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Jun 1, 2008 9:25 PM
Nov 2007
etoile-sama.. ;___;

Jun 19, 2008 12:22 PM

Jan 2008
oh come on. if this goes on like that i'll got to emo land myself ^.^
and now i can't decide any more for whom i should cheer -_- tamao or shizuma -_-
Nov 10, 2009 2:34 PM

Jan 2008
omg, this episode was so cliche ^^,

Jan 19, 2010 6:46 PM

Feb 2008
Every time I see that ED I hate it more and more. Those girls annoy me more than anything I've seen in a long time.

As for the episode, it was pretty obvious something bad was going to happen at the end (how could it not?). Still good though.
Mar 29, 2010 7:23 PM

Jul 2008
how could they end an episode like that?! damn them >> i cant watch more until tmrw either...

as for shizuma.. shes kinda.. psycho XD
Jun 10, 2010 2:16 AM
Jan 2008
Wow a lot seemed to go down this episode. I felt bad for Nagisa and I felt the kiss on the forehead was a teasing thing for Shizuma to do. She had a breakdown though and I liked that honestly showed she truly cared for Nagisa. Poor Amane what happend?
Dec 7, 2010 8:36 AM
Jul 2018
Too obvious that Amane will fall, but then the direction she flew - I laughed
Oct 2, 2011 7:23 PM
Dec 2010
im not entirely convinced that a styrup can snap like that....
I think a more believable accident would be an astroid falling near them or something...
Oct 27, 2012 9:08 PM

Oct 2011
i really had to laugh when amane fell from the horse xD i mean.. seariously? the footrest just broke and she flies 2m far and 1m high and falls head down on such a short distance? xD they shouldn't have made it THAT dramatic xD

and miyuki is kinda cruel to force them like it would be something to save the world and even forcing shizuma and nagisa to deny their feelings :/
Sep 20, 2013 4:22 PM

Dec 2012
All hell just broke through with Shizuma! And how much more obvious can the Amane accident get?
Jun 1, 2014 1:58 AM

Jul 2013
Well this is the worst episode yet! Everything was so forced.

Shizuma going into a rage. What the hell is that about?

Just because the footrest broke you somehow come flying off the horse. That doesn't make any sense.
Jun 30, 2014 7:06 AM

Nov 2010
Such a bad episode .. now i feel like a bad ending is coming.
DNF said:
Too obvious that Amane will fall, but then the direction she flew - I laughed

Lol, that scene was so stupid ... just stupid.
Jul 20, 2014 5:10 AM

Feb 2014
DNF said:
Too obvious that Amane will fall, but then the direction she flew - I laughed

LOL yeah, if only one of the stirrup snapped, then she should fall off of the side of the horse (or hit her head on the ground and get dragged along), rather than get thrown off in the air.

And glad the whole emo crap with Shizuma is done (never found her interesting anyway), making way for Tamao x Nagisa.
Jul 28, 2014 6:48 PM

Mar 2014
As soon as Nagisa told Shizuma she loves her, I had to drop this series since it disgusts me.
I honestly just had to since there was absolutely no chemistry whatsoever between these characters to justify their relationship.
Oct 11, 2014 4:54 PM

Sep 2014
Apparently feathers just float in the air forever while you're ragin'. LMAO! I love how the pillows just broke even thought it looked like she just hit the pillow against the wall.

And Amane flying off the horse was just too funny. Yeah when that happens you TOTALLY fly BACKWARDS.
Apr 12, 2015 7:03 AM
Bunnies πŸ“

Jan 2013
SaveTheAralSea said:
Apparently feathers just float in the air forever while you're ragin'. LMAO! I love how the pillows just broke even thought it looked like she just hit the pillow against the wall.

And Amane flying off the horse was just too funny. Yeah when that happens you TOTALLY fly BACKWARDS.

I laughed so hard at Shizuma's rage lol.
Those pillows must have been cheaply made in order for them to rip so easily lol.
Then there's the mystical floating feathers from the pillow floating in the air. Only in anime does stuff like that happen lol. Forced drama at its finest.

Then we have Amane falling backwards and then falling head first. She's done for,snapped neck, and leg injury.

Hopefully Shizuma doesn't make a return to the show. The whole Shizuma/Nagisa relationship was just meh.

To think this show was a parody or even related to MariMite. None of these characters even come close in greatness to the ones in MariMite.

Sep 20, 2015 10:08 AM

Nov 2014
Shizuma rage. plus her snapping. wow.

I suspected something was going to happen to Amane due to the cameria zooming in on the stirrup twice. plus let's not forget the last episode where momo slapped Kaname.

I really wanted shizuma to kiss Nagisa. really.
Sep 20, 2015 10:15 AM

Aug 2014
Botagar said:
im not entirely convinced that a styrup can snap like that....
I think a more believable accident would be an astroid falling near them or something...
Unfortunately, it not being an accident seems like a very-real possibility. I don't want to believe even Momomi is capable of that, but...
RiukixD said:
and miyuki is kinda cruel to force them like it would be something to save the world and even forcing shizuma and nagisa to deny their feelings :/
That's the part I don't get. What does them having feelings for each-other have to do with the Ètoile election? Is there some unwritten rule that the Ètoile is supposed to be a couple or something?
hgeronimo said:
Such a bad episode .. now i feel like a bad ending is coming.
I don't think they'd do that to us, but I have to admit it is a small fear for me...

My, how quickly some of you seem to have turned into haters. Expect a visit from Signum in the morning.

LadyDisraeli said:
I really wanted shizuma to kiss Nagisa. really.
"Ō-sama...kindly shut up. I wouldn't normally do this, but we are working with them whether you like it or not, because otherwise our chances of success approach zero." - Stern the Destructor (maybe not a direct translation, but it gets the point across)
Related: I'm writing a Lyrical alternate timeline!
Oct 8, 2015 1:47 PM

Jul 2013
Shizuma and Nagisa should stay a couple, pfft.

Shizuma was so upset and went in to a crazy rage. Well, feather pillows can come apart easily I think.

I also wasn't sure a footrest would break so easily and how she flew up in the air upside down all of a sudden made no sense whatsoever to me. I hope she's okay though.
Oct 22, 2015 6:09 PM

Feb 2013
I couldn't help but laugh at Amane falling......holy shit hahahaha!!!
Dec 27, 2016 5:02 PM
Apr 2016
Never forget! still tears in my eyes from laughing and that should've been dramatic

Apr 22, 2018 7:45 PM

Mar 2017
my heart is skipping a beat so muchh <33

Shizuma is jealoussss

3-RD said:
Never forget! still tears in my eyes from laughing and that should've been dramatic

i cant stop laughingggggg
my stomach hurtssss ;w;
Oct 28, 2019 8:07 AM

Aug 2018
Nagisa running out of situations is becoming a running.. gag... Ok, bad dad joke, I'm sorry.. ;p But really, Nagisa is once again runs from stressful situation.. Poor girl, I'd say.. Is it becoming more often, because all of this keeps piling up, and she's just in constant stress?.. So yeah.. Not really a laughing matter, to be honest, I apologize..
I wonder, if it's a good thing or bad thing for Shizuma herself to tell Nagisa to let go.. Why is she saying so?.. ... Maybe she wants to move on, after Kaori, finally get over, and that's why she also told Nagisa to move on?.. Is that it?.. Or Shizuma somehow thinks about Nagisa?.. Like, believing that Nagisa would be better with Tamao, something like this?.. This last point really comes a bit out of nowhere a bit.. Shizuma never thought like this.. Again, it's a bit strange, why Shizuma pushed Nagisa, I don't really understand.. Shizuma changed, that's for certain.. Before she was all about taking love opportunity, whenever it arises.. Shizuma changed..
Chikaru really can be a strong person sometimes, isn't she..
And.. Shizuma broke everything.. Can I take it as she's fighting herself in her decisions now?.. Ambivalent about Nagisa's situation?.. Is that it?.. Or should I understand it in other way?.. I'm truly a bit confused about what is going on..
Honestly, that sudden fall of the horse feels like unnecessary drama out of nowhere.. I don't think we needed that.. But well, aside from this thing, drama was really good in this anime, so it's ok that not everything is perfect, it's still is a great anime.. ;p
Nov 26, 2019 7:26 AM

Oct 2015
Just when Amane was going to confess to Hikari, she gets a major fall! Hectic stuff, I feel bad for her and hope she's alright.
How I learned to stop worrying and love the bomb --- Dr Strangelove

Apr 28, 2020 4:47 PM

Nov 2017
IntervisioN said:
All hell just broke through with Shizuma!

Honestly not that big of a deal. The blood might make it look more serious but as a gamer I can relate. Just a little rage, and the last thing you would want is other people trying to help you, you need to calm yourself down and have a bit of time and rest. And then after a little while you look at your red hands and be “oh huh how did that happen uhh oh well” you wash them and you get over it
Jan 13, 2022 7:17 AM
πŸ… Tomato πŸ…

Feb 2020
Sigh. Nagisa really should forget about Shizuma and be together with the best girl Tamao. <3

That ending was too obvious. Poor Amane.

SerafosMay 18, 2024 11:53 AM
Feb 28, 2023 11:14 AM
Feb 2021
They used the entire writing budget for the Shizuma-Nagisa plotline which is why everything that's happened between Amane and Hikari has been bizarre. I feel for both Nagisa and Shizuma, Obviously since Shizuma has to leave soon, she's not really in a great position to be with Nagisa. Idk, excited to see how it all wraps up
Jul 21, 2024 1:32 AM
Mob Character C

Oct 2009
Lol Watching Amane fly away like that really had me saying, "Toodle-ooooooooooooo!"
There are overdramatic scenes out there like in Oniisama e..., but it was easier to forgive because the dramatics were kinda its style-- freeze frames and all. I've said this before, but this anime can't get away with style points on that. It just doesn't work as well. The build up was awful too. You knew what was going to happen already, but they kept extending that scene to drag the episode out. Like... man, come on.;; I get it, but ouch. I guess since we're almost at the end they were like, "Aight, let's just do whatever".
SwiggyJul 22, 2024 8:08 PM

Enjoy your anime! | Witch Cafe Wisteria
Oct 26, 2024 5:58 AM

Mar 2024
I dont really understand why Nagisa reacts like that to being chosen as Miator's candidate.
Someone has to do it anyway and there's no betrayal of Shizuma or anything like that.
And Shizuma cant be Etoile forever.

Shizuma is so beautiful no matter what she does. She is the real queen of this anime. Even if she tears pillows and breaks windows, she does it like a goddess. I worship her πŸ›πŸ›πŸ›.

Lulim probably has nothing to do since they're always doing useless things. But it was cute how Nagisa hugged Chikaru when crying. Its feels like Chikaru is just watching the whole drama from side as spectator.

Nagisa decided to forget her love for Shizuma and Tamao was very happy about it. I think she's been waiting for those words for a long time. I like Tamao and she is cute, but im still on Shizuma's side.

And there's some weird plot twist with Amane's fall. And its strange that it happening before the election.

Also i forgot to mention, but the endings of this anime is just awful (both). The real video looks out of place and the second ending is just cringe and ruins the whole atmosphere.
I just skipped them from the first episode and therefore did not even notice, but its really terrible.

But both openings are great, Aki Misato is a legend.

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