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Nov 17, 2010 7:37 AM

Nov 2008
Yami's fever burns literally and all that delicious yuri mid episode and at the end which was even done by a possessed Haruna. The spirit possessing her hid inside Haruna's body after being chased by a dog. While Haruna was possessed she almost kissed Rito but the dogs fighting snapped her out of it and the female spirit possessing her was revealed. The spirit even joins in the yurifest at the end. Another must re-watch in AT-X version since the light of evil is blocking one of the highlights of the episode.

Nov 17, 2010 2:24 PM

Oct 2007
I find it interesting that they compressed like 3 chapters was it? from the Oshizu accidently posessing Haruna arc into one episode. I kinda of hate how they took the drama out of it though. x_x
Nov 17, 2010 8:50 PM

Aug 2010
Hoppy said:
the light of evil

That definitely should be what it is called. I did enjoy the Yami scenes even with the light though.
Nov 17, 2010 9:02 PM

Oct 2010
I loved Rito's face when Haruna showed her bra ^.^ the stray dog was super funny >^.^<
Nov 17, 2010 9:58 PM

Jul 2009
gah, want the atx version nao!
If your going to complain that Yu-Gi-Oh! Mangas are on the top NY times manga best sellers, you must not realize how popular Card games are(as well as the fact that you get a free card).
Nov 18, 2010 2:37 AM

Feb 2010
looks like fun! lala sums it up perfectly :P
Nov 18, 2010 3:56 AM

Aug 2010
The Yami chapter was awesome.
Nov 18, 2010 7:49 AM

Dec 2007
Yami-chan is so cute <3
Nov 18, 2010 7:59 AM

Aug 2010
"That looks like fun, I want in"
fuck everything and rumble
Nov 18, 2010 12:07 PM

Feb 2009
definitely need to watch that last arc without the censor
Nov 18, 2010 1:56 PM

Mar 2009
*drops jaw* She.. Haruna... confessed to liking Rito... on her own.. not the ghost's control?! In the words of Peter from Family Guy... HOLY FREAKING CRAP!!! Absolutely hilarious episode... and on the confession side.. two so far (Lala and Haruna), so when does Yui go for it? :D -- Randy
Nov 18, 2010 6:19 PM

Aug 2010
Im more interested in Kotegawa, not much of her in this episode :(
Nov 19, 2010 4:25 AM

Jul 2009
Censoring fully clothed breast grabbing?
That really is way too much >.<
Nov 19, 2010 1:53 PM

Nov 2008
EternalDreamer said:
Censoring fully clothed breast grabbing?
That really is way too much >.<
FUUUUU I guess I have to wait for AT-X xDD

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .anime . manga . updates . ♫♪ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Nov 19, 2010 2:03 PM

Nov 2008
EternalDreamer said:
Censoring fully clothed breast grabbing?
That really is way too much >.<

It seems the censors have homophobia, they won't let us see any yuri clothed or not. What's going on, worried we will turn into pervs, if this is the case then they need to hire better censorship staff because I doubt fans of ecchi and/or To Love Ru are watching this for the story.

Nov 19, 2010 11:21 PM

May 2008
I dun need to tink to know that lala is going to cause more trouble for rito again

Awesome Sig by Lailide
Nov 20, 2010 12:35 AM

Jan 2009
Well. Oshizu-chan being lulzy. Doesn't happen too often : D

Hoppy said:
EternalDreamer said:
Censoring fully clothed breast grabbing?
That really is way too much >.<
It seems the censors have homophobia, they won't let us see any yuri clothed or not. What's going on, worried we will turn into pervs, if this is the case then they need to hire better censorship staff because I doubt fans of ecchi and/or To Love Ru are watching this for the story.
Sup, I'm watching it partly for the story. Or more like, for being damn fun, if that counts. Not mainly because of the ecchi though.
Though I must agree, this is going a bit too far with the censoring >.>
Protip: I don't really check the forums anymore, so if you want something, take it on my profile.
Is it time for my long-awaited return to the forums? щ(゚Д゚щ) Nope™, probably not.
Nov 21, 2010 7:21 AM

May 2010
I am interested in how it will go between Riko x Haruna :D
"My happiness comes from the kindness of those around me"
Nov 21, 2010 7:42 AM

Jul 2010
Why the hell couldn't Lala help with Yami's clothes in the first place? lol

OMG @ Run's outfit.

Looks like a bunch of dogs are in the next episode! =P

Nov 22, 2010 9:55 PM

Apr 2010
This anime never stops putting smiles on my face i really love it =D
Nov 23, 2010 8:07 PM

Nov 2009
Pity said:
I loved Rito's face when Haruna showed her bra ^.^ the stray dog was super funny >^.^<

Haha, the dog was hilarious! I was laughing so hard when I saw it :P

The scene where Mio and Risa were touching the possessed Haruna was great as well. They all got really into it, then Lala joined the fun. Rito was just standing there the whole time shocked, with an amazing expression on :P

I really enjoy watching it uncensored, that's why I wait an extra week. It is just like watching the series every week, just pretend the censored isn't there ;)
Nov 23, 2010 9:16 PM

Nov 2009
Sort of surprised by the low post count, again. *shrug off*
Yami and Haruno parts were good. However about 90% of the episodes Rito was making weird noises and had his face turned permanently red. I didn't laugh at all, but I could not surpress a smirk at Rito's reactions even if he is an annoying male lead.

Agreed with above, it is really worth waiting for the uncensored. After the extra week of waiting it is no different than watching it censored except a lot less frustration.
(Good 7/10)
Nov 24, 2010 4:09 PM

Oct 2009
So she is a alien to xD
Nov 24, 2010 10:35 PM

Jun 2010
helur said:
Sort of surprised by the low post count, again. *shrug off*
Yami and Haruno parts were good. However about 90% of the episodes Rito was making weird noises and had his face turned permanently red. I didn't laugh at all, but I could not surpress a smirk at Rito's reactions even if he is an annoying male lead.

Agreed with above, it is really worth waiting for the uncensored. After the extra week of waiting it is no different than watching it censored except a lot less frustration.
(Good 7/10)

Low post count probably due to the censorship. I too wait a week for the uncensored because I actually enjoy this series and hate the giant light beams raping my monitor, but I think a lot of people are either too impatient/lazy and drop, or probably are unaware that uncensored versions actually exist, you just have to give it a bit of wait.

Good lord you'd think after waking up to Lala naked every day and 'accidentally' groping 6 females a day Rito's reactions would be a bit more nonchalant by now. I'm starting to wonder if these are just cover-up reactions to prevent him from looking like a pervert.

And why is Oshizu so perfect?
Nov 25, 2010 12:37 AM

Sep 2008
Ha, leave it to Mamiko Noto to make Haruna do something half-amusing at least.
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Nov 26, 2010 12:05 AM

Oct 2010
Great segments with lots of good stuff. Going to separate into three paragraphs for each part, starting with the first one about Yami and so I start with that chapter being the best of her fan service with like a full blown body view of Yami not to mention a first time she shows actual feeling for Rito for a moment since he carried her to Ryoko. Which also she got a nice body view
and also Lala in nurse uniform.

Second one was much revealing about Kirisaki Kyoko being in fact able to wield real fire (Pirokinetic?) I though it was TV tricks but looks like she can do it for real, which reminds me also of delicious breasts of Run but better yet Kyoko too since she has them rather big. Principal was crazy but got nicely fried by Kyoko. Another interesting thing is Kyoko likes Run's songs and BLOG.

The last part was the most ecchiest, which incited lots of breast groping GIFs. Still the Yui's bra and nipples made it better and of course question remains was it Oshizu who loves Rito or Haruna really said it herself? Remains there was a love confession but Lala's image would have numbed Rito's mind most likely should he have tried to confess.

- BLOG - My Club- Easiest way to reach the rest of my thoughts!
Nov 26, 2010 6:35 PM

May 2010
this episode hints that a time where breast groping as a normal everyday greeting for high schools across the world is well within our grasp.
Nov 27, 2010 7:33 AM

Feb 2010
It became boring lately....

the episodes before were better btw...

but still nice episode xD

kinda change in pallets and minor character changes...
"Your taste is shit cause you like what I hate. Believe me I have 1000 cartoons that I rated with less than 5."

Dec 1, 2010 7:03 PM

Jun 2009
The funny thing about Yami's whenever Yuki see her pantsu her weapon is already prepared. Undressing moment haha

Run-chan's villain suit was really off.

Booby Trap
Live well - Laugh often - and Love much

Dec 10, 2010 12:44 AM

Oct 2009
lol'd when the dogs interrupted Haruna and Yuki, that was hillarious.
Dec 10, 2010 12:48 AM

Oct 2009
MajorCrazy said:
The Yami chapter was awesome.

It was cute~
Jun 3, 2011 9:18 AM

Apr 2010
I felt that a character acting abnormally has been done a number of times already in TLR so I wasnt so surprised by the possessed Haruna, but still a very decent episdoe
Mar 31, 2012 3:23 AM

May 2011
Oh Yami, you're so lovable.

LOL at Haruna being possessed by Ooshizu because of the dog.
Sep 13, 2012 1:58 AM

Aug 2011
Ah finally I see the Yami's Clinic chapter in animated form. I remember reading all 3 of these stories in the manga but especially this one for some reason... Oshizu is still a barrel of laughs.

Hilarious and loads of fun.
Dec 3, 2012 9:42 PM

Sep 2011
TheCbass said:
This anime never stops putting smiles on my face i really love it =D
Dec 30, 2012 5:27 PM

Jan 2012
For a moment I was really worried about Yami, glad it turned out fine. Good episode once again.

Jan 2, 2013 8:56 AM

May 2012
Nice episode, the last part was the best! Haruna being possessed and than confessing to Riko xD
Jan 9, 2013 2:41 PM

Jun 2009
EternalDreamer said:
Censoring fully clothed breast grabbing?
That really is way too much >.<

They actually censored shit like that? Wow...I'm glad I didn't watch this as it aired. I can't help but wonder if that happens with Darkness as well.
"Yes, I have been deprived of emotion. But not completely. Whoever did it, botched the job."

- Geralt of Rivia
Jan 11, 2013 3:17 AM

Sep 2012

Yami's part was good. Wondered why Mikan didn't go visit her friend though when Rito and Lala went back.

Run's part was great also. Nice battle armor. Keep it for a later episode? Also put a bit more explaining on the weirdness of the anime Lala liked.

The boob grabbing was quite fun like Lala said.
Jun 9, 2013 9:05 AM

Feb 2013
Yukki should have finally got a hint that Haruna likes him I guess he just didn't catch it.
Jul 10, 2013 4:47 PM

Dec 2012
Lots of Run this episode =D

Incidentally, does that girl that's always with Risa have a name?
Jul 19, 2013 8:30 AM

May 2013
I loved the Yami part of the episode, but the Haruna part wasn't half bad. But I didn't expect the spirit to be in Haruna.
Jul 23, 2013 2:43 AM

Sep 2009
big tits round asses
Aug 5, 2013 12:00 AM

Jun 2013
once again, my dick is confused with run. shes super hot but could turn into a guy at any time.

Aug 20, 2013 1:19 AM

Sep 2012
LOLZ at episodes. Especially the last one.
Oct 22, 2013 3:24 AM

Nov 2012
haruna scene looks weird lol :3
and lala :3 not bad episode
Feb 23, 2015 2:31 PM

Apr 2013
There's not enough Momo in this anime, maybe this'll change next episode.
Jun 2, 2015 8:28 PM
Feb 2015
Yami had a fever :( poor yami, now she must be falling for him slowly :3
Haruna being possessed was funny, loved rito's reaction when haruna shows her bra lmao
[center] *>.>[Spoiler][/spoiler]<.<*
Dec 4, 2015 4:34 AM

May 2014
Yami had a fever :(
"I lost all of what you could call feelings of love. They weren't sealed, so they can't be released. They weren't broken, so they can't be fixed. That which is lost, cannot be recovered." Shiba Tatsuya
"There are no regrets. If one can be proud of one's life, one should not wish for another chance." Saber
"No matter what happens, no matter how crazy things get, I'll always try to restore balance." Korra
"It's madness to let others take what's yours and accept it blindly." Baatar Jr
"Instinct is a lie, told by a fearful body, hoping to be wrong." Zaheer
"Partner in crime, partner in time" Chloe Price and Max Caulfield
Sep 13, 2016 8:21 PM

Feb 2014
Rito is the most boneheaded and oblivious harem MC alright. How does he still not get that Haruna likes him? Especially after that scene where they were stuck naked in Mikado's house, where she (Haruna) said something like "I want to find someone I can trust" and held his hand.
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