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Aug 9, 2014 12:42 PM

Jan 2013
This show is getting really dumb.
-Nothing can stay unchanged. Even so, can you still keep on loving this place?

-Be still my soul; when change and tears are past, all safe and blessed we shall meet at last.
Aug 9, 2014 1:39 PM

Nov 2013
The only character I like out the entire show is David.

Aug 10, 2014 12:10 AM

Oct 2012
That vision that Touko sees while shes brushing her teeth.. Looks like yuki kissing her.. >..< I dont want those 2 paired up but if we're going by Nagi standards its happening.
Aug 10, 2014 12:27 AM

Jun 2013
Wow, this episode was actually interesting. Mostly because of Kakeru. And lol at Yuki asking Kakeru about his relationship with Touko, but gets mad when Kakeru does the same. Hypocrite much? He really annoys me.
okurinnAug 10, 2014 12:31 AM
Aug 10, 2014 12:28 AM

Oct 2012
that yuki punch.. no self control and no reason to to punch kakeru. he asked him a question regarding yana confessing to him.. and he snapped. wtf lol.
Aug 10, 2014 12:32 AM

Oct 2012
well there goes my theory on kakeru's mother being dead >.<
Aug 10, 2014 12:36 AM

Oct 2012
I was really itching to see that race. I bet Kakeru would mop the floor with yuki.

i don tknow why he said tht Toko is mine part though lol >.<
Aug 10, 2014 12:42 AM

Oct 2012
Hmmm ep 7 prev

Who are those shoes with Kakeru?

sachi still doesnt like kakeru. well i cant blame her. things have been hectic since hes arrived. But he spices this show up.>.<

I cant wait for ep 7. I hope I get the pairings Right

Its gonna be stupid if all those visions are of yuki and her not kakeru and her saying she has all these visions of kakeru ending up not true :(
Aug 10, 2014 1:00 AM

Jun 2009
silverwalls said:
this episode at least had some entertaining moments because the characters were acting like complete idiots..

parfaited said:
If you win Touko is yours? You disgusting fucker.

that scene was cringeworthy.

...he was just trying to push yuki into action but Yanagi figured it out and slapped him for it. Okikura is to apathetic and melodramatic to be that chauvinistic.
Aug 10, 2014 1:15 AM

Jun 2009
Ongaku008 said:
So Tsumugu's and Chisaki's son realised he and Touko are destined to be together ? What?
Furthermore I don't think the nearly shown kiss is between Kakeru and Touko. Looking at the hair it could also be Kakerus mother and they want to fool us :D.
Still I'm not sure if Kakeru wants her as a lover or as a friend. I think there's still the chance that they won't end up together and the couples will be different or maybe even a tragic ending and everyone ends up alone.

The second hald of this episode was really entertaining because I was sitting there and the whole time I was thinking: WTF?!...What are they doing!? This escalated just too quickly.
I'm sooo confused.

Yanagi is definitely the best girl. I like Kakeru, but her slap was wonderful!

^All of this lol. Kakeru doesn't know what he wants but he isn't clearing up the confusion because the ambiguity leaves him room to maneuver. Poor thing, he's just a mysterious, misunderstood, melodramatic enigma.

That slap was top notch. Yanagi figured Kakeru out and did not appreciate his brand of help!

I'm more interested in Hiro and Sacchi...I feel so sorry for him, he seems to think their relationship has moved out of the friend zone but he is not even on Sacchi's radar.

Theory: Sacchi dislikes Okikura because she sees something a'brewin' b/w him and Touko (whom she may have romantic feelings for) and now she knows that he would have no problem expressing his feelings to Touko if he fell for her. Yuki likes Touko but Sacchi knew he never had the balls to confess and wasn't a threat until Okikura showed up and accelerated everything.

This series is really fragmented, it's hard to get a big picture. I think it's intentional though. Just like Touko sees fragments of the future, we are getting fragments of the anime and have to piece them together bit by random bit.
Aug 10, 2014 3:04 AM

Jun 2013
Im starting to feel irritated by David somehow LOL i dont even know why

Liked Okikura x Touko pairing but now i prefer Yuki x Touko

Where exactly is this anime heading to...... sigh
Aug 10, 2014 4:29 AM

May 2012
In the episode preview :
It sounds to me that Yanagi is the one saying that she doesnt like David not Sachi voice :/

And also at the end of the preview there is someone sit next to Kakeru wearing shoes, Well idk if the shoes is a girl or a boy but it looks like Sachi shoes in the one in that firework scene.

Also like i said before, David and Sachi sort of resembles each other a lot, or is it just me? and Sachi seems a little odd this episode, looks like she knows bad things is going happen to her :/

well despite that, i dont think this show will have a happy ending, i sense death flags! hahahaha, things might flip out haha

so, even David doesnt know what hes looking for. Maybe Touko is the key to what hes searching for, idk what his intention is but i don think he likes touko. he probably use her for something to beneficial to him.
“They stood together in a false intimacy, a nervous contact. And he was in love with her.”
― D.H. Lawrence, Women in Love

Aug 10, 2014 6:58 AM
Jun 2014
y123y said:
ss4chris said:
Hmmm ep 7 prev

Who are those shoes with Kakeru?

sachi still doesnt like kakeru. well i cant blame her. things have been hectic since hes arrived. But he spices this show up.>.<

I cant wait for ep 7. I hope I get the pairings Right

Its gonna be stupid if all those visions are of yuki and her not kakeru and her saying she has all these visions of kakeru ending up not true :(

Remember that the vision of seeing two people kissing, she is seeing it from the third person point of view. In my opinion, the two people kissing are: Yuki and Kakeru, Yuki and Kakeru's mom, or Sachi and Hiro.

Meanwhile, all of the other of Touko's vision are in the first person point of view: the one where it looks like a train will run her over, Yanagi crying, the glasses chick in the hospital, and Kakeru smiling.

you said yourself that all the other visions are in the first person point of view meaning it could also be Touko X Imi.
Aug 10, 2014 7:49 AM

Sep 2013
Im gonna be pissed if what Touko saw in her vision was Yuki and her.
AsianKungFuAug 10, 2014 8:06 AM
"I have been wielding a blade since before your were swimming around your father's scrotum." - Kurou
Aug 10, 2014 8:19 AM

Jan 2014
Those asymmetrical lips bothered me so much I couldn't even watch in peace.
Aug 10, 2014 8:48 AM

Oct 2012
nyancat2506 said:
In the episode preview :
It sounds to me that Yanagi is the one saying that she doesnt like David not Sachi voice :/

And also at the end of the preview there is someone sit next to Kakeru wearing shoes, Well idk if the shoes is a girl or a boy but it looks like Sachi shoes in the one in that firework scene.

Also like i said before, David and Sachi sort of resembles each other a lot, or is it just me? and Sachi seems a little odd this episode, looks like she knows bad things is going happen to her :/

well despite that, i dont think this show will have a happy ending, i sense death flags! hahahaha, things might flip out haha

so, even David doesnt know what hes looking for. Maybe Touko is the key to what hes searching for, idk what his intention is but i don think he likes touko. he probably use her for something to beneficial to him.

that is def sachi's voice.
Aug 10, 2014 8:49 AM

Oct 2012
y123y said:
ss4chris said:
Hmmm ep 7 prev

Who are those shoes with Kakeru?

sachi still doesnt like kakeru. well i cant blame her. things have been hectic since hes arrived. But he spices this show up.>.<

I cant wait for ep 7. I hope I get the pairings Right

Its gonna be stupid if all those visions are of yuki and her not kakeru and her saying she has all these visions of kakeru ending up not true :(

Remember that the vision of seeing two people kissing, she is seeing it from the third person point of view. In my opinion, the two people kissing are: Yuki and Kakeru, Yuki and Kakeru's mom, or Sachi and Hiro.

Meanwhile, all of the other of Touko's vision are in the first person point of view: the one where it looks like a train will run her over, Yanagi crying, the glasses chick in the hospital, and Kakeru smiling.

ya i dont know where you're getting your info from but it doesnt seem all her visions are in 3rd person point of view >.<
Aug 10, 2014 8:50 AM

Oct 2012
y123y said:
iNorichann1 said:

you said yourself that all the other visions are in the first person point of view meaning it could also be Touko X Imi.

-_- its pretty obvious that Im a Yuki fan, and youre a Kakeru fan. And we both ship them with Yanagi, and went dont want them to end up with Touko.

Youre a Tsumugu fan, and Im a Kaname fan. ..... I lost in Asukara (Thanks Chisaki). So Nori, LET ME WIN IN GLASSLIP!!!!!

I hope you lose in Glasslip too.
Aug 10, 2014 9:05 AM
Jun 2014
ss4chris said:
y123y said:

-_- its pretty obvious that Im a Yuki fan, and youre a Kakeru fan. And we both ship them with Yanagi, and went dont want them to end up with Touko.

Youre a Tsumugu fan, and Im a Kaname fan. ..... I lost in Asukara (Thanks Chisaki). So Nori, LET ME WIN IN GLASSLIP!!!!!

I hope you lose in Glasslip too.

hahhaa. I hope that too.
But it wouldn't be a problem for me if Kakeru AND Yuki both fall in love with Yanagi, and she

1) rejects them both and finally founds someone who is more interested in her than Touko -> we both lose

2) she is unsure about her feelings and can't decide ( open ending, final episode) -> we both win!

But I am pretty sure there'll be more Kakeru X Yanagi scenes.. Just wait and see !! :D
Aug 10, 2014 11:14 AM
Jan 2011
OG-3 said:
Well, this episode was better than the last one, but still, pretty uninteresting.
Maybe it's just be, but all those events that happened in this episode didn't connect well and seemed kinda random. At least some plot finally happened. But all the characters are so annoying in Glasslip, especially in this episode. Even though I disliked Sachi in the beginning, now I don't really mind her (well, she rarely appears so yeah lol).

I have a theory, maybe the staff is experimenting on doing things in real time similiar to 24 but one scene at a time?
KanameFujiwaraAug 10, 2014 12:22 PM
Aug 10, 2014 11:27 AM

Oct 2012
KanameFujiwara said:
OG-3 said:
Well, this episode was better than the last one, but still, pretty uninteresting.
Maybe it's just be, but all those events that happened in this episode didn't connect well and seemed kinda random. At least some plot finally happened. But all the characters are so annoying in Glasslip, especially in this episode. Even though I disliked Sachi in the beginning, now I don't really mind her (well, she rarely appears so yeah lol).

I have theory, maybe the staff is experimenting on doing things in real time similiar to 24 but one scene at a time?

Aug 10, 2014 11:54 AM
Jan 2011
ss4chris said:
KanameFujiwara said:

I have theory, maybe the staff is experimenting on doing things in real time similiar to 24 but one scene at a time?


24 - the American show.
Aug 10, 2014 12:26 PM

Oct 2012
KanameFujiwara said:
ss4chris said:


24 - the American show.

how does Glasslip relate to Jack Bauer?o.O
Aug 11, 2014 1:05 AM
Jun 2007
most intense moment of the episode:

This show is kind of weird. People say it's mature, "adults will understand", but I can't really relate. The characters are dull, weird, and their relationships don't really interest me.
I will keep going, for more bird-action, and because I find it hard to drop a series nowadays.
Aug 11, 2014 1:57 AM
Community Admin
sunny moment

May 2010

I don't even know how I'm gonna get through the remaining half of this, David is starting to tick me off.
Aug 11, 2014 2:14 AM

Oct 2013
y123y said:
Shuffle! is the only anime where a couple that I shipped ended together. I havent won since nor did I ever win before Shuffle!. Itll be nice to win on glasslip.

I loved shuffle for that sole reason. Never in an anime did I feel such completion. Too bad most series such at picking/ shipping couples.
"A cruel world is not without it's beauty, and many times a select few find it by mistake. Only then do those select few see the world for what it is... A disastrous masterpiece." ~ 7thVoid

"Hates a river that only flows down." ~ 7thVoid
Aug 11, 2014 8:34 PM

Jul 2014
Not even gonna lie this anime is such a massive disappointment considering i'd just watched Nagi No Asukara (an anime by the same studio) a month earlier. All i care about is Hiro x Sachi but i know even THAT is unlikely
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Aug 12, 2014 7:14 AM
Aug 2013
This episode was a storm

Kakeru and Yuki are both being little bitches

Kakeru, I am just done with Kakeru. Maybe not quite yet, since he is the story in this series.
it's not the same for Touko though I AM SO DONE WITH HER, I just knew she'd be the 'cause of problem' it's written all over her from the very start
Yuki well at least he is making more sense that the other guy
Yanagi is still best character so far in this, was right in rooting for her
Kakeru's mom is gorgeous, I honestly thought she's dead o_o' wth, why you giving us wrong small details

[b]good thing Hiro and Sachi isn't having any of their shit, good for them[b]

wtf wtf wtf wtf wtf wtf where did that come from, huh Kakeru wtf wtf wtf
I am annoyed for some reason, I am annoyed at something but I am not sure what reason, but I am very annoyed
there is no chemistry between Touko and Kakeru none at all, not a single one, there was more chemistry between him and Yana, the only thing that holds your Touko x Kakeru is plot-kun in which he is doing a very poor job
Even the slap, they, Kakeru and Yana, even had chemistry during the f***ing slap

there's still 7 episodes left, but looking back at how the first 6 are written, will they really be able to make it better?? I am not saying I hate the series though, a lot of things just seem so extremely annoying

why haven't they explained this whole future thing
why chickens, what's with the eagles?hawks?
and the GLASS (they haven't even shown making a glass from start to finnish...0
the CHARACTERS like please, please
We need explanations

also one very important thing to note:
I bursted with laughter on that crab-bird hybrid(crab because it's sideways)
Aug 12, 2014 7:32 AM

Feb 2011
babymilo91 said:
Man Okikura being punched and slapped this episode. I guess he found what he was looking for.

Masochist ?
Aug 12, 2014 8:55 AM

Oct 2012
FloralHimegimi said:
This episode was a storm

Kakeru and Yuki are both being little bitches

Kakeru, I am just done with Kakeru. Maybe not quite yet, since he is the story in this series.
it's not the same for Touko though I AM SO DONE WITH HER, I just knew she'd be the 'cause of problem' it's written all over her from the very start
Yuki well at least he is making more sense that the other guy
Yanagi is still best character so far in this, was right in rooting for her
Kakeru's mom is gorgeous, I honestly thought she's dead o_o' wth, why you giving us wrong small details

[b]good thing Hiro and Sachi isn't having any of their shit, good for them[b]

wtf wtf wtf wtf wtf wtf where did that come from, huh Kakeru wtf wtf wtf
I am annoyed for some reason, I am annoyed at something but I am not sure what reason, but I am very annoyed
there is no chemistry between Touko and Kakeru none at all, not a single one, there was more chemistry between him and Yana, the only thing that holds your Touko x Kakeru is plot-kun in which he is doing a very poor job
Even the slap, they, Kakeru and Yana, even had chemistry during the f***ing slap

there's still 7 episodes left, but looking back at how the first 6 are written, will they really be able to make it better?? I am not saying I hate the series though, a lot of things just seem so extremely annoying

why haven't they explained this whole future thing
why chickens, what's with the eagles?hawks?
and the GLASS (they haven't even shown making a glass from start to finnish...0
the CHARACTERS like please, please
We need explanations

also one very important thing to note:
I bursted with laughter on that crab-bird hybrid(crab because it's sideways)


women will always cause trouble/ stir the pot. what were you expecting?

the exact same thing happened in Nagi lmao.
Aug 12, 2014 8:56 AM

Oct 2012
y123y said:
7thVoid said:

I loved shuffle for that sole reason. Never in an anime did I feel such completion. Too bad most series such at picking/ shipping couples.

YEA!!! So you know the frustration Ive been through.



yuki can die

and yana can be with a random person

up with KakeruxToko.
Aug 12, 2014 6:30 PM

Jul 2009
Damn, I'm not sure how I feel about these characters
Don't forget.
Always, somewhere,
someone is fighting for you.
As long as you remember her,
you are not alone.
Aug 12, 2014 9:31 PM

Jul 2012
Oh wow, Kakeru went straight downhill for me after this episode.
If I win, I get Touko, if you win, I don't see her again? Does he even care about what Touko thinks..? And does Touko even care that Kakeru just treated her like a prized possession?

Why doesn't Touko have a ton of questions to ask Kakeru about her ability to see the future? I think anyone would be hella curious.

The music seems out of place at times and the characters are disappointing. Sigh.
AndoAug 12, 2014 9:42 PM
Aug 12, 2014 11:40 PM

Oct 2012
Ando- said:
Oh wow, Kakeru went straight downhill for me after this episode.
If I win, I get Touko, if you win, I don't see her again? Does he even care about what Touko thinks..? And does Touko even care that Kakeru just treated her like a prized possession?

Why doesn't Touko have a ton of questions to ask Kakeru about her ability to see the future? I think anyone would be hella curious.

The music seems out of place at times and the characters are disappointing. Sigh.

I dont know why people are getting peeved over one thing david has done compared to w hat yuki has done since ep 1.

He said that to yet yuki off and lose puprosely. he didnt say to treat her as poessession. if it was a big deal then dont you think touko would have smacked him also?
Aug 13, 2014 1:19 AM

Jul 2008
I can understand why people aren't happy about how Kakeru handle the situation, but I'm not totally against it either. The only mystery now is the future visions, other than that, the show pretty much has nothing left.
Aug 14, 2014 11:11 AM

Jan 2013
Things are progressing fastly, sort of.
Lots of romance drama, entirely focused on romantic relationships.
There could be some more side plot
Aug 14, 2014 3:35 PM

Apr 2014
ss4chris said:
Ando- said:
Oh wow, Kakeru went straight downhill for me after this episode.
If I win, I get Touko, if you win, I don't see her again? Does he even care about what Touko thinks..? And does Touko even care that Kakeru just treated her like a prized possession?

Why doesn't Touko have a ton of questions to ask Kakeru about her ability to see the future? I think anyone would be hella curious.

The music seems out of place at times and the characters are disappointing. Sigh.

I dont know why people are getting peeved over one thing david has done compared to w hat yuki has done since ep 1.

He said that to yet yuki off and lose puprosely. he didnt say to treat her as poessession. if it was a big deal then dont you think touko would have smacked him also?

Yuki has pretty much been treating Touko like an object all along. Not only that, he pretty much doesn't want her to be happy if it doesn't involve him being her boyfriend. He's not only a shitty person, but a shitty friend. Yes, David offering to race reduced Touko as an object to win or lose (which neither have claim to that). It was douchey. But I also don't think his intention was to actually put her in that light, rather he was just playing Yuki's game. Putting Yuki's BS on the spotlight. He had no intention of racing, and I think he wanted to bait Yuki into saying yes (as it would show what a terrible/petty person he is. That he would race to keep another person away from Touko. ie. He would smash her chance at happiness).

I think that's actually why Yana said what she said in Episode 7. But I'll end that here, since there is an episode 7 thread for that.
Aug 14, 2014 7:23 PM

Nov 2008
Come on just KISS already!
Aug 16, 2014 3:48 PM

Feb 2013
Touko's freakouts were cute.
Aug 16, 2014 7:05 PM

Jan 2011
Touko, Kakeru, Yanagi and Yukinari can be summed up with "it's complicated".

At the same time, Hiro x Sachi are rather disconnected. Sachi felt it was necessary to make clear that they are *not* dating earlier. So who knows how ong Hiro is going to keep this up. Maybe he'll participate in the contest of "who wins Touko".
Aug 17, 2014 12:57 AM

Dec 2012
Wow what did I just watch a punch and a slap?! LOL
Aug 17, 2014 8:09 AM

Mar 2012
Woah. Now this started moving.
I still can't quite understand Okikura. Really. But one of my very very big questions about him is why does he sleep in a tent? Also call me bad, but I don't feel the chemistry between him and Touko. Speaking of Okikuras, why suddenly appear mom?
The moment I saw the kissing vision scene, I immediately thought that it wasn't Touko. I thought of Sachi and Hiro. Those two are the only happy ones here. Right now. Sachi's feelings are still unclear.
Anyway, everything is cryptic. I think I'm missing something big here.
This episode has several heavy scenes. Then that happy feeling ED plays. Uggggh?
Aug 18, 2014 3:16 PM

Dec 2013
I'm not even mad at the slow pacing, I just fucking wish Kakeru would fall down a hole. I have NEVER been this fucking pissed off at any character before. He's the whole reason everything is happening and he's a complete fucking dick, I barely even want to finish this, it's been hard for me to watch for the last 2 episodes. It's fine, even with the slow pacing and barely backstory but the whole thing that kills it for me is Kakeru. Please, make the ending for this be him dying or something.
Aug 19, 2014 9:50 AM
Aug 2014
The story wasn't moving forward till this week's better late than never : p its about time the story needed to shake up a little....i almost started loosing interest ! but they need to pace up a little....i mean c'mmon, after a whole week's wait we deserve a little more of the story from one episode!
crazyapple9Aug 19, 2014 9:56 AM
Aug 19, 2014 1:48 PM

Feb 2014
Ando- said:
Oh wow, Kakeru went straight downhill for me after this episode.
If I win, I get Touko, if you win, I don't see her again? Does he even care about what Touko thinks..? And does Touko even care that Kakeru just treated her like a prized possession?

Yeah this was my main problem with this episode. Since when is Touko either of their property? And since when did her feelings mean nothing?

Touko was being really annoying this episode, especially in the beginning; she made my eyes roll many times. Yuki was being a complete fool when he was like: "hey dude ever since you came her everything has been awful and now you take my girl so you should leave!" Yanagi's confession to Yuki-kun was pathetic, I know virtually nothing about Sacchan, and David's proposition to decide who "gets" Touko by a running race is probably one of the most dumbest things I've ever heard. Now Hiro is the only human character I like because he tries to be really sweet but is really awkward about it (but of course, Johnathan is still the best).

Even with a punch, a slap, and a heated love triangle this show is still bad.
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Aug 19, 2014 8:07 PM

Dec 2011
This episode gave the series some more coherence and plot... since we have tackled a conflict right now, where Kakeru is like that...

Even if they found each other... still feel like Kakeru is a complete stranger to the cast and kind of not blend in naturally. (and of course glass making, we have only seen Touko melting/mending glass... and now letting it settle/cool off).
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Aug 24, 2014 7:13 AM

Mar 2014
''If I win Touko is mine''? what the hell is wrong with the script. Kakeru deserved that slap. The funniest thing is that Touko didn't even react to the fact that she was treated like a prize by both of them.
Basically the three main characters are getting more ridiculous after each episode.

There's no chemistry between Touko and Kakeru. They haven't had a normal discussion, they are so serious all the time and Touko is behaving like a retard. Everything just feels so forced.
Aug 27, 2014 11:57 AM

May 2010
About time Kakeru got bitchslapped, love you Yanagi!
Aug 29, 2014 7:38 AM

Dec 2012
A cock fight among cocks. I'll never understand why guys fight over girls, it doesn't change Touko's feelings unless she's a shallow bitch. Good job to Yanagi for making that one clear right across Kakeru's face.

That confession was so undeveloped and it just feels so cheesy and hard to swallow with how socially awkward and stoic Tsumugu Kakeru is. But what's making me go nuts are the random stills combined with the recycled classical music LOLWHATTAHECK those stills make no sense if they're trying to add emphasis to the moment.
Aug 29, 2014 12:01 PM

Aug 2014
I just watched episode 6 and I still don't know what is going on OTL Seriously, is it just my lack of understanding or is it the show!? @@ Like I can't wrap my head around it where the plot is going!?
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