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Fairy Tail Zero
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Jul 18, 2015 4:16 PM

Dec 2009
Can't believe it's over, seeing the birth of Fairy Tail scene again sent shivers down my spine. It was interesting to see that Prect and the others were from Sylph Labyrinth, and how Phantom Lord came to be. Disappointed some of the bigger mysteries of the series weren't answered, but I guess that Hiro is saving those for the main series. Loved the little timeline shown at the end, I didn't even see that at first.
Aiko_HiroshiJul 18, 2015 4:30 PM
Jul 18, 2015 4:23 PM

Apr 2013
It's over sad. The trio were from Sylph Labyrinth I theorized they might have been, Sylph are something consider faeries when Yury said he would let Mavis meet the faeries he meant the guys and they were introduced in the same arc in the main story as Warrod.

Blue Skull Master you technology have a guild oh well, so Phantom Lord was started to stand against fairy Tail cool. Nice mention Hiro. I'm going to miss this series.
Jul 18, 2015 4:28 PM
Sep 2012
So some theories about a character in the main series goes up in smoke, I guess we are back to square one to that one.

Anyway it was a nice little epilogue chapter, we see the day of the founding, and Zeria plays more of a part in FT's history than we thought, it was her dream the reason it was head quartered in Magnolia, and she was Mavis inspiration.

And Phantom was always just jealous of Fairy Tail from the beginning, how pathetic, if I am Gajeel and maybe even Juvia, is I am Gajeel for sure, if I know this I would be embarrassed to be a part of this guild.

It has been fun ride, I hope this gets adapted in the anime.
Jul 18, 2015 4:46 PM

Dec 2013
The phantom bit at the end made me lol

This was an ok little prequel. 6/10
Jul 18, 2015 5:32 PM

Jan 2012
Well then that's it. A pretty basic little story, but an enjoyable one. I found Zera to be the most interesting character. I wish her fate had been happier, but seeing her one last time was nice. I enjoyed the little bonus we got this chapter with Blue Skull's master founding Phantom Lord. That aside yeah, good little origin story. I fully expect the anime to take 4 or 5 episodes to tell it too, probably right after Tartaros. 8/10
Jul 18, 2015 5:55 PM

Nov 2011
Cute. And that's how Fairy Tail is born! Didn't expect much from this but I did enjoy some of the storytelling especially with Zera involved. Hope this gets an anime adaptation someday, probably in OVA form or something similar.
Jul 18, 2015 10:06 PM
Oct 2010
i wonder what that redacted text said
Dont bother replying to my posts in forums, dont check them afterwards.

Jul 18, 2015 10:17 PM

May 2012
Aw I dont want this end..

Jul 18, 2015 10:17 PM
Jul 2018
Cute chapter, well that's the end then huh.

& Lol at the guy who made Phantom Lord.
Jul 18, 2015 10:22 PM

Aug 2012
and so it has ended ,nice little prequel of how Fairy Tail was formed.
Jul 18, 2015 10:38 PM

Apr 2010
This was a nice prequel. I was surprised to see Yuriy died not long after Mavis did.
Jul 19, 2015 6:37 AM
Jan 2014
KingCez said:
i wonder what that redacted text said

Those are the Fairy Tail timeline:

Year X686, April: Founding of mage guild Fairy Tail.
Mavis Vermillion appointed First Guild Master.

July: The Second Trade War begins.

Year X688, February: Mage guilds intervene in the Second Trade War.
Mavis' skill as a tatcician acknowledged.

Year X690, May: Yuriy Dreyar Marries.
The Second Trade War ends. The inter-guild dispute interdiction treaty signed into law.

Year X696, March: Yuriy's son, Makarov, born.

Year X697: Mavis Vermillion {REDACTED}
Grave built on The Holy Tenrou Island.

Year X697: As per Mavis' last wishes,
Precht made Second Guild Master.

Year X700: Death of Yuriy Dreyar.

Year X731: Precht continues his idolization of black magic.
Warrod withdraws from guild.

Year X736: Precht withdraws.
Makarov Dreyar made Third Master.

Year X784: As a result of the appearance of Acnologia on Tenrou Island,
The major members of Fairy Tail go missing.

Year X785: Macao Cornbolt made Fourth Master.

Year X791: The Tenrou group returns.
Accordingly, Gildarts is made Fifth Master.
Makarov is then made Sixth Master.
Fairy Tail is victorious in The Grand Magic Games.
Jul 19, 2015 11:40 AM

Aug 2014
The prequel was ok, i did enjoy seeing Mavis's character developed because previously i couldn't stand her in the original series.
Jul 20, 2015 12:52 AM

Jun 2013
It is over..T_T Don't want to believe it.

Do the Fairies have a tail..Eternal Adventure...DAmn it has been While since we have heard that speech...Especially love this one, because it is the Officially said First time...and from 1st Guild Master Mavis!!! Birth of THE NUMBER 1 Guild!!! STRONGEST IN FIORE AND ISHGAR!!! FAIRY TAIL!!!

...>_< ...Phantom Lord was Born because Blue Skull's master wanted Revenge against Mavis and Co..? LOL!!!! so this was Unofficial How-the-Phantom-Lord-Guild-Was-Born Story.

SO Mavis was Guild Master around 10-11 Years...before what ever happened...happen...Damn that Black Spot...Sensei is Torturing us.

Zera...Is always watching after HER Mavis! X3

JarjaxleJul 20, 2015 1:03 AM
Victory at all costs, victory in spite of all terror, victory however long and hard the road may be; for without victory, there is no survival.~Winston Churchill

"Fate of the universe will be Decided as it SHOULD be, in MORTAL KOMBAT!" ~Elder Gods

"Justice WILL Prevail?" "But OF COURSE IT WILL!! WHOEVER WINS, BECOMES THE JUSTICE!!!" ~Donquixote Doflamingo (King, Pirate, Shichibukai, Philosopher(?) (One Piece))
Jul 20, 2015 1:33 AM

Jan 2013
Fairy Tail don't do prequels/spin off ever again...
So much wasted potential...
Jul 20, 2015 2:05 AM

May 2014
And that was nice! I'm glad about everything being cleared up. Well almost everything huh. X696 needs to be cleared up I think. And Yuriy died.... It doesn't clear out the probability of him being God Serena. I mean the identity of Yuriy could have died, for God Serena's identity to be born. Oh well I don't think Hiro Mashima would apply this.
KamSungJul 20, 2015 2:11 AM
Jul 20, 2015 7:06 AM

Dec 2008
I liked the prequel though it did feel somewhat lackluster. I wish it gave some ideas about Lumen Histoire though. Oh well. And just because Yuriy's 'dead' doesn't mean he's actually 'dead'. He could very well be that person in the main series. This doesn't clear out anything lol.

The redacted bit probably deals with Lumen Histoire.

Probably something like
Year X697: Mavis Vermillion crystallizes/turnsintolumenhistoire/idfk
Fake(maybe?) Grave built on The Holy Tenrou Island.

Now I just want more info on Mavis in the main series ;-;
Jul 20, 2015 9:53 AM

Apr 2014
So it ends...and we now know how Fairy Tail was created and of how the rivalry of Fairy Tail and Phantoms begin.
Good enough for me, I guess...8/10
Jul 20, 2015 11:16 PM
Mar 2012
I wish the prequel was longer, I felt the world in which Mavis lived in wasn't explored enough. Nonetheless, it was a good read.
Jul 21, 2015 1:15 AM

Aug 2010
I agree about the wasted potential. Could've been much more info to be extracted but I guess Mashima wanuts to leave it all to the main series.

Well I got a good dose of cute Mavis and we found out Zeref taught the founders Magic so that's not bad ^^
Jul 21, 2015 4:30 AM

Jan 2014
FT Zero is better than fairy tail.

Jul 21, 2015 9:09 AM

Jun 2015
Aww it's the end of Fairy Tail Zero already? I wish they made more.

This chapter was full of feels. I get frequent chills just by reading this.

Overall, it was a very beautiful chapter. Damn all these feels T.T
Jul 21, 2015 9:46 AM
Mar 2015
How old is Makarov? 94? danm
Jul 21, 2015 10:09 AM

Sep 2014
Was a nice read but kinda lackluster indeed.
Jul 21, 2015 12:44 PM

Mar 2014
Yuriy married X690. WHO IS HIS WIFE?
Jul 21, 2015 11:46 PM

Jul 2015
So, I think Mavis is still alive inside of Lumien Histoire and the Mavis everyone in Fairy Tail sees is one of her illusions?
Jul 22, 2015 11:21 PM

Mar 2014
The Phantom Lord reveal was so fucking stupid.

And I pray to God that there's much more to Mavis & Zeref's relationship then what we were given.
Jul 23, 2015 9:51 AM

May 2012
Wanted to see more of Mavis' story, dammit.

Still no clue regarding Mavis' death. Bummer.

Jul 26, 2015 7:33 AM

Sep 2014
Meh, this last chapter felt so rushed. I didn't expect Mashima to end Zero with this chapter at all. Seems like he didn't want to do it anymore? Random reveal of the phantom troupe, zeref never mentioned again, they randomly built a big guild house with just 4 poeple wat? Pls Mashima, the ending could have been so much better with a few more chapters.
Aug 5, 2015 7:53 PM

Mar 2012
It was pretty fast, it has been a year already to be honest but it still makes me feel uncomfortable, I feel like much more could have been told in this prequel manga.
It was pretty interesting.
Aug 9, 2015 11:33 AM

Apr 2011
That was a nice read, but I felt that something is lacking. Anyway, this prequel is good in overall aspect.

It's nice to learn about the historical background of Fairy Tail.

So Yuriy is not God Serena, huh?

Nov 25, 2015 2:33 AM

May 2014
Dammit we didn't get to know the cause of Mavis death. Too bad. it would be cool to know it. ^^
Nov 25, 2015 2:39 AM

May 2014
HavocParker said:
KingCez said:
i wonder what that redacted text said

Those are the Fairy Tail timeline:

Year X686, April: Founding of mage guild Fairy Tail.
Mavis Vermillion appointed First Guild Master.

July: The Second Trade War begins.

Year X688, February: Mage guilds intervene in the Second Trade War.
Mavis' skill as a tatcician acknowledged.

Year X690, May: Yuriy Dreyar Marries.
The Second Trade War ends. The inter-guild dispute interdiction treaty signed into law.

Year X696, March: Yuriy's son, Makarov, born.

Year X697: Mavis Vermillion {REDACTED}
Grave built on The Holy Tenrou Island.

Year X697: As per Mavis' last wishes,
Precht made Second Guild Master.

Year X700: Death of Yuriy Dreyar.

Year X731: Precht continues his idolization of black magic.
Warrod withdraws from guild.

Year X736: Precht withdraws.
Makarov Dreyar made Third Master.

Year X784: As a result of the appearance of Acnologia on Tenrou Island,
The major members of Fairy Tail go missing.

Year X785: Macao Cornbolt made Fourth Master.

Year X791: The Tenrou group returns.
Accordingly, Gildarts is made Fifth Master.
Makarov is then made Sixth Master.
Fairy Tail is victorious in The Grand Magic Games.


I wonder if this picture is a hint that Zeref were the one that killed Mavis. This is just a guess and actually not a fact. But as Zeref said himself anyone he touch dies. So it is possible that he actually touched her. I would love to see more of their connection. True, we saw the beginning her, but I think more has to be told. :)

Nov 26, 2015 4:26 AM

Jun 2013
mangalicker94 said:
HavocParker said:

Those are the Fairy Tail timeline:

Year X686, April: Founding of mage guild Fairy Tail.
Mavis Vermillion appointed First Guild Master.

July: The Second Trade War begins.

Year X688, February: Mage guilds intervene in the Second Trade War.
Mavis' skill as a tatcician acknowledged.

Year X690, May: Yuriy Dreyar Marries.
The Second Trade War ends. The inter-guild dispute interdiction treaty signed into law.

Year X696, March: Yuriy's son, Makarov, born.

Year X697: Mavis Vermillion {REDACTED}
Grave built on The Holy Tenrou Island.

Year X697: As per Mavis' last wishes,
Precht made Second Guild Master.

Year X700: Death of Yuriy Dreyar.

Year X731: Precht continues his idolization of black magic.
Warrod withdraws from guild.

Year X736: Precht withdraws.
Makarov Dreyar made Third Master.

Year X784: As a result of the appearance of Acnologia on Tenrou Island,
The major members of Fairy Tail go missing.

Year X785: Macao Cornbolt made Fourth Master.

Year X791: The Tenrou group returns.
Accordingly, Gildarts is made Fifth Master.
Makarov is then made Sixth Master.
Fairy Tail is victorious in The Grand Magic Games.


I wonder if this picture is a hint that Zeref were the one that killed Mavis. This is just a guess and actually not a fact. But as Zeref said himself anyone he touch dies. So it is possible that he actually touched her. I would love to see more of their connection. True, we saw the beginning her, but I think more has to be told. :)

You need to read the main story to find out :P
Dec 5, 2015 2:01 PM

Aug 2009
This was pretty good. I know it's asking for a lot, but it'd be cool if this was animated too.

Dec 5, 2015 2:57 PM

Sep 2014
geemaa said:
This was pretty good. I know it's asking for a lot, but it'd be cool if this was animated too.

It was announced that this will be animated in janurary as part of the main anime.
Nov 15, 2016 8:38 AM

Apr 2016
Nice and pretty adventure about the origins of "Fairy Tail" ; _ ;

Sep 8, 2017 2:10 PM

Feb 2013
Really nice ending, we saw the birth of Fairy Tail.
Lol, that guy is the first Phantom Lord master.
Sep 26, 2017 9:04 PM
Jul 2016
This may not be new at all but its still getting to me.
Did any one else notice that Zeref looks directly at Zera?

Episode 272 Conveyer of Magic
Zeref looks at Zera and acknowledges her reaction. Isn't she just an imaginary friend of Mavis? No one else sees her. Was that the story team trying to say he is so powerful he can see a persons delusions?
Nov 17, 2018 3:17 PM

Jan 2016
Oh damn, Mavis death is still a mystery.


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