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Jul 28, 2011 9:21 AM

Nov 2008
Like, what the title says. I pick Rise. It's always Rise.
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Jul 28, 2011 9:29 AM

Dec 2007
I picked Yosuke. Gay Bros end all the way!
Jul 28, 2011 1:23 PM

Aug 2009
I voted no one. Keep the pairings to the fans' imaginations.
Jul 28, 2011 2:31 PM
Dec 2007
MokonaBuny said:
I voted no one. Keep the pairings to the fans' imaginations.
P3 actually made the Minato-Yukari-Aigis love triangle canon, why should the P4 anime not play with a pairing? The game even gives main-story MC/Rise scenes though they're brushed off as simply Rise being Rise.

Even though I say that it is hard to pick one. If we even extend it to non-playable characters the choice gets harder. I'll go with Rise because Yukiko and Chie...well, the Prince scene should answer what I think of those two. And both Naoto and Yosuke had obvious crushes from the start.
Leon-GunJul 28, 2011 2:39 PM

Jul 28, 2011 7:06 PM

Jan 2011

HE GETS NONE OF THE TOWN GIRLS (well he has sex with them) but thats it

he marries a girl from his new school when he moves away in the end
VioLinkJul 28, 2011 10:12 PM
Jul 28, 2011 9:28 PM

Feb 2010
Probably none or chie.
Jul 28, 2011 9:29 PM

Dec 2010
Harem end all the way.

Just imagine it.

They ALL come over for christmas.
Jul 28, 2011 9:29 PM

Jun 2009
I voted Naoto because it would be the least distracting to the series

Where there is no imagination there is no horror. || Arthur Conan Doyle || Happy Halloween!
Jul 30, 2011 5:27 AM

Mar 2010
Wouldn't be surprised if they went with the first girl wins trope, which would be Chie, I chose Rise when I played through though.
Jul 30, 2011 9:47 AM

May 2010
I'll go with harem but if had to choose one then I'll pick Yukiko
Jul 30, 2011 10:15 AM
Dec 2007
JohnTimbre said:
Wouldn't be surprised if they went with the first girl wins trope, which would be Chie, I chose Rise when I played through though.
That'd seriously make an extremely odd love triangle xD. I actually never saw Chie interested in the MC. The only PC girls who really cared were Yukiko and Rise (well, I wouldn't mind Ai also getting it on =p).

Jul 31, 2011 9:46 PM
Jul 2011
Harem Guys ?

Maybe you should choose Yousuke --a Lol
Aug 1, 2011 3:43 AM

Jul 2011
I say he gets to keep his pimp status from the game and get it on with all of them, but since that is "morally" wrong I guess it won't happen.
Aug 1, 2011 8:13 AM
Jul 2009
I picked "No one" cause, you know, for me P4 is not about love and scoring with girls but it'a story about true friendship. Which is kinda harder to get than a girlfriend.
Aug 1, 2011 2:13 PM

Jul 2009
Johnny_FBI said:
I picked "No one" cause, you know, for me P4 is not about love and scoring with girls but it'a story about true friendship. Which is kinda harder to get than a girlfriend.


Also, I get the feeling it will either be no one or harem end (but that's the less likely of the two), because I doubt they'll want to alienate certain groups of 'shippers and risk losing sales.
If any of my posts seem odd, it's probably because I'm tired. Sorry. I have sleeping issues.
Aug 1, 2011 3:03 PM
Dec 2007
Johnny_FBI said:
I picked "No one" cause, you know, for me P4 is not about love and scoring with girls but it'a story about true friendship. Which is kinda harder to get than a girlfriend.
Yousuke end then? XD I'd be content if they give us a time skip of them reuniting.

Aug 7, 2011 8:21 AM

Sep 2008
As much as I'd love to see a Rise route, a no-one route would be best for everyone and I'm sure that's what they are going to do.

Either that or they could pair the chars up so MC doesn't get all the girls. Kanji should get Naoto (for teh lulz) and Yosuke kinda fits with Chie imo.
Aug 7, 2011 2:28 PM

Aug 2009
KANJI END, OF COURSE! why it isn't even listed as an option!?

Oh wait... then I hope it is Chie or none (Rise is way to annoying imo >_>)
Turb0_mugenAug 7, 2011 2:31 PM
Aug 7, 2011 3:06 PM

Oct 2008
Voted Yosuke instinctively, but I really do hope they don't go for any romance route in the anime. If I had to pick, I'd want for them to choose one of the non-IT social links. But if I had to choose an IT girl, Rise.
the Imaginary and the Real can never mingle.
Aug 7, 2011 4:46 PM

Dec 2009
Chie is the only true answer.
The sands of hell are magic sands.
Aug 7, 2011 6:30 PM

Jul 2011
no one in the main story .

but i hope they'll make alternate story with every girl like clannad.
it'll please everyone
Aug 8, 2011 12:32 AM
Nov 2010
I'll pick Yukiko.

Chie is too much of a bro
Rise is too much of a flirt (still my fav chara though.)
Naoto could end up with Kanji :3
Aug 8, 2011 9:16 PM
Apr 2008
Bromance with Yosuke clearly.
Aug 11, 2011 9:41 AM

Mar 2009
epitychia said:
I'll pick Yukiko.

Chie is too much of a bro

hahahahaha. so true.

yukiko or naoto. rise annoys me and she can't even fight in the game -.- you have to level up forever to actually get a good move from her. and teddie's better than chie....sorry, getting to focused on the game xp
Aug 11, 2011 10:06 AM

Aug 2011
if they are smart they should just cut out romance alltogether cause regardless of who they pick they are gonna make alot of fans mad, ifhe doesnt end up with any of them then while it will still make some mad it will at least not add any flame to the "cannon war"
Aug 25, 2011 2:47 PM
Jul 2011
I believe that no pairing will occur, it just seems to be that way to me, I mean unlike with P3 where they dedicated some true Yukari x MC scenes which weren't part of social links (such as the beach one) there wasn't that in P4, or well any I remember besides Rise, but she is well Rise I don't know why I just see it as part of who she is.

No pairing is what I believe but what I want is probably ummm Yukiko, why well, first of all Chie seems to try and appeal Yukiko to Souji/MC (can't get used to calling him Yu) at the start of the game, instantly establishing a sort of Only Friends attitude to MC granted you could combat that with it being how she is before she deals with her Shadow, number two would be the fact that Chie and Yosuke seem to have a love/hate relationship with each other which could easily develop if the anime/game chose it to be that way, number three Naoto is the object of affection to Kanji, and unless they want to get a jealousy plot into it somewhere they'll avoid pairing MC with Naoto.

Yukiko on the other hand seems the stand-out sure she is popular but going out with Yukiko wouldn't particularly harm the story or the group (well maybe Rise because well she's clingy).

I don't really support any Persona 4 pairings, tbh I like Naoto x MC but I can see the complications. I wouldn't want Rise because well I don't know, but I guess she'd do as well, basically as long as it doesn't mess with the nature of the group i don't mind, Rise would actually be quite good to some degree especially since she's an idol meaning she can move around a lot and thus run into the ever changing places MC :P

well enough of this long ass comment, sorry to have wasted everyones time :P

Sky High - The True King of Heroes
Aug 25, 2011 3:28 PM

Dec 2007
KoreanSensation said:
Bromance with Yosuke clearly.

For sure.
Aug 25, 2011 3:37 PM

Jun 2009
Yukiko... damn she's hot

I wish I can play the JP version
Aug 25, 2011 5:40 PM
Jul 2011
IZUMI64 said:
Yukiko... damn she's hot

I wish I can play the JP version

Damn whats wrong with the English Version, sure her voice isn't that good.... but it's rather good tbh, Japanese isn't always better :S hey for all we know it's actually bad voice acting, but we don't know because we don't speak the language, but that may be different from you, who knows you may know japanese.....

In terms of looks I kind of like Chie..... xD but Yukiko would do me just fine :P

Sky High - The True King of Heroes
Aug 26, 2011 8:58 PM

Aug 2009
I like Rise and Yukiko.
SoFarGoneAug 26, 2011 9:12 PM
Aug 27, 2011 1:11 AM

Apr 2010
longshoremanX said:
if they are smart they should just cut out romance alltogether cause regardless of who they pick they are gonna make alot of fans mad, ifhe doesnt end up with any of them then while it will still make some mad it will at least not add any flame to the "cannon war"

Indeed this is the best way they could go about it. Romance is more of a ... extra little side quest really for the game, it doesn't have any significant relevance to the plot. They could easily ignore anything to serious in terms of a relationship and have a decent story that stays true to the game.
Aug 27, 2011 1:17 AM

Oct 2010

No pairing.
Aug 27, 2011 6:10 AM
Jul 2011
Lefake said:

No pairing.

If it was somehow Hanako I would seriously hurl, but it would be funny if they revealed it's Hanako who puts things in MC's shoe locker :P

God I feel sick thinking about the possibility of Hanako.... or the teacher ughh

No pairing is probably the most logical solution, but if you could choose who would you pick? :P

Sky High - The True King of Heroes
Aug 27, 2011 7:05 AM

Oct 2010
SkyHigh said:
No pairing is probably the most logical solution, but if you could choose who would you pick? :P

Nanako, because Imouto cousin is wincest.

If I had to choose, i'd probably pick Yukiko because I like her best among the four.And I think getting to see some Yosuke x Chie or Kanji x Naoto would be nice.

But I really don't care who he ends up with.
Aug 27, 2011 9:15 AM
Jul 2011
Lefake said:
SkyHigh said:
No pairing is probably the most logical solution, but if you could choose who would you pick? :P

Nanako, because Imouto cousin is wincest.

If I had to choose, i'd probably pick Yukiko because I like her best among the four.And I think getting to see some Yosuke x Chie or Kanji x Naoto would be nice.

But I really don't care who he ends up with.

:) Can't believe you near enough say exactly what I do in regards to Yukiko, because Chie x Yosuke and Kanji x Naoto are nice pairings, and I prefer them over any of those girls x MC, and since I prefer Yukiko over Rise, Yukiko wins, also I see Yukiko as the most useful in game, I think I used Yukiko ever since I got her.

Just like you I don't care who he ends up with, Except if it was Hanako then I'd really really care, maybe die :S nah not that far :P

Sky High - The True King of Heroes
Sep 2, 2011 2:13 PM

Jun 2010
Only Chie.
Although I'm afraid they may not even add the romance to the show or worse - get Yuu a harem or WORSE - do the Rise route (she was kinda implied to be the main girl, and she thought she was in love with the protagonist too).
Sep 2, 2011 2:31 PM

Aug 2010
Rise or Yukiko or no one. I'm too much of a Yosuke x Chie fan, so please any girl but Chie! ;_;
But I'd prefer if they just..... avoid the romance part :/

Sep 2, 2011 2:48 PM
Lilium Gardener

Jul 2011
Was definitely between Rise and Yukiko. I went with Rise in a toss up. Can't wait for this one to start!
Sep 2, 2011 3:11 PM

May 2009
I go with Teddie.
Sep 4, 2011 12:27 PM

Dec 2008
Yukiko, he seemed interested in her in the drama cd...
Sep 6, 2011 1:06 AM
Dec 2010
I like Yukiko paired with him the best.

Rise makes the most sense for how the story ends, she could follow the MC back to his home city.

In the end, I get the feeling there won't be a pairing at all.
Sep 6, 2011 3:43 PM
Feb 2008
In the game I chose Rise because you get the best item from her. For the anime, I think Naoto would be cool, but that won't happen anyway ...
Sep 10, 2011 6:13 AM

Oct 2009
I don't really mind. However I'd say I see it happening most with Rise.

Turb0_mugen said:
KANJI END, OF COURSE! why it isn't even listed as an option!?

I smiled.

This would be frickin' hilarious.
Sep 13, 2011 7:33 AM

Sep 2010
I want Yukiko x Souji (sorry, I dont feel like calling him Yuu), best pair there is
Sep 15, 2011 2:35 PM
Dec 2007
saeki_akabane said:
I want Yukiko x Souji (sorry, I dont feel like calling him Yuu), best pair there is
You better get used to Yuu. They chose to go with the anime name for the new Persona 4 fighting game.

Sep 17, 2011 3:15 AM

Apr 2009
I think it's gonna be Chie, but I'm hoping for Yukiko or Rise.

But the ultimate would be bromance for Yosuke.
Sep 17, 2011 4:57 AM
Dec 2007
Kexlizard said:
I think it's gonna be Chie, but I'm hoping for Yukiko or Rise.

But the ultimate would be bromance for Yosuke.
Chie already had two fairly strong pairings in the story (the Yousuke one and the full blown yuri with Yukiko). Let alone the fact Chie is, at best, the most awkwad of the relationships.

Sep 17, 2011 10:13 AM

May 2010
Hoping that the romance is cut low and it's just Yukiko & Rise crushing on Yuu - with nothing more developed because it would piss the shit out of all the different shippers, lol.

****Could be a minor spoiler for those who haven't played P3 or P4****

Just a thought, does the MC end up with the girl who obtains the Lovers Arcana in parts of the story? It might be a coincidence that P3:Fes had Yukari seem to be Minato's girlfriend - And having Rise from the start of her entering the Team, automatically love Yuu?lol.
Oct 16, 2011 2:40 PM

Jul 2009
Leon-Gun said:
MokonaBuny said:
I voted no one. Keep the pairings to the fans' imaginations.
P3 actually made the Minato-Yukari-Aigis love triangle canon, why should the P4 anime not play with a pairing? The game even gives main-story MC/Rise scenes though they're brushed off as simply Rise being Rise.

Even though I say that it is hard to pick one. If we even extend it to non-playable characters the choice gets harder. I'll go with Rise because Yukiko and Chie...well, the Prince scene should answer what I think of those two. And both Naoto and Yosuke had obvious crushes from the start.

I'm sorry but that's just absurd. In P3 case, the romance was heavily implied due to the beach event with Yukari, then it was further established as FACT thnx to P3 Fes. Unless P4 will have some sort of "Fes" sequel, it'll remain open-ended in the romance department. The beach event has a strong impact that was not found in P4 because it was PART OF THE STORYLINE, did P4 MC have any significant event where he was all alone with Yukiko and on the verge of kissing her if they were not to be interrupted? Nope!

The same applies for the rest of the so-called "official" couplings, such as MC x Rise, Yosuke x Chie, Kanji x Naoto, Teddie x Rise, Kanji x Rise. Kanji seems to have a crush on Naoto but does Naoto CARE about him? No! Rise loves MC but does MC officially respond to her feelings? NO!

Yosuke and Chie were often grouped together but do they CARE about each other or have any event that develops their relationship? Nada! Kanji and Rise fit those animu cliche about "love-hate" relationship but one thing to keep in mind is that those animu cliche have following events that tie things together, P4 does not. The same applies to Rise x Teddie, just because she hugged him cuz she was worried about him doesn't mean that she wanna jump him. As for Yukiko x Chie, do you guys ever think about female friendship or is it just trendy nowadays to lump girls you find hot together in a homo-erotic relationship just for FAP sake?

Anyway, I don't think those evidences are solid enough to prove anything... IIRC, Akiko x Mitsuru was even more implied than those silly couples in P4 and guess what? They didn't even end up together, as shown by both Fes & even Trinity. They were only "friend" status; so how some people tried to pass their subjective delusions as fact is just beyond my comprehension... Want another "canon" couple? Junpei x red head girl, that's what I call "canon".

If he's not with us, he's AGAINST us!!!

Oct 16, 2011 2:42 PM

Oct 2011
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