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Mar 13, 2013 10:56 AM
Mar 2010
Well, FINALLY we get to see Ukyo. Sigh, I've been waiting for him for so long. <3
Check out the News Club for daily rankings, discussion on future CD and BD releases, manga and novels. New members are welcome!
Mar 13, 2013 12:37 PM

Feb 2013
Strangely enough, of all the guys she's dating, I hope that she ends up with Ukyo. I don't know why but I like him more than all of the other color-coded walking cliches. Even if he himself is also one sort of.
I guess I always have a thing for the underdog, the odd one out, the only one who happens not to really be color-coded or even gets a big part of the opening for that matter...
Mar 13, 2013 12:42 PM
Jun 2009
Oh my fucking god this whole arc was disgusting
I hope she'll end up with Kent since he was the only normal person in this ridiculous anime
I couldn't care less what is going to happen to her so meh
Mar 13, 2013 2:29 PM
Nov 2012
Irenesharda said:
Strangely enough, of all the guys she's dating, I hope that she ends up with Ukyo. I don't know why but I like him more than all of the other color-coded walking cliches. Even if he himself is also one sort of.
I guess I always have a thing for the underdog, the odd one out, the only one who happens not to really be color-coded or even gets a big part of the opening for that matter...

yep. same with me. i like even his evil self more than the other guys.
Mar 13, 2013 3:03 PM

Feb 2013
wildfly said:
Irenesharda said:
Strangely enough, of all the guys she's dating, I hope that she ends up with Ukyo. I don't know why but I like him more than all of the other color-coded walking cliches. Even if he himself is also one sort of.
I guess I always have a thing for the underdog, the odd one out, the only one who happens not to really be color-coded or even gets a big part of the opening for that matter...

yep. same with me. i like even his evil self more than the other guys.

I know, at least his evil side is open about the fact that it's psycho and not hiding behind the "It's because I love you" excuse. One side of him passionately hates her, and the other side seems to passionately love her. However, the side that loves her doesn't seem as smothering as the other guys. He lets her have her space. He will stay away from her if necessary, and doesn't have to necessarily walk her home every single time. He treats her a little more as an equal instead of an infant that needs to be tended.

Shin and Kent seem more like brothers than anything. Ikki too, to a degree. She really just needs to get Toma some help...
Mar 13, 2013 3:26 PM

Jan 2008
ins-chan said:
Oh my fucking god this whole arc was disgusting
I hope she'll end up with Kent since he was the only normal person in this ridiculous anime
I couldn't care less what is going to happen to her so meh


Or, well. I wouldn't say that Kent was normal, per se, but his relationship with Heroine was definitely the healthiest one.
Mar 13, 2013 3:48 PM

Jul 2012
Umeko said:
ins-chan said:
Oh my fucking god this whole arc was disgusting
I hope she'll end up with Kent since he was the only normal person in this ridiculous anime
I couldn't care less what is going to happen to her so meh


Or, well. I wouldn't say that Kent was normal, per se, but his relationship with Heroine was definitely the healthiest one.

Best guy always gets the shortest arc and least amount of screentime.
Mar 13, 2013 5:30 PM

Oct 2012
Heroine actually talked and screamed?

Steins;Gate, anyone?
Alone on a Friday night? Remember that DIO did nothing wrong!
Mar 13, 2013 7:10 PM

Mar 2013
I loved it! I liked the route of Toma ended it was pretty similar to the game :) and now I'm really excited to see what will happen to Ukyo I feel consfused of how come the world is trying to kill her and I want to know more about Ukyo :D
Mar 13, 2013 7:48 PM

Oct 2012
I was happy when Toma knew her real feelings.
I think Ukyou's arc will be my favorite. I liked him a lot, he is very cute.

Mar 13, 2013 9:51 PM

Oct 2010
seemed like a good end, then bad Ukyo threw her off the roof????
then good Ukyo saves her. im so lost right now.
and i don't even know what personality Waka is on right now.
looking forward to next weeks episode! :P
Mar 14, 2013 1:34 AM

Jan 2013
Irenesharda said:

I know, at least his evil side is open about the fact that it's psycho and not hiding behind the "It's because I love you" excuse. One side of him passionately hates her, and the other side seems to passionately love her. However, the side that loves her doesn't seem as smothering as the other guys. He lets her have her space. He will stay away from her if necessary, and doesn't have to necessarily walk her home every single time. He treats her a little more as an equal instead of an infant that needs to be tended.

This. Even if he didn't have the backstory that he has, he would still be my favorite guy due to him being(was?) the most normal one. He didn't have Shin's tsun aggressiveness, Kent's monologues/foot in mouth disease, Ikki's...fangirls and Toma's yan. He wins by default.
minescopeMar 14, 2013 1:46 AM
Mar 14, 2013 1:49 AM

Jul 2010
I'm surprised by how quickly Ukyo grew on me! He's definitely my favorite character so far and I hope that learning about his back story doesn't change that -- his split personality is so scary! I'm really excited now that we're finally on Ukyo's route though. :3
Mar 14, 2013 3:26 AM
Mar 2010
minescope said:

This. Even if he didn't have the backstory that he has, he would still be my favorite guy due to him being(was?) the most normal one. He didn't have Shin's tsun aggressiveness, Kent's monologues/foot in mouth disease, Ikki's...fangirls and Toma's yan. He wins by default.

I'm so glad that so many people like Ukyo. <3 I thought I would be the only one rooting for the underdog.
Check out the News Club for daily rankings, discussion on future CD and BD releases, manga and novels. New members are welcome!
Mar 14, 2013 8:26 AM
Feb 2013
Oh Heroine, either you are the most merciful girl in the world or you are the dumbest for forgiving Touma after what he did to you, if he were my boyfriend I would have broken all his bones and call the cops, glad that arc was over and now it's Ukyou's turn.
Mar 14, 2013 10:25 AM

May 2010
Wow..that was a pretty blank confession...i mean where is the blush & all.
Mar 14, 2013 11:35 AM

Feb 2011
Really really stupid . What nonsense . And the animation is terrible I mean come on you need CG to animate a door opening ? Lame , the score just dropped from 4 to 3
Mar 14, 2013 1:44 PM

Dec 2012
I swear i wanted to KILL her the first 10 minutes!
The guy LOCKED YOU UP in a cage! And you still are just like "oh, but in here it says i'm supposed to be in love with him" GEEZ GIRL!!

But other than that i really love that Joker is finaly getting some spotlight! It was kinda frustrating always having him there, knowing a lot of stuff, but never actually getting to know him.

ANd i was really happy when he dropped her from the roof! I was kinda begging " Please die and reset now! Please die and reset now!"

Not the best episode (hate Toma damnit!) but i am so hyped for next week now!
The 2002 Tokyo Mew Mew adaptation is not as great as you remember it being.
Mar 14, 2013 1:48 PM

Dec 2012
RazorRamona200 said:
Oh Heroine, either you are the most merciful girl in the world or you are the dumbest for forgiving Touma after what he did to you, if he were my boyfriend I would have broken all his bones and call the cops, glad that arc was over and now it's Ukyou's turn.

Yeah i thought so too! I would call her dumb, staying with a guy like that will only cause notch knows what in the future!

I want Shin to have more space at the screen though! If i ever play the game i am putting him in the spotlight!
The 2002 Tokyo Mew Mew adaptation is not as great as you remember it being.
Mar 14, 2013 2:37 PM

Jan 2013
Ukyoo <33 I love scene where he killed Heroine XD its so... awesome! ^^
Mar 14, 2013 7:24 PM

Oct 2011
Why does it feel like Ukyo is the original boyfriend? :/

i hope the heroine gets a happy ending at least...
or else --
Mar 15, 2013 12:31 AM

Dec 2011
I'm loving this Ukyo... the nice one... he seems very kind..

byee toma
Mar 15, 2013 6:07 AM
Oct 2008
i dont even know anymore
but im glad he dropped her
Mar 15, 2013 8:16 AM
Dec 2012
UtsukushiiYume said:

Mar 15, 2013 10:22 AM

Jul 2012
Hmm, well, this episode kind of got me the feeling that Ukyou and Heroine were destined to be together 😕 not sure how I'm feeling about that at the moment but what an episode this week! Seems like we're in Ukyou's route but like I said before, i feel like they're destined for each other >.< well, awaiting next episode!
Mar 15, 2013 1:06 PM

Feb 2013
xriceball26 said:
Hmm, well, this episode kind of got me the feeling that Ukyou and Heroine were destined to be together 😕 not sure how I'm feeling about that at the moment but what an episode this week! Seems like we're in Ukyou's route but like I said before, i feel like they're destined for each other >.< well, awaiting next episode!

As I was going over Ukyo's appearances (the good side anyway) in the show, it seems to be clearer that he IS the one who truly loves her. In each world Heroine goes into, he knows which guy she's dating, but all he seems to care about is that she's happy. He's not smothering, overprotective, or treats her like an imbecile (even if she is one...), he seems to just be happy that she's happy, even if he has to watch her be in another guy's arms. Taking notes, Toma?!!!

Anyway, I also find it interesting, that Ukyo and the Heroine are the only ones who share a similar hairstyle, with one single braid on one side of their heads. Coincidence or subtle symbolism?

Maybe its the Joker that holds the heart of the girl with the Harlequin tights...?
Mar 15, 2013 3:32 PM
Jul 2010
God, I haven't watched such a ridiculous anime in a long time. Really, watching it makes me feel guilty for all those other 12-episode animes that were better and which I dropped...
Mar 16, 2013 3:52 AM

Oct 2011
I kinda like Ukyo but his split personality is what makes me worried. Toma is kinda messed up as well but I really liked his nice side where he was like a big brother to Heroine.
We are reaching the end of Amnesia soon! I wonder whats gonna happen at the end? Will she have to chose one world where she wants to stay? What was the real world?
Mar 16, 2013 8:53 AM

Oct 2012
cannon route time

^ Why isn't this updating...
Mar 16, 2013 6:46 PM
Nov 2012
I was actually kind of sad that Toma's route ended. 'Cause... cages aside... it ended so nicely. They were gonna be happy. But no. Tossed off roof by psycho Ukyo.

Well, I like Ukyo too, so... I'm looking forward to the next episodes.
Mar 17, 2013 5:40 PM
Jul 2008
The heroine has got rocks on her head. XP

Ukyou, why u so cray too??
Mar 17, 2013 10:25 PM

Jun 2009
shymel said:
Okay, this show really needs to be called Horrible Relationships. YOU ARE NOT PROTECTING SOMEONE BY DRUGGING AND DECEIVING THEM! Toma only stopped his disturbing behavior because the diary fell. And of course Heroine rationalizes all of his behavior. He only caged me because he loved me! I kind of laughed at the gas description. A foul odor? It's at a playground, so some kids probably couldn't hold it long enough to get the bathroom.

Ditto. Toma was about to rape this chick and she still says she loves him and tells him not to apologize. Facepalm. That was worse than when she sat for hours watching Kent study w/o realizing why she was there. Is Shin the only normal one? Oh wait, he killed someone or something right?
Mar 17, 2013 10:46 PM

Jun 2009
Easiest VA work ever for the heroine. Most of her lines consist of "umm's", "eto's", "ano's" and gasps. She is as interesting and has as much dimension as a sheet of paper. I did cheer her on when she ran from Toma though.

What kind of drugs was she on not to wake up when being carried though? Is that normal for adults?
Apr 2, 2013 8:10 PM

Apr 2008
ok....whut? o.o

Now don't get me wrong. When we first met Toma, I thought, "oh, how nice! He's so sweet!" and thought that for once in this series, there would be a guy that was actually likeable.

But then he Drugged her.....and then PUT HER IN A CAGE!

Seriously...what about this is romantic? This guy is seriously CREEEEEEPPPYYY. Like stalker/controlling/abusive creepy. If I found out a family member was dating someone like this, I would seriously urge them to get out before the guy snaps and they find them buried in his backyard.

And the reaction of our heroine is ridiculous as well. All of a sudden, because of something written in a diary that she can't remember, everything is now okay and all of his actions are excusable. WHAAAAATTT? O.o()

Maybe it's because I'm an older anime fan (30), and don't really have a late teen/early twenties perspective anymore, but I don't see how ANY sane human being would find any of this acceptable, much less romantic, in ANY type of relationship.

I think this may be the last straw, even though there are only 2-3 more eps left, this is not worth any more of my time.
Apr 6, 2013 12:19 AM

Feb 2010
-michira- said:
Kerozinn said:

Yeah they all have less IQ than a potato
& our "beloved" Heroine

Prettyyy much!
Apr 10, 2013 2:36 PM

Sep 2009
oooh... so Ukyo is his name? this is like Final Destination.. ://
Apr 10, 2013 3:00 PM
OG Rewriter

Aug 2009
"Toma, you drugged me and put me in a cage, but it's okay! The power of love and friendship will heal you!"
Apr 10, 2013 3:05 PM

May 2007
Kerozinn said:

^ This. A thousand times this.

And what does he mean "This world is trying to kill you"? Aren't they all? ¬_______¬

May 10, 2013 8:10 PM

Jul 2009
LMAO, only in an anime.
Really, ikki hoes apologize!?!
Just a guess:
I think Ukyo killed her to have his own love arc. And now he's doing everything he can to keep her there.
Jul 7, 2013 4:14 PM

May 2012
Woh seeing those girls apologizing and that green haired dude being her lover in this world... well things sure are interesting, it also seems that she shifts when she dies?

Well either way lets see what the two last episodes have to offer!
Jul 12, 2013 1:06 AM

Apr 2010
I think that Ukyo got a dark side of him?

It's like he was doing that intentionally to have her in a world where she'd date him. . . .

I really am. . . confused. I think this will bring the rating down abit.
Jul 24, 2013 3:00 AM

Jan 2008
Umeko said:
How did neither Heroine, Orion, nor Ukyo think to just take the shoe off her foot??

Thats the same thing i though it would have been faster n it would have been the smarter way of getting out of almost getting killed again

How does he know all the strange things were going to happen.

But is he lying about them being lovers like Toma was or r they actually lovers is what i would like to know but over all it was a good ep not the greatest though well atleast in my opinion.
Oct 8, 2013 9:04 AM
Aug 2012
ugh...shes okay with being in a cage...gross.
Dec 29, 2013 6:11 PM

Jan 2013
I feel like Ukyo knows more about her than he's letting onto. Since he's known her for every other alternate world and knows she has no memory, maybe this is the real world? Or maybe he's just hoping she will not fad from this one too. I kind of like him. He's trying real hard to keep her here and I feel like he's a good person. Maybe he was just crazy in the last one because he knew if he killed her that she'd wake up in his world next.

When will all of her memory come back and she'll wake up? Even I'm getting tired of so many confusing things.
Jan 27, 2014 6:41 AM

Aug 2009
Looks like there is a game which I haven't played so maybe my theory is totally wrong but here's what I thought!

What if this nice and caring guy, Ukyo, represents one of the Jokers and the other one who's trying to kill the Heroine is the other Joker from the pack of cards?! I don't know if it makes any sense but since each of the other guys symbolise a suit and there are two Jokers, it seems like both the good Ukyo and probably the bad Ukyo are two sides of the same coin!!

I can't wait to watch the rest of the episodes! ^^
Mar 9, 2014 1:08 AM

Feb 2014
So, what happened to Heroine this episode?! I think she completely lost her mind here, because here are the facts:

1. Toma locks Heroine up, she escapes: "Why did you try to escape?" Her reaction: "Sorry!!" ..................................dafuq....

2.Toma says he is going to BREAK her, and her reaction is confessing to him. Seriously, that was quite the mindfuck....

3. Ukyo murderes Heroine. Heroine wakes up in another demansion, bumps into her murderer and... CASUALLY TALKS to the guy who murdered her not so long ago. WTF?!?!

You can say that the situation is different and stuff, but in the end, these are facts.
Jun 28, 2014 2:25 PM

Apr 2014
-michira- said:

Ugh Heroine is the dumbest character ever. She expresses nothing, feels nothing, thinks about nothing, cares about nothing, has no own opinion, obeys everyone.

The only reason I keep watching Amnesia is that I'm interested in what really happened to her and who's she really going out with.

Then who the hell is she? Why doesn't she have a name? I hope Heroine isn't her real name
I hope it's the main mystery of these series, that will be revealed in the last ep.

This post saved me from going on a rant much worse than this :D
Dec 19, 2014 2:58 PM

Apr 2010
Well this world seems to be a wet dream for injury lawyers. These companies really need to re-think their health and safety policies
Jun 14, 2015 7:13 PM

Jul 2013
iLyddz said:
-michira- said:

Ugh Heroine is the dumbest character ever. She expresses nothing, feels nothing, thinks about nothing, cares about nothing, has no own opinion, obeys everyone.

The only reason I keep watching Amnesia is that I'm interested in what really happened to her and who's she really going out with.

Then who the hell is she? Why doesn't she have a name? I hope Heroine isn't her real name
I hope it's the main mystery of these series, that will be revealed in the last ep.

This post saved me from going on a rant much worse than this :D

Yeah that's exactly what I also thought. It's sad that she is so emotionless. I would freak out if I was in her position. But that's a little bit crazy

- the world will kill her? wait what? Oo

- and what is wrong with Ukyo? He's like a complete other person, maybe annother personality?

I really want to know what will happen.

Jun 27, 2015 9:45 PM

Sep 2012
Laciie said:
Heroine has much more personality in Ukyou's route than the others, as usual (well the FD gave her more personality in the games). I can't wait to see how they'll adapt the rest of it.

I thought she had more personality in Kento's route than the others so far. I just really want her to ask Ukyou how he knows so much and why he always seems to know what's going on like routes and such.

"It's a conversation through instruments. A miracle that creates harmony. In that moment, music transcends words." - Miyazono Kaori
"Laziness is the mother of all bad habits. But ultimately she is a mother and we should respect her." - Nara Shikamaru
"You think you're special? You're not. Everyone lies, everyone hides things... Nobody makes it through this life being completely honest." - Orihara Izaya
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