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Mar 31, 2012 2:17 AM

Nov 2011
nice ep... yu summon fucking lucifer to finish the job
discoball's eye... never realised its actually a camera lense from the game
rise's persona actually fight LOL...

I love the drastic mood changes in the series, from "the adventures of a bunch highschool kids in a little town" to "saving the world from a disco-eyeball god" XD

so glad the normal ending in anime are different ....It felt very unsatisfied & too sudden compared to the game
In Game normal ed & true ed are the same thing.... the difference is true ed just add little scene after credit...

damn waiting for the true ending will be painful ;_ ;

tamachana said:
Well that was a good show~ Considering i have never really heard of the Persona series before this show came out, i was incredibly confused as to what was going on, but either way im glad i stuck with it~ I cant wait for the ova either~

Also, im amazed no one has mentioned Yu's...position when he was with Adachi.


I'm on the same boat as you... never played the game but it makes me intrigued & search the game as I love to see the original source (spoiled myself with the culprit before ep 24 & true ending included XD)

& that picture....I'm burst out laughing at that scene...
arena149Mar 31, 2012 2:37 AM
Mar 31, 2012 2:58 AM

Jan 2012
Eh. And another based on game has finished :[ Game is more better, but aninme is too interesiting and keeping in disturbed and uncertainty. That moment when Rise said "I love you senpai". Great episode.
MomooiroSep 12, 2014 12:59 PM
Mar 31, 2012 3:36 AM

Nov 2010
Any body know of the song playing during the episode 26 preview?
Mar 31, 2012 3:36 AM

Sep 2010
Climax of this episode was not enough for a final episode...... Otherwise pretty good.... Hoping True End would be much better....

Episode - 3.5/5

Series - 7/10
Mar 31, 2012 3:39 AM

Sep 2010
Obstinate said:
Where did people watch the PV for the true end??

It's at the end of the episode (after the credits)
Mar 31, 2012 3:43 AM
Dec 2007
Truly a magnificent last episode, even better than the game's good ending. The direction was absolutely breathtaking and the animation was finally at the level we could have hoped to see for the whole show. Overall, this P4 The Animation was the best video game adaptation I have seen, extremely close to the original material (well, the Persona team did work with AIC/Aniplex on that) due to the music and dialogues being the same as the game, plus Seiji Kishi's direction was awesome, cementing him as one of the best - and most prolific - new Japanese animation directors. 8,5/10

In every age, in every place, the deeds of men remain the same.
Mar 31, 2012 3:45 AM
Feb 2010
episode 5/5
series 7/10

True ending OVA, sweet ^^
Mar 31, 2012 3:48 AM

Jun 2010
TheLaw said:
Anyway Ameno Sagiri sounds like Mayuri from Bleach.

Yeah, same voice actor, haha.

Looking forward to the good ending!
Mar 31, 2012 3:56 AM

Jul 2011
the last battle is epic even though it's sort
i like adachi here more
Yuu summoning looks so badass ,i don't expect it to be lucifer.

5/5 for episode

9/10 , because i'm extremely bias even though it certainly has many problems. But seeing one of my favourite game get animated nicely is enough

Can't wait for true end
Mar 31, 2012 4:21 AM

Feb 2009
It was a fine episode I guess. I didn't expect much from the series itself, but it was entertaining nonetheless. 6/10

Also waiting for the true end.
Mar 31, 2012 4:34 AM

Nov 2011
tamachana said:
Also, im amazed no one has mentioned Yu's...position when he was with Adachi.

LOL i thought: should i laugh or isnt this the right time for it '_'
Mar 31, 2012 4:43 AM

Jul 2009
Apparently ep23~24 had been edited to fit into the 24minute restriction. Kind of obvious since there are some quick cuts.

Just like f/z ep11, I won't be making the full review until I see the proper version. However I already find this final ep glorious enough.
Mar 31, 2012 5:13 AM

May 2011
I'm quite sure that after 5 months I would had forgotten about this anime. At least the plot.
Mar 31, 2012 5:59 AM

Aug 2011
It was looking to be a fairly average episode but when the cast banded together to save Yuu, I couldn't help but feel exicted when their upgraded personas came out to battle against that camera lens.

Persona 4's music was just awesome throughout. I seemed to love every track! For me, hearing the soundtrack with the animation was probably the highlight of the show. Ep 25 was no exception.

I was going to complain about the abrupt ending (and how Yuu leaves just like that?!) but damn, I didn't expect the awesome preview afterwards. Looks like fans will get their wish for the animated 'true end' afterall, eventhough it's months away. I'm excited to see it, I want to know why the mystery isn't solved yet and more about the velvet room!

From watching this show, I can see why Persona 4 is so popular from what I've gathered. I'm hyped up to play the video game in order to fill up time until ep 26. A cool 8/10.
Mar 31, 2012 7:57 AM

Feb 2012
What the hell, it's such a gay ending. And that's Yosuke's face seeing Yu drowned in the darkness is pretty...urgh. And the departure is far more better in the game. For you who haven't played the game, I encourage you to try it out. The ending in anime is nice, though, but you will feel more warm-hearted watching the game's ending. Idk, maybe it's because them just through the Good Ending or something...

The change of Persona is good, but lol they defeated three Reaper with only a team member consist of two Persona user. It's total ridiculous. Try it out for yerself. It'll break your sweat. And I don't say it is in the easy mode game.

All and all, I give this last episode 7/10 because of the gayish atmosphere I could sense.

waiting for the True Ending. Argh, it's still a long way to August. Can't wait. And lol at Nanako want to marry Onii-chan and Dojima's response :D
Mar 31, 2012 8:13 AM

Jul 2009
This episode was pretty awesome. I think they made Adachi far more menacing than he was in the game, so, that's certainly a plus. On the other hand, giant disco eyeball still felt silly xP

Also, about the preview for the OVA (minor game spoilers below)

Since the sales of P4A are doing great so far, anyone else hoping for an anime adaptation of a different Persona game? I would be all over 2 or 3.
If any of my posts seem odd, it's probably because I'm tired. Sorry. I have sleeping issues.
Mar 31, 2012 8:45 AM

Jun 2010
Epic songs are epic.
Mar 31, 2012 9:30 AM

May 2010
this episode actually makes me laugh a lot.
true ED looks awesome!
Mar 31, 2012 9:52 AM

Oct 2011
sillyriri said:
This episode was pretty awesome. I think they made Adachi far more menacing than he was in the game, so, that's certainly a plus. On the other hand, giant disco eyeball still felt silly xP

Also, about the preview for the OVA (minor game spoilers below)

Since the sales of P4A are doing great so far, anyone else hoping for an anime adaptation of a different Persona game? I would be all over 2 or 3.

The True Ending boss is nothing compare to Margaret Q.Q

Love to see it animated!
I am the Marshmallow of Justice
Platinum is my body and Disco in my blood
I have created over 9000 Platinum toothbrushes
Unknown to Ghosts, Nor known to Demons
Have withstood Vampires, Phoenix & Bee to create many Parodies
Yet, those hands will never hold anything
So as I pray, Unlimited Platinum Works!
Mar 31, 2012 12:21 PM

Apr 2009
Never watched any of the personas or played the games.. but i very much enjoyed this anime.. slow at times but still good.. i dont know the game story so i dont know if anyone gets together at all(romance wise)? or if what nanako said about marrying YU was just throwing in there for giggles. But i hate how he still left at the end. besides rise, did the other 2 girls like yu at all?

I rather him move over there or something so he could stay with his friends. I really wish(will never happen because it goes by the game) they had another person anime coming out and its was like 1 year later and yu comes back with everyone.

it does suck having to wait for the other ending. but hey they gotta make money some how.
Mar 31, 2012 12:48 PM

Apr 2007
tamachana said:
Also, im amazed no one has mentioned Yu's...position when he was with Adachi.

That part was hilarious~

Overall this series mostly bored me, but there were enough funny & epic moments that made it worth watching to the end. Also Naoto. I didn't expect her to be my fav, but she easily won me over <3
Mar 31, 2012 12:50 PM

Jun 2009
Mar 31, 2012 12:59 PM

Oct 2011
Dammn..that was good!...
i thought Yu will summon Izanagi no Okami earlier but was Lucifer!!
ohh yeaah!!
btw im glad that i will see the True Ending soon...but this is too loong!!!
Mar 31, 2012 1:51 PM

May 2009
Azure-kun said:
What the hell, it's such a gay ending. And that's Yosuke's face seeing Yu drowned in the darkness is pretty...urgh.

Mar 31, 2012 2:58 PM

Oct 2007
Well, it is cool and all but as an anime I don't think it has gone anywhere.

"A Legend is but a tale of a beautiful lie."
Mar 31, 2012 4:37 PM

Dec 2009
That "I'm going to marry you," made all the cheesy lines during the battle worth it.

Mar 31, 2012 4:47 PM

Dec 2009
Geeze Narakumi really is a Giggilo. Even Nanako wants to marry him.

I can't wait for the true end, it looks awesome from what I've seen in the PV.
Mar 31, 2012 6:24 PM
Dec 2011
So I guess it's confirmed that the Ameno Sagiri was as well the supposed shadow of Teddie. I know the game is better, but lets say that the adoptation wasn't completely wasted, it's just didn't had enough time.
Mar 31, 2012 6:26 PM
Nov 2010
It was a nice show, though this episode kinda felt rushed.

Overall 7/10
Mar 31, 2012 6:41 PM

Feb 2012
Miya_F_Exia said:
Azure-kun said:
What the hell, it's such a gay ending. And that's Yosuke's face seeing Yu drowned in the darkness is pretty...urgh.


No seriously, I love Yosuke as the 'best pal' of Yu. But in this last episode, I had hold the urge to skip the secene, but oh well, Susano-O pwned Ame-no-Sagiri's belly for good. So that cool.

JesterGaiden said:
Overall it was a fine ending to the series. The series had some rocky times, but I'd stand behind it as a pretty good adaptation (craptastic animation aside). I'm kinda bummed that the final episode will be five'll feel weird watching it that many months after the series has ended.

Lol not really dude. I suppose ATLUS had a plan to release the True End after the player had end their True End in P4 The Golden. It might be the super duper Spoiler fans have ever seen then if they're new to the series.

Besides it will be a good money at that time. Afterall, 2012 is the year of Persona 4 :D
darazu_wa said:
So I guess it's confirmed that the Ameno Sagiri was as well the supposed shadow of Teddie. I know the game is better, but lets say that the adoptation wasn't completely wasted, it's just didn't had enough time.

Eh Idk, but i suppose it's because Shadow Teddie also produce its own mist. So no, I think they're different to each other...CMIIW

Deardrops said:
Wow, horrible, no offense to any of the fans, but this adaption was HORRIBLE.

I truly understand this. Somehow near the Good End I felt dissapointed by how they manage the action in that freakin 24 minutes. I want more Konohana-Sakuya's Agidyne!

All in all, I'm surprissed that no one talking about Yu's insight regarding to reality and illusion as long as he is there with his dear friends. It's pretty touching scene that we cannot get from the game. And I'm sure that Yukiko's cry "Narukami, help me!" is when THEY fighting the last enemy :D not going to spoil ya all more further, but it will be an exciting battle!!!
Azure-kunMar 31, 2012 6:51 PM
Mar 31, 2012 6:46 PM

Jan 2010
I liked this adaptation but that ending was so horrible. If only they had 26 episodes to work with or if they cut out one of those shitty Nanako fillers then they probably could have fit the true ending in. But no, we gotta wait till August for it. That's some real shit.
Mar 31, 2012 7:03 PM
Dec 2011
Azure-kun said:
darazu_wa said:
So I guess it's confirmed that the Ameno Sagiri was as well the supposed shadow of Teddie. I know the game is better, but lets say that the adoptation wasn't completely wasted, it's just didn't had enough time.

Eh Idk, but i suppose it's because Shadow Teddie also produce its own mist. So no, I think they're different to each other...CMIIW

If you watched the last episode, Narukami remembers Ameno Sagiri and we get a short flashback when Izanagi stabs previously unknown black-like-ball-thing which was in episode 10 at 19:41. The ball was in Shadow Teddie, so it practicly confirms that at least Teddies shadow was possesed if not completely the same entity.
Mar 31, 2012 7:55 PM

Dec 2007
Oh man, I can't wait for the true ending episode... good for business to put it only in the blurays and dvds, tho.
Mar 31, 2012 8:11 PM

Aug 2010
Thank god for Persona.

I'm pretty biased...this adaptation was still pretty good compared to others I've seen, the last 2 eps where hella rushed, but I still could follow them (though I think ppl who never played the game before got a WTF out of them).

Just gonna say fuck that and Persona 4 was awesome <3
Apr 1, 2012 3:49 AM

Feb 2012
Deardrops said:
Yeah but, don't you think it's a bit stupid? They didn't have enough time to animate the true end but they had the time to make Kanji even more gay and throw in yaoi jokes and vibes? I'm truly disappointed, i'll have to go back to the game i guess.
if only they animated P3...WHERE'S MY MINATO?!?

Seriously though, they left out alot of epic scenes from the game...if only they made an episode or two explaining the whole izanami thing (instead of wasting the animation on Yosuke blushing at yuu FFS).

Well at last we know that only from the game we get the true feeling from it.
The anime is stands in the middle I suppose, or even more they tend to the gayish thing and jokes to balance Yu's option towards the girls. Darn it, they ruin the ending. They even make Yosuke is the most talking one in Yu's departure. What about the feeling of the other?

Hope the True End episode is really something.
Apr 1, 2012 6:48 AM

Sep 2011
I'm Really Somewhat Disappointed On This Episode. Right After Guilty Crown And Then THIS? :|

if only they animated P3...WHERE'S MY MINATO?!?

Seriously THIS.

Apr 1, 2012 9:26 AM

May 2009
Azure-kun said:
Miya_F_Exia said:
Azure-kun said:
What the hell, it's such a gay ending. And that's Yosuke's face seeing Yu drowned in the darkness is pretty...urgh.


No seriously, I love Yosuke as the 'best pal' of Yu. But in this last episode, I had hold the urge to skip the secene, but oh well, Susano-O pwned Ame-no-Sagiri's belly for good. So that cool.

Oh, I agree with you. I was just making a reference to Hiimdaisy's comic because when you said that the first thing that I thought was him screaming that lol

But yeah, I'm with you in Yosuke being the "best pal" only. That's one of the reasons I was so pissed off with the Yosuke from the tv series.
Apr 1, 2012 9:30 AM

Jun 2011
lookin forward for the true ending
Apr 1, 2012 10:07 AM

Jun 2011
Wow its finally ended. A pretty good episode i must say, the fight was handled brilliantly. The appearance of the ultimate persona also made it awesome.

In the end i gave it a 8/10 as i have been looking forward to this series before it aired and am satisfied with the end. Lastly cant wait for the True ending, looks mega awesome
Apr 1, 2012 10:20 AM

May 2008
I'd say they adapted from the game very well and I'm sad it's over :c I really can't wait to see them animate the true ending though.

It's just about as upsetting as when you finish the game..


Apr 1, 2012 10:37 AM

May 2009
Well, there was a slight yaoi vibe in the game depending on what you did in Yosuke's SL for example, but nothing really that major (for me, at least; for the yaoi fans it was more than enough).
Apr 1, 2012 11:10 AM

May 2009

This hug is the main reason behind all the yaoi stuff between Yosuke and MC.
Apr 1, 2012 11:21 AM

May 2009
^Exactly, that's what I think as well. BUT! We know that, for yaoi fans, that doesn't matter. It's bromance.

Oh, don't be sorry. I know how you feel, man.
Apr 1, 2012 11:39 AM
Mar 2012
Deardrops said:
Wow, horrible, no offense to any of the fans, but this adaption was HORRIBLE.

If you aren't a fan, then why did you watch this? >.> This was solely made because it was well received by many, correct?

And yes, yaoi yaoi that people like to find in the straightest couples. Yosuke lost the girl he loved and Yu, the MC, has the ability to get a girl whenever he feels like it.

It needed more episodes, because I did like the fight scene with Ameno-sagiri. I always enjoyed the fight scenes, no matter how short. It looks so detailed! However, the part of the fight that seemed lacking was showing the full personas as I think everyone but Susanoo-o was shown properly close up. The blue flames kind of hindered the view for me.

The epilogue was rushed. The whole group did NOT run after the train, which is why it wasn't good to me like in the game. Good ending also showed every maxed link at the end, but there was no time for that. Despite that, it WAS well adapted. If they had more time...they could easily make a interesting run of the social links and the epilogue could be fantastic! If they had ONE MORE episode just for the epilogue, it would have been great.

Still a 9/10 for overall
Rushed or not, they weren't given enough space to maneuver; similar to a max social link run of P3. lol
Apr 1, 2012 11:50 AM

Sep 2007
*Whistles* Niiiiice.... They used Lucifer as the persona to PWN it all...
Though I was upset that they didn't bring out Izanagi-No-Okami


Otherwise.....this ep was kinda blah.....
One thing that peeved me is that they had to use Death of all things? OH COME ON. I fought death FOR FUN in the ain't as tough as the anime made it to look, the thing is real easy to beat -it just tends to like to spam an instant death move a lot.
(Plus Adachi can't control Death...but the anime made it look like he could control them)

Also kind of "meh" that the teammates Personas all upgraded in that final battle at the last second.... it was a little forced I think... like "Oh...we forgot to include the Persona-upgrades things....let's throw it in like the last second"
really? I'd have forgiven them if they had upgraded when they beat the various Death clones (even though that's not quite correct either...) but that late? Come on....

Well...I look forward to the True End. If anything I want to see Izanagi-No-Okami animated soo badly.

Edit: in regards to Deardrops post a little above mine...
@Deardrops: Actually if you did play the game a certain way you can kind of trigger dialogue that sounds rather borderline yaoi between Yosuke and Narukami in the game.
I'm specifically talking about the "Group date" cafe thing. If you get Yu to sit on the dude's side Yosuke sits on the girls side and he does say some "questionable dialogue" in response to the "date questions"

That's enough for yaoi fans to grab onto and run for it.
IkanoApr 1, 2012 11:59 AM
Apr 1, 2012 12:54 PM
Jul 2011
a don't know what with you guys who already played the game.

but for me this anime was PERFECT XD

they even shows my fav SMT Demon. and he repel enemy attack like nothing XD'

well i kinda get de ja vu as when i got to the end of most SMT game, its to much text and all required to conclude the truth. but i enjoyed it 10/10. no less.

Deardrops said:

P3? Dude, P3 was simply amazing, why didn't they animate it instead? it was better than P4 in every aspect, Just the way they summon their personas is friggin win, and that ending will leave you drowning in tears, it was PERFECT, i really wanted to see Minato in action ;/

weeellll, pulling gun triger that pointing to head (even no bullet) is to much to put on TV rather than wearing unique eyeglass ;P
lukavminaevApr 1, 2012 1:16 PM
Apr 1, 2012 1:13 PM

Sep 2007
ITT: Complaining about homosexuality
Apr 1, 2012 1:15 PM
Apr 2012
Long time lurker of this forum, first time poster, so forgive me if my post feels really long as I feel the urge to voice my opinion on this adaption. I'll start with talking about the final episode than the series as a whole.

With Episode 24 in mind, I think Episode 25 was done very well as far as Adachi is concerned. Strong build-up, strong tension, and Adachi's animation was very convincing. I enjoyed the fact he busted out three Reapers (which would've owned the hell out of everyone in the game) and had a solo battle with Narukami. I feel the battle was very well done even though it felt very preachy the whole time. I felt it would've been better if Yu and Adachi were actually fighting with their Personas as well for added effect.

The second half of Episode 25 though was a major downer for me. The severely rushed ending is obvious. I also didn't like the song that played to finish off Ameno. I love "The Almighty" that was playing and it was cut out far too soon. However, the Ameno battle, while very well animated, left me quite disappointed. I enjoyed watching Yu's struggle against the darkness, as well as Yosuke saving him with his transformed Persona, but right after that it fell into the world of Cliches`. Yosuke is the only person who I am 100% certain should have a transformed persona. Yukiko and Naoto are arguable candidates. Everyone else... not really.

Though this just leads me to look back at the series in retrospect. Even without knowledge from the game (I played it with 100% completion), one could tell the anime is just really rushed. There's so much cut out from the game that the adaptation suffered. The only thing I feel the adaption did right was solidify the relationship between Yu and Nanako. Even I felt like crying when Yu was desperately trying to save her and she ended up dying (and I knew it was going to happen!). The most important aspect in Persona 4 is the relationships that Yu shares with others, and it really felt more like the Scooby-Doo Mystery Inc. instead of an actual bond group of BFFs. As a result, I felt Episodes 18 to 24 were truly great episodes, but in hind sight I feel that's only because Nanako was involved. Of course, I'm generalizing a little too much. Yosuke and Naoto were well-developed, even though the former was pretty late with his development.

This series seriously should've been two seasons. That's plenty of episodes to form relationships with everyone.

I don't really wanna rate this anime, but this is definitely a show for fans of the game. I can't see people without previous knowledge liking this.


Wasabi said:
ITT: Complaining about homosexuality

Which I'm not sure why there is. Yosuke and Yu grow to be best friends in the game, and the two actually depend on each other very well. Yu's the Commander, and Yosuke is the Lieutenant. I would expect nothing less.
HeroMysticApr 1, 2012 1:21 PM
Apr 1, 2012 1:43 PM

Apr 2009
was there any romance in the game at all?
Apr 1, 2012 2:38 PM
Apr 2012
For the most part it's only if you as the MC choose to initiate it. For Chie, Yukiko, Rise and Naoto, you can either be really good friends or have a romance (with all of them at once if you wanted) as you improve your bonds with them via Social Links.

As far as the main story goes there's never a clear winner, though Rise still has her major crush on Yu and I suppose the most hinted is Yukiko, though it's pretty obvious Naoto has a crush on Yu whether you romance with her or not.

I'm a Chie fan myself.
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