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Nov 6, 2014 3:41 PM

Jun 2008
I was just waiting for him to reveal that his "confession" wasn't real.
It's so obvious that he has some major relationship issues.
Nov 6, 2014 4:27 PM

Sep 2010
kickass1888 said:
FreeNightFalls said:

Nope, he doesn't lol he's just an asshole


I don't want to spoil, but I'm reading manga and yeah, there is no any emotional trauma, even though his parents divorced, he's on good terms with his mother and sister, his father hasn't made an appearance yet. I just think that's his personality, or at least a part of it, he brings the meaning of tsundere to the completely new level lol You can see the change in his attitude and behaviour, however, he still can act like a jerk, and I mostly blame Erika because if she respected herself more, she would not put up with his bullshit.

So, unless the mangaka reveals some new part of his history in the upcoming chapters, that's how it is. He seems to me so passive and disinterested that it's hard to imagine any trauma. It's more like he has not felt anything until now and Erika has started making him feel.
FreeNightFallsNov 6, 2014 4:30 PM
Nov 6, 2014 6:39 PM

Jul 2010
When he said he was going to discipline her, I thought he was going to tell how overly lovestruck she is and that he preferred the normal her.

But no, they're gonna go for the 'lets sympathize with Erika' approach.

I mean, ep2 Kyoya said he's used to girls fawning over him that he's fed up
You may read this quote , "However, by that point you'll have been torn to pieces."
Nov 6, 2014 9:33 PM

Oct 2011
Will I ever know Kyoya's true feelings??

All those mix signals he sends to Erika.

Beautiful collar....necklace for Christmas. Plus those selfies too

Oh Valentines Day already??
Nov 7, 2014 2:10 AM

Dec 2011
Selfies... I thought I'd forget about them at least when watching anime...

Erika's turning into quite the masochist to be honest.

Hmmm... did Kyouya lie or did he tell the truth for once hmmm...

Dem tears doe T.T

Kyouya... such an asshole... such a douche...

Hell yeah! Good job Erika!

So Kyouya came to give Erika a spank to discipline her I guess XD.

Dat present doe... :3
"Let justice be done, though the heavens fall."
Nov 7, 2014 4:56 AM

Mar 2013
Kipcha said:
Ugh. It's just really rubbing me the wrong way. He's a bully and this relationship just bothers me. But at the same time, she chooses to go back to him every time, so it's her own fault. I just hope they somehow end up happy.

Actually, that's pretty much exactly how abusive relationships work in real life. People say "you should've left him" but the girl is either scared of him/of getting killed for trying (really understandable) or he does shit like this. Kyouya fucks with Erika's emotions all the time, we've seen that. But it's the way that he uses this faux make up bullshit, that works somewhat as an apology in Erika's mind (ie, he gave her a necklace and wasn't a dick to her this time, so maybe he's redeemable and that was just a one time event that won't happen again) that keeps her directly under his thumb. He even places the blame on her in the process, saying it's her that should be apologising to him. That's gonna make her think the bad stuff was her fault too, eliminating his bad points. Kyouya's not nice to her because he likes her, he's nice to her to keep control. Hell, he's even admitted this. It's so easy to manipulate someone that likes/loves you, too - which is how the cycle keeps working. If Kyouya was just a dick to her all the time, we've seen that she'd just walk out on him for good. But it's his controlling moments of manipulative kindness that trick her into staying by messing with her most sensitive emotions.

I know a lot of people will see this stuff and be like "it's fiction, it doesn't matter!" but... it does. Liking a show about, for example, murder is a lot different to this. The general consensus of society is that murder is wrong, really wrong. You don't get away with murder unless you really work at twisting the system and hiding the evidence. But abusive partners? Not only does it happen all the time around the world, but it affects such a large percentage of women that a lot of men consider it normal to control their partners like this. If everyone knew this was bad, it would be a non-issue and anyone that wanted to watch stuff about this would be on the same level as watching a series about other crimes. At the moment all this is doing is telling young girls they should want to get abused because it's romantic and he loves you really which is ridiculously messed up because a lot of the people watching (I mean, just look at this thread) won't see anything wrong with it and will support that message.
Nov 7, 2014 6:42 AM

Sep 2010
straggy said:
At the moment all this is doing is telling young girls they should want to get abused because it's romantic and he loves you really which is ridiculously messed up because a lot of the people watching (I mean, just look at this thread) won't see anything wrong with it and will support that message.

I couldn't agree more! The same goes for Itazura na Kiss.
Nov 7, 2014 9:03 AM

May 2014
That was cruel... you jerk. But still the ending was nice :3

Anyway, it was an average episode. I hope the story will evolve from the next episode ... it's getting boring..
Nov 7, 2014 4:21 PM

Feb 2011
kyoya being a lil shr
Nov 7, 2014 4:25 PM

Jul 2012
Hobi said:
sigh.. why the art is so bad.. *sob*

it is?
Nov 7, 2014 5:12 PM

Jan 2014
What?That easy?Dropped 1 point,lol...I mean,i know she is a M and stuff but that was really pathetic of her...Insult in every way possible,buy a necklace,dont even bother to apologize,everything forgotten...Shoujo logic...The sad thing is,i cant even get mad at Sata,we saw how much of an easy girl Erika is where she toyed by Sata's enemy...

okanagan said:
^ Okay, I am willing to take back the word "misogynistic". Maybe that was an
More like humiliating...4/2 of the females have shitty character while main heroine has no character at all...If her best friend turns out to be a cross-dresser all hope in females will be lost...

Hobi said:
sigh.. why the art is so bad.. *sob*
Best thing about the show is art,watch it again....
LoneWizzyNov 7, 2014 8:58 PM
Nov 7, 2014 8:51 PM

Jul 2009
Love the episode!

Kyouya can be pretty big bully :P

Although as i keep saying in past episodes. He just wants Erika to learn and not get swayed by pretty words so easily. I guess he wants her to be like him in a sense.

Still i think that was went overboard with Kyouya playing with Erika's feelings. Still it is her fault for wanting a BF for social pressure, but now she has one and slowly liking him even though he seemingly doesn't like her back.

Still i do hope Kyouya will truly love Erika in time.

Yeah, kinda surprised Erika said Kyouya to go kill himself. Usually those statements might come back to hunt people since it usually happens on a whim.

Either way love the necklace! So cute yet so lovely!

Art is not bad! It's pretty great, but Kyouya's smile looks so demonic and weird. Especially when they took a selfie together O__O

Can't wait for the next episode!!!
Nov 7, 2014 10:56 PM

Dec 2010
I rather liked this episode. Kyoya said some seriously cruel shit. Erika is a dumbass for falling for him, but hey, you can't control that heart.

So far a pretty solid 6.5. This anime has got nothing new to offer, but it doesn't feel recycled to me.

Everyone bitching about how gullible Erika is and how mysogynistic kyoya is, is obviously missing the point of the show. It's not trying to show an ideal romance, it's showing a stupid high school girl fall in love with an asshole. I'm sure everything will work out in the end because it's anime, but along the way we get to see her make very human mistakes and hopefully grow from them. Even in this episode, she did give in easily after getting that necklace but for fucks sake she's a high school girl, of course she gave in. At least she had the dignity to throw water on him in the first place, I count that as development since episode 1.
Also, I for one, really enjoy her relationships with her two friends, it seems like a fairly realistic representation of high school girls tbh.
PknoctisNov 7, 2014 11:04 PM
Nov 8, 2014 6:39 AM

Sep 2013
I really can't understand how so many people seem offended by this anime in believing that sata is abusing erika o.o
It's just a romance/comedy anime! Everything is fiction and nothing more .. additionally sata is not really abusing her he is rather teasing her and testing her endurance I think.

A lot of anime are more abusive towards women because they constantly picture them as the victim and showing them oversexualized and stuff[/quote]
Shoko-tan said:
I really can't understand how so many people seem offended by this anime in believing that sata is abusing erika o.o
It's just a romance/comedy anime! Everything is fiction and nothing more .. additionally sata is not really abusing her he is rather teasing her and testing her endurance I think.

A lot of anime are more abusive towards women because they constantly picture them as the victim and showing them oversexualized and stuff

Just because there's on violence or sexual exploitation, doesn't mean there's no abuse. This is an example of verbal and emotional abuse. It's just fiction, and it's supposed to be funny, but this character is taking advantage of this girl with serious low self-esteem, and he knows it. Personally, I don't have as much of a problem with the guy because it's obvious he's being defensive in his mean-spiritness. Something is causing him great pain. But this girl is purely pathetic. "I'm your dog". Really? All of this because she's so desperate to belong. Gross. This utterly sickening girl needs to get a life. I hope creators stop creating characters like this.
Nov 8, 2014 9:05 AM

Dec 2010
Psychocitybaby said:
Just because there's on violence or sexual exploitation, doesn't mean there's no abuse. This is an example of verbal and emotional abuse. It's just fiction, and it's supposed to be funny, but this character is taking advantage of this girl with serious low self-esteem, and he knows it. Personally, I don't have as much of a problem with the guy because it's obvious he's being defensive in his mean-spiritness. Something is causing him great pain. But this girl is purely pathetic. "I'm your dog". Really? All of this because she's so desperate to belong. Gross. This utterly sickening girl needs to get a life. I hope creators stop creating characters like this.

I think it's interesting, the fact that they're both so flawed adds that tiny flavor of uniqueness to this show. It's probably why this anime is not selling well, but the MC girl is so pathetic she's realistic. And it's not trying to portray the guy as being right with his abuse, he stepped over the line in this episode and the girl threw water on it for it. He apologized the only way he knew, by making dumb references to collars and dogs, and she's a dumbass and insecure little girl to go along with it, but I think both characters have made some positive movements in the right direction (at least compared to how they were in ep 1). Hopefully they'll have become better people by the end of the anime. If not, well, I never had very high expectations for this show anyways.
Nov 8, 2014 12:31 PM

Jan 2013
Very good episode, some progress
Nov 8, 2014 4:17 PM

Dec 2008
That was incredibly mean-spirited and low down even for Kyoya. If she wasn't done with him after that display of cruelty then she deserves every last bit of abuse that he throws her way from now on.
Nov 9, 2014 4:27 PM

Jul 2012
WELL DANG! Kyouya can be the ultimate ass.

I mean almost every episode I hate Kyouya with a burning passion, and then towards the end of the episode I don't as much as I did in the beginning. Poop Erika...

I am happy Kyouya got Erika a gift for Christmas. It is a very nice necklace.

~Great episode!!!
Nov 10, 2014 12:40 AM

Jun 2011
It's either he's an asshole or a tsundere. He's obviously not a tsundere, so I think he's more like a total asshole.
Erika seems stupid to feel okay with just a necklace.

I can't wait until there's angst where he'll realize he was wrong for always treating her like that.
Nov 10, 2014 1:52 AM

Jan 2014
Pknoctis said:
I think it's interesting, the fact that they're both so flawed adds that tiny flavor of uniqueness to this show. It's probably why this anime is not selling well, but the MC girl is so pathetic she's realistic.
If you are referring to some 3rd rate countries where they force girls to marry when they turn 12 years old yes it is realistic...They did not even bond yet,Erika just keep following the first boy she see without thinking...Just like she did with the old enemy of Sata who went on a "date" with Erika...
Nov 10, 2014 9:57 AM

Dec 2010
LonelyWizard said:
Pknoctis said:
I think it's interesting, the fact that they're both so flawed adds that tiny flavor of uniqueness to this show. It's probably why this anime is not selling well, but the MC girl is so pathetic she's realistic.
If you are referring to some 3rd rate countries where they force girls to marry when they turn 12 years old yes it is realistic...They did not even bond yet,Erika just keep following the first boy she see without thinking...Just like she did with the old enemy of Sata who went on a "date" with Erika...
Your comparison makes no sense. I don't see anyone getting forced to date anyone, let alone marry. I see a pathetic girl clinging on to her crush even though he's a huge asshole, mainly because he's good looking and because he's been nice to her a few times. This seems pretty representative of teenager girls with low self-esteem to me.
Nov 10, 2014 11:37 PM
Aug 2014
Wow Iol I'm like at my breaking point with Erika right -_- I really do not understand why she still loves that after he played with her feelings like that. Was really hoping they'd break up, but no she's still so desperate she'll crawl right back to him T_T
Nov 11, 2014 7:57 AM

Sep 2010
Pknoctis said:
Your comparison makes no sense. I don't see anyone getting forced to date anyone, let alone marry. I see a pathetic girl clinging on to her crush even though he's a huge asshole, mainly because he's good looking and because he's been nice to her a few times. This seems pretty representative of teenager girls with low self-esteem to me.

This basically summarizes the plot of this anime LOL
Nov 11, 2014 3:11 PM

May 2013
The feels for this episode is so real holy moly.
literally teared up at the end S; ahhhh so good lol

Nov 11, 2014 7:32 PM

Aug 2013
Holy shit, that was brutal when he told her that he was just acting. And that water throw was so damn satisfying. He went too far for me that time :/
But it look like things worked out in the end, sorta.

Sata looked really serious in the after-credit. Wonder what that mean. Other than being a natural sadist, he seem to have problems of his own. The key to his heart is probably in knowing what that problem is and help solving it.
«Time is passing so quickly. Right now, I feel like complaining to Einstein. Whether time is slow or fast depends on perception. Relativity theory is so romantic. And so sad.»
- Kurisu Makise a.k.a. The Zombie
Nov 12, 2014 8:33 AM

Feb 2009
mayukachan said:
this show attracts all the sjw and feminists
luckily i'm neither of those so i can enjoy it to the fullest

Ahh, it's not about feminism. If a girl had said the same thing to a male main, then I would have thought the exact same way.

I do NOT think it's okay to go out of your way to hurt someone like that, regardless of what their gender is. To toy with them, say something so mean like that, is just bad-spirited and irredeemable IMO. Gender does not play in to it.
Nov 13, 2014 1:19 PM

Oct 2009
Something about this rubs me the wrong way. Abusive relationships aren't a good and cute thing. It's so easy to say "but she stays! She still likes him" like yeah that's what happens with abusive relationships she can't say no, so she stays. Bleh.
AuroraeNov 13, 2014 1:23 PM
Nov 15, 2014 3:00 PM

Jun 2011
Men of all ages pay close attention and learn from this Kyouya dude... "The master of relationships." :P

Seriously this guy is doing it like a pro jerk and the brainless girl loves it!

Kyouya: "Okay, I'll just act a little bit and say a couple of sweet words to her and then BANG... I'm gonna be the same old jerk!"
Erika: "Ohh... what the hell, I can't stay mad at him forever. And you know why? Because he just bought me a present which means I must automatically forget how he behaved earlier and start over again."
Kyouya: *evil smirk*
Nov 17, 2014 9:24 AM

Oct 2011
Kyouya, you asshole. I knew that was coming, but even so... poor Erika D:
In the end she's happy just with a simple gift -_-
Nov 23, 2014 12:21 PM
Apr 2014
man while Kyoya is a total ass about it sadly he tells the truth. Erika is unbelievably naive. By now she should know that he just says something like that to toy with her(it was just too much to not be a joke). Not saying she deserves it but she should know better.

The end was a bit unexpected. Considering they have to end up together eventually it has to go somewhere before the end though. So I guess it was just natural to go forward with the story.
Dec 13, 2014 2:53 AM
Apr 2014
can you imagine your love interest confessing to you until you actually cry then it turns out he's just playing with your feelings? wow, dick move. although I'm secretly hoping kyouya meant every word but he just won't admit it yet. he better
chrysanthemum with its leaves will wither.
Dec 18, 2014 11:07 PM

Feb 2013
I still fucking hate for real fuck that guy.

That being said, I still want them to end up with each other (as far as this story goes). Although I really wouldn't mind if she just finally left his ass for someone better, and he ends up realizing that he made a mistake, and finally confessed to her, and she was like, "Sorry and shit! Probably shouldn't have been such a fucking douche the whole time I had feelings for you." And then walks off into the sunset, and he goes home and masturbates using his own tears as that would be a fucking ending lol.

But if I'm talking real life? Fuck that guy, you will OBVIOUSLY find someone better....that dude is trash. 80-90% of the time he treats her like shit, and 10-20% he's nice? Fuck that shit! I don't give a shit about "maybe he had a terrible past" or "he's just complicated" or "he can change" Nope....sometimes people just suck, and there is nothing more that can happen.

And I mean fuck me, he won her heart back with what? Some jewelry, and......nothing kind to say....what a blumpkin catcher.

All that being said, I still love this show so far.
Dec 29, 2014 8:32 PM
Jun 2013
his relationship is so unhealthy. It's basically just verbal abuse then reconciliation
Jan 7, 2015 2:05 PM

May 2012
Ouch that got to have hurt! Pretty interesting ending though and I do wonder how the development will be next!
Jan 14, 2015 8:56 PM
Feb 2013
animeguy17 said:
his relationship is so unhealthy. It's basically just verbal abuse then reconciliation

exactly and pretty crappy reconciliation if you ask me. a necklace that he says is 'random' to take place of a collar because that would long strange to the public. he totally twisted her feelings. not even the biggest assholes i know would i think would even stoop that low. in real life i hope there is no girl who would put up with that. a simple necklace doesn't compensate for how much of an ass he's been to her.
Jan 30, 2015 8:33 AM
May 2012
Woah, holy shit!! When he said that maybe he should get her a collar, I paused the video and said to myself that maybe I should say that to my future girlfriend but will surprise her and give her a necklace instead. To think that, that is what Sata did, too :O
Still, fuck you, Sata!! That is so not cool, man. No matter what his reasons are, that is just plain wrong.
A girl like Erika (kinda stupid but she can't help it) is supposed to be treated with love and caring. Cause she is so innocent and adorable and cute <3
Feb 4, 2015 11:05 AM

Sep 2014
>dude is being a total asshole
>she finally snaps and tells him what she should have long ago
>dude buys her a present
>omg im so moved i love you and cry from happiness

this is getting worse, I liked the first episodes but now...
Feb 28, 2015 8:12 AM

Aug 2014
kyoya you Idiot!!that confession wasn't true>.<you making fun of erika

but in the end....
pretty golden heart necklace pendant,,oh sweet,
Jun 7, 2015 7:54 AM

Nov 2014
Thaaaat is way too much, get some self respect Erika!
I didn't think it was THAT bad when I watched it first time week by week, but going through all of it now I can't help but think Erika has absolutely no respect for herself and Kyoya is such an aweful and twisted guy.
Can someone seriously consider the necklace an apology? It is one humiliation after another!
Aug 8, 2015 12:13 PM

Jun 2012
Aww man, I know I'm a man and am not supposed to say this, but that was cute. Hehe. This show or its art reminds me of Tonari no Kaibutsukun.

"No matter how far you travel, you can never get away from yourself."
-- Murakami Haruki
Sep 3, 2015 1:05 PM
Sep 2014
Kyoya deserves to die. But for a necklace Erika forgive him so easily? Maybe they deserves each other.
Nov 24, 2015 3:14 AM
Jul 2018
I knew he was playing dumb when he confessed. Seriously, he deserved what he got.
Jan 6, 2016 10:35 AM

Sep 2015
It's starting to get a bit pathetic how she falls everytime for the same 'traps' and one-liners that Kyouya pulls off, but..... I guess it's realistic, right?

PULL-PUSH / PULL-PUSH (It's a common manipulation tactic that Kyouya knows how to do it very well). He can read Erika like an open book and when he sniffs any sort of weakness... well oh boy, he's gonna exploit that weakness as further as he can until he gets bored...

I'm waiting to see Erika realize that and stop putting him on a pedestal. If she does that, he'll probably come running. GO ERIKA!
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Mar 28, 2016 12:55 AM

Sep 2011
I'm actually glad he pulled dat card because it was waaaaaay too random for my liking, but I do like how everything turned out!
May 4, 2016 2:36 AM

Jun 2013
"I like you, Erika."

I was overjoyed when Sata said that to Erika until he told her that it was just a joke. But while watching that scene, I was thinking if he was faking it because he was not like that. So yeah, that was awful for her. She threw water in his face, so he deserved it. But I still love him though.

The way she forgave him in the end so easily... But it's so cute that although he didn't apologize directly to her, he gave her a necklace as a way of apologizing. So I'm still shipping them. <3
Jun 14, 2016 6:08 AM

Apr 2016
I thought that this would be a funny anime but right now I'm feeling really bad about it. Erika's not only being used by Kyoya, he's also playing with her feelings, preventing her from distancing herself. It's not even about the 'dog' thing anymore. It's not even a deal, it's a toxic relationship.

I really hope this changes, because right now I'm not liking it one bit.
Jun 26, 2016 8:02 AM

Mar 2016
Sata can sometimes be mean but I still love him !
Jul 12, 2016 11:14 AM

May 2013
That troll was so obvious. Erika really is dumb >___>

But the necklace being her collar was unexpected and really cute looking. It even had a bell to resemble a real collar lmao
Aug 3, 2016 7:55 AM

Oct 2015
ugh just how much of a jerk do you have to be to do such a thing >.<
Sep 8, 2016 10:59 PM

Feb 2010
The "monkey act" was kept up for so long, I thought I was watching some sort of comedy filler episode.

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