confidence has been totally shot because she never knows if people actual respect what she did because the quality, or rather because they are praising her like they would a child.

This is why Akatsuki has such hostility towards perverts (because she attracted far more than her fair share of them), why she is so attached to Shiroe (like Nureha, he was the first person who honestly respected her for what she was, not who she looked like, and she is desperate to retain this judgement and attention since it was the first time in her life she has received it), and why she had problems dealing with other people.

Should add, the art is growing on me. It seems appropriate for the change in the tone of this season from the previous season. It's not Dean's fault that Tea Party Kanami had a far better character design than current Kanami.

Wow, that is really interesting! Glad I read your comment.
Jun 4, 2016 11:01 AM
Dec 2014
Loved the first part, tactical boss battles are always appreciated
Sep 17, 2016 12:29 PM
Mar 2016
real life shiroe is FUGLY im gonna pretend i never saw that
Oct 22, 2016 9:26 AM

Jan 2013
White Knight mode lol
Lmao at everyone else laughing at Shiroe's IRL look, what'd you think honestly? - That he would be a super handsome fit guy being one of the most popular players in Elder Tale?
Apr 5, 2017 7:03 PM

Mar 2016
Until he dies the episode was actually fine, the fight and strategies were good.
But after that it was SO BORING !!!

This was me for the last 10 minutes:

If you watched 13 Reasons Why in 13 hours in a row (like me) you got my respect !
Apr 8, 2018 12:55 PM

May 2016
No wonder they died 3 bosses at the same time is fucked up I wonder how they can beat them.

Shiroe is pretty lame IRL, to be honest, I don't wanna see him again, but it was a pretty interesting episode.
Apr 29, 2018 10:53 PM

Apr 2009
3 raid bosses at the same time? Time to go home for me! LOL I bet Williams feels even more alive than ever before because of this.
You see there's no need to wonder where your god is,
Coz he's right here! ...and he's fresh out of mercy.
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