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Sep 16, 2012 7:49 AM

Aug 2010
Yep, Moid was behind it all if it wasn't already obvious. Asteria was a full grown women when she was Maycun, and opened the Rinne after being used by her friends/associates.

That toss the three girls laid down on Dizelmine was awesome. It looks like a separation of the three girls is coming again :(
Sep 16, 2012 7:49 AM

Nov 2011

I lol'd @ the beginning of the scene.

But this episode was alright with the intensity, glass like birds, mecha battles, Maycun, and climax.
Sep 16, 2012 9:16 AM

Nov 2008
I'm surprised Moid was taken into custody and alive at that, I expected him to be iced over and die from his own amalgamations. That and Vila barely survived, that's some serious plot armor as if this was any other mecha series he would have been dead.

Sep 16, 2012 9:54 AM
Oct 2010
figured no one would die. not even doucher moid :l

madokas family is scary D: lol sis just knocked his ass out

lold at the unlimited blade works scene :P
Dont bother replying to my posts in forums, dont check them afterwards.

Sep 16, 2012 10:07 AM
Mar 2008
Pathetic resolution to the crisis.
So yeah let's suplex him together and he's already KOed.
Oh and they finally gave the cousin a reason to exist: throwing a punch to Moid. And that's it, he's out too. One heck of a evil character.
Oh hey, the world's ending, but who cares! Let's have lunch.
This episode really dropped the ball, I'm seriously disappointed.
another_anonSep 16, 2012 10:39 AM
Sep 16, 2012 10:16 AM

Apr 2010

Pretty good, and I liked that moment and the stuff with swords. Baffling when they sat to chat and eat lunch while the world is being swalled by Rin-ne though I liked when the instrumental Try Unite version played as well as the song afterwards which is my favorite on the ost.

Ending moment all three uniting to tackle dizelmine was really enjoyable and epic when they did it..

I wish we got more scenes of young Dizelmine/Villaguilio.
<img src="" />
Sep 16, 2012 11:03 AM

Apr 2010
Pretty chaotic episode but nice to see things got solved.
Muginami and Lan also made it to Rinne this time and there even fighting there now against Lan's brother with one nice trow.
And i like the up side down ocean idea it's pretty interesting to see it that way.
We also got to see Moids intenseness and he is just as insane as Lan's brother is at the moment.
And Youko gave one awesome punch to him the mark on his face after that made me laugh and he deserved it.

Grania setting things with the enemy captain was also a good things hope this time it's settled for good.
Seeing Yurikano for a short moment at the start and end of the episode suggests she might make a appearance again next episode.
And hopefully things are settled this time.
Sep 16, 2012 1:46 PM

Nov 2011
Sep 16, 2012 10:07 PM
Jul 2018
So guys....basically Moid was just a silly man that wanted to hear the voice of rin-ne?
It seemed opening the rin-ne would bring him immensive pleasure its like sex to 'Moid'. Even though he was the bad guy of the series he wasn't so bad just crazy is all. Because of that definitely not sane person Dizelmine was sort of forced to unleash his true feelings, his true hatred towards Vilajulio.
All those years he's held it in, thanks to Moid (cough) he finally let it out which was a good thing to see. All is left is to make up and be family again.
Sep 16, 2012 11:36 PM

May 2011
Not a very good episode in my opinion, Moid's reasoning for all he's done was pathetic, and watching Lan's oniichan just hanging around in his mecha while it sucks other crystallized mecha was plain boring. Only the comedy parts saved the episode for me, especially when the girls decided to take a burger break when the world is going through an apocalyptic moment all around them. The highlight of course had to be Youko-nee's knuckle sandwich for Moid. Hey, can somebody make a flash game that involves punching his mug with the choice of different characters sprouting different one liners when they punch him? Wanna bet it'll top the Japanese Apple App store? :-D
Many that live deserve death. And some that die deserve life. Can you give it to them? Then do not be too eager to give out death in judgement. For even the very wise cannot see all ends.
Sep 16, 2012 11:42 PM
Apr 2011
I don't know. I'm not satisfied with this episode. All this buildup from the last episode (actually this entire two seasons) reaches its peak only to be lightly resolved. I mean, "That's it?'
Sep 17, 2012 2:21 AM

Feb 2012
I still didn't get what exactly happened 20.000 years ago.

Crazy shit happened and that's all, at least Moid got punched haha
Sep 17, 2012 6:48 AM

Sep 2012
I didn't saw this punch coming. It feels like Moid will take the way of the redemption.

Besides, I'm a little disappointed with this episode. Ok, Madoka getting angry was amazing and all, but all this shit is gonna be cleaned up too easily.
Sep 17, 2012 6:54 AM
Dec 2010
This series is just bad.
Sep 17, 2012 3:32 PM

Jul 2010
Moid got socked in the face and Midori actually communicated with Madoka through email. :)

Next time's the final battle!

newnar said:
This series is just bad.
You only figured that out at episode 11 of the second season? So tell me why you are still here...

Sep 17, 2012 5:39 PM

Sep 2011
Whatever his reason, silly, stupid, insane, or whatever, is irrelevant. I won't be happy unless Moid is crucified.

The break for lunch and chat? If you didn't understand why they did that, you missed the point of this show, and this episode in particular.
Sep 18, 2012 10:28 AM

Jul 2010
One punch and is Moid out for the count, lol. All is resolved!
Sep 19, 2012 1:14 AM

Sep 2011
Meh S2 for a Meh S1. Not that I had high expectations for this show. Pretty much skipped Episodes 7-10 because of how boring they were, using my arrow key to skip 5 seconds each time. Sure didn't miss much. Moid out for the count with a single punch from an angry big sister.
Sep 19, 2012 7:40 PM

Dec 2011
If I can say something good about this show it's that the effects are seriously phenomenal(at least for me). I think I actually spent more time watching those than I did paying attention to what was going on.
Sep 20, 2012 8:57 AM
May 2012
prismheart said:
Yep, Moid was behind it all if it wasn't already obvious. Asteria was a full grown women when she was Maycun, and opened the Rinne after being used by her friends/associates.

That toss the three girls laid down on Dizelmine was awesome. It looks like a separation of the three girls is coming again :(
Cratex said:
Whatever his reason, silly, stupid, insane, or whatever, is irrelevant. I won't be happy unless Moid is crucified.

The break for lunch and chat? If you didn't understand why they did that, you missed the point of this show, and this episode in particular.

See what I mean? See?

I told you that IT WAS HIM ALL ALONG! FUCK YOU MOID. How dare you used Madoka, everything even Dizelmine! Seriously guys, I've been speculating this all the time since the start of season 2 people!

I Guess you guys never listened to me what I've been ranting & saying in the previous episodes despite I was pissed too anyway (Damn most of my post didn't get any replies whatsoever despite what happened during recent ep of Accel World too. I mean have you guys seen it yet?).

Congratulations that Balance T. Moid has become a biggest asshole antagonist ever.

He deserved to get beaten by Madoka's Sister, finally. Or he should'vel deserved to get killed due to his powers on his chest. God, I couldn't stand that guy.

What a Douche!

It's okay, Dizelmine. those girls are finally snapped you out from the 'trance'. But wait, Villagulio is still alive?! And so was Yurikano?! I didn't see that coming!

Can't wait for the finale next week. Now the 'NIGHTMARE' is over, thank god (And so was Accel World).
JafriZinSep 20, 2012 9:26 AM
Sep 20, 2012 9:29 AM

Sep 2011
JeffreyZin said:

See what I mean, guys? See?

I told you that IT WAS HIM ALL ALONG! FUCK YOU MOID. You used Madoka, everything even Dizelmine! I've been speculating this all the time since the start of season 2 people!


To start, you've not said anything many of us haven't already talked about even back in season one. Maybe you missed those discussions?

JeffreyZin said:
I Guess you guys never listened to me what I've saying in the previous episodes
Actually, I think people don't respond to you because you're either not paying attention to anything anybody else said before or what you do say doesn't make much sense. For example, many of us have been fingering Moid for a long time now. Also, just because you say "I think X", that doesn't require a response from others. It seems you assume nobody reads your post because nobody responds. Well, take a chill pill. The world doesn't work that way.
Sep 20, 2012 10:41 AM

May 2010
Way to go Madoka, Lan and Muginami you kicked that psyhco maniac ass although the real blame is Moid in which I still don't know what does this bastard wants, well they are defeated all is well !!

And is Yurikano still alive, I mean is that really her at the last scene ?!

MyAmySep 20, 2012 10:46 AM
Sep 20, 2012 11:37 AM
May 2012
Cratex said:

To start, you've not said anything many of us haven't already talked about even back in season one. Maybe you missed those discussions?

You know, I haven't been on MAL once in a while ever since I've 1st registered on last may so yeah, I DID missed that discussion after I watched 1st season & it was too late for me to discuss anything about what just happened in most of episodes. #OFF TOPIC

Actually, I think people don't respond to you because you're either not paying attention to anything anybody else said before or what you do say doesn't make much sense. For example, many of us have been fingering Moid for a long time now. Also, just because you say "I think X", that doesn't require a response from others. It seems you assume nobody reads your post because nobody responds. Well, take a chill pill. The world doesn't work that way.

So what. I mean what do I care?

I was like 'I can't believe what I just witnessed', 'You never know what's coming, folks' & 'I knew it!'. I mean seriously, It's official. That guy just getting on my friggin nerves all the time since 1st season during the scene with Lan & Dizelmine till I feel like I'm gonna shut him up. And my theory was right, Great, aren't they introducing these bunch of misfits and I bet everyone would rage especially me who not knowing what happens to these guys or what this association is even planning? I mean I totally called it! I totally figured it out! But after all that I get nothing?

Oh well.

I don't care whatever I want to say I mean so much for expecting the unexpected plot twist all time till it DID happened right here especially in this episode. And I was right! I mean I never thought that was too early to finished Yurikano's arc till EP7 but no.... It's not over yet... another 'misunderstanding' plot happening here & there especially both Dizel & Viguo (or whoever the name is) thanks to that fucker Moid. Damn, why do I have always these uncomfortable feelings about shit always happens all the time throughout the episode (I really don't care about humour in some parts)....

Well, folks, I can't believe it's My HiME, My Otome, Sacred Seven & Accel World (They were produced by Sunrise, but Lagrange was produced by Production IG & Xebec) all over again, ladies & gentlemen (Have you guys seen it yet? They shared some similarites in personality especially the antagonist itself).

Lagrange S2 is going to end soon btw. And I hope both Madoka, Lan & Muginami will have a happy ending & lived happily ever after soon.

MyAmy said:
Way to go Madoka, Lan and Muginami you kicked that psyhco maniac ass although the real blame is Moid in which I still don't know what does this bastard wants, well they are defeated all is well !!

And is Yurikano still alive, I mean is that really her at the last scene ?!


And yes, it IS Yurikano. And we still don't know why is she there.
JafriZinSep 21, 2012 10:31 AM
Sep 20, 2012 4:08 PM

Sep 2011
JeffreyZin said:
So what. I mean what do I care?
(Shrug) your post certainly was worded as if you did, seemingly making a big deal out of nobody but you noticed this, so I responded. If that was not your intent, or you didn't care, or both, ignore what I said.
Sep 24, 2012 12:55 AM

Jan 2011
Great episode, but Moid needs to feel more pain.
The preview says that stuff will be good again, but I wonder how they'll beat Dizelmine.
Only one more episode to go!
I almost never read discussions after I made my post, if you want to reply PM me or post on my profile page.
Sep 24, 2012 7:20 AM
May 2012
MasterMeNL said:
Great episode, but Moid needs to feel more pain.

Who cares about Moid?! He's nothing but scumbag who's showing up out-of-nowhere & trolling the entire show.
JafriZinSep 24, 2012 8:32 AM
Oct 16, 2012 2:20 AM

May 2011
There's a song in this eipsode, that I could not find in the OST. I believe it was also used in season 1, but it's not included on that one either. I'm talking about the one that's fully played by a violin. Does anyone know if it was released, and if it has been, could anyone tell me the name of it?
Oct 18, 2012 9:36 AM
May 2012
Cratex said:
(Shrug) your post certainly was worded as if you did, seemingly making a big deal out of nobody but you noticed this, so I responded. If that was not your intent, or you didn't care, or both, ignore what I said.

Have you ever watch Accel World & Sword Art Online lately? Everyone has always been act like that when it comes a character that they really HATE till it becomes a trend when there's an official 'character name' hate thread where people wants to vent their angers & frustration on this one.

Link below:-

Hell, High School of the dead (HOTD) also had a same thing as well but too bad it's already ended till they went on 'rampage', like me.

Seriously both season of Rinne No Lagrange, That person (Moid) is so irritating. He still deserves the hate. Should we kill him now?! I mean this guy was way too worse than Sugou Nobuyuki (Sword Art Online). Kinda worse.

Moid T Balance = FAIR FAG

AntonyRedgrave said:
There's a song in this eipsode, that I could not find in the OST. I believe it was also used in season 1, but it's not included on that one either. I'm talking about the one that's fully played by a violin. Does anyone know if it was released, and if it has been, could anyone tell me the name of it?

Same here. I can't figured out what soundtrack are they played although there's one on Recent OST of Rinne No Lagrange Season 2.
JafriZinOct 20, 2012 10:04 PM
Dec 29, 2012 2:09 PM
Jul 2018

I like Yoko. HAHA. Good for you, Moid. XD
Apr 21, 2013 4:13 AM

Jul 2008
im gona play captain obvious and say at least we know the machines were once a single Vox and that fill in on the 20,000 legend of the one Vox that destroyed earth
After I Crush Your Dreams......
Your Bones Will Follow......
Sep 24, 2013 7:31 PM

Feb 2013
Dizelmine bleeding out the eyes... woa.
Jun 17, 2014 11:38 PM

Aug 2013
I'm going to be mad if Moid gets off this with just a Yoko punch. Dizelmine too. Exile him or something and let Lan be queen.
"May those who accept their fate be granted happiness."

"May those who defy their fate be granted glory."
Jan 18, 2015 9:51 AM

Jul 2009
Youko is the best character! Just awesome!
May 30, 2015 3:45 AM

Jul 2008
Awww, I wanted Moid to be kicked off the building...

Time for Yukikano to kick Dizel's ass now.
Jun 24, 2015 9:57 AM

Jun 2013
Teriffic, teriffic episode!
Jul 20, 2024 12:24 PM

Dec 2022
Seen a few people thinking (a bit naively) concluding that Villagulio was killed in the previous episode, but he's shown alive and recovering in bed during this episode, which isn't to my surprise. Does this series come across as having the sort of tone that would set a precedent for unceremoniously killing off a significant, recurring character like that?

Nice to see the suplex back in action.

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Shaded Horizon

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