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Sep 5, 2014 1:39 AM

Nov 2008
Amazon Japan has an image of the cover of the October 2014 issue of Bessatsu Shounan Magazine up, and the feature is Sankarea, with Rea front and centre. So the completion of the series is getting a big splash.

It's a very cheerful cover picture - like the mood at the beginning of the series. Does this mean a happy ending, or did the editors of Bessatsu Shounen not want to put a gory cover picture?

In any event, the magazine issue will be published on September 9 so we'll find for certain then.

Chapter 56 of “Sankarea” came out in the October 2014 issue of Bessatsu Shounen Magazine on pages 408 – 443. The Japanese title is “Kuchihateru made” (“Until Decay Completely”) and the English second title is “Death Becomes Her”. Rea is on the front cover of the issue, and also in a full page colour advertisment for a re-release of the anime series in a box set, which is on page 18.

My summary for Chapter 56 is now up on my MAL blog.
dbaranyiSep 10, 2014 5:43 PM
Sep 6, 2014 1:54 PM
Feb 2012
Whatever the end may be like, the cover page at least looks beautiful. And that's also one thing I've liked while reading this manga- the great and detailed art.

It seems this will be your grand summary finale, db.
The release of atomic energy has not created a new problem. It has merely made more urgent the necessity of solving an existing one. - Albert Einstein
Sep 6, 2014 2:42 PM

Nov 2008
Rachmaninow said:
Whatever the end may be like, the cover page at least looks beautiful. And that's also one thing I've liked while reading this manga- the great and detailed art.

It seems this will be your grand summary finale, db.

Right now I'm guessing that the cover illo will end up on the final tankouban volume.

It's been fun doing the summaries. Thanks to all of the nice folks who read them.
Sep 7, 2014 1:38 AM
Feb 2012
Well, so much about 'last chapter'.
The release of atomic energy has not created a new problem. It has merely made more urgent the necessity of solving an existing one. - Albert Einstein
Sep 9, 2014 10:25 PM
Jun 2014
Raws when?
Kronie is mai waifu.
Enema is my master.
Shadowslave13 is my loli milk provider.
Flume is my dark magic buddy cop sidekick™.
And Afshar was my first MAL friend ;-;

I have coveted these people, so that I may one day sacrifice them in the name of love.
Sep 10, 2014 3:27 AM

Nov 2008
Pentobarbidoll said:
Raws when?

The issue is out on the stands (my copy ought to arrive at my doorstep today) and the raw just showed up at Sen Manga.

My only comment after skimming the chapter is two words - the first word starts with an "a" and the second word starts with a "p"...

(My opinion may change slightly once I've gone over the dialog in more detail...)
dbaranyiSep 10, 2014 3:40 AM
Sep 10, 2014 8:17 AM

Jan 2014
I wish I could understand japanese language..but it's clear that Rea did devour the first pages of the raw the pool of blood was really's a good thing they showed him near before the end of the chapter...cause it seems like his relatives all dressed for his makes you think its his funeral...cause they shown him late...happy ending I guess...
DeadZeroSourceSep 11, 2014 10:20 AM
Got something to live for, I know that I won't surrender,
A warrior of youth,
I'm taking over, a shot to the new world order
I Am Bulletproof. . .

Sep 10, 2014 8:52 AM
Sep 2014
Hello all :)

I just registered because of sankarea, this page seems to be the only one which is writing in English about the latest (and last...) chapter. First of all, dbaranyi, thank you very very much for your English summaries of the chapters. Do you think that you are able to write one for the last chapter today? :) Or that you can message me what happened in the chapter shortly (because of spoilers...). I really don't get what really happened (except whos funeral it is.). It would be the greatest gift if I would get to know... :/ And I know that my "appearance" is really random and suddenly, sorry for this.

Thank you in advance :)
Sep 10, 2014 9:02 AM

Sep 2012
maiksten said:
Hello all :)

I just registered because of sankarea, this page seems to be the only one which is writing in English about the latest (and last...) chapter. First of all, dbaranyi, thank you very very much for your English summaries of the chapters. Do you think that you are able to write one for the last chapter today? :) Or that you can message me what happened in the chapter shortly (because of spoilers...). I really don't get what really happened (except whos funeral it is.). It would be the greatest gift if I would get to know... :/ And I know that my "appearance" is really random and suddenly, sorry for this.

Thank you in advance :)

It looked like they were at a dual funeral for both Babu and the grandpa.
Sep 10, 2014 11:51 AM
Sep 2014
Yes, seems so... but what I'm really interested in is why or how Furuya can be still alive? And I hoped so hard for a happy end between Rea and him... even if I didn't and don't know how this should be possible... I hoped for a kiss or at least a hug, but they just talked to each other, and I'm absolutely confused about what they talked...? And I want to know what the solution for Reas life as a zombie is, so you can see... I want to know everything xD But the main thing is the relationship between Rea and Furuya...
maikstenSep 10, 2014 12:28 PM
Sep 10, 2014 5:04 PM

Sep 2012
maiksten said:
Yes, seems so... but what I'm really interested in is why or how Furuya can be still alive? And I hoped so hard for a happy end between Rea and him... even if I didn't and don't know how this should be possible... I hoped for a kiss or at least a hug, but they just talked to each other, and I'm absolutely confused about what they talked...? And I want to know what the solution for Reas life as a zombie is, so you can see... I want to know everything xD But the main thing is the relationship between Rea and Furuya...

Well from context I can surmise that Rea is now spending most of her time in the ice caverns that she and Furuya discovered during the Summer. It seems like an ending that's neither totally happy nor absolutely tragic. Our lord and savior dbaranyi will enlighten us all when he is able to provide a synopsis, I'm sure.
Sep 11, 2014 4:03 AM
Sep 2014
Thank you very very much dbaranyi, for the translation/summary on your blog feed. :)
So the end is... I would say a little bit strange...? In my eyes it is not really an end because they love each other and don't tell this to the other. And it's said that Rea got her memory back, so she must remember that she loves Furuya but just says that he was a delicious meal? Or is this based on the words of a zombie who only eats what he or she really loves? So she tells him indirectly that she loves him and he doesn't understand? Mh, that is very strange, but maybe we will get to know more in the epilog thing which will be released in November. I'm curious what you (the others) are thinking on my idea or genereally about the chapter...?
Sep 11, 2014 4:43 AM

Nov 2008
maiksten said:
Thank you very very much dbaranyi, for the translation/summary on your blog feed. :)
So the end is... I would say a little bit strange...? In my eyes it is not really an end because they love each other and don't tell this to the other. And it's said that Rea got her memory back, so she must remember that she loves Furuya but just says that he was a delicious meal? Or is this based on the words of a zombie who only eats what he or she really loves? So she tells him indirectly that she loves him and he doesn't understand? Mh, that is very strange, but maybe we will get to know more in the epilog thing which will be released in November. I'm curious what you (the others) are thinking on my idea or genereally about the chapter...?

It's typically shounen - he won't say how he feels because that's not what "guys do", so she won't say what he wants to hear and instead makes fun of him by treating him like a meal.

Essentially - shounen romances are grade-school romances even though the characters are high-school aged. This sort of thing has been around as long as there have been shounen manga series.

If you want romantic resolution you have a slightly better chance with seinen manga stories, or shoujo manga stories.
Sep 11, 2014 6:25 AM
Feb 2012
What a weird ending. One that didn't fit the previous chapters' atmosphere at all and basically was full of asspulls (even though the author tried to make them less obvious). Neither did Rea die nor did we have a full conclusion to the duo's romance. So what's the point of the chapter then?

Frankly, I'm dissatisfied. I'm disappointed even. And what makes it all worse is that I was honestly expecting the manga to continue the route towards the bad ending for it would've been realistic (as realistic as it gets in this kind of story).

Thank you, db, for all your summaries, and most likely the one next month as well. Regardless of the chapter's content, you kept doing a terrific job. Really thank you.
The release of atomic energy has not created a new problem. It has merely made more urgent the necessity of solving an existing one. - Albert Einstein
Sep 11, 2014 6:55 AM

Sep 2012
As odd as it may sound being someone who's followed this manga since the very first chapter, I'm not that disappointed by the ending. For a few reasons.

1. It feels like this was the decision of teh editors and not the author. The disparity between chapter 55 and 56 is evidence enough of this. Hattori clearly wanted to give the series a darker ending, but I'm sure the editors felt that this would harm sales; having the male lead in a shounen romance series end up dead at the hands of the female lead. That doesn't excuse the awkward nature of it all, but we can at least make some assumptions as to where it was supposed to go.

2. There will be an epilogue/special chapter in the December issue. I doubt it will totally explain everything, but I wouldn't be surprised if it more directly dealt with the romance aspect, i.e. an actual mutual confession or something.

3. The concept of the ending isn't terrible, but the execution is poor. Thinking about it, it doesn't delve that deep into ass-pull territory. Chihiro surviving Rea consuming a portion of his heart is explained as a result of the poison she'd injected into him over the course of the series. Hattori had been making note of that from very early on, and delved deeper into the concept when explaining the grandpa's back story, so it's not totally unbelievable that he could have survived if the taste of his flesh re-ignited Rea's memories before she could mortally wound him. It would have been nice for that to have been shown, but it's not too much of a stretch. However, not even I can defend Rea's unconditional survival. From the very beginning of the series we were being prepared for the tragedy of her inevitable (second?) death. It would have been one thing for Danichirou to have found a cure abroad (which would have required some masterful story telling for it not to come off as BS), but simply to say that no one knows why she survived is disappointing.

4. As for the lack of romantic closure, we did sort of get that in chapter 55, though obviously that wasn't what we wanted. I'm okay with that sort of thing being implied, but I feel like the implication could have been much stronger here. Though, again, if they do rectify this in the special chapter, I'll be satisfied. Hopefully they'll also show what happened in between Rea fainting after mauling Furuya and the beginning of the time skip.

All in all, I'm still giving this series a 10/10 because the majority of this final chapter not withstanding, I absolutely loved everything about this five year long ride.
Sep 11, 2014 8:17 AM

Nov 2008
Rachmaninow said:
What a weird ending. One that didn't fit the previous chapters' atmosphere at all and basically was full of asspulls (even though the author tried to make them less obvious). Neither did Rea die nor did we have a full conclusion to the duo's romance. So what's the point of the chapter then?

Frankly, I'm dissatisfied. I'm disappointed even. And what makes it all worse is that I was honestly expecting the manga to continue the route towards the bad ending for it would've been realistic (as realistic as it gets in this kind of story).

Thank you, db, for all your summaries, and most likely the one next month as well. Regardless of the chapter's content, you kept doing a terrific job. Really thank you.

I'm not certain that I really want to go to the cost of ordering the next couple of issues of Bessatsu Shounen magazine and the bother to translate and write a summary for the epilogue because I don't really care enough any more about the series. I am also expecting the author to create a filler/fan service chapter for the epilogue which doesn't interest me much.

The author could have done a much better and more powerful ending - not all of the series in Bessatsu Shounen have "happy" endings - so I am rather disappointed in the result here.

Also, there aren't any other series that I am following any more in Bessatsu Shounen Magazine, so I don't have any other reason to order it.
Sep 11, 2014 8:35 AM
Sep 2014
Mh I'm also thinking (and hoping :P) for some more details in the epilogue, let's just wait until it's out. And dbaranyi, would you translate it if somebody uploaded the RAW manga? I mean the last chapter was uploaded to "Sen Manga", too (or was it you who did this...?). And yes I agree that the ending isn't much powerful... and I'm not sure why the author did this. But in fact I can say that I like it, even when it doesn't seem to be really logical related to the storyline until this point. It really seemed like that Furuya would die and it looked like this, too. I want to know how the others saved Furuya and why Rea didn't notice it (maybe because of her "zombie state of euphoria"). But yeah, I'm sure that the "really last" chapter will mention this and some more htings about the romance in the future of the two, Rea and Furuya. I'm looking forward to read it c:
Sep 11, 2014 9:52 AM

Nov 2008
maiksten said:
Mh I'm also thinking (and hoping :P) for some more details in the epilogue, let's just wait until it's out. And dbaranyi, would you translate it if somebody uploaded the RAW manga? I mean the last chapter was uploaded to "Sen Manga", too (or was it you who did this...?). And yes I agree that the ending isn't much powerful... and I'm not sure why the author did this. But in fact I can say that I like it, even when it doesn't seem to be really logical related to the storyline until this point. It really seemed like that Furuya would die and it looked like this, too. I want to know how the others saved Furuya and why Rea didn't notice it (maybe because of her "zombie state of euphoria"). But yeah, I'm sure that the "really last" chapter will mention this and some more htings about the romance in the future of the two, Rea and Furuya. I'm looking forward to read it c:

No, I didn't do the raw upload.

I usually find making a summary from the raws a real pain for my eyes - it is much easier for me to work from the hardcopy magazine.

Also the raw scans sometimes leave out the notes on the edges of the pages which help out a lot with obscure details. (The author loves to make up words and create bio-techno-babble.)

We'll just have to see what my frame of mind is like early next month, and also what my Real World commitments will be.
Sep 11, 2014 9:56 AM

Sep 2012
maiksten said:
Mh I'm also thinking (and hoping :P) for some more details in the epilogue, let's just wait until it's out. And dbaranyi, would you translate it if somebody uploaded the RAW manga? I mean the last chapter was uploaded to "Sen Manga", too (or was it you who did this...?). And yes I agree that the ending isn't much powerful... and I'm not sure why the author did this. But in fact I can say that I like it, even when it doesn't seem to be really logical related to the storyline until this point. It really seemed like that Furuya would die and it looked like this, too. I want to know how the others saved Furuya and why Rea didn't notice it (maybe because of her "zombie state of euphoria"). But yeah, I'm sure that the "really last" chapter will mention this and some more htings about the romance in the future of the two, Rea and Furuya. I'm looking forward to read it c:

If I remember correctly, not long ago Sankarea was moved to the rear of the magazine due to a dip in popularity. That may have factored into why it ended where it did. It felt like Hattori had three or so more chapters left in him to wrap things up, but even given only a single chapter, the page count here was pretty limited. I've a feeling he maybe wasn't given a lot of space in the magazine and was forced to edit out details like the specifics of Rea's attack on Furuya and what not. The frame work of the ending is solid:

-Rea nearly kills Furuya one final time, this time technically succeeding
-Furuya is saved due to the zombie venom he'd accumulated over the series
-Rea must now live away from society for the remainder of her "life"
-Babu passes away, foreshadowing Rea's inevitable death
-Furuya and Rea share a moment together at the funeral of Jogorou, the one responsible for zombies in the first place where we see that they do love each other, but both understand that her time is limited , essentially forcing Furuya to accept that he could not save her, but they can both take solace in the fact that despite her coming end (which is also hinted at in the title of the chapter: "Until Decay Completely" or "Until this Body Rots"), she was able to, and currently is living happily because of Furuya

I mean, on paper that's a pretty great ending. It's tragic, melancholy, not too over the top or absolute, and sticks to the rules that the story had been setting up since chapter one. I feel like the problem here is that Hattori simply didn't have (or use, if it wasn't the magazine that limited him) enough pages to allow for the dramatic and emotional elements to culminate in a way you'd expect from a finale.
Sep 11, 2014 10:01 AM

Nov 2008
Ghost-Lightning said:
maiksten said:
Mh I'm also thinking (and hoping :P) for some more details in the epilogue, let's just wait until it's out. And dbaranyi, would you translate it if somebody uploaded the RAW manga? I mean the last chapter was uploaded to "Sen Manga", too (or was it you who did this...?). And yes I agree that the ending isn't much powerful... and I'm not sure why the author did this. But in fact I can say that I like it, even when it doesn't seem to be really logical related to the storyline until this point. It really seemed like that Furuya would die and it looked like this, too. I want to know how the others saved Furuya and why Rea didn't notice it (maybe because of her "zombie state of euphoria"). But yeah, I'm sure that the "really last" chapter will mention this and some more htings about the romance in the future of the two, Rea and Furuya. I'm looking forward to read it c:

If I remember correctly, not long ago Sankarea was moved to the rear of the magazine due to a dip in popularity. That may have factored into why it ended where it did. It felt like Hattori had three or so more chapters left in him to wrap things up, but even given only a single chapter, the page count here was pretty limited. I've a feeling he maybe wasn't given a lot of space in the magazine and was forced to edit out details like the specifics of Rea's attack on Furuya and what not. The frame work of the ending is solid:

-Rea nearly kills Furuya one final time, this time technically succeeding
-Furuya is saved due to the zombie venom he'd accumulated over the series
-Rea must now live away from society for the remainder of her "life"
-Babu passes away, foreshadowing Rea's inevitable death
-Furuya and Rea share a moment together at the funeral of Jogorou, the one responsible for zombies in the first place where we see that they do love each other, but both understand that her time is limited , essentially forcing Furuya to accept that he could not save her, but they can both take solace in the fact that despite her coming end (which is also hinted at in the title of the chapter: "Until Decay Completely" or "Until this Body Rots"), she was able to, and currently is living happily because of Furuya

I mean, on paper that's a pretty great ending. It's tragic, melancholy, not too over the top or absolute, and sticks to the rules that the story had been setting up since chapter one. I feel like the problem here is that Hattori simply didn't have (or use, if it wasn't the magazine that limited him) enough pages to allow for the dramatic and emotional elements to culminate in a way you'd expect from a finale.

Given that this issue had 911 pages the editors should have been able to find space for a few more pages for this series. (You should see some of the absolute crap that fills the rest of the issue!)

My guess is that Hattori decided upon the ending this way in order to pump sales of the tankoubans, the re-release of the anime series, and also the re-release of his other older series. The whole thing smells of a "yen for Yen"...
Sep 11, 2014 10:05 AM

Sep 2012
dbaranyi said:

Given that this issue had 911 pages the editors should have been able to find space for a few more pages for this series. (You should see some of the absolute crap that fills the rest of the issue!)

My guess is that Hattori decided upon the ending this way in order to pump sales of the tankoubans, the re-release of the anime series, and also the re-release of his other older series. The whole thing smells of a "yen for Yen"...

I'm sure you know more about all that sort of stuff than I do, but now I'm curious. How come this would boost sales for the tankoubans? I assume it's because people will want to see what the special chapter has in it in hopes of getting a more complete ending. Would that be accurate, or are there some other business dealings that help them with this stuff?
Sep 11, 2014 10:27 AM

Jan 2014
Ghost-Lightning said:
maiksten said:
Mh I'm also thinking (and hoping :P) for some more details in the epilogue, let's just wait until it's out. And dbaranyi, would you translate it if somebody uploaded the RAW manga? I mean the last chapter was uploaded to "Sen Manga", too (or was it you who did this...?). And yes I agree that the ending isn't much powerful... and I'm not sure why the author did this. But in fact I can say that I like it, even when it doesn't seem to be really logical related to the storyline until this point. It really seemed like that Furuya would die and it looked like this, too. I want to know how the others saved Furuya and why Rea didn't notice it (maybe because of her "zombie state of euphoria"). But yeah, I'm sure that the "really last" chapter will mention this and some more htings about the romance in the future of the two, Rea and Furuya. I'm looking forward to read it c:

If I remember correctly, not long ago Sankarea was moved to the rear of the magazine due to a dip in popularity. That may have factored into why it ended where it did. It felt like Hattori had three or so more chapters left in him to wrap things up, but even given only a single chapter, the page count here was pretty limited. I've a feeling he maybe wasn't given a lot of space in the magazine and was forced to edit out details like the specifics of Rea's attack on Furuya and what not. The frame work of the ending is solid:

-Rea nearly kills Furuya one final time, this time technically succeeding
-Furuya is saved due to the zombie venom he'd accumulated over the series
-Rea must now live away from society for the remainder of her "life"
-Babu passes away, foreshadowing Rea's inevitable death
-Furuya and Rea share a moment together at the funeral of Jogorou, the one responsible for zombies in the first place where we see that they do love each other, but both understand that her time is limited , essentially forcing Furuya to accept that he could not save her, but they can both take solace in the fact that despite her coming end (which is also hinted at in the title of the chapter: "Until Decay Completely" or "Until this Body Rots"), she was able to, and currently is living happily because of Furuya

I mean, on paper that's a pretty great ending. It's tragic, melancholy, not too over the top or absolute, and sticks to the rules that the story had been setting up since chapter one. I feel like the problem here is that Hattori simply didn't have (or use, if it wasn't the magazine that limited him) enough pages to allow for the dramatic and emotional elements to culminate in a way you'd expect from a finale.

thanks for the small summary..the ending really kinda suck for it's really inevitable for this series to have a happy ending from the very start..all manga sites now should have put a Tragedy tag on this manga series...
Got something to live for, I know that I won't surrender,
A warrior of youth,
I'm taking over, a shot to the new world order
I Am Bulletproof. . .

Sep 11, 2014 10:41 AM

Nov 2008
Ghost-Lightning said:
dbaranyi said:

Given that this issue had 911 pages the editors should have been able to find space for a few more pages for this series. (You should see some of the absolute crap that fills the rest of the issue!)

My guess is that Hattori decided upon the ending this way in order to pump sales of the tankoubans, the re-release of the anime series, and also the re-release of his other older series. The whole thing smells of a "yen for Yen"...

I'm sure you know more about all that sort of stuff than I do, but now I'm curious. How come this would boost sales for the tankoubans? I assume it's because people will want to see what the special chapter has in it in hopes of getting a more complete ending. Would that be accurate, or are there some other business dealings that help them with this stuff?

A "feel good" ending creates more spin for the series and for the works of the author in general. People who haven't followed the series hear about the buzz and check into it. A large sales figure for the final tankouban generates more spin. And soon after the last tankouban comes out there will likely be a re-release of the entire tankouban series as a "collection". Positive spin will help the sales of the re-releases.

Just because we've been following Sankarea it doesn't mean that it is widely known. There are hundreds of manga magazines in Japan publishing thousands of manga series. Positive spin is critical for the commercial success of an author's works. And good sales figures mean the potential for foreign licences and contracts for follow-up stories.
Sep 11, 2014 11:35 AM
Sep 2014
Ghost-Lightning said:

-Babu passes away, foreshadowing Rea's inevitable death
-Furuya and Rea share a moment together at the funeral of Jogorou, the one responsible for zombies in the first place where we see that they do love each other, but both understand that her time is limited , essentially forcing Furuya to accept that he could not save her, but they can both take solace in the fact that despite her coming end (which is also hinted at in the title of the chapter: "Until Decay Completely" or "Until this Body Rots"), she was able to, and currently is living happily because of Furuya

I mean, on paper that's a pretty great ending. It's tragic, melancholy, not too over the top or absolute, and sticks to the rules that the story had been setting up since chapter one. I feel like the problem here is that Hattori simply didn't have (or use, if it wasn't the magazine that limited him) enough pages to allow for the dramatic and emotional elements to culminate in a way you'd expect from a finale.

Mh, I'm not so sure if this are really hints of Reas incoming death. I just want to mention the "special" sort of a zombie she is, what is written down very often in the manga. I really think that there will be a happy ending in the bonus chapter which will be released in November. In my eyes it doesn't make sense to the author to do such a ending because of the profit. He surely knew the ending when he started the manga (or at least the direction to which it goes to). I belief that the, I would say, "open" ending of chapter 56 is a submission to the bonus chapter which will come.

Edit: Or did you want to say this dbaranyi? Related to the profit that there will come something more. Sorry I'm just a bit confused because of your post. ^^'' Sorry English isn't my native language.
maikstenSep 11, 2014 11:46 AM
Sep 11, 2014 12:05 PM

Sep 2012
dbaranyi said:
Ghost-Lightning said:

I'm sure you know more about all that sort of stuff than I do, but now I'm curious. How come this would boost sales for the tankoubans? I assume it's because people will want to see what the special chapter has in it in hopes of getting a more complete ending. Would that be accurate, or are there some other business dealings that help them with this stuff?

A "feel good" ending creates more spin for the series and for the works of the author in general. People who haven't followed the series hear about the buzz and check into it. A large sales figure for the final tankouban generates more spin. And soon after the last tankouban comes out there will likely be a re-release of the entire tankouban series as a "collection". Positive spin will help the sales of the re-releases.

Just because we've been following Sankarea it doesn't mean that it is widely known. There are hundreds of manga magazines in Japan publishing thousands of manga series. Positive spin is critical for the commercial success of an author's works. And good sales figures mean the potential for foreign licences and contracts for follow-up stories.

This actually makes a lot of sense. That's a little upsetting that they have to resort to such methods to stay afloat and be profitable. At least he somewhat tried. I mean, he took the material in a very dark direction all the up to that very final chapter. I don't know, I can't help but feel like, as you said, a happy ending was thought to be necessary and was opted for over the ending we might have seen had the series been more popular.
PentobarbidollSep 11, 2014 12:08 PM
Oct 20, 2014 6:30 PM

Nov 2011
I'm okay on the ending I guess. Somehow, it didn't surprise me too much and it didn't go with something that was like a cilffhanger. That last quote was silly though and definitely had a sharp contrast with the previous few chapters in terms of mood.

Then again, this did have comedy in the beginning so I can't say it's entirely flawed. So yeah, I think I'll rate this 7/10. Waiting for extra chapter now~
Oct 20, 2014 10:53 PM

Jul 2012
So he survived in the end interesting. He only got his heart eaten by her and nothing else, lucky man.

Great chapter and series!!!
Oct 20, 2014 11:38 PM

Aug 2012
Gonna miss this series, I remember marathoning the anime in a day or so and moving on to the manga. Great art and can't wait to read the extra chapter!
Oct 21, 2014 7:41 AM

Apr 2013
it's 1am on a school night and my life has been made
What are you looking here for
Oct 21, 2014 9:25 AM

Sep 2007
I think we need "Sankarea: Mangaka's Cut" version on this one :)

Two fake-outs in two chapters? It definitely was heading in a VERY dark direction in the last third at least. I thought previous chapter, where it suddenly turned into a romance novel and then "NOPE, SHE ATE HIM" was brilliant. This ending was... OK, I guess. I doubt Furuya would survive with his heart eaten, unless pumped full of zombie venom, but it's at least a somewhat plausible in-universe explanation.

Still, I guess Wanko wins! (Eventually.) Yay!
Oct 21, 2014 6:24 PM

Jun 2012
.....but aren't they technically back to square one?
~Here's a waffle, please calm down...

"See that? She's cute and popular. You could say that her milkshakes bring all the boys to the yard. But YOU club President... your milkshakes are wasted on you. In other words, you're wasteful." ~D-Frag (Best.Reference.Ever.)
Oct 22, 2014 1:07 AM
May 2011
I can't help but feel there is no real resolution. Everything was left hanging and ambiguous. Which on occasion is fine and sometimes good, but in this case, it felt rushed and empty.
Oct 22, 2014 7:25 PM

Nov 2008
wenchance said:
I can't help but feel there is no real resolution. Everything was left hanging and ambiguous. Which on occasion is fine and sometimes good, but in this case, it felt rushed and empty.

My guess is one of two things happened:

1 - The publisher felt that the popularity of the series had peaked and ordered the mangaka to wrap it up a.s.a.p.


2 - The mangaka wrote himself into a corner and couldn't figure a better way to end the series so we got pretty much a non-ending.

In any event, both the publisher and the mangaka have their bases covered with the non-ending because they can always put out sequels...
Oct 23, 2014 6:44 AM

Aug 2010
All I can say is Trolololol XD I was totally trolled by it being gramps funeral instead lol

Well they lived happily ever after :P

Lol'd at Furuya saying "I was surprised u ONLY ate my heart" it's like he's saying eating the heart only doesn't kill a guy XD
Oct 23, 2014 4:02 PM

Jun 2014
The deus ex machina gods have descended upon us! I guess I'm okay with the ending. It does seem like an asspull, but at the same time it makes sense for him to survive due to constant exposure to Rea's poison.

I wish they could've done a better ending as it felt completely detached from the previous chapter, like maybe another chapter of this would've sufficed to have a proper ending. I'm still fine with it being a happy resolution. 9/10
Oct 25, 2014 11:25 AM

May 2013
They trolled me so bad. I totally believed that Furuya died and it was a sigh of relief when I saw him bumping into Rea.
Oct 25, 2014 11:42 PM
Mar 2009
Ugh, I was seriously expecting Furuya to have stayed dead. If not, then at least make them actually confess; that last panel was just an ambiguous asspull.

I can see why the author made Furuya live, because he has been bit by Rea and Babu on multiple occassions so I guess that accounts for something. But having your heart devoured is PRETTY FREAKING different from say, your arm or a leg.

So what the hell happens now? Rea lives out the remainder of her life in the ice caverns, but she can't die now because she devoured Furuya's heart, and Furuya will never come up with a serum to cure her?

Why do all the recent romcom's I've been reading for years, end in such shitty ways?
Oct 31, 2014 8:05 PM

May 2013
I was pretty surprised that Furuya survived, well since he said he is becoming more like his grandfather, It's pretty understandable that he could survive even though his heart was eaten. Anyway, liked the happy ending 8/10
Nov 1, 2014 6:33 PM

Nov 2008
Actually, no reader should be surprised that Furuya survived because he was the Narrator during the early chapters of the manga. Remember the end of the early chapter, before Rea became a zombie, where she was riding back to her house on Furuya's bike? Furuya clearly stated, as Narrator, that this was the "last chance he had to save her". Obviously, he said that from the point-of-view of someone who clearly knew the final outcome of the story.

So I never expected Furuya to die, but I didn't expect him to survive having his heart being eaten. That is still waaaaaaay too much of an ass-pull for me, even within the "universe" of the story. Regardless of the amount of zombie poison in his body, how could his brain survive a total lack of blood flow for the time it would have taken to get him to an artificial heart machine? The author could have written or shown that the MIBs who were with Rea's father had the necessary equipment with them, but he didn't.

So my final assessment of the story is that "Sankarea" was what I call an "interesting failure". It had plenty of strong points, was very often well done, developed its characters and world well, but in the end couldn't come up with a satisfying conclusion for me.
Nov 2, 2014 2:03 PM

Oct 2012
Not sure if this has been answered or not but-
why does MAL say that there is 58 chapters? Where can I read those or are they not released/translated yet?

I also felt this ending was incomplete. Reminded of the Elfen Lied's anime ending >.<
Nov 4, 2014 6:09 PM

Aug 2012
lolicles said:
Not sure if this has been answered or not but-
why does MAL say that there is 58 chapters? Where can I read those or are they not released/translated yet?

I also felt this ending was incomplete. Reminded of the Elfen Lied's anime ending >.<
Nov 7, 2014 9:52 PM

Apr 2012
What a shitty ending.
Nov 10, 2014 2:13 AM

Nov 2012
Maybe ending was predictable, but I must say author closed it nicely. Admirable art. Overall Im delighted. I will miss that manga.

So Deen... s2 please..?
Nov 11, 2014 9:04 PM

Mar 2013
I marathon-ed the last 10 chapters, it felt that the ending would be so good and the story's gotten interesting at some point.
...but the ending was not satisfying and downright painful to read.
My expectations may a be a bit to high.
If the manga was cut short due to the editor's choice then it would have been better to release an uncut version of the manga chapters (a wishful thinking of mine).
It feels like 2 or more chapters are needed to give a satisfying ending or an ending that Hattori planned.

I better wait for the special chapter then, if it will come though.
DeAnimationNov 11, 2014 9:07 PM
Dec 13, 2014 10:44 PM

Jun 2014
Well it's a happy ending after all.
I like the anime better, just too short.

Im glad Rea's memory returned by eating Chihiro's heart.

Dec 23, 2014 9:32 PM
Dec 2014
Anyone know when that special chapter is gunna be released?
Jan 24, 2015 5:01 PM
Nov 2014
Yeah yeah manga finished ages, though I just finished it, so...
Well this was a disapointment. I read the manga hoping for a at least realistic end. Whaddya mean that she only ate his heart? And he survived? Are you seriously trying to sell the power of love after you made the heroine eat the crap out of everyone? She freaking ate his dad's neck for god's sake. In the end, okay, with a pitiful resolution, she saved her skin.
But for f*ks sake Chihiro, she tried to eat your family. I mean, how much you could be in love? I don't care if she can't help it, if the girl I'm in love tries to eat my family, I'd seriously bash her head. She literally took a mouthful of meat out of everyone, including a 12 years old girl, (don't mind the fact that she's your little sister by the way), and he just left his family behind.
No, Chihiro's not the only moron, though he's the ultimate. I mean what in the actual f*ck? Everyone is so frigging lovey dovey with Rea. It's not like she's a poor bullied kid you can't help but feel sorry, she is eating people for crying outloud. Everyone just... smiles... God it pisses me off...
So. Bad series. Bad. Give me back my hours of reading. Fck you Chihiro.
Jan 24, 2015 10:34 PM

Apr 2011
Furuya's pseudo death aside, I was sincerely hoping that Rea would die and Chihiro would be paired with Darin. Oh well.
Mar 3, 2015 11:06 AM
Sep 2014
Damn, this is somehow different than anime. I liked this manga, ending of previous chapter shocked me for a minute. I didnt expect that at all, but i got slightly disappointed about ending of the manga. I really hopped it will end with Chihiro death, it was damn epic. But its ok like this too.
I hope that author will give official statement about the kids from extra chapter.
Mar 17, 2015 12:35 PM
The Shrike

Nov 2009
Not too crazy at how the mangaka wrapped things up to be honest.
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