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Aldnoah.Zero Season One
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Jul 5, 2014 8:22 AM

Nov 2011

It was an alright episode I guess. There were some death flags already..

OST was pretty good with the staff so far though. Looks like the MC already has a connection with the Asseylum already. They didn't waste any time in the second half of the episode though. I thought it was kinda generic but was intense. I think this has potential if they play out the story out. I'm kinda interested to see where this goes with the premise.

Expect some powerful OST in this show.
Stark700Jul 5, 2014 9:09 AM
Jul 5, 2014 8:25 AM

Apr 2009


Jul 5, 2014 8:26 AM

Nov 2011
Amarrez said:

Lol, I'm glad I wasn't the only one thinking that. The firestorm scene or whatever it was looked like it from the movie too.
Jul 5, 2014 8:27 AM

Mar 2013
Jul 5, 2014 8:28 AM

Apr 2009
Stark700 said:
Amarrez said:

Lol, I'm glad I wasn't the only one thinking that. The firestorm scene or whatever it was looked like it from the movie too.

Firestorm? It was a colony drop/nuke. New Orleans got blown the fuck away
Jul 5, 2014 8:29 AM

Oct 2012
What a tense opening episode. Not usually a big fan of Sawano's OST, but it was great here. Definitely gonna be enjoying this.
Jul 5, 2014 9:37 AM
Jul 2018
That.. was a nice start indeed. OSTs are pretty nice too. I'm sooo going to enjoy this one.
The end though.. urobutcher strikes again
removed-userJul 11, 2014 4:50 PM
Jul 5, 2014 9:48 AM
Mar 2014
I love the OP and the ED!
Jul 5, 2014 11:26 AM
Aug 2012
Such a great first episode. I did not get any cliche vibes from this that you get from other first episodes (talking to you SAOII).
Jul 5, 2014 11:27 AM

Jun 2013
Seems like the soundtrack was composed by the same person that composed the Attack on Titan OST. Loved the song appearing on the last scene. (Forgot the name at the time of posting, but hiroyuki sawano, you're the best)

It was a pretty quiet episode, but I don't mind the pacing. They have 24 episode to go, and the ending scene was enough to grip me to this anime.
pakokoJul 5, 2014 12:01 PM
Jul 5, 2014 11:30 AM

Aug 2008
Feast to my ears! The voice acting (mostly Nakai Kazuya and the count's seiyuu I can't remember who he is), the BGM and the ED.

I love the character design too! As expected from the mangaka of Hourou Musuko!

And I found it funny how our MC is calm and serious. (-.-):"We should get out of here, the missile is coming."
Jul 5, 2014 11:35 AM

Sep 2013
I was waiting for this anime and honestly it didn't disappointed me. The last scene was fucking amazing.
Jul 5, 2014 11:41 AM

Apr 2008
Solid start and with the composer they got on this project I am looking forward to adding to my OST collection~
Jul 5, 2014 11:42 AM
Oct 2010
Music was great, I think kalafina is one of the only japanese groups I can listen to without getting annoyed.

I was disappointed in the overall art though, and their L-elf isn't near as good as the original.
Jul 5, 2014 11:43 AM

Sep 2012
It would been perfect if the mechas we're not CGI, I don't know why is every studio doing this, a drawn mecha is A LOT better than a CGI.

Jul 5, 2014 11:46 AM

Jan 2013
valvrave the liberator third season
Jul 5, 2014 11:47 AM

May 2014
Epic. Freaking Epic. I literally got goosebump the moment New Orleans got destroyed. The Martians look nifty as fuck, 15 Aces, 15 Ace custom mech. And our heroes ? Mook mechas. And that's the reason why it's gonna be epic ! Fuck Argevollen, Aldnoah.Zero for Best Mecha this Season, maybe even Best Anime of the Season.
Oh, by the way, Inaho's poker face > Tatsuya's poker face.
"A missile is coming".
About the princess, i think she's a body double ? It's not like the Butcher will kill her off in the very 1st ep, right ?
Jul 5, 2014 11:52 AM

Oct 2007
Entire cities getting wiped out in a blink is nothing particularly new for a mecha series. I guess New Orleans is the new Sydney, Australia now. As expected from a hyped up Aniplex production this show is definitely trying to create that "epic" feel as fast as possible with all the blaring Sawano music, big budget production values and Kalafina tie in song, but honestly the most predictable thing they could have probably done at the end was to start a major conflict with a massacre and "Nuke The Princess", which ought to become it's own idiom after this episode. Is she going to be like Shoko Sashinami and it turns out she's actually okay and just dived out of the way into a car or something or was it a decoy trick in the next episode?

Anyway as expected I thought it was a pretty solid opener, but after all the ridiculous levels of hyping and advertising which became more than a little overbearing (Apparently by supersede Gundam what they actually meant to say was take the Gundam template and try to make it even more "XTREME!") I'm kind of just content to see where this goes after the hand off from superstar writer and probably main draw for most Gen Urobuchi (be honest people, how many people are actually here cause they enjoy or know anything at all about the genre and/or are interested in the shows concept and premise itself versus the fact that it has Urobuchi's name in the credits) to the next guy cause that's going to tell the tale of where it's going to go in the coming months. It doesn't have much a bar to clear in terms of solid entertaining mecha series after Knights of Sidonia wrapped up (with an apparent split cour it looks like it won't be airing at quite the same time as the new Gundam stuff in the Fall either) so it's main competition for my affections in it's genre will be Arvegollen which lacks it's budget but also does some other things quite well. I think I can dig this as long as the hyping bullshit is done with and doesn't become as insufferable again cause realistically this show is right up my alley without all the big lofty promises and frills.

Honestly, like it actually didn't and still doesn't have to advertise itself anywhere near that aggressively or try so hard to win my attention with big name staffers and scenes to try and make my shout "Teh Epic" so I hope it keeps itself reigned in a little more and focused a bit unlike some of Aniplex other forays into the mecha/action genre like Guilty Crown and Valvrave. 3.5/5 to start.
PeacingOutJul 5, 2014 12:06 PM
Jul 5, 2014 11:54 AM

May 2014
Kaioshin_Sama said:
Entire cities getting wiped out in a blink is noting particularly new for a mecha series. I guess New Orleans is the new Sydney, Australia now.

Happy Independence Day, America ! You're fucked by Martians again, and no Will Smith to the rescue this time
forgiuseJul 5, 2014 11:57 AM
Jul 5, 2014 11:56 AM

Feb 2012
BBLKing said:
It would been perfect if the mechas we're not CGI, I don't know why is every studio doing this, a drawn mecha is A LOT better than a CGI.


Because they are cheap, even Sunrise is at it, look at the Guntanks in the Origin PVs.

Novels I have read/am reading pending approval: since November 10 2022
Jul 5, 2014 12:09 PM
Aug 2013
This is just freaking amazing, i'm enjoying this so much, character design is really cool and the music is SUGOI.
Jul 5, 2014 12:12 PM

Nov 2012
It was okay, but since this is A-1's attempt to make a mecha series on the scale of Gundam, I'll watch this to see how it goes.
Though, I would rather wait for Gundam: Reconguista in G and Build Fighters S2 this fall...
Jul 5, 2014 12:14 PM

Feb 2012
TaisakuSentou said:
It was okay, but since this is A-1's attempt to make a mecha series on the scale of Gundam, I'll watch this to see how it goes.
Though, I would rather wait for Gundam: Reconguista in G and Build Fighters S2 this fall...
TaisakuSentou said:
It was okay, but since this is A-1's attempt to make a mecha series on the scale of Gundam, I'll watch this to see how it goes.
Though, I would rather wait for Gundam: Reconguista in G and Build Fighters S2 this fall...

If that's him doing the monkey, it's presumably Overman King Gainer which was made by Happy Tomino.

Kill 'em all might just be a right of passage, directors have to go through.
Fortress_MaximusJul 5, 2014 12:18 PM

Novels I have read/am reading pending approval: since November 10 2022
Jul 5, 2014 12:17 PM

Nov 2008
TaisakuSentou said:
It was okay, but since this is A-1's attempt to make a mecha series on the scale of Gundam, I'll watch this to see how it goes.
Though, I would rather wait for Gundam: Reconguista in G and Build Fighters S2 this fall...

The thing is, the Urobutcher can outdo Tomino if he wanted to, but it wouldn't have the same charm (it would be just as good though) since he doesn't have depression and just loves to direct and write stories with super high death counts, the symbolism and reason for it isn't there.

Jul 5, 2014 12:20 PM

Mar 2008
BBLKing said:
It would been perfect if the mechas we're not CGI, I don't know why is every studio doing this, a drawn mecha is A LOT better than a CGI.


Think about the cost and their budget....
Jul 5, 2014 12:23 PM

Feb 2012
dragonshade said:
BBLKing said:
It would been perfect if the mechas we're not CGI, I don't know why is every studio doing this, a drawn mecha is A LOT better than a CGI.


Think about the cost and their budget....
Bones managed it.

Novels I have read/am reading pending approval: since November 10 2022
Jul 5, 2014 12:23 PM
Jul 2014
dragonshade said:
BBLKing said:
It would been perfect if the mechas we're not CGI, I don't know why is every studio doing this, a drawn mecha is A LOT better than a CGI.


Think about the cost and their budget....

What are those....;p
Jul 5, 2014 12:24 PM

Jun 2013
Aldnoah.Zero IMO best opening episode this season so far. No stupid OP main character with random ass ability and it looks like it's going to have some large scale battles. Didn't really get to see the mechs but they look like the best i've seen (havn't really watched much mecha though).
Last bit of music seemed good too even though it lasted for like 5 seconds.
Jul 5, 2014 12:27 PM
Content Admin
Overkilled Red

Aug 2013
Liked how carefree Inaho is, even as a MC. Slaine on the other hand seems to be a better MC who'd overcome the hurdles gradually and fight back.

Launching an assault on Princess Asseylum was a grave mistake by the Earthlings (Terrorists).
Now all 37 clans from Mars are on their way to the Earth, in order to destroy humanity. :O

Yuki and Inko are pretty good looking. :3 . Would like to see more of them soon!
I hope Asseylum isn't dead. (Probably still alive since she's one of the MC).

Good start. The mecha designs looks awesome. I wonder how the Earthlings will counter Mars' invasion. It'll be tough as hell!

Jul 5, 2014 12:30 PM

May 2014
Shaniyaz said:
Launching an assault on Princess Asseylum was a grave mistake by the Earthlings (Terrorists).
Now all 37 clans from Mars are on their way to the Earth, in order to destroy humanity. :O

Maybe it's intentional rather than a mistake. Or maybe the martians themself stage this assassination.
Nonetheless, when the enemy find competing with their own comrade more appealing than fighting their enemy, you know the Terrans are fucked.
forgiuseJul 5, 2014 12:33 PM
Jul 5, 2014 12:35 PM

May 2014
--Sunclaudius said:
>Its not Highschool Life!

But highschool life with mandatory Mecha training !!!! Which is more awesome than normal Highschool setting !
Jul 5, 2014 12:36 PM

Aug 2011
I can't get over how awkward Asseylum's name is but this wasn't a bad episode. A bit typical for a first episode mecha though and super reminiscent of Valvrave.
Jul 5, 2014 12:37 PM

May 2012
Dat ending saved me.

Not going to lie the first half was so boring and long. Thought I was going to drop it. Then that last second half came along and things got real. Mars and earth are about to got it a second time I'm guessing. I gonna go with Mars. You saw their mechs? They been waiting 15 years to kick some ass. Now I want to see what's going to happen next episode.

3/5. If the beginning wasn't so boring (imo) i would have gave a 4/5.
Jul 5, 2014 12:38 PM

Apr 2014
I am kind of lost hopefully things will clear up in the end.
Jul 5, 2014 12:38 PM
Jul 2014
forgiuse said:
Shaniyaz said:
Launching an assault on Princess Asseylum was a grave mistake by the Earthlings (Terrorists).
Now all 37 clans from Mars are on their way to the Earth, in order to destroy humanity. :O

Maybe it's intentional rather than a mistake. Or maybe the martians themself stage this assassination.
Nonetheless, when the enemy find competing with their own comrade more appealing than fighting their enemy, you know the Terrans are fucked.

I'm going to go with that i think. I think the Martians themselves set this one up to start a full scale war to take over earth. Knowing they have the upper hand and jumping the gun. With risking their own princess.
Jul 5, 2014 12:40 PM

Nov 2008
Shaniyaz said:

Launching an assault on Princess Asseylum was a grave mistake by the Earthlings (Terrorists).
Now all 37 clans from Mars are on their way to the Earth, in order to destroy humanity. :O

Good start. The mecha designs looks awesome. I wonder how the Earthlings will counter Mars' invasion. It'll be tough as hell!

Hopefully it doesn't have a Great Destruction style ending (fans of Armored Core will understand this), for those who don't it's pretty much everything and everyone is fucked scenario. I get the feeling it may have an ending like that especially with a whopping 37 clans attacking.

Jul 5, 2014 12:41 PM

Nov 2012
Hoppy said:
TaisakuSentou said:
It was okay, but since this is A-1's attempt to make a mecha series on the scale of Gundam, I'll watch this to see how it goes.
Though, I would rather wait for Gundam: Reconguista in G and Build Fighters S2 this fall...

The thing is, the Urobutcher can outdo Tomino if he wanted to, but it wouldn't have the same charm (it would be just as good though) since he doesn't have depression and just loves to direct and write stories with super high death counts, the symbolism and reason for it isn't there.

What bothered me is that the Vers Empire isn't near comparable to the depth revolving around the Principality of Zeon.
The Vers Empire just found advanced technology on Mars and believed that they were superior to the Terrans.
Whereas, the Spacenoids didn't want the limitations of Earth and wanted to expand into the vastness of space. Zeon Zum Daikun had a more optimistic goal planned, but a corrupt government led to his assassination and the rise of a totalitarian dictatorship under Degwin Zabi...

I could go further into this, but it seems that complexity involving historical allusions and symbolism, are completely ignored by the people actually overhyping this.
Jul 5, 2014 12:43 PM

Apr 2013
Nice start. Really enjoyed the last couple minutes of the episode. Hiroyuki Sawano and Kalafina... The music for this series is amazing.
Jul 5, 2014 12:44 PM

Oct 2007
Hoppy said:
TaisakuSentou said:
It was okay, but since this is A-1's attempt to make a mecha series on the scale of Gundam, I'll watch this to see how it goes.
Though, I would rather wait for Gundam: Reconguista in G and Build Fighters S2 this fall...

The thing is, the Urobutcher can outdo Tomino if he wanted to, but it wouldn't have the same charm (it would be just as good though) since he doesn't have depression and just loves to direct and write stories with super high death counts, the symbolism and reason for it isn't there.

Tomino actually came out of the post war Japan period so was writing a lot from personal experience and stories he heard from friends and relatives. It's what sort of gave it that visceral human touch and he wanted to tackle themes of war, love, loss, trauma, politics and sorrow with the franchise instead of just letting it become another toy commercial for Bandai. He has to fight for every inch of getting to tell the story and make the show he wanted to and lost just as many battles as he won initially, more wins with the movie version of the original series.

Gen Urobuchi is an interesting writer for sure, but he's from a totally different generation than Tomino with different life experiences and upbringings (guaranteed much easier life) and IMO most of his stories lack that human touch feeling and maturity (they are dark and unsettling but not necessarily mature or striving for more realism) that made Gundam such a big deal back when it first aired and had people identifying so strongly with characters like Amuro, Char, Bright, Sayla, Lalah and all those other memorable supporting cast characters. He's not a total sellout or anything but he's also clearly more comfortable and content to just do the bidding of the people that sign his paychecks and cave to their demands compared to Tomino and this shows promotion gives off this sort of "Fuck Gundam! Yeah we're going to stick it to that franchise and do it better than it ever could" commercial feel to it as opposed to trying to tackle the issues that Tomino wanted to tackle with Gundam and to buck the trends of the time entirely. Really no other series had attempted to do what the original Gundam did at the time or to have that level of maturity and complexity to it's storyline since they were all mostly just formulaic super robot shows. It was so different at first people weren't even really sure that they liked it but it quickly became apparent that it had done something no other original anime TV series had done up to that point.
Jul 5, 2014 12:44 PM
Jun 2009
Dang it, when I saw the princess in the cast, I fully expected a Sarajevo moment to take place. I should have posted the prediction before the episode aired. If it had managed to air last week, it would have been 100 years to the day from the assassination. As for the ep itself, it was decent I guess.

Relevant link:

whatevJul 5, 2014 12:48 PM
Jul 5, 2014 12:49 PM

Feb 2012
TaisakuSentou said:
Hoppy said:

The thing is, the Urobutcher can outdo Tomino if he wanted to, but it wouldn't have the same charm (it would be just as good though) since he doesn't have depression and just loves to direct and write stories with super high death counts, the symbolism and reason for it isn't there.

What bothered me is that the Vers Empire isn't near comparable to the depth revolving around the Principality of Zeon.
The Vers Empire just found advanced technology on Mars and believed that they were superior to the Terrans.
Whereas, the Spacenoids didn't want the limitations of Earth and wanted to expand into the vastness of space. Zeon Zum Daikun had a more optimistic goal planned, but a corrupt government led to his assassination and the rise of a totalitarian dictatorship under Degwin Zabi...

I could go further into this, but it seems that complexity involving historical allusions and symbolism, are completely ignored by the people actually overhyping this.
My hype went down a little when I found out that there was going to be "hypergates" or whatever involved.

Novels I have read/am reading pending approval: since November 10 2022
Jul 5, 2014 12:49 PM

Nov 2008
Kaioshin_Sama said:
Hoppy said:

The thing is, the Urobutcher can outdo Tomino if he wanted to, but it wouldn't have the same charm (it would be just as good though) since he doesn't have depression and just loves to direct and write stories with super high death counts, the symbolism and reason for it isn't there.

Tomino actually came out of the post war Japan period so was writing a lot from personal experience and stories he heard from friends and relatives. It's what sort of gave it that visceral human touch and he wanted to tackle themes of war, love, loss, trauma, politics and sorrow with the franchise instead of just letting it become another toy commercial for Bandai. He has to fight for every inch of getting to tell the story and make the show he wanted to and lost just as many battles as he won initially, more wins with the movie version of the original series.

Gen Urobuchi is an interesting writer for sure, but he's from a totally different generation than Tomino with different life experiences and upbringings (guaranteed much easier life) and IMO most of his stories lack that human touch feeling and maturity (they are dark and unsettling but not necessarily mature or striving for more realism) that made Gundam such a big deal back when it first aired and had people identifying so strongly with characters like Amuro, Char, Bright, Sayla, Lalah and all those other memorable supporting cast characters. He's not a total sellout or anything but he's also clearly more comfortable and content to just do the bidding of the people that sign his paychecks and cave to their demands compared to Tomino and this shows promotion gives off this sort of "Fuck Gundam! Yeah we're going to stick it to that franchise and do it better than it ever could" commercial feel to it as opposed to trying to tackle the issues that Tomino wanted to tackle with Gundam and to buck the trends of the time entirely. Really no other series had attempted to do what the original Gundam did at the time or to have that level of maturity and complexity to it's storyline since they were all mostly just formulaic super robot shows. It was so different at first people weren't even really sure that they liked it but it quickly became apparent that it had done something no other original anime TV series had done up to that point.

Correct, which is why I said if Urobuchi did do a kill em all ending it would lack the charm and reason of how Gundam's endings of that nature were handled, it would just feel like a bloodbath for the sake of presumably good writing (I hope it ends up being as a result of good writing, because you can screw up that type of ending easily and give it no meaning at all if it's written poorly and kill em all for shock factor is not very good either and should be avoided).

Jul 5, 2014 12:51 PM

Mar 2012
Sawano did it again! I'm so in love with his OSTs.
Jul 5, 2014 12:54 PM

Oct 2007
Hoppy said:
Kaioshin_Sama said:

Tomino actually came out of the post war Japan period so was writing a lot from personal experience and stories he heard from friends and relatives. It's what sort of gave it that visceral human touch and he wanted to tackle themes of war, love, loss, trauma, politics and sorrow with the franchise instead of just letting it become another toy commercial for Bandai. He has to fight for every inch of getting to tell the story and make the show he wanted to and lost just as many battles as he won initially, more wins with the movie version of the original series.

Gen Urobuchi is an interesting writer for sure, but he's from a totally different generation than Tomino with different life experiences and upbringings (guaranteed much easier life) and IMO most of his stories lack that human touch feeling and maturity (they are dark and unsettling but not necessarily mature or striving for more realism) that made Gundam such a big deal back when it first aired and had people identifying so strongly with characters like Amuro, Char, Bright, Sayla, Lalah and all those other memorable supporting cast characters. He's not a total sellout or anything but he's also clearly more comfortable and content to just do the bidding of the people that sign his paychecks and cave to their demands compared to Tomino and this shows promotion gives off this sort of "Fuck Gundam! Yeah we're going to stick it to that franchise and do it better than it ever could" commercial feel to it as opposed to trying to tackle the issues that Tomino wanted to tackle with Gundam and to buck the trends of the time entirely. Really no other series had attempted to do what the original Gundam did at the time or to have that level of maturity and complexity to it's storyline since they were all mostly just formulaic super robot shows. It was so different at first people weren't even really sure that they liked it but it quickly became apparent that it had done something no other original anime TV series had done up to that point.

Correct, which is why I said if Urobuchi did do a kill em all ending it would lack the charm and reason of how Gundam's endings of that nature were handled, it would just feel like a bloodbath for the sake of presumably good writing (I hope it ends up being as a result of good writing, because you can screw up that type of ending easily and give it no meaning at all if it's written poorly and kill em all for shock factor is not very good either and should be avoided).

Well the thing is the original Gundam was the result of Bandai wanting Sunrise to make a business as usual tie in show for their upcoming line of models called Freedom Fighter Gunboy and Yoshiyuki Tomino somehow convining producers and suits to allow him and his team to change the look, feel and design of the show from the ground up pretty much and eventually the result we got was Mobile Suit Gundam. With this being Aniplex's vanity attempt to surpass said Gundam franchise or at the very least make as much money as humanly possible and this being 2014 and not 1979 I just don't see how it could possibly turn out anywhere near the same. I have a feeling it'll have it's moments, but given Aniplex's track record of late and the kinds of things they seem to think are good ideas to include in a shows framework when in reality they are mostly just ideas for trying to hold peoples attention and squeeze more money out of something I wouldn't hold my breath on anything too deep and genre defining. At best it'll probably get some people who otherwise wouldn't pay any attention to a mecha show to give the genre or at least this entry in it a chance because of all the popular staff working on it which could easily work as a double edged sword mind you.
Jul 5, 2014 12:54 PM

Apr 2013
I'm ready for all those D flags.
Jul 5, 2014 12:55 PM

Jul 2014
Great first episode. I loved it. The animation was stunning and I didn't think the CG was bad at all (if you want to see some bad CG just watch the transformation scene in the first episode of Sailor Moon Crystal)

Didn't see the ending coming at all but I thought it was amazing. Really looking forward to the next episode. 5/5

As far as the princess is concerned:
Jul 5, 2014 12:55 PM

Nov 2012
Kaioshin_Sama said:
Hoppy said:

The thing is, the Urobutcher can outdo Tomino if he wanted to, but it wouldn't have the same charm (it would be just as good though) since he doesn't have depression and just loves to direct and write stories with super high death counts, the symbolism and reason for it isn't there.

Tomino actually came out of the post war Japan period so was writing a lot from personal experience and stories he heard from friends and relatives. It's what sort of gave it that visceral human touch and he wanted to tackle themes of war, love, loss, trauma, politics and sorrow with the franchise instead of just letting it become another toy commercial for Bandai. He has to fight for every inch of getting to tell the story and make the show he wanted to and lost just as many battles as he won initially, more wins with the movie version of the original series.

Gen Urobuchi is an interesting writer for sure, but he's from a totally different generation than Tomino with different life experiences and upbringings (guaranteed much easier life) and IMO most of his stories lack that human touch feeling and maturity (they are dark and unsettling but not necessarily mature or striving for more realism) that made Gundam such a big deal back when it first aired and had people identifying so strongly with characters like Amuro, Char, Bright, Sayla, Lalah and all those other memorable supporting cast characters. He's not a total sellout or anything but he's also clearly more comfortable and content to just do the bidding of the people that sign his paychecks and cave to their demands compared to Tomino and this shows promotion gives off this sort of "Fuck Gundam! Yeah we're going to stick it to that franchise and do it better than it ever could" commercial feel to it as opposed to trying to tackle the issues that Tomino wanted to tackle with Gundam and to buck the trends of the time entirely. Really no other series had attempted to do what the original Gundam did at the time or to have that level of maturity and complexity to it's storyline since they were all mostly just formulaic super robot shows. It was so different at first people weren't even really sure that they liked it but it quickly became apparent that it had done something no other original anime TV series had done up to that point.

Completely agree, but since the newer generations come by, the need for a truly 'mature' anime isn't really there. Things, like a lot of death and some characters having a few screws loose, seems to be enough for them. All in all, shows like this will sell well because of how relatable it is to the majority of all the viewers. I just don't like how most shows aren't taking that sort of risk to be completely different than what the industry gives, just to cause another revolution of new standards for all anime.
Jul 5, 2014 12:57 PM

Jun 2013
Damn it all went down at the end there one of the soundtracks that played reminded me of the attack on titans ost.
Jul 5, 2014 1:00 PM

Oct 2007
TaisakuSentou said:
Kaioshin_Sama said:

Tomino actually came out of the post war Japan period so was writing a lot from personal experience and stories he heard from friends and relatives. It's what sort of gave it that visceral human touch and he wanted to tackle themes of war, love, loss, trauma, politics and sorrow with the franchise instead of just letting it become another toy commercial for Bandai. He has to fight for every inch of getting to tell the story and make the show he wanted to and lost just as many battles as he won initially, more wins with the movie version of the original series.

Gen Urobuchi is an interesting writer for sure, but he's from a totally different generation than Tomino with different life experiences and upbringings (guaranteed much easier life) and IMO most of his stories lack that human touch feeling and maturity (they are dark and unsettling but not necessarily mature or striving for more realism) that made Gundam such a big deal back when it first aired and had people identifying so strongly with characters like Amuro, Char, Bright, Sayla, Lalah and all those other memorable supporting cast characters. He's not a total sellout or anything but he's also clearly more comfortable and content to just do the bidding of the people that sign his paychecks and cave to their demands compared to Tomino and this shows promotion gives off this sort of "Fuck Gundam! Yeah we're going to stick it to that franchise and do it better than it ever could" commercial feel to it as opposed to trying to tackle the issues that Tomino wanted to tackle with Gundam and to buck the trends of the time entirely. Really no other series had attempted to do what the original Gundam did at the time or to have that level of maturity and complexity to it's storyline since they were all mostly just formulaic super robot shows. It was so different at first people weren't even really sure that they liked it but it quickly became apparent that it had done something no other original anime TV series had done up to that point.

Completely agree, but since the newer generations come by, the need for a truly 'mature' anime isn't really there. Things, like a lot of death and some characters having a few screws loose, seems to be enough for them. All in all, shows like this will sell well because of how relatable it is to the majority of all the viewers. I just don't like how most shows aren't taking that sort of risk to be completely different than what the industry gives, just to cause another revolution of new standards for all anime.

I think shows like this will sell well just based on the popularity of the staff alone. I mean Aniplex is definitely smart commercially at the very least. When you're trying to do an original franchise with no huge pre-installed fanbase coming in from a source material (their other favorite tactic for big sales) one of the best ways to go nowadays is to just get as many popular staffers with their own individual fanbases into the show. It has nothing to do with whether they necessarily will work well together or are the absolute best fit for the job, what matters is getting the maximum possible number of fans they can bring on board from the get go to at least try a new IP out. Of course the show could still be solid in it's own right as things go along, but it's pretty clear that that's where everything starts from when it comes to Aldnoah Zero.

I think Aldnoah Zero's measure of success for me will be how much it can overcome all the hyping bullshit and unchecked commercial intent behind it to just become a good show in it's own right ala the original Gundam.
Jul 5, 2014 1:02 PM

Nov 2008
TaisakuSentou said:
Kaioshin_Sama said:

Tomino actually came out of the post war Japan period so was writing a lot from personal experience and stories he heard from friends and relatives. It's what sort of gave it that visceral human touch and he wanted to tackle themes of war, love, loss, trauma, politics and sorrow with the franchise instead of just letting it become another toy commercial for Bandai. He has to fight for every inch of getting to tell the story and make the show he wanted to and lost just as many battles as he won initially, more wins with the movie version of the original series.

Gen Urobuchi is an interesting writer for sure, but he's from a totally different generation than Tomino with different life experiences and upbringings (guaranteed much easier life) and IMO most of his stories lack that human touch feeling and maturity (they are dark and unsettling but not necessarily mature or striving for more realism) that made Gundam such a big deal back when it first aired and had people identifying so strongly with characters like Amuro, Char, Bright, Sayla, Lalah and all those other memorable supporting cast characters. He's not a total sellout or anything but he's also clearly more comfortable and content to just do the bidding of the people that sign his paychecks and cave to their demands compared to Tomino and this shows promotion gives off this sort of "Fuck Gundam! Yeah we're going to stick it to that franchise and do it better than it ever could" commercial feel to it as opposed to trying to tackle the issues that Tomino wanted to tackle with Gundam and to buck the trends of the time entirely. Really no other series had attempted to do what the original Gundam did at the time or to have that level of maturity and complexity to it's storyline since they were all mostly just formulaic super robot shows. It was so different at first people weren't even really sure that they liked it but it quickly became apparent that it had done something no other original anime TV series had done up to that point.

Completely agree, but since the newer generations come by, the need for a truly 'mature' anime isn't really there. Things, like a lot of death and some characters having a few screws loose, seems to be enough for them. All in all, shows like this will sell well because of how relatable it is to the majority of all the viewers. I just don't like how most shows aren't taking that sort of risk to be completely different than what the industry gives, just to cause another revolution of new standards for all anime.

Speaking of sales, besides BDs, how are they going to ensure that this anime is successful, being a mecha anime this should had model kits or figures in the works by now at the very least, granted I seen nothing from Sidonia or Captain Earth yet so maybe that type of merchandising strategy is an outdated concept and reliance on BDs almost exclusively if not exclusively is the standard for late night mecha as well.

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