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Mar 3, 2011 1:44 AM

Sep 2010
I felt nothing but rage watching this series. So much was left out. I liked the manga infinitely times more.
Mar 3, 2011 1:48 AM

Feb 2011
Ive really love the manga version more.. :3

And about the anime.. it really left me in the air... geee... it really would have been better!! :3
Mar 3, 2011 3:31 AM

Apr 2009
I really enjoyed the series, and the ending was a solid one. And hey, at least they got together in the second to last episode.

I can dig the loose ends open ending stuff, the only bit that I wanted to see more of is when Satsuki ran crying. I'd guess she revealed her feelings, but was rejected since Shiki isn't over Arcueid, which would make sense.

All in all, while I can imagine why fans of the visual novel are often disappointed with it, I really like this show. It drew me in, had a good ambiance, and got the job done.
Apr 13, 2011 3:30 AM

Feb 2011
I was about to drop this anime because it was damn boring in the 1st 3 episode but still continued, the mystery revolves in the story keeps me going.
It was getting interesting as i watched half of the episodes, until Arcueid and Shiki had their one night stand (idk why but that disappoints me somehow).
The ending is atleast passed to me it's not that good and it's definitely not that bad too.

May 15, 2011 6:02 PM

Oct 2010
This where some pretty good last two episodes, specially if you compare them to the rest of the anime. The main reason i felt the first episodes where awful is because of Shiki and his rather "apathetic towards life" personality. It gave me the feeling that he was there because a male lead was needed rather than because he was suppose to make something for the story. On top the pace in which events where narrated was really slow (I haven't played/read the novel but i heard is rather eventful), yet the last episodes really try to redeem this anime.

The good stuff:
- Shiki grows as a person/character and is able to express his feeling (fully) towards Arcueid, and is willing to fight for her. He no longer chickens out and realizes this is his responsibly.
- Arcueid and Roa died. Awesome. Two creature from the same era die on the same night, I felt it was a rather nice way to end them.

What didn't really compute:
- Shiki/Roa was put in the room after he attempted against Akiha's life. By some reason it is shown the same age Akiha (like girls on the 8-years ago flashbacks) been the one to free him, rather than an older Akiha (even the dress was the same).
- If Ciel was Roa, that means that there was a way to kill/expelled/exorcise Roa which out killing Shiki. Why was that idea never mention?
- Why if Arcueid vanishes in mid air she comes back at the end, just to make him cry? That was not closure, that was evil.
- Shiki (good one), barely mourn Arcueid. Was this on hopes she was going to keep her promise?
- Childhood friend rejection scene was completely unnecessary.

7/10 ~ As good as the ending was the road to it was just too boring
choyosAug 25, 2011 7:54 AM
Sep 8, 2011 11:24 AM
Apr 2011

Isn't it sad, Sacchin?

btw Satsuki seemed a lot cuter in this than in the VN. I think it was the voice.
Sep 30, 2011 3:26 AM

Mar 2011
I like the final, but i was expecting better fights. Also, I think the final is solid.
The only thing I didnt understand is Why did Shiki kill Arcueid?

choyos said:
- If Ciel was Roa, that means that there was a way to kill/expelled/exorcise Roa which out killing Shiki. Why was that idea never mention?
Roa left Ciel by his own, because he used her body to the limit.

choyos said:
- Why if Arcueid vanishes in mid air she comes back at the end, just to make him cry? That was not closure, that was evil.
I call that romance. They wanted to talk to each other once again and she came somehow, maybe it was just Shiki imagination.

choyos said:
- Childhood friend rejection scene was completely unnecessary.
Which scene are you talking about? I think all these scenes were necessary.
Oct 20, 2011 6:35 PM

Jul 2010
Shant said:

Isn't it sad, Sacchin?
btw Satsuki seemed a lot cuter in this than in the VN. I think it was the voice.

i know, in the end, when everyone was finally out of the way, she still gets rejected.
to me this was a "meh" anime. i only watched it so i can watch the carnival OVA

Nov 10, 2011 6:32 AM

Feb 2010
Watched because of Carnival Phantasm.

but hell, it was meh.
"Your taste is shit cause you like what I hate. Believe me I have 1000 cartoons that I rated with less than 5."

Nov 10, 2011 7:11 AM

Jun 2008
It was meh but you gave it a 8? It wasn't that bad then
Dec 7, 2011 10:06 PM

Mar 2011
What kind of ending was that? I need more closure.
Dec 27, 2011 6:49 AM

Dec 2007
Storyline and concept was OK but the music and pacing was crappy. Music repeating itself destroyed the atmosphere most of the time and people standing there for 5 minutes doing nothing is silly.

Will check out the VN some day. Now on to Carnival Phantasm.


Araya said:
It was meh but you gave it a 8? It wasn't that bad then

Some people just don't know how to rate things...
Jan 13, 2012 6:31 AM
The Shrike

Nov 2009
Too many questions are left unanswered. Shame really. The back story is really good and I like the characters, the music and the gothic ambient. But I think the pacing is really awkward and the dialogue was poor. No more than 7 from me.
"Perhaps there is a universal, absolute truth. Perhaps it justifies every question. But that's beyond the reach of these small hands." Mamoru Oshii

There is a cult of ignorance (...) nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that “my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.” Isaac Asimov

Feb 3, 2012 3:08 AM

Aug 2011
I liked it, but well, as mentioned over 9000 times already, too short.
Feb 7, 2012 5:27 AM

Jun 2011
Too many loose ends. The characters themselves are pretty interesting and deep, but it feels like the anime didn't do justice to them.

7/10 from me.
Feb 8, 2012 5:23 AM

Nov 2010
The ending was strong, the action wasn't, but the story it self was very good.
I understand the jokes from Carnival Phantasm more now.
Apr 26, 2012 2:06 AM

Mar 2010
Beginning of the anime had me going..was pretty good. Towards the end though.. a big nasty fart.
And the ending? That was just many holes were still open and random Arcueid death.. I mean seriously, that was just so random and stupid and made little to no sense.
I also never figured out why he attacked and killed Arcueid in the beginning anyways..unless I'm missing something.
MoonFoxApr 26, 2012 2:11 AM
Jun 16, 2012 1:38 AM

May 2012
MoonFox said:
Beginning of the anime had me going..was pretty good. Towards the end though.. a big nasty fart.
And the ending? That was just many holes were still open and random Arcueid death.. I mean seriously, that was just so random and stupid and made little to no sense.
I also never figured out why he attacked and killed Arcueid in the beginning anyways..unless I'm missing something.
Apparently he attacked her on impulse but it is never explained what caused him to kill her in the anime. I also felt that the ending was just bad, everything else about the series was good specially the characters but that ending ruined the show for me.
Oct 21, 2012 11:57 AM

Aug 2011
i recommend for all of you that was dissatisfied by the anime, to play the VN, or at least read the manga, there's more closure involved. Alot of the plot involving the nanaya clan wasn't even in the anime. And i remain on good standpoints that the maids were my favorites. Especially in the VN.
"Even if the morrow is barren of promises... nothing shall forestall my return!"

Nov 24, 2012 7:56 PM

Jun 2011
I love the work of Type-Moon. Not sure if they do it on purpose, but the fact that their endings always make you wish for more actually makes you go look for more. They are always able to make me a little obsessed. FS/N was like that too. The series was enjoyable, the ending complete and yet unsatisfying, but that's what makes a series good in my opinion.
Nov 27, 2012 12:16 AM

Apr 2012
Razorfinger said:
I love the work of Type-Moon. Not sure if they do it on purpose, but the fact that their endings always make you wish for more actually makes you go look for more. They are always able to make me a little obsessed. FS/N was like that too. The series was enjoyable, the ending complete and yet unsatisfying, but that's what makes a series good in my opinion.

...You think this is good?...
As a child, I was told that society is a melting pot of talents; knowledge and experience combined to form important alloys that will contribute to mankind. When I got to highschool, however, I thought that it's more like a river in which the water represents our peers while we ourselves are the stones in the river. Constant erosion by mindless majority sheeping has made us lose our unique edge. After I hit the age of 18, I realized that I've been wrong all along. Society is no melting pot. Society is no river. Society is a person, a very skilled rapist, and he has fucked us all.
Jan 20, 2013 3:35 AM
Lewd Depresso

Jul 2008
.. 6/10 .. this anime missed so many aspects.. cant really explain well.. but whole anime felt really awkward.. wanted give 7.. but just the final episode didnt give what it was missing..
Feb 3, 2013 1:37 AM

Jan 2011
That....that was just bad man. How did that even get approved for as an adaptation.
Feb 7, 2013 2:56 PM
Jan 2013
That ending was not needed, it's just like....A fucking bad ending, a deception.
Why hell Arcueid needed to dissapear? that fucks with all the romance, and hope and...You know.
Feb 19, 2013 5:07 PM
Aug 2012
Some what type moon's novel will make you crave more
This is why the show, still left me with satisfied feeling
Feb 19, 2013 5:12 PM

Feb 2010
KamiKali said:
Some what type moon's novel will make you crave more
This is why the show, still left me with satisfied feeling

this show does not exist end of thread
"among monsters and humans, there are only two types.
Those who undergo suffering and spread it to others. And those who undergo suffering and avoid giving it to others." -Alice
“Beauty is no quality in things themselves: It exists merely in the mind which contemplates them; and each mind perceives a different beauty.” David Hume
“Evil is created when someone gives up on someone else. It appears when everyone gives up on someone as a lost cause and removes their path to salvation. Once they are cut off from everyone else, they become evil.” -Othinus

Jul 30, 2013 12:20 PM
Apr 2013
what the hell was this ending man , i don't get it , it ruined everything , so much time spent on making the setup just to kill her in the end wtf....i also heard that the anime didn't quite follow the plotline of manga nor the light novel..ffs..i hate myself for not quitting after the bed scene from ep 11.
overall i enjoyed the rest of the anime , though it had too many unanswered questions and stuff..
i gave a 9/10 bcuz i liked the characters
Aug 29, 2013 12:47 PM

Apr 2013
Seriously this adaptation is bad and it was very rushed. But at least they didn't alter the ending. And this was only 1/9 endings in the VN which also includes the good end where everyone is satisfied.
Most of the people were saying that Tsukihime anime doesn't exits and i mostly agree with them.
Always-HungrySep 26, 2014 2:28 AM
Sep 22, 2013 5:07 PM
Mar 2010
I liked this series, a lot more than I thought I would after all the 'this anime doesn't exist' stuff.
Very bitter-sweet ending and enjoyable series, it's made me want to hunt out the VN, sure maybe it didn't answer all the questions but then again it's an adaptation not a word for word reproduction, I'm happy to go find the source material of adaptations I enjoy watching.
Nov 21, 2013 6:41 PM
Apr 2011
I'll give this a 9 and the ending was so sad ; __ ; I miss arcueid and so many things they left unanswered.but overall it was enjoyable.
Dec 19, 2013 9:53 PM

Jan 2013
You know, I could write what I thought was good and bad about this anime but I think I'll leave my comment with as much thought as J. C. Staff put into their adaptation:

VN ero spoiler:
-Nothing can stay unchanged. Even so, can you still keep on loving this place?

-Be still my soul; when change and tears are past, all safe and blessed we shall meet at last.
Jan 4, 2014 9:39 AM

Aug 2013
loved the anime <3 8/10 but the ending was satisfying :< I might read the manga.

Jan 30, 2014 2:48 AM

Jan 2014
me after this episode:

Feb 13, 2014 10:45 PM

Sep 2011
Pretty good overall, coming from someone who hasn't read the manga or VN. That said this last episode bothered me a bit. It could have ended better, too melodramatic for my taste.
Apr 3, 2014 9:02 PM

May 2011
Good thing I played the VN long before this. That said, it was fun to see this attempt, and I'll acknowledge it. Arcueid focus, there's memorable music, and it was cool/funny that Nanaya was voiced by Suzumura Kenichi.

In the end, excluding some of Arcueid's route, it wasn't a good adaptation really and could of easily been directed better. However, my bias allows me to still like it.

I especially enjoyed the filler episode at the amusement park. Oh, and Arcueid shooting a basketball at the school gym lol. :)
Kayaba-Aug 7, 2014 3:51 PM
Apr 26, 2014 4:18 AM

Jul 2013
i just think the idea of the story is nice and the anime isn't bad, but it had a lot of potencial and i think it was wasted....
the endind yeah it was really like FSN only that in FSN it actually makes sense and it doesn't feel sucky at all
May 22, 2014 10:00 AM

Aug 2010
Well, as far as adaptation goes, it was one horrible mess, sasuga J. C. Staff, you didn't disappoint me with you butchery. If we just look at it on it's own, it isn't a lot better. Low production values, rushed execution, unanswered questions, a very weak end product. 4/10.

I did, however, like three things. The opening song was really nice and they managed to create a very good, foreboding, heavy atmosphere, as opposed to the VN that was more of a psychological thriller. Last, but not least, the VA choices with special mention to Ciel and Shiki, I prefer them over their Carnival Phantasm ones.

I'm not sure how to feel about how they left out the mastermind behind the events. On the one hand I would have liked to see the build-up and the reveal, on the other hand, this way those who only read the VN after the anime still have one major surprise coming for them.
Jun 2, 2014 10:52 AM

Oct 2013
crazy anime i feel like so much was missing
sad ep T-T
Jun 9, 2014 5:12 AM

May 2013
i doesnt like the ending, FSN ending is better

it felt rush and the explaination seem vague

overall 8/10
Jun 16, 2014 11:04 PM
Jun 2014
Great very ending reminded me of the depressing Angel Beats.
Aug 7, 2014 1:11 AM

Jul 2014
Well fuck.
What exactly did he tell what'sherface? "I like Arcuied better" or "Yea, I don't really like you."


I feel like Arc shouldn't have died, but I was happy that she did.

I can't believe that just being stabbed killed Arc tho. I mean, Shiki DID chop her up in 17 pieces before...
Aug 13, 2014 12:47 PM

Dec 2010
Great series, would have been a 9/10, but that ending was pretty irritating for me.

I get that anime hates fairy tale esque endings but jesus christ it gets old...
Nov 20, 2014 8:38 AM

Dec 2013
I gave this series a 10/10. I loved it, such a brilliant story. The ending was rather depressing, I hated that Arc died.

Not sure I understand why so many say that this ending left a lot unanswered? I understood everything perfectly, and found that the ending even though it was very depressing wrapped everything into a neat little bow.

I am not familiar with the VN, not like I am with Fate/Stay Night, so I am judging this series strictly by the 12 episodes of the anime. I realize that most, if not all, of the VN fans consider this series an epic failure and claim that it does not exist- but, even if I was familiar with the VN I doubt I would have had much hate for such a masterpiece. I may have rated it lower, but I don't think I would have hated it.
Odds are I'm not going to find my way back to a thread after my first post, it happens on occasion but not often. So, if I say something that offends you and you feel the need to force your opinion on me because obviously everyone should have your opinion or none at all, feel free to post it in the thread that I'll probably never see again. However, if you are interested in intelligent discourse, feel free to message me.
Dec 3, 2014 12:40 PM

Jul 2010
arc... shouldn't have died...OH GOD NO!. FFFFFFFUUUU...
but series was 7/10
Jan 3, 2015 2:18 AM

May 2011
Satisfied, and the ending did make me teared. While I do notice that they barely did any explanations to Shiki's Nanaya past (according to what I know from the anime, he is a family of demon-hunters and that is all) and skimped the parts regarding Ciel, Tohno and even Arcueid, J.C. Staff managed to pull a conclusion across and wrapped up things nicely more or less. I have never expected a full-blown main course explaining everything every detail of the original VN work, so I was never disappointed with this anime at all. The minimalistic amount of action did not bother me at all, I expected a decent romance and drama, and it managed to weap up and come across as great. I should be glad I have not played the VN first.

In the end, Shiki could not let go of Arcueid, considering the amount of development and chemistry between them over the course of the anime. A bittersweet conclusion is kind of expected for a romance that can never be, although I have my qualms that Arcueid really died, or just went to resting in some other place before coming back many years later. Shiki can only wait until then...till inevitable death takes him.

"If you reject me, I'll blast a hole in you!" Kanzaki H. Aria
Just kidding.

Feb 11, 2015 2:08 PM
Dec 2012
I watched this anime after reading the vn and the follow up plus disk and kagestu tooya because I got curious when i read about how horrible people said it was... well as an anime by itself it's not too bad but as an adaptation it's really lacking. Many things were rushed (for instance: the fight against nero wasn't anywhere as easy as it was in the anime... it almost looked like a walk in the park... eheh get it?) or left out althogeter (it's only a 12 episode anime so they had to I suppose), but the worst is that the characters feel very different that the vn ones.
Apr 8, 2015 12:51 PM

Apr 2013
Well so that's the non-existent Tsukihime anime. It certainly wasn't that good but still enjoyable. 5/10
Apr 26, 2015 11:34 AM
Apr 2015
I can't help but get the feeling that this could have been a big hit if it was done right. Sadly it isn't, it has its merits but overall I can't call this show good.

So It won't be a wincest after all as they are not related by blood. tee heee.

Decided to watch this after finishing Carneval Phantasm.

5/10. enjoyable but definitely a disappointment.

This needs a remake PRONTO!

May 18, 2015 6:56 AM

Apr 2014
I feel like this had so much potential but honestly I was kinda bored watching it...
May 18, 2015 6:58 AM

Feb 2015
lalabella said:
I feel like this had so much potential but honestly I was kinda bored watching it...

One good advice, read the VN
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