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Jan 24, 2015 11:55 AM
Dec 2011
TheIMF said:
neurogal91 said:

No it's obvious that Asseylum will not approve everything Slaine done. Slaine had allowed the war continue when she wants it to stop. And Slaine might want to conquer the whole Earth to solidify his position and power among the nobles.

Slaine will do anything to achieve his dream, and he is aware that this is against what the princess believes in. But he's going to do it because he thinks this is the only way to create a peaceful world, even if Asseylum would hate him in the end. It's like he accepted his fate is doomed from the start and so continue to dirty his hand.

You haven nothing to base this on. Slaine is essentially a free agent. There is nothing to suggests he wants to take over the Vers Empire or conquer Earth. As Slaine has said himself, he has no dreams, and as the writers noted last season, he lives by a maxim entirely in service to Asseylum.

We know nothing, and yet some of you see fit to make huge assumptions based on nothing but inference as to what Slaine's intentions are or what Asseylum would think of his actions.

In this episode it is clear that Slaine had a dream, or he would have not killed Saazbaum just to get his rank when Saazbaum is protecting him from other counts.

Sure we are still not sure what Slaine's endgame here, but it's obvious he wants to change Vers. And the simple fact is we all know Asseylum would not like to hear that Slaine had continue the war for 2 years now, but he is still doing it.

Look I love Slaine, but he is now the anti-hero of the series and might be the final villain that needs to be taken down by Inaho. What I like about Slaine is that he had no delusions that the things he is doing is evil and he might be punished for it in the future.
Jan 24, 2015 11:56 AM

Apr 2008
CookingPriest said:
Darklight0303 said:

Because Inaho and the Terrans are DEFENDING. THe princess never told Earth to surrender. She acknowledged their right to defend their homes. The martians are the invaders. They are in the wrong regardless of reasons.

Not to mention Inaho is NOT the one who is instigating the war now.

That goes without saying
Jan 24, 2015 11:57 AM

Jul 2007
neurogal91 said:
TheIMF said:

You haven nothing to base this on. Slaine is essentially a free agent. There is nothing to suggests he wants to take over the Vers Empire or conquer Earth. As Slaine has said himself, he has no dreams, and as the writers noted last season, he lives by a maxim entirely in service to Asseylum.

We know nothing, and yet some of you see fit to make huge assumptions based on nothing but inference as to what Slaine's intentions are or what Asseylum would think of his actions.

In this episode it is clear that Slaine had a dream, or he would have not killed Saazbaum just to get his rank when Saazbaum is protecting him from other counts.

Sure we are still not sure what Slaine's endgame here, but it's obvious he wants to change Vers. And the simple fact is we all know Asseylum would not like to hear that Slaine had continue the war for 2 years now, but he is still doing it.

Look I love Slaine, but he is now the anti-hero of the series and might be the final villain that needs to be taken down by Inaho. What I like about Slaine is that he had no delusions that the things he is doing is evil and he might be punished for it in the future.

Except we have no proof for bolded part. If anything, going by his talk at princess pod last ep Slaine genuinely believes to be in the right and that Princess would forgive him and would smile again.

Which won't happen.

He is delusional, just on even more grand scale than his stalker obsession is.
Jan 24, 2015 11:59 AM

Jun 2012
Darklight0303 said:

Because Inaho and the Terrans are DEFENDING. THe princess never told Earth to surrender. She acknowledged their right to defend their homes. The martians are the invaders. They are in the wrong regardless of reasons.

I see my post went over your head. No one is constesting that the Martians are in the wrong. That's obvious. The point I was trying to make is that this entire conflict is beyond Slaine's or Inaho's power to stop. Neither of them are guilty for fighting for their respective side if that is the only means to protect the loved ones.

If Asseylum is the key to ending the war, then Slaine's participation in it in order to protect her while she is recovering is a necessary sacrifice to make for the greater good - a sacrifice you sure as hell know Inaho would make as well.
Jan 24, 2015 11:59 AM

Mar 2013
So is Slaine Suzaku, Lelouche, or both?
Jan 24, 2015 11:59 AM

Jan 2015
julyachan said:
seujair31 said:

sim sou brasileiro, de sc florianopolis, moro na italia, mais ate o começo de março estarei aqui no brasil, de licença para fazer um cirugia no pé

AEEEEE heuehuehuehuehhebrbrbr sou de Belo Horizonte.

Legal achar alguém que fala português aqui no fórum.

Acho engaçado o ódio extremo pelo Slaine aqui. Sei que ele é um personagem que fez merda, mas não significa que ele não vá fazer algo bom daqui pra frente.
kkkkk ;)

na real eu sou fan do genero mecha, porra mais não da para aceitar no episodio 12 Slaine entrou naquele robo, e começou a pilotar como um profissional, mesmo Kira quando pilotou um robo pela primeira vez teve dificuldade com os controles, inclusive caiu de bunda no chão com o robo.
Fan de mecha não gosta muito, quando um personagem, é atribuido super podere, e um super robo que faz todo o trabalho do piloto.
Jan 24, 2015 12:00 PM

Jan 2015
Darklight0303 said:
neurogal91 said:

This is not quite true. Even if Saazbaum died, there are still his loyal faction which would continue to carry out Saazbaum's ideal. They would continue to attempt to assasinate Asseylum, create new propaganda for war on Earth and maybe a revolution to take down the Emperor.

There was no way the war would be completely stopped even if Slaine did not save Saazbaum. In fact if Asseylum came back to Mars unhamed it would only create more internal strife among the Vers empire. It is stupid to think everything will be fine had the mission was successful.

If there was a majority in that, they would not have had to stage the princess's assassination to motivate the knights to act. The fact that Sazbaum resorted to the assassination, proves that the knights were NOT united in their desire to conquer Earth. So first Sazbaum used Asseylum's death to promote the war to all. And now in season two Slaine is using her image and words via an impostor to do the same. No matter how you cut it, it's wrong and villain behavior.

1) They wanted war, as we don't see any Martians hesitant to fight. It's just that they were likely waiting on word from the monarchy, as they are still soldiers at the end of the day. Saazbaum's goal was to conquer Earth for its resources to save his people, and he was likely done waiting for his people to starve after 15+ years of orbiting his objective. Yes, Asseylum was used to be the catalyst that forced the crown's hand and restart the war, but it's not war for war's sake like you make it seem to be.

2) Slaine is doing what any smart person in his position would, especially seeing as he could be killed by uppity Martians at any time.
Jan 24, 2015 12:01 PM
Aug 2012
fst said:
So is Slaine Suzaku, Lelouche, or both?

Suzaku -2.0!

I am pretty sure Suzaku is crying tears of joy because someone replaced him after a long tim.

Jan 24, 2015 12:03 PM

Jul 2007
fst said:
So is Slaine Suzaku, Lelouche, or both?

Slaine is Nina.

Dragon_Slayer_X said:
fst said:
So is Slaine Suzaku, Lelouche, or both?

Suzaku -2.0!

I am pretty sure Suzaku is crying tears of joy because someone replaced him after a long tim.

Shitzaku still made SOME right decisions. Slaine on other hand....
Jan 24, 2015 12:04 PM

Dec 2010
calling it now, counts alive
Jan 24, 2015 12:05 PM

Oct 2014
So I'm guessing since blood isn't enough to activate Aldnoah the Emperor just went around kissing orbital knights?
Jan 24, 2015 12:05 PM

Jan 2015
CookingPriest said:
neurogal91 said:

In this episode it is clear that Slaine had a dream, or he would have not killed Saazbaum just to get his rank when Saazbaum is protecting him from other counts.

Sure we are still not sure what Slaine's endgame here, but it's obvious he wants to change Vers. And the simple fact is we all know Asseylum would not like to hear that Slaine had continue the war for 2 years now, but he is still doing it.

Look I love Slaine, but he is now the anti-hero of the series and might be the final villain that needs to be taken down by Inaho. What I like about Slaine is that he had no delusions that the things he is doing is evil and he might be punished for it in the future.

Except we have no proof for bolded part. If anything, going by his talk at princess pod last ep Slaine genuinely believes to be in the right and that Princess would forgive him and would smile again.

Which won't happen.

He is delusional, just on even more grand scale than his stalker obsession is.

During his talk with Lemrina he never once rejected the notion that he was just using her; all he did was show her that he knows what it feels to be considered the equivalent to nothing, and that he understands her. He never hides that fact, and, again, never interrupts/refutes her accusations when she verbally reprimands him.

I still don't see where all this "he's delusional" talk comes from. He loves Asseylum, and wants to keep her safe, but that's separate from his current goal.
Jan 24, 2015 12:06 PM

Jul 2007
Makaze_no_Moujuu said:
CookingPriest said:

Except we have no proof for bolded part. If anything, going by his talk at princess pod last ep Slaine genuinely believes to be in the right and that Princess would forgive him and would smile again.

Which won't happen.

He is delusional, just on even more grand scale than his stalker obsession is.

During his talk with Lemrina he never once rejected the notion that he was just using her; all he did was show her that he knows what it feels to be considered the equivalent to nothing, and that he understands her. He never hides that fact, and, again, never interrupts/refutes her accusations when she verbally reprimands him.

I still don't see where all this "he's delusional" talk comes from. He loves Asseylum, and wants to keep her safe, but that's separate from his current goal.

If he as self-aware

he would not be asking whether princess would be "sad" for him attacking Deucalion nor claim that Princess will smile for them once again.
Jan 24, 2015 12:06 PM

Apr 2008
Makaze_no_Moujuu said:
Darklight0303 said:

If there was a majority in that, they would not have had to stage the princess's assassination to motivate the knights to act. The fact that Sazbaum resorted to the assassination, proves that the knights were NOT united in their desire to conquer Earth. So first Sazbaum used Asseylum's death to promote the war to all. And now in season two Slaine is using her image and words via an impostor to do the same. No matter how you cut it, it's wrong and villain behavior.

1) They wanted war, as we don't see any Martians hesitant to fight. It's just that they were likely waiting on word from the monarchy, as they are still soldiers at the end of the day. Saazbaum's goal was to conquer Earth for its resources to save his people, and he was likely done waiting for his people to starve after 15+ years of orbiting his objective. Yes, Asseylum was used to be the catalyst that forced the crown's hand and restart the war, but it's not war for war's sake like you make it seem to be.

2) Slaine is doing what any smart person in his position would, especially seeing as he could be killed by uppity Martians at any time.

Because Trade was never an option right? The fact that you think this invasion is justified in any manner is the most ridiculous notion I've heard in years.
Jan 24, 2015 12:07 PM

Jan 2015
Makaze_no_Moujuu said:
Darklight0303 said:

If there was a majority in that, they would not have had to stage the princess's assassination to motivate the knights to act. The fact that Sazbaum resorted to the assassination, proves that the knights were NOT united in their desire to conquer Earth. So first Sazbaum used Asseylum's death to promote the war to all. And now in season two Slaine is using her image and words via an impostor to do the same. No matter how you cut it, it's wrong and villain behavior.

1) They wanted war, as we don't see any Martians hesitant to fight. It's just that they were likely waiting on word from the monarchy, as they are still soldiers at the end of the day. Saazbaum's goal was to conquer Earth for its resources to save his people, and he was likely done waiting for his people to starve after 15+ years of orbiting his objective. Yes, Asseylum was used to be the catalyst that forced the crown's hand and restart the war, but it's not war for war's sake like you make it seem to be.

2) Slaine is doing what any smart person in his position would, especially seeing as he could be killed by uppity Martians at any time.

you expect Slaine get peace on mars just offering powder wind. Faceless land resources Mars did not survive long, to declare war against the earth, the peace agreement were to space.
How do you think Slaine will bring peace to Mars, if he can not afford to offer,
Jan 24, 2015 12:07 PM

Feb 2014
Slaine did something worthy of my praise. He still sucks though.
Jan 24, 2015 12:07 PM
The Komori

Mar 2013
I'd like to start by saying that I have mad respect for Slaine now....The kid really stepped his game up

Glad to see that they cleared up the whole theory about how Inaho can use Aldnoah so hopefully all the fuss about that will come to and end and peoplecan move on, same with Slaine seeing the future (Confirmed that it's the mech that does it)

I'm not sure how anyone else feels but I for one really liked Saucebum and what he did for Slaine in this episode reminded me of why I like him (Speaking of which that blonde count is a cunt and I hope Slaine kills him)

The Rayet moments on and off the battle were great, I liked seeing more of the characterization for Inaho and the fake princess is still annoying.

Inaho vs Slaine and Saaz was pretty awesome, and as I stated earlier, Slaine got mad props from me.....As much as I love Inaho, if it wasn't for Inko he would have died. And that conclusion of the battle.....The last few mins were just epic....Slaine deserves at least a little respect for everything that was said and done in the last 3-4 mins

R.I.P Sauceboom and Count Slaine Saazbaum Troyard, do not disappoint me

TokoyaJan 24, 2015 12:10 PM
Jan 24, 2015 12:07 PM
Dec 2011
Darklight0303 said:
neurogal91 said:

This is not quite true. Even if Saazbaum died, there are still his loyal faction which would continue to carry out Saazbaum's ideal. They would continue to attempt to assasinate Asseylum, create new propaganda for war on Earth and maybe a revolution to take down the Emperor.

There was no way the war would be completely stopped even if Slaine did not save Saazbaum. In fact if Asseylum came back to Mars unhamed it would only create more internal strife among the Vers empire. It is stupid to think everything will be fine had the mission was successful.

If there was a majority in that, they would not have had to stage the princess's assassination to motivate the knights to act. The fact that Sazbaum resorted to the assassination, proves that the knights were NOT united in their desire to conquer Earth. So first Sazbaum used Asseylum's death to promote the war to all. And now in season two Slaine is using her image and words via an impostor to do the same. No matter how you cut it, it's wrong and villain behavior.

But what make you so sure that the majority of knights would have immediately stopped the war? Most of them are independent of each other and whose to say they might not think "Well our reason to start the war was wrong, but let's just finish the war when we already deployed our forces!"

It's like the Iraq War which started because apparently Iraq have nuclear weapons, but until now there is no nuclear weapons have been found in Iraq. Saazbaum just provided a spark to start the war, but even if he is found out, the war might continue because the nobles doesn't care about the real reason for the war, they just want Earth and its resources no matter what. If they failed this time, they would continue to try 10 years later because of the proverty of Mars.
Jan 24, 2015 12:08 PM

Mar 2013
CookingPriest said:
fst said:
So is Slaine Suzaku, Lelouche, or both?

Slaine is Nina.

I weep for table-kun
Jan 24, 2015 12:09 PM

Jun 2013
Damn, I didn't like Slaine that much in the first season but now he has become much more manipulating and savvy, love it.
Missing the times of Rewrite, good times.
Jan 24, 2015 12:09 PM

Apr 2008
fst said:
CookingPriest said:

Slaine is Nina.

I weep for table-kun

Harklight is Table-kun
Jan 24, 2015 12:10 PM

Jul 2007
fst said:
CookingPriest said:

Slaine is Nina.

I weep for table-kun

Table-kun is Asseylum's pod. Its basically a big dakimakura now.
Jan 24, 2015 12:11 PM

Apr 2008
CookingPriest said:
fst said:

I weep for table-kun

Table-kun is Asseylum's pod. Its basically a big dakimakura now.

Nah the pod is the equivalent of the picture Nina was using only far more vivid in Slaine's case.
Jan 24, 2015 12:11 PM

Jan 2015
CookingPriest said:
fst said:
So is Slaine Suzaku, Lelouche, or both?

Slaine is Nina.

Dragon_Slayer_X said:

Suzaku -2.0!

I am pretty sure Suzaku is crying tears of joy because someone replaced him after a long tim.

Shitzaku still made SOME right decisions. Slaine on other hand....

Slaine has also made good decisions in furthering his goals. Not only has he taken out the person most likely to attempt kill Asseylum, again, he waited to do so at the perfect time, which served to elevate his status to Count. Also, if Inko hadn't showed up to save Inaho, Slaine would've/might've killed Inaho as well, ridding him, and the Vers army, of a very dangerous adversary. He's also in the best position to establish equality among the Martian community, and peace between the Terrans and Martians, if he still wants to fulfill Asseylum's dream.
Jan 24, 2015 12:12 PM

Jan 2015
Makaze_no_Moujuu said:
CookingPriest said:

Slaine is Nina.

Shitzaku still made SOME right decisions. Slaine on other hand....

Slaine has also made good decisions in furthering his goals. Not only has he taken out the person most likely to attempt kill Asseylum, again, he waited to do so at the perfect time, which served to elevate his status to Count. Also, if Inko hadn't showed up to save Inaho, Slaine would've/might've killed Inaho as well, ridding him, and the Vers army, of a very dangerous adversary. He's also in the best position to establish equality among the Martian community, and peace between the Terrans and Martians, if he still wants to fulfill Asseylum's dream.

So Slaine wants to help lower-class citizens of Mars by killing the aristocracy and solve all resource scarcity problems by killing people on Earth and take it again.
Jan 24, 2015 12:14 PM
The Komori

Mar 2013
fst said:
So is Slaine Suzaku, Lelouche, or both?
Kururugi 2.0
Jan 24, 2015 12:15 PM

Apr 2008
Makaze_no_Moujuu said:
CookingPriest said:

Slaine is Nina.

Shitzaku still made SOME right decisions. Slaine on other hand....

Slaine has also made good decisions in furthering his goals. Not only has he taken out the person most likely to attempt kill Asseylum, again, he waited to do so at the perfect time, which served to elevate his status to Count. Also, if Inko hadn't showed up to save Inaho, Slaine would've/might've killed Inaho as well, ridding him, and the Vers army, of a very dangerous adversary. He's also in the best position to establish equality among the Martian community, and peace between the Terrans and Martians, if he still wants to fulfill Asseylum's dream.

Only his definition of peace involves conquering earth. The very thing that goes AGAINST the princess' wishes on a fundamental level. Wake up and smell the coffee already.
Jan 24, 2015 12:15 PM

Oct 2014
So how do you guys think the Tharsis will be beaten (if even) since it can pretty much see the future?
Jan 24, 2015 12:15 PM

Jan 2015
Hope he will get punish for his deed, patricide is a immoral crime. If he gonna off the aristocratic, be sure to kill yourself since you're one now.

Hopefully, some Martian witness what happened and Slaine will get another good whipping.
Jan 24, 2015 12:16 PM

Apr 2008
Knight-Artorias said:
So how do you guys think the Tharsis will be beaten (if even) since it can pretty much see the future?

It has a time limit. Once that's over, Slaine is flying a normal Kataphract and doesn't have the dodging ability. Inaho will find a way to outlast that and then finish Slaine off most likely when that timer runs out.

seujair31 said:
Hope he will get punish for his deed, patricide is a immoral crime. If he gonna off the aristocratic, be sure to kill yourself since you're one now.

Hopefully, some Martian witness what happened and Slaine will get another good whipping.

Oh don't worry. Lemrina will likely find the truth and then Blackmail Slaine. She's untouchable after all until the Princess wakes up and when she does she won't help Slaine.
Jan 24, 2015 12:17 PM

Jan 2015
Darklight0303 said:
Makaze_no_Moujuu said:

1) They wanted war, as we don't see any Martians hesitant to fight. It's just that they were likely waiting on word from the monarchy, as they are still soldiers at the end of the day. Saazbaum's goal was to conquer Earth for its resources to save his people, and he was likely done waiting for his people to starve after 15+ years of orbiting his objective. Yes, Asseylum was used to be the catalyst that forced the crown's hand and restart the war, but it's not war for war's sake like you make it seem to be.

2) Slaine is doing what any smart person in his position would, especially seeing as he could be killed by uppity Martians at any time.

Because Trade was never an option right? The fact that you think this invasion is justified in any manner is the most ridiculous notion I've heard in years.

Trade how?

1) The army is said to be stranded in the Earth's orbit.

2) The Martians hate the Terrans, and the monarchy they serves only continue to force the issue. Yes, Saazbaum and Slaine are using this hate to their advantage, but that's only because it's not even close to easy to erase decades of hate, and blind patriotism.
Jan 24, 2015 12:18 PM

Apr 2014
I want the martians to win. is that wrong?
Jan 24, 2015 12:18 PM

Apr 2008
Makaze_no_Moujuu said:
Darklight0303 said:

Because Trade was never an option right? The fact that you think this invasion is justified in any manner is the most ridiculous notion I've heard in years.

Trade how?

1) The army is said to be stranded in the Earth's orbit.

2) The Martians hate the Terrans, and the monarchy they serves only continue to force the issue. Yes, Saazbaum and Slaine are using this hate to their advantage, but that's only because it's not even close to easy to erase decades of hate, and blind patriotism.

That still doesn't give them the right to come to earth and take over. Boo hoo indoctrination happened. That's your own fault for falling in line like a sheep and not thinking for yourself.

Protaku94 said:
I want the martians to win. is that wrong?

Yes it is
Jan 24, 2015 12:20 PM

Jul 2014
Darklight0303 said:
Makaze_no_Moujuu said:

Trade how?

1) The army is said to be stranded in the Earth's orbit.

2) The Martians hate the Terrans, and the monarchy they serves only continue to force the issue. Yes, Saazbaum and Slaine are using this hate to their advantage, but that's only because it's not even close to easy to erase decades of hate, and blind patriotism.

That still doesn't give them the right to come to earth and take over. Boo hoo indoctrination happened. That's your own fault for falling in line like a sheep and not thinking for yourself.

Protaku94 said:
I want the martians to win. is that wrong?

Yes it is

But, Martian are more fun :D
Jan 24, 2015 12:20 PM
Jul 2010
Oh Slaine, how stupid were you to be against your own kind and yet you serve a side that sees you as a dog?

Welp, I hope like a dog, he dies.......Oh wait, he is now a fine villain when he set up his so called daddy, RIP Lord Saazbaum, man, those two martian asshole should have cut Slain while they have the chance.
Jan 24, 2015 12:20 PM
Dec 2011
CookingPriest said:
he would not be asking whether princess would be "sad" for him attacking Deucalion nor claim that Princess will smile for them once again.

Okay the part that he asked the princess might be sad for fighting Deucalion might show he is delusional, however I took that line as Princess would be sad because the crews she cared for is now fighting in the main battlefield and could die.

I would admit that this might means Slaine is delusional, but to me I see that Slaine seems accepted his doomed fate. It's like he is doing this for the princess even if the princess would hate him. I could be wrong of course.
Jan 24, 2015 12:21 PM

Jan 2015
seujair31 said:
Makaze_no_Moujuu said:

Slaine has also made good decisions in furthering his goals. Not only has he taken out the person most likely to attempt kill Asseylum, again, he waited to do so at the perfect time, which served to elevate his status to Count. Also, if Inko hadn't showed up to save Inaho, Slaine would've/might've killed Inaho as well, ridding him, and the Vers army, of a very dangerous adversary. He's also in the best position to establish equality among the Martian community, and peace between the Terrans and Martians, if he still wants to fulfill Asseylum's dream.

So Slaine wants to help lower-class citizens of Mars by killing the aristocracy and solve all resource scarcity problems by killing people on Earth and take it again.

1) Slaine wants to spread the power of the Aldnoah to all Martian citizens; he never said anything about killing all of the aristocracy.

2) He wants to win the war, and then take control of the Earth's resources; he's doesn't have to commit genocide to do that.
Jan 24, 2015 12:21 PM

Oct 2014
Darklight0303 said:
Knight-Artorias said:
So how do you guys think the Tharsis will be beaten (if even) since it can pretty much see the future?

It has a time limit. Once that's over, Slaine is flying a normal Kataphract and doesn't have the dodging ability. Inaho will find a way to outlast that and then finish Slaine off most likely when that timer runs out.

If the time limit is the clock that was shown when he was firing his shots so they fall during his fight, then that a whole 6 hours.
Jan 24, 2015 12:22 PM

Jul 2007
The clock was predicted time for bullets to fly around the earth NOT time limit -_-
Jan 24, 2015 12:23 PM

Jan 2015
Darklight0303 said:
Makaze_no_Moujuu said:

Slaine has also made good decisions in furthering his goals. Not only has he taken out the person most likely to attempt kill Asseylum, again, he waited to do so at the perfect time, which served to elevate his status to Count. Also, if Inko hadn't showed up to save Inaho, Slaine would've/might've killed Inaho as well, ridding him, and the Vers army, of a very dangerous adversary. He's also in the best position to establish equality among the Martian community, and peace between the Terrans and Martians, if he still wants to fulfill Asseylum's dream.

Only his definition of peace involves conquering earth. The very thing that goes AGAINST the princess' wishes on a fundamental level. Wake up and smell the coffee already.

That's because Asseylum is stupidly naive, idealistic and criminally ignorant of her own family's role in the war starting in the first place.

Also, she seems to care more about Terrans on Earth, than her own subjects. If she did, she wouldn't have been as stupid as to try and promote peace, without even considering her people's feelings.
Jan 24, 2015 12:24 PM

Apr 2008
CookingPriest said:
The clock was predicted time for bullets to fly around the earth NOT time limit -_-

Also in theory that trick could be used against Tharsis as well
Jan 24, 2015 12:24 PM

Oct 2014
CookingPriest said:
The clock was predicted time for bullets to fly around the earth NOT time limit -_-

If so then we don't know if the Tharsis has a time limit which brings us to square one
how is he goin to get his ass kicked.
Jan 24, 2015 12:26 PM

May 2013
Hmm, they're playing Chess, the game of the intelligent.

Count Barouhcruz and Count Marylcian are dicks to Slaine.
Good thing Count Saazbaum became Slaine's father.

Calm knows a bit about Norse Mythology.
Rayet is a tsundere.

And the fight begins! Dat support by Inaho; no need for umbrella.
Another Inaho vs Slaine fight! But then Saazbaum intervenes with the cost of his life.
"Goodbye, Father." Slaine still doesn't forgive Saazbaum.
Because of that, Count Slaine Saazbaum Troyard is born, with Harklight by his side.
I’m always searching for something, for someone. This feeling has possessed me I think, from that day… That day when the stars came falling.
Jan 24, 2015 12:26 PM

Jan 2015
Knight-Artorias said:
Darklight0303 said:

It has a time limit. Once that's over, Slaine is flying a normal Kataphract and doesn't have the dodging ability. Inaho will find a way to outlast that and then finish Slaine off most likely when that timer runs out.

If the time limit is the clock that was shown when he was firing his shots so they fall during his fight, then that a whole 6 hours.

Exactly. How will Inaho outlast that mech for 6 hours.

He could barely last 10-20min this ep.
Jan 24, 2015 12:27 PM
Dec 2011
Darklight0303 said:

That still doesn't give them the right to come to earth and take over. Boo hoo indoctrination happened. That's your own fault for falling in line like a sheep and not thinking for yourself.

Protaku94 said:
I want the martians to win. is that wrong?

Yes it is

No one is saying the Martian invasion is right, but this wouldn't be the first anime that shows a successful invasion opens a new pathway for a peaceful world. Like Code Geass.
Jan 24, 2015 12:27 PM

Oct 2014
Fireego said:
Hmm, they're playing Chess, the game of the intelligent.

Count Barouhcruz and Count Marylcian are dicks to Slaine.
Good thing Count Saazbaum became Slaine's Father.

Calm knows a bit about Norse Mythology.
Rayet is a tsundere.

And the fight begins! Dat support by Inaho; no need for umbrella.
Another Inaho vs Slaine fight! But then Saazbaum intervenes with the cost of his life.
"Goodbye, Father." Slaine still doesn't forgive Saazbaum.
Because of that, Count Slaine Saazbaum Troyard is born, with Harklight by his side.

Ever Count beside Saaz was a dick to Slaine
Jan 24, 2015 12:27 PM

Mar 2013
Makaze_no_Moujuu said:
2) He wants to win the war, and then take control of the Earth's resources; he's doesn't have to commit genocide to do that.

Yea, about that...
Jan 24, 2015 12:27 PM

Jul 2014
So the test with hime's blood doesn't work, they could't transfer aldnoah, but with Inaho it works so he is special.
Slaine you are one step closer to become a villain.
Jan 24, 2015 12:28 PM

Jan 2015
Makaze_no_Moujuu said:
seujair31 said:

So Slaine wants to help lower-class citizens of Mars by killing the aristocracy and solve all resource scarcity problems by killing people on Earth and take it again.

1) Slaine wants to spread the power of the Aldnoah to all Martian citizens; he never said anything about killing all of the aristocracy.

2) He wants to win the war, and then take control of the Earth's resources; he's doesn't have to commit genocide to do that.

the extent to which his childishness can get, do you think after declaring war, promoting destruction and killing several earthlings earthlings will recebelo with open arms. he just land land resources be conquered her, agreements after all is impossible.
guy wakes to life
Jan 24, 2015 12:28 PM

Jul 2007
Knight-Artorias said:
CookingPriest said:
The clock was predicted time for bullets to fly around the earth NOT time limit -_-

If so then we don't know if the Tharsis has a time limit which brings us to square one
how is he goin to get his ass kicked.


Tharsis works one move ahead.

ALl inaho needs to do is think two moves ahead.
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