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Nov 17, 2007 9:18 AM
Aug 2007
This episode was kind of sad. The cousin relationship sparks huh. Reiji had such a sad past and Rin lost her mom in such a sad way....
deli53Nov 21, 2007 4:08 PM
Nov 17, 2007 11:54 AM

Sep 2007
awesooooommmmmmmeeeee epi!!!!!
how weak the human can be.....
and in a sec of time it can change so fast....
it was great where everything was gray and only rins clothes got clothes was so emotional....
and where rin was like in trance and make the origami was so incredible
really after this epi kodomo no jikan is one of my fav serie this season
and!!! + this different ending simply awesome pure awesomeness
Nov 17, 2007 12:00 PM

Aug 2007
.. cousins..but anyway sad :( liked the ending song too
Nov 17, 2007 3:08 PM
Feb 2007
The chapter or 2 this had in the manga always made me sad, so this episode was bringing on the tears.
Nov 17, 2007 5:08 PM

May 2007
Never saw that coming.... This sure supeasses my expectations.
I though it would be one of those absurd storys where everyon is on the same car and suddanly they all die, then he (Reiji) has to take care of her for plot reasons.
This anime really is something.....
Nov 17, 2007 7:28 PM

Oct 2007
Best episode so far. The story gets more interesting.

Ans I loved the scenery on this episode, it was particularly good.

Nov 17, 2007 7:36 PM
Nov 2007
And there was me thinking Kodomo no Jikan was simple titillation.
A surprisingly good ep. The best so far.
Nov 18, 2007 11:50 PM

Jul 2007
This episode... this episode right here is why I'm watching this show.

Reiji just became one of the most fascinating characters of the season, and the entire second half was downright tragic. It never forced you to cry. It already expected you to, and god did I cry T_T

Anyone in doubt about watching this series still must watch this episode. This, this right here, is why I love anime.
My first novel, Kardia has been published! Click here to read!
Nov 19, 2007 12:30 AM

Aug 2007
1. no i didnt cry
2. the cuzin to cuzin sex freaked me out. which makes me wonder. is reiji f***ed up in the head or is this kinda thing in japan normal or not frowned upon???

deli53 said:
This episode was kind of sad. The cousin relationship sparks huh. Rin's cousin had such a sad past and Rin lost her mom in such a sad way....

who's rins cousin??? or did you mean rin's uncle? rin's uncle is reiji because aki-san and reiji are cousins...
Nov 19, 2007 8:35 AM

Jul 2007
Sexuality with cousins in Japan, though uncommon, is not as strongly frowned upon as it is in America. Saying Reiji is f*cked up in the head is a dodgy accusation. There is a lot of proof in this episode demonstrating that the circumstances of Reiji's past have left quite a few mental scars. Either way, we know now that Reiji sees Rin as his own daughter. It will be interesting to see where things go from here.
My first novel, Kardia has been published! Click here to read!
Nov 21, 2007 3:02 AM

Jul 2007
well i didnt expect that t hapen but never less it is a good episode
Nov 21, 2007 11:40 AM

Apr 2007
Very good episode. Best one so far!

The censorship is really irritating. Present again in this episode...
Nov 23, 2007 5:47 AM
Jun 2007
A sad episode... poor them... )':
Nov 25, 2007 9:16 PM

Jun 2007
*sob* such a good episode! But so damn sad!

Nov 27, 2007 11:54 PM
Oct 2007

Awesome episode, I'm very glad for it, this anime has regained my respect.
Dec 24, 2007 12:28 PM

Sep 2007
At first i looked upon this anime as typical loli ecchi material but this episode has gained its respect of something more than that. Im starting to look at this anime in a better light than before.
Dec 24, 2007 2:51 PM
Anime DB Admin

Jan 2007
Great but very sad episode. I was looking forward to this ever since i read about it in the manga. They did a good job animating this chapter, enjoyed it a lot.




[H+] ³  
Dec 24, 2007 3:32 PM

Oct 2007
So Renji didn't get adopted by Rins mom? I thought he said he was adopted in the manga or did they change it for the anime or did I miss something?
Dec 24, 2007 8:14 PM
Oct 2007
Yeah! The best episode so far, but I don't think the next will be at the same level..
And yeah it was sad, that is why I love anime, in the manga I didn't feel so much emotions..
Dec 26, 2007 8:32 AM

Oct 2007
Neph said:
Yeah! The best episode so far, but I don't think the next will be at the same level..
And yeah it was sad, that is why I love anime, in the manga I didn't feel so much emotions..

This episode is probably the best in the entire anime because it almost made me cry and all the other episodes were ruined by the censorship. I still prefer the manga though. ^_^
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Jan 6, 2008 6:32 AM
Dec 2007
turbomog007 said:
So Renji didn't get adopted by Rins mom? I thought he said he was adopted in the manga or did they change it for the anime or did I miss something?
That's the common assumption. At the very least in the Anime the record says Rin was taken in by a relative (which is true), and he tells Aoki-sensei that he was adopted by Rin's mother. Officially, he wasn't adopted, or so claims the Anime anyway.

Jul 17, 2008 1:32 AM

Mar 2008
After rewatching this show, it is this episode that makes it. Without this the anime is just a bit silly.
Aug 2, 2008 4:25 AM

Mar 2008
i watch so many of that kind of "The-girl-dies-in-sickness" theme, but this has so many uniqueness, i like this epi the best, i'll give this epi 10/10 (and only this epi)
Aug 8, 2008 5:57 AM

Apr 2008
One of the single most touching episodes I have ever seen.

I identified with Reiji's story right from the start and it only got better, picking up with every element that was introduced and concluded perfectly with that soft insert. My every expectation was fulfilled and surpassed. From changing state of mind, super-loli Rin's comic relief and even a short but sweet sex scene (and doggy style incest at that).

I can now appreciate Rin's situation more. Last episode I would have given the thumbs-up to some good 'ol loli-raep. Now Daisuke can go die in a fire if he does touch her. (Yet I'm going to be fapping to Rin doujins after... and Aki if I can find some...) Thankfully the next 6 episodes won't be a total failure due to a complete 180' in content. Though it better be good when it gets to the dramatic moments.

One of the moments that hit me hardest was Aki's last words. Reiji would give anything just to tell her that she doesn't need to apologize, it should be him thanking her, and apologizing for not becoming a man soon enough. She gave him, and Rin a reason to live, Aki gave them a life, a future.

It's a shame, these anime that concentrate on one thing, not realizing their potential in another.

Tomokazu Sugita was superb. I can only hope Reiji gets more screen time.


Edit: I noticed this episode had a high drop rate... I guess some people are only in it for the lolis.
LoveWifeLunchAug 8, 2008 6:10 AM
wtfyourface said:
MistaCloudStrife said:
From 100-1000, how much do you love LWL?
OVER 9000!!!
Oct 8, 2008 7:24 AM
Apr 2008
I cried so hard my throat hurts, my face is sore, and now I've got a headache. I wish it didn't have to happen that way... It made me feel so helpless. ;-;
Oct 13, 2008 7:09 PM

Oct 2007
Purple_Grenadier said:
I cried so hard my throat hurts, my face is sore, and now I've got a headache. I wish it didn't have to happen that way... It made me feel so helpless. ;-;

Same here, cept I have a virus so I was already doing those things before I started getting teary eyed
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Mar 17, 2009 5:06 AM

May 2008
NICE very nice haha one of the most emotional scenes i ever seen

Awesome Sig by Lailide
Mar 19, 2009 1:26 AM

Sep 2008
Damn this show is getting better with every next episode.Great episode and I so much love the character design of this show.
May 7, 2009 1:03 AM
Jan 2008
Great episode, very emotional
Jun 23, 2009 9:10 PM

May 2008
Very sad and dramatic, i thought it would explain how Rin got extremely perverted, but it turns out i was wrong.
Jul 5, 2009 12:49 PM

Mar 2009
thedarkestandy said:
Very sad and dramatic, i thought it would explain how Rin got extremely perverted, but it turns out i was wrong.

my thoughts exactly too. but this episode took the anime frm a silly lolliconshow to a completely unique drama that deserves much praise.
Jul 12, 2009 12:51 PM
Mar 2008
This anime is so weird. I wasn't expecting something like this at all.
This episode was so awesome to a point that I didn't care anymore of the main retarded character (the sensei).
Aug 10, 2009 10:50 PM
Dec 2008
This episode reminds me of clannad.
Oct 20, 2009 1:53 PM

Oct 2009
this one hit too close to home. everything other than the aunt love sounds a like my life. only now that is all over.
Nov 9, 2009 3:46 AM

Oct 2008
draker said:
This anime is so weird. I wasn't expecting something like this at all.
This episode was so awesome to a point that I didn't care anymore of the main retarded character (the sensei).
yeah i agree. next ep will be weird.
anyway great ep. totally out of left field.
Nov 30, 2009 4:41 PM

Apr 2009
Wow... I sure as hell didn't expect so much drama from this series... an amazing episode...
Dec 10, 2009 8:14 PM

Aug 2008
I was shocked at how good this episode was. I really felt bad at the end.

Dec 19, 2009 9:55 AM
Dec 2009
To all of you people who love kodomo no jikan manga and want it to be licenced and published sign this petition :D
Jan 16, 2010 12:02 AM

May 2008
Sigh. It's sad to know such a great episode exists in an anime that most people may shun me for watching, even though I'm not watching it particularly for the loli ecchi (they're missing out for the hilarity anyway). I'm highly glad I picked up this series after watching this episode, it had me choking up a little bit. :(

Everyone else's comments are pretty much on par with mine.

LoveWifeLunch said:
...and even a short but sweet sex scene (and doggy style incest at that).

I thought that was hawt.
Mar 30, 2010 10:47 AM

Feb 2010
a very nice episode...

frankly it almost made me cry..

feels like I'm watching another show...
"Your taste is shit cause you like what I hate. Believe me I have 1000 cartoons that I rated with less than 5."

May 22, 2010 11:44 PM

Aug 2008
Are you sure this episode is of Kodomo no Jikan??? Well it is since it had Rin... and Rin is still perverted... Hahahahaha Really if it wasn't for the bath scene i would have completely doubted this episode was really number six of Kodomo no Jikan 1st Season...

Man their past is so saaad!!! Once I think Reiji asked himself, why do you make that effort to be so happy Rin? Well it's all because her mother taught her to be always happy... Or so it looked like that, anyways her mom was amazing since she never gave up and tried to give the best for her little daughter... Give her all the love she could receive... and Reiji... Reiji's appearance was really lucky... for both parts. I mean if it wasn't for Aki Reiji would be a drug addict or a booze addict or he could be already dead... yeh mainly Aki but Rin also did her part to finally save the poor Reiji... And I'd be as depressed as him since he lived such a sucky life with his parents...

And just when things where going perfectly fine, Aki falls ill and in the end dies out of cancer... damn such a painful way to die... and Lung Cancer nonetheless... Man that's a real reason to be pissed and extremely depressed... Can't understand why such a sweet woman could die of cancer. Well that happened...

So then the good ol' Reiji is Rin's uncle? crazy... thought he was her cousin or something else not her uncle. Interesting... And awesome to know that he actually see her as his daughter! I could careless of Aoki now XD he can rot in hell now XD and Reiji... stop doubting and destroy Aoki if he dares touching Rin! XD

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Aug 12, 2010 3:09 AM

Jan 2010
I knew it!this isn't about lolis,it's about family!

**feels relieved**

dude this episode was....undescribable :D,it was amazing to say the least!

so that's why Rin wants so much attention,and I don't think she loves sensei on more than a father-daughter basis

poor Rin's mom :-(,it's not fair...
i find it funny btw that she who is a side character had more development than Rin's classmates xP

5/5,i wish i could give it more :p

"Just how a mirror reflects you,people will also reflect your heart."
~Athena Glory,Aria

"Whatever happens,happens"
~Spike Spiegel's thoughts on dying(Cowboy Bebop)
Aug 25, 2010 1:20 PM

Aug 2009
great touching episode...
Didn't expect this in this series!
Oct 7, 2010 10:23 PM

Sep 2010
I loved this anime before for a different way but this ep... wow.

Hard to believe something as touching and deep came from same anime, and yes, I did cry. It added a real sense of drama, which although unexpected, was very good.

At first I didn't know if I was supposed to be weirded out by the cousin love but they really seemed to love each other and somehow it just seemed right. Little Reiji really stepped up and became the man, and I am not just saying that because the whole scene at night with Aki. I can see why he is so protective over Rin, and maybe see why Rin has a little issues of her own (although there is nothing wrong with being a loli ^^).
Nov 8, 2010 8:14 PM

Sep 2010
wow did not expect a romance-drama twist to the series. entirely different from the atmosphere from earlier episodes. Nicely executed.

Reiji pimping is EPIC :D.
oh the seiyuu is Tomokazu Sugita ... that explains things
now next epi. will probably be a bit awkward...
coolwolfNov 8, 2010 8:22 PM

Nov 14, 2010 2:06 AM

Mar 2010
wow this episode was so great i actually episode alone makes this anime great....

"I am the bone of my sword,
Steel is my body and Fire is my blood,
I have created over a thousand blades,
Unknown to Death,
Nor known to Life,
Have withstood pain to create many weapons,
Yet, those hands will never hold anything,
So as I pray, unlimited blade works"
Mar 14, 2011 5:21 PM

Nov 2010
clannad worthy episode. i sheded manly tears.
Apr 14, 2011 3:10 PM
Jul 2018
manly tears..were shed

was not expecting this sort of episode in this kinda series -
Apr 30, 2011 3:44 AM
Oct 2009
Did the director of this series take a sick leave for a week? This episode was so different from the previous ones. Although I didn't like that cousin to cousin love relationship, but we finally get some character insights, at least in Reiji's part. Glad to see a whole episode dedicated to Reiji's past. It's gonna be interesting to see how the story goes from here, especially his dislikes against Aoki.
The window, the window shopping! Hooo!
Jun 20, 2011 6:30 PM
Dec 2008
I was thinking about dropping it, i'm glad I reached this episode.

It was surprinsigly good and different from the rest of the show.
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