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Aug 28, 2015 8:24 AM

Nov 2011
Well, that was a rather tense episode. I like this girls' roles though so far:

I'm glad to see Rin becoming more relevant in this season though.
Seems like they are working on the song as well. Interesting. I think the latter half of this season will pick up the pacing with the idols to shine again, at least hopefully. I want to see Rin and the others succeed!
Aug 28, 2015 10:18 AM

Jul 2014
And once again this show decides to construct some stupidly forced and contrived drama, which really shows that they've completely run out of ideas. I've said it before (probably) and I'll say it again: this is absolute trash compared to the original iDOLM@STER series. Heck, they're even repeating themselves with Mio running off like that.

They really shouldn't have bothered with this second cour at all. They'd have been better off leaving things where the first cour ended rather than milking it for the sheer sake of it.

Also, why's the episode count changed when it was confirmed ages ago that this would be 12 episodes?
Aug 28, 2015 10:51 AM
Aug 28, 2015 11:43 AM
Jul 2018
This episode was focusing on Rin and Anastasia.

Mio is running off again.
Aug 28, 2015 12:26 PM

Nov 2011
So Mio thinks its ok for her to move up by herself and doesnt accept Rin's??
Its great to see Kanada and Syuko, i want to see more of them!
All in all episode was about the 2 best girls and i loved it. I can understand why their decision was hard to make
IheartCCAug 28, 2015 12:36 PM
Hate Keeps me warm
Aug 28, 2015 1:26 PM

Aug 2010
Mio ruining everything again.
Seriously I don't get this character. She first makes a drama because Rin wants to TRY another project (not even leave NG) and then she decides to do a solo debut without even CONSULTING her two partners, something Rin had the decency to do.
What's her problem? I really try to like her but she then does things like this...?
She is the one who is destroying NG. And now she leaves poor Uzuki all by herself.

Anyway, I'm really glad for Anya! I'm sure she will make a great job, and it's so touching to see Minami supporting her <3
I'm glad Rin decided to give Triad Primus a shot too :)
Aug 28, 2015 1:35 PM

Mar 2013
Mio acts like a brat, has a paddy because Rin's taking a good opportunity, and then completely abandons New Gen in protest by going solo and leaving Uzuki in the dust? Worst girl confirmed.
Aug 28, 2015 3:49 PM

Sep 2008
Why I have impression that drama between New Gen girls was just like first one?
It feels like they used the same dialogues, scenes... just little edited it with adding new background and outfits...
Even this part where all girls are in their bedrooms...

Tohka_Yatogami said:
This episode was focusing on Rin and Anastasia.

I feel like Anastasia get more screentime than Rin in this episode.
It was like in this episode Anastasia is MC and Rin is just "support".

sweetdrops said:
And now she leaves poor Uzuki all by herself.

No, Uzuki isn't all by herself...
She have Rin with her :)
Rin don't have to leave NG, she can be in both groups :)
Good that Mio leaving NG!
NG will be better without her!
Aug 28, 2015 3:53 PM

Aug 2013
Mio its no Leaving the NG, she is just doing a solo project on same way that Rin its trying something new, its different from her attitude on last season...
Aug 28, 2015 7:27 PM
Sep 2014
I wonder what Takeuchi-P said to Mio...?
Aug 28, 2015 7:53 PM
Jun 2015
I understand Rin and Anastasia are participating in Project Krone including Nao and Karen, but they just trying the project out not quiting their idol units. If these two idols and the others don't like the project or if their project was an utter failure by thre fans, then it will be a unimpressive result and Rin, Nao,Karen, Anastasia and others will left the project and join the Cinderella Ball to make their fans smile. However, I'm getting the feeling that Uzuki is going to have a lonely scenario just like Haruka did in the first Idolmaster series and their bonds are drifted apart.
Aug 28, 2015 9:08 PM

Dec 2009
Mio what the flipping fudge man.. Not this shit again.
Aug 28, 2015 9:39 PM
Nov 2011
Mishiro won this time, and I hate this episode just because of that!
Aug 28, 2015 10:01 PM

Aug 2008
Tohka_Yatogami said:
This episode was focusing on Rin and Anastasia.

Mio is running off again.

Is she do? Well, her line was rather ambiguous. Is she... Taking a break form her current Unit? Or is she intending on working both with the unit, but also going solo? Well, being the melodrama bait character that she is, she probably meant she will leave the unit to to pursue a solo stint.

Now now, at least she isn't rage-quitting like in the first season. As she's motivated at least, can't you guys show some more support for her character breakthrough? :p

Well, either way, continuing from this episode's tempo, there's bound to be a shit-storm next episode. Should prove interesting.
Aug 28, 2015 10:13 PM

Aug 2011
Mio is literally the most annoyingly selfish character I've ever seen. Like, she has zero redeeming qualities but the show keeps trying to portray her in a sympathetic way. This got on my nerves in the 1st season, and now they're doing it again. I get that she sort of seems like an average whiny teenage girl but it's still annoying.

Honestly, I'm watching this show because I like idol anime but Mio is just way too irritating.
Aug 28, 2015 11:29 PM

May 2012
not sure how i feel about this episode... mishiro may be a bitch but at least she knows who the best 2 girls are lol, mios being a bitch also.... but i guess she always has.... whatever lol, go anya and shiburin! i guess... lol we shall see, also bs cliff hanger -_-
Aug 29, 2015 12:08 AM

Jun 2010
Holy crap do the writers hate Mio or what, they make her the most unlikable character ever. I was sympathetic with her at first about Rin joining the new group but then she basically throws Rin and Uzuki under the bus with her "solo debut."
Aug 29, 2015 1:51 AM

Aug 2011
Oh well that was a sad episode.

About "Rin just trying out something new and doesn't quit NG." Well i think who thinks this way should keep in mind that a day has only 24hours. Besides school, family, the Fall thing of that cow, the winter ball and the usual training and performances they have to do weekly and this with two units, this is clearly impossible to stand in long terms.
Thats exactly what Uzuki and Mio know and the producer knew that right the moment when he talked at the office with that black witch. Pretty clear that she only tries to weaken the result of the Cinderella project so she can disband them, mostly to prove her way is the right thing.
Rin doesn't do anything wrong because I don't think she was really clear about what the consequences could be. But if she would know it would be a harsh unfriendly move of her.
Thats why I can understand that Mio feels sad and her step for now. I don't think she is serious with that anyway.
For now it's the best until they realize what they really want. I just hope Uzuki is fine.

About comparing this series with the first. I can enjoy both of them. Well i don't mind the drama which give this some sort of developing plot, but i'am missing the daily life fun parts of the first series. It's all about the right mix.
Because the characters of both series are for me really likeable and I enjoy the differences of everyone.

Shaoran-LiAug 29, 2015 6:14 AM
Aug 29, 2015 6:03 AM

Jan 2011
I do think "leaving" your current unit to go solo project and "leaving" you current unit to go another unit project is realllyyy different. Plus Anya's reason is to challenging herself, but Rin's is totally different. She almost like indirectly said that Triad Primus > New Gen, imo. I get why Mio disagree about this.

But I have to agree that Mio solo debut is like "what?!" but if this happened I think she accepting Rin's decision too, although I'm not sure about the reason. This has to be explained quickly or people who hate Mio fills any discussion thread lol.

Oh of course, confirmed that Uzuki is the most suffering person in the next episodes, and I have waiting this since episode 1. For you who forget, her (training school) friends "left" Uzuki because they have given up for idol thing. But now New gen is starting to "left" Uzuki behind.
furuuruAug 29, 2015 6:07 AM
Aug 29, 2015 7:29 AM
💉 🩸 🩹 💖 🏥

Feb 2012
Rin definitely fits better with Karen and Nao, imo.

I knew Mio wouldn't like it, but seeing her debut solo leaves me mixed as to how to feel about her decision. On one hand, it fits her because she doesn't really seem to work well in groups while on the other hand she is leaving uzuki behind which is a pretty selfish thing to do. Poor Uzuki. Her situation is a lot worse than i would've thought from the OP.
"Be the change you wish to see in the world."

Aug 29, 2015 8:02 AM
Aug 2015
Glad to see slightly differing opinions this time re Mio's actions. (Oh no, Mio's far from being #bestgirl. But at least her actions are understandable from her eyes.)

Way I see it, Mio was at first offended when Rin mentioned that she wanted to try "something new" ("And you can't do it with us?" was so heartbreaking.) After simmering down, though, she just thought that she needed to expand her horizons as well, thus her decision to solo. It's perfectly possible that she thinks she can still do NG and solo at the same time.

(Of course, this could get thrown out of the window if the writers decide that the reason would be her-hormones-are-acting-up-again a la Cour 1, which would just confirm her status as the show's punching bag.)

My question is, though: will being in multiple groups be possible under iM@s:CG, i.e. will Rin's thinking that "we can do both" turn out to be naive or realistic? I guess it's working in real life (i.e. AKB48) but what will the writers decide?

I'm also preparing for the Uzuki/Haruka storm. (I want to see a similar Minami arc, but I think she's too mature for her to let it happen... or maybe it could be an out-of-left-field thing?)

On another note, even the No Make for this ep was sad and serious. And I love it.

(EDIT: Also, FINALLY we see some of Mishiro's stuff working - well, at least in terms of using her US contacts. Still not seeing my idol department performance charts, though...)

EDIT: Writers really like Mio running away, huh.
me-me-meAug 30, 2015 11:13 PM
Aug 29, 2015 8:02 AM

Feb 2014
Mio is the worst girl confirmed.
Aug 29, 2015 8:19 AM

Mar 2014
Oh man I can't believe Mio is breaking from the unit !!!
Aug 29, 2015 8:24 AM

Aug 2014
This was a great episode, but then.... goddamn it Mio gtfo!
Honoka is my Hero! Click Me!
Aug 29, 2015 8:28 AM

Jan 2011
ChromiumSX said:
Oh man I can't believe Mio is breaking from the unit !!!
like Rin/Anya, I think she's trying to do both unit and solo.
Aug 29, 2015 9:03 AM

Apr 2012
In this episode,I was more interested with Anastasia instead of Rin and the NG's.

she hesitant at first,but she had the courage to get the answer by herself,and Minami also accept that Anya want to try to take the project's.

as for Mio...
I just hope she know what she's doing.

I guess now it's only matter of time for Uzuki to get the spotlight now that Rin and Mio like that.

and Maybe Mika will involve somehow from this scene(when she saw producer catching up with Mio and try to talk to her)

I mean what's the point for it,if she's only there to saw it.
Zero_ZX13Aug 29, 2015 9:11 AM
Aug 29, 2015 10:11 AM

Sep 2009
I'm pretty sure everyone saw Mio's running away from the issue coming from a mile away. It was no surprise at all. Doesn't make it any better though.

Also, when Mio asked Uzuki's opinion on the matter, I was so desperately hoping she'd say at least something that didn't make her seem as useless as she's been portrayed to be. But that was not to be. Yes, she's most likely going to get an episode to herself soon, almost like a countdown to the first character's "arc." Still, I feel like she hasn't had any kind of presence in the past nineteen episodes. I'll credit the first episode because I hoped for a brighter future back then. How naive I was.

I feel so very little unity with this group of idols. There are a lack of episodes where they actually do anything together as each group is very sectioned off. With this episode and the "taking" of their supposed idol comrades, I was hoping for something more. But no, more sectioned off drama. Drama that hasn't changed this entire anime's lifespan...
Aug 29, 2015 12:16 PM

Mar 2009
Finally. More Anya.
Aug 30, 2015 12:42 AM

Apr 2011
Finally a focus on two of my favorite idols, Anya and Rin. This is going to be a new challenge for the girls.
Aug 30, 2015 1:36 AM

Nov 2014
furuuru said:
I do think "leaving" your current unit to go solo project and "leaving" you current unit to go another unit project is realllyyy different. Plus Anya's reason is to challenging herself, but Rin's is totally different. She almost like indirectly said that Triad Primus > New Gen, imo. I get why Mio disagree about this.

But I have to agree that Mio solo debut is like "what?!" but if this happened I think she accepting Rin's decision too, although I'm not sure about the reason. This has to be explained quickly or people who hate Mio fills any discussion thread lol.

Oh of course, confirmed that Uzuki is the most suffering person in the next episodes, and I have waiting this since episode 1. For you who forget, her (training school) friends "left" Uzuki because they have given up for idol thing. But now New gen is starting to "left" Uzuki behind.

Now that you've mentioned, Uzuki has the experience of her friends in the training school, leaving!- This is not going to sit well for Uzuki.

At the start, when Anya and Rin were told to participate in the Project Kone, I was horrified since it means separating the two of them from the Cinderella Project grp(Something that Mishiro would have thought of or maybe she don't even care)

At first I was against it until the ep shows that it's ok to try out new things and I agree; at least for Anya but not Rin. It's one thing to go solo since you've not abandoned your own grp but to join another grp... That's really abandoning unless you can cope going to 2 grps which may be hard for Rin who is still in school...(If we see the real world, it's possible to judge between 2 grps...)

I don't blame Nao and Karen to form a grp with Rin since they want to debut and even better with their schoolmate Rin. Plus their voices do fit together. (Knew that time showing Mishiro seeing them together was a foreshadow that she gt her eye on them...)

Yet I guess Mio sees it an abandonment and decide to go solo instead- as to y? It's easy to say cos Rin's joining another grp yet if she's thinking of doing something by herself until Rin's done with her new grp(which I doubt may happen), that will be mature of her though leaving poor Uzuki behind... Sigh...

I wouldn't say it was forced drama since it is these unpredictable stuff(Mishiro arrival is enough to say all that) that results in so much drama; because you can't predict the future so it all depends on how one reacts on it. If nothing weird or abnormal happen in one's life, naturally that life goes on normally; nothing interesting which would just defeats the purpose of a show.

Ppl can say that season 1 was enough; this 'forced drama'(much due to Mishiro) was 'forced' yet it's cos season 1 didn't show all character development of all Cinderella girls like in recent eps, Kanako and Cheri overcoming their shyness and then Anzu and Kirari overcoming their difference despite being the same age plus Rinna who loves rock, want to do rock yet her grp don't but treasure her friendship with Miku much more.
And this ep, we see Anya taking another step forth. As for New generations part, I would say it's a built-up char development for Uzuki than Mio and as well as Rin who is still learning her ways in the idol world.

That's y I wouldn't say season 2 has forced drama b'cos in the first place, the appearance of this hard cold boss called Mishiro is enough to stir things up with her power and naturally, drama will occur yet it is these dramas that show the development of the characters! (As for Mio, I like to say ppl should wait for next ep to know more; ppl r too quick to judge esp with the stunt she did in season 1. She may have matured and formed her own thoughts out after talking to the producer.- Yet I can't say for sure since a leopard don't change its spot 'easily'... Until the next ep then~
Aug 30, 2015 4:56 AM
Jun 2014
While I don't like Mio or the forced drama in this season, I feel that the blame is rather unfairly being dumped on her here.

There is no way Rin could be in both New Generations and Triad Primus at the same time, anyone with an ounce of common sense would realise that there is no possible way to line the schedules of all 6 girls up so that Rin could fulfil her duties in each group. Much less would she be able to cope perfecting multiple different choreography and songs for two different groups at the same time. While it might be fine for a bit while their popularity is low what would happen when each group has a full schedule and multiple job offers overlap? On top of that you've got to factor in how it's a high pressure, high activity line of work, her health would suffer greatly.

Assuming you were in Mio's shoes, how would you see it if one of your best friends decided to ditch your group and screw over your career to go off with new friends? Because that's essentially what Rin is doing. With the loss of a key member New Generations would break up, leaving Uzuki and Mio with nothing after all the work they'd poured into the group. "You can't do it with us?" pretty much sums everything up, Mio and Uzuki wanted to stick with Rin and were willing to work out how to help her find that "something new" with them, yet Rin's reaction basically made it seem like they were the problem.

Also worth taking into account that the girls are all essentially fighting against the direction Mishiro is trying to take the company in as well as keeping the Cinderella Project alive, yet Rin instead decides to happily play in her hands. It's pretty clear Mishiro will use Triad Primus and Anastasia to further try and crush Cinderella Project, she's not just going to let them carry on with whatever P wants to at the same time.

Quite honestly if I were put in exactly the same position, I'd probably react the same as Mio and choose to go solo. After your best friend has turned their back on you, your group is gone and all your work has been brought crumbling down at a moments notice, it's going to have seriously knocked your confidence in working with others.
Aug 30, 2015 5:48 AM

Jan 2011
Kagetora_Juichi said:

and Maybe Mika will involve somehow from this scene(when she saw producer catching up with Mio and try to talk to her)

I mean what's the point for it,if she's only there to saw it.

me-me-me said:
On another note, even the No Make for this ep was sad and serious. And I love it. (EDIT: Also, FINALLY we see some of Mishiro's stuff working


Regard this and after rewatch the episode, I assume one thing: Mio go solo debut is not her idea. At least, its not her pure idea.

After saw Rin singing with Nao and Karen, and seeing the Cinderella Project photo,

this is the face Producer makes. Its not sour or desperate, its more like found new thing or new perspective. Plus after that, Anya talks to him about challenging herself or something like "take the next step". And then Producer said "No matter what kind of path it is, if you feel it's possible to get to other side with a smile, then you should go forward." and convincing Anya.
Thats Producer's thought after see Rin having fun with Nao and Karen while singing together with them.

Well Anya and Rin is two different cases but its more "linked" than I thought (well that's why its become one episode lol). Its not just about Anya and Rin, its about Producer boarding his perspective and starting to accept (or taking advantage?) the Exec's idea, although in the beginning he's really against it.

Then the ending scenes. Producer sees Mio running away and chases her. Mika sees them, and what happened after that remains unknown. So you think Mio solo project its her idea? No, its Producer or Mika maybe. Because,

look at her "Okay, I will do this." face. And it's midnight. If its her idea in the first place, I think convincing herself in half day is too long. And execution in this ending scenes is ... brighter? I dont know, deremas tend to exaggerating drama and add this and that sad effect (lol), but this time is different, its like just some new (good) things are starting.

And it's fits perfectly for Uzuki's arc. Everything is going to get better, but not for you, main character. Lol. (Haruka's arc is like that too.)

Thinking this and that, well, the script writer is not that bad lol. Its still imas I know, anime with many little details. If you not caught on or focused too much about something (like "wth Mio running away again"), you will miss a lot of things.

Twinkieftw said:
I feel so very little unity with this group of idols. There are a lack of episodes where they actually do anything together as each group is very sectioned off. With this episode and the "taking" of their supposed idol comrades, I was hoping for something more. But no, more sectioned off drama. Drama that hasn't changed this entire anime's lifespan...

I agree that the unity is lacking in deremas. And, I think, its not the point of deremas anyway. In deremas, the girls just known each other in episode 2, and not many character has moment with each other in the original game either. So the girls are building relationship from zero, while ori 765Pro just have to show how they developing unity when they have it since before episode 1. Well they try to have different chemistry with anime idolmaster, (well since use same chemistry is no good either) I think deremas true point is shows the individual of character, yes you can have unity, but sectioned by unit. They're still show the unity of all cinderella project, though its just 1-2 episode.

Twinkieftw said:

Also, when Mio asked Uzuki's opinion on the matter, I was so desperately hoping she'd say at least something that didn't make her seem as useless as she's been portrayed to be. But that was not to be. Yes, she's most likely going to get an episode to herself soon, almost like a countdown to the first character's "arc." Still, I feel like she hasn't had any kind of presence in the past nineteen episodes. I'll credit the first episode because I hoped for a brighter future back then. How naive I was.
Agreed, episode one is truly make Uzuki good character and I hope more, but her role is smaller than Haruka until now. Well I credit her when she help Producer (indirectly) in Mio's story in cour 1 though.
furuuruAug 30, 2015 5:51 AM
Aug 30, 2015 8:12 AM

Jul 2008
I actually like this episode the most out of both seasons :) I wished most of the episodes were like this with strong drama. I can watch 100 episodes of this series if they went about like it from the beginning.

I know this is bad and would make me look like a terrible person but I really want Rin and Anastasia to join the Krone project even if it's temporary (knowing this show, all the cinderella girls would probably go back together in the end), I want more real life-like situation in this show to be honest. The end with Mio just adds more drama but I hope the show doesn't rush and crash all these plots just to get the 14 girls back at the finale.

Nitta, Rin and Anastasia are 3 of the only girls who I really like, the rest of the group are just a shadow to me. I felt like Uzuki was wrongly given the main spotlight at the beginning of season 1, if anything they should have given it to Rin. Afterwards, give a few more spotlights to 1-2(Anastasia and Nitta) of the girls in the cinderella project while all the rest remain as minor (so we can weed out the weak) and focus on the important people as they pursue their career. That would do the screentime more justice for the characters, you can clearly see a lot of the cinderella girls not getting ton of screentime starting from season 1 which is understandable as there's not a lot of interest surrounding them which is exactly my point.
ShanaFlameAug 30, 2015 8:31 AM
Aug 30, 2015 11:20 AM
Aug 2015
furuuru said:
Regard this and after rewatch the episode, I assume one thing: Mio go solo debut is not her idea. At least, its not her pure idea.

Wow. This is really an interesting theory.

When TakeP saw Mio running, he must have thought "Oh sh*t not her again." Giving her some semblance of independence might be the best for her professionally.

Of course, we're dealing with (a) an anime about (b) pre-teen to teen girls, so who knows what their reactions will be. Mmm, the smell of perceived betrayal is so good.

furuuru said:
I agree that the unity is lacking in deremas. And, I think, its not the point of deremas anyway. In deremas, the girls just known each other in episode 2, and not many character has moment with each other in the original game either. So the girls are building relationship from zero, while ori 765Pro just have to show how they developing unity when they have it since before episode 1.

(Side Note: Took me a while to realize what deremas meant, and then I instantly loved it. Asking for permission to use it with a slight modification ^_^)

We also have to remember that im@s ep1 is set 6 months after 765 Pro started. In development terms, that would be at par with derem@s cour 2 ep 1. Plus 346 Pro is much bigger than 765 Pro, so there would be fewer whole-group interactions, schedule-wise.

furuuru said:
Well they try to have different chemistry with anime idolmaster, (well since use same chemistry is no good either) I think deremas true point is shows the individual of character, yes you can have unity, but sectioned by unit. They're still show the unity of all cinderella project, though its just 1-2 episode.

I have been thinking about this for a while now, i.e. comparing the focus of im@s vs derem@s vs Love Live! (yes, them too). So far, I have:

im@s = individual characters (I find that the strongest eps focused on one character's reaction to a situation, with other chars being more like set pieces, with Chihaya's and Haruka's being the obvious strongest eps.)

derem@s = sub-unit / intra-character dynamics (After ep 1, the show's strength left the characters and moved to the sub-units and pairs. Chars don't stand on their own but support each other, just not as a group. I'm biased to the Asterisk universe (including NatsuNana obviously), and there's something about Rin-TakeP that's interesting (and I see many a doujin-maker agreeing with me... or so I heard *cough*) EDIT: I also like the Mika-Rika-Miria dynamic (I shall call it MiRika from hereon out), and a more melodramatic direction could look at the real sibling / work sibling dynamic here.

Love Live! = group-plot dynamics (I was slightly bored with the character-centric episodes, possibly because their visual styles were a little less distinct than im@s at least. Their strength lies with them as a concept: in S1, as the trio (and later then 9-group) that strived to become an idol group (I didn't feel the save-the-school vibe as much as the underdog vibe, and man, ep3 pushed the latter button so well); and in S2, as the group that faced the (near-)inevitability of extinction (with the latter half being the strongest).

Now, I think if you're the type of person that values one of the above more than another, you'll like that show more than the others. Different strokes for different folks.
me-me-meSep 1, 2015 9:34 AM
Aug 30, 2015 3:28 PM

Apr 2012
furuuru said:
At least, its not her pure idea.

I had the same thought, maybe the Producer talked to her and they came to that decision.

I love it when Rin, Karen and Nao ate at that fast food and one of them ordered a happy meal. lol (mainly because I do that too... sometimes...)
"Fortress Maximus has come himself. Okay! Then I shall get Fortress Maximus to fight me, huh huh huh!"

Aug 30, 2015 7:43 PM
Aug 2015

Oh man, I can only imagine the internal monologue that Uzuki must have been having.
Aug 31, 2015 3:42 AM
Dec 2008
They are really like to push for making me dislike Mio even more now. R I P New Gen, nice knowing you... for a while.

Poor Uzuki, the stress is probably getting to Uzuki soon, hope she she can make it and become stronger.
Aug 31, 2015 10:34 AM

Apr 2012
Idolm@ster episode 8 preview :

...and so it continues
Aug 31, 2015 2:06 PM

May 2011
Man, Mio is such a class A bitch
Aug 31, 2015 7:55 PM

Feb 2008
I just said what a plot twist when Mio told herself to go solo debut.
I didn't really expecting that after that drama.

There is no Mio there in the preview, seem like Uzuki and Rin is walking together.

Nothing ventured, nothing gained (Girls und Panzer der Film ) / from Nishizumi Miho

Aug 31, 2015 10:08 PM
Apr 2014
you know I dislike Mio's character a lot. being pissed off at Rin for wanting to try out another unit and she comes out as a solo artist without telling either of them.
But I understand her emotions regarding Rin wanting to leave, it sounds nearly impossible to balance both units with everything else going on. poor Shimamu
gayanimeAug 31, 2015 10:14 PM
Sep 1, 2015 10:59 PM
Sep 2015
“Et tu, Rin?”

Man, talk about lack of loyalty! So Mio and Uzuki could either choose between guilt tripping Rin into saying no the frigid lady’s proposition or say hey, I’m so happy for you and hold their tears for a bit until she starts coming to them with things like: “sorry, guys, can’t make today’s rehearsal, the new gals and I blah, blah, blah…” She’s a nice friend, ain’t she?

The ladies from the new unit better pray little Rin don’t start feeling “something new” with no other girls, 'cause she appears to be one pretty open to be, ya know… OPEN. Gosh, I pity the man who marries that woman.

Then Mio decides to follow the path of all those who have been dumped by “going solo”, and I was about to say “you go, girl”, but then I remembered poor forgotten Uzuki: apparently the backstabbing disease is highly contagious. Anya got it too, since the “I’m gonna ditch you with the excuse that I want to challenge myself, that way you can’t risk complaining too loudly without coming off as a bitch yourself” is nothing short of a master stroke of the I-don’t-give-a-shit-about-you variety.

What I learned from this episode: how to put your mates in a shitty position.

Who ever said Idols are not pure?
Sep 2, 2015 6:22 AM
Jan 2015
So basically, in contrast to Miki in the first series, Rin and Anya gave in to “temptation”. I mean, just look at the facts:

Mishiro makes the girls an attractive proposition. She appeals to their ambition (don’t you want to grow?) and their sense of self-worth (don’t you think you’re capable of doing both?). She directly puts down Rin’s current partners (a new brilliance your current unit doesn't have) and Rin doesn’t defend them (you know, if someone doesn’t defend you when you CAN’T hear them… what can I say). On the contrary, she seems pretty much in awe of the realization: those girls are putting you down, girl! (Note that only the last two utterances contain an interpretation; NOT the former)

Meanwhile, the Cinderella girls are facing the possible shut-down of the entire Project. Which means: all girls would fucking lose their dream and job. Girls and Producer have meeting. Mio speaks up: let’s do our best. She says there’s lots she still wants to do with New Generations. Uzuki wholeheartedly agrees. Now watch Rin’s response. Minami asks Anya if something’s the matter. Now watch Anya’s response. You can read from their reactions, and from the following scenes, that they probably thought: now it’s not the best time to be branching out. The rest of the episode, nonetheless, provides both of them with their self-serving epiphanies: I want to challenge myself. I want to pursue this new feeling. By the end of the episode, Rin and Anya decide to give a considerable amount of their time and effort to an endeavor OUTSIDE of their original project. Their rationale is, of course: I can do both. The reality is, of course, that they WON’T BE DOING THEIR BEST to prevent Cinderella Project’s, and their original unit/duo’s shutdown, since, by definition, you can do your best for something by giving it, at best, half your time and effort.

So in the end, this is what Anya’s and Rin’s acceptance of Mishiro’s proposition entails:

In a time where the future of 14 girls is at stake, when all of them agree that the only thing they can do is “give it their all”, the two of them decide to inherently have at least half of “their all” be put to effective use elsewhere. This is a fact, and something Anya and Rin, unless they’re retards, cannot not know. This decision is solely based on their own self-serving purposes: I want to challenge myself; I want to pursue this new feeling. This is an admitted fact. Furthermore, the proposition they decided to accept came from the one person that can put a stop to all of the other girl’s dreams. This is also fact. And again, Anya and Rin both know it. Unless they have selective amnesia. Their obligation to the new projects comes BEFORE (fall) their obligation to their old projects (winter); but if the old projects don't do well when the time comes, they will get shut down. This is fact. Anya and Rin are aware of it: it is even made a point upon by producer during the meeting when they are proposed to participate in the new project.

If that's not the start of the process of what Miki called “losing myself”, then I don’t know what is. The fact that most people here are not calling them, well, sellouts, is intriguing to say the least.

As for Minami, you’re gonna burst, baby.

As for Mio, apparently if you run away in shock and pain when one you consider a friend and partner in the pursuit of a shared dream tells you that, basically, you’re not good enough, you’re a bitch:

Mio: “Shirubin… That “something new,” you can’t do it with New Gen? Can’t you do it with us?”

Rin: “I don’t know.” LOWERS HER (FUCKING) HEAD!. “I don’t know…”

God, and here I thought body language was universal.

Minami took the moral higher ground. The consequences remain to be seen. Mio gave in to pain, and ran away. Anyone faulting her on that reaction would probably not make for a very good friend.

As for Mio’s decision to go solo, I reserve judgment until more light is shed on what the rationale behind it sounds like. Producer was clearly implicated, so again, just condemning Mio based on a 5 seconds scene, seems… a little, you know: MIO LIKE.

sweetdrops said:
Mio ruining everything again.
Seriously I don't get this character. She first makes a drama because Rin wants to TRY another project (not even leave NG) and then she decides to do a solo debut without even CONSULTING her two partners, something Rin had the decency to do.

She didn’t consult, she informed:
“I INTENDED to turn in down at first. But I felt something (which implies, and YOU’VE SEEN IT, that she already tried it), so I want to know what it is.” While she didn’t say she’d quit, she said: “SOMEHOW I’ll do both.” Not very encouraging, considering New Generations needs to prove themselves in order NOT to get shut down by the same person that proposed Rin to join another unit, which Rin knows. Even Producer, the guy she supposedly decided to trust, voiced his objection in HER PRESENCE: “Our department is working to prepare for the winter ball now. And now the regular fall concert… is too sudden.” Doesn’t winter come AFTER fall? Doesn’t Rin know the order of the seasons? Doesn’t New Gen’s fate rest upon how they do in winter? Doesn’t that mean that she will have to prioritize, literally put first, new unit over old unit?

straggy said:
Mio acts like a brat, has a paddy because Rin's taking a good opportunity, and then completely abandons New Gen in protest by going solo and leaving Uzuki in the dust? Worst girl confirmed.

So you basically assumed that Rin’s decision would not affect New Gen, because: the person who proposed Rin to participate in a project that they command said so. And because Rin said that she SOMEHOW would do both. For all her bratiness Mio seems to have all least some common sense.

And finally, Mio made her decision, whatever it really entails, AFTER talking with Producer. Rin made hers after a proposition from this season’s antagonist and going rehearsing with the other girls behind Mio’s and Uzuki’s backs.

ivokuroSep 2, 2015 9:21 AM
Sep 2, 2015 12:47 PM

Jun 2014
Mio is a dumb b***h.
Didn't even have the respect to inform her teammates first. And it's no surprise she discussed it with producer 'cause there's no one else involved in a freaking solo unit. If what Rin did was selfish, then what Mio did is selfish backlash of stupid proportions.

Rin & Ana's actions only seem excessively self-serving if we are to believe that the somehow the entire fate of the Cinderella Project will fall apart if the two of them aren't with their units 100% of the time which is unfounded nonsense. Even so, I don't see why anyone should give up their own opportunities for the sake of keeping together someone elses. Talk about communistic. In the worst case scenario, they'd probably just get shuffled up elsewhere in the company. It's not as though they chose their own units to begin with.

Actually, if the subtitles are to be believed. The director wouldn't even bother waiting for the winter review unless Rin and Anastasia "pass muster" with the new units at the current time.
Sep 2, 2015 2:10 PM

Jul 2011
Holy shit, Mio is like the fucking cancer to this anime. Ugh I thought we were through with her shenanigans, but NOOOPE!
Sep 2, 2015 4:54 PM
Jan 2015
ramenshoujo said:
Mio is a dumb b***h.
Didn't even have the respect to inform her teammates first. .

Rin had already made her decision when she told the girls, so she FIRST decided, after testing the field, so to speak. That’s a dick move. Respect to your partners, if you’re making a decision that’s gonna affect them, would imply talking to them right away, and analyzing the situation together.
ramenshoujo said:
And it's no surprise she discussed it with producer 'cause there's no one else involved in a freaking solo unit. If what Rin did was selfish, then what Mio did is selfish backlash of stupid proportions.

Whereas Rin didn’t discussed it with anyone. She just met up with new gals, got to experience some new cunny, thought to herself how yummy, and concluded “me likey”. Anya went to Producer. In season one, Rin was all over Producer’s case regarding Mio’s leaving. Yet this time, she doesn’t exchange one word with him about this issue.

ramenshoujo said:
Rin & Ana's actions only seem excessively self-serving if we are to believe that the somehow the entire fate of the Cinderella Project will fall apart if the two of them aren't with their units 100% of the time which is unfounded nonsense.

You work in a company with 13 other people. You’re facing shutdown. Everyone is working their best to prevent it. Meanwhile, you put half your effort and time in starting another company. If your company goes under, you still have the second. Let’s not forget that you’d still be working in a fucking flower shop if the person that founded the first company didn’t approach you. And let's not forget that the person that founded the second company it's the one that's gonna decide wether or not to shut down the first one. If you don't find that self-serving, then I give up.

ramenshoujo said:
Even so, I don't see why anyone should give up their own opportunities for the sake of keeping together someone elses. Talk about communistic.

It’s all about timing. Talk about cutthroat.

Anyway, it has nothing to do with being communistic, whatever that means in this context. It’s just about not being a dick, mate. If you think is cool to half-abandon (at best) your friends when they need you, then by all means, be my guest. I guess I’d rather be communistic (who would’ve thought?)

- Hey, mate, I'm about to fall down. Give me a hand?
- Sorry, I can't right now, I have to go seeking this new feeliling. But I can come back in about 2 hours. Wait up?

(Sorry, couldn’t resist)

ramenshoujo said:
In the worst case scenario, they'd probably just get shuffled up elsewhere in the company.

Did I miss an episode? How do you know?

ramenshoujo said:
Actually, if the subtitles are to be believed. The director wouldn't even bother waiting for the winter review unless Rin and Anastasia "pass muster" with the new units at the current time.

Whatever that line means, she’s basically coercing Producer into not refusing (watch for scene direction, background music, body language). Whatever that line means, it’s clear that Producer is, to say the least, not comfortable about it. Since I suppose we at least can agree that Producer wants what’s best for all his girls, that should be telling enough. However you spin it, what you get is this: two girls watch how the guy that gave them careers is getting chewed up. Two days later, both of them go working with the person that did the chewing.

And just to be clear, if the next episode reveals that, to put it blunty, Mio doesn’t give a crap about Uziki’s fate (hard as I try, I can’t judge based on one line: imagine how jury trials would go if everyone did that), I would fault her, just as much as a I fault Rin and Anya for, and again, let me be clear about it, deciding to branch out at, literally, the worst possible time. That’s what I find inexcusable about this whole thing. And to a lesser extent, in Rin’s case, the way she went about. She was not considerate to their group. Being considerate would’ve implied her talking to them FIRST, right away. And don’t forget, being considerate to the guy that gave her a career to begin with. Again: Producer, in front of Rin, gets chewed up by Mishiro. Two days later, Rin accepts Mishiro’s proposition, without exchanging one word with Producer about it. Anya at least discussed it with him.
ivokuroSep 2, 2015 7:33 PM
Sep 2, 2015 7:59 PM

Jan 2011
EinKleinerMensch said:
Who ever said Idols are not pure?
Thats why I like this episode lol. There're layers of depth and imo I dont think I can't 100% blame certain character despite I dont like some of her decision this time. While, Producer is really a hero in this episode.

IvoDark said:

You work in a company with 13 other people. You’re facing shutdown. Everyone is working their best to prevent it. Meanwhile, you put half your effort and time in starting another company. If your company goes under, you still have the second. Let’s not forget that you’d still be working in a fucking flower shop if the person that founded the first company didn’t approach you. And let's not forget that the person that founded the second company it's the one that's gonna decide wether or not to shut down the first one. If you don't find that self-serving, then I give up.
While the first company's president (producer) is prioritizes his employee (idols) first. Yeah it's kinda irony but I think if we use that analogy, it will be makes everyone decision make sense. What I trying to say is, self-serving is not that bad. Ah no, it's bad in this context (the company is in bad bussiness and all) but at least makes sense if someone decides that.

Well if I want to credit Rin for something (relatively) positive in this episode, I will say the Rin-singing-along-with-Nao-and-Karen scene. The point is, Producer was saw that directly, and saw they're really having fun and smiling. The Producer after that has a lot on thought after saw that and decided to prioritizes his idols' smile first, like he's did until now. Yeah, you can have your opinion regards this is a bad thing or not lol.

IvoDark said:
I suppose we at least can agree that Producer wants what’s best for all his girls, that should be telling enough. However you spin it, what you get is this: two girls watch how the guy that gave them careers is getting chewed up. Two days later, both of them go working with the person that did the chewing.
Lol you nailed it. If you puts loyalty first, its certainly a bad thing. But I think some of people put their [/i]passion[/i] first, while I dont like it too, I can't blame that.

IvoDark said:
I can’t judge based on one line:
Love this. Many people judge any character when (mostly) they're not really put attention in it.

me-me-me said:

(Side Note: Took me a while to realize what deremas meant, and then I instantly loved it. Asking for permission to use it with a slight modification ^_^)

Now, I think if you're the type of person that values one of the above more than another, you'll like that show more than the others. Different strokes for different folks.
Yeah just use it, I post my opinion because want to people read it after all lol.

I have bad experience in 765 imas, when I just not paying attention in 1-19, then when episode 20 and above, what what what episode 1-19 become more meaningful and when rewatch it I finding new things that I skipped and realize how good and planned this show was. Still, like this deremas, I know its flaw or uninteristing things, but regarding planning and production, both imas are in top notch.
Sep 2, 2015 8:37 PM
Jan 2015
furuuru said:
Well if I want to credit Rin for something (relatively) positive in this episode, I will say the Rin-singing-along-with-Nao-and-Karen scene. The point is, Producer was saw that directly, and saw they're really having fun and smiling. The Producer after that has a lot on thought after saw that and decided to prioritizes his idols' smile first, like he's did until now. Yeah, you can have your opinion regards this is a bad thing or not lol.

Thank you, yes. And that’s one of my points. There’s nothing intrinsically wrong with Anya’s and Rin’s decision: we all want to challenge ourselves, we all want to feel the best we can feel while doing the things we choose to do. Rin is not at fault for feeling good, or even better, while singing with the new gals. I think I wrote enough about where I think her fault lies.

I also agree with where Producer's dilemma lies. And I suspect this will be his time to shine.

In my opinion the rest of the season will deal with how some decisions you make for your own self-serving purposes will result in someone else (who you might held dear) losing something, even if that wasn’t your intent. Basically, that you rarely get to have your cake and eat it too. And how to cope with the consequences of that.
ivokuroSep 2, 2015 9:14 PM
Sep 3, 2015 4:33 AM
Sep 2015
You know, thruthfully, Mio's actions shined the most for me this episode, all the while emphasizing Shimamu's lack of personality (conviction?) In that context, Mio's actions are not only plausible, but acceptable even.

You see, Rin is leaving for another group. Why? Cause she feels a click with them that she doesnt have with NG. On the other hand, we have Mio, who feels like NG is everything to herself. And finally, we have Uzuki, who's feelings on the matter were summed up in three damning words: "I don't know."

So what does this look like to Mio? That the only one who was serious about NG, who believed that NG was a group with potential, was her. Now, this may or may not be the case - I'm sure that Rin and Uzuki like NG, but it probably wasnt as important to them as it was to Mio.

In any case, with a member off to greener pastures and another member with weak convictions, why would anyone feel the need to remain in such a group? It wouldn't feel worth it anymore.

So Mio leaving to go solo? Perhaps not the best decision, but nevertheless a decision I can support. If anything, despite how bad I feel for Uzuki, she's partly at fault too, though Rin is largely to blame.

You know, taking everything above, I think this is one of the many reasons I like CG: despite everything, absolutely none of the girls decisions are actually wrong. Rin is justified in her actions, Mio is justified in hers, and even Uzuki's inaction is totally justifiable.

Also, Producer is truly best girl in CG. No contest really.
ConvictedManSep 3, 2015 7:51 AM
Sep 3, 2015 11:24 AM
Jan 2015
I think that’s a plausible explanation for Mio’s action.

About Uzuki, like many have pointed out, we really don’t know much about her except, I believe, two things: being an idol is her dream and she does not quit. I would also add, that she appears, together with maybe Minami, to be the true emblem of self-sacrifice in the series. So self-sacrifice and perseveration, those might be her convictions. Her “I don’t know” might’ve been for Mio’s benefit. Her candid answer might’ve been: if she really feels that way, what can we say?

And it really makes you wonder in what direction they are going to take this. If Rin really found her place with TP, then that would mean that eventually, “for the sake of her smile”, so to speak, since this is, I think, was this series is all about, she would have to settle with them, 100 percent, I mean. But that would entail that her no longer be a part of Cinderella Girls Project. Same with Anya: her solo career takes flight, the whole “multitasking” thing reveals itself for what it was: the lie that they all (except, of course, Mishiro and Producer) had to honestly believe at first so they could take these steps without feeling too bad about it. But would this series actually end with two of the main characters effectively outside the tittle project?

Then what of Minani, and what of Uziki? Someone in 4chan said something about Uzuki finally reclaiming her MC status: she’s the one whose career first skyrockets. Solo career, that would be, I suppose. I don’t know. Like I said, she, and maybe Minami, are the embodiments of abnegation in the series, which is something that usually pays the best in anime. Personally, whatever the end game is, I think Minami might first be heading for another crash. Uzuki, I’m not so sure.

One thing that might be settled in stone, I think, is the dissolution of New Gen. Realistically, it makes no sense to go on. Like you said:
- Rin feels better elsewhere.
- Mio feels Rin and Uzuki don’t feel as strongly for the group as her.
- Uzuki truthfully feels one should do what makes them truly happy.

So, yeah, it took long enough, but it just got interesting. And I honestly don’t know how they can achieve the end result of the first series: one for all and all for one. It seems that's not what they're going for. Which is cool. Cinderella is a fairy tale of one, after all. According to Wiki: "The word "Cinderella" has, by analogy, come to mean one whose attributes were unrecognized, or one who unexpectedly achieves recognition or success after a period of obscurity and neglect. " Can you say Uzuki?
ivokuroSep 3, 2015 11:31 AM
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