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Oct 17, 2012 6:02 PM

Aug 2012
Name: Maple
Age: 15
Gender: Female
Species: Half-elf, Half-dryad
Grade: Freshman
Student or Teacher: Student

Personality: Caring, playful, talkative, compassionate, has spunky temper
Room Preference: Double room.

Likes: Trees, flowers, nature, animals except sharks... hates sharks, ice cream, music, friends, peaceful and serene environments, water, sun, and seeds
Dislikes: Pushy people, mean people, people who cut down trees to build parking lots (that's more a fear), chainsaws (fear), people who hurt her friends.

Powers: Dryad-side: can turn into a tree (also a problem because once a month she has to turn into a tree to get energy from the soil) and soothing touch. Elfin-side: healing powers, graceful, lulling music.

Weapon: Huh? Uhhhhh.... willow-branch?

Bio: Elfin traveling salesman (elves got to make a living too you know!) en route to selling magic licenses to a bunch of dumb ogres at an exorbitant price (didn't say that all elves had to be honest) and sees a dryad dancing barefoot under the harvest moon. They fell instantly in love... okay, well, he fell in love with her dancing figure and she fell in love with his way with money (yeah, didn't say that all dryads had to be tree-huggin nature lovers.)

They had Maple together then divorced in rough battle over who got custody of the bank account and why her mother suddenly got so 'stumpy' overnight... Dad was making a mint selling cauldron pots to witches. Guaranteed to stew children in 5 minutes flat. And mom, well she sucked in too much nutrients from the soil after bearing her and put on some extra rings of bark.

Maple got sick of her parents constantly bickering over alimony and child support payments so she enlisted in Supernatural High, hoping that she wouldn't have to deal with people yelling in elfish and tree tongue ever again... You couldn't believe how shrill tree shrieks could be. And the elfin tongue, is just not sexy when spoken by your angry dad, who knows how to swear like a sailor in it.

Okay that and she was running from a marriage proposal from a very persistent and human-eating Kelpie prince, who was technically deathly allergic to liver.

Look: Long ankle blonde hair that has green tips and turns shades of greens, yellows, oranges, violets, blues, and reds depending upon the season of the year and her moods. In the spring, her hair grows like crazy and may even sprout flowers.

Her sweat is a floral scent... and if she has been running a lot, she smells faintly of maple syrup.

Sorry, it took so long for me to create a character. It took me a while to come up with one.
butterflylilyOct 20, 2012 6:21 PM
Oct 17, 2012 6:08 PM

May 2010
It's okay Lily. :] Glad you decided to make one.
You're approved, you're in Dorm 1, Room 8. ^ - ^

Also, your profile pic looks like Alexi & Petal. o_o
Oct 17, 2012 6:16 PM

Aug 2012
Lol. You're right, it does! Not intentional but still Nice! They were my favorite two characters. :-)
Oct 17, 2012 6:19 PM

May 2010
PetalxAlexi OTP? :P
Oct 17, 2012 6:22 PM

Aug 2012
What is "OTP?"
Oct 17, 2012 6:37 PM

May 2010
OTP = One True Pairing / Only True Pairing.
Usually used when talking about fictional characters.
Oct 17, 2012 6:57 PM

Aug 2012
LOL. I like it! LOL

Too bad Magical High flopped. Alexi and Petal were fun together.
Oct 17, 2012 7:08 PM

May 2010
They were. ;P Maybe they could move elsewhere.
Oct 17, 2012 8:19 PM

Nov 2010
I am thinking about making a teacher character, is that oky?
"Hateful feelings. Hurtful feelings. Unforgivable feelings.
To face one's own feelings is akin to throwing oneself into a bottomless pit, or setting sail on an endless sea.
You must not look there. You must not think about it. Though you search your soul on the dark, heaving waves, you must never look in that place." - Kusuriuri
Oct 18, 2012 1:51 AM

May 2010
Of course. :)
Oct 21, 2012 1:12 AM
Sep 2012
Name:AyaSe Kasuki
Age: 20
Gender: female
Species: healer
Grade: N/A
Student or Teacher: faculty - nurse
Teaches: n/a
Personality: adorable, always care others safety, 

Room Preference: single room
Likes: flowers, food , sketching, music , 
Dislikes: perfume, games , arrogant people
Powers: spiritual power 
Weapon: Her sacred hand
Bio:. AyaSe is a reincarnated body of a priestess.. and she uses her power in good ways..She is a kind and helpful young woman.

- - - - - - - - - - - -
ImmaculateOct 31, 2012 11:44 PM
Oct 21, 2012 1:22 AM

May 2010
You're approved Ayase. :) I've set up your room in Teacher's Suite #3.
Oct 21, 2012 9:19 AM

Nov 2010
Name: Touya Shiratori

Age: 27

Gender: Male

Species: Human

Grade: N/A

Student or Teacher: Teacher

Teaches: PE and science related subjects such as chemistry, physics, and biology

Personality: he's very laid back and claims to be lazy person, friendly but could be harsh sometimes since he doesn't like spoiling anyone or anything, Touya is also considered to be quit wild and outgoing for an adult and a teacher, very protective of his sister

Room Preference: N/A

Likes: his sister, rock music, food and specially homemade cooking, quotes and sayings

Dislikes: a few types of nuts (he's allergic), any guys near his sister, smoking, seriousness and tensed-air moments
Powers: enhanced senses, strength, speed, and healing

Weapon: martial arts and raw power, but he's good at using swords and katanas and guns too

Bio: Touya is Mika's older brother, he was around 12 when their parents got killed and she was kidnaped, since that time Touya swore to avenge his family and bring back his sister.
During the time he searched he was a top and perfect student at school and university just for the sake of his dream.
then when he was 24 years old, he finally got a strong lead about the organization and didn't hesitate to follow it; he met his sister, Mika, when she was in a mission and tried to to talk to her, but unfortunately to him she was still in her cold emotionless persona and didn't listen to him at all, and the organization knew about their meeting and kidnapped Touya too and put him through experiments and made him the super human he is today.
3 years later, he ran away along with Mika and gained freedom with her

rika713Oct 21, 2012 12:43 PM
"Hateful feelings. Hurtful feelings. Unforgivable feelings.
To face one's own feelings is akin to throwing oneself into a bottomless pit, or setting sail on an endless sea.
You must not look there. You must not think about it. Though you search your soul on the dark, heaving waves, you must never look in that place." - Kusuriuri
Oct 21, 2012 10:24 AM

Aug 2012
Hey Iirismah,

I figured out a way we can bring Alexi and Petal into this one... Cifer's forest post. We could possibly link the schools and just transfer them here if you want.
Oct 21, 2012 10:42 AM

Aug 2012
Name: Petal Leiki
Age: 15
Gender: Female

Species: Half-angel
Grade: freshmen
Student or teacher: Student
Room preference: double. Can put her with my other character Maple

Personality:She's typically kind and generous, always wanting to help others out. She believes in the best in everyone, but is not against calling a jerk, "a jerk." Spunky sometimes and delicate and feminine others. Would cry at the death of a butterfly, but is willing to pan a bad guy in the head in defense of a friend. Very loyal and soothing to her friends, on the other hand, plays pranks on her enemies to get even. She's not very afraid of much (except for the things mentioned in dislikes)... because she believes everything will turn out in the end. Can be graceful in ballet and dance, but is clumsy as all get out in fights and going up or down stairs. And don't give her a pile of books to carry, because that would be a bad sight.

Likes: classical music, frilly feminine things, butterflies, flowers, playing the harp, helping someone out. Likes to listen to others talk about their problems. Likes jamming with a band and singing. Likes mysteries and detective work. Like solving crimes. Likes technology (her dad gives her unlimited access to it.) Likes ghost stories.

Dislikes: Mean people, math, math, math, and wait math. Dislikes green carrot jello casserole and snobs. Dislikes perverts... will aim for groin with foot. Dislikes heights... they are scary. Dislikes clowns... they are scary. Dislikes cockroaches... they are gross and scary.

Powers: Healing through touch and music. Can boost another person's power a lot or give them strength when they have lost it. Also, can only throw up a shield to protect someone if she feels they are threatened. Other than that, she's as weak as tissue paper.

Weapon of choice: Hair picks or frying pans or book bags. Not in the least conventional

Bio: Her mother was an angel. Her father a shrewd rich owner if several corporations... Actually step-father but Petal doesn't know it. She has twin half-brothers (actually step-brothers but none of them know that). The twin brothers are crazy and have crushes on her. Theyre into military everything. Her dad is prejudiced against people that are " not normal". Her mother disappeared/died early in Petal's life and her father prefers that she stays at a boarding school because he can't stand to look at her since she looks a lot like her mother. He also is a litigation lawyer that doesn't approve of anything that isn't normal... So Petal gets worried about using her powers.

She transferred from another school because she got put into detention there.

Look: Very long blonde hair and big sparkling eyes.

Like my avatar.
Oct 21, 2012 12:59 PM

May 2010
That idea seems fine by me. ^^
Approved, you can move her in with Petal if you like.
Oct 21, 2012 1:18 PM

Nov 2010
I don't want to sound too persistent or annoying but am I approved or is there something messing in my chara ? >.>
"Hateful feelings. Hurtful feelings. Unforgivable feelings.
To face one's own feelings is akin to throwing oneself into a bottomless pit, or setting sail on an endless sea.
You must not look there. You must not think about it. Though you search your soul on the dark, heaving waves, you must never look in that place." - Kusuriuri
Oct 21, 2012 1:20 PM

May 2010
Oh whups! I didn't see your post. :P Sorry. You're approved. ^^
Thanks for reminding me, sometimes I miss stuff.

You'll be in Suite 4. I'll go make it real quick.
Petal, you'll be in Dorm 1, Room 8. I don't wanna' goof up the order here. >_<
lirisimahOct 21, 2012 1:24 PM
Oct 21, 2012 1:28 PM

Nov 2010
Well, untill you make the suite I will go meet the headmaster, oky? :3
"Hateful feelings. Hurtful feelings. Unforgivable feelings.
To face one's own feelings is akin to throwing oneself into a bottomless pit, or setting sail on an endless sea.
You must not look there. You must not think about it. Though you search your soul on the dark, heaving waves, you must never look in that place." - Kusuriuri
Oct 21, 2012 1:37 PM

May 2010
Okay, and the suite is made already too. :3
Oct 21, 2012 1:41 PM

May 2010
Name: Alexi Atsushi
Age: 16
Gender: Male

Species: Divine-descendant (Human with angelic blood. Basically half-angel.)
Grade: Sophomore
Student or teacher: Student

Personality: High self-monitor, kind, mischievous, clever, temperamental, mildly perverted, musically gifted, genius, randomly bashful, easily-flustered, pragmatic.
Likes: Apples, english tea, cooking, vegetables, indian cuisine, computers, friends, cats, math, girls, sweets, lolis, angels.
Dislikes: Raw tomatoes, too much wasabi, romance novels, bullies, heatwaves, busywork, dogs, fighting games.
- Ability to become ethereal (traverse through solid objects, be unaffected by the material world.)
- Telepathy.
- Divine Battle-Magic.

Weapon of choice: Bare hands (wrapped in boxing tape or with gauntlets on.)



Guess I'll be the first into Dorm 2.
Oct 31, 2012 4:13 AM

Nov 2011
Name: Gordy Ramsey
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Species: Pheonix
Grade: Freshman
Student or Teacher: Student


Others may sometimes mistake Gordy as dreamy, disorganized and scatter-brained. Although he gives the appearance of confusion, every detail is stored in his methodical and analytical mind and he simply has an original way of approaching life. Capable of remarkable endurance, his flexible style ensuring that he overcome the toughest of setbacks with his sense of humor intact.

He has a genuine compassion and love for people, and will go to extraordinary lengths to help them. Although he may appear tough, the respect of others is extremely important, sometimes too important to him.

Room Preference: Double

(Sports/Martial Arts) Kendo, Swimming, Running and Tennis
(Food) Apples, Strawberry Shortcakes, Homemade vanilla cookies and Rice
(Drinks) Jasmine Green Tea (Hot) and Ice Lemon Tea (Cold in bottle)
(Colors) Black and Red

(Sports/Martial Arts): Basketball (Can’t reach for the basket)
(Personalities) Demanding and Overpowering

Holy Fire Manipulation: The ability to create and manipulate heavenly flames which embodies the purifying aspect of fire. It is especially effective against enemies with elements of darkness present in their bodies. Unlike normal fires, this can only be put out by the user command and made it a fearsome weapon of destruction.


Gordy is the reincarnation of the previous head of the family and as such since birth he had always been highly regarded by the elders. But he was never happy for he had retained his previous memories and the majority of them aren’t happy ones because as the leader he had to make sacrifices for reasons beyond his control. For that he had always took on the burden of guilt and it’s an overwhelming feeling for such a young man.

He is matured beyond of his age for this reason and on his birthday he had requested for him to attend this school in replacement of his education until he reaches his adulthood.

Oct 31, 2012 2:38 PM

Aug 2012
Ningx - Approved !!! You'll be in Dorm 2 room 1, welcome and enjoy !
Nov 5, 2012 11:44 PM
Sep 2012

Name: Rein Kitsuna
Age: 16
Gender: female
Species:  fox
Grade: Freshmen
Student or Teacher: student
Teaches: n/a
Personality: cute , passionate , adorable , sometimes stubborn , cheerful

Room Preference: double room
Likes:  Climbing, cute girls , combat , strawberry cake , full moon 

Dislikes:  death , day lights , dirty staff 

Powers:  fire fox , ability to run fast, jump high, 
                  ability  to fly using her tails
                 She also use her fangs and paws to attack, 

Weapon: dagger ( can create hundredths of lightning stroke in one blast)
                                 ( have a poisonous miasma ) 
                    - take note that her weapon is very dangerous, 
                        she only uses It when badly needed.

Bio: she love to fight and slay bad demons, she inherit her father's braveness and abilities, she had no fear of anything. 
" young master " of their tribe.
Spoiled brat little girl



- - - - - - - - - - - -
ImmaculateNov 6, 2012 10:58 PM
Nov 6, 2012 7:03 PM

May 2010
Approved: You'll be in Dorm 2, Room 3.
Nov 8, 2012 11:56 PM

Jun 2012
Name: Masayuki Teshigahara
Age: 15
Gender: Male
Species: Vampire (drinking animal blood xD)
Grade: Freshman
Student or Teacher: Student
Personality: Friendly , Sometimes anti-social , peaceful person and lazy.
Room Preference: Double , please!
Likes: (Required, minimum of 2) Sweets , Cats , Basketball , Full Moon , Reading and Sleeping.
Dislikes: (Required, minimum of 2) Crowds , Too much noise , perv and nerds xD
Powers: You know , power of vampire. Healing , Strenght (like normal vampire) Can see in dark.
Weapon: Gun with silver bullets (for werewolves and vampires) and also knife in my pocket.
Bio: 15 Years old , Black hair , Green with purple mixed color eyes , 1m85cm tall.
Parents are divorced , Working part-time job , Living alone and you don't need know any further.

Look: imagine. ^^ or i'll put later.
Nov 9, 2012 11:03 AM

Aug 2009
Approved: You'll be in Dorm 2, Room 3. ^.^

Quisque suos patimur manes.
Nov 13, 2012 8:28 AM

Nov 2012
Name: 宮元空 (Miyamoto Sora)
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Species: Human
Grade: Freshman
Student or teacher: Student
Class: 7B
- Shy
- Introvert
- Hard working, yet not the smartest
- Fragile
- Sweets
- Being around people (even though she is quite shy she wants to and tries to make friends as best as she can)
- Snow
- Going for long walks, often by herself
- Rude people
- Math
- Food in general that isn't sweet
- Rats
Powers: Restorative
Weapon of choice: None (casts spells with her hands)
Bio: She moved away from her town of birth to attend a quite famous and renowned highschool for the magically gifted. Though it was far from the cheapest of schools to get into, thus she has to work at a part-time job as a waitress to help pay for the school fees and to survive in general.

She is a sweet, pink-haired girl who has always been a bit introvert and mostly tending to herself, going to school often alone. She felt that she didn't quite fit in as she had magical capabilities. Though all that will hopefully come to an end as she is to attend a school for others like herself, the magically talented. She has always been good at keeping her mood up, almost always happy and looking at life from the bright side. Though she now has to work harder than she has before to be able to stay at this new school she so long has yearned for. Hopefully she will meet a lot of new friends!
My profile picture. But dressed in a school uniform instead of her maid outfit.
~The 1000th Summer~
Nov 13, 2012 10:08 AM

May 2010
Approved! - You'll be in Dorm 2, Room 4. Please enjoy your stay!
(I'm assuming since you didn't choose a room preference that a double is fine. If it isn't, please say so.)
Nov 15, 2012 6:38 PM

Nov 2009
Name: Sakura
Age: 15
Gender: female
Grade: freshman
Student or Teacher: student
Teaches: (Teacher only, duh) What does your character teach? (For Teachers Only)
Personality: caring, out going, energetic, sometimes shy,
Room Preference: Double room
Likes: sweets, going out with freind, sports,
Dislikes: bugs, waking up early
Powers: can control the element of the winds. magic
Weapon: Itwo guns and a fan
Bio: her parents died when she was little, but she doesnt yet know that shes a goddess, she came to this cool to better her wind and magic
Nov 16, 2012 10:12 AM

May 2010
Approved! - You're in Dorm 2, Room 2.
Nov 16, 2012 10:26 PM
Nov 2012
Name: Mei
Age: 15
Gender: Female
Species: Claims to be the daughter of the Egyptian cat goddess Bastet and a bakeneko, however, who knows how much of this is true.
Student- Grade: Freshman
Personality: Mei is a bit of a character. She is generally a good person (cat, demi-goddess... whatever) and for the most part tries to behave. However, she can also be quite fickle and is prone to sudden bursts of mania. She has the unfortunate habit of putting her foot in her mouth and can be quite socially awkward at times. Watch out if her golden eyes ever start to glow for that means that she is excited.. which may just as easily be a good thing as it may be a bad thing.
Room Preference: Double room.
Likes: Food (sweets especially), sleeping, games, biting, play fighting, reading, nature and night time.
Dislikes: Food comas, bitter and sour foods, math, sports, people trying to one-up her, bullies, disloyal friends, and mornings.
Powers: Being strongly affiliated with the moon, her powers draw upon both darkness and light.

Shadow-Stepping: The ability to literally hide within and travel in between the shadows. With her current abilities however, she can only accomplish this with a decent amount of darkness. The shadow of a tree trunk, medium sized boulder, or underneath a school desk- no problem. But the shadow of a flagpole, small chair, or other equally small items would not work. Once within a shadow she can exit (partially or fully) a different shadow as long as it is within 30 feet from the first one. If she only partially exits, she may return to point A without materializing again, however, if she leaves the second shadow completely or wishes to travel somewhere else then she must materialize and re-enter an appropriate shadow.

Dark Matter Manipulation Mei can conjure ribbons of shadow around her hands. These ribbons may be manipulated like whips, hardened into spears or brought together and melded into a shield.

Celestial Fire Mei can shoot out spheres of bright, burning light.

Weapon: While handy with a knife, Mei prefers to use her sharp teeth and nails over anything man (or monster) made. With that said, she still carries a small, curved dagger with a golden handle engraved with an elaborate moon.

Bio: Despite be raised by her father, Mei mostly grew up alone. Her father, a successful businessman in the human world, was often away working long hours or attending meetings in distant locales. Believing in the importance of blending into the human world, Mei was sent from one high priced human school to another. However, after many unsuccessful attempts and some unfortunate "accidents", Mei was sent to this school to finish her education. Even though Mei feels a lot of disappointment in regards to her relationship with her father, she will always treasure her younger years when he would read her books and tell her the story of his chance encounter with the beautiful mother she cannot remember.

Appearance: Mei has striking golden eyes and long, midnight-black hair. At 5'3, she is on the short side and her body frame is petite despite being surprisingly strong. She usually favors darker colored clothes, gothic lolita styles, and the occasional out of place cutesy item. She tries to maintain the look of a dark, mysterious, stranger however, she does have a not-quite-so-hidden soft spot for all things kawaii.

Nov 17, 2012 4:05 PM

May 2010
Approved! : You'll be in Dorm 2, Room 4. ようこそ!
Nov 18, 2012 7:19 AM

Oct 2012
Name: Rin.

Age: Looks like she's 10 but is 14.

Gender: Female.

Species: Unknown.

Grade: Freshman-Student.

Personality: Dosen't trust very easily. Is very childish if you get to know her. Can cling to people she trusts.

Room: Double.

Likes: Cats and kittens. Pocky sticks. When the wind blows and flower petals fly around in the wind. She likes to be safe.

Dislikes: She hates being alone and in the dark. Doesn't like spiders and bugs. Hates to be hurt by the people she can trust.

Powers: She can go into people's dreams and steal the person's memory without knowing at times. A very good computer hacker.

Weapon: Small knives and daggers.

Bio: When she was 2 her parents were killed and she was taken in my foster parents. The foster parents abused her. One day she ran away and started to live on the streets. She found out that she can go into people's dreams and she discovered memories that weren't hers. She heard about the high school and got accepted.. She looks like a ten year old because of the lack of food and water when she grew up.


lirisimahNov 19, 2012 6:25 PM
Nov 19, 2012 6:26 PM

May 2010
Approved! : You're in Dorm 2, Room 5. Welcome~!
Nov 20, 2012 11:35 AM

Dec 2011
Name: Ken Hoshikawa
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Species: Unknown
Grade: Freshman
Student or Teacher: Student
Personality: Kind, a little quiet sometimes. He is mature by nature.
Room Preference: Double
Likes: Freedom, Peace. Actually he just likes it when things are nice and quiet. And the fact that he has likes small and cute things, possible to be mistaken as lolicon, but its just from his past, that the only friend he could have was an old teddybear he got.
Dislikes: Irritating people, selfish people, liars.
Powers: Illusions
Weapon: Martial Arts: Systema


Discount66Nov 21, 2012 12:45 PM
Nov 20, 2012 9:59 PM

Nov 2012
Name: Yuki Valentino
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Species: Vampire/Cat
Grade: Junior (transfer student)
Student or Teacher: Student
Personality: cute, acts cute, Kind, Caring of her loved ones also her friends, very protective of her friends, family and things I love, Mean when in a bad mood, Loves meeting new people but can be shy at times but will introduce myself to them,
Room Preference: If you're a student, Double room, don’t mind if it’s a girl or a boy
Likes: Sweets, Flowers, blood, cats, wolves, night time, water (swimming), friends, family
Dislikes: sport, mean beings, spiders, tests
Powers: Telekinesis, blood sucking naturally and fangs, claws, enhanced senses, Strength, speed.
Weapon: Gold dagger that comes out of her wrist, Own Powers, Legendary gold soul gun (very powerful) (family inheritance)
Bio: Yuki Valentino was born into a pureblood Cat and Vampire family, wealthy and powerful. She is very spoilt because she is the youngest out of her siblings. Her Mother taught her how to hunt, pride of the vampire and Cat species and how to control her need for blood but it does get to her and because of this she has bitten a lot of humans. Her father sends her to live at the school thinking it was for her own good, that she finds new friends and learns on her own actions how to control herself. She is displeased at her Fathers choice but is happy going to the school.

lirisimahNov 22, 2012 10:50 AM
Nov 21, 2012 5:05 PM

Aug 2009
Both approved. C:
Phant0ms will be in Dorm 2, Room 5.
And Ayachan1996 will be in Dorm 2, Room 6.


Quisque suos patimur manes.
Nov 25, 2012 11:57 AM
Nov 2012
Name: Launa Shinsuka
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Species:vampire/25% human
Grade: Senior
Personality: caring,shy when first meeting peaple, out spoken when its about something she cares about,
Room Preference:Double room.
Likes:runing,cake,music almost always has head phones,
Dislikes:being called weak , bright lights
Powers:advanced sences (always wearing head phones makes it hard for her to hear her suroundings when there in) mana control can create force filds, and create energy balls and lerning to manipulate the mana everything lets of energys light blue when calm and red when angry and can handle the sun but gets migranes when in bright light to long
Weapon:extendable and calapsable bow staff
Bio:Parents wanted to make her a weapon of distruction due to her uniq abilatys. She was trained from an extreamly young age for battle but allways refused to kill so when she reached her 12 birthday they desided she was not ussfull if she couldnt kill so they planed to assasinate her . When she found out she escaped and has wounderede arround eversence till now.
lirisimahNov 25, 2012 1:32 PM
Nov 25, 2012 1:35 PM

May 2010
Approved! - You're in Dorm 2, Room 6. Enjoy your stay! ようこそ!
Nov 27, 2012 8:54 AM

Sep 2012
Age: 17
Species: shinigami
Grade: junior
Student or Teacher: student
Personality: cool, little agresive, social
Room Preference: double room
Likes: Listening to Music, walking, girls...
Dislikes: Annoying People, books...
Powers: jet speed, black electric and dark aura, hollow powers

Bio:at his young age, he was training hard every day to b an shinigami he so wanted. They were an elite force dealing judgement to people born from evil.
After few years he was accepted but that wasnt the end of his training. He wanted more greater power, to b number 1. Despite of his lack of talent, he was trying his best every day, failing now and then. He had enough of everything and then he escaped from their HQ. Now hes an rogue shinigami traveling acros the world living his life !
SilvOkamiNov 28, 2012 8:08 AM
Nov 28, 2012 4:38 AM

May 2010
Please revise your image link, as it is broken, then I will approve your character.
Nov 28, 2012 8:10 AM

Sep 2012
i took care of it, idk why it doesnt work for u, but i can see the image clearly..
Nov 28, 2012 2:16 PM

May 2010
Thanks, you're approved! Your character's dorm is Dorm 2, Room 7.

Image links can be weird, not sure why they do that.
Dec 3, 2012 5:27 PM

Aug 2012
Name: Lolita Mugaruma, "The Doll of Death"
Age: 216
Gender: Female
Species: Inudaiyokai
Grade: Junior

Room Preference: Single
Likes: Lolita loves silence, fighting, winning, good memories of her father and sweets.
Dislikes: Lolita hates her family, weaklings, crowded spaces and losing anything.


Hey you! Yes you! Do you like:
Dragon Ball?
Dec 3, 2012 5:30 PM

May 2010
I'm curious as to why a 216 year old entity would be attending high school. Perhaps you can shed some light on this before I approve your submission?
Dec 3, 2012 6:36 PM

Aug 2012
Obviously she doesn't look that old so she ages and matures slower than humans; however, this also means she lives much longer. On a lot demon anime, you'll notice the age is usually high, and yet they act 16. Think of it that way if her age disturbs you for some reason.
Hey you! Yes you! Do you like:
Dragon Ball?
Dec 3, 2012 6:58 PM

May 2010
Not really the age, more the knowledge that comes with age. e_e But all right, you're in Dorm 2, Room 8.
Dec 4, 2012 6:57 PM
Aug 2012
Name: Fuyu Hayashi
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Species: Human
Grade: Freshman
Student or Teacher: Student
Personality: Serious, harsh, and at times kind (SOMETIMES goofy)
Room Preference: Hmm, a double room!
Likes: Playing sports (Basketball, running, etc.) and training to become the strongest.
Dislikes: Crying, Cliche Romances...
Powers: Ability to.... fight with a sword! (secret training)
Weapon: A Katana:

Bio: Although Fuyu may seem a bit harsh, or too serious, she hides a secret past that she hates to share to anybody afraid that it will make her seem weak. After her parents were killed, she was taken in by some bandits who forced her to work for them, against her own will. She could not do anything, but continue to be abused, and suffer. All this hate built inside of her until eventually she escaped, and trained with a sword she found. She planned to become the strongest, and was taken in by her aunt a little after she began to train with her katana. Her aunt was able to show her how to loosen up a bit, and because of her, Fuyu was able to act silly when necessary.
FuyuChan1111Dec 4, 2012 7:04 PM
Dec 11, 2012 5:19 AM
Sep 2012

Name: Bella Eireh
Age: 16
Gender: female
Species:  human
Grade: Freshmen
Student or Teacher: student
Teaches: n/a
She doesn't like to think of herself as 'pretty' or 'beautiful', but 'average,
She is loyal and protective, and would do anything for her friends. She is usually very funny, but sometimes, when she gets upset, she becomes sarcastic and aloof, ignoring people and zoning out. She also looses her temper sometimes, and gets very mad. She is usually a very good friend to have, seeing as she will stick up for you and speak up. She is also very flirtatious.

Additional info:
 she always fight for herself, she will show you no mercy when she sense that you have an ill intent towards her

Room Preference: double room
Likes:  guns, martial arts related, 

Dislikes:  roses

Powers:  strength

Weapon: Shown in the image outlook below

Her father was a former military and her mother was martial arts instructor.
At 15 her parents taught her how to fight to depend herself incase of any danger. And send her to school when she turn 16.



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