Greetings to all visitors of my page. I am a representative of a wonderful people some of you worship with blue boxes, fan fiction that is totally out of proportion, and funny music. In this sacred place, you must wear your bow ties, over coats, bad ass makeup and hair, and converse. Why is that you ask me? It's Gallifrey silly, where Time Lords run rampant, and we die on our own time.
The Daleks you say? Oh yes, we are supposed to be dead aren't we. Well, that's what we want you silly single-hearted bipedal apes to think. If you discovered we were real, we'd never get any peace. After all, that's why there's a show about us and some of our glorious victories throughout time and space to keep you occupied.
What's it like on Gallifrey, you ask? Ah, it's a great place to live out our long long lives. Ohh, how long? The oldest man alive is nearly ninety thousand years old, and he's competing in the human equivalent of a marathon soon. As your Time Lord Ambassador, I bid you farewell for now.
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