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Jun 25, 2015 7:25 AM

Nov 2011
Pretty predicable in the end imo but overall a fun show.

Seems all was well thanks to the efforts of the Nya-tan and the others. Chu-tan sure learned her lesson. Nice. Felt like they put a lot of effort into the final fight for the finale.
Stark700Jun 25, 2015 7:48 AM
Jun 25, 2015 9:13 AM

Jul 2012
This was such a weirdly good and entertaining show. I rather liked it.

giving it a 7/10, but there is a piece of me that wants to +1 for fun
"Let's make a miracle happen using the power of friendship."
"If that was all it took, there'd be no need for training arcs!"

"Normal rabbits don't carry guns!"
Jun 25, 2015 9:16 AM
Luny Tunes

Feb 2012

Oh my! It's already over! (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

So the Etotama Kagura Senguu was a technique that Nyaa-tan originally learned to heal Chuu-tan, only to have Chuu-tan copy it and use the technique negatively...

When I first saw Chuu-tan speaking out-of-character and hammering Nyaa-tan with her fists, I was laughing. xD That was hilarious! I got to see the bright side of Chuu-tan, now that she's been "freed". :D Her outfit's all white now and she's gotten more gentle than ever.

Pffft-- Chuu-tan didn't give her Sol/Lull seal to Nyaa-tan so Nyaa-tan didn't get to join the Chinese Zodiac, lol! xD So in this entire show, Nyaa-tan's goal went down the drain? xP More importantly, the show was going to end without a certain perverted Ox Eto-Musume then the surprising reveal at the end. If Moo-tan had never really returned to complete the 12 Eto-Shin, my score would have dropped. >_>

Now Nyaa-tan is free unbound by any rules so she goes on a journey again, taking a tiny Moo-tan along with her. <3333

Farewell, Etotama! This has been a very enjoyable anime and I enjoyed it from beginning to end. :D

Jun 25, 2015 9:32 AM

Nov 2012
Well, that was fun....
Jun 25, 2015 9:38 AM

Apr 2014
Well I had a bit of fun watching this anime, So I'll rate this 6 out of 10 overall.
Haters always gonna hate.
Jun 25, 2015 9:38 AM

Jul 2014
An intense fight turns into a happy ending. Glad that Moo-tan was reincarnated. Nice episode.

Overall it was kinda strange but it was fun, the fights were pretty cool, and the CG was actually quite awesome. I enjoyed this show and looked forward to watching it every week. 7/10
Jun 25, 2015 9:42 AM

Aug 2013
what a fun ride..
6.5/10 for me
Jun 25, 2015 9:51 AM

Dec 2013
I really enjoyed nyaa-tans antics, the cgi was pretty well done and made me laugh. Overall I thought it was pretty good
Jun 25, 2015 10:09 AM

May 2013
Man, Chu-tan is soooo cute in the second half. Yep, completely out of chara (even Nya-tan as well). Moo-tan!!! Yes you are alive.

7/10, the last few episodes made me like this show more despite it flaws and pretty surprised that this series break the 4th wall haha. Also, CGI was good than other shows with CGI.
The world shall know the truth soon.
Jun 25, 2015 10:56 AM

Jul 2014
AIIII Mo tan's back. The whole episode had me thiinking, "They seriously cant just leave Mo tan dead rite??", but overall predictable but enjoyable show. 8/10 just cause the characters were so KAWAI
Shirayuki= Most Perfect Female MC ever
Jun 25, 2015 11:32 AM

Apr 2010
Not sure what to say about this ending.
Think it was a bit unsatisfying but that could just be me.
Well the ending suggested more could happen but i doubt we will be seeing a second season.
The anime overall was pretty ok.
Jun 25, 2015 11:53 AM

Mar 2015
Best uses of CG I have ever seen. Fun series. Nya-tan's one cour of work was all for naught. XD 8/10
Jun 25, 2015 12:03 PM

Dec 2014
Finale was done right, you could tell they put effort into it and nothing seemed rushed.
Chu-tan was so cute, but I wished they hugged or something!

Overall very good for a overlooked anime! 8.5/10!
Jun 25, 2015 12:06 PM

Apr 2013
I never thought I'd love this anime as much as I did. 7/10

The after credit scene was a 2nd season bait.
Jun 25, 2015 12:19 PM

Jun 2012
I didn't expect this would get so much praise. Honestly, I can't decide which anime was the most boring for me this season. Etotama or Vivid. Maybe comedy in this wasn't really my thing, so I always got really tired of it half way through the episode and ended up spacing out. I just don't get the appeal.

Sure, finale was alright. Predictable, but nice nonetheless. Other than that, this was as average as it gets, so it's 5/10 from me.
Jun 25, 2015 12:21 PM

Jan 2014
I enjoyed this one a lot more than I thought I would 7/10 + 1 for enjoyment so 8/10
Watch Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha, you wont be disappointed.
Check out My Youtube Channel:

Jun 25, 2015 12:37 PM

Jul 2014
This was such an odd show but turned out to be surprisingly enjoyable. Sure, the ending was predictable as hell, but it was done well enough to be lots of fun. Also, this series deserves some credit for having some of the best CGI I've ever actually seen in anime.

Was going to keep this at 6/10, but I'd say it's more deserving of a 7/10.
Jun 25, 2015 1:19 PM

Jun 2013
that was surprisingly good
Jun 25, 2015 1:24 PM

Mar 2013
I was getting tired of Nya-tan and some of the comedy in the middle of this show but the last 2 or 3 episodes were really great, so it went from 5/10 to 7/10. The CGI in that battle was amazing, too.
Jun 25, 2015 1:25 PM

Mar 2012
Wish there would be at least some romance for Takeru.. 6/10
Keep moving forward
Jun 25, 2015 1:25 PM
Jul 2018
That was a good ending. Nya-tan saved Chu-tan by purifying and repairing her Etotama.
Jun 25, 2015 1:46 PM

Mar 2014
Everyone is giving "extra points" for enjoyment. Isn't watching anime supposed to be all about enjoyment? Or is everyone watching anime for something else?
Jun 25, 2015 1:48 PM
Content Admin
Overkilled Red

Aug 2013
The usage of CGI in this show have been very impressive and final battle was particularly amazing, although the end-result was very predictable.

Takeru ignoring the manager was easily the best part of the episode. I like how the question he was asked implied whether or not he wanted to keep the zodiac harem.

Decent finale, but the show as a whole was average, tbh. Nyaa-tan obtained those Sol/Lull seals like it was a walk in the park, and even that didn't equate to anything at the end. And of course, Moo-tan is reincarnated.

Jun 25, 2015 2:23 PM

Apr 2014
I thought this finale was pretty good and the final fight was awesome

They should make a fighting game from this anime because I would probably buy it lol

Jun 25, 2015 2:26 PM

Jun 2014
Another happy ending to a cute anime! Poor Nya-tan still didn't get what she wanted, but at least they were all happy at the end!

This was a fun ride and the ending was predictable, but the Chinese Zodiac was never as much fun until now!

Moo-tan was my favorite character of the series!

Overall this was a 7/10!
So glad that I'm not a huge manga reader, because the manga readers WHINE WAY TOO MUCH and have to RUIN every adapted anime for the ANIME ONLY WATCHERS!
Jun 25, 2015 2:26 PM

Apr 2014
DesuTronic said:
Everyone is giving "extra points" for enjoyment. Isn't watching anime supposed to be all about enjoyment? Or is everyone watching anime for something else?

Ikr I rate anime based on how much I enjoyed it not on how well the story was or the character development or the quality of the animation. I watch anime purely for entertainment reasons and now it has become a hobby

Jun 25, 2015 2:44 PM

Aug 2010
Really nice ep and conclusion :3

The battle was really friggin cool. Dat CG <3

Dere crying lonely Chu-tan was so damn kawaiii <3 So adorable :3

Lol'd at how Takeru just ignored the Manager and told him to move over then called him when he needed him XD

Dat mini Mo-tan <3

8/10 for me. Probably best CG I've seen in anime :P Sidonia has awesome CG too but for mechs. This one is for characters.
Jun 25, 2015 2:54 PM

Oct 2011
Mo-tan lives and Nya-tan goes on a journey once again
Jun 25, 2015 3:56 PM

Mar 2014
I'm happy with the ending and conclusion and how they explained Nya-tan and Chu-tan's past :)

I never thought I'd see Chu-tan act so dere (so she has a cute adorable side to her XD), immediately I thought "it feels kinda out of character for her" and then they admitted it XD

So in the beginning when Nya-tan and Chu-tan were still friends it seems that Chu-tan was building up a lot of pressure and negative emotions but kept it deep inside and only Nya-tan started to notice. So Nya-tan decides to travel around the world solving problems before they even began (she killed a dragon serpent and a chimera...) hoping that it might take off some of the pressure from Chu-tan which kinda worked but Chu-tan was lonely without Nya-tan so she still wasn't getting better. In the end Nya-tan decides to save Chu-tan by perfecting Etotama Kagura Senguu and using it to destroy Chu-tan's etotama? (so basically kill her before she loses control) Which is why Chu-tan felt betrayed, however now it seems she found another way to save her by purifying it and without destroying it.

The fight in the beginning was intense and epic, easily one of the best battles in the entire show, though I felt like it kinda jumped into the middle of the battle (with no intro) but still it was enjoyable and I honestly have never seen CG used in anime in such a way as this (so props to them for that).

Also did that last scene after the credits hinted on a continuation to the story? :O It might be awhile if they do plan to make a season 2 but something tells me there likely won't be a season 2 considering how this anime did in this anime season (seriously this show is really underrated).

Overall I give it an 8/10, was sitting on a 7.5/10 for a while but after some consideration and with how they handled the final episode I feel it deserves an 8 :P
DMindJun 25, 2015 4:39 PM
Jun 25, 2015 4:14 PM

Oct 2014
What a final! Intense fight, amazing CG animation and a out-of-charater Chu-tan. And on top of that, Mo-tan is back and travels as chibi with Nya-tan around the world <3

I´m satisfied with this happy ending and give this series a 8/10. It was really, really funny, weird, chaotic and entertaining.
Holy Madoka! The Yuri is strong here!

My Anime List
Jun 25, 2015 4:37 PM

Apr 2015
I don't think Nyan-tan really went on a so called "journey". She has to "come home" and still feast on Takeru's Sol
Jun 25, 2015 5:05 PM

Mar 2013
I do hope that post-credits scene means there'll be a second season. I wanna know who Nya-tan was about to fight. I guess we'll find out if there's a season two from OVAs and Specials, and how the BDs sell.
Slice of Life Anime about the everyday life of a German Philosopher: Nietzschijou.
Jun 25, 2015 5:16 PM

Jun 2013
Good final episode!
This show ended up being a lot better than i thought it was going to be! :D
Jun 25, 2015 5:20 PM

Jan 2013
I wish to make a game of battles or mini-games in his version Chibi , the CGI of the last battle was great. also the last drawing by Rie Murakawa at the end was so cute XD.

7/10 good and enjoyable anime.
Jun 25, 2015 6:49 PM

Jul 2009
Ah so Nya-tan defeated Chu-tan after all eh ... but still didn't get to join the zodiac XD To be honest I think Chu-tan looks better in dark colours ... >_< Mo-tan kind of "reincarnated" too? :O Well, I guess it's a happy ending for everyone :3

Overall this was a surprisingly fun series, but nothing really amazed me. I mean like, the characters were OK, music was OK, plot was OK ... IDK, nothing really stood out but I really enjoyed the comedy :P So yeah, it was enjoyable! 7/10
Jun 25, 2015 7:35 PM

Feb 2014
So when Chuu-tan was like: "Yeah everything was balanced when I ruled, but I WAS LONELY!!!!" I was like: "awwww poor Chuu-tan :'(" and "awwwww that was so heartfelt :')" but then I realized that destroying the cat clan would make her lonelier still so her entire goal in the show was ultimately gonna make her more sad. She also held onto that grudge for a very long time.

But poor Nya-tan didn't get to join the zodiac at the end: "B-b-but my one cour worth of effort!!!!!!" hahaha xD It's actually pretty funny how the show just ended like that and she didn't even get to join.

Ending was kinda awkward but it was still fun. Overall a pretty enjoyable show, nice cgi, fun characters, great soundtrack: 7-8/10 from me.
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Jun 25, 2015 7:40 PM

May 2013
DesuTronic said:
Everyone is giving "extra points" for enjoyment. Isn't watching anime supposed to be all about enjoyment? Or is everyone watching anime for something else?

I guess so. Majority of the shows i watch is really like based on my enjoyment because im not that of a critic. Theres a lot of purpose in watching animes: entertainment or thoughts i guess
The world shall know the truth soon.
Jun 25, 2015 7:42 PM

Jul 2011
Well that was fun. I wish more animes would have as much well done CGI as this show had.

Also, This seriously should have a fighting game lol.
Jun 25, 2015 8:46 PM

Oct 2011
The final scene of Chuu-tan's battle was so...Cute! Also the soundtrack was amazing too.

Hail the power of Love!

Etotama is a funny show with cute characters, CGI and other stuff. Nice! For me, It was one of the best of this season. Love the happy ending.

Jun 25, 2015 9:56 PM

Oct 2014
Chuu-tan wearing white dress now?? O_o

read from right to left
Jun 26, 2015 12:39 AM

Jul 2013
"My one cour of effort"


I never get tired of the 4th wall breaking jokes in this show. This is one of the best show for me this season, might have been AOTS but Sidonia and Baby Steps make it hard to put this as an undisputed AOTS. Still it's extremely entertaining and the CGI was wonderfully executed, lots of fun characters too. Uri-tan and Moo-tan would be very difficult to forget. The only thing that's lacking is the main guy, I wish he acts as a more energetic tsukkomi. I'd like to give this 8.5 (seriously, it's about time MAL make this kind of score available) but I'd just round it up.

Jun 26, 2015 3:10 AM

Jan 2013
I guess that there might be some chances of a second season?
Jun 26, 2015 4:04 AM

Nov 2010
Great ending for a great little series. I enjoyed every episode, even the recap, and the fight this week was quite impressive.
Jun 26, 2015 4:05 AM

Aug 2014
What a fun series!

I hope there's going to be a second season!
It appears, as is the way of the causality of life, that many of my former companions – at least, those humans with which I shared at least somewhat meaningful bonds – have moved on to other realms, protected by such charms and spells that make me incapable of pushing past those boundaries to follow them.
Jun 26, 2015 6:17 AM

Aug 2014
Aaah I'm soooo gonna miss Etotama with all of those Etos' antics! ><

Epic CG fight scenes in the first half! The visuals for this is too good! Am I wrong saying that this one have more awesome action scenes than Owari no Seraph, Fairy Tail anime and the likes?

The scene where Chuu-tan going white is kinda cheesy, I'd say. I like her in black outfits better.
I thought Nya-tan gonna replace Mo-tan for some reason. Guess not. Poor Nya-tan. Nya-tan saying ''My one cour worth of effort'' actually made me chuckled.
Best luck, Nya-tan! Not this season, I guess. xD

It's (8/10) Overall! I know this one is underrated anime, but I don't care! I enjoyed this a lot, and it deserves such scores from me! The CG arts graphics are too good!
Season 2 is always welcome! If there's any..
Also, who's that in the black cape at the end with Nya-tan? Another cat-clan Eto-musume perhaps?
Jun 26, 2015 6:21 AM

Jul 2011
Never thought i would enjoy this show so much, it got to the point i would patiently wait for it every week.
Jun 26, 2015 6:38 AM

Dec 2010
...yeah Moo-tan back saw that one coming

...another anime end always makes me feel sad

...what's with that last scene a sequel ?
Jun 26, 2015 7:38 AM

Nov 2011
The Final Series is funny, not trying to be serious during the narration and I appreciate this thing, then I will be magnanimous even in voting. Combat interesting enough, there was not the time to make this step unnecessary, this is another point in favor of the anime. The animations and drawings are discreet, he has not spared even the CG. Catchy soundtrack, opening and ending cute, in the end it was nice to follow this TV series. My vote is 7/10.
The finish is predictable, but I have to take into account what has been sown previously. There's been a lot of comedy, which made the atmosphere fun and enjoyable to follow, the plot is simple, but has played in favor of the TV seirie a fair amount of things done well.
Jun 26, 2015 10:51 AM

Apr 2015
Chu-tan is so unlikable(I hate her more than any character this season, even more than Asuka) that the whole meaning of the show is beyond me. Thus it's hard to understand her and the others' emotions and the storyline as well. The ending was sudden and bad. Overall the episode was a huge mess, the ratings for me have dropped considerably. I was going to write a review for this but I won't after this. 6/10 for me.

By the way the 3D action is THE SHIT.
LanzJun 26, 2015 11:20 AM
Jun 26, 2015 4:05 PM

Jan 2013
I will miss this show.. Never thought I will like this tbh...
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