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Fairy Tail
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Dec 16, 2011 9:36 PM

Mar 2009
JuviaXgray episodes starting. Fun :')
Dec 16, 2011 10:15 PM
Oct 2011
yea not to bad of an ep natsu sure looked like a badass mother fucker a few times haha
Dec 16, 2011 10:22 PM
Apr 2010
WEEEE!!!!! Yandere Juvia!!!!!!!!!
Now I'm waiting for her "Mirai Nikki" hands-on-face pic on danbooru.
Taking a bath just got interestingly scary. :D
Dec 16, 2011 10:39 PM
Aug 2011
5 out of 5. Natsu was a boss during this episode, especially when he was sitting in that awesome position. Zombie-juvia was , to put into words ... No comment
Dec 16, 2011 10:40 PM

Oct 2009
Oh DAMN! SH*T is getting down! Juvia..I am impressed :D! Never knew she was so powerful. Great episode!
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Dec 16, 2011 10:55 PM

Oct 2011
Juvia was so bawse I dunno what to do with myself. I always knew she was super powerful as she was always held with so much respect. Hopefully during this battle she'll learn to tap into her own power without needing someone else as influence? *Shrugs*

I still dunno why Cana think she can be S-class with this attitude. I know she has a good reason but her thought process is so jacked up.

Dec 17, 2011 12:04 AM

Oct 2008
Nice to see Juvia serious for a change!! Great ep! :D
Dec 17, 2011 1:23 AM

Aug 2011
Darkness-man said:
Zombie Juvia xDD

Awesome and Sexy!

NatodayoDec 17, 2011 1:57 AM
Dec 17, 2011 1:48 AM

May 2010
0_0 Didn't expect that from Juvia.Her yandere mode was just wow.

What is Lucy going to do with the doll from Hikaru?She Should keep it.
Dec 17, 2011 2:16 AM

Feb 2010
battle of the yandere ftw!!
Dec 17, 2011 2:27 AM

Nov 2011
as expected from Juvia XD.. her voice really creeped me!! i cant believe its the same seiyuu!! its like Sawako turning into Sadako!!! XD am sure that Cana lost her mind!!!

Dec 17, 2011 4:57 AM

Jan 2011
Yeah! I like Juvia like this!
She should be less lovey dovey and more serious sometimes.
Dec 17, 2011 5:50 AM

Apr 2008
Of course Juvia got stronger.
Of course Gray won`t die, they`ll find a way like they always do in shounen :P

Dec 17, 2011 6:26 AM

Jul 2011
Serious badass powerful Juvia has appeared! awesome!!!
She totally beat the crap out of that pick heared girl, Juvia was abit creepy though...

Natsu was badass as well with his angry serious (I want to kill) face expressions.

mmmmmmmmmh, seems like Ultear is the daughter of Ul who died!? ehhh.... I'm clueless.
If I recall correctly.... didn't the daughter of Ul die, wasn't that the reason why she taught Gray and the other dude the way of ice!?
Dec 17, 2011 6:54 AM

Mar 2011
Juvia is my favourite character. so this was just a fantastic episode for me. When Meldy said Gray was her number one target and I saw Juvia's "unconscious body" flinch, I smiled so much because I knew exactly what was about to happen. It was great. Next episode looks to be even better too.
Dec 17, 2011 7:16 AM

Oct 2011
blackblue40 said:
Serious badass powerful Juvia has appeared! awesome!!!
She totally beat the crap out of that pick heared girl, Juvia was abit creepy though...

Natsu was badass as well with his angry serious (I want to kill) face expressions.

mmmmmmmmmh, seems like Ultear is the daughter of Ul who died!? ehhh.... I'm clueless.
If I recall correctly.... didn't the daughter of Ul die, wasn't that the reason why she taught Gray and the other dude the way of ice!?

Ul did believe her daughter was dead, and as far as Gray knows she was. If you can recall though, back when Natsu and Happy went on that S-Class mission, after Ultear(Masked short guy) fought Natsu, Ultear appeared with Gellal in the library and Gellal asked her if she had any feeling about all this since Ul was her mother.
mikey625Dec 17, 2011 9:24 AM
Dec 17, 2011 7:39 AM

Jul 2011
Juvia <3 awesome episode can't wait for next week episode ,

Mikey good memory :)

fairy tail is the best
Dec 17, 2011 7:43 AM

May 2008
haha Juvia can be stronger then Erza if she wants to =P, but ouch i wonder what Gray must be feeling getting sudden pain like that must be unbearable

Awesome Sig by Lailide
Dec 17, 2011 9:06 AM

Feb 2010
OST 4 fucking when
Dec 17, 2011 9:15 AM

Jun 2009
One of the the scenes I've been waiting for to be animated, Juvia~! (Though it looked more badass in Manga)
Natsu's position at sitting and have half black/colored face gave me an idea that he would be a good villain. lol he kinda looked like it.. (don't understand why Lucy didn't get scared as usually? :P )

Dec 17, 2011 10:11 AM

Apr 2011
Juvia was badass!!! I just love her!!!When she changed her voice and she was yandere, oh god that was amazing and creepy...
And also,Natsu boss!!!
One of the best episodes in Fairy Tail!!!:)
Dec 17, 2011 10:19 AM

Feb 2009
And this is why I wanted Nakahara Mai as Yuno.
Dec 17, 2011 11:11 AM

Aug 2009
Well damn. This episode was pretty fucking good!
Natsu saying badass things especially in that pose. Really felt like he meant it.

Gray meets with Ultear. I loved Gray's past and now were finally going to find out why did Ul think her daughter was dead.

And Juvia going batshit crazy...god damn they really did it! I knew she had that awesome power inside her. After Erza vs Lisanna/Juvia fight i feared she would be cast aside as the weak filler, but my fear has faded.

Though i didn't like the fact that Fairy Tail hating fake-Mest suddenly wants to save everyone, because Wendy gave him a motivational speech. What happened to your career and what about the bad rep Fairy Tail has with the Magic Council?

And suddenly Virgo has lesbian crush on Ultear? So thats what it meant that one glimpse of Virgo's human reaction while on the ship on their way to the island. Well at'least it wasn't as obvious as Ultears crazy love for Zeref.

And really? Another shadowy villain that power is so awesome it shakes the ground and he destroyed an entire army? Oooh i'm so scared. We all know how deadly armies are (see end of Lullaby arc).

And i still have to wait for Erza's fight. Fairy Tail didn't fail me with Juvia's fight. It better not fail me with Erza's...

And that music --> instant boner.
Dec 17, 2011 11:33 AM

Sep 2010
Nice episode, but it felt like it went really quick.
But what I want to know is who is this person that Cana wanna meet. Did I miss an episode?
Dec 17, 2011 12:41 PM

Feb 2010
Been waiting so long for Juvia vs. Meredy to get animated. 8'D

Dec 17, 2011 12:50 PM

Aug 2009
alpatrose said:
Nice episode, but it felt like it went really quick.
But what I want to know is who is this person that Cana wanna meet. Did I miss an episode?

Nope. Still a mystery.
Dec 17, 2011 1:47 PM

Feb 2011
A few things were possibly foreshadowed in this episode.

Lucy still has that doll thing? Hm? SHe might keep it, I mean, her powers seem to fit that style of fighting.

The holy land? Hm? Maybe theres suppose to be some super powerful thing involved with this thing. Maybe theres a reason who the dark wizard was lured there.

A few people who I already have a feeling might be joining Fairy Tail

The guy with the bulky body who was saying to not underestimate fairy tail. He seems to understand fairy tail better then the rest and I can picture him joining them.

The girl Juvia is fighting. It was said that she is similar to fairy tail to where emotions give them strength. WHo knows, maybe she might join
Dec 17, 2011 2:09 PM

May 2009
AnimePoop said:
A few things were possibly foreshadowed in this episode.

Lucy still has that doll thing? Hm? SHe might keep it, I mean, her powers seem to fit that style of fighting.

The holy land? Hm? Maybe theres suppose to be some super powerful thing involved with this thing. Maybe theres a reason who the dark wizard was lured there.

A few people who I already have a feeling might be joining Fairy Tail

The guy with the bulky body who was saying to not underestimate fairy tail. He seems to understand fairy tail better then the rest and I can picture him joining them.

The girl Juvia is fighting. It was said that she is similar to fairy tail to where emotions give them strength. WHo knows, maybe she might join

I wouldn't mind, they seem like cool people.

Like everyone else. I LOVED Juvia. Fairy Tail just went from a 9 to a 10.
You can do it Juvia!!!!!
Dec 17, 2011 3:31 PM

Dec 2011
Like everyone else,I loved Juvia in this episode.

Natsu was badass during the whole episode,and Gray finally meeting Ultear is great too,especially in these odd circunstances(linked with Juvia and Meldy)

Dec 17, 2011 6:47 PM

Jan 2011
Bluenote or how he was called (who came up with those terrible names for the villiians?), the guy who might the ship shaking seems like he would be a perfect match for Gildarts. Too bad Gildarts is no longer on the island. Well, if he would have been, this arc would have been over before it started, so maybe it's better that he isn't around :P
Dec 18, 2011 12:43 AM
Mar 2010
Wish the animators would quit being lazy and actually create fights with motion instead of what they do know, what basically amounts to still colored shots taken from the manga.
Dec 18, 2011 1:50 AM
Nov 2008
Dear lord, FINALLY! Juvia was one of the reasons I haven't been big on this arc. I was baffled at the start when she wasn't an S class already. She was among the top ranks of Phantom! Did they have no S classes or something? Cause I sure as hell remember her being kind of an amazing wizard! And to make matters worse, they consistently portray her as a nobody throughout the trials. But this episode, THIS is the Juvia I was expecting! So epic!

I think I hate Cana more every time I see her. She wasn't a terribly interesting character to begin with and seemed like a completely arbitrary choice to focus on. She's gone from a pleasantly amusing side character to someone who just doesn't seem to fit in with everything the guild represents. Really wish we could just skip her story and get on with the rest of it.
Dec 18, 2011 2:17 AM

May 2008
Juvia walks like a zombie O^O;;

the power of looooove~! (´ ▽`) ♥
Dec 18, 2011 7:46 AM
Feb 2011
And suddenly Virgo has lesbian crush on Ultear? So thats what it meant that one glimpse of Virgo's human reaction while on the ship on their way to the island. Well at'least it wasn't as obvious as Ultears crazy love for Zeref.

I think you are really confusing Meredy with Virgo...
Dec 18, 2011 7:52 AM
Feb 2011
overall good episode ^^
Dec 18, 2011 11:32 AM

Apr 2009
Good episode. Juvia getting serious was awesome. It's a shame the animation wasn't better but that wasn't too much of a negative, especially with that incredible song to make up for it..

Natsu and the rest of Fairy Tail refusing to flee was not surprising in the least but no less cool.

Really looking forward to Grey meetings Ultear. The three way link magic is interesting but the preview spoiled how that fight ends so d'oh.
Dec 18, 2011 11:52 AM

Nov 2010
Is Juvia yandere or is just her Berserk Button pressed? :D
astroprogs said:
If HF ended up being a single movie, what would it need to do so it can get a high score from all of you?

Not air.
Dec 18, 2011 12:24 PM

Oct 2008
Zombie Juvia xDD

sexy :D
Dec 18, 2011 1:23 PM
Feb 2008
Wow, finally an episode I really loved!
Dec 18, 2011 1:35 PM

Jul 2010
Juvia vs Meldy epic:) hehe i love this fight since Juvia is seriously getting serious, too bad for the twist but thts what makes its interesting. Juvia's gona have alot to explain after this XD but i have to admit, why did Juvia listien to Meldy in the first place? kinda obvious she wasn't gona give u a cookie but rather attack
Dec 18, 2011 2:07 PM

Feb 2011
apparently juvia has gone super sayain! xD
and freakin UI's daughter?! s**t just got real
Dec 20, 2011 7:20 AM

May 2008
Juvia was amazing and Gray will probably try asking UI daughter a few questions next episode

can't wait for next episode!!!
Dec 20, 2011 11:54 PM

Feb 2010
Juvia owning it up! Wowzors.
Bluenote's sneakpeek at his magic reminds me of Gildarts. Except not as badass.
Dec 21, 2011 7:20 AM

Jul 2009
It's always good when Juvia goes mental
Dec 21, 2011 12:32 PM

Jun 2008
coras said:
And suddenly Virgo has lesbian crush on Ultear? So thats what it meant that one glimpse of Virgo's human reaction while on the ship on their way to the island. Well at'least it wasn't as obvious as Ultears crazy love for Zeref.

I think you are really confusing Meredy with Virgo...

Lol, that's one guy that has no idea what his watching.

Aurioch said:
Is Juvia yandere or is just her Berserk Button pressed? :D

I think Yandere has more to do about jealousy staff so i wouldn't call that yandere. More like Berserk button pressed.
Dec 21, 2011 11:37 PM

Nov 2011
Juvia showed her full strength
Dec 22, 2011 7:59 AM
Sep 2009
One of the those rare moments Juvia fought seriously
Dec 22, 2011 8:42 PM
Jun 2011
Awesome episode! Juvia is now connected to Gray! Nice hehehe!
Dec 27, 2011 12:19 PM

Oct 2008
Juvia got so angry.
Dec 28, 2011 6:13 PM
May 2011
Monad said:
coras said:
And suddenly Virgo has lesbian crush on Ultear? So thats what it meant that one glimpse of Virgo's human reaction while on the ship on their way to the island. Well at'least it wasn't as obvious as Ultears crazy love for Zeref.

I think you are really confusing Meredy with Virgo...

Lol, that's one guy that has no idea what his watching.

Lol xD true true.

But one thing that made me love this episode more was the soundtrack that played during her fight, that it was so amazing *-*. It sucks that we have to wait so long for an OST to come out ;_;.
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