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Mar 23, 2012 9:07 AM

Jan 2008
Since it seems there are a lot of 'plot holes' in the series, lets make a list for it. We'll see if other users know what other users missed out on or if they have possible answers.

If possible, list the episode as well, if we get enough, I'll edit my post into a Q&A format with a list of the plot holes and possible answers from viewers (you guys) so you can just ctrl+f.

No need to hold back on spoilers.

First two off the top of my head.

Ep 11 ~ 15, Why did Hare not use her void to heal Ayase legs?
Ep 22, Gai pulled out Mana's void, why was it Inori's sword and not her original gun back in Ep 6?

Also, though it's not really much of a plot hole, why is Mana's hair pink? Really troubling me.
Pages (2) [1] 2 »
Mar 23, 2012 9:11 AM

May 2009
Next time try some more.

Not mine
Mar 23, 2012 9:26 AM

Jan 2008
Awesome, I'll check those later.
Mar 23, 2012 9:30 AM

Feb 2012
Everything concerning Inori and the voids were the plotholes that bothered me the most, but the list above pretty much showcases all of them, so I won't mention them here. Alot of the other plotholes, I take mostly as Guilty Crown being a mediocre teen story (with badly done religious imagery).
I Write About Anime (and other stuff) At Standing On My Neck
Mar 23, 2012 10:09 AM

Aug 2009
I love Guilty Crown Despite the Plot Holes it has. Like any other big anime out there, e.g. Bleach, why the hell did Aizen wait all that time to get his butt kicked when he could've beat the shit out of chibi Ichigo, unless hes a friken pervy pedo hentai dude, which he does look like.

But anyways, back onto Guilty Crown. Even though I love the series, but the ending. I must stay on this threads topic. Who the hell is Daryl, where did he come from, and why did he rebel against the Government and still get away with it? - Killing his 'apparent' dad.

Also, the ending is so twisted, I hated it because it shows the bloddy story writer to be a huge S-su - Sadist. What did the Cat Eye represent? Shu denied it once already, but he takes it this time and Inori dies along with the cancer and voids, wtf is that?

Also, the "A few years later", fuck you. No serious, fuck you. Wheres the pain and agony that Shu must've felt? Why did he become blind? He has the power to take pain from people, and surely he took it from Inori, but why? How? What was the point of doing so? Did the Cat Eye represent Inori's blindness giving it to Shu? WTF?!

And again, the ending could've ended in a better manner, like 'Sugar' said "Are you going to be the new Saviour?" - YESS GOD DAMNIT, if you were thinking so in the first place, why not let it be so. How much more does Shu need to be shat on? HUH? The guy now is blinded and only Inori's songs to remind him of her as shown at the last 'present' scene of the episode (22).

At this point, he should've committed suicide or something. What kind of strength keeps you alive, blinded, one armed and away from your true loved on?

Those Ayase x Shu fan, please don't embarrass your selves; Shu x Inori has already been official, I don't believe Shu will become *Cough* Cloud. He has his features, he's human yes, he can fall for her, yes, but no, that cannot happen. All I can imagine now is behind his smile is a soul who wants to die and be with Inori.

Sorry about the ranting and going off topic, in someways you can say they are plot holes/.. maybe
Mar 23, 2012 10:35 AM

Mar 2011
there are many unsignificant plot holes that was complained by people and some fatal plotholes
1. Inori's past, background, why she can turn into a monster, still didn't understand why her void is a sword
2. too little info about daath, yuu, past apocalypse, void and the meteor which caused the virus
3. Inconsistencies of character
4. Many more
But, some people tried to hard finding and complaining plotholes on GC
just like

if the show is interesting, it's enough for me
Mar 23, 2012 5:39 PM
Jan 2012
how yuu can disappear at will (and whether he was defeated)
How gai was resurrected
how inori was made (not a necessity though)
why inori was blind (ep 22)
3. Inconsistencies of character

a lot of plot holes could come under here, it depends if you want the list to be concise or not, but I sure do have a lotta complaints for this :O!
why people can float
the sudden random, surreal/dreamscape area (ep11, or the one where mana is first resurrected)
how inori can put people to sleep
Mar 23, 2012 5:59 PM

Jul 2011
hare can only heal, so she cant cure things liked cancer or ayase's paralysis

mana's.inori's void was always a sword, shu just combined it with kido to make that gun

inori is a monster weapon made for destruction, so her void is a sword that destroys

most of the plotholes arent even plotholes if you think about them, the only real big plothole is who is daath and how they began
Mar 23, 2012 6:01 PM
Jan 2012
Was it ever explained where the thing that could rank Voids came from? I mean, it seems a bit weird that such a device exists when only three genomes exist. Plus, it was just conveniently dropped in the school's vicinity.
Mar 23, 2012 6:39 PM
Feb 2011
Vizi_XRiliditian said:

1. Inori's past, background, why she can turn into a monster, still didn't understand why her void is a sword

Maybe this will have a little explanation as to why her void is a sword.
rawrx3itslynnMar 23, 2012 6:48 PM
Mar 23, 2012 6:40 PM

Mar 2011
They never explained how gai formed the under takers and how they are related to mana... I mean mana was something random that looked like was just thrown in. Inori gets captured and all of a sudden a new character is introduced and shu has a secret past...And they never told us who the heck inori even is. They just called her a monster who had mood swings >> (when inori attacked Arisa) and how did she even come to the realization that she was a monster anyway >> if she knew all along why didn't she protect herself the first time she was captured

Did they really throw aliens randomly into the plot ?

BossTheKidMar 23, 2012 6:44 PM
[Input amazing signature]
Mar 23, 2012 6:41 PM

Sep 2011
The things bothered me the most were:

Yuu/Daath, not much of them was explained despite him being introduced in the end of season 1. it also was not clear whether he was KILLED... He seemed to disappeared at will to me, haha

Daryl - How was he changed so fast in 1 season then became tamed then became wild AGAIN. And what did he feel for Tsugumi and WHAT HAPPENED between then if anything!

Gai- HOW was he revived? And what's up with his character!?

Segai - what was his motive? His intentions? He was very vague but definitely badass

The most bothered me was how many characters they made like they are so important to the plot and outcome but completely failed to play any role or impact on the story!
"Justice Never Dies!" - Kenji Endou, 20th century Boys
Mar 23, 2012 6:43 PM

Sep 2011
BossTheKid said:
They never explained how gai formed the under takers and how they are related to mana... I mean mana was something random that looked like was just thrown in. Inori gets captured and all of a sudden a new character is introduced and shu has a secret past...And they never told us who the heck inori even is. They just called her a monster who had mood swings >> (when inori attacked Ayase) and how did she even come to the realization that she was a monster anyway >> if she knew all along why didn't she protect herself the first time she was captured

when did she attack Ayase??? You must have meant Arisa? Yeah, the flaws of the characters and underdevelopment are amazing in this series... what's more important was that I didn't even care that much while watching the series!
"Justice Never Dies!" - Kenji Endou, 20th century Boys
Mar 23, 2012 8:30 PM
Feb 2012
So did they ever explain who that evil blonde kid was? I think he was named Yuu. On episode 20.
Mar 23, 2012 10:53 PM

May 2010
A list? More like a book...
Mar 24, 2012 2:09 AM
Jan 2012
Plot hole!
why Inori wasn't resurrected like gai was.......
Mar 24, 2012 6:18 AM

Jul 2009
Confucius said:
A list? More like a book...


Mar 24, 2012 7:01 AM

Apr 2009
A complete list would break the letter limit per post.
Steel Ball Run anime when?
Mar 24, 2012 7:11 AM

Jul 2011
Well, every anime is full of imperfections and unexplainable things, GC is just one of them.

Why ? Why and why this ?

...every anime have plot holes here and there, some more and some less.
Mar 24, 2012 7:51 AM

Aug 2009
If Daryl lived or not T___T
Mar 24, 2012 8:02 AM

Oct 2011
kamikaze_1996 said:
hare can only heal, so she cant cure things liked cancer or ayase's paralysis

mana's.inori's void was always a sword, shu just combined it with kido to make that gun

inori is a monster weapon made for destruction, so her void is a sword that destroys

most of the plotholes arent even plotholes if you think about them, the only real big plothole is who is daath and how they began

Totally agree.

Jeishishu said:
Was it ever explained where the thing that could rank Voids came from? I mean, it seems a bit weird that such a device exists when only three genomes exist. Plus, it was just conveniently dropped in the school's vicinity.

Segai had Daril leave it there during the commotion of the attack. I thought that was obvious -_-
And since they had that guy from Daath at their disposal, the scientists who work for Shuuichirou had plenty of time to analyze his power and how to measure the strength of Voids.

Mar 24, 2012 4:18 PM

Jan 2009
kamikaze_1996 said:
hare can only heal, so she cant cure things liked cancer or ayase's paralysis

mana's.inori's void was always a sword, shu just combined it with kido to make that gun

inori is a monster weapon made for destruction, so her void is a sword that destroys

most of the plotholes arent even plotholes if you think about them, the only real big plothole is who is daath and how they began

well said sir, all this plotholes are just so trivial you can imagine them on your own, anime is an art and just like an art it can be interpreted by the viewer in a lot of ways and/or also can left a hidden message

and yes the Daath organization is the only missing piece in here, Gai said as long as Daath exist they can keep reviving Mana again and again

and about Inori not being resurrected again, they got no facility to do that now when the laboratory base was destroyed and also i bet Daath has the technology to revive anyone who died due to void cancer

and come to think of it Gai said the void is just the next step for human evolution and that the void crystallizes the consciousness of people, that is a big clue there in my opinion on how they are able to revived Gai
Mar 24, 2012 8:12 PM

Mar 2012
The main question I would have asked was if Mana can be resurrected over and over, how was it that killing Gai resolved this infinite resurrection issue? (Unless it wasn't resolved at all, in which case...SECOND SEASON?)
Mar 24, 2012 10:28 PM
Mar 2012
If you guys watch carefully and think about it all the plot holes disappear. Undertakers, it was formed by Gai and Shingui, guy with white hair and glasses. It was made for Gai to stop the current Mana, and make Gai king. Inori's mode swings was Mana's doing. Episode 20 said that Mana conscious was inside Inori since episode 13. Also episode 22 makes Daarth's plot understandable. Think about it their entire plan was the evolution of humans. As such they want humanity to continue surviving, mean the species not the people. By turning all living animals to crystal they make all humans immortal, as nothing can break them, decomposition should no longer work, as the bacteria are crystals as well. So humanity will survive, till the sun explodes. Why Gai forced Mana to carry on the bad guys' plan was they revived Mana twice, and they could be it again and again. But if Mana completed her job, then she is no only any worth. The voids were caused by the meteorites. Episode 20 said the virus makes your heart crystallize, and that the virus spread the seed of the apocalypse over japan. As such everyone was infect with the virus, it just was not activated. And it works like a retrovirus, so it is genetic. And think the bad guys probably made Inori, as shown in episode 10, how Keido seems very familiar with her. And Shu going blind, I think it has to do with the image of current day Shu hugging Inori as we last saw her in the weird background. Due to the music starting with the word our hands holding, it is possible that Inori's soul is living inside Shu, and Shu went blind as he absorbed her soul, including her blindness. The irony here is that everyone though Guilty crown was a generic nonthinking show, and the complain that it has plot holes. But really the only reason for the plot holes is because they refused to think.
Mar 25, 2012 7:37 AM

Jul 2009
pxiao said:
If you guys watch carefully and think about it all the plot holes disappear. Undertakers, it was formed by Gai and Shingui, guy with white hair and glasses. It was made for Gai to stop the current Mana, and make Gai king. Inori's mode swings was Mana's doing. Episode 20 said that Mana conscious was inside Inori since episode 13. Also episode 22 makes Daarth's plot understandable. Think about it their entire plan was the evolution of humans. As such they want humanity to continue surviving, mean the species not the people. By turning all living animals to crystal they make all humans immortal, as nothing can break them, decomposition should no longer work, as the bacteria are crystals as well. So humanity will survive, till the sun explodes. Why Gai forced Mana to carry on the bad guys' plan was they revived Mana twice, and they could be it again and again. But if Mana completed her job, then she is no only any worth. The voids were caused by the meteorites. Episode 20 said the virus makes your heart crystallize, and that the virus spread the seed of the apocalypse over japan. As such everyone was infect with the virus, it just was not activated. And it works like a retrovirus, so it is genetic. And think the bad guys probably made Inori, as shown in episode 10, how Keido seems very familiar with her. And Shu going blind, I think it has to do with the image of current day Shu hugging Inori as we last saw her in the weird background. Due to the music starting with the word our hands holding, it is possible that Inori's soul is living inside Shu, and Shu went blind as he absorbed her soul, including her blindness. The irony here is that everyone though Guilty crown was a generic nonthinking show, and the complain that it has plot holes. But really the only reason for the plot holes is because they refused to think.

And you know what?

That doesn't make fucking sense.
Mar 25, 2012 9:52 AM

Mar 2012
pxiao said:
If you guys watch carefully and think about it all the plot holes disappear...[Too long to quote entirely]...The irony here is that everyone though Guilty crown was a generic nonthinking show, and the complain that it has plot holes. But really the only reason for the plot holes is because they refused to think.

Thing is though it's not just a small vocal group that has qualms with how the anime was executed. It's widely agreed upon that GC did a poor job of bringing the audience up to speed. I'm sure as you said that a lot of the times small hints are dropped in earlier episodes, but it's really up to the producers of GC to make them clear. Of course, you could say that this would force them to dumb things down. Then again, the difference between having to "dumb down" and having to "clarify" is how the audience perceives it. I personally think they could've used a few more episodes. 22 was rushed. No question about it.
Mar 25, 2012 10:57 AM
Mar 2012
tezann_t said:

Then again, the difference between having to "dumb down" and having to "clarify" is how the audience perceives it.
Maybe, but at the same time a lot of the reviews have be saying things are plot holes, when it was clearly stated in the show. So I think, many people psychologically hated the show and refused to like it. It can happen, many hate it from the first 10 episodes.
Mar 25, 2012 1:06 PM

Dec 2010
fanclowns are gonna buy it anyway, so why would P.IG waste more effort.
Mar 25, 2012 4:31 PM
Feb 2012
RaRitsujun said:
fanclowns are gonna buy it anyway, so why would P.IG waste more effort.

Generally a good point; however, if they get enough negative review on it, they may 'remake' something on it, or make a season two to please people, thus giving them more money. If enough potential profit is involved, a production company can think of ideas to keep a show going.
Mar 25, 2012 7:34 PM

Nov 2011
No teachers when the the class was trapped in the school?

Inori healing the town in episode 11 I think? How?

Those two are the ones that bothered me the most, but there were so, so many plot many....
Mar 25, 2012 8:35 PM

Nov 2011
Let's see....

How does Shu gathering the Students and building an Army of Void Users Translate into gathering Mana's Shards. We were never shown anything that would indicate Inori/Mana/Eve was drawing Shards to herself while at the School. Or GHQ harvesting said Shards from captured Students.

Why did all of the adults disappear from the school after episode 12?

Who or what Daath/Yuu really is?

Why did it take months for the UN to decide to Destroy Japan?

How did they revive Gai? And could it be used to revive other Victims of the Virus, like Hare?

We could go on forever.... Well a couple of hours at least.
Summoning Dark: "What kind of human creates his own policeman?"

Watcman: "One who fears the dark."

"And so he should," said the enity, with satisfaction.

"Indeed. But I think you misunderstand. I am not here to keep the darkness out. I'm here to keep it in." There was a clink of metal as the shadowy watchman lifted a dark lantern and opened it's little door. Orange light cut through the blackness. "Call me . . . the Guarding Dark. Imagine how strong I must be."

Mar 26, 2012 1:57 AM

Sep 2010
Lulexiaa said:
If Daryl lived or not T___T

He did live its just that seemed to forgot to add him in the epilogue. T_T I wanted an Daryl/Tsugumi moment.
"What has two arms, two legs, and is alive? Not your favorite character lol! xD"
Mar 26, 2012 2:36 AM

Mar 2012
i still dont get it. Shu got the two kingspower but its pretty useless isnt it? he is blind ...!! and still this is my doubt...Why he is still alive and not suicide :D.
Mar 26, 2012 5:45 AM

Dec 2009
>>>it is possible that Inori's soul is living inside Shu, and Shu went blind as he absorbed her soul, including her blindness.

Good point about the blindness thing. Perhaps they made Inori have the blindness to hook people into Shu having blindness in the "years later" thing.

Who did Tsugumi end up with? It doesn't show or say, but I assume they are hinting at it with her robots (who somehow had little bots! O.O).

Robots having kids, biggest plot hole in the series!

Anywho, I am a fan of good endings. It is ok, but Shu should have gotten someone in the end. =(
Mar 26, 2012 7:59 AM

Dec 2011
GodlyKyon said:
The things bothered me the most were:

Yuu/Daath, not much of them was explained despite him being introduced in the end of season 1. it also was not clear whether he was KILLED... He seemed to disappeared at will to me, haha

I think he disappeared, I've got no clue, really.

GodlyKyon said:

Daryl - How was he changed so fast in 1 season then became tamed then became wild AGAIN. And what did he feel for Tsugumi and WHAT HAPPENED between then if anything!

When was he ever tamed?

GodlyKyon said:
Gai- HOW was he revived? And what's up with his character!?

>Japanese Government
Don't have to explain shit.
GodlyKyon said:
Segai - what was his motive? His intentions? He was very vague but definitely badass
He was craving for Void Lights with absolutely no other motive, really.
Mar 26, 2012 12:51 PM

Jun 2008
Roloko said:
Lulexiaa said:
If Daryl lived or not T___T

He did live its just that seemed to forgot to add him in the epilogue. T_T I wanted an Daryl/Tsugumi moment.
To be honest I don't see how Daryl can become normal because although the guy saved him, it doesn't mean shit if he could change. For all we know the death of the one guy who cared for him could be the trigger for his persistence of being a psychotic murderer.

Thrown him in Shu's group all of a sudden would probably seem even more of a plot hole than anything else.

And yeah, when they aren't going to explain Gai's ressurrection, I just assumed in Gai's rather short soliloquy that because their organization (whoever that is) can reanimate Mana all the time, the same can probably be done to Gai. Dunno why he have a bad eye though.

Also agree with the lack of explanation with Daath. Still have no clue wtf he is or if there's a bigger organization behind him. At this point the director could weave an OVA or something, maybe a movie. Although I doubt it. The epilogue looked like an ending to me. Even though a bunch of stuff could use more explanation.
Mar 26, 2012 8:11 PM
Lilium Gardener

Jul 2011
Geez, some of you really need to use your minds. This series was great. I don't doubt that a wide audience is complaining about it, because the majority of the world needs everything spoon-fed to them. Nearly everything was explained, implied, or purposely left open to interpretation. Da'ath really being the only plot hole of any sort of significance whatsoever. If you don't like anime that makes you think, interpret or pick up hints, go watch Bleach.
Mar 26, 2012 10:03 PM

Jul 2011
I love the determination in this thread.
Mar 27, 2012 4:11 PM

Aug 2011
GodlyKyon said:
The things bothered me the most were:

Yuu/Daath, not much of them was explained despite him being introduced in the end of season 1. it also was not clear whether he was KILLED... He seemed to disappeared at will to me, haha

Daryl - How was he changed so fast in 1 season then became tamed then became wild AGAIN. And what did he feel for Tsugumi and WHAT HAPPENED between then if anything!

Gai- HOW was he revived? And what's up with his character!?

Segai - what was his motive? His intentions? He was very vague but definitely badass

The most bothered me was how many characters they made like they are so important to the plot and outcome but completely failed to play any role or impact on the story!

1) Which exactly why they should have a S2 lol. But anyways. This is more of a doubt/question rather than a plot hole.

2) Daryl began to change after he met Tsugumi. As a result, he thought he wasn't 'being himself' and he began to lose himself. He wanted to destroy the Funeral Parlor because he thought he could go back to being 'Kill 'Em All Daryl' again. But Rowan saved him before he died and said that he was really a good boy inside, and he should be nicer to people next time.

3) You want to go through the details of how he was revived? I mean, this is a sci-fi anime, but I don't think anyone wants to 'waste time' on understanding the mechanics of it (despite the fact that I myself am curious)

4) Segai- I hated him and liked him at the same time (because he was a crazy bamf). The thing about Segai is that he had no motive at all. He always plays crosswords and stuff like that. It basically hints at the fact that he thinks that life is a game. He likes beautiful things. In the end, he still had no motive. Basically, he's mad.

@Lulexiaa - Daryl lived. Rowan pushed him in the elevator (Lolol, Evangelion) and saved him, after all.
Mar 27, 2012 4:13 PM

Aug 2011
orzel286 said:
pxiao said:
If you guys watch carefully and think about it all the plot holes disappear. Undertakers, it was formed by Gai and Shingui, guy with white hair and glasses. It was made for Gai to stop the current Mana, and make Gai king. Inori's mode swings was Mana's doing. Episode 20 said that Mana conscious was inside Inori since episode 13. Also episode 22 makes Daarth's plot understandable. Think about it their entire plan was the evolution of humans. As such they want humanity to continue surviving, mean the species not the people. By turning all living animals to crystal they make all humans immortal, as nothing can break them, decomposition should no longer work, as the bacteria are crystals as well. So humanity will survive, till the sun explodes. Why Gai forced Mana to carry on the bad guys' plan was they revived Mana twice, and they could be it again and again. But if Mana completed her job, then she is no only any worth. The voids were caused by the meteorites. Episode 20 said the virus makes your heart crystallize, and that the virus spread the seed of the apocalypse over japan. As such everyone was infect with the virus, it just was not activated. And it works like a retrovirus, so it is genetic. And think the bad guys probably made Inori, as shown in episode 10, how Keido seems very familiar with her. And Shu going blind, I think it has to do with the image of current day Shu hugging Inori as we last saw her in the weird background. Due to the music starting with the word our hands holding, it is possible that Inori's soul is living inside Shu, and Shu went blind as he absorbed her soul, including her blindness. The irony here is that everyone though Guilty crown was a generic nonthinking show, and the complain that it has plot holes. But really the only reason for the plot holes is because they refused to think.

And you know what?

That doesn't make fucking sense.

I wonder why it doesn't make sense. It makes total sense. Exactly what doesn't make sense to you? I think pxiao's post was probably one of the only posts that actually explained everything pretty damn well, you know.
Mar 27, 2012 4:18 PM

Mar 2011
KingYoshi said:
Geez, some of you really need to use your minds. This series was great. I don't doubt that a wide audience is complaining about it, because the majority of the world needs everything spoon-fed to them. Nearly everything was explained, implied, or purposely left open to interpretation. Da'ath really being the only plot hole of any sort of significance whatsoever. If you don't like anime that makes you think, interpret or pick up hints, go watch Bleach.

Doesn't really excuse the serious lack of needed character development though. But this a plothole thread so eh.
Mar 27, 2012 8:44 PM

Jun 2008
pxiao said:
Undertakers, it was formed by Gai and Shingui, guy with white hair and glasses. It was made for Gai to stop the current Mana, and make Gai king.
I think a big confusion is the change in Gai which was not explained until the last episode. Before episode 13 he wanted to stop Mana, but then after his magical resurrection he knows Mana cannot be stopped and should just go along with it as you suggested.

The problem is how late it was revealed. At the same time, they introduced weird elements like Daath which was as early as the first half of the show and was still relatively unclear who they are.

The irony here is that everyone though Guilty crown was a generic nonthinking show, and the complain that it has plot holes. But really the only reason for the plot holes is because they refused to think.
I can't believe you can be so exaggerated to suggest plot holes is due to people's lack of critical thinking. While some people obviously are nitpicking on straws here, the scarce information on Daath is a legitimate issue raised by many people in this thread, even some who was defending the merits of GC. And considering how important a role they play, what we got instead was vague and scarce information about who they are and what their goals are. I just lol'd when the guy could apparently disappear/deconstruct or something to avoid getting hit and breaking dimensions like *snap*.

Much of his character reminds me of Charles in Code Geass. Dealing with grand and ridiculous schemes only to be getting rid of before the final fight even begins.

I think a huge part of why people think of this series as nonthinking is that it is expected stuff will just happen on screen which is left unexplained or just plain forgotten and that it might be explained say like, 5 episodes down the road. Oh hey look, Daath or Inori or Gai or Shu was collecting fragments of Mana. Oh hey look, Gai fooled everyone to be part of the Undertakers when his real goal was to stop/save Mana, then changed his goal and joined Keido. Hey look, Daath can create dimensional shifts/deconstruct himself/all sorts of fancy abilities.

Also episode 22 makes Daarth's plot understandable. Think about it their entire plan was the evolution of humans. As such they want humanity to continue surviving, mean the species not the people. By turning all living animals to crystal they make all humans immortal, as nothing can break them, decomposition should no longer work, as the bacteria are crystals as well. So humanity will survive, till the sun explodes.
Isn't this just your interpretation? No where did he say "all living animals" was affected. In the last episode animals was clearly not effected. The sheeps and the dog were fine, while only humans around the globe was imaged to be crystallized. The way I saw it the virus was just killing/rejecting everybody and maybe there were a rare few people immune to the crystallization process which suggested the natural selection process.

I also kind of just grinned when Inori's tears became a flower and was a catalyst to reverse the entire process which also allowed Shu to materialize a weapon as well. Is this considered a deus ex machina? Or can this be explained by the usual spin that "the void is the manifestation of the heart"? I have no problem with this, but it was a good representation of the show in general. Things just happens, while some people would say the show is just not spoonfeeding viewers with information, a few words alone here or there at the right time can truly elevate this series from the perception that it's a mess in terms of storytelling.
TachiiMar 27, 2012 9:17 PM
Mar 28, 2012 3:30 AM

Jul 2009
UtsukushiiYume said:
It makes total sense.

Hell no.

1)Evolution doesn't work like that.
2)OK, even if we name changing all living creatures into crystals... Oh wait - aren't crystals something non-living?
3)How does the virus work? (/owned!)
4)There's NO POINT in the whole "king" business
5)Controlling virus with singing (/owned!)
6)Even if somehow people changed into crystals live (yeah, riiiiight....) what's the point in it? The're going to die with the sun - if they were in their original form they could've ESCAPED (/PWND!)
7)Mana's/Inori's soul is very mobile LOL - going from one body to another like it's something you can do at any moment...

So, yeah. That DOESN'T make sense.
Mar 28, 2012 7:46 AM
Lilium Gardener

Jul 2011
orzel286 said:
UtsukushiiYume said:
It makes total sense.

Hell no.

1)Evolution doesn't work like that.
2)OK, even if we name changing all living creatures into crystals... Oh wait - aren't crystals something non-living?
3)How does the virus work? (/owned!)
4)There's NO POINT in the whole "king" business
5)Controlling virus with singing (/owned!)
6)Even if somehow people changed into crystals live (yeah, riiiiight....) what's the point in it? The're going to die with the sun - if they were in their original form they could've ESCAPED (/PWND!)
7)Mana's/Inori's soul is very mobile LOL - going from one body to another like it's something you can do at any moment...

So, yeah. That DOESN'T make sense.

1) Says who? Its science fiction. FICTION. The world in this anime is not like the real world. Evolution can work in different ways here. Its basically just using the concept of evolution anyway.

2) I can't find the post you are responding to and I have no idea what you are talking about with this one.

3) How does the virus work? Its like any other virus that spreads unless cured/healed. Genomic resonance allows the virus to spread much quicker. The person infected slowly or quickly turns to crystal. When weakened or injured, it spreads faster, like any other virus. When ones void is shattered, their heart is shattered, thus removing all will power or bodily function to stop the spread of the virus. This is basic virus stuff, man. It originated from some super natural/other worldly being via the meteorite.

4) What are you talking about? He has the power to draw out voids a prevent the end of the world, thus being coined "king." Like in christianity, Jesus saves humanity from hellish doom, thus being coined the "King of Kings." Code Geass, Lelouche has the power of the "King." A power that could save or destroy the world. King is often used to describe one who has a power to save/destroy humanity/the world. Do you even understand what you are arguing?

5) Inori/Mana's voice enhances the genomic resonance of the virus, thus causing it to spread extremely fast. Mana holds the "mother" virus anyway and is able to control it with the power she holds within. Inori's singing doesn't activate the virus until Mana takes over her body.

6)Again, have no idea what you are talking about here. They aren't changing into crystals on purpose, dude.

7) Inori was a vessel for Mana. Mana and her mind had been taken over completely by the virus. Once the virus infected/overtook Inori, Inori became Mana. There was no body changing, the virus became Mana and Mana became the virus. its really quite simple.

Um....Owned! haha (Seriously, are you 12 years old?)

Shu & Inori, the two main characters, developed quite nicely in my opinion. Mana was mana from the time she became infected by the virus, so there really was nothing to develop here. Gai's motives were mysterious throughout the series on purpose. In the climax is motives and background became clear along with his love for Mana. If you are wanting to develop all the side characters, most weren't necessary or developed plenty enough for the length of the series. Where did you have a problem with character development?
KingYoshiMar 28, 2012 7:52 AM
Mar 28, 2012 11:41 AM

Jul 2009
KingYoshi said:

1) Says who? Its science fiction. FICTION. The world in this anime is not like the real world. Evolution can work in different ways here. Its basically just using the concept of evolution anyway.

MISconception. I doubt that you heard about the" suspension of disbelief" if you actually say something like this...

2) I can't find the post you are responding to and I have no idea what you are talking about with this one.


3) How does the virus work? Its like any other virus that spreads unless cured/healed. Genomic resonance allows the virus to spread much quicker. The person infected slowly or quickly turns to crystal. When weakened or injured, it spreads faster, like any other virus. When ones void is shattered, their heart is shattered, thus removing all will power or bodily function to stop the spread of the virus. This is basic virus stuff, man. It originated from some super natural/other worldly being via the meteorite.

...and can be cured by singing. Nothing about the virus is explained in GC. It's one of the biggest idiotisms/plot holes in this crap.

4) What are you talking about? He has the power to draw out voids a prevent the end of the world, thus being coined "king." Like in christianity, Jesus saves humanity from hellish doom, thus being coined the "King of Kings." Code Geass, Lelouche has the power of the "King." A power that could save or destroy the world. King is often used to describe one who has a power to save/destroy humanity/the world. Do you even understand what you are arguing?

And how can you destroy a world with a void (unless you pull out a death star, deus ex machina)?

5) Inori/Mana's voice enhances the genomic resonance of the virus, thus causing it to spread extremely fast. Mana holds the "mother" virus anyway and is able to control it with the power she holds within. Inori's singing doesn't activate the virus until Mana takes over her body.


If this makes sense to you, than you're:


6)Again, have no idea what you are talking about here. They aren't changing into crystals on purpose, dude.

Posts #24&40.

7) Inori was a vessel for Mana. Mana and her mind had been taken over completely by the virus. Once the virus infected/overtook Inori, Inori became Mana. There was no body changing, the virus became Mana and Mana became the virus. its really quite simple.

O RLY? Then what was that whole "soul transfer" business about? Hm?

Um....Owned! haha (Seriously, are you 12 years old?)

NO U. Proved wrong + proved you don't know what you're talking about + proved you didn't actually pay attention to the show OR don't mind the gigantic plot holes OR just too stupid to notice them.


By a 23 yo.

Mar 28, 2012 12:34 PM
Lilium Gardener

Jul 2011
orzel286 said:
KingYoshi said:

1) Says who? Its science fiction. FICTION. The world in this anime is not like the real world. Evolution can work in different ways here. Its basically just using the concept of evolution anyway.

MISconception. I doubt that you heard about the" suspension of disbelief" if you actually say something like this...

2) I can't find the post you are responding to and I have no idea what you are talking about with this one.


3) How does the virus work? Its like any other virus that spreads unless cured/healed. Genomic resonance allows the virus to spread much quicker. The person infected slowly or quickly turns to crystal. When weakened or injured, it spreads faster, like any other virus. When ones void is shattered, their heart is shattered, thus removing all will power or bodily function to stop the spread of the virus. This is basic virus stuff, man. It originated from some super natural/other worldly being via the meteorite.

...and can be cured by singing. Nothing about the virus is explained in GC. It's one of the biggest idiotisms/plot holes in this crap.

4) What are you talking about? He has the power to draw out voids a prevent the end of the world, thus being coined "king." Like in christianity, Jesus saves humanity from hellish doom, thus being coined the "King of Kings." Code Geass, Lelouche has the power of the "King." A power that could save or destroy the world. King is often used to describe one who has a power to save/destroy humanity/the world. Do you even understand what you are arguing?

And how can you destroy a world with a void (unless you pull out a death star, deus ex machina)?

5) Inori/Mana's voice enhances the genomic resonance of the virus, thus causing it to spread extremely fast. Mana holds the "mother" virus anyway and is able to control it with the power she holds within. Inori's singing doesn't activate the virus until Mana takes over her body.


If this makes sense to you, than you're:


6)Again, have no idea what you are talking about here. They aren't changing into crystals on purpose, dude.

Posts #24&40.

7) Inori was a vessel for Mana. Mana and her mind had been taken over completely by the virus. Once the virus infected/overtook Inori, Inori became Mana. There was no body changing, the virus became Mana and Mana became the virus. its really quite simple.

O RLY? Then what was that whole "soul transfer" business about? Hm?

Um....Owned! haha (Seriously, are you 12 years old?)

NO U. Proved wrong + proved you don't know what you're talking about + proved you didn't actually pay attention to the show OR don't mind the gigantic plot holes OR just too stupid to notice them.


By a 23 yo.


First off, declaring yourself a victor by saying OWNED after every point is incredible childish and makes you out to be a complete douchebag. PWNED makes you even more of a douche. I was merely jesting this point with my "owned."

1) Like I said, they are only using the concept of evolution. They aren't changing the entire theory of it. Sped up, slowed down, altered slightly to preserve a race, all of these things are used throughout a wide variety of anime. Does an anime need to spell out that evolution is sped up or slowed down, etc to the viewer? No. It is implied and the viewer can use common sense to pick out the suspension of disbelief on their own. Besides, even if Da'ath was preserving the evolution of the human race, it doesn't mean they are correct in their methods. Maybe evolution doesn't work like that in this anime, but Da'ath thought their plan would work. Did I miss the part in the anime where it said Da'ath and their plans are the tried and true way? Come on now.

2) Again, this is the enemy Da'ath/virus/mana changing things to crystal. Kills the body, but preserves the soul and it enters the utopia world to preserve mankind. This anime plays on the idea that every person has a physical body and a soul. It isn't an uncommon thought.

3) It isn't cured by just anyones singing. Mana is a monster, a physical form of the virus itself. It has completely consumed Mana's mind and soul. Thus, her singing resonates with the virus causing it to spread. Mana's soul IS the virus and the virus IS Mana's soul. She was completely taken over. Inori was to be used as nothing more than a vessel for Mana's soul/the mother virus. This is why Inori could also manipulate the virus with her singing. Mana/mother virus took over Inori's body. Is it really that hard to understand?

4) The voids were the power of the heart and used to save the world. The virus was the apocalypse bringer in this anime, not the voids. Shu could have joined forces with Mana/Gai and used the voids to keep anyone from stopping the virus for sure. His power was "King" because he could use it to stop the virus and save the world. Simple.

5) Mana IS the virus. I think I already said this. It is why her voice causes maximum genomic resonance to spread the virus. Are you trying to look at this anime and compare it to real life? I think you are the dope, my friend. These are works of fiction. The meteorite containing the mother virus infected Mana, overtook her, and uses her voice to resonate with the virus (vibrations, pitch, key, tone, etc). It reminds me of Resident Evil Zero. The leeches reacted/ responded to singing in that game just like the virus in this anime. Its not a new concept either, definitely been used before.

6) They aren't changing into crystals, Da'ath and the virus are changing them. Gai doesn't want to save the world, he wants to save Mana. Mana is the virus that is bringing the 4th apocalypse. None of the characters want to become crystals, dude.

7) Dude, transplant soul = infect with virus. MANA IS THE VIRUS. She was completely overtaken. When they said transplant mana's soul, the mean infect with the mother virus. I thought they made that clear.
Mar 28, 2012 12:56 PM

Aug 2011
orzel286 said:
UtsukushiiYume said:
It makes total sense.

Hell no.

1)Evolution doesn't work like that.
2)OK, even if we name changing all living creatures into crystals... Oh wait - aren't crystals something non-living?
3)How does the virus work? (/owned!)
4)There's NO POINT in the whole "king" business
5)Controlling virus with singing (/owned!)

1) This is a science fiction, like the other poster mentioned. Read the genres carefully. SUPER POWER AND SCI-FI. :) CONCEPT OF EVOLUTION IS THE BASIS OF THE WHOLE THING, THEY JUST ADDED ON IT.
2) Wait... what? (Because I didn't understand what you said, :/)
3) Basically how a normal virus works, except for the fact that it's probably like a million times deadlier. The person who is infected by the virus, will be crystalized. Unless he/she takes the shots before stage III or something. After that, there's pretty much no hope. Since the virus reacts with your state of being, depending on how you're feeling, you will die faster/slower. Hare died quickly because she was already extremely injured, not to mention that her void itself broke. Shu's crystallization was VERY slow, because he was determined to get Inori back no matter what. The cured by singing part is there merely because, I suppose, the singing holds some kind of power that puts your soul at peace. Which removes the crystals, and stuff like that, basically cures you. It's almost like how it was in No.6. It's not stupid/idiotic, it's pretty cool.
4) The point of the 'King''s power was that the person who has it, is able to either make or break. And seriously? Have you been following the plot at all? (This is @orzel286) They weren't destroying the world with the void. The void is merely a tool in order to get there. Shu was trying to stop the 4th Apocalypse outbreak, by trying to destroy GHQ (along with wanting to save Inorin). GHQ and Daath were working alongside each other, since they both wanted to create a new civilization. Destroying the world, aka, giving everyone in the world the virus. While trying to stop this, Shu and Inori both get the virus, since Shu uses his power to absorb the virus of everyone, but Inorin takes it all instead. OMG LIEK THERES TOTALLY NO POINT HERE, RITE? LULZ.
5) How does that NOT make sense? If it doesn't, then you're either:

a) an idiot
b) non-analytic
c) both

6) Okay, maybe that kinda didn't make sense. But at the same time, it did make sense. The whole thing about the living/crystals stuff. I suppose GHQ and Daath wanted to carry out experiments to see if people could use those powers of the crystals to see if they could live forever, however, without being crystallized itself. That was the whole point of it.

7) Inori was created for the purpose of hosting Mana. She's like a hommunculus, that can age. (LIKE THE KING BRADLEY IN FMA :D) But she's also a living shell. Mana's soul/consciousness was being stored for Inori to shelter it. That whole marriage thing allowed Mana to finally be able to be 'reborn', however, only part of her soul was transferred to Inori. IN ORDER FOR HER BODY TO CHANGE, INORI HAD TO HAVE MANA'S SOUL INSIDE OF HER.

Mar 28, 2012 1:01 PM
Lilium Gardener

Jul 2011
UtsukushiiYume said:
orzel286 said:
UtsukushiiYume said:
It makes total sense.

Hell no.

1)Evolution doesn't work like that.
2)OK, even if we name changing all living creatures into crystals... Oh wait - aren't crystals something non-living?
3)How does the virus work? (/owned!)
4)There's NO POINT in the whole "king" business
5)Controlling virus with singing (/owned!)

1) This is a science fiction, like the other poster mentioned. Read the genres carefully. SUPER POWER AND SCI-FI. :) CONCEPT OF EVOLUTION IS THE BASIS OF THE WHOLE THING, THEY JUST ADDED ON IT.
2) Wait... what? (Because I didn't understand what you said, :/)
3) Basically how a normal virus works, except for the fact that it's probably like a million times deadlier. The person who is infected by the virus, will be crystalized. Unless he/she takes the shots before stage III or something. After that, there's pretty much no hope. Since the virus reacts with your state of being, depending on how you're feeling, you will die faster/slower. Hare died quickly because she was already extremely injured, not to mention that her void itself broke. Shu's crystallization was VERY slow, because he was determined to get Inori back no matter what. The cured by singing part is there merely because, I suppose, the singing holds some kind of power that puts your soul at peace. Which removes the crystals, and stuff like that, basically cures you. It's almost like how it was in No.6. It's not stupid/idiotic, it's pretty cool.
4) The point of the 'King''s power was that the person who has it, is able to either make or break. And seriously? Have you been following the plot at all? (This is @orzel286) They weren't destroying the world with the void. The void is merely a tool in order to get there. Shu was trying to stop the 4th Apocalypse outbreak, by trying to destroy GHQ (along with wanting to save Inorin). GHQ and Daath were working alongside each other, since they both wanted to create a new civilization. Destroying the world, aka, giving everyone in the world the virus. While trying to stop this, Shu and Inori both get the virus, since Shu uses his power to absorb the virus of everyone, but Inorin takes it all instead. OMG LIEK THERES TOTALLY NO POINT HERE, RITE? LULZ.
5) How does that NOT make sense? If it doesn't, then you're either:

a) an idiot
b) non-analytic
c) both

6) Okay, maybe that kinda didn't make sense. But at the same time, it did make sense. The whole thing about the living/crystals stuff. I suppose GHQ and Daath wanted to carry out experiments to see if people could use those powers of the crystals to see if they could live forever, however, without being crystallized itself. That was the whole point of it.

7) Inori was created for the purpose of hosting Mana. She's like a hommunculus, that can age. (LIKE THE KING BRADLEY IN FMA :D) But she's also a living shell. Mana's soul/consciousness was being stored for Inori to shelter it. That whole marriage thing allowed Mana to finally be able to be 'reborn', however, only part of her soul was transferred to Inori. IN ORDER FOR HER BODY TO CHANGE, INORI HAD TO HAVE MANA'S SOUL INSIDE OF HER.


If there was a "Like" button, you, my friend, would get one from me!
Mar 28, 2012 1:19 PM

Aug 2011
KingYoshi said:
UtsukushiiYume said:
orzel286 said:
UtsukushiiYume said:
It makes total sense.

Hell no.

1)Evolution doesn't work like that.
2)OK, even if we name changing all living creatures into crystals... Oh wait - aren't crystals something non-living?
3)How does the virus work? (/owned!)
4)There's NO POINT in the whole "king" business
5)Controlling virus with singing (/owned!)

1) This is a science fiction, like the other poster mentioned. Read the genres carefully. SUPER POWER AND SCI-FI. :) CONCEPT OF EVOLUTION IS THE BASIS OF THE WHOLE THING, THEY JUST ADDED ON IT.
2) Wait... what? (Because I didn't understand what you said, :/)
3) Basically how a normal virus works, except for the fact that it's probably like a million times deadlier. The person who is infected by the virus, will be crystalized. Unless he/she takes the shots before stage III or something. After that, there's pretty much no hope. Since the virus reacts with your state of being, depending on how you're feeling, you will die faster/slower. Hare died quickly because she was already extremely injured, not to mention that her void itself broke. Shu's crystallization was VERY slow, because he was determined to get Inori back no matter what. The cured by singing part is there merely because, I suppose, the singing holds some kind of power that puts your soul at peace. Which removes the crystals, and stuff like that, basically cures you. It's almost like how it was in No.6. It's not stupid/idiotic, it's pretty cool.
4) The point of the 'King''s power was that the person who has it, is able to either make or break. And seriously? Have you been following the plot at all? (This is @orzel286) They weren't destroying the world with the void. The void is merely a tool in order to get there. Shu was trying to stop the 4th Apocalypse outbreak, by trying to destroy GHQ (along with wanting to save Inorin). GHQ and Daath were working alongside each other, since they both wanted to create a new civilization. Destroying the world, aka, giving everyone in the world the virus. While trying to stop this, Shu and Inori both get the virus, since Shu uses his power to absorb the virus of everyone, but Inorin takes it all instead. OMG LIEK THERES TOTALLY NO POINT HERE, RITE? LULZ.
5) How does that NOT make sense? If it doesn't, then you're either:

a) an idiot
b) non-analytic
c) both

6) Okay, maybe that kinda didn't make sense. But at the same time, it did make sense. The whole thing about the living/crystals stuff. I suppose GHQ and Daath wanted to carry out experiments to see if people could use those powers of the crystals to see if they could live forever, however, without being crystallized itself. That was the whole point of it.

7) Inori was created for the purpose of hosting Mana. She's like a hommunculus, that can age. (LIKE THE KING BRADLEY IN FMA :D) But she's also a living shell. Mana's soul/consciousness was being stored for Inori to shelter it. That whole marriage thing allowed Mana to finally be able to be 'reborn', however, only part of her soul was transferred to Inori. IN ORDER FOR HER BODY TO CHANGE, INORI HAD TO HAVE MANA'S SOUL INSIDE OF HER.


If there was a "Like" button, you, my friend, would get one from me!

XD I'd like your posts too.
Mar 28, 2012 1:21 PM

Jul 2009

If you wrote that pile of bullshit with straight faces, then there's no hope for humanity.

Idiocy takes over.

Now I hope the world ends this year.

BTW - you two could be directors/scriptwriters. And make "mastepieces" like GC. Or Uwe Boll movies.
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