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Feb 5, 2012 10:42 PM

Jan 2011
Amata steals Mikono back from the clutches of Kagura :D

We get to see a little bit of Shrade's past.

Poor Andy loses his chance at a Union with a girl :C

New form of Aquarion *w*
Feb 5, 2012 10:56 PM

Aug 2008
- Amata: RUN!!!
- Mikono: Cute girl gets to choose
- Cayenne: What a NOOB
- Zessica: Get moved aside
- Shred: Kickass, but so gay
- Andy: Shame, he had to leave the spot
- Kagura: Shipping him with Mikono, 'cuz he's badass
- Mykage: What a GAY

I'm extremely happy with the preview. I'll get to see a lot of Zessica.
ZESSICA's Counterattack!!
Feb 6, 2012 12:48 AM

Sep 2010
Need more Zessica.

Looks like next episode will have it.
Feb 6, 2012 1:46 AM
Jan 2009
So the three forms are Evol, Gepard and Spada? Neat.

The scene near the beginning with Amata and Kagura was amazingly done. This show is so damn good.
Feb 6, 2012 2:35 AM

Dec 2008
Nyron said:
So the three forms are Evol, Gepard and Spada? Neat.

The scene near the beginning with Amata and Kagura was amazingly done. This show is so damn good.

I've never watched the first season of Aquarion, but I assume that there are many different forms of Aquarion depending on who's the head.

Loving it so far. Shrade's element power is quite scary, and I seriously hope he ain't dead yet.

And I wouldn't be surprised if Andy not getting to union with a girl will become a running gag or something, though seeing as his element power is digging holes, I also wouldn't be surprised if his Aquarion form looks like the Gurren Lagann lol.

Tonight... we are young... so let's set the world on fire, we can burn brighter, than the sun...
Feb 6, 2012 3:30 AM

Jun 2009
Misdreavius said:
Nyron said:
So the three forms are Evol, Gepard and Spada? Neat.

The scene near the beginning with Amata and Kagura was amazingly done. This show is so damn good.

I've never watched the first season of Aquarion, but I assume that there are many different forms of Aquarion depending on who's the head.

Loving it so far. Shrade's element power is quite scary, and I seriously hope he ain't dead yet.

And I wouldn't be surprised if Andy not getting to union with a girl will become a running gag or something, though seeing as his element power is digging holes, I also wouldn't be surprised if his Aquarion form looks like the Gurren Lagann lol.

Actually there were only three forms:

Aquarion Mars, Aquarion Solar and Aquarion Luna...And one more which was some kind of mix of Sol and Luna = Aquarion Soluna

So Evol, Gepard and Spada should be it....unles there is Gespada or something

lol Am I the only one that thinks that this Shrade guy is annoying XD
The spring I met you,

The spring without you.
Feb 6, 2012 3:35 AM
Jan 2012
Bring on Zessica. i have enough of stinky bitch vs mikono-san-ing for another 5 episodes.
Feb 6, 2012 3:44 AM

Aug 2007
Shrade's elemental power is nuts.
Feb 6, 2012 4:23 AM
Apr 2011
Is Shrade dead?
If he died, wouldn't the union break?
Feb 6, 2012 4:47 AM

Oct 2010
I doubt he is dead... he is probably tired as his body cant handle the Union.
Feb 6, 2012 6:08 AM

Jun 2008
yeah maybe he is in the border of death XD but he can survive maybe XD

kyaaa stupid amata I was wishing Kagura take mikono XD

and lol mikono was like i have to say sorry XD okay mikono have good tastes maybe because i think she liked kagura XD

and poor cayenne i was like lol you got swinged and you automatically lose XD
so funny

and yes mikage was sooo gayyyy
Life is bittersweet can you live with that?
Feb 6, 2012 7:25 AM
Nov 2008
man this show is SO F*CKIN BEAUTIFUL, probably the most beautiful this season....
next season maybe he loses to fate/zero

and i'm going to watch the 1st season, because i understand nothing in this show lol
Feb 6, 2012 7:43 AM

Jun 2008
dadihu said:

and i'm going to watch the 1st season, because i understand nothing in this show lol

I only watched the ovas of Sousei no Aquarion, there are stuff here i dont understand, but i dont want to waste my time on Sousei no aquarion season, because i heard that its not good at all.

KaitoDash said:

- Kagura: Shipping him with Mikono, 'cuz he's badass

Malon16 said:

kyaaa stupid amata I was wishing Kagura take mikono XD

THIS!!!! Kagura is soooooo AWESOME. although his quote of " My smelly woman" seems kinda...wild, LOOOL.

And seriously this show´s Ending gotta be one of the best anime endings ive ever listened!

Shrade seems to be a character taken from Uta no prince sama, dont ask me why.

ワンダーランド花 ♥

Feb 6, 2012 7:47 AM

Jan 2009
Zessica is hot as always
Feb 6, 2012 8:21 AM

Oct 2008
The first season is better, missing most of the cringe worthy dialog found in this one that makes it pretty clear they are targeted a very young audience.

The series is pretty decent so far, but some of the dialog is just VERY bad. Particularly the stuff that has to do with "Forbidden Meetings" and "eww cooties."
Feb 6, 2012 8:30 AM

Jul 2011
Murbella said:
The first season is better, missing most of the cringe worthy dialog found in this one that makes it pretty clear they are targeted a very young audience.

The series is pretty decent so far, but some of the dialog is just VERY bad. Particularly the stuff that has to do with "Forbidden Meetings" and "eww cooties."
what, really? I'm finding Evol's writing to be substantially better than the first season's. Actually, I'm finding pretty much everything about it to be much, much better. Was originally irked that Amata was a total pansy compared to Apollo, but Kagura's making up for that.

Also, I just got the connection between Apollo's superhuman smelling and Kagura's smell thing. Herp.

Also also, holy crap how is this anime so freaking BEAUTIFUL. It's probably one of the nicest looking anime I've ever watched, only trumped by Makoto Shinkai movies.
Feb 6, 2012 8:55 AM
Jan 2012
girls and their bad boys fantasies, i swaer i hope zessica gets amata and they both turn out to be real apollo and silvia.
Feb 6, 2012 11:02 AM

Mar 2010
I really hate Kagura as he is just a stupid ass.
Completley ignoring Mikonos feelings an so on.
I hope Amata will beat the crap out of Kagura.
Anyway good episode - but I still can't come to really like that anime.
What disturbs me the most are these "union" scenes which just look like some crappy fanservice and totally out of place in that otherwise kind of serious anime.

Feb 6, 2012 11:38 AM

Mar 2010
Murbella said:
The first season is better, missing most of the cringe worthy dialog found in this one that makes it pretty clear they are targeted a very young audience.

The series is pretty decent so far, but some of the dialog is just VERY bad. Particularly the stuff that has to do with "Forbidden Meetings" and "eww cooties."


Also.. I'm starting to think Amata is just an embodiment of Apollo's power. Cause seriously.. In Sousei no Aquarion, the powers were "similar" but.. not on his feet, like freaking Hermes. Kagura is -just- like Apollo though.

For those who haven't seen or have forgotten, in Sousei no Aquarion, Scorpius, Celiane, and Apollonius' reincarnations all looked just like them, same hair and eye color. The only one who's fitting that bill in this new series so far is Kagura. Hell the only one who reminds me of Silvia/Celiane thus far was Mix.

Maybe the dropped the "comparison" thing in the new series, maybe they didn't. But either way..the story's pretty dumb to me this time. Just trying to appeal more to the younger people..
Feb 6, 2012 2:16 PM

Mar 2009
this episode!!! omg!!! i dont know why, but i would like to see more KaguraxMikono! He's so alike to Apollo o_o i mean... he is harsh and all that.. amata surprised me with grabbing Mikono from Kagura, which was a good thing! xD i was losing my hopes in Amata...

Shrade seems to be a little too crazy... i dont really like that, and i cant imagine which incarnation he is... <_< Zessica... she's a little bitchy.. but i can live with that...

anyways, great episode! cant wait for next week! ;)
Feb 6, 2012 5:23 PM

Dec 2011
Fangirls T_T
I mean really...Kagura doesn't seem to be the best of guys here...I really like Amata on the other hand, he shows that he cares for her and is genuinely nice.
Feb 6, 2012 5:59 PM

May 2011
Shrade, I really hope he's alright and not in a too serious condition. Good man he is.

Kagura looks cool but he seems crazy lol. Don't like the way he is acting atm. Great to see Amata protect his girl, running in there to save Mikono before Kagura had a chance to get away. He's really getting better in my eyes. Wonder what these three's relation is.

Next episode looks like its about Zessica, nice. As long as it doesn't hurt Mikono's relationship with Amata, I am looking forward to it. I just know its gunna be funny, lol make him fly again.

I really love the ED, and the OP is pretty good too. Great soundtracks in this anime, can't wait for them to be released.
Feb 6, 2012 7:06 PM

Nov 2007
Peytral said:

what, really? I'm finding Evol's writing to be substantially better than the first season's. Actually, I'm finding pretty much everything about it to be much, much better. Was originally irked that Amata was a total pansy compared to Apollo, but Kagura's making up for that.


This is really entertaining. More than I remember from the original series.
bla bla bla
The endless debate between fans and haters. At one point, after spending a lot of time on MAL, you just realize it's totally pointless.
Niko-kun said:
On MAL, everyone who has used the lame rating system becomes a critic and an intellectual by default, haven't you heard?
Feb 6, 2012 7:48 PM

Oct 2008
I am also nearly convinced that the plot of this series is a cheap repeat of the first season.

If Amata, Kagura and Mikono have the same relationship they did in the first season (particularly the two guys), I am done as i've seen it already.
Feb 6, 2012 8:40 PM

Feb 2009
This show is epic.

Oh, and, as usual Zessica is hugely overrated.
Feb 6, 2012 10:25 PM

Jun 2007
oh noes Amata you better start being an asshole to Mikono or she will get stolen.
More Zessica and we shall get it next episode.
Feb 6, 2012 11:31 PM

Jan 2010
Most disappointing episode of the show so far.

The dialogue was pitiful -- "You stink!', "You don't stink! Me kill! Maybe."

Then there is the constant invasions that don't go anywhere. And robot fights that never quite finish but just as they are about to, somebody interferes and drags the invader away yet again.

The fake drama and tension -- "But Schrade! You'll die!" "All right. Mission approved." This series is re-defining predictable.

While I suppose it's good to see that Schrade can be somewhat useful, even that was only pretend.

And to top it off, there was no Mix, little Zessica and barely any Mikono, who wisely spent most of the episode unconscious. But while she was spared being bored to death, what is likely the most fun skirt since Railgun or Saki hung as lifelessly as this episode did.
Feb 7, 2012 5:44 AM

Aug 2008
Mockman said:
Most disappointing episode of the show so far.

The dialogue was pitiful -- "You stink!', "You don't stink! Me kill! Maybe."

Then there is the constant invasions that don't go anywhere. And robot fights that never quite finish but just as they are about to, somebody interferes and drags the invader away yet again.

The fake drama and tension -- "But Schrade! You'll die!" "All right. Mission approved." This series is re-defining predictable.
Where did you see that dialogue from? It didn't sound that bad in the RAW I watched.
Feb 7, 2012 6:51 AM

Aug 2008
At this point, I don't even mind if Mikono is ending with Kagura, I mean, he is the reincarnation of Appolo right? That's why Mikono is feeling sad... He doesn't seems like a really bad bad guy in fact, he just doesn't know how to speak correctly...
Feb 7, 2012 10:03 AM

Nov 2007
The guy got the girl back, and the musician guy is not just strong in his power on music, but also defense? He has the same stinkyness as the girl??

Musician guy only got used once and died?? No! He was creepily funny, though, when united. Both him and the main guy were so conveniently got invited to Aquarions.
tsubasaloverFeb 7, 2012 12:25 PM
I Two Syaorans from Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE and TRC!!!
Feb 7, 2012 10:20 AM

Jun 2009
Oh wow, Kagura beats the worst of those forceful shoujo manga male characters by now, he's kinda cool with those abilities but lame with his childlish attitude at the same time too.
Well, Shrade was damn awesome this episode, i hope he doesn't die, though that wouldn't possibly get him a lot of screentime in the future. Also Amata manned up a bit, let him keep going this way.
Some delicious Zessica next episode, can't wait.
レッツゴー ED イケイケゴーゴー
Feb 7, 2012 12:06 PM

Jun 2011
Feb 7, 2012 3:11 PM

Jul 2009
pretty clear that shrade is sirius' reincarnation.
Sirius and his obsession with beautiful things (the rose battle).
Shrade's smell being similar.. Sirius was split off of apollonius' waifu, and its basically accepted that mikono is her reincarnation.
They mentioned darkness in shrade; Sirius was all the dark lingering feelings, etc, that led to his betrayal.

Wonder why Amata didn't have any smell.. is it just because people tend to not notice when they themselves smell like things? (seeing as how they are obviously both parts from apollonius)
Feb 7, 2012 3:16 PM
Dec 2007
Underwhelming episode, especially in terms of battle scenes. Still, we had some more characters' background and the BGM is ever so perfect.

In every age, in every place, the deeds of men remain the same.
Feb 7, 2012 5:56 PM

Sep 2007
What? So Shrade dies just like that? Seems kind of underwhelming. But next episode has such delicious Zessica all over it. Hopefully she becomes more fleshed out and becomes a more central character. She's not doing much right now but being that sexy fanged tooth scantily clad boobs and token female third wheel.
Feb 7, 2012 7:15 PM

Jan 2010
Mockman said:
The dialogue was pitiful -- "You stink!', "You don't stink! Me kill! Maybe."
The fake drama and tension — "But Schrade! You'll die!" "All right. Mission approved." This series is re-defining predictable.
KaitoDash said:
Where did you see that dialogue from? It didn't sound that bad in the RAW I watched.
I wasn't quoting verbatim, as that would have required re-watching the episode. But it felt like the majority of Kagura's lines were about whether someone stunk or not, and whether he ought to kill them or not.

But, to confirm that I wasn't exaggerating too much, I pulled this from the subs from around the 3-4 minute marks.

You stink. You stink deliciously.
Let Mikono go!
Where's your smell? You don't… You don't smell at all.
Why the hell don't you have a smell? Hey, mind if I kill you?

And as to the second quote, this exchange took place around the 18 minute mark.

Chairman Crea, requesting permission for Union.
Shrade! You can't!
I'm ready to die. If I can't play Aquarion, I might as well be a dead man walking.
Union authorized! Shrade Elan, you're the head!

And since I ended up re-watching the bits around the quotes, I may as well point out some other events that caught my attention.

Prior to the stink dialogue, Kagura was able to effortlessly launch himself onto the rooftop, take Mikono away from Amata, and then the first time Amata attempts to retrieve her, kick him away with scarcely a thought. But the second time Amata makes the attempt, he is able to knock Kagura to the ground, secure Mikono, and then leap off the building's edge — all without Kagura even responding. Did Kagura fall asleep after sniffing Amata? Even if he had mentally let his guard down for a moment, Amata yelled his intentions before charging in.

Meanwhile, Mikono, presumably unconscious, somehow lands perfectly on Amata's back. So perfectly, that he is able to immediately run and leap off the building without dislodging her. They then plummet for what was probably a few hundred feet without her even shifting on his back.

I call shenanigans!
MockmanFeb 7, 2012 7:19 PM
Feb 7, 2012 8:55 PM

Nov 2007
It's teh power of angels I tell'ya.
bla bla bla
The endless debate between fans and haters. At one point, after spending a lot of time on MAL, you just realize it's totally pointless.
Niko-kun said:
On MAL, everyone who has used the lame rating system becomes a critic and an intellectual by default, haven't you heard?
Feb 9, 2012 2:16 AM

Dec 2007
I like this episode.. though I wish kagura would say more indepth than just you stinks! Where My wrench? and mind if i kill you?? Even if he acts like apollo in a way. Apollo have more conversation skills.. Oh well.. see how this shows goes..
Mix appear in this episode without any line.. -_-'
can't wait for the next episode..

Feb 10, 2012 12:56 AM
Feb 2009
I think Amata is... Sirius reicarnation :)

1. He have wings. Only members of Alisia family gets real wings.
2. No reaction bangles when they 'love'. Fudou called that feeling as love and Kagura/Mikoto as forbidden meeting. This is very similar to story of first series: Silvia and Sirius are siblings... originally one person Celiane. It's not romantic love... but fraternal love. And then Kagura... Apollo come into view. No his and Silvia's love at the first time.

So Amata is ending with Zessica. She is probably Reika reincarnation because she is interested in main character and fought in first battle. And she has totally opposite temperament to original. Reika was shy and dressed men's clothing. Zessica is daring and like sexy bikini :D
Feb 10, 2012 2:48 AM

Dec 2007
Crossboy said:
I think Amata is... Sirius reicarnation :)

1. He have wings. Only members of Alisia family gets real wings.
2. No reaction bangles when they 'love'. Fudou called that feeling as love and Kagura/Mikoto as forbidden meeting. This is very similar to story of first series: Silvia and Sirius are siblings... originally one person Celiane. It's not romantic love... but fraternal love. And then Kagura... Apollo come into view. No his and Silvia's love at the first time.

So Amata is ending with Zessica. She is probably Reika reincarnation because she is interested in main character and fought in first battle. And she has totally opposite temperament to original. Reika was shy and dressed men's clothing. Zessica is daring and like sexy bikini :D

Well in my opinion I think shrade remind me of sirius more than amata though.. maybe because they have the same shade hair colour and their attitude are a bit familiar..

Feb 10, 2012 5:48 AM

Apr 2009
It used to be a so bad that it's good. Now it's just.
Feb 12, 2012 8:21 PM
Jan 2009
Has anyone noticed how amazing this series looks?
The backgrounds
the colors
the designs of average buildings and objects
the cinematography

This show is fucking gorgeous omg
Feb 13, 2012 2:23 PM

Jul 2011
Nyron said:
Has anyone noticed how amazing this series looks?
The backgrounds
the colors
the designs of average buildings and objects
the cinematography

This show is fucking gorgeous omg
Oh my god I know. I about have an orgasm every time they show a sky shot. I swear I spend about as much time pausing and screencapping as I do actually watching.
Feb 13, 2012 6:35 PM

Oct 2011
shrade kind of reminds me of alfred from aph :D............but shrade is beter!
Feb 14, 2012 1:41 PM
Nov 2008
Shipping to Kagura x Mikono...this guy is too damn hot!....Damn it I can't believe I like this anime so much......the art and music is great! ><
Mar 3, 2012 8:03 PM

Jun 2008
Crossboy said:
I think Amata is... Sirius reicarnation :)

1. He have wings. Only members of Alisia family gets real wings.
2. No reaction bangles when they 'love'. Fudou called that feeling as love and Kagura/Mikoto as forbidden meeting. This is very similar to story of first series: Silvia and Sirius are siblings... originally one person Celiane. It's not romantic love... but fraternal love. And then Kagura... Apollo come into view. No his and Silvia's love at the first time.

So Amata is ending with Zessica. She is probably Reika reincarnation because she is interested in main character and fought in first battle. And she has totally opposite temperament to original. Reika was shy and dressed men's clothing. Zessica is daring and like sexy bikini :D
Thing is Mikono already have a bro, who practically redefines a sister complex to the point that he has continuous prophecies of her.

Other than the fact that Amata can fly, which I think Apollo also have those symbolic wings at some point as well, there really isn't that much similarity. Their personalities are pretty different too.

I don't think the directors are really making that big of a deal in terms of reincarnation. Then again this is often late reveals so don't think too hard on it imo, people will just confuse those who haven't seen the prequel.

Anyways, first night scenery I think of the city with sparkling lights. Beautiful, as always.
May 1, 2012 1:46 PM

Dec 2010
Ah... I don't really like Mikono but, I think I kind of... like her with Kagura than Amata >3>
Jun 27, 2012 4:12 PM

Nov 2011
Lmao poor Andy...missing his chance to union with a girl. Well, better lucky next time.

Anyways, great episode.
Jun 28, 2012 7:42 AM

Nov 2007
Shrade is such a forced and annoying character. Everything else was good tho.

Jun 30, 2012 2:17 AM
Jan 2009
according to mathematics there should exist 6 different forms of aquarion

Vector X as head: xyz and xzy

Vector Y as head: yxz and yzx

Vector Z as head: zxy and zyx

I am Muggy, Misty is my partner in crime ;3

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