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Mar 19, 2012 3:47 PM

Nov 2011
Why did Yuki choose Yuno (who he's supposedly going to kill anyway), and kill his classmates (who, albeit being throwaway characters, didn't have to die)?

And people hate Yuno now? She's been the same since episode 1.
Mar 19, 2012 4:18 PM

Aug 2009
O JESUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I WANNNA KNOW WHAT THAT DIARY SAID!!!!!!!!!!!!! X_________X

Mar 19, 2012 4:40 PM

Dec 2010
Epic episode that i was anticipating didn't disappoint; they actually fit more into one episode then i thought they would, and i gotta say it was epic just like the manga; i think my only complaint with the whole thing was censoring T_T... 4 episodes, well i guess i can see how they would need that many, i think its gonna slow down a bit in pace tho; no more episodes like 20.
Mar 19, 2012 4:41 PM

Oct 2010
mind fucked :S
Mar 19, 2012 5:05 PM

Jan 2011
So much hate for poor Yuno... hate the game, not the player! If anyone is deserving of hate in this it is Deus himself for establishing a game that is psychologically destroying the winners. Many of the diary holders were unstable, some were serial killers, and the one's who were relatively normal (social isolate Yuki and stalker Yuno) have had to go through a lot of trauma in the first 21 episodes.

Too bad about Hinata and the others, but after what went down in the office towers previously they should have known not to get in Yuki's way. He really can be just as homicidal as Yuno (which I believe is the chief qualifaction for becoming a god, right?).

As for Akise--he's not even a real boy! Just a construct built by Deus, and returned to the gameboard because he actually developed feelings towards Yuki while he was observing him.

As for Yuno, from what I've gleaned from the spoilers, I can't help but feel sorry for her. When everything is revealed I hope people wil reassess her personality.
Please don't feed the trolls!
In my next life I want to collide at the corner with the cute transfer student
carrying a piece of toast in her mouth

Mar 19, 2012 5:13 PM

Nov 2011
Kyo_Kagami said:
Fuck this episode, it was good, but i seriously hated it, All that rage. Fuck Yuno, that bitch should die.

Totally agree. I really hate Yuno -.-
Mar 19, 2012 5:28 PM

May 2008
Yuno, you bitch! You fucking bitch!
Mar 19, 2012 5:29 PM

Feb 2012
I was cheering up for Yuki instead of Yuno for the first time in Mirai Nikki
feels good man

lol 4 more episodes lol how I want that

also, sucks to see Mao die, she was the hottest :(
also, my suspicions that something is wrong with Akise turned out sorta right...

but here goes the question
when Akise said that he loves Yukiteru
And Deus dismissed it as something that is nor originally Aru's
that means that Deus....
Mar 19, 2012 5:44 PM

May 2008
nathanr said:

but here goes the question
when Akise said that he loves Yukiteru
And Deus dismissed it as something that is nor originally Aru's
that means that Deus....

Dues X Yuki OTP.
Mar 19, 2012 6:17 PM

Jun 2009
Sebulon said:
Yuno would never hurt Yukki, right?!?!? O____o

She's a Yandere, she wouldn't hurt YUKKI, she'd hurt anyone who gets close to him or tries to take him away from her.

But drugging him and keeping him tied up is "A-ok"
Mar 19, 2012 6:20 PM
Mar 2012
All I can really say is WOW.
Like from episode 1 to now, I did NOT expect 3/4 of the shit that has happened. But in a good way. I mean at least, and hopefully, Yuki has realized that Yuno is a psycho. but she did persuade me to love her for a 5 episodes. . . . or more. But now I officially support Akise <33 He is probably the only one who would NEVER EVER betray Yuki, besides Yuki's other friends. But sadly. . . they were shot.
God can't wait for the next episode!!!
Mar 19, 2012 6:37 PM

Feb 2012
Yarodomo said:
itsvero said:
Yarodomo said:

Well it looks to me that you're trying to shove your view down everyone's throat, take it easy bro.

K, wtf. I need to intervene here because this comment has simply left me confounded. Urufuzu_rein is definitely not the one trying to "shove his view down everyone's throat." It's that Yavie guy who started it in the first place. And you say that Urufuzu-rein has an Akise complex? Well look at Yavie's wall of text trying to dissuade Akise fans while putting Yuno on a pedestal. In fact, Urufuzu_rein's comment was extremely rational, and he made an approximation of like, 4 lines. Stop trolling, please.

The only thing that entertains me about the internet is when trolls call other people troll.

Most of the time these are not trolls.

Katsuri said:
nathanr said:

but here goes the question
when Akise said that he loves Yukiteru
And Deus dismissed it as something that is nor originally Aru's
that means that Deus....

Dues X Yuki OTP.

They need to make h-doujin of this!
Perfect for them micro/macro fans!
Mar 19, 2012 6:41 PM

Nov 2008
Shit is goin down.

God i wanna know what's on the damn phone! At the same time, i wanna spoil it for myself and not spoil it at the same time. D:
Mar 19, 2012 6:44 PM

Oct 2009
This episode was MIND-FUCK!
I was slowly denying that Yuno has frikking lost her mind. I started slowly hating her in this episode and at the end I F***ing hate her. She is still my favorite character but I hate her in this damn episode. I flipped when I say Yukki and Akise kissing Dx! My reaction was like the "Scream" by Van Gogh.
My brain needs to relax and watch some "My little pony"
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Mar 19, 2012 6:44 PM

Dec 2011
Yuki killing his friends..
It is weird.

And I dislike Yaoi, But I enjoyed Akise's kiss.
Mar 19, 2012 6:54 PM
Apr 2010
Only Yuki could look like such a pussy while killing most of his friends. That aside this episode was lolwut, even remotely thinking about what could/should/will happen is going to send your brain in circles (unless you're one of those "I've read the manga!" people). Akise was the man, couldn't believe it when he kissed Yuki. So much crap in this show but it's still ridiculously fun to watch, can't wait for the next episode.
Mar 19, 2012 6:55 PM

Feb 2012
Glub said:
Yuki killing his friends..
It is weird.

And I dislike Yaoi, But I enjoyed Akise's kiss.

So do I!
It really was romantic.
Mar 19, 2012 7:09 PM

Aug 2010
I can't wait to see Yuno die. This was a brilliant episode definitely 5/5. I dislike Yaoi/Yuri characters but I can't get myself to hate Akise Aru because he is the best character in this show.
Mar 19, 2012 7:16 PM

May 2011
GAY, seriously it got gay for a second.

Mar 19, 2012 7:28 PM
Jul 2010
Yumekichi11 said:
I think he should have though things better and explain things more. He got himself influenced like he was totally not himself and under paranoia effects of mass panic or as Mao said fear itself of the truth. My point is that they did not betray Yuki ever and that his reasoning totally betrayed his friends hence killing them in the end.
They never betrayed their friendship to him but what they did was an act of betrayal. Tricked by Akise they were putting him and his girlfriend in danger. The cheat diary Akise was using put Yuno in mortal danger, by protecting 8th Yukki's friends were helping another guy to kill their friends girlfriend? You don't think that is a form of betrayal?

Yumekichi11 said:

Yumekichi11 said:
He would but I think it would be differently formulated as in being used most likely or at the very least it would come into mind to him that it was that kind of form. There is love and there is obsession.
I'd say that in Akise's case it is obsession since Deus made him "love Yukki" so that he would keep a close eye on his favorite. Damn rigged election crap.

Yumekichi11 said:
To me it gave him a sense of being better that Yuno who was giving out the clear superiority.
Something that was obviously false. Yuno was always superior to Akise. He was stronger than her, but she was always the smarter one, beating his cheap HAXX diary and then beating him a second time. So Akise just showed that he was a guy using his stronger body to force a girl down onto the ground.

Yumekichi11 said:
Perhaps but Yuno at that moment was just being a plain BITCH cause she knew of her superiority and that smile proved like a big snort towards all this.
Maybe, although if you call her a bitch for being happy that she beat a guy hat was trying to murder her -- then you could call Akise a bitch for trying to murder her using a HAXX diary. I don't think either of them were "bitches" though. Akise got killed because of karma in a way and because he was to sure of himself.

Yumekichi11 said:
The hatred is for having just tricked Yuki into killing his friends.
No, that isn't true either. She never tricked Yukki into killing his friends. Yukki killed them because one way or another he HAD to kill 8th or they would all die anyway. The anime failed at this, but her original call was one that warned Yukki about Akise coming to kill Yukki. So she was really trying to make Yukki hurry up and kill 8th before Akise arrived. If you think this was the cause for the friends being killed, then again -- it was Akise that tricked Yukki's friends to protect 8th in the first place. If you hate on Yuno for this, please hate on Akise as well because he is more responsible for their demise.

Yumekichi11 said:
It comes also as what they coin being a SMART-ASS and Yuno was exactly that.
When was she being a smartass? Insane yes -- but a smartass? sorry but I must have missed that...

Yumekichi11 said:
Akise wanted to kill Yuno because he knows 8th does not deserve to die nor Yuki being tricked by her, who most likely already is just using Yuki as a shell.
8th deserved to die. She used her "children" as footsoldiers. It's very convenient for her to say she was only allowing them to make her a god but she could have just refused to let them have those diaries.

Again, Yuno tricking Yukki was all to help him... and Akise didn't have any real proof of ANY of his wild ideas. As for using Yukki as a shell? No, that is incorrect, she was always trying to make Yukki win the whole game.

Yumekichi11 said:
Dude, please post spoilers using in spoilers okay? anyway -->

Yumekichi11 said:
in fact he redeemed himself when he took leadership in saving them from the dogs.
When was that? In the manga he just had a mistrust of Yukki and showed no leadership, in the anime he was just complaining. It was Akise and Yukki that took charge of the situation back then.

Yumekichi11 said:
It could have been but I think the way they made was to show how much of a BITCH she really is. It totally showed her bitchy attitude in terms of deceiving Yuki and faking everything.
But that's just it. She wasn't a bitch in the manga and she wasn't a bitch in the anime. The Anime is trying to make up BS that simply isn't true by changing around the order of some scenes. Yuno did NOT fake anything (except for Akise killing her).

Yumekichi11 said:
I don't think he would do it, maybe he though there was some weapon around? I doubt he would do it though. ROFL.
She still had her knife when she came after him later so no he wasn't looking for a weapon.

Yumekichi11 said:
I got the feeling in the manga Akise was more mysterious yes but not threatening. Not at all in fact. I always had a feeling he was trying to help Yuki in a mysterious way.
He had asked them to come to his house where he would hand them 8th -- when they arrived he showed them his diary and told them it was a good setting for a final battle. You don't feel this sort of made him look like a final boss/villain? He was mocking them with his phone then continued grinning as he saw through Yuno's attacks. Yukki spots his friends running away with 8th and Yuno says she will hold back Akise for him, showing great bravery in the sight of this super HAXX diary. The whole scene was scene was setup that when we were shown her laugh it came more as a shock. It made many people actually doubt her and believe that Akise was right (which he wasn't). In the anime there was never any such emotional twist. From the getgo they are trying to forcefeed us with how cool/good Akise is.

Yumekichi11 said:
You do know certain manga parts were totally advanced by the anime mainly due to the animation of certain of its parts that made those parts look better than the manga itself could pull out. Some decors are far better too with the colors in the anime.
The colors yes, but look at Yuno's expressions, Akise's expressions, the angles as well as the flow of the animation. The manga was far better drawn as far as faces go and they chose angles that were far more epic/great. Like when Yuno went for Akise's head. In the manga you could see how desperate and distraught she was. She flew towards Akise and chopped his head off. In the anime she has a angry expression and she is animated seen from the side.

Yumekichi11 said:
I don't see as bad because of the different feel it gave out, Akise was much better and likable. In the manga he was a little stoic so to speak. In the anime he looked more lively TBH.
Making him less stoic wasn't the problem. I'm talking about how they changed around scenes, certain key dialogue as well as some of Yuno's more important expressions. There were no need to change these in order to make Akise more lively.. in fact Yuno stabbing him just like that really doesn't make any sense (unless she had already spotted 8th running away with Yukki's friends.) They could have just used 2-3 seconds of animation showing her spotting this before doing the whole attack. They didn't.

Yumekichi11 said:
I think it would have been better if they did make more interactions of him with other characters but most of all with Yuki. BL?
Sure more Yukki but this wouldn't have made him ore likeable. In most BL or such manga/anime they always force the whole BL part by making the female characters suffer spotlight or make them less interesting. Akise's main problem was that he just like Yuno ONLY wanted to interact with Yukki. Since Yuno was/is such a big part of Yukki's life just ignoring her makes the guy come off as a huge jerk. Since both of them wante dthe same person than interaction between them is what many people actually wanted to see. And by interaction I mean having the two of them talk/be friends when Yukki wasn't there. The closest thing we have to this and one of the most memorable scenes was when Akise discussed a plan with Yuno.

Yumekichi11 said:
Her character was funny too you know. Not just the body. She also had some form of courage. Hinata at first was like that with the crush but she changed later on.
How do you know she changed? She looked very jealous to me ... well Yukki saved her from dying and forgave her. She had already decided to let him go before the dogs was going to kill them so her crush wouldn't exactly have diminished because of his actions right? Hmm yeah, I guess they did add some extra "funny scenes" with her in the anime. In the manga however, aside from the whole panty incident she was only really playing pointing out how stupid the joke character Kousaka was. In the anime though she was more the "butt" of the joke -- Mao was the "funny" one with her stalking lesbian yandere personality.

Yumekichi11 said:
Of course she always thought she was better than Yuno. I for one agree cause she had a better personality and on top of that treated Yuki in a less stressful way for him.
Maybe Yukki needed to feel he was the one protecting Yuno, maybe that would have been better... but she must have been pretty delusional if she believed she would have been better for Yukki with the game going on. Maybe in a normal world she would have been, but in a world where Yukki had to play in a death game the stress wasn't caused by Yuno but by the other players. Yukki even understood this himself when he realized he found Yuno's obsession with him to be cute.

Yumekichi11 said:
I don't agree she wanted Yuki for herself.
No I've seen her exact type of character in a lot of manga before. It is the type that don't really admit their jealous feelings of love even to themselves. They are the "Jesus type" that "enjoy" playing the whole self sacrificing heroine that will step aside and let the hero have the other girl -- all along "knowing" that she was the only one that could really understand him.

Yumekichi11 said:
In regards towards Hinata, yes. Mao in general had a funny personality.
In regards toward Hiunata yes.... but her funny scenes were more of a funny/creepy kind. Yuno had some funny scenes as well -- so I'm still going with that Mao was a more stable version of Yuno.

Yumekichi11 said:
NO! I think he really was the kick in the ass for Yuki. He bullied him before, he changed and in thee end he was more on Yuki's side and wanted to help him. He was going to not get in his way but that punch was really a wake up call!
Only Yukki didn't react AT ALL to this. Mao could have filled his role since she already demonstrated that she oddly enough was stronger than Yukki and Kousaka.

Yumekichi11 said:
NO! Because being honest never forces anything on anyone. I was just being true to how I felt in this episode and discussions having a honest feelings are sometimes so much better IMO.
Ah but you never wrote that you "felt" that [insert opinion here] you just went ahead and called Yuno a bitch and Yukki... what did you call him again? well, whatever.

kelken said:
Well I myself was always wondering why -->

kelken said:
Why is he so convinced that psycho yuno is telling the truth anyway?
Why shouldn't he be? He loves her and everything she has done have demonstrated that she loves him too. She was even willing to blow herself up in order to save him.

Urufuzu_rein said:
Maybe the fact that she tried to kidnap him, kill all his friends etc before may be part of his reasons to assume it.
No, Akise went after her even before that... sneaking around her house and "investigating". Yuno tried to protect Yukki by keeping him hidden at that hotel remember? Akise told Yukki that Yuno planned to let Yukki win and then kill him. But how could she have made Yukki win if she had stayed hidden away with him in the hotel? That is completely illogical. Akise is just fabricating one guess/lie after another to demonize Yuno. More proof that Akise lied to Yukki and was aware of this? We were shown Akise's thoughts in the manga after/during the kiss. Do you know WHY he kissed Yukki? He did it because he knew that Yuno loved Yukki and would become so angry that she would attack blindly.

But if she really loved Yukki and became angry, then the whole idea about her planning to kill Yukki would not hold water.

Urufuzu_rein said:
Only read this if you have read the whole manga -->

Urufuzu_rein said:
read this if you have read the whole manga -->

Urufuzu_rein said:
They're not the same. Don't forget that Akise DID sacrifice himself in trying to make Yukiteru find out about Yuno. Yuno is willing to do it, but, for her, it always comes down to wanting to spend time with Yukiteru. Akise's jealousy (if it even was there, in considerable levels) didn't reach this peak you were talking about.
No, Akise was dying of bloodloss because his throat was cut! (in the manga he had also been stabbed in the heart) He was hardcore in that scene and showed that his obsession/love for Yukki was strong enough for him to try and give him the message even as he died... but he was NOT sacrificing himself since he would die anyway.

Sure Yuno wanted to be with Yukki, but no, she was willing to die if it MEANT that Yukki lived. Unlike Akise (who's love was just an obsession created by Dues in order for him to help Yukki) Yuno's love/obsession was a very selfish one. I.E it was real. Real love (the in love kind) is ALWAYS selfish.

Urufuzu_rein said:
Akise may not be a saint, but he did just as better (if not, better) than Yuno in prioritising Yukiteru's safety, in the end. Yuno may be the better character, but, in regards to Yukiteru's safety, they're pretty much the same.
I agree that they both WANTED Yukki's safety, but Akise PUT Yukki in danger while Yuno did not. Akise tried to get Yukki away from Yuno and even almost got the two of them killed during their fight against 11th... his plan was to get Yukki away from Yuno at all costs. For safety? Again -- during the middle of a fight where Yuno has actually been there putting herself at risk to protect Yukki -- Akise shows up at the end of the fight and distracts them by saying that "The Yuno you know is a fake". Her being a fake could have any number of reasons NOT connected to the actual murder games. wtf?

Urufuzu_rein said:
Assuming you're not trying to annoy people (I'm saying this because your other posts seemed more balanced),
The post you are referring to was a reply to a post that was less balanced than the other ones I had replied to. I.E the response are tailored differently depending on who and what they address.

Urufuzu_rein said:
Yuno did all of these and more. You shouldn't make distinctions.
umm no. Yuno did not do all of these. Yuno did a lot of bad things but certainly not the ones I ascribed to Akise specifically. Or are you trying to tell me that Yuno was keeping 8th safe so that she could use a HAXX diary and try to kill Akise?

Urufuzu_rein said:
Read only of you have read the whole end of the manga -->

Urufuzu_rein said:
I'm just trying to bring another view to the table, since I feel that his wasn't that balanced.
Balance? The op her/himself was bashing Yuno and praising Akise. The few other people in this thread that said anything bad about Akise came off as "not really serious" or as yaoi haters. My reply was long because I replied to MANY MANY Akise lovers.

itsvero said:
I need to intervene here because this comment has simply left me confounded. Urufuzu_rein is definitely not the one trying to "shove his view down everyone's throat." It's that Yavie guy who started it in the first place.
I didn't start this thread and it wasn't me that started bashing Yuno and praising Akise. My posts were a direct response to people's fanboyism and Yuno bashing. Nothing I've said about Yuno or Akise has been untrue.

Also Urufu was polite, you however are not.

itsvero said:
Look at Yavie's wall of text trying to dissuade Akise fans while putting Yuno on a pedestal.
If you have read the whole manga then I will listen to your opinion but if not then you really don't know what you are talking about. As for Akise even people that haven't read the whole manga can see that everything I said is the truth. Pedestal? When did I ever do this? I only pointed out that Akise was lying about Yuno. I never said that Yuno wasn't crazy or that she cared about anyone but Yukki. She had brought tools along in case she had to convince his mother after all damnit! I'm not saying anything about Yuno that isn't true!

As for wall of text, that is because I responded to many MANY fanboys of Akise that were BASHING Yuno.

itsvero said:
In fact, Urufuzu_rein's comment was extremely rational, and he made an approximation of like, 4 lines. Stop trolling, please.
No, he was wrong as I've pointed out in my reply to him.

Urufuzu_rein said:
I agree that she's overplaying Yuno's affection and qualities though.
She smarter than Akise but he is stronger. He seems to posses some serious skill at Judo and probably have trained since he was really young while Yuno just has really good reflexes, is fast and is naturally good at murdering. They are both good at different things. Where did I overplay her qualities?

As for her affection? No, that part I did not overplay at all. I responded more thoroughly about this in my other reply to you.

rodac said:
Akise is just a construct built by Deus, and returned to the gameboard because he actually developed feelings towards Yuki while he was observing him.
Akise's feelings for Yukki were fake. They were instilled into him because Deus himself was interested in Yukki and wanted him to win. Akise was returned to the world because he proved to Deus that he had done something (created his own diary) that was not a part of Deus plan.

MariKatzuki said:
Hopefully, Yuki has realized that Yuno is a psycho.
He realized this in episode 1. In the episode with the wedding rehearsal he realized he loved her BECAUSE she is insane.

MariKatzuki said:
But now I officially support Akise
Akise love really is fake. His love is really only Deus own desire for Yukki to win.

MariKatzuki said:
He is probably the only one who would NEVER EVER betray Yuki
That is arguable. It can be said he betrayed Yukki when he was attempting to murder a girl he knows Yukki loves. If this is the criteria for betrayal then Yuno betrayed Yukki when she chained him up in order to protect him. If not, then she would never betray him either. Yuno would die for Yukki.

nathanr said:
Glub said:
I enjoyed Akise's kiss.

So do I!
It really was romantic.
Oh you troll you.
YavieMar 19, 2012 7:39 PM
Mar 19, 2012 7:34 PM

Nov 2009
Fan girls dont freak out! lol I was shocked when he kissed Yuki I swear my eyes got as wide as Yuno's! X'D so sexy but weird but lovely and... okay so anyway... I cant believe freakin Yuno has been deciving him the whole time! and that phone call was horrible! He killed all his friends D'X I hate it how everyone like died and im pretty sure Aksie is going to die soon too but i really liked him XP im really sad now! Eh i can't wait for the next episode! Imma have to learn Japanese just so i can watch it a bit earlier haha well anyway i thought it was an awesome episode that also made me mad... the kiss though... mmn so weird and confusing... ah anyway all in all great episode! hehe ^^'
Mar 19, 2012 7:40 PM

Mar 2011
Yukki is a baws !
Mar 19, 2012 7:43 PM

Feb 2010
so far the only people that really like like yuki is a crazy bitch and a gay guy haha

4 more episodes fuck yes
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Mar 19, 2012 7:50 PM

Feb 2012
Yavie said:
Oh you troll you.

I am serious!
That kiss was romantic!

also, nice post
Mar 19, 2012 7:53 PM

Jan 2011
been watching quite a few "everybody must die" animes: fate/zero, Another, and this

first off, Yuno is crazy. i love characters that i can't grasp, and she's amusing every single time. i personally don't have a preference on who becomes god and all that, but here a few thing i'd like to dabble one

1. amano yuki becoming god.

2.Yuno's "love" for yuikii


3. Yuno having more then 1 phone

4. Two yunos

5. how much i like yuno and will be flamed for:

6. paralleled universe

7. i don't hate

few points for anyone who bothered to read all that to dabble on:
1.why did yuno kill yuno
2. which yuno is our yuno
3. is yuno really in love with amano
4. what mur-mur's motive in bringing another yuno
5. is i true that you can't return everything back to normal
Hide behind the mighty wall of internet, i shall
Mar 19, 2012 8:05 PM

Dec 2011
What the hell... this ep was so amazing and now Yukki knows the secret of Yuno. D;
Mar 19, 2012 8:45 PM

Jan 2011
Damn now I really want to see what happens next, and now Yuno looks like such a conniving bitch. Yandere wouldn't even be a appropriate title for her now if she was really just using Yuki the whole time. ALL LIES!

Also I'm not even into yaoi at all, but that kiss was freaking hot.

I'm still left wondering how exactly this will end because apparently the manga received a very disappointing ending and the anime seems to be following it faithfully.
Mar 19, 2012 9:15 PM

Jun 2010
Good episode. Really intense. Yuno's crazy laugh made me laugh along too. Reminded me of when Raito/Light did his crazy laugh at the end of season 1 of Death Note. Gave me the same exhilarating feeling. This was fun.
Mar 19, 2012 9:28 PM

May 2011
Wowwww this is getting fucking intense.

Holy shit so thats what Akise was, and nicee he even bested Deus. Wow his determination was amazing, even survived that last slash to show Yukki what he discovered / predicted. Ughh damn it just what did he write to Yukki, what there's more than one Yuno? Respect to him, I see why alotta ppl like this guy. And DAT kiss.

Yuno's mystery just keeps growing larger and larger. Hmm so tempted to spoil myself but gahh gotta resist it, gunna be so much better waiting and getting surprised every week. Whatever Yuno's true secret is, I am on her side all the way. And just what is Murmur planning? Seems to me like she's working with Yuno or something of the sort. So muchhh questions!
Mar 19, 2012 9:36 PM

Nov 2009
Fantastic episode as usual, more so this time.

So much happened, thrill ride all the way.

6/5 =)
Mar 19, 2012 9:47 PM

Apr 2010

Mar 19, 2012 9:56 PM

Oct 2010
hellsascendant said:
6. paralleled universe
I just have one piece of puzzle to add to your part. The Minene/Deus incident in like where he implanted her with something. I wonder if Deus made 2 cores of himself and one is fake while the other one Minene had. Something is for sure up with Minene and that Deus part why else would he choose her for something in that episode where he pierced her.

- BLOG - My Club- Easiest way to reach the rest of my thoughts!
Mar 19, 2012 10:25 PM
Jul 2010
hellsascendant said:
It has been hinted that Murmur has been doing things behind Deus' back.
In one of the earlier episodes we were told that Murmur is an extension of god itself. Murmur is in other words Gods will. Not all of gods will mind you but part of it. As such Murmur is unable to act against her gods will. Deus favors Yukki and wants Yukki to win the whole battle royal.

Now sing along song everyone?

Falads said:
Damn now I really want to see what happens next, and now Yuno looks like such a conniving bitch. Yandere wouldn't even be a appropriate title for her now if she was really just using Yuki the whole time.
Why does everyone believe what Akise was telling Yukki? He has time upon time been proven wrong concerning Yuno. You guys need to start doubting him.
YavieMar 19, 2012 10:29 PM
Mar 19, 2012 10:46 PM
Mar 2009

Am. Trying. Not. To. Go. After. The. Manga.

Mar 19, 2012 10:50 PM
Jun 2008
well what did you expect that everyone going crazy, shock, looney, shion’s laughing crazy, etc yep or even yet cabin fever from Muppet Treasure Island

due it’s now mirai nikki armageddon with the end is near!!!

yea yuno pulling that Wounded Gazelle Gambit OH he!! no yea cabin fever has risen.

with 4eps yea got get it all wrap up?
you either with ANIME or against the anime
Mar 19, 2012 11:37 PM

Oct 2011
Epic episode, though I wonder what his motives for becoming a god are going to be now that he found out he can't bring anyone back to life(unless he's still blindly thinks he was lied to).
And... wow. I'm not a yaoi fangirl or anything, but that kiss was strangely... enticing... way better than Yukkii x Yuno...
This anime continues to remain one of my faves this season. Simply amazing.
Mar 20, 2012 2:06 AM

Oct 2011
Mindfucking episode indeed. I am curious whether Akise's feelings for Yuki is real or just to make Yuno jealous
Mar 20, 2012 3:33 AM

Jan 2011
Fucking loved this episode, awesome mindfuckery pretty much. xD This was my favourite part in the manga so seeing this animated was such a treat. Shame they removed a few bits though. Akise Aru was a fucking boss in this episode but his death was pretty gruesome, shame they censored him without his head. Yuno is one manipulative bitch, so fucking scary. Poor Yukiteru, he has to put up with her loving him. :P

Although I'm not gay, that kiss with Akise and Yuki was done really well and seeing Yuno go ballistic was so hilarious. Lmao :D

Definitely giving this episode a 5/5. Best episode of the series! (so far? :P)
Mar 20, 2012 3:53 AM

Oct 2011
all i can say is, "what the f@#k!!!" truly one of the most mind-bending episodes of a mind-bending anime - and the kiss!!! not usually a fan of the whole boy's love thing (being a straight male), but that was one romantic, tragic, and unexpected lip-lock!!! what i can't figure out is how they can stretch this into four more episodes, as it seems 99% of the loose ends just got tied up....and lastly, i still miss the hell out of minene!!!!
Mar 20, 2012 4:20 AM

Mar 2009
It was better than I expected.
Mar 20, 2012 4:57 AM

Feb 2009
Spoiler for:
Urufuzu_reinMar 20, 2012 5:09 AM
"This Forest isn't going to reveal all its secrets for the likes of you."
Mar 20, 2012 5:31 AM

May 2010
Akise ;___________;
He did such a great job ;_;
Mar 20, 2012 6:02 AM
Dec 2011
WOW Awesome episode...the only thing i dont like is that akise is gay -__-
Mar 20, 2012 6:18 AM

Dec 2011
I'm sort of guessing what Akise wrote (or if he didn't, what he tried to write), but I do wonder how will they stretch it into four more episodes. Resisting reading the manga is zooo haaad.
Mar 20, 2012 6:43 AM
Lewd Depresso

Jul 2008
o:O So who the hell is Yuno !! Give me new ep..
Mar 20, 2012 7:27 AM
Mar 2012
Ok For those people who are worried about the ending of this anime, hmm...what should i say about this without spoiling anything? i must say they all live happily ever after.....for those slow minded people it means the anime ends in a nice and beautful way that u want second season for this anime...too bad cuz the way it ends has no chance to have second season :P for the ending my score is 1000/10
ynaoeMar 20, 2012 7:46 AM
Mar 20, 2012 8:44 AM

Jan 2012
Raaaah I liked the episode but really Yukiteru is such a big loser and wimp...
Never liked him... Still as annoying as ever imo
Mar 20, 2012 9:01 AM

Oct 2009
Damn ep.. so good.. even a smart guy like akise with his "cheating" diary can't stop Yuno... the power of mad love!!!! *grins*

i wonder why people still watch this anime if they hate "Yuno Gasai"...
im sure mirai nikki will not be this good if there is no Yuno...
Mar 20, 2012 9:45 AM

Feb 2010
nathanr said:
I was cheering up for Yuki instead of Yuno for the first time in Mirai Nikki
feels good man

lol 4 more episodes lol how I want that

also, sucks to see Mao die, she was the hottest :(
also, my suspicions that something is wrong with Akise turned out sorta right...

but here goes the question
when Akise said that he loves Yukiteru
And Deus dismissed it as something that is nor originally Aru's
that means that Deus....

He made akise interested in yukki so he keep investigating him.

and holy shit people, use spoilers!

Mar 20, 2012 10:47 AM

Jul 2010
Dammit, so what is Yuno?

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