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Ranma ½ (2024)
Ranma ½ (2024)
Jan 3, 11:46 PM
Completed 12/12 · Scored 8
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Natsume Yuujinchou Shichi
Dec 27, 2024 11:53 PM
Completed 12/12 · Scored 8
Kidou Keisatsu Patlabor 2 the Movie
Kidou Keisatsu Patlabor 2 the Movie
Dec 6, 2024 11:30 PM
Completed 1/1 · Scored 7
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Mado kara Madoka-chan
Jan 22, 2024 11:12 PM
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Furyou Taimashi Reina
Furyou Taimashi Reina
Jul 5, 2023 11:25 PM
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Kaguya-sama wo Kataritai
Nov 24, 2022 12:25 AM
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emeth_asher Feb 27, 9:32 AM
New trailer for Z-A just dropped. Looks like this one is set in the future as opposed to the past like Arcues since we see an older AZ. Starters are Chikorita, Totodile, and Tepig. Definitely weird we get two starters from the same gen. I wonder if the whole game is set in the city? We didn't see any other Kalos locales.

So regional forms or megas for the starters? Either way, I'm going Tepig since I'm a gen 5 guy. Hopefully it gets redeemed from it's mid status.
emeth_asher Feb 18, 4:52 AM
Yeah, Time Stranger. The trailer sold me tbh. Digimon and time travelling seems pretty fun. I really need to go back and play Cyber Sleuth though. Didn't get very far before putting it down and just forgetting about it. Never made much progress because I kept trying to grind for the Digimon I wanted, lol.
emeth_asher Feb 12, 6:30 PM
Is Dear Days 2 the game you're playing?

I never cared much for the series either tbh. The last Sonic I had played was Sonic Adventure on the Dreamcast over 20+ years ago. Yes, the biggest screw up being Sonic (2006) where almost everything is bad and the infamous Sonic's love interest being a human, lol. Still want to try for myself to see how bad it really is.
emeth_asher Feb 6, 7:39 PM
A fan of the Cardfight Vanguard? lol, I watched the first season of the anime way back when it first came out. That's pretty much all I know of it.

As for me, after watching the first two Sonic movies with my nephew, I kinda wanted to give more of the Sonic games a try. I played and finished Sonic Frontiers since it was free with PS Plus, and then went back and played the original games on the Sega Genesis, lol. Now I'm going through the PS2/Gamcube era of games.
emeth_asher Jan 19, 11:55 PM
Never mind, lmao. That Mario Kart video I watched was fake. Looked real to me tbh, lol. What does seem to be real is that 24 players are able to race at once instead of the old limit of 12.

Yeah, how close is Z-A to being finished? I doubt it'll be launch day game. The original switch didn't really have much aside from Breath of the Wild.
emeth_asher Jan 19, 10:23 PM
Hey, Switch 2 (surprise!) Only game we got confirmed was a new Mario Kart. It's basically the Smash version of MK as everyone from a Nintendo series seems to be there (Even got Sonic as guests characters). Pokeballs are an item this time too, lmao.
emeth_asher Jan 5, 12:18 PM
Yeah, that was fun. It took a few times before I realized I had to manually go the settings and lower the volume, lmao. Because most of the characters were against killing we didn't get a chance to really use a lot of the curses. Yakko basically has only 1 chance to use the curse, and even then Mio stops you. The requirements are kind of wonky for that one so It would have been interesting to see how they would have gotten it to work.

Nah, I should go back and do that though. Barely collected 6 during my playthrough.
emeth_asher Jan 3, 3:47 PM
Well, I finished it. I knew the characters at the beginning would play into the ending somehow. I didn't think that sweet looking girl was the mastermind though. Shogo was housing the Onmoyji from the first rite of resurrection event and killed that girl just out instinct at the beginning of the game, lol.

Yeah, Mio just got a manga spin-off of all things. I need more of the game tbh. Really enjoyed it.

I always go with Ashton over Opera as well. Much cooler character imo.
emeth_asher Dec 31, 2024 9:38 AM
Story is getting crazier. Serial killer from 20 years ago succeeded in reviving his dead girl, but she was reborn as baby which means she's an adult in the present.
emeth_asher Dec 31, 2024 1:26 AM
Oh yeah, how's it been? Anything need added or is more or less the same thing?

The mystery deepens! I'm really liking how everything is connecting and really curious to see how it ends up.
emeth_asher Dec 28, 2024 4:45 AM
lmao, put a couple hours into it and was actually going to recommend it, but it looks like you beat me to it. Not very far, but the curses needing certain conditions to work is definitely interesting as some seem way easier to activate than others. The very first one you get to use where all they have to do is turn their back to you seems OP, lol.
emeth_asher Dec 8, 2024 10:47 AM
It's been awhile. So I guess you're deep into beastieball? I'm not really playing much of anything right now tbh.

But hey, new Gundam show with an ungodly name and another female protag announced. I'm looking forward to that.
emeth_asher Nov 20, 2024 10:08 AM
lmao, just saw the trailer and that's probably the weirdest mashup you could get. Looks cute though. I'll try it out.

I didn't know Brave Phantom was getting a sequel. As with most NIS strategy RPGs, I didn't really give that one a chance. I on the other hand am thinking about picking up the Dragon Quest III HD remake. I've beaten the original and the SNES version, but I'm down to play it again.
emeth_asher Nov 12, 2024 9:42 PM
Well, I was playing the Silent Hill 2 remake along with Refantazio, but I've already finished it as it's 20 hours at most. Is there anything to look forward to before the year ends?
emeth_asher Nov 9, 2024 10:58 AM
Should have tried that, lol. I mostly relied on Junah's applying fire weakness skill and then using the Dragon God summon with Eupha for damage and buff removal. I did max out Tycoon for the MC for the Almighty boost which made the last boss way too easy. An unboosted Royal Slash did close to 2k damage since Louis was a human enemy.
It’s time to ditch the text file.
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