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May 25, 2013 10:57 AM

Jan 2011
Once again Shinobu shows the scariest game face of any of the contestants at the championships. Since the only one she will deign to talk to (or sparkle at) is Arata, I suspect it will be an SxA ending as well as CxT. Does anyone really want to stand in the way of Shinobu and what she wants?
Please don't feed the trolls!
In my next life I want to collide at the corner with the cute transfer student
carrying a piece of toast in her mouth

May 25, 2013 11:49 AM
Jan 2010
TheLilyanna said:
I felt so god damn bad about Taichi. He is my favourite, and i really hope he ends with Chihaya. But childhood friend never wins. Usually.

But technically Arata is her childhood friend too.
May 25, 2013 11:51 AM
May 2013
I really think that Chihaya will be the best Karuta player everywhere. better than the queen, better than suo, and better than arata.

-she has great reflexes
- she has the best hearing equaling the master suo (probably better since, suo has to have a casette tape to record the readers voice and memorize it)
- she is very fast with her hands
-she can change and adapt quickly
(like what fujisaki coach said to her and rion)
- loves karuta
May 25, 2013 12:29 PM
Feb 2013
So, the individual event begins and I'm guessing that for the last 5 eps is gonna focus there.
May 25, 2013 12:45 PM

Aug 2011
Shinobu is such a bitch...
May 25, 2013 12:46 PM

Jan 2012
RazorRamona200 said:
So, the individual event begins and I'm guessing that for the last 5 eps is gonna focus there.

I hope they don't even start it. I can't see them rushing it all in 5 eps and I really don't want to be left on massive cliffhanger.

itsvero said:
Shinobu is such a bitch...

Awwww she is a sweetheart really :3 I mean come on look at her fashion sense, too cute hehe
May 25, 2013 1:12 PM

Mar 2013
ReasonDesu said:
I hope they don't even start it. I can't see them rushing it all in 5 eps and I really don't want to be left on massive cliffhanger.

Yeah but if they do the chances of a third season are even more likely huhuhu

At the same time they're adapting the manga faithfully more or less and if you go by the speed they're adapting it (including all the stuff they skip) I dunno how they could do a third season since they're kinda close to the latest chapter at this point... but this is Chihayafuru so even if the writers do an anime-original story for the (much hoped-for) 3rd season I guess it's still gonna be awesome(‐^▽^‐)
May 25, 2013 1:12 PM
Feb 2011
The duality of Taichi's relationship with Arata feels so realistic. On one hand, it's pretty obvious he's a friend and he's still glad to see him but in another way, he wants to keep him at a distance because he's clearly identified him as a rival for Chihaya's affection.

Taichi's still a little bit of a coward inside but it really kills me to see people hate him because of his bratty actions when he was a child. I mean, I really thought he was a dick too but you could see through his actions as petty jealousy and he started being mean because of that.

But Taichi has changed so much since then, it's completely absurd to see people pin his actions as a kid. It's like they decided to close their eyes on the growth of Taichi from someone who was ready to give up on karuta when he was entering High School because as he put it 'I could spend my entire childhood on Karuta and I'd still come up short against Arata' to someone who tirelessly tries again and again to make class A (and fails) while seeing Chihaya fawn over Arata like some sort of Karuta God at every turn and he's still willing to try, to be able to challenge him too. What exactly has he done since that was mean? Nothing. Even accompanied her to Fukui to see Arata at the start of the series.

The biggest problem with Taichi is his lack of confidence. This victory over Fujisaki's captain is what I believe will be his turning point. Hell, I think Retro even described Taichi as being a better player than Nishida, it's a mix of bad luck and Taichi thinking he lacks the talent to make it. And this lack of confidence transfers directly over his reluctance to admit his feelings openly to Chihaya. The closest he came to do this was near the start of the series when he was about to take her hand before Arata came on a bike and Chihaya suddenly ran after him. He's practically fighting against a memory rather than a person at this point given how little contact they've had since their childhood. And it scares him that he could be rejected.
NcrdrgMay 25, 2013 1:40 PM
May 25, 2013 1:14 PM

Mar 2012
It saddens me a little to see so many people disliking Taichi, but everyone has their own preferences. Taichi has always been my favorite character, and his flaws and emotional weaknesses are part of what I believe makes him the most realistic and humanly relate-able character in the series.

I actually found the separation he placed between himself and Arata interesting; I didn't take the "enemy" part as something malicious but as something more like he was indicating as a rival. Competition isn't always about sweet sentiments and friendship, and I think Taichi is just drawing that line, and he's putting those aside in order to attain his goals. I don't think Taichi is being some sort of awful friend or has never even considered Arata as a friend. Arata has undoubtedly influenced him positively, and I don't believe Taichi has utterly neglected whatever friendship they've had between them. When he sees Arata as the competition, he's not going to have friendly, nostalgic sentiments of their childhood playing as a team; things are different now.

Anyways, as for the rest of the episode, I can't possibly see the individual matches going over well (mostly for Chihaya). And it made me a little sad to see all the bits of development we got for Shinobu over the course of the team tournament go to waste when she adamantly declared to crush everyone and show them that team matches are worthless. I still like her character, but I just really hope those little developments end up going somewhere.
May 25, 2013 3:04 PM

Oct 2011
Man that recap of the tournament arc with first season ending playing. Brought back memories of season 1.

OMG!!! Chihaya didn't get to talk to Arata. Taichi is now Arata's enemy. Dang now she has to play with her left hand but that's not working out T w T

Finally the individual matches.
May 25, 2013 3:10 PM

May 2013
It takes months of practice to achieve the same coordination on both hands. I don't think Chihaya can win with her left hand. Either she loose this match or her wound get worse and she's forced to forfait her next game.
May 25, 2013 4:33 PM
Jan 2012
Ah no Chihaya! Why are you injured so badly! It'd be pretty awesome if she masters playing with her left hand though.

Not too sure what's happening with this whole Chihaya, Tachi, Arata business but I look forward to Arata coming to Tokyo, I'm sure the anime will be even interesting then even though it's not good news to Taichi but I really think they would make an awesome team! Though Misuzawa is already an awesome team!^^
May 25, 2013 8:20 PM
May 2013
I smiled so much throughout the whole episode I almost cried Arata and his accent are the cutest thing ever. Taichi made me like him even less with that comment though, I swear ever since I began this anime every time he talks it pisses me off a bit. I agree with everyone else though, we need to see him and Chihaya develop their relationship. Also, the flashbacks would've annoyed me, but it had such great music that I didn't mind them.
May 25, 2013 11:51 PM

Apr 2009
Daaaarrrn and I thought something was going to happen when Taichi was sleeping..
May 26, 2013 3:30 AM

May 2010
Ah...This series is wonderful.....It easily rivals both Yahari ore no seishun and Shingeki no kyojin for the best series:D
May 26, 2013 7:55 AM
Jun 2009
they're sooo gonna end this on a cliffhanger note. why the filler episode few weeks ago if they wasted 5 minutes on recap in this one? UGH!
Taichi, my baby! that Chihaya-creeping scene made me squee, I hate this anime so much
May 26, 2013 10:12 AM
Mar 2012
Ncrdrg said:
The duality of Taichi's relationship with Arata feels so realistic. On one hand, it's pretty obvious he's a friend and he's still glad to see him but in another way, he wants to keep him at a distance because he's clearly identified him as a rival for Chihaya's affection.
Well said.
I like Taichi because he's not perfect. He's got his issues.

Arata? He seems ok, but there's not enough presence to judge him. He's still too flat. He doesn't feel like a real character in this series.
But I was also surpsised that they didn't talk.

Chihaya's not gonna make it far like this. Which will then probably lead to her practicing with both hands. Or something. I don't understand why she started at all.
May 26, 2013 12:27 PM

Sep 2011
ahmed_great2005 said:
Ah...This series is wonderful.....It easily rivals both Yahari ore no seishun and Shingeki no kyojin for the best series:D

Fixed ;)

Even with the recap, and awesome episode. I really expect that they 'll finish this tournament before season ends.
May 26, 2013 2:58 PM

Jan 2012
we're only half way done. just close that index finger and tape it!
My Guitar Covers:

May 26, 2013 6:28 PM

May 2010
Summary: 5 minutes of flashback, 3 minutes of Op and ED and 10 minutes staring at each other talking bullshit and only 2 minutes of Shinobu and Arata.
May 26, 2013 6:37 PM

Jun 2012
v3catsxanime said:
TheLilyanna said:
I felt so god damn bad about Taichi. He is my favourite, and i really hope he ends with Chihaya. But childhood friend never wins. Usually.

But technically Arata is her childhood friend too.

Yeah, but she knew taichi for much longer.
May 26, 2013 6:46 PM

Oct 2012
AHHHHH! I lose it everytime an episode ends! So so good!!!
May 26, 2013 10:46 PM

Jan 2008
Eh? More flashbacks? It's redundant. The way they were executed made them more another filler to stretch the 25-episode of S2. Watching through them soured my mood but thanks to the individual tournament which redeemed this episode for me.
May 27, 2013 4:26 AM

Sep 2012
stickymochi said:
Daaaarrrn and I thought something was going to happen when Taichi was sleeping..
Me too!!! I was like, "Kiss him! KISS HIM!!!" But alas, no... not to be.
May 27, 2013 9:22 AM

Dec 2011
Mostly recap but liked it nonetheless. Maybe that's just because they had Soshite Ima as background music though. I love that song.
There is no such thing as shit taste. Only idiots who think everyone should have the same taste as they do.
May 27, 2013 9:26 AM

Oct 2011
Cincib0i said:
Chihaya: Cries to Arata about how great teams are.
Arata: The only team for me is the one I had with Taichi and Chihaya.
Taichi: I don't want you on my team even if Chihaya does. You're my enemy.

Getting harder for me to like Taichi. All they want is to play on a karuta team together as friends and he can't even accept that. He has his reasons but this comes off as a bit selfish and jealous.


To me, I saw a glimpse of his childhood self, the little annoying selfish brat. I've never liked Taichi and probably never will. He would probably quit Karuta if Chihaya wasn't there. For people saying that it's "normal" for him to be this way, it's not. He needs to just keep being himself and let it go. If it doesn't work out, it wasn't meant to be. And he should just confess to Chihaya instead of waiting for the end to come.

And all this thing about Arata being his "enemy" Seriously!! Taichi is the only one of them thinking about love. So much that he is trowing away his friendship with Arata. It doesn't even cross Chihaya and Arata's mind so what's the big deal. There's no rival if those two are oblivious to it.
LuxtressMay 27, 2013 9:39 AM
May 27, 2013 1:46 PM

Jul 2011
Arata's opponent face was hilarious! xD

Rannta said:
ahmed_great2005 said:
Ah...This series is wonderful.....It easily rivals both Yahari ore no seishun and Shingeki no kyojin for the best series:D

Fixed ;)

There is nothing to fix here...

Anyway, Chihayafuru 2 is from the winter season.
May 27, 2013 10:13 PM
Apr 2013
I really love this anime but I was hoping that by now there would be a little more romance! But there is still hope!
May 28, 2013 12:18 AM

Aug 2012
Erzaa said:

To me, I saw a glimpse of his childhood self, the little annoying selfish brat. I've never liked Taichi and probably never will. He would probably quit Karuta if Chihaya wasn't there. For people saying that it's "normal" for him to be this way, it's not. He needs to just keep being himself and let it go. If it doesn't work out, it wasn't meant to be. And he should just confess to Chihaya instead of waiting for the end to come.

And all this thing about Arata being his "enemy" Seriously!! Taichi is the only one of them thinking about love. So much that he is trowing away his friendship with Arata. It doesn't even cross Chihaya and Arata's mind so what's the big deal. There's no rival if those two are oblivious to it.

You basically just said a bunch of things the previous Taichi haters/Arata nuthuggers have already said. And all those "points" have been addressed by several of us already. There are plenty of posts to refer to. Maybe try to refute some of them rather than being redundant and providing no substance to the discussion.
May 28, 2013 2:45 AM

Jul 2009
and lol at the Taichi haters.

it's funny how some of you mentioned that without Chihaya, Tachi wouldn't even been playing.

well guess what? it's the same thing with Arata

remember the first season where he got all depressed when his grandfather died and he kick the karuta cards in front of Chihaya?

if Taichi didn't scold Arata for doing that to Chihaya he would have been depressed all of his life.

the fact that even though Chihaya left the house to get some space, Taichi still talked to Arata and made him realize what he has done.

some people keep forgetting that everyone is human and makes mistakes

it's also unfair that Taichi spent the most time with Chihaya all these years and she still might end up going for Arata.

oh well that's life for ya, and i feel sorry for Taichi.

believe me Taichi was one of my MOST hated characters during the childhood flashback.

then i began to like him as a character. since i know i can relate to what he is experiencing.

though i was surprised on how Taichi declared Arata as an enemy, but it was more of a rival way instead of a hate enemy.

some people are overreacting to this.

as for the last 5 episodes it's gonna concentrate more on Arata and Za Queen (expect flashbacks and awesome play)

Grand Finals Za Queen vs Arata.

Chihaya might make it to semi finals to face Za Queen, but loses badly due to her injury.

Taichi might lose to Retro(since he looks like he might not take this as seriously if he was in Class A)or Eromu or even Sudo if he gets far(though im not sure if the winner of one Class can face the top class)

if there is a Season 3, it'll focus more on Chihaya's path on becoming Za Queen, and more focus on love relationships(it seems they keep forgetting this is a Josei love story between the three) instead of battles from the previous two seasons.

in any case i just hope we get to see Chihaya becoming Za Queen!!

though im not sure how far the anime will be compare to the manga.

i want more Chihaya goodness!!!!!!
May 28, 2013 2:47 AM

Jun 2009
Very nice touch with the flash back and "Soshite Ima" as the BGM.

It was a great journey for Mizusawa.

Now... Can't wait for Arata to show everyone how good the grandson of "god of Karuta" really is.
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
May 28, 2013 3:43 AM

Sep 2012
PrinceHeir said:
and lol at the Taichi haters.

it's funny how some of you mentioned that without Chihaya, Tachi wouldn't even been playing.

well guess what? it's the same thing with Arata

remember the first season where he got all depressed when his grandfather died and he kick the karuta cards in front of Chihaya?

if Taichi didn't scold Arata for doing that to Chihaya he would have been depressed all of his life.

the fact that even though Chihaya left the house to get some space, Taichi still talked to Arata and made him realize what he has done.

some people keep forgetting that everyone is human and makes mistakes

it's also unfair that Taichi spent the most time with Chihaya all these years and she still might end up going for Arata.
though im not sure how far the anime will be compare to the manga.

i want more Chihaya goodness!!!!!!

They are all playing Karuta because of each other. Chihaya never would have known about it, Taichi and Arata never would have kept up with it if ALL of them had not introduced and encouraged Chihaya at first and then had her bring them back to the game later. It is what this show is about really, you are better, stronger as a team supporting each other, using each other's strengths and working on each other's weaknesses than you would be on your own.

The anime is in book 16 of the manga right now. I will be surprised if the anime does all of book 17 in season 2. Book 21 comes out next month, 22 in September (with OVA episode!) so we will need to see if there is enough material for them to do season 3 in Winter 2014. I sure hope so!

Initial sales numbers are out and they're good for Season 2's Blurays and DVDs, already over 3250 in week one and I hope it might rank again next week. As it is, that breaks even already for the disc sales alone and along with the 400000 manga sales / volume I think season 3 should be a given, merely a matter of when as the manga may need a few more books unless they want to slow down the pace even more for S3.

I got my boxed set and I rewatched episodes 1-3 again yesterday and just love it. The second year club recruiting, Sumire after Taichi, it is all so funny! Just great stuff, highly rewatchable and beautiful on Blu-ray with 1080p and high quality sound.

Chihayafuru2 by hpulley, on Flickr
hpulleyMay 28, 2013 3:46 AM
May 28, 2013 3:48 AM

May 2010
PrinceHeir said:
that killer smile!!!

May 29, 2013 6:07 AM

Jul 2009
So much recap ... why do you do this Chihayafuru? WHY?! T_T
I really liked the interaction between Arata and Taichi this episode. Especially when Taichi said that Chihaya wanted to be a team again, but he didn't. Also when they were walking away from each other ... DUN DUN DUN! I mean Arata was just like "Yeah I'm going to win and go to Tokyo" :O That'll certainly be interesting ... guess that's what he asked his parents for?
So Chihaya is competing after all? Using her left hand ... unfortunately I don't think that's a very smart move. Of course I guess she "had" to play (main chara and all) but I think it would have been interesting had she been watching. Then again, with her off hand against other Class A players ... well, I guess let's just say I don't expect her to get that far? :P
I'm more interested in the Queen actually - dat confidence! I kinda want to see her crush everyone XD Shinobu vs. Arata would be very interesting to watch. What's up with Taichi?! Even Retro is worried ... uh oh, come on! The tournament's starting! D:
That said, I really liked the insert song ... so nice :3 Almost balanced the fact we had a long recap in the middle of the episode ... >_<
May 29, 2013 7:18 AM
Mar 2013
I feel like Arata genuinely loves and enjoys karuta much like Chihaya does. Arata and Chihaya both seem eager to play some fun and challenging matches as they march together head on into the individual tournament. I remember a while back (I think it was season 1) Arata sent a text to Chihaya after a tournament not asking about how she did, but simply asking if she had fun. I also remember some of the prep talks Taichi gave Chihaya this season and last season. They always seem to be focused on winning and he was wondering to himself if he said the wrong thing to her. I feel Arata understands Chihaya's love for karuta more so than Taichi does, but Taichi understood Chihaya's ambitions to be the best in Japan as a team. I feel that Taichi just doesn't love karuta or enjoy it the same way Chihaya and Arata do. His priorities seem elsewhere as we just see him sulking at the end of the episode. I understand his frustration of being stuck in class B, but come on Taichi, you should be looking forward to some exciting matches!
May 29, 2013 4:41 PM

Jul 2009
hpulley said:
PrinceHeir said:
and lol at the Taichi haters.

I got my boxed set and I rewatched episodes 1-3 again yesterday and just love it. The second year club recruiting, Sumire after Taichi, it is all so funny! Just great stuff, highly rewatchable and beautiful on Blu-ray with 1080p and high quality sound.

Chihayafuru2 by hpulley, on Flickr

now this is freaking amazing!!!!!

i want that blu ray 1080p goodness!!!!!!
May 29, 2013 5:01 PM

Sep 2012
^^^ quite affordable by import standards, $140 at!
May 29, 2013 5:49 PM

Jul 2009
I really liked this episode, so much good moments between Taichi and Chihaya! I hope they end up together.

May 30, 2013 9:25 AM

Nov 2008
Seriously though, Taichi >>> Arata.
May 31, 2013 7:33 PM
Nov 2011
I think Taichi is wondering why he's there, because of all the effort they put into team play, but I think hearing that Arata will be a local love rival, just may be the push he needs to really break through. Taichi is going to win Class B... book it.
Ayase, may beat her first match, but I think that's a long shot, Porky will make the finals and lose to arata or the queen

The interesting matches probably won't be on the lower class players.
Be thankful for those you have near who are dear
For time is not always kind to those who would be on your mind
Seize the day, some exclaim, but that which is past, no more shall have its day.
Jun 1, 2013 6:00 PM
Sep 2009
Taichi is really starting to get on my nerves with his Arat hate.

He hates poor guy for nothing! If he wants Chihaya that much, then do something! At least try instead of just blindly hating and hiding!
Jun 2, 2013 7:11 AM

Jul 2012
Chihayafuru. The only show that can make me cry within the first two minutes. 5/5


bittersweetlove said:
I really liked this episode, so much good moments between Taichi and Chihaya! I hope they end up together.

stormgoddess said:
PrinceHeir said:
that killer smile!!!


Jun 4, 2013 6:19 AM

Sep 2012
kitten320 said:
Taichi is really starting to get on my nerves with his Arat hate.

He hates poor guy for nothing! If he wants Chihaya that much, then do something! At least try instead of just blindly hating and hiding!

I agree,and his gay fans/fangirls are very defensive,just wtf,
generic humans liking a generic character,and they will call you a hater if you stated something negative about that character,even though it's their opinion,yeah just like annoying justin bieber fans all over again.
Jun 7, 2013 4:41 AM

Jun 2011
gioss said:
Smurd said:
gioss said:
Taichi, you need to stop playing karuta. The only reason you do is because of Chihaya. Stop chasing after her. You do not stand a chance against Arata - both in game or love. ;)

I think it's clear by this point that he's not playing *just* for Chihaya anymore. He may have started because of his feelings for her, but you can't chalk up all his suffering and perseverance to get better to "oh, he's playing only because he loves her". It may have been the main reason he started playing, and it still has significance in the plot but it's gotten smaller as time has passed. This is now mostly for himself, because he likes karuta and *wants* to better himself.

I say BS. he *is* playing for Chihaya and her club. That's the reason he plays karuta. It's to be with Chihaya and get closer to her. He wouldn't be on that club playing karuta if Chihaya isn't there. And there is nothing wrong with that. I think that's a valid reason. But he just doesn't stand a chance against Arata - both in game and love. I'm sure he will understand that.

I say Taichi is playing 40% for himself 60% for Chihaya, he's even willing to go to the same school as Chihaya and play karuta, instead of going to other school, because he scares that their relationship would just end there after they were seperated, and karuta is the only thing connecting them.. is what Taichi thinks..

On topic, that scene with Arata and Chihaya walking into the room where the match held, that was awesome, and also Shinobu said that she would crush everyone, send chills down my spine, so evil XP. If Chihaya wins this, I seriously won't be able to take this show seriously anymore.. seriously, seriously and seriously..
Honobono Log - best slice of life short
most kawaii loli overlord
Donquixote Doflamingo AMV - Control
Jun 10, 2013 6:32 PM

Dec 2010
taichi is a dick yeah i said it and im not taking it back.whats really sad is that the brainless ones cant see him for what he is a jerk.i knew that from episode one in the first season he should just grow up. the only reason i dont want him to be with chihaya is not the fact that arata is a sweetheart{hes so cool}but i just think she deserve better that that asshole
what a bitch like a little panty saying things behind people back why didnt he say it in his face that they are enemies its just like what arata said in the first season when they were kids
hes a coward
Jun 22, 2013 3:34 PM

Sep 2011
I'm a bit disappointed we wont be able to see Chihaya perform at 100%... but at least shes participating I guess.

Playing the last season's ED was a really nice touch as well. Dem feels man.
Jul 3, 2013 11:05 AM

May 2012
Poor Chihaya, I doubt she'll make a chance with her injury :/ the episode was decent but had a small but pointless recap for some reason.. either way lets see what's next!
Jul 22, 2013 6:48 AM
May 2012
kitten320 said:
Taichi is really starting to get on my nerves with his Arata hate.

He hates poor guy for nothing! If he wants Chihaya that much, then do something! At least try instead of just blindly hating and hiding!

I agree, I want Taichi to end up with Chihaya but he needs to do something to make that happen not just hating Arata who didn't do anything bad. It's just I knew nothing about Arata besides being good at karuta I didn't see his character develop probably because he barely shows up unlike Taichi.
Aug 11, 2013 4:57 PM

Sep 2012
Yes, seeing Arata playing karuta again. I don't care about their relationship with Taichi i just want Arata end up with Chihaya but i don't think its possible, oh well.
Aug 13, 2013 7:59 AM
Feb 2011
hpulley said:
PrinceHeir said:
it's funny how some of you mentioned that without Chihaya, Tachi wouldn't even been playing.

well guess what? it's the same thing with Arata

They are all playing Karuta because of each other. Chihaya never would have known about it, Taichi and Arata never would have kept up with it if ALL of them had not introduced and encouraged Chihaya at first and then had her bring them back to the game later. It is what this show is about really, you are better, stronger as a team supporting each other, using each other's strengths and working on each other's weaknesses than you would be on your own.

Ncrdrg said:
But Taichi has changed so much since then, it's completely absurd to see people pin his actions as a kid. It's like they decided to close their eyes on the growth of Taichi from someone who was ready to give up on karuta when he was entering High School because as he put it 'I could spend my entire childhood on Karuta and I'd still come up short against Arata' to someone who tirelessly tries again and again to make class A (and fails) while seeing Chihaya fawn over Arata like some sort of Karuta God at every turn and he's still willing to try, to be able to challenge him too. What exactly has he done since that was mean? Nothing. Even accompanied her to Fukui to see Arata at the start of the series.

My thoughts in a nutmeg. As far as Taichi's attitude towards Arata goes, I believe he's handling the dangerous mix of jealousy and lack of self-confidence well without being a threat to the trio's relationship. And can I just reiterate this?
Ncrdrg said:
The biggest problem with Taichi is his lack of confidence. This victory over Fujisaki's captain is what I believe will be his turning point. Hell, I think Retro even described Taichi as being a better player than Nishida, it's a mix of bad luck and Taichi thinking he lacks the talent to make it. And this lack of confidence transfers directly over his reluctance to admit his feelings openly to Chihaya.
As far as character development goes, Taichi's attitude is the most interesting.
JujikaAug 13, 2013 8:06 AM
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