Greetings, everyone!
Silendris here!
I have been a devoted fan of anime since 2006 and started watching anime with the release of Air.
Since then I've been hooked, and solely watched anime subbed from fansub.tv with joy!
Though for some reason I have never gotten myself to register as a fellow member of that great community earlier. Better late than never I suppose. Shortly afterwards I found out about this place. And now I am here as well. ^^,
I am mostly into the Love-Romance, Slice of Life, Drama genres. Something that will break the contrast of the mundane life and reach out to touch my heart is always a welcome pleasure.
Also I am trying to develop my japanese whenever I can, so I apologize for any inconvenience my lack of linguistic skill in the topic may cause.
I hope to get along with everyone! ^^,
Also, look me up on fansub.tv (Silendris there as well) for all the reviews I write regarding the series I follow and general opinions and thoughts about this whole topic. :)
I've finally started using the review-function here and have moved some of my general opinions from Fansub here. Though be aware that my reviews may contain spoilers!
All Comments (230) Comments
Ah, that's too bad. :/
It's nice to rewatch things every once in a while too. I wish I could take the time to do that some time, I got Nagi no Asukara on blu-ray months ago and I still haven't watched it... I'm the same, I love those tear-jerkers. For me I think there is some awe mixed in, I just find it incredible how there are people who can make me care so much about fictional characters. Shuffle! was the first anime that got me to shed tears, followed by Kanon shortly after where Makoto's arc just destroyed me. And I've loved anime like that ever since!
Adapting to your new surroundings takes time, but i know you'll be just fine. :)
Same here, been watching some older series i havent seen yet, but not much from the new season. I mostly watch the slice of life/school life types of anime lately. :)
Yes I have. It's actually one of my favourite shoujo anime/manga. I like it because it's more on the funny and heartwarming side, and for its lovable main character. I don't know if it's what you're looking for, but I'd say it's definitely worth checking out at some point.
I still hand out a couple of 10s every year. I always manage to find something I love. :)
och Natsume Yuujinchou Go
bästa anime den här säsong imo .
I'm still kickin and my new laptop is running smoothly as well. :)
How have you been doin lately?
I've been thinking the opposite, there's plenty of shows I'm enjoying this season. Amanchu and Love Live Sunshine are even anime of the year contenders for me.
how are you ?