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Jul 4, 2010 11:08 PM

Feb 2008
My new downsized collection

ATH-AD2000: Unbelievably intimate and emotionally engaging headphones. Colored mids may not be suitable for everyone.
ATH-W1000x: Nice all-rounders with strong bass and fantastic detail, in all ends of the spectrum. Midrange coloration still present but more subtle than the AD2000s. If you don't like the AD2000s, the W1000X might be to your liking. Great work by Audio Technica.
STAX SRS-2050A: Detailed, lightning fast, always gives me a hankering to upgrade to the O2s. Still on loan to my friend.
ATH-M50: Still fun to listen to.
AKG K701: Get's very little play time these days. They still impress in many ways, but they are very lacking in comparison to the AD2000 and W1000X which has a sound signature I prefer.

Monster Turbine Pro Gold: Addresses some of my caveats with the TF10s and improves on them in many ways. They just suit my musical preferences better.

As for the W1000X, gratuitous headphone porn shots are coming shortly.
seraphjeiJul 4, 2010 11:13 PM
Jul 5, 2010 12:53 PM

May 2007
Oh great moar updates from you.Keep them coming man! :D

I still playing around with KSC75 by using the modified cable of them.It seems like the sound signature can be different depending what audio plug,cables and how you soldering the connectors between the drivers and the wire as well.

I found this when I'm comparing the latest recabled version of KSC75 which I got around 2 months ago compared to the the old recabled ver. of KSC75 that I had last year.I found that although both of the product is the same outside (same cable,different color through but that shouldn't change anything right?).I realized that the new KSC75 feels way sharper and it has better clarity then the old KSC75 which sounded dark and warm overall).

As I been told by the guy who made it,it seems that he's using different kind of soldering tools and tactics which is completely different compared to the year before this.Btw he just made this maxed out ver. of KSC75 for his good friend recently.

From what I heard it sounded way better then my recabled ver. of KSC75.And yeah those plugs cost twice then the headphone itself.Feels weird eh?Why ppl still consider buying this instead of spending on other cans which I think is more worth it.Probably gonna ask all of this later then when I have a chance to meet him face to face (he invited me to go over to his house.He also made a recabled ver. of Sennheiser HD650 which make the can to become more amp friendly then before.Gonna try this soon enough so stay tune!)

He did offer me to change the grado SR60 cable that I had years now to a better one free of charge.Gonna send him the can later in the morning :)

Sep 24, 2010 1:38 PM

Jun 2010
I don't believe in in-ear headphones, mostly because they can never stand up to the quality of regular headphones (unless you pay absurdly high, and even still that doesn't give you much better quality).

Anyway I own:

For xbox and PC the Sennheiser HD555 (which sound good on everything)

and for on the go the Koss Portapro.

Our house also has really old but in remarkably good condition AKG K340 (yes I realize how bad my mistake was just now, I put K301... baka me >_< ) headphones

Ours are in just a little bit worse condition than these
Ocean_HorizonNov 6, 2010 2:39 PM
Nov 1, 2010 7:17 PM

Dec 2007
Bought another set of earphones and headphones over the past month.

Sennheiser CX300-ii

Sennheiser PX200-ii
Dec 22, 2010 10:07 PM

Oct 2009
I have a relatively small collection lol, but I have:
Koss Portapro
and AKG K518LE
Jan 6, 2011 2:18 AM
Jul 2018
I had a ATH-FC700 but it broke just recently so i had to get a replacement which is really really bad from some brand called ear pollution..the quality is awful though, i hope i get another AT one soon....

Jan 6, 2011 3:03 PM

Apr 2010

Top Left: Signalex Headphones with microphone (A crappy headset that I got for a pound)
Top Right: JVC HA-S150 Flats headphones
Bottom Left: JVC HA-F140-GN Gumy Earphones
Bottom Right: Some earphones that I got with my phone
Feb 4, 2011 9:51 PM
Mar 2008
So many serious setups...
I just listen to music...
well since I am too lazy to post my own pictures--*off to google images!*

akg k701 + heed canamp.
image courtesy of random hifi user/post.
Feb 8, 2011 6:31 AM
Jun 2009
Running them through a medicore amp atm but I'm building a m³ amp with variable gain atm :3


K701 (sliced off the two center bumps at the headband -> finally it's comfortable)

K240s (added padding to the pads)

Heavily modified PortaPros (wood'n stuff)



PMB 25II (Beyer~like phones from the 70s, recabled, new pads, .etc + wood)

I really love those, sound similar to the Sennheiser 580

Improvised Headset for gaming :3

AKG K242HD + random mic

Plan to purchase decent Etymotic IEMs + AKG K340... don't own any Electrostats... yet :3
roBerndFeb 9, 2011 7:42 AM
Feb 13, 2011 7:46 AM
Dec 2008
roBernd said:

Heavily modified PortaPros (wood'n stuff)

That's... Beautiful... O_O
Mar 20, 2011 7:59 AM

Jan 2011
Philips Extra Bass

Sennheiser PMX 80 sport

Sennheiser PMX 60

Some LG's I got with my phone

Apr 1, 2011 9:44 AM
Jun 2009
... my outrageously awesome friends gave me this nice addition as a present.

yes... it's quite a nice headphone amp :3
Apr 2, 2011 2:33 PM
Aug 2010
roBernd said:
... my outrageously awesome friends gave me this nice addition as a present.

yes... it's quite a nice headphone amp :3

That is awesome.
Apr 5, 2011 10:25 AM
Dec 2008
This neat thing is now the newest addition to my collection (not so impressive in comparation to some of you guys, but still I like it):

Shure SHR-440

Also bought some time ago:

Vivanco Aircoustic Studio Monitors (Would be nice if the bass didn't disappear when there's much of it. Also are very muddy after hearing my Shures)

Audio-Technica ATH-FC700 (Very "modern-sounding" headphones - lots of [not so hi-quality] bass. Would say I wasted $50, but they aren't THAT bad with modern Pop/JPop/Anime OPs [bass, very high, computer-corrected vocals etc.] and... Earth's "The Bees Made Honey in the Lion's Skull")

Also considering buing Panasonic RP-HTX7 because they were in Hanasaku Iroha. Just to make an otakuism-driven purchase. Don't have money for a Squier version (not to mention the original Fender one) of Mio's bass, so at least I'll have some headphones... ^_^
AccounApr 7, 2011 10:19 AM
Apr 10, 2011 3:53 PM

Sep 2009
Currently using an old pair of AKG K240 Sextett LPs that a friend gave to me for free as a thanks for helping him clean his basement; they're being driven by an Aune MKII amp/dac.

Trying to sell my MDR-7506s and HD555s in order to raise money to buy a pair of Ultrasone HFI-780s, not having any luck with that though...

May 8, 2011 9:05 PM

Jul 2010

AKG K240-DF on the piano

Sennheiser HD-600 for music, anime, gaming etc.

And Etymotic ER-6i for when I'm out.
Jun 19, 2011 5:39 AM

Dec 2010

Beats for great music quality

Roccat Kave for gaming (basically everything on my pc)
Jun 19, 2011 8:49 AM
Dec 2008
Jerryh said:

Beats for great music quality

Jun 25, 2011 1:59 PM
Jun 2009
recently sniped old K140 600ohm

they sounded so mighty fine that I made the hassel to route some wood cups and add new/bigger K141 pads.


close up

quite fine I guess.
roBerndJul 11, 2011 11:25 AM
Aug 2, 2011 1:01 PM
Jul 2010
My collection consists of only one thing, which I very recently acquired:

Now, this isn't exactly what I wanted but I just couldn't afford anything more expensive. However, I'm actually quite satisfied with their performance and isolation and, even though they were kinda tight for the first 3 days, I wore them for two hours straight today and was completely ok with it. Now that my comfort concerns are gone, I feel like I've made a really nice choice based on my budget.
Sep 12, 2011 1:15 PM

Jun 2009
First proper headphones I got were Sennheiser HD202s

After liking the improvement from crappy iPod earbuds I bought Sennheiser HD205s

And then I made a pretty big jump price and quality-wise then went for a set of Alessandro MS1i's which are a modified Grado SR80. I love them so I doubt I'll need a new set anytime soon.
Sep 18, 2011 2:39 PM

Apr 2010
Steelseries 5HV2 here. :3
Once this dies in 1-2 years, I will buy a Roccat kave, my friend has it and it's amazing.
Nov 30, 2011 2:13 PM

Feb 2009
Just bought Sony MDR-RF810R (Wireless). It's only for computer and hearing music at home.Has some interferience problem but is pretty good.
Show me a hero and I will write you a tragedy.

—F. Scott Fitzgerald
Dec 13, 2011 1:42 AM

Apr 2009
i got the skull candy metallica brand headphones, dynamic stereo headphones MDR-V150, and another pair of skull candy headphones with bass booster. XD

A Sound Soul Dwells Within A Sound Mind And A Sound Body
Mar 8, 2012 8:42 AM

Sep 2009
Hello, I'm a new member and I'm glad that I've joined this club ^_^, My headphone collection is:

Sennheiser HD 650:

Audio Technica ATH-M50:

UE Ultimate ears TripleFi10(IEMs):

May 1, 2012 2:51 AM

Feb 2008
currently only have one headphone, Grado SR60i..

saving up for both AD700 and K701..
May 12, 2012 1:11 PM

Jun 2009
May 28, 2012 11:55 PM

Dec 2007
Changed over to a set of Sennheiser CX 200-ii's for earbuds since I last posted.

Recently bought a set of AKG K240 Mkii's as well.
Jun 6, 2012 7:14 PM

Jul 2009
I was sure I already posted here, hm....

Well anyway. I'm an AKG fan, so I currently have:
AKG K312P earbuds:

AKG K450 mini headphones, I use these daily:

And an old pair of AKG T206AFC wireless:

I also have an AKG K416P, but the cable got busted a while back, and I'm being to lazy to fix it. Thankfully the K450 has an interchangeable cable so I don't have to worry about that.

... And yeah, I have some Sony Ericsson and Philips earbuds that I got with my mobile/mp3, but who cares about that. Right now I'm saving up for a new pair, but I'm yet to decide which one. I like mini headphones, and both K840KL and K945NC are smokin' hot, but then there's K701... And you can't say no to Mio's choice. :3
Jun 28, 2012 1:53 PM
Dec 2008
Electromaster said:
I was sure I already posted here, hm....
Right now I'm saving up for a new pair, but I'm yet to decide which one.

K3003 perhaps? ;-p
Jul 11, 2012 12:21 PM

Dec 2007
My old pair snapped in half so now I have a Sony MDR-XD200. They're comfy and have decent sound. They're my at home on the computer set.
Aug 27, 2012 9:27 PM

Aug 2012
Denon AH-D2000's
Aug 29, 2012 10:57 AM

Nov 2011
i have mostly iems


Brookstone Clear Dual Drive

Sony XBA-4

Audio Technica ATH-CKM50

Monster Turbine

Shure SE215

Shure SRH750DJ (over-ear)

if you need any recommendations, feel free to PM me!
Oct 19, 2012 11:52 AM

Nov 2007
AKG K141 (Silver 600 ohms version)
Audio Technica AT-701 w/ Mogami recable (vintage)
Audio Technica ATH-AD700
Audio Technica ATH-ES7
Creative Aurvana Live!
Creative EP630
DBI-Pro 700
Meelectronics M6
Monster Turbine MDT
Panasonic RP-HJE-900 (Need to buy replacement cable, one side died)
Philips HP-910 (r.i.p. one side died)
Sennheiser CX300 (r.i.p. at hands of my brother)
Sennheiser CX500 (r.i.p. one side died)
Shure SE420
Yuin PK1
Nov 21, 2012 8:37 PM

Sep 2012
Sennheiser HD280
Klipsch Image S4

Ultrasone Pro 900
Sennheiser HD558
Jan 7, 2013 6:33 AM

Jan 2013
Got the HD700 in the mail today :D

Flesh is heretic. My body is a witch. I am burning it.
Jul 5, 2013 6:20 AM

Apr 2009
Previous Headphones:

Current Headphones:

I won't be needing anything else.
Jan 20, 2014 9:43 PM

Sep 2013
Headphones I've purchased, in order:

Logitech G330
Turtle Beach Px21
Sennheiser HD429
Steel Series Siberia V2
Audio Technica ATH-m50

Currently I use the Audio Technica's for music and anime, the Steel Series for gaming, and the Sennheiser as backup/general use.
Jan 29, 2014 9:35 PM

Dec 2013
Sennheiserr PX100 (Drivers Blown)
AKG K271
Sennheiser HD598
Bagely 10:11 “The Bagel lives in harmony with one another; think like a bagel, love as a bagel, be compassionate and humble like a bagel"
Jan 30, 2014 8:07 PM

Sep 2007
My first headphone was Senns HD205
then Superlux HD668B
Beyerdynamic DT131
Hippo Shroom-i (IEM)
Hippo Ten (IEM)
Hippo Pro1 (IEM)

almost all of them either broken or sold, now only use MDR-7506 (the best for my ears) and generic Sony earphones included with Xperia Z for travelling/portable
plan to buy Superlux 661 then SONY MDR-1RBT when I have some money :D
Jan 18, 2015 12:58 PM

Mar 2012
My current collection is:

Beyerdynamic T1
Sennheiser HD580
Beyerdynamic t51p
B&W P5 Series 2
HiFiMan RE-400
OuzihsJan 18, 2015 1:08 PM
Sep 3, 2015 10:04 PM
Aug 2012
I love digging up old threads.

Currently using some HD 600s and Momentum M2, and ATH-CKR9/CKR10 for portable.

Always buying and selling/trading for gear on Head-Fi but my collection right now is pretty stable.
Apr 2, 2017 6:24 PM

Dec 2016
SIC Sonic 101 (dismantled)
GMP 8.000 Pro (dismantled, crap headphone)
Fostex T40RP MKII (dismantled, crap headphone)
Ultrasone Pro 900i (sold, also worse headphone ever bought)
Photive BTX 6 (broke, design flaw)

JVC HP-303
Leslie W4
Realistic Pro IIA,
DBV#3 Stax T20RP Modifications
Ross RE-2760
Smeggy Thunderpants

Samsung junior
pcm d50
Xduuo X2
Sony discman D50
Sony discman ej-something


Earphones: VE Monk CANDY EDITION
waldexApr 2, 2017 6:32 PM
Oct 16, 2017 12:31 AM
Aug 2017
Very informative thread.
Oct 29, 2021 9:00 PM
Oct 2021

Sound link
Sound Magic
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