Game 'Atelier Escha & Logy: Alchemists of the Dusk Sky' to Have TV Anime Adaptation Due 2014 [Update 01/14]
Nov 6, 2013 2:15 AM
In a press conference today, game publisher Gust announced that the game Atelier Escha & Logy: Alchemists of the Dusk Sky (Escha & Logy no Atelier ~Tasogare no Sora no Renkinjutsushi~) will be adapted into a TV series in 2014 to celebrate Gust's 20th anniversary. Studio Gokumi will make the anime. The game is the 15th game in the Atelier series and was released on the PlayStation 3 platform in June this year. This is the first game from the Atelier series that is getting animated. Official game website: Source: Famitsu Escha & Logy no Atelier: Tasogare no Sora no Renkinjutsushi on MAL Update January 14, 2014 According to Dengeki Playstation, the anime will be aired in Spring 2014. Studio: Studio Gokumi Game Cast Escha Malier: Rie Murakawa Logix Fiscario: Kaito Ishikawa Lucille Ernella: Mariko Honda Wilbell voll Erslied: Asami Seto Awin Sidelet: Kenji Akabane Threia Hazelgrimm: Chiharu Kitaoka Rafer Ruckberry: Yasunori Masutani Micie Sun Mussemburg: Tomo Muranaka Katla Larchica: Chihiro Uno Solle Grumman: Daisuke Matsubara Linca: Ami Koshimizu Marion Quinn: Kana Ueda Colland Grumman: Kento Fujinuma Duke Beriel: Tsuyoshi Koyama Nio Altugle: Mariya Ise Clone: Hibiku Yamamura Harry Olson: Mitsuaki Madono Flameu: Kana Akutsu Source: Otakomu Discussion continues from here. |
NaruleachMar 23, 2014 6:57 PM
So MAL finally starts locking news threads that are only a few weeks old? I wonder where was the announcement of this change? Or we are seeing yet another case of changes made that impacted users but not communicated to them? I wonder how long people would put up with this. As much as I have a bunch of information to share about anime announced recently I cannot share it in news board, and the anime series is too disorganized and chaotic to share information except with people already interested in the particular series. |
Nov 6, 2013 2:19 AM
Nov 6, 2013 2:21 AM
Nov 6, 2013 2:28 AM
OP of the game |
So MAL finally starts locking news threads that are only a few weeks old? I wonder where was the announcement of this change? Or we are seeing yet another case of changes made that impacted users but not communicated to them? I wonder how long people would put up with this. As much as I have a bunch of information to share about anime announced recently I cannot share it in news board, and the anime series is too disorganized and chaotic to share information except with people already interested in the particular series. |
Nov 6, 2013 2:30 AM
I'm playing Mana Khemia: Student Alliance.. :) This one should get an anime adaptation too.. :) |
Nov 6, 2013 2:43 AM
Played Totori, bought its sequel Meruru (but it's still lying around unused), and skipped the next one since they took out the option for Japanese audio. In other words, I have no idea about this particular installment of the franchise and will maybe check it out once it airs. The games themselves are fairly lighthearted, but very pretty and fun to play. |
The release of atomic energy has not created a new problem. It has merely made more urgent the necessity of solving an existing one. - Albert Einstein |
Nov 6, 2013 2:44 AM
Why are they making an anime for a DIRECT SEQUEL to a game that was the entire starting point OF THIS STORY? They should be animating this starting at Ayesha, given that's the start of this story and the foundation for Escha & Logy's entire plot and characters. The Alchemist of Dusk series is so far the FIRST time in the history of the Atelier franchise they have had a SERIOUS STORY that has a lot of lore and a lot of actually important information. Starting in the MIDDLE of THAT makes no fucking sense. Why would they do this? It wouldn't matter with say, Totori or Meruru. But this and Ayesha (and likely a third game) are actually story driven unlike almost ANYTHING in the history of the games. GuiltyKing said: Played Totori, bought its sequel Meruru (but it's still lying around unused), and skipped the next one since they took out the option for Japanese audio. In other words, I have no idea about this particular installment of the franchise and will maybe check it out once it airs. The games themselves are fairly lighthearted, but very pretty and fun to play. If you think Ayesha is all that lighthearted you're right - you don't know much about this installment of the franchise. I suppose you also don't understand Escha & Logy is also Eschatology (the study of the end of the world - the 'to' coming from the Japanese title being Escha to Logy) - given the name makes it pretty obvious the Alchemist of Dusk storyline is much more serious than any Atelier prior, even without having played Ayesha you can tell that much. |
TallonKarrde23Nov 6, 2013 3:03 AM
Nov 6, 2013 2:48 AM
TallonKarrde23 said: Probably because this game is the most recent game in the series and in terms of boosting sales the effect is deemed strongest for a more recently published game.Why are they making an anime for a DIRECT SEQUEL to a game that was the entire starting point OF THIS STORY? |
So MAL finally starts locking news threads that are only a few weeks old? I wonder where was the announcement of this change? Or we are seeing yet another case of changes made that impacted users but not communicated to them? I wonder how long people would put up with this. As much as I have a bunch of information to share about anime announced recently I cannot share it in news board, and the anime series is too disorganized and chaotic to share information except with people already interested in the particular series. |
Nov 6, 2013 2:51 AM
symbv said: TallonKarrde23 said: Probably because this game is the most recent game in the series and in terms of boosting sales the effect is deemed strongest for a more recently published game.Why are they making an anime for a DIRECT SEQUEL to a game that was the entire starting point OF THIS STORY? The problem is it could easily do very poorly due to throwing people into the MID POINT of a serious story. It'd be like if Attack on Titan started at the forest and we knew nothing, none of the cast, none of the backstory, none of the lore, none of the events, nothing about the setting or the people living in it. Or, I don't know, any fucking show or book or movie or other game halfway in to the story. Like if the made the Ender's Game movie start in the last third of the story and skipped the entire first 2/3rds. It's fucking stupid and has a higher risk of pushing viewers away from not knowing what the hell is going on than it does of boosting sales of the game or doing well. And being the first anime for the franchise, if it does bad that will give them a bad opinion on doing one again. The idea that "well any otaku who watch anime probably play these games anyway" is just begging for it to fail or barely do well enough to break even. |
Nov 6, 2013 3:05 AM
TallonKarrde23 said: Is the continuity between games in the series that crucial? Attack of Titan is not a series of manga, you know, so if you want to use Titan as an analogy I would expect the continuity between games in the series to be very very tight, and from the review I read about the game it does not seem that to play the game it requires experience of playing previous games or knowledge about the game world, and there are quite many people who play the game without trying previous games first. This is why I wonder if it is really so impossible to make an anime on this game alone. I am sure that if there is knowledge and experience of the previous games the game can be enjoyed at a wholly different level, but if it can be enjoyed by a newcomer on its own, perhaps the same could happen with anime? It'd be like if Attack on Titan started at the forest and we knew nothing, none of the cast, none of the backstory, none of the lore, none of the events, nothing about the setting or the people living in it. Or, I don't know, any fucking show or book or movie or other game halfway in to the story. Like if the made the Ender's Game movie start in the last third of the story and skipped the entire first 2/3rds. |
symbvNov 6, 2013 3:08 AM
So MAL finally starts locking news threads that are only a few weeks old? I wonder where was the announcement of this change? Or we are seeing yet another case of changes made that impacted users but not communicated to them? I wonder how long people would put up with this. As much as I have a bunch of information to share about anime announced recently I cannot share it in news board, and the anime series is too disorganized and chaotic to share information except with people already interested in the particular series. |
Nov 6, 2013 3:11 AM
Well if that's true then all they need to do is include some flashbacks/bits of the previous games storyline. Not exactly rocket science. Just because they're adapting the sequel doesn't mean they have to only use things from the sequel. I got the impression from the game descriptions that these games were like the Iris series in set up. With the dual protagonists and all, are the stories also like those games in tone? |
Nov 6, 2013 3:15 AM
symbv said: TallonKarrde23 said: Is the continuity between games in the series that crucial? Attack of Titan is not a series of manga, you know, so if you want to use Titan as an analogy I would expect the continuity between games in the series to be very very tight, and from the review I read about the game it does not seem that to play the game it requires experience of playing previous games or knowledge about the game world, and there are quite many people who play the game without trying previous games first. This is why I wonder if it is really so impossible to make an anime on this game alone.It'd be like if Attack on Titan started at the forest and we knew nothing, none of the cast, none of the backstory, none of the lore, none of the events, nothing about the setting or the people living in it. Or, I don't know, any fucking show or book or movie or other game halfway in to the story. Like if the made the Ender's Game movie start in the last third of the story and skipped the entire first 2/3rds. The Alchemist of Dusk series is pretty much the first time the Atelier franchise has tried it's hand at a serious and actually deep (as in has depth, not "wow so deep and meaningful") story. Escha & Logy takes place 4 years after Ayesha, and Ayesha is the beginning of the end of the world (literally) and also has a lot of very crucial information about the world that is necessary to know for E&L to properly grasp the story on any meaningful level. This is one full story - it's not something split up like the previous 'series' in the franchise, the Alchemist of Arland. Wherein the story was non existant aside "I have to work here to pay back a debt", "I want to find my mommy" and finally "I'm a cutesy princess making a good kingdom to show daddy I'm strong". You could jump in anywhere there because the games were very loosely connected. Sure, you missed out on a lot of character development for the recurring cast - but that's it. The overall story didn't really exist aside the characters knowing each other one way or another. With Ayesha, there's a lot of extremely relevant and important information you learn throughout playing, things that are very important to Escha & Logy and it's entire plot and over half of it's cast. casandra said: Well if that's true then all they need to do is include some flashbacks/bits of the previous games storyline. Not exactly rocket science. Just because they're adapting the sequel doesn't mean they have to only use things from the sequel. I got the impression from the game descriptions that these games were like the Iris series in set up. With the dual protagonists and all, are the stories also like those games in tone? Flashbacks about characters that aren't the current main would be weird. Also, there are just so many details that couldn't be worked in that way without having flashbacks for full episodes or constantly every 5 minutes. It's not the most incredibly complicated or intricate stuff, I won't pretend it's some masterpiece of storytelling - but there's a lot of world building and lore in Ayesha that's very important to the story, but too much to just toss in with a quick little flashback or one episode 'recap'. I'd say this is more serious of a story and has a very foreboding atmosphere moreso than Iris ever did. Of course, it's Atelier - so it still has it's light hearted side and you can get your silly endings if you want and ignore the plot completely and just synth shit all day everyday, but the story is definitely the main focus and the story is not a positive one. Not in Ayesha or Escha & Logy. Ayesha also ends with a not-exactly-positive cliffhanger for the true-end that leads directly to the next game. |
TallonKarrde23Nov 6, 2013 3:22 AM
Nov 6, 2013 3:22 AM
Then I guess if E&L is this loose and story is not that important, perhaps it is workable in an anime if the whole purpose is to pique interest to get viewers to get curious about the game and buy it. |
So MAL finally starts locking news threads that are only a few weeks old? I wonder where was the announcement of this change? Or we are seeing yet another case of changes made that impacted users but not communicated to them? I wonder how long people would put up with this. As much as I have a bunch of information to share about anime announced recently I cannot share it in news board, and the anime series is too disorganized and chaotic to share information except with people already interested in the particular series. |
Nov 6, 2013 3:23 AM
symbv said: Then I guess if E&L is this loose and story is not that important, perhaps it is workable in an anime if the whole purpose is to pique interest to get viewers to get curious about the game and buy it. I just said literally the opposite of that - it's not loose and the story is hugely important. In OTHER Atelier games the story and connections were loose, in Ayesha and Escha & Logy, the story is very important and the games are tightly and directly connected. Again for an easy example, the Alchemist of Arland trilogy was very loosely connected - all taking place in the same world and having some of the same cast, but overall having no actual story and just being 'cute girls making bombs'. That's not the case here. The story is hugely important in Escha & Logy - and the vast amount of information only in Ayesha is also extremely relevant and important to understanding and following the story in any real capacity. Which is why animating the sequel without animating the beginning of the story is so fucking stupid. I know English isn't your native language, but I said it pretty clearly. |
TallonKarrde23Nov 6, 2013 3:30 AM
Nov 6, 2013 3:30 AM
TallonKarrde23 said: You said "You could jump in anywhere there because the games were very loosely connected. Sure, you missed out on a lot of character development for the recurring cast - but that's it. The overall story didn't really exist aside the characters knowing each other one way or another". which means the game can be played and enjoyed without knowing a lot of the backstory. What I am saying is that, sure, if you know the story then you would know it is hugely important, but not knowing it you can still play and enjoy the game, right? I just said literally the opposite of that - it's not loose and the story is hugely important. I know English isn't your native language, but I said it pretty clearly. English may not be my native language, but I have lived for many years in the west, studying, doing research and working in various English speaking countries, so I won't apologize for my English level. |
So MAL finally starts locking news threads that are only a few weeks old? I wonder where was the announcement of this change? Or we are seeing yet another case of changes made that impacted users but not communicated to them? I wonder how long people would put up with this. As much as I have a bunch of information to share about anime announced recently I cannot share it in news board, and the anime series is too disorganized and chaotic to share information except with people already interested in the particular series. |
Nov 6, 2013 3:31 AM
This is what I said - these were two connected paragraphs: "This is one full story - it's not something split up like the previous 'series' in the franchise, the Alchemist of Arland. Wherein the story was non existant aside "I have to work here to pay back a debt", "I want to find my mommy" and finally "I'm a cutesy princess making a good kingdom to show daddy I'm strong". You could jump in anywhere there because the games were very loosely connected. Sure, you missed out on a lot of character development for the recurring cast - but that's it. The overall story didn't really exist aside the characters knowing each other one way or another. The second paragraph is continuing with the line of thought around "the previous 'series' in the franchise". "Could" "the games were" and all the contradictions to everything else I said made that blatantly obvious, along with the context of when and how it was written and the full context of the entire post. Sorry you managed to misunderstand. The point being, again: In previous Atelier games, story was mostly irrelevant and the games were loosly connected. In Ayesha and Escha & Logy, the story is very important and the games are very deeply and directly connected. |
KinetaNov 6, 2013 1:39 PM
Nov 6, 2013 3:36 AM
Hmmm....I probably will give it just one episode. Recent game adaptations have been a bad experience for me as I have said before. |
Check out the News Club for daily rankings, discussion on future CD and BD releases, manga and novels. New members are welcome! |
Nov 6, 2013 4:43 AM
I dunno. This one might just turn out to be like Blazblue/Persona anime adaptations; completely confusing stuffs that don't make any sense whatsoever being thrown one by one right on our face - with only those who are familiar with the game knowing what the heck is actually going on. Going to check this out though. To see how much lulz it's going to induce to me |
Nov 6, 2013 5:19 AM
I wish they made a TV series for Atelier Ayesha as well. I never played the game but after watching playthrough vids, I saw it had a good storyline. Anyway, I'm gonna wait for updates and check this out when it comes out. |
Nov 6, 2013 7:16 AM
Hmm... haven't played the game and not really interested in watching this before playing the prequel game, so~ looking forward for the OSTs then :D The thing I love most from GUST is the OSTs ^o^)> |
Nov 6, 2013 7:56 AM
Haven't played the game but I like the character design. |
[center] |
Nov 6, 2013 8:01 AM
This may not turn out good, and adapting Escha and Logy instead of Ayesha makes this very unwelcoming to newcomers, the title suffers in the story department unlike Ayesha or Totori and even this could be made into an adventure/slice of life, Meruru is more suited for this in spades. |
Nov 6, 2013 8:02 AM
I have mixed feelings for the character designs. Eh, I'll give this a try I guess but it's not something I'll be entirely excited about. |
Nov 6, 2013 8:02 AM
Nov 6, 2013 8:15 AM
One option not be denied to anyone! Thanks for the news! ;) |
Nov 6, 2013 8:16 AM
I may pass, atelier stories are usually really weak , the gameplay and sometimes the characters can carry it but they are just good fun for the most part I havent played this one yet but my expectations are low, and ill definetly play the game before watching this as anime game adaptions are....well look at BB and dangan ronpa |
Immahnoob said: Jizzy, I know you have no idea how to argue for shit, tokiyashiro said: Jizzy as you would call yourself because youre a dick The most butthurt award goes to you And clearly you havent watched that many shows thats why you cant determine if a show is unique or not Or maybe you're just a child who likes common stuffs where hero saves the day and guys gets all the girls. Sad taste you have there kid you came up to me in the first place making you look more like a kid who got slapped without me even knowing it and start crying about it to me |
Nov 6, 2013 8:28 AM
I thought Atelier Rorona was being animated? |
Nov 6, 2013 8:29 AM
BadAppleWhite said: oh if that happened it be a really boring anime, aside from sterk(and even then he was cliche) the cast was pretty weak and can barely qualifies as having a storyI thought Atelier Rorona was being animated? |
Immahnoob said: Jizzy, I know you have no idea how to argue for shit, tokiyashiro said: Jizzy as you would call yourself because youre a dick The most butthurt award goes to you And clearly you havent watched that many shows thats why you cant determine if a show is unique or not Or maybe you're just a child who likes common stuffs where hero saves the day and guys gets all the girls. Sad taste you have there kid you came up to me in the first place making you look more like a kid who got slapped without me even knowing it and start crying about it to me |
Nov 6, 2013 8:36 AM
Nov 6, 2013 8:36 AM
#31 -------------------------------------------------------- @TallonKarrde23: why so serious about this announcement? I understand that you want the best thing, so do I. First of all, just because they announced this one that doesn't mean they will make more after this. Therefore, even if they were announcing Ayesha instead of this one and that will just mean they are making Ayesha and nothing more. Secondly, Ayesha and EschaToLogy might be connected but both games can be played stand alone. The only problem that you might encountered in EschaToLogy is that you want to know more about Ayesha in details but that is not a problem of EschaToLogy. |
Nov 6, 2013 8:42 AM
Would prefer if they adapt the Arland series (rorona,totori,meruru) instead. |
Nov 6, 2013 8:51 AM
Art looks cool. Will watch, depending on genres. |
Nov 6, 2013 8:53 AM
razisgosu said: I hope that releases here, desite its dated gameplay the management and business aspect of rorona was surprisingly addictingBadAppleWhite said: I thought Atelier Rorona was being animated? Nope. The game is being remade to follow the Atelier Meruru Plus model. The mechanics in Rorona were really dated so Gust is doing a full remake instead of just adding content. |
Immahnoob said: Jizzy, I know you have no idea how to argue for shit, tokiyashiro said: Jizzy as you would call yourself because youre a dick The most butthurt award goes to you And clearly you havent watched that many shows thats why you cant determine if a show is unique or not Or maybe you're just a child who likes common stuffs where hero saves the day and guys gets all the girls. Sad taste you have there kid you came up to me in the first place making you look more like a kid who got slapped without me even knowing it and start crying about it to me |
Nov 6, 2013 8:58 AM
Nov 6, 2013 9:01 AM
Siva said: I'm generally am not too optimistic about remakes of jrpg games like this releasing over here. Atelier is a really niche market and usually for smaller series they don't see much point in bringing over re-releases of something that's already over hereJizzyHitler said: It is very likely that they will release it here, well unless they are people who doesn't like Dollar.I hope that releases here, desite its dated gameplay the management and business aspect of rorona was surprisingly addicting so if it does thats great, but im not too optimistic. I mean being a tales of fan really does that to yah after you have had to pass on the quintillion tales of release not coming over edit: wow i was spelling like a fucking idiot on this, post, sorry about that |
JizzyHitlerNov 6, 2013 9:21 AM
Immahnoob said: Jizzy, I know you have no idea how to argue for shit, tokiyashiro said: Jizzy as you would call yourself because youre a dick The most butthurt award goes to you And clearly you havent watched that many shows thats why you cant determine if a show is unique or not Or maybe you're just a child who likes common stuffs where hero saves the day and guys gets all the girls. Sad taste you have there kid you came up to me in the first place making you look more like a kid who got slapped without me even knowing it and start crying about it to me |
Nov 6, 2013 9:19 AM
I played all the Atelier series in ps2 and ds. I'm looking forward to this! |
Nov 6, 2013 9:49 AM
JizzyHitler said: Well both Totori and Meruru were port to Vita and both re-release here. So it will be illogical to not release Rorona Vita here.I'm generally am not too optimistic about remakes of jrpg games like this releasing over here. Atelier is a really niche market and usually for smaller series they don't see much point in bringing over re-releases of something that's already over here so if it does thats great, but im not too optimistic. I mean being a tales of fan really does that to yah after you have had to pass on the quintillion tales of release not coming over edit: wow i was spelling like a fucking idiot on this, post, sorry about that |
Nov 6, 2013 9:53 AM
JizzyHitler said: razisgosu said: I hope that releases here, desite its dated gameplay the management and business aspect of rorona was surprisingly addictingBadAppleWhite said: I thought Atelier Rorona was being animated? Nope. The game is being remade to follow the Atelier Meruru Plus model. The mechanics in Rorona were really dated so Gust is doing a full remake instead of just adding content. I just beat Rorona this week. It was good but definitely very dated when compared to Meruru+. WewWe will see it in the west for sure. Every PS3 and Vita Atelier game has come west. Now if its digital or physical will be another story. Koei Tecmo has only released digital versions of Totori+ and Meruru+. Ayesha and E&L got physical releases, with the Rorona remake being PS3 and Vita I am praying for a dual physical release. |
Nov 6, 2013 11:45 AM
zetsubousei_hero said: Would prefer if they adapt the Arland series (rorona,totori,meruru) instead. +1 Even so is a great notice. I hope they make a good adaptation |
To aru majutsu no index and To aru kagaku no railgun Lover |
Nov 6, 2013 1:36 PM
Siva said: -------------------------------------------------------- @TallonKarrde23: why so serious about this announcement? I understand that you want the best thing, so do I. First of all, just because they announced this one that doesn't mean they will make more after this. Therefore, even if they were announcing Ayesha instead of this one and that will just mean they are making Ayesha and nothing more. Secondly, Ayesha and EschaToLogy might be connected but both games can be played stand alone. The only problem that you might encountered in EschaToLogy is that you want to know more about Ayesha in details but that is not a problem of EschaToLogy. The story of EschaToLogy is directly continued from Ayesha and involves the war in Marion's hometown, involves the end of the world and lore that's discussed heavily in Ayesha (both in the main story quite often and even moreso if you progress the side stories of the characters), and involves very much what happened "before" when alchemy got too powerful and destroyed half the planet (which involves some pretty big possible implications about the Arland trilogy that also explain why Pamela and the blacksmith aren't around after being in almost every single game), inter-dimensional shit, the end of Ayesha also has you killing the one thing KEEPING THE PLANET ALIVE in order to save Nio. Can you play it stand alone? As much as you could play Xenosaga 3 alone. So no, not unless you enjoy playing games while 100% ignoring the story and just pressing x to attack. Escha To Logy is a direct continuation of one of the first serious stories in the franchise and the world building is actually very important to both games. It is literally like jumping in to the middle of a story - because it's factually what they are doing. This is not like Index and Railgun where they have some recurring cast members or plot elements - this is a full blown story, like (as someone used for an example) Lord of the Rings. You don't just hop in at the second film just even though you technically could still enjoy it for the action and music - because you'd have no fucking idea what's going on, why it's happening, or what happened to cause it. You'd just know midgets and elves were fighting typical fantasy monsters 'because'. As for the rest - I'm aware that them announcing one doesn't mean more will come, but that's what I'm worried about. Starting in the MIDDLE of a story-focused series means it very fucking possibly (not definitely, I really hope it does well) could sell like shit and end up with another Atelier never being animated, or at least not for a loooong time. I'd hate that result, so I hate that they are doing this - as it's just begging for that conclusion. If they started with Ayesha - or even Rorona and did the Arland trilogy instead - the sales would likely be higher because non-players could understand it and get into it fully.From that, if the show was good in general aside that as well and sold alright, we'd have a huge chance of more animated Atelier. In this case they are outright alienating anyone (west doesn't count, they don't buy DVD/BD and don't raise TV viewership of JP stations) who hasn't played the game from watching or buying it. This means any more seasons or series being made would be highly unlikely. If you want a very basic explanation of what bothers me so much - it's this: - Ayesha is essentially the world building, the story setup, and involves a shit ton of details about the plot. This is the first third of a book - one of the most important parts of any fiction. - Escha To Logy uses that world, story, and details as it's main focus. This is basically the middle of the book. Everything set up and discussed by the first part is continued, is taking effect, or is further developed. Without Ayesha, you end up with a convoluted and nonsensical plot and story with lots of shit that makes no sense, seems hilariously stupid, is barely explained, and so on - and not only is that bad overall, it'll also make people who don't know anything about Ayesha assume it's a poorly written game. Again, like jumping into the middle of any story. And of course, the show - no matter what it was adapting - could just be a bad show, but that's obviously a different matter all together. And why can't I be serious? This is a franchise I really love, and moreso Ayesha is one of my favorite games ever, nothing wrong with being passionate about it. I like discussing it the few chances I get - at least when I'm not being personally attacked by the staff. edit - oh, forgot one other thing though I don't remember who said it. It was about how they are animating this because it's the "newest" and they hope to raise sales for it with the show. If this is true, it'd be very stupid on their part because, while it is the newest title release, Escha & Logy released all the way back in JUNE. It's sales also already did very well. This anime won't be out until the next game is released or far along in development. If they are doing it for Escha & Logy 'to raise awareness and sales of it' while ignoring how convoluted and butchered that'll make the story - why wouldn't they just do that for the NEXT game and coincide with it's launch? An anime adaptation just as the game comes out. Why do this for a game that's been out months and when the anime won't be airing until the next game is likely released? |
TallonKarrde23Nov 6, 2013 2:19 PM
Nov 6, 2013 2:26 PM
TallonKarrde23 said: Siva said: -------------------------------------------------------- @TallonKarrde23: why so serious about this announcement? I understand that you want the best thing, so do I. First of all, just because they announced this one that doesn't mean they will make more after this. Therefore, even if they were announcing Ayesha instead of this one and that will just mean they are making Ayesha and nothing more. Secondly, Ayesha and EschaToLogy might be connected but both games can be played stand alone. The only problem that you might encountered in EschaToLogy is that you want to know more about Ayesha in details but that is not a problem of EschaToLogy. The story of EschaToLogy is directly continued from Ayesha and involves the war in Marion's hometown, involves the end of the world and lore that's discussed heavily in Ayesha (both in the main story quite often and even moreso if you progress the side stories of the characters), and involves very much what happened "before" when alchemy got too powerful and destroyed half the planet (which involves some pretty big possible implications about the Arland trilogy that also explain why Pamela and the blacksmith aren't around after being in almost every single game), inter-dimensional shit, the end of Ayesha also has you killing the one thing KEEPING THE PLANET ALIVE in order to save Nio. There is nothing at all wrong with starting a story in the middle. It just takes a little more work to do it properly. For instance Uchouten Kazoku very much had the feel that you were in the middle of something much bigger. If handled well it can lead to a much richer world than standard story telling. The thing hasn't even listed all the characters yet so give it a chance! |
Nov 6, 2013 2:34 PM
scruffykiwi said: TallonKarrde23 said: Siva said: -------------------------------------------------------- @TallonKarrde23: why so serious about this announcement? I understand that you want the best thing, so do I. First of all, just because they announced this one that doesn't mean they will make more after this. Therefore, even if they were announcing Ayesha instead of this one and that will just mean they are making Ayesha and nothing more. Secondly, Ayesha and EschaToLogy might be connected but both games can be played stand alone. The only problem that you might encountered in EschaToLogy is that you want to know more about Ayesha in details but that is not a problem of EschaToLogy. The story of EschaToLogy is directly continued from Ayesha and involves the war in Marion's hometown, involves the end of the world and lore that's discussed heavily in Ayesha (both in the main story quite often and even moreso if you progress the side stories of the characters), and involves very much what happened "before" when alchemy got too powerful and destroyed half the planet (which involves some pretty big possible implications about the Arland trilogy that also explain why Pamela and the blacksmith aren't around after being in almost every single game), inter-dimensional shit, the end of Ayesha also has you killing the one thing KEEPING THE PLANET ALIVE in order to save Nio. There is nothing at all wrong with starting a story in the middle. It just takes a little more work to do it properly. For instance Uchouten Kazoku very much had the feel that you were in the middle of something much bigger. If handled well it can lead to a much richer world than standard story telling. The thing hasn't even listed all the characters yet so give it a chance! Well the difference is this is literally the middle of a story. This is different from, say, a piece of fiction written FROM THE START as taking place IN THE MIDDLE. Does that make sense? Like if you start writing a story in the middle of some big war and then eventually fill all that information in and build the world, that can be great. It pulls in the reader/viewer/whatever and makes them want to know more and continue watching or reading it. The problem here is that this is literally the middle portion of a piece of fiction. Not that it was written starting there to begin with. Your example is a series based on light novels that also started off in the 'middle', and thus is a different situation all together. The entire story was written from the start as beginning in the middle. This isn't the case for E&L, all the world building and important information was put forth in Ayesha so that you could focus on the results of all that and the progression of the story in E&L moreso. By removing Ayesha from the mix you end up with an adaptation of a game that lacks a vast majority of its relevant information. Worse, Ayesha did start sort of 'in the middle' and we got all that explanation - and now we're jumping in to the middle of THAT story. So that's essentially an entire world and a half that E&L would need to cover before even touching on E&L's story to properly get it across. In something written from the start as 'in the middle' - they will eventually fit in all the relevant stuff, but E&L doesn't have that because Ayesha does. The entire writing style behind it is hugely different - and I don't believe anyone working in anime has the talent to adapt a story from one thing to an ENTIRELY different style while also mixing in elements from a prior product. As for the cast, Ayesha and friends are in Esha & Logy, so they'll be in the show, but the events of - and things you learn in - Ayesha are important: not just the girl herself. For the record - I really do hope this turns out good. Atelier is one of my favorite game franchises ever, and I hope it not only sells well, but is a great show in general. I just think this was a very stupid decision on their part. |
TallonKarrde23Nov 6, 2013 3:28 PM
Nov 6, 2013 3:27 PM
The main reason they're probably starting with E&L is because of the fact the majority of the story in Ayesha is you chasing around flowers to save your sister. I haven't platinumed Ayesha, nor did I finish Keith's storyline, which is where I suspect you're pulling most of this lore from, but I imagine the anime will add the important bits in flashbacks/cutscenes. If E&L is as dark and story important as you're saying it is, it makes sense to start with E&L because it's a superior story. Devoting an entire anime arc of meeting characters, finding flowers, beating the end boss, wouldn't be all that exciting. |
Nov 6, 2013 3:54 PM
Great, though I wish they'd adapt Totori instead. You know, for the PLOT: |
Nov 6, 2013 3:57 PM
Mizusi said: Great, though I wish they'd adapt Totori instead. You know, for the PLOT: Come on now, Melvia has the real PLOT. Then Totori and Mimi's yuri relationship is the plot. |
Nov 7, 2013 5:24 AM
@TallonKarrde23: First off all, Xenosaga, Xenosaga 2 and Xenosaga 3 are not just a sequel game it is a trilogy game that focus on ONE story, the same main characters and the same plot. On the other hand, Ayesha and EschaToLogy are just a sequel. In Ayesha's game, it is Ayesha's story but in EschaToLogy's game it is EschaToLogy's story. Both story might be heavily connected but it is still a 2 stories with different main characters. Ayesha and EschaToLogy works the same way Lord of the Ring and The Hobbit works. You can watch Lord of the Ring without knowing or watching the direct prequel, The Hobbit. It is a different case if you watch The Two Towers without watching The Fellowship of the Ring because it is a one story separate into 3 parts. |
Nov 7, 2013 1:39 PM
Siva said: @TallonKarrde23: First off all, Xenosaga, Xenosaga 2 and Xenosaga 3 are not just a sequel game it is a trilogy game that focus on ONE story, the same main characters and the same plot. On the other hand, Ayesha and EschaToLogy are just a sequel. In Ayesha's game, it is Ayesha's story but in EschaToLogy's game it is EschaToLogy's story. Both story might be heavily connected but it is still a 2 stories with different main characters. Ayesha and EschaToLogy works the same way Lord of the Ring and The Hobbit works. You can watch Lord of the Ring without knowing or watching the direct prequel, The Hobbit. It is a different case if you watch The Two Towers without watching The Fellowship of the Ring because it is a one story separate into 3 parts. Except everything you said is wrong. Unless you're gonna tell me it's a "new game" whenever you switch to playing as Jr. in Xenosaga, then what you said is far from something you can apply here. Yes, the lead role switches to new characters - no, the story is not some ther story in the same world. It is a direct continuation of Ayesha. Not a 'related story'. It is ONE story with different leads. |
Nov 7, 2013 6:35 PM
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