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Oct 10, 2008 9:07 PM

May 2008
Oct 10, 2008 9:14 PM

Apr 2008
This episode is very hilarious. I really like Sunohara Abuse scenes. Sanae really is the hottest mom. She really looked like a highschooler.

ADAWG said:
im confused the subs mixed me up

sanae is nagisa's mom or sister?
did sanae say she hopes somethin develops(herXsunohara)?

Didn't you watch the 1st season? If that's the case, you've already missed half of your life ^^ Don't worry you can watch it anytime.

Looks like next time will be a tragic episode for Sunohara and Mei. The preview really hung me high up there.

I also noticed the smooth animation in the Illusionary World. Man, KyoAni really does a great job on this. When will majority of anime be animated like that ^^

Oct 10, 2008 9:15 PM

Sep 2007
Does this season just seem... more awesome that last? At least, comparing the first two episodes of the first season with the first two of this one. ROFL'd through the whole episode.

"In other words... it's a Boy's Love Game!"
Oct 10, 2008 9:34 PM

Mar 2008
perfect episode to be honest, one of the more enjoyable episodes ive seen in some time.
Oct 10, 2008 9:49 PM

Jul 2008
disappointed yet okay at the same time. i really like the story of the lonely girl and im glad that it was in this episode. but just a little disappointed because she and the robot were the only ones in the world, but there were sheep. well, whatever... looking forward the the next episode!
Oct 10, 2008 9:59 PM

Feb 2008

Damnit, I can't get used to this odd resolution and small size. Oh well, better than nothing I guess.

Funny episode by the way, Sunohara is hilarious. It's been a while since I have laughed so many times during one episode. Looking forward to more.
VeroninOct 11, 2008 12:42 AM
Oct 10, 2008 10:05 PM

Aug 2007
I'll quote this visual novel formula that most Key games follow (haven't tried Little Busters yet):

(comedic first half) + (heart-warming romantic middle) + (tragic separation) + (emotional get together) = "crying game"

I know that they are just following the formula that made this 'genre' so great, but this is getting completely ridiculous. I'm expecting comedy since it is a part of the formula, but not a whole damn episode of it. The only saving grace of this episode is the preview, which seems to deliver some of the dramatic elements that makes this 'genre' great.

Episode wise, it was a relatively funny episode though I pity Sunohara. Story wise, meh I guess I can't expect much from a setup episode.

3/5 (Damn I can't get the OP out of my head)
Oct 10, 2008 10:27 PM

Aug 2008
The whole episode is just comedy...
I guess they are not completely serious about the girl in the another world yet..
They see me trollin', they hatin'.
Oct 10, 2008 11:27 PM

Dec 2007
I lol'd, a lot. The animation in the opening sequence with the girl in the world wit the robot is simply breathtaking, sure a lot of it is CGI but it's good none the less. If I were Sunohara I would've stuck with Kotomi despite the horrible violin playing. I wasn't expecting Sanae to step in and offer to help, especially since it would be kinda weird. I also didn't expect that this would go on for longer than just one episode. From the preview

Oct 10, 2008 11:43 PM

Jun 2007
Awwww Sunohara is such a cutie. I would date him if he asked! XD lol
After seeing the next episode preview I just remembered the pain and anxiousness of waiting for new Clannad Episodes D:
magentaanbuOct 10, 2008 11:53 PM

Oct 10, 2008 11:43 PM

Jun 2007
Great episode!!
Missed the Clannad humor, indeed!! Sunohara is just too funny, telling everything about Sanae-san to Tomoya xD
Cant wait for the next one!
Oct 11, 2008 12:08 AM

Jul 2008
I loved the episode. It had that good ole Clannad comedy in it. There so many funny scenes in this episode. I loved when Tomoyo brushed off her shoulder after Sunohara bumped into it. And poor Sunohara. He thinks he has a chance with Sanae because he thinks she's Nagisa's sister. She could pass for it though.
Oct 11, 2008 12:25 AM

Aug 2007
Faust721 said:
that was a great episode. Sanae gained so many points with just this one episode. <333333333

Agreed. And I also love my share of my two Tsunderes.
Oct 11, 2008 12:54 AM

Oct 2007

"A Legend is but a tale of a beautiful lie."
Oct 11, 2008 1:44 AM

Apr 2008
ok, this is the last time ima read any of these threads, mofos spoiling things from the game are rampant... Mac users like me have no access to these games yo. ^^
Faust721 said:
that was a great episode. Sanae gained so many points with just this one episode. <333333333

Likewise Faust!!!
Oct 11, 2008 1:54 AM

Apr 2008
cyruz said:

Amusing episode, I enjoyed it a lot. Didn't see it coming that Sanae would join the fun.

Best scene <3
Oct 11, 2008 2:27 AM

Mar 2008
AntiDentite said:
Hilarious episode, especially the second half.

wonder wht will happen nxt episode, mai looked serious? i thought shed notice it was all faked and tell him its all alrite.

and although this seemed lik another filler, it seems its getting back the care-free atmosphere before it turns extremely serious (been spoiled by the film...:(
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Oct 11, 2008 2:33 AM

Aug 2008
Great episode. Looks like it'll match up well with first season.
Ii tenki desu ne...
Oct 11, 2008 6:06 AM

Dec 2007
Yay, this was funny !
Next episode seems more serious though ...
Oct 11, 2008 7:34 AM

Jul 2007
Sunohara baby facexD
An episode centered around Youhei is automatically awesome, I loled so much.
Sanae was a definite plus:D
Oct 11, 2008 7:40 AM

Jun 2008
brilliant episode XD

Kotomi's violin does indeed sound a lot better XD
Oct 11, 2008 8:37 AM

Feb 2008
Great episode, i have a feeling that things will get more dramatic.

“That which does not kill us makes us stronger.” - Friedrich Nietzsche

Oct 11, 2008 9:00 AM

Jul 2008
Loved this episode and loving this season so far.
Oct 11, 2008 10:47 AM
Oct 2007
Tomoyo, Kyou, Sanae, and Mei + Sunohara = LOL!

I also liked when Nagisa freaked out about Tomoya turning red and might start liking her mom, haha.
Oct 11, 2008 11:32 AM

Apr 2008
Sunohana makes me laugh all the time

I wasn't expecting Sanae at all but this is getting interesting. Maybe he'll really think she'll be his girlfriend since he doesn't know she's Nagisa's mom.
Oct 11, 2008 11:55 AM

Aug 2008
Sunohara was hilarious, not only did he manage to make Ryou cry but he also managed to hook up with Nagisa's mom. Classic!
GreorgyOct 11, 2008 7:12 PM
Oct 11, 2008 2:48 PM

Sep 2008
i love this anime
Oct 11, 2008 4:18 PM

Jan 2008
This episode was great!~

Lol, Baby Sunohara~ I'm glad they're focusing on Sunohara since he was my favorite character from the first season! Lol, poor guy - he can't even get a fake girlfriend... I was hoping for Sunohara and Tomoyo -- but instead we got Sunohara and Sanae~ That was pretty shocking - Nagisa's taking it well though. And is that Tomoya blushing? xD Awesome episode - great start to the new season :)

Amazing sig set thanks to -DraGonZ-
Oct 11, 2008 5:09 PM
Aug 2008
Sanae(Nagisa's mom) is hot!!!
Oct 11, 2008 6:06 PM

Aug 2007
Of the many things that really makes me enjoy Clannad (and KyoAni's other series) is the facial features on the characters telling so much about them. This episode is facial features at it's finest. Awesome episode xD

Oct 11, 2008 9:01 PM

Aug 2008
cyruz said:

Amusing episode, I enjoyed it a lot. Didn't see it coming that Sanae would join the fun.

I think so too as well, this was a very amusing episode!! Tomoyo's always so cool! :P
Loved Sanae's cosplays as well, specially the Maid one and the School uniform ;)
Oct 11, 2008 9:08 PM
Jul 2018
really ryou is sch a crybaby... i dont hate her that mch tho... at least she's got the looks xD
sanae in different costumes is fanservice!
i laughed at sunohara's imagination of tomoyo xD

im voting for youhei-X-tomoyo!
Oct 11, 2008 9:33 PM
Jul 2008
Sunohara is hilarious in this ep. I was kinda hoping Sunohara and Tomoya would hit it off, but I guess that's unlikely. Great ep, great season so far.
Oct 11, 2008 10:09 PM

Nov 2007
Loved this episode! :D I think Sanae looks rather cute in her disguise. -is shot by Akio-
Oct 11, 2008 10:40 PM

Jan 2008
Nogizaka's mom is MOE
Oct 11, 2008 11:56 PM

Jul 2008
kevo said:
Of the many things that really makes me enjoy Clannad (and KyoAni's other series) is the facial features on the characters telling so much about them. This episode is facial features at it's finest. Awesome episode xD

DO NOT GET THE REFERENCE. Why AIR? I saw the whole thing and what is exactly is the reference???
Oops! I appear to be incapable of following Rules 16 and 17, so I had to have a mod change my sig for me.
Oct 12, 2008 1:27 AM
Dec 2007
Very entertaining episode and good developments too. However, I can't wait to see the final arc of the After story, since it's what really matters !

In every age, in every place, the deeds of men remain the same.
Oct 12, 2008 2:14 AM

Nov 2007
angel999 said:
kevo said:
Of the many things that really makes me enjoy Clannad (and KyoAni's other series) is the facial features on the characters telling so much about them. This episode is facial features at it's finest. Awesome episode xD

DO NOT GET THE REFERENCE. Why AIR? I saw the whole thing and what is exactly is the reference???

The juice box Sunohara is holding. Misuzu from AIR likes to drink those weird juices. Concentrated peach or something... don't remember.

Really funny episode, picking up pace quickly. Wonder what's with Mei's serious expression though.
Oct 12, 2008 5:22 AM

Feb 2008
Lmao. Great episode.
I was really hoping for some Tomoyo x Sunohara action but Sanae was enough of a surprise. That was one awesome development. Sunohara is such a sweetie, who wouldn't want to date him?

Next episode doesn't look too good for him though.
Oct 12, 2008 6:10 AM

Oct 2008
Haha awesome episode, I feel so sorry for Sunohara's bad luck. Sanae looks good as a school girl, but I don't think it completely convinces Mei that she is Sunohara's girlfriend :p

Loved the scene where Sunohara got beat up by Kyou, I wonder if Sunohara ever is gonna get a girlfriend, or even a fake one.
Oct 12, 2008 9:50 AM

Sep 2008
funny episode speially second part
this tipe of situations repetitive in animes like this one, but normaly they do end in love but here she is idant think so 7_7
sunohara seem`s troubled XD
ilove this anime

gambate sunohara-kun
Being a fan is like having a penis. Its nice to be proud of it But don't pull it out in public and wave it in other's faces

Kyurem Black. Kyurem White. Together they are Pretty Kyurem.
Oct 12, 2008 10:12 AM

Jul 2008
lostmymusings said:
angel999 said:
kevo said:
Of the many things that really makes me enjoy Clannad (and KyoAni's other series) is the facial features on the characters telling so much about them. This episode is facial features at it's finest. Awesome episode xD

DO NOT GET THE REFERENCE. Why AIR? I saw the whole thing and what is exactly is the reference???

The juice box Sunohara is holding. Misuzu from AIR likes to drink those weird juices. Concentrated peach or something... don't remember.

Really funny episode, picking up pace quickly. Wonder what's with Mei's serious expression though.

AH OK! I get it but it looked more like strawberry pure than peach. Yeah I remember but I guess that's. It was small but nice.
Oops! I appear to be incapable of following Rules 16 and 17, so I had to have a mod change my sig for me.
Oct 12, 2008 11:11 AM

Nov 2007
Pretty nice.
Oct 12, 2008 12:26 PM

Mar 2008
Oh wow, Sanae-san, ultra giga cuteness !

Excellent episode, really hilarious, but seems it'll create some problems in the next episode.
Oct 12, 2008 2:06 PM

May 2008
awesome episode awesome show
cant wait to see the next episode
Oct 12, 2008 3:52 PM

Jul 2008
i think i know how sunohara feels, sanae is hot and she looked even hotter in her disguise
1:18 et vivus et fui mortuus et ecce sum vivens in saecula saeculorum et habeo claves mortis et inferni
Oct 12, 2008 4:56 PM

Aug 2008
I don't really feel this new season. It looks like it lost something. They make it entertaining but... Well that episode is a 100 % Sunohara-CHAN!

Oct 12, 2008 11:46 PM

Jan 2008
great entertainment. Like Cyruz said, i never though Sanae would have been in on the fun. Surprisingly, since i am not a fan of Air, this show keeps me coming back for more.
Oct 13, 2008 1:30 AM

Mar 2008
^thats because Air was much more predictable

LOL who the heck was the guy under the desk? New character i guess since hes in the ED and i dont remember him from first season, im sure i would have remembered that guy
angel999 said:
I just saw this RAW. Wow Sunohara is trying really hard but I THINK IT IS A LAME EXCUSE to not be able to accomplish or excel yourself just cause you do not have a girl to love. THAT IS A BS! I never had girlfriend that was there for long and have gone wayyyyyyyy further than Sunohara so BS!

Hey thats just you, some people need it. Dont generalize, ever person has thier own needs

De-JaY said:
Nagisa with hairclip looks like a whole different person. But very cute.

I love it, they should keep it like that <3

.....since i always thought Nagisa was the oddest looking character lol she looks much better with the clips
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Oct 13, 2008 5:46 AM

Sep 2008
Well, atleast it was an interesting ep. I did like how sunohara always failed and would be "defeated" when he asks and gets abused during the process. You start to really feel sorry for him. Never mind, that was way to early to admit to because of his personality.
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