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Mar 24, 2008 4:18 PM
Oct 2007
Nice way to end the match Sakuragi
Great ep, great anime...

Pity they didnt continue with the Inter High...
Meh, enjoyed it..

Keep owning, Shohoku
Sep 12, 2008 4:30 PM

Aug 2007
The ending was a little sudden, but I don't blame them, because otherwise the anime can keep going forever!
I started off thinking badly of Slam Dunk, but after I started watching it, I found all its good points and discovered its appeal. All in all, Slam Dunk was a wonderful sports anime and this was a great capping eps to finish it all with. I'll miss Slam Dunk!
May 8, 2009 6:51 PM

Jun 2008
Damnit, I really wanted to see them in the nationals. oh well
Aug 19, 2009 4:28 PM

Mar 2008
This final episode left me with a bitter feeling. I wished they would have animated the rest of the story. Good as it was, I would have watched another 100 eps. Anyway, nice match Shohoku! Sakuragi's dunks always psyche me up x)
Sep 6, 2009 8:28 AM

Sep 2009
Didn't the director of the anime pass away? I thought some abrupt event ended the series... thank goodness Inoue finished the manga story :)
"I think I know, I don't think I know, I don't think think I know, I don't think I think." - Ed
Sep 20, 2009 3:04 PM

Mar 2008
So the manga is much longer? Man I wanna see the Inter High and I wanna see more of Sakuragi's talent!! F'ck Rukawa! He sucks!! Hanamichi for the win!!
Oct 7, 2009 6:29 AM

Mar 2009
I would've rated it a 10 if they had completed the anime. Too bad.
Nov 12, 2009 9:06 PM
Jun 2008
30/101, pretty much enjoying it
Dec 1, 2009 6:51 PM
Jun 2008
just finished watching episode 101... man it is a great anime to watch.
May 26, 2010 9:11 PM

Apr 2010
Great episode... any updates tell me..
Jun 10, 2010 7:22 PM

Feb 2008
this series would have been ten times better if they'd cut out 90% of the flashbacks/recaps/useless shots of the crowd and condensed it down 52- episodes :/

think Rukawa and Sakuragi both need to learn how to share the ball a bit better if they're going to win at the nationals. speaking of which, i wish they'd covered the nationals in the epilogue instead of doing yet another recap. but I guess they're saving them for the movies.
Dec 16, 2010 11:15 PM
Nov 2009
Unberivaburiya! (Unbelievable!)
I always laugh when I hear that word. Anyhow, this brought back so many memories. It seems that I still enjoyed this series after all these years. It's a shame the anime didn't go any further. Not changing my rating of 9/10.
Jan 29, 2011 8:05 AM

Feb 2010
Nostalgic. I watched this every Saturday. The anime is decent with 2nd ED being a hit among most of Slam Dunk fans. I have a little issues about the pacing and the rather repetitive movements though.
Mar 13, 2011 3:31 AM

Dec 2009
i finished the anime yesterday, it took me 9 days to finish the 101 episodes (during schooltime).. xD it would be the best if they would continue the series, i really would love to see Sakuragi and the others to show up again.. *.* it really made me want to play basketball.. xD xD
i liked the first & second ending a lot, also the second opening too.. i think they were quite good! :D
i have to admit that there was a time, it took i bet at least 10 episodes in the series (or more.. :O) that they were playing against Kainan, and it was sooo long that i really wanted to go to sleep already.. :-/ (well, i learnt the lesson, i shouldn't have started that part at night.. maybe a bit earlier.. xD)
well, i have to say that too, that my reason to watch this anime was beacuse i wanted to read some good yaoi doujinshis.. haha.. xD xD and that's why i didn't expect that i would find it this good and finish it up so soon.. :O (the Sendo x Rukawa pairing is hot! i love Rukawa in the uke role!! *.*)
(but that's true that there were quite a lot yaoish moments.. why do the players have to slap each other's butt? xD i really enjoyed that!)
among the characters i loved Sakuragi the most! :D without him the whole series wouldn't be this good, i'm sure of it!! :D

i'm planning to read the manga too, which is quite rare, i never read manga in this genre.. :)
Apr 5, 2011 7:21 AM
Jul 2010
Just finished, it was good, though Rukawa is obviously too overpowered, and Hanamichi could be a bit more mature, anime more shows that Rukawa is protagonist though it should be opposite anyways who ever made Rukawa like this was a bit retarted, really, you make male protagonist immature, self proclaimed genius idiot instead of at least person with decent character..Anyways this was good in first half, second half of episodes it's started getting monotonous also one sided love between Haruna/Sakuragi , Haruna/Rukawa made anime even more bad at least for me, and those Rukawa's fans are annoying as hell, I wanted to punch the screen, anyways this show deserved 8 at its best, more than that would be offense..
Jul 24, 2011 7:17 AM

May 2010
just finished the anime 10/10,i want a series 2!
Oct 1, 2011 8:45 AM

Jan 2010
Awesome anime very fulfilling to see Sakuragi's growth. 5/5 A++++++++++++++++++++ would watch again :D

Oct 11, 2011 5:04 PM

May 2010
Time for the manga!
Dec 4, 2011 12:23 AM

May 2009
I just had my mind blown. I remember this show on TV when i was growing up(wasn't an otaku back then) and i though that it was the worst animation i've ever seen. 16 years later, I find this has gotta be the best thing i've ever seen. Anyway, i fking loved the show and stoping right before inter high is alright with me. However, one thing still troubles me, Haruko still gets an cosmic orgasm every time that bastard fox errraaa. Not a single blush was given to sakuragi who try so hard to please her.... Just one gesture of anything will do....
Sep 5, 2012 6:28 PM

May 2012
Finally done!!! Awesome.. and Hanamichi is still funny until the end! But I wish to see them play at the Nationals.. too bad :(
Sep 27, 2012 9:13 AM

Feb 2008
jacobpaige said:
this series would have been ten times better if they'd cut out 90% of the flashbacks/recaps/useless shots of the crowd and condensed it down 52- episodes :/

True, some scenes were way overused. Like Azai's speech to Mitsui, think they showed that part like 4 times...
Though I still liked this show a lot!
Dec 29, 2012 3:08 PM
Oct 2010
jacobpaige said:
this series would have been ten times better if they'd cut out 90% of the flashbacks/recaps/useless shots of the crowd and condensed it down 52- episodes :/

think Rukawa and Sakuragi both need to learn how to share the ball a bit better if they're going to win at the nationals. speaking of which, i wish they'd covered the nationals in the epilogue instead of doing yet another recap. but I guess they're saving them for the movies.
Indeed, it was extended way too much. This could have easily been done in 3 cours (36 episodes).

I was annoyed a lot (both by the slow pace and lack of maturing on Sakuragi's account), but I also enjoyed it quite a bit... It's a shame it couldn't get finished. I just had to jump to the manga to see how it ends.

I would definitely watch a remake (hoping for the full story), however unlikely it is for it to ever be made.
"Against stupidity the gods themselves contend in vain"
Friedrich Schiller
Jan 7, 2013 6:55 PM

Nov 2011
nice anime, 9/10
indeed, it was have some weakness like slow pace, but because Sakuragi's laugh moments, that all can be forgiven.. Sakuragi FTW !! :)
I think Rukawa become more sucks talkactive in this last moments ... :(

too bad Haruko, Youhei and others cannot support them to Inter-High.. :(
but I still not lose hope, I think I should going to the manga ... :)
"The Slave is the have-not, the oppressed one with nothing to spare.
But because the Slave is in that despairing situation, having nothing, it can kill the Emperor !"
Jan 7, 2013 7:06 PM

Aug 2012
Oh..Slam Dunk, awesome anime. Better than Kuroko no Basuke imo. I rated it as 10/10 but i wished as well to see them in the Nationals; seems that it is a bit longer in the manga tho.

Don't forget to watch the movies, they are pretty cool.
Jan 13, 2013 8:52 AM
Jan 2013
10/10 brilliant anime! Sad they didn't continue it like the manga did (I'm going to read from the manga where the anime series leaves off to fully finish the series). I truly hope they will bring the anime back to fully finish it and even add more to the series tbqh. The anime is brilliant and wayyyy ahead of it's time haha. I never knew HOW huge the series actually was but predicted it had to be huge because of how good it was until I did research after finishing the anime!
Mar 12, 2013 7:54 PM

Dec 2011
Thoroughly unsatisfying ending methinks. It was like just as Sakuragi was really about to take off and become a beast the story ends with a practice game. Durpity durp!

I'd say the best part of Slam Dunk was the comedy, it certainly did make me laugh a few times. Oh and I hate Rukawa and the fact that a very unlikable character was the teams start in place of the main character. Kind of bad taste if you ask me.
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Mar 14, 2013 2:05 AM
Apr 2012
LayedBack said:
Thoroughly unsatisfying ending methinks. It was like just as Sakuragi was really about to take off and become a beast the story ends with a practice game. Durpity durp!

I'd say the best part of Slam Dunk was the comedy, it certainly did make me laugh a few times. Oh and I hate Rukawa and the fact that a very unlikable character was the teams start in place of the main character. Kind of bad taste if you ask me.

Yeah, A practice game full of All stars from the two teams that gave them a scare. A Shoyo/Ryonan all star team vs Shohoku, and Shohoku still won, shows they are more than ready for a bigger challenge.
Apr 10, 2013 5:39 AM

Jan 2013
Great anime, i want season 2!
May 27, 2013 12:12 AM
May 2013
One of my favorite anime. As a sports fan, i'm having a hard time finding another sports anime with this level of greatness.
Aug 25, 2013 12:27 PM

Jan 2011
Overlooking the technicality of the game, this show is great!
Great laughs...Everybody was funny at one point or another.
Ending was very loose,though...

Aug 25, 2013 1:50 PM

Oct 2009
Slam Dunk is such a great show! I loved everything! =D
Dec 25, 2013 4:15 PM

Mar 2010
Genius Sakuragi!
Jan 17, 2014 2:53 PM

Dec 2012
There's just something about sports anime that I really enjoy. One of those feel good sensations where characters are united by their passion for the sport and their personal lives, differences, and other unnecessary stuff are left outside of the court. It's almost as if their whole lives revolve around the sport.

Kind of expected them to stop right at the trip to the nationals the moment it became clear there were no more big games. It was a nice place to stop the anime but I still wish I could have seen the Inter High. Fairly anti-climatic ending episodes since the Ryonan vs Shohoku showdown. It was hilarious when Sakuragi got to the station late and got chased away by Kainan though.

Starting with what I didn't like, personally I felt the jokes got overused and some of them, especially the "I'm a genius BAHAHAHAHAHA!" got stale, albeit still funny from time to time. I didn't really like Sakuragi's lack of character development either. His development as a player was awesome to see, but he never really matured and each new victory just inflated his ego even more.

Luckily what I did like weighs out and slam dunks my dislikes into the ground. I loved the authentic feeling of basketball that came with this series. There weren't many moments where the character's plays felt "unbelievable-ya!", excluding Sakuragi's clone walls and super sonic ball handling :p.

Slam Dunk was also very hilarious, with golden moments of comedy that had me roaring each episode. Some jokes got old and overdone but for the most part I kept laughing start to finish.

SD has also really inspired me to start taking up basketball on the side. I played when I was younger but lost interest and now even if it's just some casual shooting, I want to get on the court and get my hands on a basketball again. The determination of the characters has also really motivated me to continue working hard in my own endeavors and remain strong willed and determined.

Hilarious, inspiring, and authentic. 9/10.
Mar 13, 2014 4:45 PM

Sep 2011
I cried when this show ended and now after so many years, finished re-watching it again and still can't stop crying after watching the last episode. Please bring back this show :((
May 4, 2014 12:31 PM

Jun 2012
Oh so he was practicing jump shots, not 3 pointers. I see. I had a feeling they were going to end it with a slam dunk. Overall it was a good show, but I didn't like how my fav characters (Miyagi and Mitsui) barely got any screen time.
May 7, 2014 1:09 PM

May 2007
I started this on Sunday and I was able to finish it today....3 and a half days for 101 episodes of Slam Dunk.

I wish they animated the rest of the manga despite the manga ending the way it did.
May 23, 2014 10:55 AM
Apr 2013
Finally done. Great anime. Pacing was obviously slow and flashbacks were too repetitive. But the comedy never got old to me and this show highlights why most people, who've ever played sports, enjoyed it. Hell, it probably inspired many to pick up a ball and start playing. I'd give it 8/10
Jun 24, 2014 12:11 PM

Jun 2009
Done and done, this was really awesome.
Loved the 90s art and comedy, really loved the basket and the explanations for beginners. Would have been better if they explained more parts of basketball instead of random, useless and annoying flashbacks!

Would love to see a remake or a continuation! Hopefully they will at least release a movie showing a summarized version of the continuation in 2016 (which is the year when the anime would reach the 10 years anniversary of it's finale).
Sep 23, 2014 9:51 AM

Nov 2012
I love that feeling you get when they play the first opening during the final scenes of the show after a long adventure. Solid ending even though it was filler, I rate this 8/10. On to read the manga!
Feb 6, 2015 5:04 PM

Oct 2013
by far one of the best episodes i've watched so far. The moment when Anzai-Sensei showed his joyful emotions, when Hanamichi blocked the pass to sendoh,, it was very touching. Too bad the show has ended.

Jun 30, 2015 11:18 PM

Jan 2013
Is it weird for me to be so motivated everyday and night to play basketball?? I mean seriously this anime is probably the most inspiring anime I've watched. 20,000 shots in one week?? Heck in my life time I probably only made less than 10,000. I now love playing basketball more than watching anime (not rly). Anyways 10/10, hate the fact that I have to read the manga now but heck why not really want to know how much the mc grew.
Dec 18, 2015 5:08 AM

Aug 2014
Too bad they didn't continue it t_t ... Sendoh still my favorite character in slam dunk :3
May 25, 2016 6:16 AM
Mar 2015
And thus concludes the anime... but not the story.

I'd have given this show an 8/10 or higher had it actually finished the story. Even if you hadn't read the manga (I read the manga first), I'm sure you could easily tell that there are several loose ends that need to be tied. These last few episodes, though wrapping up some good bits in regards to Ryonan/Shoyo, were really both forced and rushed. Not only was the "match of dreams" far too good to be true, and the way it happened (Hanamichi encouraging it) unlikely, but the speed at which the game happened was way too fast to have any emotional investment. And even if it was longer, most of the Ryonan/Shoyo guys already had their moment, so these few episodes were obviously filler.

Otherwise, fantastic series. I hope they adapt the rest of the manga at some point (they left out almost 100 chapters!!), but I don't see that happening anytime soon. Maybe we'll see the nostalgia effect kick in soon though!
Jan 27, 2017 8:41 PM
Jan 2017
Please extend the episode of slamdunk. Because it is so good anime. <3 Please please please! - 3-
Mar 4, 2017 6:57 AM

Nov 2016
Finally done.
Watching Slam Dunk was an emotional rollercoaster,this show has everything, action, drama comedy and it mixes really well.

Even though i enjoyed it really much, there are still some points which annoyed me.
- the story was unnecessarily stretched out
- sakuragis idiotic behaviour, from time to time it was funny, but in some situations it was just too much.
- the story wasn't finished, maybe they had their reasons, but it doesn't change the fact that the show isn't complete, which is very sad.

Despite these "flaws", it was still a very good show 8/10.
A sequel or even a complete new adaptation made by Production I.G would be really awesome, ok i know something like this will never happen..
but at least there is still some hope,
Dragonball and Sailor Moon got both a remake and these two were also made by Toei.

One Piece episode 914 & 915 & 1027 were a mistake and 957 brought the salvation - FMmatron

Mar 5, 2017 4:13 AM

Jun 2011
First thing first, fucking stop with the flashback Toei, what in the hell.

Slam Dunk is a huge disappointment for me, I couldn't enjoy the 20th+ episodes until the 80th+ episode, it was mostly just games after games, and they were not enjoyable games. It's ridiculous how often Shohoku was handicapped to instill some sort of drama to make the game appear to be more competitive. I don't enjoy Rukawa winning against Sendoh, it's bullshit if it wasn't for plot demand.

If you think about it, what's there to cheer for in Shohoku? They have one of the best point guard, a former MVP shooting guard, one of the best iso player in Rukawa, genius rebounder in Sakuragi, and arguably the best center in the league. It's not even big 3 for them, it's big 5. Ridiculous. I was actually cheering for Sendoh more than our main characters.

This show also has issues I have with sports anime like Haikyuu and Diamond no Ace, that they loooooove jokes in the middle of the game, it just takes away from the experience you know, it's very, very annoying. Sakuragi can be cute sometimes, but he's mostly annoying. I hate how sometimes the team doesn't even try to win yet they win (like when they don't cooperate with each other, especially between Sakuragi and Rukawa).

I also wish there's more team development for Shohoku than just individual development.

I've enjoyed the post tournament / pre-interhigh episodes around episode 85+ to episode ~94, but hot damn did I really finish 101 episodes of something I didn't enjoy majority of the time. Oh well at least now I can say I gave it a chance. Will probably finish off the manga as well since it's close to ending(?).
Honobono Log - best slice of life short
most kawaii loli overlord
Donquixote Doflamingo AMV - Control
Jun 14, 2017 11:34 AM

Jul 2016
So ends my Slam Dunk journey.. and it was fun.

I thought nostalgia would be the majority of the reason why people loved this show. I was worried it would not hold up, but it did. I concur with the majority of the negatives (too many flashbacks, slow pace). First 10 episodes were a bit hard to get through, then I started to love it. Then the Ryonan game happened.. the 20 plus episodes of one game was too monotonous. It unfortunately ruined the ending when Sakuragi got that awesome dunk to finish the game.

I enjoyed the ending with the all-star team game.. but it was bitter sweet. Too bad the show never got revived so we could witness the nationals.

I give the show 8/10. Now on to the 4 movies!
Dec 31, 2017 12:59 PM

May 2016
Finally, finished it I been watching the last 39 episodes since this morning glad I could finish it right before 2018 here it's 23:58 lol.

It had some big flaws regardless of those it was a good anime I gave it 8/10 now it's time for the manga.
May 20, 2018 9:45 PM

Apr 2014
i first watched this series years ago but didnt have a mal account, but just today i did get done rewatching the whole anime again

with that said slam dunk is one of the best sport series ever made and i loved the anime though gotta say one thing about the series that i really dont like that was really annoying imo was the whole obsession with Haruko though i know its pretty much a running joke throughout the series its still annoying at time and feeling annoyed for Sakuragi

another thing about the anime is i wish they would have animated the full series instead of giving us that anime original put together game they gave us even when i first watched this i didnt like the final game (even before i knew it was anime original) cause it just felt dumb and they just put whatever together and the overall feel of the game was off compared to the others

but with all of that said this is still one of the better sport anime and now that i have rewatched this i can finally go ahead and read the manga never got to reading it but have heard its better than the anime so will read it from beginning to end will be nice to see the differences from the manga and to see the rest that was never animated
"one step at a time"
Aug 28, 2018 9:19 AM

Mar 2010
Finished ep 101 after holding on 90 for about 2 years
The anime is great, funny with good characters, but Holy shit the Matches takes 10 Episodes to finish, way to much flashbacks etc, anyway 9/10
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