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Jul 4, 2015 10:20 AM
THIS IS AN ANIME ONLY DISCUSSION POST. DO NOT DISCUSS THE MANGA BEYOND THIS EPISODE. ---------------------------------------- That was fabulous. So fun seeing this show again with Hajime, Utsutsu, etc. Gel is such a strange girl tbh. She looks almost like an alien with that blue hair. Overall, pretty fun episode. The new OP song for this season also has its energy returning and generally stylistic and smoothly animated. I think this episode sets up well for upcoming episodes too for the season. |
Stark700Jul 4, 2015 2:22 PM
Jul 4, 2015 12:41 PM
Jul 4, 2015 1:02 PM
I think that there is a point in Hajime having gray emoji over her head,the same as the firework maker,who lost his younger brother. |
Jul 4, 2015 1:06 PM
OP/ED pretty much reminded me of the style of season 1, which was nice. Two new characters introduced, and one of them is a Gatchaman. Interesting start. |
Jul 4, 2015 1:13 PM
They all became famous now. And why that Grand-Grandfather and Hajime are with grey emojis , is it sad ? :/ Bruh that alien with red face , but that UFO looked great tho. We have a new Gatchamaan ~ |
Jul 4, 2015 1:14 PM
So much craziness as usual XD A KanaHana alien :3 She's genki cute <3 And I just friggin love Katze's voice XD It's even more fun now from inside Hajime lol I missed Hajime so much. Her non-chalant behaviors are so damn win, just hugging the aliens legs calling it cute XD Tsubasa seems pretty fun too ^^ Loved the ED |
Jul 4, 2015 1:15 PM
ExscisTiC said: They all became famous now. And why that Grand-Grandfather and Hajime are with grey emojis , is it sad ? :/ I think it was hinted in the previous season that Hajime may not really be like she seems. |
Jul 4, 2015 1:30 PM
finally its back!!!!!! the anime that klk wanted to be |
Jul 4, 2015 1:31 PM
I loved Gatchaman Crowds. It was a super hero show on the surface, but in reality seemed to resent that fact and instead served as a fantastic criticism of Modern Society and Social Media with occasional(really cool looking) action scenes. More Hajime is also great, she isn't much of a character being more of a self insert by the shows writers to express their disdain for the tropes that make up the genre and express their thoughts on the themes they based the show around, but her fourth wall breaking antics where she essentially mocked the entire concept of the show where hilarious in season 1 and I hope she keeps being as completely lovable as she was then. This episode itself was decent and had a lot of entertaining moments, but served more to reestablish the characters as well as some new cast members, not going into the plot of the new show. The new villain didn't get many lines, but from his design alone he doesn't seem as interesting as Berg Katz, but I'll save my judgement for when he joins the plot. Right now what I'm most curious about is if Insight plans of continue exploring the themes that Crowds explored, since I feel Crowds already did a fantastic job of exploring them themes and if Insight does it too then it might feel a little bit samey. Hopefully next week introduces us properly to the conflict of the second season and this ends up being every bit as fantastic as the first. |
edl01Jul 4, 2015 2:01 PM
Jul 4, 2015 1:38 PM
Jul 4, 2015 1:41 PM
DejWo said: I think that there is a point in Hajime having gray emoji over her head,the same as the firework maker,who lost his younger brother. ExscisTiC said: And why that Grand-Grandfather and Hajime are with grey emojis , is it sad ? :/ Well looking back, I think this means that Hajime (and Gramps) are always calm or their emotions are stationary. I observed that in the first season, but Hajime is never shocked or surprised by anything, I think that is why she has a grey emoji. I like Nick Creamer interpretation that Hajime was basically all the Good that humans have, just like Berg Katze is all the Bad. I think that her never being surprised means that she is never scared and thus always make a thoughtful judgement and thus has an appropriate reaction. But at the same time it seems that her atittude is always a façade to hide the fact that she does not experience real emotions (thus her theatrical acting). |
Jul 4, 2015 1:44 PM
Forgot how fun this show was to watch. BIRDO GO! Seeing Hajime-chan talk to her chest/boobs to talk to Katze seems weird but kinda funny. (Don't remember her chest being that big in S1) New girl is an interesting addition to the Gatchaman. |
Jul 4, 2015 1:54 PM
This episode really did a good job of what a sequel series should do to be honest: reintroducing us to the cast while showing off the new characters but not entirely getting into the plot and picking up with their lives sorta and the state of the public following the first season's ending. Very excited for what the season will bring. I love Tsubasa so much already. The OP/ED and new music are really great, too. |
Tutturu ~ |
Jul 4, 2015 2:07 PM
Crazy, but fun episode. Anybody else notice Hajime holding two Notes in the ED? What's up with that? |
Jul 4, 2015 2:14 PM
Is it just me or are there a few scenes that are suddenly there like e.g. Rui being a Gatchaman and stuff like that? I think I should rewatch s1 since I don't have any recollection of Rui becoming a Gatchaman ever happening, atleast with this teleportation power... |
“Listen, little girl. When I refer to a young woman, I mean someone who manages a student dorm and has the tolerance to give anyone advice if they want it. And there is one thing you lack as far as that’s concerned. Do you know what that is, little girl?” There was no way she could, so she gave him a confused look and he gave the answer. “These common breasts of yours disqualify you from providing the support of a young woman. Give up and try again later.” -Kamijou Touma |
Jul 4, 2015 2:17 PM
japzone said: Crazy, but fun episode. Anybody else notice Hajime holding two Notes in the ED? What's up with that? She fused with Berg during the directors cut of season 1, so it probably belongs to him. Interesting spot. |
Jul 4, 2015 2:39 PM
Caramichael said: I like Nick Creamer interpretation that Hajime was basically all the Good that humans have, just like Berg Katze is all the Bad. I am not sure I would call Hajime "good", nor would I say that Katze is "bad"; they are not polar opposites, Hajime was the one who best understood Katze, that was why she could defeat him. This shows that they are far more similar than dissimilar. Hajime is Katze without the self-hatred and the desire to lash out at a society that rejects him. She wins through being empathic and tolerant, while never giving to despair or cynicism (as the crowd members, Rui, and the other Gatchaman all did). Hajime was the hero because she never gave up. But I have to wonder at what cost. Hajime is always happy, always supportive, always willing to take on more of a burden. That isn't human, indeed of all the characters in this show, including all the aliens, she is the one who acts least human (well, outside of JJ, but even that is pretty close). She is too selfless, she is never sad, never angry, never emotional, her eyes always look as if she is observing people from some great height. Not sure if they will cover that this season, but Hajime's detachment is always good, I like how she gets things (like why the Oji left the room and what Tsubasa's trigger was and probably what this all means). That was why she was awesome the first season, she sees things for what they are.. |
Jul 4, 2015 2:42 PM
Nobunagun said: Is it just me or are there a few scenes that are suddenly there like e.g. Rui being a Gatchaman and stuff like that? I think I should rewatch s1 since I don't have any recollection of Rui becoming a Gatchaman ever happening, atleast with this teleportation power... You need to watch episode 13 (director's cut) and insight's episode 00 to fully understand why Rui is a Gatchaman, what happened to Berg-Katze, etc etc |
Jul 4, 2015 2:43 PM
edl01 said: She fused with Berg during the directors cut of season 1, so it probably belongs to him. Interesting spot. Correct, the brown one is Katze's (shown in both 12 and 13), Hajime's is the white one. |
Jul 4, 2015 3:24 PM
Takuan_Soho said: Hajime is Katze without the self-hatred and the desire to lash out at a society that rejects him I differ from your interpretation. Berg Katze is not himself because the society lashed out at him, he just exists, like the negative emotions in all people, and thus cannot be defeated, as from the start he is considered more like a disaster than a character. He doesn't hate himself, on the contrary he never, just like Hajime, concern with himself other than for self-preservation. I think S1 made it clear that he is a being who's only objective is to make people embrace their dark side, thus leading to their own demise. Going further on the theme of emotions, Berg Katze embrace his emotions, like you can see this episode, he says what he think without any subtlety. On the contrary, Hajime never says what she wants, like in the first fight in S1. She doesn't care about what people think, while Berg Katze only exist because people do care. If Berg Kate is the narrow minded, hateful, jaded, selfish side of people, Hajime on over side of the coin is the open minded, joyful, curious, generous side of them. When Berg Katze is faced with a problem, he dodge it (apart from the fight with O.D., he never enter in direct opposition with someone), while Hajime run full into it. Like you said, Hajime understood Berg Katze, but that's more because of her very nature of being curious and wanting to understand, which is one of the good side of humanity. That is why she manage to calm the aliens of the series' start, as she understood what they wanted, and gave it to them. She wants to know, and thus cannot hate since she understand, while those who don't want can only become scared and hateful, just like Berg Katze in the end of S1, when he doesn't understand, and don't even seek to know, why people ignore him all of a sudden. |
CaramichaelJul 4, 2015 4:02 PM
Jul 4, 2015 3:33 PM
I'm glad it's back and it hasn't changed a bit. Really, I'm surprised at how much I missed this series with its seemingly boundless energy and sheer craziness being thrown at you from start to finish. I had a lot of laughs though and while the episode was kind of a mess, it was a very enjoyable one, which is pretty much all I ask for when I watch Crowds. Hopefully the get the ending right this time around and it seems like we're going to get a bit more insight into the enigma that is Hajime this time around (I'm very interested in what the grey speech bubble represents, considering that the old man had it too) which will be intriguing to watch at he very least. I have to give a shout out to that OP though, it's just way too awesome. The OST is as great as always. |
KoybzJul 4, 2015 3:50 PM
Jul 4, 2015 4:04 PM
LOL THE RANDOMNESS IS BACK. OHHH HAHJIME WHY YOU SO COOOOOOLL!!! Btw love how they gave Hajimes Boobs a voice. defenitely a sick thing to listen to Hajimes great Boobs. |
Shirayuki= Most Perfect Female MC ever |
Jul 4, 2015 4:07 PM
I'm so thrilled to see this back!! The opening is as great as the previous one and the ost is still a top notch. I'm really curious where this season's plot goes. Can't wait to see Rui back soon though. |
Jul 4, 2015 4:26 PM
Very fun start to the series. Love Tsubasa and the red alien, nice addition of characters right there. And I'm pretty sure Hajime fusing with Katze made her rack even bigger than it already was lol. Their conversations are priceless. This is gonna be so much fun. Excited for this secon season <3 |
Jul 4, 2015 4:30 PM
Glad Gatchaman Crowds is back~ We already have a new Gatchaman and I'm excited for this season, and I really like the OP music and the ED scenes Like everyone seems to have mentioned, Hajime's thoughts were always gray, which may hint that she's not as she seems or has an outer façade |
Jul 4, 2015 5:27 PM
Nobunagun said: Is it just me or are there a few scenes that are suddenly there like e.g. Rui being a Gatchaman and stuff like that? I think I should rewatch s1 since I don't have any recollection of Rui becoming a Gatchaman ever happening, atleast with this teleportation power... Watch Episode 12 Director's Cut: Embrace and Episode 00: Inbound. |
Jul 4, 2015 5:34 PM
Caramichael said: Berg Katze is not himself because the society lashed out at him I think you misread what I wrote: Katze is the one who is lashing out. Society rejected him (though it might be more accurate to say he is afraid of being rejected), and he is getting back at them. That this is the case can best be seen in 13, when Hajime unmasks him (i.e. knocks his wig off) he screams: "don't look at me" while covering his face. It also explains why he keeps on wanting Hajime to say how much she hates him, why when he was fighting DD he comments about how scared he always is, and so forth. The fear of being ostracized and the hope of being accepted was the main theme of S1. Of course this was most clear with Rui, but it applies to all the characters (OD being able to "spread his wings", Sugane being comfortable with people (and man did he become a player :-), Joe having hope for the common people, Utsutsu accepting who she is, and Paiman getting over his guilt). Hajime's greatest power is her toleration, she accepts everyone as being normal (including the mayor and fire chief), and in being open she gets everyone else to open up about themselves. She creates links (for example between those two civil female servants), and in linking she creates a community where everyone can belong. Caramichael said: I think S1 made it clear that he is a being who's only objective is to make people embrace their dark side, thus leading to their own demise. I think there is a distinction here that is important: He doesn't get them to embrace their dark side, they have already done it. What he does is give them the power to act on their dark side. Power doesn't corrupt (even Lord Acton never said that), after all the Gatchman have been given power, power gives corrupt people the chance to show their corruption. That is all Katze does. This ties back to what motivates him, he wants to prove that everyone is as weak, spiteful, and isolated as he is. Caramichael said: Berg Katze embrace his emotions, like you can see this episode, he says what he think without any subtlety. That is because he is a child. A hateful, spiteful child that wants to kick over sand castles others have built. It makes him feel better about himself. This is why everything "irritates him" (as he told Ume-kun). Its not that he has "embraced" his emotions, quite the opposite, he has never learned to control them. He is a child throwing a tantrum. Caramichael said: On the contrary, Hajime never says what she wants, like in the first fight in S1. She doesn't care about what people think, while Berg Katze only exist because people do care. Hajime does care, thats why she notices things. This episode she was the only one to notice Misudachi left the room (and why), the rest of the family was obsessed about the news, Hajime doesn't care about that, she cares about people. And we know what Hajime wants, planners! And lots and lots of them! But I understand what you meant: Hajime doesn't care about what other people think of her, Katze does care what other people think of him. That is the difference between Hajime and the rest. Hajime acts naturally, everyone else is living up to or afraid of some external standard. But this doesn't mean that Hajime doesn't care about other people, she just doesn't let them define her. This is made most clear by how Rui responds (and why he doesn't need the make up anymore). |
Jul 4, 2015 6:09 PM
New Gatchaman and a cute Alien <3 These Emoji will play a part in the story. |
Jul 4, 2015 6:24 PM
This was a great first episode, lots of fun and very entertaining! Tsubasa definitely reminds me of a hot-headed version of Hajime. xD The new alien,Gelsadra, seems really cute. :D JJ coming to grant Tsubasa Gatchaman powers was pretty cool. The new Gatchaman transformation OST sounds pretty cool but I still prefer the previous one. I'm in love with the OP; it has some really great visuals too. ED is really awesome too! Can't wait for more Gatchaman Crowds Insight! 5/5 |
Jul 4, 2015 7:24 PM
Hey i'm down for some more Gatchaman but i need to set my mind straight when watching this to keep up with the random pacing. but now there's 2 Hajime's lol so it's gonna be even harder to follow their mindsets! |
Jul 4, 2015 7:40 PM
This is unrelated to any deeper meaning discussion. But when the mass media went to the house to discover the alien, and Paipai went outside and the entire media team dropped to the ground to be eye level with him, is one of those nice touches that makes this animation special. Second love scene. When Tsubasa tried to transform, her second was an exact impression of Hajime last season. Great direction there. |
Takuan_SohoJul 4, 2015 7:43 PM
Jul 4, 2015 7:56 PM
Takuan_Soho said: But when the mass media went to the house to discover the alien, and Paipai went outside and the entire media team dropped to the ground to be eye level with him, is one of those nice touches that makes this animation special. Glad I wasn't the only one who noticed! That actually made me laugh out loud for a little while, especially when you thing of how it probably boosted his ego since he thinks of himself as the leader and whatnot. Anyway, this episode was great! I missed this show so much, and even though it's been two years I feel just as happy watching it like I did when this series first debuted. It'll be cool to see how Tsubasa fits in with the gatchaman...she has a similar personality to Hajime, but unlike her she is quick to lose her temper/get overwhelmed. She's probably in a harder position since she wants to take over the family business and she has to adjust to the fame being thrown at her all of a sudden, which the other members didn't really have to deal with at first. We can only wonder where they'll take the plot this season, but I think the more interesting aspect will be the characters...but we'll see :) |
Jul 4, 2015 8:24 PM
Jul 4, 2015 8:44 PM
i seriously hope this will be an action pack season this time around, gatchaman needs to have lots of battles, nice to see the new gatchaman and a new red loli alien |
Jul 4, 2015 9:06 PM
Lymus said: the grey emojis are really something to think about at first i thought Hajime's is grey because she has B.K in her, but then the grandfather also had a grey one ... speaking of that I still don't understand why and how is he inside of her? |
Jul 4, 2015 9:08 PM
Lymus said: the grey emojis are really something to think about at first i thought Hajime's is grey because she has B.K in her, but then the grandfather also had a grey one ... speaking of that I still don't understand why and how is he inside of her? lindsayzzz said: This was a great first episode, lots of fun and very entertaining! Tsubasa definitely reminds me of a hot-headed version of Hajime. xD The new alien,Gelsadra, seems really cute. :D JJ coming to grant Tsubasa Gatchaman powers was pretty cool. The new Gatchaman transformation OST sounds pretty cool but I still prefer the previous one. I'm in love with the OP; it has some really great visuals too. ED is really awesome too! Can't wait for more Gatchaman Crowds Insight! 5/5 I do love the new one but my love for the old transforming song will never change it he's me so hype for some reason |
Jul 4, 2015 9:18 PM
I have a hunch that Tsubasa's great grandfather is actually J.J |
Control your feelings, or let your feelings control you. |
Jul 4, 2015 9:35 PM
doujinzii said: she has a similar personality to Hajime, but unlike her she is quick to lose her temper/get overwhelmed. I am curious if whether JJ taking her note out of her back instead of her chest will have any meaning. I think it will. In that Katze was also a Gatchaman, I think it does. Nothing says JJ only does it for the greater good. |
Jul 4, 2015 9:37 PM
Jul 4, 2015 10:16 PM
Jul 4, 2015 10:30 PM
I actually like this series much more than I probably let on in the past (is what i've realized lately). What helped a lot in this realization was that ep 12 director's cut which I just watched a few days ago, for some reason I had completely forgotten to watch it back when the first season ended. This episode definitely put a grin on my face. Takuan_Soho said: But when the mass media went to the house to discover the alien, and Paipai went outside and the entire media team dropped to the ground to be eye level with him, is one of those nice touches that makes this animation special. the camera dude laying on the floor was great |
standJul 4, 2015 10:33 PM
Jul 4, 2015 10:30 PM
great to see the gatchas back. yeah, i wonder what's up with the grey emoji. Takuan_Soho said: But when the mass media went to the house to discover the alien, and Paipai went outside and the entire media team dropped to the ground to be eye level with him, is one of those nice touches that makes this animation special. haha yeah i loved that! |
Jul 4, 2015 10:45 PM
Oh how much I missed Gatchaman and even more I missed Taku Iwasaki, I feel so blessed everytime I hear his music, it appears that he wrote a new Gatchaman's theme which seems pretty good nonetheless, although I still find the first one a bit superior. I'm hesitant on Tsubasa because she seems too overactive just like Hajime and I'm not sure is a good idea keeping both of them overactive like that. I suppose we'll see how things will change, either way great start. |
Jul 5, 2015 12:28 AM
Amazing 1st episode. I just came across Gatchaman Crowds last night and watched all the episodes back to back. I love this anime. The new season has so much potential. This is gonna sound really stupid but I played The Wonderful 101 on WII U and this anime reminds me alot of that video game idk why. Either way looking foward to more Gatchaman Crowds. Bird GO lol |
Jul 5, 2015 2:24 AM
New girl is pretty annoying tbh. Didn't even know director's cut ep existed. Cbf watching it I'll just continue on. XD |
Jul 5, 2015 6:38 AM
Did anyone notice Hajime's emoji turning green when the red loli alien spoke about having world peace or something along those lines? Maybe Hajime is the type to care about other peoples happiness rather than her own. |
"Hi!" |
Jul 5, 2015 7:39 AM
I missed Hajime so much! And Gel is so cute. Love the new opening. :) |
Jul 5, 2015 7:53 AM
YEEART said: Did anyone notice Hajime's emoji turning green when the red loli alien spoke about having world peace or something along those lines? Maybe Hajime is the type to care about other peoples happiness rather than her own. No, didn't see it. By the time Gel talked about uniting people, Hajime should have already been out of the room following the Great Grandfather. You might have confused another's image bubble for hers, there were a couple of scenes where Utsutsu and Paiman's bubbles were between Hajime and her bubble. But as far as I can tell (which of course doesn't mean I see all), as stated, it was always gray. If you can find it again, please let me know where it was, that would change a whole lot of things about Hajime. |
Jul 5, 2015 8:00 AM
Ah, I see they begin the first episode where they left off in the last season... by having the characters act and talk as randomly as possible instead of having actual conversations or doing anything that makes sense, now with the added convenient excuse in form of Katze to zoom in on Hajime's boobs once in a while (I mean, really? In none of those scenes with Katze talking the view was centered on the red scarf) Sorry, I liked how the first season of Gatchaman Crowds started but the first episode of Insight shows exactly why I was so annoyed by the end of it. I hope they atleast still have some action in there and make use of being Gatchaman instead of just transforming for no reason to then having every problem solved by Hajime (or any other character at this point)... well, 'being Hajime'. |
"The fool who believed in miracles now walks among the dead." ~ Blade of the Phantom Master |
Jul 5, 2015 9:20 AM
Worst visuals of the season. It looks worse than standard (mid budget) '90 shows Nice OP (animation and song) I didn't like first season too much (eespecially last episodes) and this one seems to be even worse :( I will watch it next week, but I don't know whether I will watch till end... This show is just too specific, and I'm not a target I think. 2/5 |
HidenNinpoJul 5, 2015 9:34 AM
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