Hartwell: MAL School of Enchantment
Hartwell: School of Enchantment will be shut down at the end of September.
It was a nice start on reviving this club and it's sad to say that I'll have to retire
for now. Perhaps until next summer or when the creator is back,
this club could be up and running again, along with our collab partner, Colorful Shining Stars Club.
I want to thank each and every one of you for joining this club, it really means a lot to us.
The next time you see HMSE, we will be starting from scratch and hope that everyone will support us and give us strength.
It's been nice working with everyone and I hope yall have a great day. Sayonara, until next time.
- HMSE Staff
BIG NEWS! (Senting this to all 167 Members.)
Since our creator, naruse_,
has been inactive for more than 2 months already;
I decide to do a little re-vamp of the club and run it myself
with the help of my loyal friend VanityStar.
I know most of you would probably wonder when will naruse_ be back..
To tell you the truth, she didn't leave any message regarding why she would
be inactive for that long. Once she's back, I'll definitely leave the club in her care.
But at the moment, I'll be taking care of it :x
I'm not really good with managing clubs since I've never done it..
so I ask for you to please bare with me!
I'll do my best and I hope yall enjoy staying in our club.
We're almost starting completely fresh!
Keeping some of the old threads for memories but moving on with new ones.
So try to help us make this club alive again!
Spread the words; Invite your friends :)
Official Member Cards & Badges are on the making.
Please be patient with us.
Last and foremost, we're currently recruiting more people
for the available jobs listed in Staff Recruitment.
Join the staff and make this club grow~!
Yamakki's Library will be holding a drawing contest and so if you are keen to draw for the competition or just want to have fun, click on the image above ^^
Greetings fellow members! Just wanted to inform that our club will have its first annual tournament this first week of October. If you haven't joined a team yet, you can register here.
if you want to create your own team, you can register it at the library and we will start even if the slots aren't filled :) but take note that teamwork and more members will have more advantage in winning :3 the winning team shall have a prize for each of its members.
And to those interested in becoming a layout, card and badge maker, you can sign here. Staff Recruitment is always open for these positions. We are in need of card and badge makers, and as of now, the club has only 1 layout designer so if you are interested please help us T^T
There's also new updates and open threads, you can check it here. Thank you very much! have a fun and awesome day >w<
Greetings fellow members! Just wanted to inform that our club will have its first annual tournament this first week of October. If you haven't joined a team yet, you can register here.
if you want to create your own team, you can register it at the library and we will start even if the slots aren't filled :) but take note that teamwork and more members will have more advantage in winning :3 the winning team shall have a prize for each of its members.
And to those interested in becoming a layout, card and badge maker, you can sign here. Staff Recruitment is always open for these positions. We are in need of card and badge makers, and as of now, the club has only 1 layout designer so if you are interested please help us T^T
There's also new updates and open threads, you can check it here. Thank you very much! have a fun and awesome day >w<
>The first club name "Emily's Card Factory" has been
decided to be changed into HARTWELL: MAL
School of Enchantment (H.M.S.E).
What's in the club?
We would like to tell you that no feature of the previous
club has been eliminated and the only thing that has
changed is that we will add more features in the future and
we will make the activities in the club school-based.
> Any member can join and register a school club at the Library. H.M.S.E will have it's first
annual club tournament at the end of September so we
suggest you pick or register a club now in order to gain
better chances of winning a club badge.
[center] ❤ G E N E R A L || N O T I C E ❤
Thank you everyone for participating and joining ECF: Emily’s Card Factory.
Expect greater things to come in the future.
From Emily (Club Creator): “guys i am thinking of changing the club's name so that it doesn't much focus about
producing cards. though we wouldn't eliminate the card feature. but i think i want to
change the club's theme to be more like a school, academy or university where the
official card would serve as the member's id and the admins would be like professors
or something XD but it doesn't have much to deal about school subjects since this is
MAL and we want to make the school fun so we will be playing games and talking
about animes. what do you think guys? admins and members? i need your opinions X3
the name would somehow be like MAL University or MAL Academy. but you can suggest
one if you would like the club to change into this ”
hi ^^ wow nice to meet another gosick lover <3 it was one of the best animes i've watched ^^ oh sure i could recomment some, btw what do type of anime are you looking for? :)
Highschool dxd and highschool of the dead are recommendations but youv probably seen them both ecchi action type, code geass is mecha, Nisekoi romance, hataraku maou sama comedy
All Comments (18) Comments
Hartwell: MAL School of Enchantment
◆◇◆◇ S E P T E M B E R N E W S L E T T E R ◆◇◆◇
Yamakkis' Library is holding its 2nd comp~ If you are interested in it, click on the image above ^^
(Senting this to all 167 Members.)
Since our creator, naruse_,
has been inactive for more than 2 months already;
I decide to do a little re-vamp of the club and run it myself
with the help of my loyal friend VanityStar.
I know most of you would probably wonder when will naruse_ be back..
To tell you the truth, she didn't leave any message regarding why she would
be inactive for that long. Once she's back, I'll definitely leave the club in her care.
But at the moment, I'll be taking care of it :x
I'm not really good with managing clubs since I've never done it..
so I ask for you to please bare with me!
I'll do my best and I hope yall enjoy staying in our club.
We're almost starting completely fresh!
Keeping some of the old threads for memories but moving on with new ones.
So try to help us make this club alive again!
Spread the words; Invite your friends :)
Official Member Cards & Badges are on the making.
Please be patient with us.
Last and foremost, we're currently recruiting more people
for the available jobs listed in Staff Recruitment.
Join the staff and make this club grow~!
Yamakki's Library will be holding a drawing contest and so if you are keen to draw for the competition or just want to have fun, click on the image above ^^
G E N E R A L ✡ N O T I C E
Greetings fellow members! Just wanted to inform that our club will have its first annual tournament this first week of October. If you haven't joined a team yet, you can register here.
if you want to create your own team, you can register it at the library and we will start even if the slots aren't filled :) but take note that teamwork and more members will have more advantage in winning :3 the winning team shall have a prize for each of its members.
And to those interested in becoming a layout, card and badge maker, you can sign here. Staff Recruitment is always open for these positions. We are in need of card and badge makers, and as of now, the club has only 1 layout designer so if you are interested please help us T^T
There's also new updates and open threads, you can check it here. Thank you very much! have a fun and awesome day >w<
G E N E R A L ✡ N O T I C E
Greetings fellow members! Just wanted to inform that our club will have its first annual tournament this first week of October. If you haven't joined a team yet, you can register here.
if you want to create your own team, you can register it at the library and we will start even if the slots aren't filled :) but take note that teamwork and more members will have more advantage in winning :3 the winning team shall have a prize for each of its members.
And to those interested in becoming a layout, card and badge maker, you can sign here. Staff Recruitment is always open for these positions. We are in need of card and badge makers, and as of now, the club has only 1 layout designer so if you are interested please help us T^T
There's also new updates and open threads, you can check it here. Thank you very much! have a fun and awesome day >w<
N E W S L E T T E R ✡ D E L I V E R Y
A N N O U N C E M E N T:
>The first club name "Emily's Card Factory" has been
decided to be changed into HARTWELL: MAL
School of Enchantment (H.M.S.E).
What's in the club?
We would like to tell you that no feature of the previous
club has been eliminated and the only thing that has
changed is that we will add more features in the future and
we will make the activities in the club school-based.
> Locations: School Entrance, School Yard, Faculty Room,
Headmaster's Office, Library and Classroom has been added.
S C H O O L - L O C A T I O N S
School Entrance: New Members Introduction Thread
School Yard: Members' General Chat Thread
Faculty Room: Staff's General Chat Thread
Headmaster’s Office: Questions & Suggestions
Library: For Club Registration
Classroom: Attendance Check! (earn points)
> Any member can join and
register a school club at the
Library. H.M.S.E will have it's first
annual club tournament at the end of September so we
suggest you pick or register a club now in order to gain
better chances of winning a club badge.
>Logo making contest for H.M.S.E will open soon
Newsletter Subscription
Claim a Partner
Count from 1 to 1,000
Answer Question with a Question
The Never Ending Story
Cute or Not
One Line Anime Description
Guess the Character
Anime AMV Galore
Last Letter (Anime)
Guess the Silhouette
D I S C U S S I O N - T H R E A D S
Your Favorite Anime
What kind of music do you listen to, and which is your favourite song?
H.M.S.E Cards || Badges {Mekakucity Actors Edition}
Love Live LE
Official Club Cards V.1
Official Club Badge V.1
H.M.S.E Cards || Badges {Mekakucity Actors Edition}
❤ G E N E R A L || N O T I C E ❤
Thank you everyone for participating and joining ECF: Emily’s Card Factory.
Expect greater things to come in the future.
how about yu-sibu its not famous but ithought it was good, yu-sibu isint the ful name