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May 30, 2008 4:51 PM
Nov 2007
i swear if one more person calls hikari an angel ill.. grrr.
also, i am officially sick of hikari.
hopefully this was the last episode of her arc.

nagisa + tamoa ribbon tying was a little.. unique .______.;

also, i feel bad for yaya chan =

new OP & ED
OP is nice, kinda copied and pasted a few scenes from the 1st OP tho, just changing the time of day xD
this anime's EDs are also... unique..
lol definitely not for me xD

but otherwise, WHERE IS ETOILE !? D:
sifmaMay 31, 2008 12:02 AM
Jun 11, 2008 11:20 AM

Jan 2008
crowslayer91 said:
but otherwise, WHERE IS ETOILE !? D:

who needs etoile-sama if u got nagisa + tamoa ^.^
Nov 18, 2008 5:43 AM
Jul 2018
WTF Hikari. "Yaya-chan did horrible things to me but we'll be best friends forever! ^_^" I'm so sick of her.

dominik said:
crowslayer91 said:
but otherwise, WHERE IS ETOILE !? D:

who needs etoile-sama if u got nagisa + tamoa ^.^

Jul 27, 2009 5:02 PM
May 2009
I'm all for Etoile and Nagisa, but Tamoa is very cute. Also, Hikari is a little bit annoying at time because she's always a victim, but I just love Amane. I only get to see her in Hikari based episode, so I'll put up with Hikari for Amane.
In any case, this episode made me cry a little.
Jun 5, 2010 5:05 AM
Jan 2008
Well I thought Hikari made to big of a deal over what Yaya did, but their story on how they met was cute at least.I also miss Etoile but the interaction between Nagisa and Tamoa was cute!
Mar 25, 2011 6:54 PM
Oct 2010
crowslayer91 said:

i swear if one more person calls hikari an angel ill.. grrr.
also, i am officially sick of hikari.
hopefully this was the last episode of her arc.

Hikari is an angel.

umadnowbro? trollface.jpg
Jul 18, 2012 11:08 AM

Jun 2009
atrophaneurae said:
WTF Hikari. "Yaya-chan did horrible things to me but we'll be best friends forever! ^_^" I'm so sick of her.

Typical girl talk I suppose... go figure!

atrophaneurae said:
dominik said:
crowslayer91 said:
but otherwise, WHERE IS ETOILE !? D:

who needs etoile-sama if u got nagisa + tamoa ^.^


I'm beginning to get bored with this show. The storyline seems to be going nowhere.
May 30, 2014 7:20 PM

Jul 2013
meneope said:
I'm beginning to get bored with this show. The storyline seems to be going nowhere.

Nothing is happening. I was expecting Yaya to at least say that she loves Hikari instead of dragging this out even longer.
Jun 27, 2014 1:29 AM

Nov 2010
So they are back to being friends?! wtf ...
Jul 19, 2014 1:42 AM

Feb 2014
Yeah, if you want to express your love for someone, then force yourself onto her, just after she almost got raped. I bet there's no way it would backfire. So Yaya x Hikari is officially over?
Mar 29, 2015 3:41 PM
Bunnies 🍓

Jan 2013
I don't blame Hikari for making a big deal. I mean she's been targeted twice by those poisonous Spica girls, rape intentions. Then Yaya does the same, which would obviously make Hikari uncomfortable. She probably Yaya was just like the Dirty Spica Girls.

I would've have preferred if Yaya confessed to Hikari but then told her that she'd put her feelings aside and remains best friends only. We would have seen the long awaited confession, and they would still be friends regardless.

Tamao x Nagisa best shipping. Tamao putting the ribbon on Nagisa's finger was quite nice. Hmm, does it foreshadow any possible dun dun da dun?

Apr 4, 2015 1:39 AM

Nov 2014
My goodness! such hate for Hikari. c'mon now. she's a sweetie pie. And the Spica girls only try things to get Amane's attention. It is not her fault.

I like Tamao x Nagisa. it's clear she likes Nagisa. The Red Ribbon of Fate. It's a red ribbon that is supposed to bind you/ lead you to your soulmate.

I also like Nagisa X Shizuma. can i just make an OT3 with them? Tamao X Nagisa X Shizuma
Apr 4, 2015 1:42 AM

Aug 2014
Ophis said:
I was expecting Yaya to at least say that she loves Hikari instead of dragging this out even longer.
SweetKotomi said:
I don't blame Hikari for making a big deal. I mean she's been targeted twice by those poisonous Spica girls, rape intentions. Then Yaya does the same, which would obviously make Hikari uncomfortable. She probably Yaya was just like the Dirty Spica Girls.

I would've have preferred if Yaya confessed to Hikari but then told her that she'd put her feelings aside and remains best friends only. We would have seen the long awaited confession, and they would still be friends regardless.
I wouldn't blame her for it even if she hadn't been targetted like that. The only thing saving it from being a total disaster was that Hikari could probly tell at some point that Yaya was actually being serious about it, that there wasn't any ulterior motive in play with her. I still say that Yaya only did it when she did because she sensed that it was the only chance she'd have. Maybe knew it was a lost cause from the beginning.

That said, I was also hoping she'd let Hikari know at some point that she was genuinely serious. Even if she did *ahem* let her hormones get the better of her in the process.
LadyDisraeli said:
can i just make an OT3 with them? Tamao X Nagisa X Shizuma
Pfft. C'mon, it's clear that Tamao's about as good at - ...nevermind, that's going a bit far. But still...pretty sure it wouldn't work. XP Now, Tamao/Nagisa/Chiyo might work since Tamao just finds Chiyo adorable...
"Ō-sama...kindly shut up. I wouldn't normally do this, but we are working with them whether you like it or not, because otherwise our chances of success approach zero." - Stern the Destructor (maybe not a direct translation, but it gets the point across)
Related: I'm writing a Lyrical alternate timeline!
Oct 6, 2015 2:53 PM

Jul 2013
Even Yaya tried to rape Hikari and she's her friend, wtf man. Unbelievable.

But then after all that Hikari decided to be friends with her again, not sure I would.

Tomoe and Nagisa after she found the ribbon again in the lost and found even though I did not see it in the box. That was cute how they tied it.
Jun 30, 2017 7:29 PM

Jan 2016
I like the second opening! Ending is still bad though. Also it's sweet that Nagisa hunted down the red ribbon. Tamao x Nagisa is best ship.

As for Yaya and Hikari, um yeah, the extreme tension and feelings of unrequited love gave me lots of feels, but in the end I think that was patched up way too easily. I don't know what to think.

Like, it was nice that Hikari forgave Yaya, but she failed to acknowledge Yaya's feelings for her all together. No discussion about Yaya's attraction to her or love for her, which is what caused her to commit such an uncalled for act in the first place, just "Let's be best friends forever! :D" Idk it just makes me feel even worse for Yaya to see those feelings swept under the rug, and it makes it seem like not much was really resolved at all.
Oct 27, 2017 12:17 AM
Oct 2017
I think everyone is a little harsh on Yaya in this episode. She didn't try to rape her..yes she got a little hanzy, but lets look at it in context.

1. Hikari has always allowed her in the past to place her hands on her in meaningful gestures. It's even stated that they shower together. Yes, there were times when Hikari felt slight discomfort, but she never stops it or openly says she's uncomfortable (nor is she ever facing Yaya during those times for her to read her facial cues) for Yaya who was sitting there thinking about the situation all day, she was a little over come with passion, and honestly thought she had the green light. I mean not only did Hikari present her with an intimate present after her date with another woman, but she didn't once pull away during the kiss.

2. Because Hikari is so passive, it's hard to tell what she always wants. She was well aware of how her friend felt for a long time in my opinion, but she never flat out told her it was never going to happen, because she would rather avoid the awkward situation. I mean she went fishing with the question "Do you have someone special you like?" to confirm her suspicions..but when Yaya suggestively says, "It's a secret.", she simply avoids the issue and pretends like nothing was said.

3. It's amusing to me how everyone says Tamao Suzumi was never bold enough with Nagisa to get the girl..but when Yaya is that bold they all throw a fit. The truth is it all comes down to the Dobler/Dahmer Theory. In once instance, if both people are into each other the gesture is completely romantic, and in the other, a single person is considered a total creep. Yaya took a chance and struck out.

The significant part of the episode to me was how they both forgave each other. Each of them realized and admitted their faults when they made up. Then Hikari drew the line in a subtle manner that wouldn't reveal too much to their friends and embarrass Yaya by saying, "Lets be friends forever." You could see a moment of pain in Yaya's eyes in knowing she would never have her as a lover, followed by relief in realizing she at least hadn't lost her best friend. In all honesty, the moment was really well portrayed.

The bigger issue everyone should be questioning, is why on earth would Yaya be interested in Hikari. Yes she's a kind girl with the voice of an angel..but that's it! Her character is very weak, passive, and whiney..and honestly as far as the drawings portray of the least attractive individuals on the show! I never understood the big deal, and was always annoyed that her character received so much of the story, when she barely develops in depth.
Dec 14, 2017 6:07 PM

Mar 2011
I liked the new opening theme (that I've probably heard once or twice), but I'm still very used to the first one. The new ending, well... I really prefer the first.
Also, Hikari (and Yaya) sang pretty well.
Oct 26, 2019 5:01 AM

Aug 2018
Damn, I only now understood the anime name.. "Strawberry Panic".. It's "panic" in academy they live in - Ichigo-sha (ichigo is translated as strawberry).. So something like drama in academy then, is the meaning..
Well.. On one hand, Yaya not shows herself to Hikari.. On another.. Maybe Hikari will think more about what their relationship actually was for Yaya..
Interesting, how they remember place they met at.. And nice thinking from Nagisa and Tamao to make them meet at place they met the best friend.. As they still consider each other best friends.. Even if in conflict.. .. Good thing it was special, though, as it didn't actually had to be any special and could be forgotten.. ;p
Su Yaya helped Hikari to get into chorus, and later for some time with Amane.. Poor Yaya, really.. ;( She was a good friend to Hikari for quite some time, isn't she?..
It still is a sad end for Yaya.. Bittersweet, if you may.. Still, they'll only be friends, and it's not like it's just easy to do - make other feelings of wanting more with the person - just to disappear..
The episode was bittersweet.. But this anime gives me feelings, and I'm glad for that..
Nov 25, 2019 10:30 AM

Oct 2015
Hikari/Yaya brief backstory was nice. But I'm more glad they've made up, after that awkward situation in the previous episode.
How I learned to stop worrying and love the bomb --- Dr Strangelove

Jan 11, 2022 1:09 PM
🍅 Tomato 🍅

Feb 2020
Nice backstory. I'm also glad they have made up, but the ending was still a little bittersweet. I mean, Yaya x Hikari is definitely not going to happen. I feel sad for Yaya.

Also, Nagisa x Tamoa would be so much better than Nagisa x Shizuma. The whole ribbon scene was so sweet and heartwarming. <3

SerafosMay 18, 2024 11:50 AM
Feb 15, 2023 1:23 PM
Feb 2021
Banger episode per usual. New ED is absolutely terrifying tho wtf. Sucks for Yaya, but she can probably get over it, though Idk how you'd deal with feelings like that if u were in her situation
Jul 14, 2024 1:43 AM
Mob Character C

Oct 2009
Darn near every character in this anime is awful with barely any redeeming qualities because they barely really have many qualities in the first place. Why is good GL anime so rare?

Enjoy your anime! | Witch Cafe Wisteria
Oct 21, 2024 8:16 AM

Mar 2024
I feel bad for Yaya. Even though she crossed the line, she didnt really want anything bad, she just wanted to be with Hikari.

And if i got it right the situation is: the tsundere is in love with Yaya, Yaya is in love with Hikari, Hikari is in love with Amane. Yuri relationships are very complicated in this anime.

And i think Tamao would understand Yaya, because she probably doesnt have a chance with Nagisa either. I like Shizuma but i also like Tamao and they look cute together with Nagisa.
I cant help but think that Tamao often has a very sad and doomed look, as if she 100% understands that she has no chance and is just trying to spend as much time as possible with "her" Nagisa while she still can...

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