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Jul 24, 2014 5:11 PM

Feb 2013
Shinju's warm smile was comforting, almost enough for someone to become calmer, but it seemed like the girl was likely still scared. Shinju slowly raised her hands a little and moved down, as if saying 'calm down', still with a warm and calm grin.

"Please, if you're running away from someone, they'll follow you out there. Also, you're bleeding a bit, aren't you?" Shinju said as she pointed towards Lynne's arm. Though the bleeding wasn't massive enough to leave a significative trail, it was still enough to show on Lynne's clothes. "If you're afraid, please stay here a little longer and, if you want to, I can treat that wound." Shinju's almost inexistent voice, not even audible from the out of the door, was warm and different from most people. She was very friendly and was seriously trying to calm down Lynne as she said those things, along with helping her.
YzmaelJul 24, 2014 5:37 PM
Through me the way is to the city dolent;
Through me the way is to eternal dole;
Through me the way among the people lost.
Justice incited my sublime Creator;
- Divine Comedy, Inferno, Canto III.
Jul 24, 2014 5:30 PM

Aug 2010
It didn't seem as though he'd understand ... How unfortunate ...

Although Takeshi seemed to be quite the capable fighter, nothing could have prepared him for what would happen. Ryuu's right hand dived and grabbed hold of Takeshi's head. With a single arm, he lifted Takeshi upwards by tightly gripping onto only his head.

This wasn't martial arts or anything - It was a kind of crazy, berserker-like street move that one could not react to, or even imagine happening. He tossed Takeshi onto the floor, like a bag of wheat (abet not hardly, more of a 'drop' if anything), before responding to the taunt before him.

"Former King - It's fortunate for you two that I am not as strong as I previously was. Well, not that it'd take much effort for a lion with no claws or teeth to stomp on a few flies."

He casually walked away, though slightly cautious in the event that anybody would dare initiate an attack on him. The teachers were going to catch him, and it'd be fucking annoying to deal with. He jumped onto the stairway grip and slid down before anybody could follow him.

What a pain in the ass ...
Jul 24, 2014 5:33 PM

Jun 2014
Takeshi gets hit and thrown within seconds. "...Why did you do that?..." He stands back up, same cold and blank look. "If I hadn't quit being with my old friends, chances are he wouldn't of left this place alive... Oh well..."
Jul 24, 2014 5:37 PM

Jul 2013
Strong but untrained. In other words: a brute. Brutes were his speciality. Knowing that no danger would come his way from pursuing this trail, Yosuke tore down the staircase after her, sidestepping an oncoming student flawlessly as he did so. "We're not done." He whispered into his suspect's ear just prior to spinning him around to face him. One look at his duel avatar was all it would take.

"So, are you going to answer my question?" He asked with a cocked brow, eager to see what would happen next.
King-in-YellowJul 24, 2014 5:59 PM
Jul 24, 2014 5:59 PM

Jun 2014
Takeshi knew that they were long gone. A small bruise was on his cheek and his back hurt, but it was nothing compared to the beating he's had before. "...Might as well go check on that girl..." He says to himself, walking to the direction Lynne ran.
Jul 24, 2014 6:16 PM

Aug 2010
Except that he wasn't a 'mere' brute - The very fact that Yosuke was generalizing Ryuu as someone part of a particular group was entirely wrong.

'Da hell do you want?"

It didn't appear as though the man was frustrated or angry from earlier - It was more of an apathetic glare that he gave Yosuke.

"Ah, fuck. It's starting to burn up again."

The man took off his shirt. Burnt marks. Everywhere. They covered the entirety of his upper body, in the form of strips, marks and many more peculiar shapes. Not his entire body had scars however - Some were clean of scars, but depicted some mysterious kind of writing, done in a foreign language in black. Besides that, all you could see was quite the monstrous build.

He began to walk away, not minding if the kid decided to follow him or continue to remarks. It was quite the strange occurrence - The fact that he couldn't be bothered to toss more than two people. One could see him as a tyrant, but there was definitely something more to Ryuu. He was the type of guy who'd do whatever the hell he felt like doing - Reasons, feelings or even logic wasn't needed. Being as chaotically random as he was gave him a certain definition.

He stood a few meters before the exit, though he had a hunch that the kid would try to stop him from exiting the school. Whatever. He'd answer his question or fist, whatever came first if he felt like it.
BeyondJul 24, 2014 6:22 PM
Jul 24, 2014 6:24 PM

Jul 2013
"You've might want to put your shirt back on, Fabio Flinstone." Yosuke contemplated following him out the door but he had no need. He was told his target was distinguished from his by intense burn marks. "See you around... Imperial Warrior." He added with a mock salute before turning a corner and losing himself in the maze of corridors the school boasted.
Jul 24, 2014 6:38 PM

Feb 2013
The girl pointed at Lynne's arm and her eyes followed. Dark red stained a small spot higher up on her crinkled sleeve. She hadn't even noticed it right up until that moment. Now, though, she could feel the mild sting where her nails had cut into her skin.

"No, no! It's alright. I'm fine!" Lynne's smile twitched and she clamped her other hand down over the stain. She lifted her other hand up just slightly to try and wave her off and took a small step to the side. Lowering her hand again, Lynne fumbled once more for the handle and failed to find it.

It could have been worse, really. At the very least it was a girl she'd run into and not the boy from earlier. Though she still didn't at all like the idea of letting this girl take her arm, even if it was simply to patch up a cut.
Jul 24, 2014 6:52 PM

Feb 2013
"Oh... I see." Shinju said in calm tone as she smiled a little. Perhaps the girl was too afraid of her to trust on her to take care of the cut. Shinju understood that better than someone else. However, when Lynne suddenly took her hand upwards, Shinju curved herself a little and took a step back, clearly afraid of the sudden move. "Y-you... You won't hurt me, right?" She asked, even though the girl was likely a lot smaller than her.

Shinju had no hope of fighting someone. She wouldn't hurt a fly if it came down to it, and certainly wouldn't protect herself, even from a smaller girl like Lynne. Suddenly, on Shinju's pocket, her cellphone vibrated. "Someone's coming... Your friend?" She asked, as she still held her hands close to her chest, as if afraid of Lynne's reaction.
Through me the way is to the city dolent;
Through me the way is to eternal dole;
Through me the way among the people lost.
Justice incited my sublime Creator;
- Divine Comedy, Inferno, Canto III.
Jul 24, 2014 7:39 PM

Jun 2014
Takeshi walks through the hallways, and hears some talking and commotion a nearby room. "...Must be her." He says to himself, walking towards the room door. He knocks slowly then puts his hands in his pockets. "Hello?" He calls outside the door.
Jul 24, 2014 8:27 PM

Feb 2013
The expression Lynne wore when the girl curled away was probably the first genuine one she'd made today. Confusion coupled with fright held her features taut, and the prior only grew when the girl asked her the most curious question.

"Ah, no! N-no. I'm not!" Unaware of what had warranted the reaction in the first place Lynne lifted her hand again and shook her hand frantically to try and dispel the idea. She had her back pressed right up against the door now and the girl said something else. Someone was... coming? Oh no. No. The knock on the door came before Lynne could even finish the thought. She felt it through the door and a male voice followed it. The young brunette's eyes went wide and her fake smile vanished entirely. She peeled herself off of the door and she ran, not caring about keeping her steps quiet, until she reached the back of the room. With nowhere else to hide she slid down the back wall and tried to make herself small... small enough that the desks would hide her as well as any wall.
Jul 24, 2014 8:34 PM

Jun 2014
"Hello?... I know someone is in here... If your in here, person, just forget me. I came to apologize." Takeshi sighs as he must look stupid talking to a door. "I'm not a people's person, I was just trying ta help ya... Sorry if I done some rude things. Just wanted to say that before I left. Should be able to leave school now, so you shouldn't see me for the rest of your life... Not even sure if I told ya my name... Ah, no matter. Anyhow, nice meeting you. My offer will always stand if you need help." He ends, waiting for a 'Leave' or something of the sort...
Jul 25, 2014 4:19 PM

Feb 2013
Normally, upon seeing the girl's even more sudden movements, Shinju would have ran away. However, the girl did say that she wasn't here to hurt her, so Shinju simply cowered slightly more and took another step back.

Shinju's quick steps back were reinforced by the sudden voice that came from the other side of the door. Upon hering all of the boy's words, however, Shinju took a few steps foward and spoke to the boy calmly. "I don't know who you're searching for... But there's only me here." Shinju said, looking towards the place where Lynne hid and winking quickly as if saying "Leave this to me". "I'd go away if I were you... This area of school is off-limits..." She added in a slightly calmer tone than she was with Lynne. This time, she was trying to help out Lynne, if this person meant to hurt her. Shinju knew of the facades that bullies would usually wear, and this boy didn't seem any different.
Through me the way is to the city dolent;
Through me the way is to eternal dole;
Through me the way among the people lost.
Justice incited my sublime Creator;
- Divine Comedy, Inferno, Canto III.
Jul 25, 2014 4:27 PM

Jun 2014
"...I don't have any need for school anyhow. My job only requires me to go here..." Takeshi says sighing. "I know that the other person is in there, no need to lie. I think she's afraid of men or something, she freaked out when I talked to her. Dunno if she heard me, so tell her, okay? Don't want her thinking I'm some creepy freak out for her." He says to the girl across from the door. "And tell her that if she needs help, look for a 'Takeshi Yamo' at the orphanage. Its my job. And if this area is off-limits, you should head back to class... My future has been ruined long ago, you still have many options ahead of you. Don't waste 'em..." Takeshi ends starting to walk away. "Nice meetin' ya!" He calls back.
Jul 25, 2014 5:24 PM

Feb 2013
The other girl in the room forgotten for now Lynne held her knees close to her chest and his her head and face under her arms. She pressed herself as far back into the wall as she could, not even daring to peek up through the gaps in the desks.

Don't come in here...

He'd singled her out after home room, followed and stopped her out in the hall, exposed her as a Burst Linker, bothered her again in the courtyard, and now he'd followed her all the way here. Her skin crawled and she felt a chill pass through her that left her shivering. That boy... she felt the fear strike her same as it had with her uncle. No one would have followed her that far without reason and she dared not think for a moment that he spoke truthfully from beyond that door.

She heard voices past her little wall of limbs. The girl's and the boy's. She didn't look up or even listen to catch the words. Seconds ticked away and soon she heard only silence. Was he gone? Oh, please, god... let him be gone.

"D-did he... Is he g-gone?"
YzmaelJul 25, 2014 5:33 PM
Jul 25, 2014 7:01 PM

Feb 2013
Shinju remains quiet as she sees, or hears, the boy leaving the corridor and going to his class. The fact that she shouldn't be here wasn't exactly correct, since it was the teachers that sent her here so that she could be away from the bullies that would get her when she went off class.

Naturally, she remained quiet once more as silence issued once the boy left the area. Walking towards the girl curled in a corner, she kneelt down and smiled to her. "Calm down. He's gone now. No one's going to hurt you. You're not going to hurt me too, are you?" Shinju asked in a uncasual manner. Her voice seemed slightly frightened, but that was only it, as she forced her smile in place and spoke to the girl curled in a ball on the corner of the room. "What's your name girl?" She asked calmly.
Through me the way is to the city dolent;
Through me the way is to eternal dole;
Through me the way among the people lost.
Justice incited my sublime Creator;
- Divine Comedy, Inferno, Canto III.
Jul 25, 2014 7:21 PM

Feb 2013
Lynne flinched away when she heard the voice, so much closer to her now than it had been a few moments ago. Her arms reflexively parted to place them between herself and the girl, and she pressed herself back up against the wall. She hadn't heard the door open but she almost expected to see the boy knelt down in front of her. So when she saw the girl she relaxed, even if only slightly.

The news that the boy was gone was a great relief to her and her shoulders slumped, all tension gone, and she rested her forehead against her knees. The girl wouldn't have seen or heard anything but inside Lynne was laughing. After a few seconds she slowly lifted her head and wiped her face on her sleeve. To the girl's first question Lynne shook her head, though she didn't speak. Two the second she visibly hesitated.


Lynne bit her lower lip, deciding whether or not she should give her name. Soon enough she caved and told. "... Lynne." She kept her family name to herself for now.
Jul 25, 2014 7:35 PM

Feb 2013
"Glad to meet you, Lynne. My name is Shinju." The tall girl said in a gentle tone. With that, she got up and walked towards her own table, taking out the contents of her bag. Getting out her notebook, she walked towards the board and started to write down the things that were on her book.

"So, Lynne-chan, would you mind keeping me company for a little bit? Would you also mind if I took care of your injury? It might infectionate if you keep it like that. I have the proper training and equipment to take care of it, if necessary, so don't be shy." Shinju said, glancing at Lynne from time to time.
Through me the way is to the city dolent;
Through me the way is to eternal dole;
Through me the way among the people lost.
Justice incited my sublime Creator;
- Divine Comedy, Inferno, Canto III.
Jul 25, 2014 8:31 PM

Feb 2013
After the girl gave her own name in return and stood up, Lynne didn't move. She was content to stay huddled up right there. She didn't 'to even lift her head to follow the girl as she walked to the front of the room. In fact, it wasn't until Shinju called back to her that Lynne reacted at all.

She stayed quiet another moment, listening to the girl speak and to the chalk scratch against the board. "... N-n-no." She clamped her hand back down over the red stain on her uniform sleeve. The cut stung underneath, but she refused to let her touch it . "It's fine. I-I'll be fine."
Jul 25, 2014 8:58 PM

Aug 2010
Having gone outside, Ryuu could finally enjoy the outside breeze. Out of sheer coincidence, lied a nearby mountain. Considering the lack of interest or motivation Ryuu held in regards to school, he decided to go ahead with his weekly hike.

The scars around his entire body would always catch stares of nearby citizens, but that never bothered him. It was something he was used to, his entire life, even when he didn't have them.

Taking about 20 minutes, Ryuu arrived and entered the path of the mountain hike. There was nothing left but to climb upwards.
Jul 26, 2014 5:03 PM

Aug 2010
Upon arriving at the rooftop, Ryuu immediately shouted the key words - Not wasting a second in the process.

«Burst Link!»

Using his hand as a cursor, Ryuu scrolled down through the list. One name stood out above all others - It was one of the two *changes* that had recently take place.

«Amaranth Blaster» - Level 2.

Now wasn't this a surprise ... The Red King in the flesh. This outta be an interesting fight.

He challenged her straight away, though noted to turn spectators off. A private duel would be more befitting, of course.

(Yz - You can choose the stage for the fight this time).
Jul 26, 2014 5:24 PM

Feb 2013
You have been challenged!!

The message appeared a brief moment after Shinju was sent into the Accelerated World. In front of her, a completely blue character appeared. The arena they were currently in was the Canyon Stage!

«Imperial Warrior» - Level 1

"So... You're still alive... Impressive, Warrior. Say... You haven't seen Vermillion, have you?" Amaranth, once the "girlfriend" of «Vermillion Archer» asked in a calm, cold tone. It was her own way of speaking to "old" friends.

HP: 100
KG: 0

As she said that, from behind her, the two cannons appeared along with her Enhanced Armament, the Pacemaker. It attached to her arm, feeling like a part of her. With that, she jumped back and started her own massacre at Imperial Warrior( a close-range melee character ) with her Artillery and her Pacemaker all together. At the same time she did so, she started to gain distance from Imperial. His only way to currently beat her would be for him to get at a close-range with her, which, of course, she wouldn't allow.
YzmaelJul 26, 2014 5:29 PM
Through me the way is to the city dolent;
Through me the way is to eternal dole;
Through me the way among the people lost.
Justice incited my sublime Creator;
- Divine Comedy, Inferno, Canto III.
Jul 26, 2014 5:36 PM

Aug 2010
Rocks everywhere. Not to mention, a strong wind that blew across the horizon. It was the Canyon Stage. He saw an old face - Though they had both been originators, it was clear that Imperial's experience dwarfed every other player currently active, possibly rivaled by only the past God class Originators ... and him.

Amaranth said:
"So... You're still alive... Impressive, Warrior. Say... You haven't seen Vermillion, have you?"

"Only level 2? I had expected you to grow considerably since my departure, Blaster."

And then, a rain of different bullets flocked towards Imperial. As it was more of a preemptive attack, Imperial managed to avoid it. Despite the few bullets that scraped him, they were merely bare grazes. His HP did not change at all.

"Rushing into it right away?" Imperial said, with not even a hint of malice.

"Your initiative to dive first into battle never changes. You should calm down - My intentions of contacting you are not for a mere fight. In regards to your question: Archer's existence is currently uncertain." He added.

It didn't seem he was too interested in battle - Quite the deviation from Warrior's regular attitude. But, it might be an opportunity for the both of them to exchange information. Well, even then, it could still turn out to be an exciting battle.
Jul 26, 2014 5:46 PM

Feb 2013
Crossing her arms and folding her artillery, Amaranth still didn't took her aim away from Imperial. "It can't be. He wouldn't have died in that battle. Both of us know he was the strongest of all in the Prominence... He was the real leader... Not me..." Saying that, Amaranth's voice clearly showed that she was shaken from Imperial's words. She couldn't believe in it, that Archer, her mentor... Her beloved, would have died like that. "Impossible... Definetely impossible!" Stomping on the ground and stepping ahead, Amaranth almost shouted to the winds.

"Then why come all this way? Why challenge me? What are your intentions, Warrior?" She asked, clearly angered by his words. Needless to say that Blaster was not in friedly status with Warrior. During their last exchange of conversation, Blaster begged to Archer to not to go face the Imperial Palace, against all decisions, yet they still went ahead and got themselves nearly killed. Normally, by now, Blaster would've knelt down on the ground and cried, considering how sentimentally weak she was. "Don't tell me you've come here to ask me about the Unlimited Neutral Zone's situation... It's all a mess..." She said, calmly looking away from Imperial, but her guns were still directly aimed at him and her artillery had almost taken down a big piece of rock behind Warrior during her last shots.

HP: 100%
KG: 0%
Through me the way is to the city dolent;
Through me the way is to eternal dole;
Through me the way among the people lost.
Justice incited my sublime Creator;
- Divine Comedy, Inferno, Canto III.
Jul 26, 2014 5:57 PM

Dec 2011
Akira swung again at the punching bag in front of him. He was a current member of the boxing club and, if he wasn't zoning out and listening to music, he was here practicing. He took it up after his "rescue". He wanted to be able to protect people and didn't want to have to rely on Burst Link completely to do it. He hated that feeling of uselessness and never wanted to feel like that again. After sending a small combo of punches at the bag he panted slightly.

"Oi, Akira. You've been doin' that forever. Go rest. Get somethin' to eat 'er... Something." The coach called out to him. Walking over to him he gave a rough slap on his back. "Don't overwork yourself." He warned, to which Akira nodded and headed towards the locker rooms to shower and get changed. The coach at the moment was one of the closest people to Akira, though that wasn't saying much. The coach was just one of the people to genuinely worry for him. After getting cleaned up and changing to his normal uniform, he left the locker rooms and began to wander the halls listening to his music. It wasn't the first time he'd just start wandering around and zone out. Sometimes he'd even walk right into things and people, normally to the amusement of those there to witness it.
Jul 26, 2014 6:04 PM

Aug 2010
Amaranth said:
"It can't be. He wouldn't have died in that battle. Both of us know he was the strongest of all in the Prominence... He was the real leader... Not me..."

"Level 8. Known to be the greatest of all range users - In addition to being my greatest rival. Vermillion Archer. Well, he did outmatch me in the majority of our life-to-death fights."

"Well, that's the Imperial Palace for you. The difference between these petty duels that you indulge in, compared to the battlefield of slaying Gods and Legends altogether."

Amaranth said:
Don't tell me you've come here to ask me about the Unlimited Neutral Zone's situation... It's all a mess..."

"Heh. Thanks for the update - So he hasn't been dealt with ... "

('he' refers to Chrome Disaster)

"As a token of my appreciation, I'll let you in on something good. One of the «God Class» enemies, «Seiryuu», has the ability to perform «Level Drain» on his opponents. If these opponents are able to survive, they'll mostly likely be reduced down to level one. However, the key aspect to note is that the allocation of level up bonuses have been completely reset."

Imperial Warrior let out a rather optimistic smile. It was clear what he meant by what he said - That the former, dominant King of the Battlefield had never been fighting at the maximum strength that he could have achieved. What would it mean if Warrior rises to level 8 once again ... ?

"Well, since you're so eager for battle, how's about we get started? Even though it's a bad matchup ... for now ..."

He picked up a rather large sized throw and hurdled it at Blaster. It was more of a 'boulder', really. He then began to move, abet not dashing directly at Blaster.
Jul 26, 2014 6:20 PM

Feb 2013
"I see... So you intend on going after him. Well, you've always been the foolish type." Saying that with a cheerful smile behind her mask, Shinju was more than able of evading the boulder thrown at her. However, just to make sure, she shot the tip of the rock, causing it to break down and giving her a great advantage. As soon as she got out of the rock's shadow, her Artillery Gun lighted up with a red heat signal on it's tip and she quickly gave off an immeidate shot directly towards Imperial at high speed.

Even if he were to evade such shot, the blast engulfed him in a blaze of fire and electricity, both elemental damaging attacks that came from her Overheat skill. Due to his low SD stat, it was needless to say that the damage would be enough to surprise him.

HP: 100
KG: 5%

As she moved around, Blaster did not stop her conversation with Warrior. "So now you have yourself an entirely new chance to become stronger than before... You still believe in such tales as Gods and Legends that can be defeated. I told you that the results would be bad. We knew that you'd all die out there..." Blaster said as she kept on firing with her Artillery and increased the distance between her and Imperial with each shot and step she took backwards and away from Warrior. "Bad matchup. If at least you were on a good stage... Here, however, I can clearly see you and you have no chances of evading my shots forever..." She said as she continued to shoot at Warrior, continually creating holes on the ground with each shot. By now, her Elemental Damage had dissipated and she seemed to be accumulating KG. All she needed was to keep her distance from Warrior.

"Not only does Chrome have arrived again, but the Legions are in war. After the disappearence of the God-5, the new Leaders broke in and started off a war. The Nega Nebulus specially..." She said as she continued her shots.

Through me the way is to the city dolent;
Through me the way is to eternal dole;
Through me the way among the people lost.
Justice incited my sublime Creator;
- Divine Comedy, Inferno, Canto III.
Jul 26, 2014 6:38 PM

Aug 2010
Amaranth said:
"I see... So you intend on going after him. Well, you've always been the foolish type."

"Heh - He went after me, actually. Who would've known?"

This comment was to spite Blaster. Warrior knew that it would get on her nerves - The mental game between players during a duel could be considered one of the most important aspects of the match, of course.

Amaranth said:
"So now you have yourself an entirely new chance to become stronger than before... You still believe in such tales as Gods and Legends that can be defeated. I told you that the results would be bad. We knew that you'd all die out there..."

"Except, I didn't die at all. What's more ... I have finally discovered how to break the barrier between man and god."

It couldn't be called a bluff, with the face and supreme confidence that oozed out of Warrior.


The boulder cracked in the center before splitting into multiple pieces in a simultaneous 'break' motion. Blaster had excellently shot the very tip of the rock - Impeccable accuracy.

Warrior originally used the boulder to advance and close in on Blaster. Her shots, which were originally difficult to handle, were offset briefly by the boulder. Warrior used this chance to get behind another boulder. He then dashed towards Blaster, while continuing to push onto the boulder as a type of temporarily defense vs Blaster.

Given his quick evasion and use of the situation, the attacks could not land. He did incur slightly damage from the flames, however.

HP: 94%
KG: 17%

Then, using this opportunity, Wolfram kicked the boulder straight at Blaster. The right half of his avatar was visible upon kicking the boulder.

«Infinite Weaponry»

Instantaneously, Warrior generated a steel chain, with a solid metal chunk of iron in the middle, shaped to be like a cylinder of the sort. He hurdled it directly at Blaster as he closed in the distance - It didn't seem like it could be deflected by regular bullets or elemental ones, considering Imperial's strength and the item's surprising durability. He seemed to be tingling in delight.

HP: 94%
KG: 7%
Jul 26, 2014 6:57 PM

Feb 2013
As soon as she saw him kicking the boulder and his right side being completely open for her, a direct shot at his arm with the Pacemaker's abillity, «Rift Opener» created an atomically sized black hole, sucking onto his arm and making lose his balance. With that, the next attack involving his steel chain was significantly off target, allowing Blaster to stomp on the ground and dash backwards, gaining once more a high distance advantage.

After that, her artillery fired simultaneously, destroying the boulder aimed at her and getting a direct hit on the now slowed down Warrior. After this shot, she continued to fire with her Pacemaker as well as her artillery for the following 4 seconds by using Overheat on her Artillery Guns.

HP: 96%
KG: 5%

"Barrier between Man and God? You continue with your delusional conversation about these gods and legends, which just caused everyone around you to die. Have you no shame on your actions?" She asked, clearly more angry with Warrior. "You inspired in him confidence that shouldn't be there. Confidence that may have caused his death. Like always, your foolishness caused the death of those you considered friends. How good is that?" Tipping off Blaster's confidence was one of the hardest things on this game. Her usual sentimental weakness was replaced with a cold reaction to every word sent at her, and these reactions would be the way for her to not get hurt by other people's words.

After the explosion of the Black Hole, causing electrical damage around Warrior and allowing Blaster to get a decent ammount of distance from Imperial and hide herself on a high position, she smirked. Right now, she was above Imperial and this allowed her a good advantage. With the Pacemaker, she started off an assault on Imperial and also used her Artillery in prediction to his movements.

HP: 96%
KG: 15%
Through me the way is to the city dolent;
Through me the way is to eternal dole;
Through me the way among the people lost.
Justice incited my sublime Creator;
- Divine Comedy, Inferno, Canto III.
Jul 26, 2014 7:27 PM

Aug 2010
«Rift Opener» was aimed at Warrior's right arm. It was quite the brilliant attack and would do a considerable amount of damage to Warrior.

Or so she thought.

Previously, Warrior had expanded not 5%, but 10% of his overall killer gauge. Not only the boulder, but the assault with his steel chain AND the risky display of his right side was all to lure Blaster in.

Warrior had generated two chains - He lashed the first one at Blaster using his right hand, and kept the second one in his left hand, hidden completely. His second chain, at the very end, was more of a 'grapple' instead. He had lashed out both chains simultaneously during the event. The second, grapple chain held by his left hand, was launched and attached itself onto one of the nearby stone boulders. Though he would get mildly grazed by a few bullets during the event, Warrior could escape Blaster's special attack.

Pulling on the grapple chain with his pure strength, Warrior's body traveled in midair at a rapid speed. It was evidently much faster, because he propelled himself to move by utilizing strength rather than moving via running (speed).

HP: 86%
KG: 27%

Regaining his obvious balance, Imperial swung with his right arm again. It had still gripped onto the first initial chain, which having only grazed Blaster earlier, been swung back to hit her at an alarming speed. Upon swinging, his ability was used again.

«Infinite Weaponry»

A relatively thin lance was generated as the chain with a metal cylinder like shape object stuck at the end traveled to annihilate Blaster. His left hand, which held his grapple chain along with the lance. Warrior would throw it immediately at the direction Blaster chooses to move to, if she decides to evade his first chain.
BeyondJul 26, 2014 9:54 PM
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Beyond - Jul 18, 2014

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Jul 25, 2014 9:15 PM

» Zircon Lancer (NPC) Vs Imperial Warrior

Beyond - Jul 25, 2014

0 by Beyond »»
Jul 25, 2014 5:05 PM
It’s time to ditch the text file.
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