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Feb 5, 2012 7:10 AM

Oct 2010
Another amazing episode. The 7th rampage continues and the tower is totally collapsed. Yuki took the good hand in thee end. 7th’s past is shit. They explained things as to why would their parents throw them away. Simple, the girl lost her innocence and got raped while the guy it’s because he killed people. In the manga it was only stated that the parent gave up on them. As to why? Now it’s explained in a indirect way I guess. Depends how you look at it. The author might try to convey different scenarios with those added scenes. Of whom I give what I think of those parts in the list:
  • According to the spoiler
    I am not sure what is to censor there but I think it will have to do with lower part of the guy. I did see somewhat the hand of Ai there to push him back but can’t be sure what is censored other than intercourse act whom will never be shown. So at most I would think it could be like Yosuga no Sora.

  • The cell phone part along with 2 guys that are naked as of what I could see of the spoiler
    again hard to say what exactly will be shown. I do see that 2 of those guys are naked so remains to see what exactly was covered there. The phone was just something to mask. They could unmask it and animate or add scenes. Remains to see what they will be like.

  • From the looks of the following spoiler
    Ai gets some fan service rather nicely, however that was when they were in their teens. Hmmmmm, would be nicer if they showed some intercourse between them in adult age. Sadly that will not happen. Too bad. After the wedding some good stuff like that but sadly that’s not how it was setup.
So I conclude this was all done for more drama. I understand that but still unforgivable that anyone would discard a child like that after all the nurturing done to raise it. You should support them instead. That was totally RAGING. Seeing Ai being banged while losing her innocence by a bunch shit asses from her school. Wow, that was shit to watch. I still find it hard to believe this but it really is true, there are bastard parents like that and they should have punishment for that.

About Ai/Marco’s past, well I won’t deny that loli Ai in the spoiler
was cute. At the same time Marco when he was young was well adapted. More3over it was nice that 8th took them in. The forward some years that pass and Ai in the spoiler
looks really nice but reserved. Until Marco starts interacting with her. Ai was nice to start with feeding Marco and when he does not want her pouting shows a MOE side of her. I really liked her happy face during the game here. I still find the best of Ai/Marco’s past in the spoiler
the ice cream part and Church one.
Now things went rather until those 3 bitches here setup her up! I don’t get it? WTF is their problem? What they are jealous she has a guy? Damn skanks! I can’t believe that Ai fell for it. In any case with a lonesome dark place like here along with those guys who look like sex hungered wolves spelled shit trouble.

So they really abuse her in the spoiler
damn shit. It was very realistic in that part. The Seiyuu did a voice just like she was going to be raped. Nice play on that voice there of the Seiyuu and those guys bag her head? Why? She saw them anyway. I did like Marco’s raging face in the spoiler
it was amazing! Splendid! Scenes one and two when he fought show nicely blood splashing out which will be better in the BDs This guy here made a huge mistake to take out his knife. For his result is simple in the spoiler
dead! Marco’s first kill most likely. His freaked out faces one and two respectively were most well done and shown. In thee end it was plain beautiful to see Ai run to stop Marco from killing himself in the spoiler
really well done setup. I am moved emotionally TBH.

About Ai/Marco and their last fight. Well I really liked Marco’s face here right as he was about to grab Yuki’s father. As for Ai, she had a very nice blushed face here. Marco’s surprised face here along with this one here were funny as he is surprised of Yuki’s announcement. While Marco’s fight against Yuno in the spoiler
was very well adapted. The most important being the knife grab with the teeth. I do think that this face here is his best face from the whole series. In the serious category. Loved how Ai locked Yuno here and Ai’s face here is nice. The eyes in particular. Well guess Marco figures out the hard way the phone is fake.

It was totally painful to see Ai being abused by Yuno and bleeding out from the throat in the spoiler
because it was well done and Ai’s suffering was well emphasized. Marco’s part as he struggles up close and a far away shot here is well shown in showing his emotions. The BGM helped tremendously IMO. I am still WTF at the sudden pipe in Marco’s chest in the spoiler
as to who it got there and all but Ai’s last response and Marco’s response was very emotionally moving. In thee end Ai sadly bleeds out and dies here. While Marco’s last moments were shown with a emphasizing on his ring here. It was a nice last gesture before the tower collapses. I will leave for this episode one thing I shall not forget to do. No matter time.
RIP Ai and Marco

You never made it too late Marco. You still united with Ai and your love for her through marriage. Nothing in this series can beat such a powerful gesture with those rings. Nothing can beat such beautiful act done and in death you left with Ai having your love united eternally. Rest well. I will miss you both.

The way 7th got tricked was brilliant strategy with Yuno however how Yuno screws over Ai was sick. It was in fact censored. Here is non censored version in the spoiler
That wound is bad ass one of Yuno.
Even more so that Ai lived through it for some time. Bet anything Yuki’s father paranoia will end up killing his mother but not sure as to why he could not control that instinct of his. Most likely something he feared of Yuki’s mother. Regardless it was a T_T episode, the couple's past is depressive!

About Yuki’s father, he pretty a chicken shit that looks really insane in the spoiler
that face! I am surprised that he was able to control his flight and some bad luck did not hit him for being a SOB towards Yuki. It already looks to me from the sweat on his face while cutting the parachute and afterwards as he is thinking about it, that he paranoid or not in a stable mental state. So when Yuki’s mother in the spoiler
tries to do something, she loses it and stabs her IMO. Paranoia.

About thee end of the episode, it’s coming! Yuki’s transformation has started in the spoiler
the mother’s death has happened and that eye shows a lot. This is just the start of why Yuki changes. I will leave it at that.

BTW Image Stitches done in the spoiler
some of Marco and Ai.

PS: As a result of this episode, I cried loads and was very emotional whereas in the manga it did not do anything to me. Shows how amazing the anime is in you the viewer getting attached to characters.
Yumekichi11Feb 5, 2012 7:42 PM

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Feb 5, 2012 8:51 AM

Apr 2010
What the.. why would they add such part to 7th backstory? There wasn't anything like that in the manga.
Other than that - censorship and bad direction everywhere.

This adaptation still disappoints me.

heiismyhusbandoFeb 5, 2012 9:22 AM
Feb 5, 2012 9:29 AM

Oct 2010
heiismyhusbando said:
What the.. why would they add such part to 7th backstory? There wasn't anything like that in the manga.
To explain why parents disown kids or teenagers. I see also as more drama to their story. It was explained when they went to school or if anything happened.

Only censors I will talk about are really Ai's body, the guy screwing her (not sure what or how far it will be uncensored) but if they make it real there should be some blood in that part and they censored the gore in general. That I can attest in terms of gore and fan service that the BD do have nipples and gore is better. That being said and done of the BD reviews from episodes 3, 4 and 5 I can say it at 100%.

Therefore I cannot agree with you. It was done better, more dramatic and far more explanatory than ever the manga will be. If anything JUSTICE TO AI/MARCO is done! The anime gave them what they deserved the truth of what happened to them at one point of their life.
Yumekichi11Feb 5, 2012 3:17 PM

- BLOG - My Club- Easiest way to reach the rest of my thoughts!
Feb 5, 2012 2:28 PM
Jan 2010
Never actually read the manga.
I can say that I felt sympathetic toward 7th's. Why their parents abandoned them... (I mean this show has some messed up parents excluding Yukki's mom - she's cool,) pfft... look at Yukki's dad...WTF I mean what could be a more tragic background story.
shachikuakitaFeb 5, 2012 2:37 PM
Feb 5, 2012 4:20 PM

Jul 2010
Out of the frying pan and into the fire for Yuki and Yuno.
Feb 5, 2012 5:10 PM

Aug 2008
Eww, what is with Mirai Nikki and rape?

Anyways, kind of a nice end for the couple, I guess. They still haven't caught 7th yet, though. And I can't believe Yuki's father is THAT much of a horrible coward.

Thanks, person who gave me this on another site a long time ago, lol.
Feb 5, 2012 7:54 PM

Feb 2010
guyklc said:
Eww, what is with Mirai Nikki and rape?

Anyways, kind of a nice end for the couple, I guess. They still haven't caught 7th yet, though. And I can't believe Yuki's father is THAT much of a horrible coward.
Now you know where he gets all his cowardice from.
Feb 5, 2012 8:01 PM

Jun 2011
I didn't really feel that the flashback about 7th was important either.
Bad filler, I guess. o_o

What 7th (male) said about Yuki is true. Yuki is pathetic.
"Yuno, why did you kill 7th (female)? We just needed to get her diary."
Well, Yuki, you did throw a dart at 7th's cellphone which equals attempting to kill her. = =|
Feb 5, 2012 10:13 PM

Feb 2010
The music during marco part at the end make the scene way better.

i think the 7th flashback was good , maybe a little to long but it wasn't a bad addition imo.
Feb 5, 2012 10:15 PM

Dec 2011
I think they did the 7th arc justice. I feel that this is the most tragic episode.
Now if Yukiteru's mom is really dead... I could feel that he will be manning up now and take the game seriously to become the God in order to revive his mom.

Honestly, I think Yukiteru will go like Shu in Guilty Crown with no more cowardice.

My predictions is that 8th might be ignored for now and I think the arc will direct to 11th since the only suspect that killed Yuki's mom is his dad. So there is a link here.

The episode was really good! Except for the censorship. I know that the rape scene is supposed to be censored, but they didn't need to censor the blood, violence and gore. That is what Mirai Nikki is.
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Feb 5, 2012 10:19 PM

Jan 2012
I find rape to be absolutely disgusting, get's me emotionally involved O_o.
Feb 5, 2012 10:35 PM

Aug 2011
Why does like everyone get raped in this anime?

Marco definitely said the truest words in this entire flipping anime. Come to think of it, I really liked Seventh. Wish they could've just won the stupid game.

Yukiteru's dad is an enormous, fucked up douchebag. I still don't understand why the foster mother Eighth looks like a mascot character. Is she wearing a costume or something?
Feb 5, 2012 10:38 PM

Jun 2010
7th is now my favorite(s) out of all the diary holders. I wish they won the game.

Who's the ass who came up with "Family Discount" as a title...
Feb 5, 2012 10:47 PM

Apr 2010
SHIT JUST GOT REAL AGAIN. Love this anime. I can't believe his mom died, things just never get better for Yukiteru.
Feb 5, 2012 10:47 PM

Jul 2010
Too bad Marco and Ai had to die, they're much better characters than Yukki and Yuno.
Feb 5, 2012 10:53 PM

Feb 2010
Shih said:
What 7th (male) said about Yuki is true. Yuki is pathetic.
"Yuno, why did you kill 7th (female)? We just needed to get her diary."
Well, Yuki, you did throw a dart at 7th's cellphone which equals attempting to kill her. = =|

Well, hmm, have her cellphone broken and sucked into a mini black hole or have her bleed out from having her throat slashed... which would you consider harsher? Yuki knew they'd have to kill her at some point if they wanna win, but he probably would have considered destroying her phone the lesser of two evils. Plus Yuno is just plain sadistic anyways...
It's not breaking in if the door is unlocked.

Feb 5, 2012 10:54 PM

Sep 2007
Oh look, Yukiteru's mom actually does give a shit about him when he gets into trouble. Lol at Ai taking THAT long to die from a slit throat.
Feb 5, 2012 10:55 PM

Mar 2010
I definitely have to agree with everyone's post(s). Marco and Ai definitely gave this anime some serious credibility without taking away anything from it's core. They were put in the puzzle and never lost it's original shape. Great episode out of the recent ones seen. The ending though, wow, but at the same time, the scenes felt like it could have been reordered. It would have been way more dramatic had they not shown the last second stabbing part till after Yuki touched ground from the tower. Looking forward to the next!
Feb 5, 2012 11:17 PM

Oct 2011
Great episode, I felt a lot more fond for Marco and Ai after seeing their epic backstory.
Also, I'm glad that Yuno decided to help Yuki in the end; gave me hope that she might turn less insane(though in horror/psychological anime like this, it's always usually the ending you DON'T want T_T).
And what's with the manga scans? I thought we can't discuss the manga (hence the bold print at the top of the topic), please no spoilers. ._.
Feb 5, 2012 11:35 PM

Sep 2011
Very good episode,bye 7ths...and Mom :(

I really liked the flash back of Ai and Marco, i think it was nice to know more about them and the tragic pass they have,something we didnt see in the manga...also i wonder how much will they show of Ai rape in the BDs...

Also beyond the beginning for me it was a good adaptation to the manga,it really give Marco and Ai a little justice they didnt give in the manga i always like them both in the manga and seeing this part well adapted makes me happy...Now that is true love,die together......

Yuki father did the thing that makes me hate him the most....he kill cute nice mommy,even that it was a moment of despair its unforgettable!!!!

From this moment on Yukki will begin to change....specially after next episode...cant wait for it!!!
Feb 5, 2012 11:39 PM

Jan 2011
i enjoyed this alot for some reason it felt short too even though the 7th flashback didn't hit me as hard i still felt some form of sadness knowing they were gonna die i was just glad they got to die together and not get brutally killed by yuno!, only thing that truly blew my mind was how many fucks weren't given by yuki's father this epsiode and to think he still wanted him and his mom to make up after that.

hopefully he changes his way of thinking if his mom really did die :( even though i liked her.
Feb 6, 2012 2:05 AM

May 2010
7th(f) squealing like a pro, especially 5:02~
Papa Yukii is so epic ._."
Feb 6, 2012 2:20 AM

Oct 2008
God does every single female character get raped in this anime? The first it happened had impact, but when it happens to every friggen girl then it just becomes a pathetic attempt at creating sympathy. Just goes to show how bad the writing is. I wonder why I'm still watching this.
Feb 6, 2012 2:25 AM

May 2011
One of the first episode to love and hate it at the same time. A wonderfully put together episode, but hated it for the situation that everybody was in. After this episode I had much more sympathy to Marco and Ai. Omg what Ai had to endure from her past pissed the sh!t out of me and depressed. The same feeling I experienced with Yuuko Amamiya from Ef - A tale of Memories/Melodies.

This episode showed a great example of a wonderful husband who would die for his wife, and a "cowardly" ex-husband/father who would kill his healthy beautiful young ex-wife for his own selfishness ("piece of sh!t" Kurou).

Feb 6, 2012 2:30 AM

Sep 2010
Cannot agree more:
Lee_Man said:
God does every single female character get raped in this anime? The first it happened had impact, but when it happens to every friggen girl then it just becomes a pathetic attempt at creating sympathy. Just goes to show how bad the writing is. I wonder why I'm still watching this.

Although I felt sympathetic about their past, enough already. In a country like Japan not every single virgin girl got raped. I do not know the differences with the manga beforehand as I did not read it before, but I am checking the parallel chapters after watching the episode. And now I did it again, and there are not such big differences it's a good adaptation for me.

At first I thought there is a censorship about Yuki's mom's death and getting stabbed, but it is all the same in the manga! Manga otakus sometimes really exaggerate adaptations' style. But anyway, could you please DIE Yuki's dad?! I wanna see you get killed violently.

Only 5 nikki holders remained!
sevkiFeb 6, 2012 2:36 AM
Feb 6, 2012 2:32 AM

Dec 2011
God I hate his dad. I hope Yuki kills his dad.

And it was so sad seeing the end of Seventh.
Feb 6, 2012 3:06 AM

Jun 2011
very good episode.
yuki's dad have to die.
Feb 6, 2012 3:24 AM

Aug 2011
ugh i hate yukkii's dad, so pathetic.

i hope gasai yuno kills him before he kills yukkii.

too bad, 7th had to die together but at least they died together forever. R.I.P
Feb 6, 2012 3:36 AM

Jun 2010
Yuki changes huh? Will he finally get some character development >_>
Feb 6, 2012 4:21 AM

Dec 2010
Like the drama in this episode, goo direction. The past of ai and Marco was a nice and sad addition in this sense.


ps: BD are so much better, no stupid censorship and more clean scenes.
Feb 6, 2012 4:41 AM

Aug 2010
This whole episode seemed like on over the top action movie.
Feb 6, 2012 5:10 AM

May 2010
great episode but i am a bit sad how the marco and Ai ended cause i realy liked them in the manga. the rape scene..i dotn remmeber it being int he manga..there were parts of the flashback in the manga tho. i think they going to reveal next episode who the third corpse was and then shit will start to get real ;) i wish i could unread the manga at that point ;)
KerozinnFeb 6, 2012 5:14 AM
Feb 6, 2012 5:17 AM

Dec 2009
Oh my God. Yuki's dad is like the lowest scum in this show.

I hope Yuno gets to have fun with him.
Feb 6, 2012 5:28 AM

Jun 2011
I reckon this was the best episode since like ep 10 O.o


I was really liking the 7th duo, at least they died together ;( R.I.P

And yep, Yukiteru's dad really is the worst type of trash in the planet. I thought he was the 'desperate innocent guy', but oh how I was wrong...geez learn a thing or two from 7th, scum. Nice juxtaposition of the two couples too (7th and yuki's parents).

Yuki better let Yuno loose on his dad =_=
Feb 6, 2012 5:56 AM

Jan 2012
This episode was fantastic, overall.

The reveal of Marco & Ai's past was really freaking dark, and made you kinda sympathetic towards their plight; wanting to be together forever.

The ending was just... WHAAAAAA!! My god, i hate Yuki's dad right now.
Feb 6, 2012 5:57 AM
Nov 2010
Good episode, I'm looking forward to the next one...
Feb 6, 2012 6:16 AM

Apr 2009
That bastard killed yuki's mom. The one thing i was hoping they wouldn't do in this anime every since Yuno hit her side the head and they did anyway. Im going to cry myself to sleep now.
Feb 6, 2012 6:25 AM
May 2010
I agree, it's the best episode since episode 10 or so. The last 6 episodes, while necessary, felt quite mediocre overall to me. Hopefully it'll be able to continue it's stride until the end of the series.
Feb 6, 2012 6:37 AM

Nov 2010
Father of the year!
Feb 6, 2012 6:37 AM

Apr 2011
The script of this anime just gets much stupid and worse with every episode passing.
Feb 6, 2012 6:40 AM

Feb 2011
Fuck rape. just fuck it. damn why did she have to be raped? argg fuck.
Feb 6, 2012 6:53 AM

Dec 2010
Every girl gets raped in this anime? She's only the second. Some people really need to stop being so dramatic.
I enjoyed the episode, nothing outstanding but it wasn't bad.
Feb 6, 2012 7:33 AM

Jun 2010
I hate hate hate that retarted dad of Yukiteru. Yuno, give me your knife and I will kill him!!!!!!
Feb 6, 2012 7:52 AM

Dec 2011
Really loved Seventh's story, I really felt bad for Ai and Marco..
Shit's going down next week.

No-mercy Shu and No-coward Yukkii.. Yes.. I think I'm beginning to like this even more.
Feb 6, 2012 7:59 AM

Jul 2009
This, like many anime's, is one of those that creates great minors; significantly more interesting then the repetitive mains.
Marco and Ai are easily my fav' characters of the series and (cross me fingers now) I was really suprised they died. :o

Really, from Yuki getting propositioned by a maniac OTT 14 year old stalker, to his dad being spineless, now Yuki's mum is out of the picture; it's bad enough that he's the underperformer of the series, but yet again, more hassle comes his way that will no doubt finally give him the grounds to improve?
An attempt to drill into our heads the notion of Yuki being the poor, unfortunate flower we must have sympathy for.

Feb 6, 2012 8:07 AM

Feb 2009
I'm having one of those moments when I know I've read the manga but I cannot remember any of it. :')

But anyways, I hate Yukki's father.
And I'm starting to wonder when Yukiteru is going to grow some balls. (again, I can't remember anything from the manga, I should re-read it)
Feb 6, 2012 8:20 AM

May 2010
I hate the usage of "rape" as means of sympathy. It's twice already.

And the direction/writing is all over the place. =,=

The title doesn't even make any sense. lol
Feb 6, 2012 8:26 AM
Jun 2008
Can someone just make Marco as the new main character?I can't find a better MC in this Anime...
Feb 6, 2012 8:48 AM

Jul 2009
MorningGlory said:
Can someone just make Marco as the new main character?I can't find a better MC in this Anime...

Marco and Ai remind me a bit of a very stable version of Ladd and Lua from Baccano (a series that doesn't have a single main character), and they without a doubt qualify as interesting (I liked their characters too).

Funny enough, I read the Mirai Nikki Paradox manga (no Yuki or Yuno) and absolutely loved it.

Feb 6, 2012 9:22 AM

Feb 2010
Lee_Man said:
God does every single female character get raped in this anime? The first it happened had impact, but when it happens to every friggen girl then it just becomes a pathetic attempt at creating sympathy. Just goes to show how bad the writing is. I wonder why I'm still watching this.

?? what are you talking about?

there were only 2 females to get raped or i am missing something?
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