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Aug 2, 2011 10:31 AM

Aug 2010
Kirio (Utao's twin) goes a little overboard with his fight with Utao and ends up damaging his kakashi which gets him a beating from creepy old guy. No Aki in this episode but we did see there is another kakashi which doesn't have a Seki (I'm betting Kyohei gets it somehow).
Aug 2, 2011 11:33 AM

Oct 2010
Calling this episode “The best Kakashi fighting episode so far!
As follows

Now that was amazing along with the segment in the spoiler
Now that amazing!
I am totally astonished that Kirio’s Kakashi could fire off a shot of electrical magnitude equal to the Ion beam power. It was rather scary the impact it created around the area.

I swear that I got freaked out by Amaterasu in the following,

does the Hyuga family have any idea what that thing is? It is the freaking monster from the beginning! Are they crazy? That thing killed almost everything and everyone. Kyouhei barely contained it at the end. Are they crazy? Are they sane in their mind? Certainly power is a corrupter factor big time! I am still shaking at some thoughts at this end revealing.

About the start and fight, Kyouhei was quite paranoid about Kirio’s appearance.While I did like Utao’s face here as she rushes towards Kyouhei. Loved Utao’s separation of Kyouhei and Hibino in the spoiler
that was nice. On the other hand Kirio’s face here was nice. The chasing of Takemikazuchi by Kukuri was wild! A amazing start not to mention that van knock out. Lovely it was to see Takemikazuchi’s electrical attack here and sadly it was of seeing Kukuri fall due to the nasty stunt it does. As for Kyousuke, his face was pretty cool here. While I loved seeing Utao’s expressions in the spoiler
since at that time it was funny to see her point finger and wondering which hand is Kukuri’s knife in. Loved Utao’s sudden command to Kukuri to rush! While with all the people it was not a good thing. While from the looks of Kirio’s face here, that he knew the attack was coming. As a result I was :( at Kukuri’s situation in the spoiler
he freaking lost a hand and Utao’s face was epic in that spoiler along with the details of Kukuri’s tear. Poor innocent lady here, being sacred by Kukuri.

Totally loved the blasts of Takemikazuchi and the dodging of Kukuri in the spoiler
Utao totally went overboard and it’s obvious with Kukuri blocking/absorbing the attack here along with a most amazing head butt! Now that was good! I was very pleased with the segment of Utao going wild to tear off Takemikazuchi’s arm while failing and Hibino calming Utao down in the spoiler
that segment had some EPIC Utao faces among one of them being major struggling.

About the aftermath of the fight, well I find that obviously Koushiro was hiding something from Kirio’s truth being revealed. Still totally surprised that Kukuri’s hand here is made of wood on the outside but even on the inside. While I did like Hibino staying with Utao to further confront her. While the news knows all about the Kakashi already from the footage. Just that hey think they are UFOs. It was completely wonderful to see Kyouhei with Utao in her room playing around with her in the spoiler
while she had quite the comedic faces there and Kyouhei had some too. I was actually quite surprised that Hibino here would want to go to the village with Kyouhei. While going there I find this guy to be interesting most of all. On the other hand I liked Utao’s shy face here. That punishment for Kirio in the spoiler
was way too brutal with blood flying off but I am glad that Koushiro came right on time. While it’s kind of obvious that the wound on the Hyuga leader is one of a deep cut towards his eye. Question is, how did he get it?

  • If any of you know the “Lacoste” brand of clothing, well according to the following spoiler
    the minor detail is that Hibino’s father wears that type of clothing. The brand does not appear clear but it’s obvious that it looks like that alligator symbol brand of “Lacoste” It could also mean that Hibino’s father is rich to buy such expensive clothing. Lacoste is not cheap, especially in Japan.

  • It is to remark that it was lovely to see Utao kiss her Kakashi in the spoiler
    this would be the second time she did that but the first time on the eye.

  • I am very curious as to who is she in the spoiler
    one thing is clear, she looks really nice.
So this is what I came to conclusion of.

First of all my strategy against Kukuri (yes I thought of one as being a Seki) would be that if I am a blaster type Kakashi then I would severe that hand that absorbs so that I can blast freely while should I be a blade type, getting rid of its right hand so as to not have anything to block with other than its arms would apply. I also came to the conclusion that it’s how Kyouhei defeated Amaterasu in the beginning by precisely absorbing his blast to send ti back to him. That being said it explains more stuff.

Second of all Kirio is 100% Utao’s twin based on what that lady said to Hyuga’s leader, that being both kids in the womb of their mother being able to communicate with the Kakashi while in the stomach of their mother. What really happened is that Hyuga’s leader was jealous of such a potential power creating the most powerful Seki. It’s true that communication with the Kakashi of such unprecedented power may mean something but it only looks to apply to Amaterasu and to control him. In thee end the elder of Hyuga, biggest mistake will be to think it gained control of Amaterasu only to lose it and the same will repeat as that of the beginning of this series. It could happen.

About the preview,the next promises with a most beautiful Kakashi repairing shrine maiden in the spoiler
while it does look like she adores Utao and certainly I will look forward to her teasing of Hibino here. While it will be nice to see Hibino flying for the first time on Kukuri. It will be also most interesting to see what stems from the situation of Hibino almost falling off and the way Kyouhei holds Hibino. That walk around with Hibino/Kyouhei/Utao should be nice to see too.

BTW still find the Kamisama corner in the spoiler
cool! It explained a little more of Kirio’s Kakashi and of Kukuri. There’s also “Beam beam!”
Yumekichi11Aug 2, 2011 4:40 PM

- BLOG - My Club- Easiest way to reach the rest of my thoughts!
Aug 2, 2011 12:17 PM

Feb 2008
well either a clone or a twin....that piece at the end leads towards twin. probably kidnapped.
Aug 2, 2011 1:20 PM

Dec 2010
Oh man, everyone saw them. Isn't that a HUGE violation of their village code or something?
Kukuri's arm was broken. Looks like it also has an absorb/repel ability.
We get a bath scene with our MC for the ladies (and some guys).
We have to go back.
Oh man, women drivers.
They skipped over the bit where the guy asks if Hibino is his girlfriend. That's fine, I didn't really want more awkward bumbling MC.
Do all old geezers have nothing better to do than sit at one place in the room and stare ominously, waiting for someone to enter?

CHILD ABUSE! -That's an awful lot of blood.

Are they gonna divert from the manga? Looks that way.
Aug 2, 2011 2:09 PM

Jun 2011
Not a bad ep, but I'm on edge waiting to see what Aki did to Kuuko since he decided to hide out back with her because it would be the least predictable place he'd hide at. Considering his previously known nature he'll probably make her into his lackey and tell her what he knows (enough to satiate her curiosity anyway, he certainly wouldn't tell her everything) to keep her on his side, that or he'd just flat out kill her. He is a murderer after all and isn't above slaughtering anyone if he can't use them. Kuuko maybe able to handle herself though, she is pretty bright from what we've seen. My guess is they'll come to some kinda deal, she's willing to do whatever to obtain that power or at least gain knowledge of the unknown.

The little Utao named Kirio I think is most likely her real twin, though my first guess was clone since he looks way too female to be just a twin, but considering what the old fart said, I'm betting he's a legitimate twin.

Hate the old geezer who's all "Learn your place, hur-durr, cuz I has a stick I'mma hit chu with rotten brat! Derp, respect chur elders or they be beating ur ass!" I HATE old people like that. I also think that horrid ugly old guy is an evil power hungry idiot and so is the "hot" chick who resides with him. "We must find the seki who can control the all powerful and dangerous Amaterasu cuz durp, we wants power and shit, even if it'll cost human lives! I don't care, I just want power cuz I'm a mean old dude duh-huurrr" Seriously, I'm already hoping he dies at the end of this.

Oh, one thing though. I get the whole fan service thing, but Hibino's breasts really are way too big for her body. Back problems much? I mean, usually the girls who get a big chest have it proportionate to their hips and legs, she looks like she needs a reduction as opposed to being "sexy"

So far, I'm actually liking the protagonist. He seems to have more sides to him then just nice guy/wimp and OMFGIKILLYOU/Dark past. I like the little comedy moment he had with Utao, show he's not just two sides, he has a playful side and truly cares about his sister. The characters don't seem cookie cutter to me, even though they have elements of it. But hey, that's no different then real people, most of us fit a mold or another to some degree. Even Hibino which would usually just be the plot driver and eye candy for the show actually has a personality and the part where she said that Utao's putting of salt in the coffee instead of sugar being cliche made me giggle.

Enough rambling for me, but over all, I'm really liking this series so far and the ED is really pretty actually, I like the chorus in it. Tuesday's usually suck for me, so this coming out every Tuesday will give me something to look forward to. :)
SinvanorAug 2, 2011 2:13 PM
Aug 2, 2011 2:40 PM

Jan 2010
Pretty good episode. It seems like Aki is proving to be vital to the story.

Also, I saw a preview for the next episode. Was I imagining things or

Aug 2, 2011 3:02 PM

Jul 2010
I loved it when Koushirou showed the old man his place and I'm glad he doesn't like people being overpunished. Awesome series so far!
Aug 2, 2011 3:32 PM

Jan 2010
And Kyouhei's kakashi finally appears. FUCK YES!
Aug 2, 2011 3:58 PM

Jun 2010
Ah so it was Utao's sibling. But I wonder why they would keep his existence a secret. Anyway that kakashi at the end, may end up to be Kyohei's.

Aug 2, 2011 4:40 PM

Feb 2010
This one is getting better every week. Gonna be awesome when that big ass bot at the end inevitably gets in the action near the end.
Aug 2, 2011 4:41 PM

Jul 2009
I dunno if its only me, but most of the episode felt like nothing happened
If your going to complain that Yu-Gi-Oh! Mangas are on the top NY times manga best sellers, you must not realize how popular Card games are(as well as the fact that you get a free card).
Aug 2, 2011 6:02 PM

Mar 2010
Kami-sama Dolls is getting pretty decent recently. :D

Aug 2, 2011 6:07 PM

Jan 2010
anyone else think kyuohei will end up with that Amaterasu thing? srsly he seems to be the only one that could remotely control it if we go off from wat we saw at the start.
Aug 2, 2011 6:49 PM
Apr 2011
That was a nice episode, I want Kyohei to have a bit more action though.
Aug 2, 2011 7:53 PM

Feb 2011
Dudewitbow said:
I dunno if its only me, but most of the episode felt like nothing happened

Not just you.Though it did make a bit of progress near the end.

The next episode doesn't look all that interesting. Anyway, decent episode but I still feel like it's not living up to the hype the 1st episode gave me.
Aug 2, 2011 7:55 PM

Jun 2011
And so the plot thickens.
Of course Utao's Kakashi is gonna turn the tables and become super powerful at the last moment of the battle. Yup. Happens everytime.
Amaterasu looks like the big boss enemy who'll probably get free, Kyouhei and his buds will destroy it and have a happy ending. Hopefully that happy ending will consist of more Aki doing more things that Aki likes doing, like massacring people.
Aug 2, 2011 8:29 PM

Jun 2009
Best series of the season so far?

I don't know, but I know that I am really enjoying what I am seeing from this so far. The fight was great (although, stupid kids letting commoners see and record the dolls). Wonder what is going on with Aki and that girl that tried to keep him hostage.
Aug 2, 2011 10:12 PM

Feb 2010
good episode , but i dont like this slow pacing if we are having 12 episode...
MC was so mad while in phone lol
i hope we get more aki next episode.

so the OP and ED updated with kirio , we are still missing one seki from the op/ed(a girl i think)

Aug 2, 2011 10:28 PM

Feb 2011
YaaY Kyouhei is going back to be a seki again.

I'm excited to learn Kyouhei's past although I kinda hint what kind of past it is.
Aug 2, 2011 11:36 PM

Jan 2011
I like Kyouhei and Hibino's reaction to danger--grab hold of each other and hang on. I think I see where that is heading. (Don't worry about the punch-up Kyouhei--it just establishes your bad-boy cred and makes you more attractive...)

We knew they would have to go back to the village at some point to unravel the mystery and Hibino being totally ignorant of her heritage allows a convenient exposition device. We're still learning quite a bit of the back story and I think they are handling it pretty well. For those of you who have read the manga, is it really feasible to do it in 13 episodes based on where we are by number four?
Please don't feed the trolls!
In my next life I want to collide at the corner with the cute transfer student
carrying a piece of toast in her mouth

Aug 2, 2011 11:40 PM

Dec 2010
rodac said:

Nope. There' 8 volumes and we're in volume 2.
Aug 3, 2011 1:43 AM

Jan 2009
Still lovin' dat OP.

Now let's see what more to add to the plot summary.
"Hibino has Dem Great Boobs of Comforting Small Children, and Kyouhei will inevitably gain control of Amaterasu, whether it's by choice or not, and whether with the old Hyuuga guy's consent or not."
Protip: I don't really check the forums anymore, so if you want something, take it on my profile.
Is it time for my long-awaited return to the forums? щ(゚Д゚щ) Nope™, probably not.
Aug 3, 2011 1:51 AM

Oct 2010
notsureifsrs said:
rodac said:

Nope. There' 8 volumes and we're in volume 2.
Even as of this episode? Is the story finished by chance?

Where to expect after this "Shit hit the fans" like. Story wise according to the volumes.

- BLOG - My Club- Easiest way to reach the rest of my thoughts!
Aug 3, 2011 1:57 AM

Dec 2010
Yumekichi11 said:
notsureifsrs said:
rodac said:

Nope. There' 8 volumes and we're in volume 2.
Even as of this episode? Is the story finished by chance?

Where to expect after this "Shit hit the fans" like. Story wise according to the vvolumes.

To tell you the truth I only read the scanlations.
The show will probably catch up to them next episode, but the scans are only up to chapter 14.

The manga is still ongoing.

I'm expecting an original ending.

Later manga volume (MUCH later) spoilers:
Aug 3, 2011 2:11 AM
Jun 2011
from what i seen in the preview utao will meet her freinds in the village and one of the village women will tease hibino so i not sure we will have any plot prrogres next episode
Aug 3, 2011 4:13 AM

Mar 2010
Okay, I didn't like Utao before but now she's really just pissing me off, useless thing goes and gets herself into a fight because she's paranoid. Smart. Don't ask questions, just fuck up you Kakashi, dumb little...Eghhh...>>
Kirio's cute though, shotas always win, can't wait for more of him~!

Oooh, So Kyouhei is gonna be a seki again? And of the most powerful Kakashi ever??
Jesus can you be any more obvious?-___-

Aug 3, 2011 5:34 AM
May 2011
I'm abit confused by the hyuga and kuga thing...
Aug 3, 2011 6:04 AM

Oct 2010
I enjoyed the battle scene between Kukuri and Takemikazuchi. Pretty cool that we get some more action in the series. That laser part was awesome. I mean, I just love it when an energy blast is absorbed then used to power your own attack and fire back at the opponent.

LOL at Kyouhei spinning Utao around like that (ballroom style) while teasing her about how she put up an act to be mature. Because of that she made yet another cute/ funny reaction right here

notsureifsrs said:
There' 8 volumes and we're in volume 2.

The anime is this slow paced, eh....Do you think we'll be getting a second season for this?
Aug 3, 2011 7:36 AM
Feb 2011
Ok i may be the only one here but i think Hibino will get the scary kakashi. I dont know why, but i think Kyouhei will get a different kakashi. This is a wild guess, but it is what i got from it. Anyway great episode, and i think this anime does good with combining action and humor. And i dont think this is horribly slow, each episode gives some plot.
Aug 3, 2011 8:09 AM

May 2010
Things is going pretty well

Aug 3, 2011 9:16 AM

Oct 2008
Looks like this series is going to get an anime original ending. It was already apparent since episode 1 considering the part when Kyouhei and co. were kids and fighting the big kakashi(?) wasn't in the manga, and now they introduce Amaterasu(quite possibly the said big kakashi). But since the manga has only been scanlated til chapter 14, I'm just speculating.. so to anyone who has read the raws: is Amaterasu ever revealed later in the manga?
Robz86Aug 3, 2011 9:27 AM
Aug 3, 2011 9:56 AM

Aug 2010
utao and kyohei's random twirl moment was pure epic win especially utao's reaction afterwards XD
so the plot thickens, Kirio is a guy after all and looks like he IS utao's twin according to the ending (id kill that head of the family if he actually smacked Kirio whos a girl) either way, CHILD ABUSE D:
what i dont get is how did kirio end up with the kuga's o_O
honestly i want kyohei to fight or something D: seeing utao and kirio fight (epic as it was) is rather frustrating >_>; especially utao's repetitive head-on charges @_@
all in all i enjoyed the episode ;)
Aug 3, 2011 10:40 AM

Jul 2007
HiyuuT said:

honestly i want kyohei to fight or something D:

I for one think its nice to have a protagonist in supernatural series who does NOT have any power for now and still manages to be a part of the events going on.

Fishcaek-Chan said:
Okay, I didn't like Utao before but now she's really just pissing me off, useless thing goes and gets herself into a fight because she's paranoid. Smart. Don't ask questions, just fuck up you Kakashi, dumb little...Eghhh..

Yes. Such a ridiculous thing for a child in pre-school age to do...she should have reacted and thought like a 30 year old obviously!

ShiunYean said:
I'm abit confused by the hyuga and kuga thing...

You would need to know a bout a history of japanese societies, especially in rural villages. They are basically most influential and old families in the place, vying for power with each other.

Merciless said:
Best series of the season so far?

Certainly seems so far.

rodac said:
(Don't worry about the punch-up Kyouhei--it just establishes your bad-boy cred and makes you more attractive...)

IMO he is far more worried that he actually shown that side of his to others than what she will think. He has this whole good-clumsy guy act going on and what happened tore his mask quite a bit off.
Aug 3, 2011 12:47 PM

Sep 2010
Yumekichi11 said:
notsureifsrs said:
rodac said:

Nope. There' 8 volumes and we're in volume 2.
Even as of this episode? Is the story finished by chance?

Where to expect after this "Shit hit the fans" like. Story wise according to the volumes.

It is 9 volumes and still ongoing.
Aug 3, 2011 1:18 PM

Sep 2009
ryanneo said:
Ok i may be the only one here but i think Hibino will get the scary kakashi.
Oh you are not the only one. When they were talking about a new seki, Hibino was the 1st one who came to my mind. She being new in the village, might unconsciously communicate with the Kakashi being a perfect seki.
Whatever it is, I see Kyouhei being Clark Kent at the end of the series.

So far, the series has been quiet amazing. Do still dislike Utao though, but her moments with Kyouhei this episode was fun to watch.
Aug 3, 2011 1:24 PM

Oct 2010
Fai said:
Merciless said:
Best series of the season so far?
Certainly seems so far.
Yeah but do you all know why? The directing!
Scream out!
It's all about the directing of this series!
Yes! It's all about the way things develop.
That is the only reason why this anime is the best among the special FX and well removed Hibino's large breast. A rather weak ecchi factor that the series could have passed out and include better for fan service. Heck give us more Utao for fan service, it would at least stand out less and better for lolicon people. Besides Manyuu does a way better job at breasts. This should not even try to do competition.
Yumekichi11Aug 3, 2011 1:29 PM

- BLOG - My Club- Easiest way to reach the rest of my thoughts!
Aug 3, 2011 1:56 PM

Jul 2010
Pretty nice fight scene in this episode. So Utao's twin got holed up for 12 years and that's why they've never known him.

Damn they have some sort of giant bad as Kamisama doll holed up in that village. Maybe Kyouhei is the one destined to be it's Seki?

Aug 3, 2011 4:36 PM

Jan 2011
Hibino as the seki? Hm, that's an interesting thought. That would be a really strange, but interesting development. I love how this show gets better week after week, hopefully the ending won't disappoint!
Aug 3, 2011 8:53 PM

Oct 2010
alpatrose said:
Seriously? O_O Then it will be either a anime ending only or season 2 somewhere in the future.

Anyone knows how far they may end up to at the going pace?

I would be most curious to know.

- BLOG - My Club- Easiest way to reach the rest of my thoughts!
Aug 3, 2011 10:00 PM

Feb 2010
.... mediocre in my opinion... but it's better than when it started...

And the animation SUCKS at times. ugh.

The last 'doll' we saw at the end looked pretty cool.
Aug 4, 2011 3:04 AM

Sep 2009
notsureifsrs said:
Yumekichi11 said:
notsureifsrs said:
rodac said:

Nope. There' 8 volumes and we're in volume 2.
Even as of this episode? Is the story finished by chance?

Where to expect after this "Shit hit the fans" like. Story wise according to the vvolumes.

To tell you the truth I only read the scanlations.
The show will probably catch up to them next episode, but the scans are only up to chapter 14.

The manga is still ongoing.

I'm expecting an original ending.
This is disappointing. I hate knowing we are not going to see the intended end (or for shows to just stop and never finish the story).
Aug 4, 2011 6:08 AM
Jun 2008
The sound effect when Kukuri absorb the lighting sound a bit different. A bit much more better than last time =P
its like Red Indian chanting (Miko priest version)

The Kakashi is made of wood and it really work like puppet but the ability levitation is still kinda mystery .

Koushirou is so cool covering Kirio.
His sunglasses is kinda weird in such isolated village = ="
Aug 4, 2011 2:45 PM

Dec 2007
I can't wait to see how Amaterasu looks... <3
Aug 5, 2011 2:41 AM

Apr 2011
This was the best episode except episode one so far. I really enjoyed the fight between Utao and her twin (is it a boy or a girl?), Kirio. The thundering blasts Kirio's kakashi released were amazing. But this fight was pointless one because the rail goal of Kirio was

Both kakshis were severely damaged and Utao is visiting with his brother Kuga their village in order to repair Utao's doll. Maybe we get some information about the real goals of the doll masters there. I hope it will be explained why the doll masters are fighting each other. And Hibino's driving skills are awful, that happens when a women is sitting behind the steering wheel.
Aug 5, 2011 9:21 AM

Jun 2008
Amaterasu seems scary. i bet it will be Kyouhei command it;D
btw, The good thing in this show is that there are enough fanservice for both guys and girls, may the producers be blessed~~~

Great fight, and the plot is improving a lot~~ Utau keeps being annoying but i do feel empathy for her twin. It seems he suffered a lot, and its not really his fault for being "evil".

Kukuriiiiiiiiiii, nooooooooooooooo, i need to hear Kukuri´s song in every ep or ill be depressed.

I miss Aki T_T

Hibino driving was awful. but hey, that happens with both men and women, ive seen it. its hard to drive in an unknown ground, so its better not to take risks. LOL.

ワンダーランド花 ♥

Aug 5, 2011 11:14 AM
Nov 2007
Well, that first half was boring. Utao's such an idiot, I swear. The fight was utterly pointless. What a letdown after last week's excellent episode.
I wish there was much more Aki and Kuuko and much much less Utao.

Oh well, at least it seems like Kyouhei's going to (hopefully) get Amaterasu and their return to the village means we'll probably get some answers.
Aug 5, 2011 5:16 PM
Jul 2011
I liked the episode, it has gotten better from the start (the show that is), the fight between Kakashi was rather good, and I am a sucker for sibling/family bonding (which is why I find Utao and Kyouhei sibling moments nice), the last doll was pretty freaky yet awesome in a strange way, finally I feel really sorry for Kirio, I wonder if he was kidnapped.... I hope not I hate hearing about family seperation, but he didn't seem to hate his brother and twin sister, or at least that small glance made me think that.

Finally I have to mention, I am in love with the OP and the ED themes, I often only like one theme such as liking the OP but disliking the ED, other way around at times, but this anime has me liking both :)

Sky High - The True King of Heroes
Aug 6, 2011 2:19 AM

Nov 2010
I still cant figure whats the main threat of the setting is, thus the purpose of seki and the dolls. If they are only there for internal clan powerstruggle in ONE small village then its a bit pointless. And if they are the countermeasure for Amaterasu its still a bit dull.
Aug 6, 2011 5:17 AM
Dec 2007
ShortTermCrook said:
I still cant figure whats the main threat of the setting is, thus the purpose of seki and the dolls. If they are only there for internal clan powerstruggle in ONE small village then its a bit pointless. And if they are the countermeasure for Amaterasu its still a bit dull.
It seems, according to manga-readers, Amaterasu is anime-only (likely a set up for the expected anime ending). I'm not surprised, what with how unexpected and trite Amaterasu's introduction was. Same old "hur hur we need some ultimate user to be able to use the supah sekret Ultimate Robot !" schtick from every other action show.

Aug 6, 2011 10:03 AM

Jun 2008
Hi, my name is Uchiha Sasuke and i came to this anime so i can take Amaterasu and destroy everyone.

I worry about Kukuri too. Now can i get the same kind of hug?
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