jiraiya_sensei said: yay more DEUS EX MACHINA!! Let's count
Less than you think, far less, let's refute!
jiraiya_sensei said: 1. Instead of obliterating 401 along with the American fog ships, Kongou somehow decided to purposely miss them despite being perfectly capable to do so.
Kongou over shot them on purpose, how many times did she stress "I am going to be the one to sink 401"? She was clearing the field of the interlopers. Not said, but certainly implied, is that Kondou hated the Fog more than even 401. It was the Fog (through 400 and 402) that "killed" Maya and that was what drove Kongou insane. So destroying the Fog was even more important to Kongou than destroying 401.
jiraiya_sensei said: 2. The fog fleets are so dumb they can't even think of deploying Klein Field. It makes me wonder how humanity managed to lose against enemies with turtle reaction like them. Are you telling me that Gunzou's the only one who can outsmart and catch them off guard? Bulltshit!
Couple of points: 1) Kongou's shot would have overwhelmed the American Fog's Klein field immediately, chances are they did deploy but it didn't matter. 2) The Fog in several episodes have been shown not having flexibility and freezing when trying to process too much new information. Giant floating Fog super ship could have easily caused them to freeze in place until it was too late. Kongou raised this point back in episode 3, the Fog would have lost to humanity if not for the Fog's vastly superior weapons, so it isn't surprising that the Fog lost to someone who had vastly superior weapons. That was the whole reason the Far East fleet had developed Mental Modes in the first place.
jiraiya_sensei said: 3. Kongou's super gravity cannon somehow can't overpower 401's cannon despite obliterating hundreds of fog ships easily.
You forget that 401 is a super ship as well. Also, Kongou was sacrificing ships every time she fired her gun, losing stability with each shot (this was actually explained in the episode). The first shot (taking out the American Fog) was a combination of Maya and the destroyers, and was by far the most powerful shot Kongou was capable of, after the shot you could see Kongou's ship started to fall apart (this also shows that part of what was driving Kongou was her hatred of the Fog, using Maya for that shot was her way of getting revenge for Maya).
jiraiya_sensei said: 4. 512 missiles and none of them managed to hit 401 cleanly yet 1 missile from 401 could dance around hundreds of missiles (what are the chances??!!)
The only reason 401's missile made it through was because of Iona was controlling it. The episode showed that several missiles did hit the 401 missile, but Iona's personal blue klein field (4 hexagons) protected the missile. As for the 512 missiles not hitting 401, there were 3 additional mental modes on 401 who provided backup (Hyuuga, Haruna and Kirishima), and as shown in previous episodes (2, 4) large amounts of missiles can be deflected with the Klein field.
jiraiya_sensei said: 5. 1 single hit from 401's cannon managed to breach a combined Kongou, which once again had neither the awareness to deploy her Klein field before engaging 401 nor the defense to take a clean hit despite being a combination of god knows how many ships.
Question, do you think that Kongou was in the right mental frame of mind to care about defense? As the show said, she wanted to commit suicide (or as the gunner pointed out murder-suicide). Even when she fought Iona, she never bothered to take defensive actions, she was pure offense, lashing out without much thought. Not getting this means that you completely missed what Kongou was about. That the Fog charge in without much thought has been a constant theme of this show, from the initial battles in episode 1 through 400/402's attack last episode. The Fog don't "do" defense.
jiraiya_sensei said: 401 is the Fog Ship's GOD!!
Uhm, no. Iona is not a God, she was the first in a new line of Fog: a proactive Fog member. Here is a simple question, what is more dangerous: a gun in the hands of a fool or a gun in the hands of a professional sniper. The latter, correct? That latter is Iona, the former is the Fog (and by extension Kongou).
It is not like this show didn't have some plot holes, but once again I find myself wondering what the hell some of you are watching. In your particular case your "plot holes" were, for the most part, explained directly by the show itself. That you missed them makes me wonder what you were watching, because it certainly wasn't this show. |