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Feb 8, 2011 8:28 AM

Jul 2010
I kill kento.
Feb 8, 2011 10:52 AM

Mar 2010
Oh my god :D such a turn.. well it was kinda expected but i hoped Kazehaya would have arrived there sooner :(

I can wait for another ep :D
LylaazFeb 9, 2011 10:26 AM
Feb 8, 2011 6:24 PM

Dec 2009
What a funny expression made by Kazehaya-kun when Pin said to him that " Your wife had an affair...with Kento".
Even though I know Kento is a nice guy who try to help Sawako, but he is just too busybody. He just made the misunderstanding between Sawako and Kazehaya deeper. He acted that he knew anything but actually he is the one who doesn't understand the situation. He should mind his own business sometime. He also made Sawako cried.

Feb 8, 2011 7:42 PM

Nov 2008
That IS a cliffhanger!
Feb 8, 2011 8:07 PM

Jun 2008
Kurumi #2...
Feb 8, 2011 8:29 PM

Jan 2010
Great episode! Chizu looked great at the wedding and we finally got some Pin-chan action which had been lacking so far this season. Really looking forward to next week, especially with the cliffhanger ending.
Feb 8, 2011 8:35 PM

Aug 2008
I knew that jerk was after Sawako. Argh, I can't take this much longer! Man up Kazehaya!
Romance comedy anime - Japan's gift to America
Feb 8, 2011 8:40 PM

Feb 2009
Neliei said:

Even though I know Kento is a nice guy who try to help Sawako, but he is just too busybody. He just made the misunderstanding between Sawako and Kazehaya deeper. He acted that he knew anything but actually he is the one who doesn't understand the situation. He should mind his own business sometime. He also made Sawako cried.

To me it seems like he does have a good understanding of the situation. He's trying to cause a rift between the two and fill in for kazehaya.

the cliffhanger is killing me haha, i hope they work things out soon.
Feb 8, 2011 8:51 PM
Nov 2008

First I drop my remote in shock upon seeing Chizuru pressed up against Ryuu, only to learn that I'd been trolled hard and misread the situation. Then it takes every ounce of self control to not throw my remote through the screen in response to Kento's actions. I want to destroy him in a furious rage. And then that cliffhanger...dear lord I am in the verge of tears over all of this! What an amazing episode XD
Feb 8, 2011 9:12 PM

May 2008
Thalandor46 said:

First I drop my remote in shock upon seeing Chizuru pressed up against Ryuu, only to learn that I'd been trolled hard and misread the situation. Then it takes every ounce of self control to not throw my remote through the screen in response to Kento's actions. I want to destroy him in a furious rage. And then that cliffhanger...dear lord I am in the verge of tears over all of this! What an amazing episode XD

Lol i felt the same way its gonna be along week waiting for the next ep.
Feb 8, 2011 9:16 PM

Jan 2011
Shit just got real.
Feb 8, 2011 9:36 PM

Sep 2010
Best episode of the season so far...I really needed this picker upper because I felt there really wasnt much happening. I actually like kent...kazehaya seems to be getting stale. Scenes with Pin are the best!!!
Feb 8, 2011 9:39 PM

Aug 2009

Even though I read the manga.. ITS A PAIN WAITING FOR NEW EPISODES!

Feb 8, 2011 9:48 PM

Jul 2010
Chizu and Pin totally made the best comedic moments ever in this episode.

First off, CHIZU WHY!? Here I thought we had our first kiss, but NOOOO. So I see them like that, and I already have this big stupid smile on my face, and it gets bigger as I think I'm gonna get my first kiss in this show, AND THEN... I have my wtf face on as I realize it's just Chizu asking for Ryuu's help. ^_^;;

Chizu is so lucky to have a friend like Yano to do her make-up and stuff like that. I'm so jealous; I want a friend like Yano. T_T

Then we have Pin teasing Kazehaya about Kuronuma. Loved that scene. He completely hit the nail on the head. Go for it, Pin, we need everyone to gang up on this idiot so he can confess to her already!

As for Kent, I just can't hate him. What's wrong with me!? I should be with all of you people raging hardcore at how he's getting in the way, right? I should hate him, right? I should be upset he just messed things up big time, right? RIGHT?! So why don't I hate him? D:
Feb 8, 2011 9:54 PM

Dec 2010
Well this post would've been so much faster if my internet connection wasn't as slow as a sloth with broken knee caps-- my video stopped and crashed RIGHT WHEN SAWAKO WAS CRYING!!!! And then Kazehaya came back!!!! That cliff hanger is almost too unfair. Another week ? Really? I won't be able to handle it.

I was hoping for another Kazehaya steals Sawako away from possible love interest (well it was Ryu at the time but still!) moment again, but instead it ended like this. I'd be interested to see from the manga readers whether or not that happened within the manga, because if not then a lot of his scheming is explained, however hopefully with next episode headway is made in clearing up the misunderstandings. (I've been waiting for that since episode 1, but considering the situation if someone doesn't say something to someone Kento is going to steal Sawako away and make Kazehaya cry too! :`( [way to late for me to be up on a school night as my ramblings show xD])

I loved all the scenes with Ryu in this and Chizu was so pretty :) I'm glad she tried to clear up the situation and how Ryu kept what she said in mind even when he said he wouldn't :) And Pin was wonderfully arrogant as ever xD We need Pin to set up a kiss scenario again asap, it would hilarious if Pin after all this was the one to save Sawako and Shouta's relationship. :D

Anywho, back to main characters, yeah. I'm still Sawako x Kazehaya all the way. I acknowledge Kent thinks he's doing things for the right reasons and what not but he threw such a curve ball into a relationship that so many people want and support within the series and he probs should have been more careful and understanding--if usually soft-spoken Sawako (he still can't get her name right :p) reacted so strongly to him criticizing Kazehaya, and he knew she liked him on some level, he couldn't expect her to calm down with "there are plenty of guys" and "you're cute when you smile." He may be perceptive but boy can he also be naive.

Argh frustration. Another week. Anticipation will be the death of me.
Feb 8, 2011 9:56 PM

Aug 2008
Wow, best cliffhanger scene I've seen in awhile... can't wait for the next episode!

Thanks, person who gave me this on another site a long time ago, lol.
Feb 8, 2011 10:20 PM

Jul 2010
The scene with Pin and Kazehaya is probably one of my favorite scenes now, and that cliffhanger is killing me. I can't wait seven whole days to get resolution to this!
Feb 8, 2011 10:26 PM

Feb 2010
Thalandor46 said:

First I drop my remote in shock upon seeing Chizuru pressed up against Ryuu, only to learn that I'd been trolled hard and misread the situation. Then it takes every ounce of self control to not throw my remote through the screen in response to Kento's actions. I want to destroy him in a furious rage. And then that cliffhanger...dear lord I am in the verge of tears over all of this! What an amazing episode XD

I know what you mean. Such a great episode ^^
Feb 8, 2011 10:28 PM

Mar 2009
Damn that was the best Ep this season! XD Chizu and ryu Got me hyped only to leave me hanging and Sawako and shota really need to confess already !!

Feb 8, 2011 10:46 PM
Apr 2009
Brilliant episode. Just packed with content and dynamic. Good laughs, tense moments, and a great ending.
Feb 8, 2011 11:02 PM

Feb 2008
I'm starting to hate that blonde haired guy.
Feb 8, 2011 11:22 PM

Jan 2011
Oooh I can't wait for next week!! It was such a cute episode and knowing that there's a rival will hopefully make Kazehaya confess SOON -- OTHERWISE I'M GOING CRAZY! How long have they been loving each other?! Over a year definitely!
Oh my, this anime is way too cute :) ♥ I'm addicted.
Feb 8, 2011 11:41 PM

Aug 2010
Nooooo!!!!! it ended to soon ='(

at the end i just kept on thinking "when is Kazehaya going to show up???" and then it was a total cliff hanger
and i am really starting to like Pin ^^

best episode so far <3
Feb 8, 2011 11:42 PM

Sep 2009
Looks like Kento became the show's villain, though it might be unintentional. Either way, he was trying to make a big move on her really fast.
Feb 8, 2011 11:44 PM

Oct 2009
Oh my! Oh my! I... I won't even try to express my feelings on this episode.

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Feb 8, 2011 11:48 PM

Jan 2008
Lulexiaa said:

Even though I read the manga.. ITS A PAIN WAITING FOR NEW EPISODES!

yeah but the misunderstanding rejection also want me to kill them!
Feb 9, 2011 12:02 AM

Jan 2010
Don't cry Sawako ;A;
Feb 9, 2011 12:16 AM

Dec 2010
I think Chizu/Ryuu was pretty obvious not a going to be a confession. Too bad the wedding event was just filler, would've been a good occasion to let their relationshop progress, but nothing new other then Chizu wearing makeup.

To me Kent seems to be honest, not knowing about Kazehaya's true feelings and thinking he was just nice to her. It's up to Kazehaya now to get things straight but I guess this will be your typical misunderstanding with the big realization in the end. Hopefully I'm wrong and they try an orignal approach. Too bad Kurumi didn't had a part till now and probably won't have one. :(
Feb 9, 2011 12:43 AM

Jan 2010
I felt so sad for sawako, and damn that kento for getting in the way!! That was really pissing me off.
Feb 9, 2011 1:00 AM

Sep 2008
I actually loved the little filler with Chizu at the wedding, especially Ryu's face when he saw her. I so want some action between those two, they make such a great pair T^T
As for the whole thing with Kent and Sawako and Kazehaya, I've read that part of the manga twice already, and it still pissed me off. Kazehaya is so silly >.> . If it wasn't for Pin, he wouldn't have maned up to do anything.
I don't blame Kent. Unlike Kazehaya, he tried to fight for the girl he was interested in. Maybe he didn't find the best approach, but still... Kazehaya and Sawako's problems are only caused by their own lack of courage and communication.
Feb 9, 2011 1:36 AM

Sep 2008
You are too fabulous Takuto. <3
I just love how comfortable his words felt. I just kinda wish that he was sweeping down to kiss her when Kazehaya came.
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Feb 9, 2011 1:54 AM

Jan 2010

Ok now that I've finished blowing up I'll talk about the episode XP

Chizu you were so beautiful!!! I was like :O when I saw her with the make up Ayano did!!! She was beautiful!!! It was hilarious when she tried to do her own make up to.. a total failure...

The scene where her and Ryuu were pressed up at the wall and the camera was slowly panning up I was like OMG OMG OMG DID SHE JUST DO WHAT I THINK SHE DID then NOOO she was just asking for help in her cute/funny way!!!

Glad to see some Ryuu action too... I think I like every character in this anime!!! WOW thats a first!!! Ohhh no wait STUPID KENT AND KURUIMI can go die...or...or... or... OMG they should soooo be a couple!!! Now that I think about it ahaha lol~

YAY Pin played a part!!! I'm glad he made kazehaya man up a bit but man what horrible timing!!! I wonder how much Kazehaya heard/saw...

Best episode this season!!!
Feb 9, 2011 2:46 AM

Sep 2009
Awesome ep !!!

and awesome song by Pin xD
that song just made my day lol
Feb 9, 2011 2:56 AM

Jul 2008
Pin, you are my hero baby. ffffffff

Oh God, when Sawako started to cry little teardrops fell down on me too. ;__;
Feb 9, 2011 3:05 AM

Oct 2010
I feel like this show dosent want anyone to be together at all ><
Feb 9, 2011 3:38 AM

Apr 2009
I love Kento, he's so better than Kazehaya.
Feb 9, 2011 4:18 AM

Jul 2008
Just one more ep and it's decision time whether it would be dropped or not. It's suddenly turning to your run-of-the-mill, guy and girl are both idiots and ignorant and easily manipulated romance.
Feb 9, 2011 5:08 AM

Aug 2010
HawthorneKitty said:
You are too fabulous Takuto. <3
I just love how comfortable his words felt. I just kinda wish that he was sweeping down to kiss her when Kazehaya came.

I actually wanted the same thing. People seem to hate him but Takuto (Kento) is making this show far more enjoyable. He might be acting like a dirtbag or he is really missing the boat on Kuronoma/Shota and just trying to help out.
Feb 9, 2011 5:24 AM

Apr 2010
Kent must die for making Sawako-chan cry like that. That is all.

If you don't remember something, it never happened. If you aren't remembered, you never existed. <3
Feb 9, 2011 5:42 AM

Jan 2009
Complete this sentence:

"Kent is a...."
Feb 9, 2011 6:41 AM

Oct 2010
I am very angry still so I will talk about Kent. I will quote from my own mouth “Kent you pissed me off and you don’t want to see me pissed me off. If I want I can murder your shitty ass. You took advantage of Sawako for yourself and that is unforgivable! You must die or at the very least get a beating and I shall give it to you.” What follows would be me jumping on him kind of like Tarou did from MM! Even worse, I would so get Accelerator from Index on his ass, that punch he gave to that girl would be my pleasure to see on Kento. Now look at my pic on the profile and tell me if I can’t do it with a military training from my father? I can do it, especially since I can get easily berserk. Kento at first did make Sawako feel her good such as reminding her of her fitting in well with the rest of the class and made her reflect her past to look at how it is now but that ends here right now! He just got worse after that, by reminding at first Sawako of what Kurumi said that is purely negative. He followed by giving her completely wrong thinking about Kazehaya although it made Sawako realize why she loved him, which was good.

Things just spiraled completely ugly after that, by mentioning to Sawako to avoid Kazehaya just like Kurumi did. he even mentions to her about living out her youth,that makes no sense at all. That stuff does not work on Sawako in her emotional state. His proceeding to dismiss him and lying to her like a shit he is about Kazehaya having someone must have given her the idea that Kurumi lied to her or hit her hard with a a depression since she started crying and her initial expression with her eyes sure told me that fast enough. Even after all that this piece of shit touches her and tells her he wants to be one to love her? Really? You piece of shit, guys like you and Makoto I eat up for breakfast, basically I beat them up. So my take on the following part,

gets your shitty ass hands off her! Leave her alone! Never see her again you manipulating scum of a shit! There was that satisfying enough for people? Well that’s how I feel about Kento. It’s over, I don’t think I will ever forget this at all of him as much as Kurumi. It will take a long time for me to see him being forgiven and in fact since I am a guy, it won’t happen. For Kurumi I had some sympathy as a guy. For guys as a guy, it’s no. I had too many girls IRL being hurt and ruined, basically used and thrown away. Just telling. You can see it from a good side and a bad one but no matter what you cannot deny a fact about Kento that would not be a in favorable position, he lied to Sawako and he manipulated her. I am sorry but he does not deserve her. Sorry about that but I am usually trying to be positive. Rest of positive stuff will come later.
Yumekichi11Feb 9, 2011 7:24 AM

- BLOG - My Club- Easiest way to reach the rest of my thoughts!
Feb 9, 2011 6:51 AM

Nov 2007
So much hate for Kent.
Look at Sawako: why would Kazehaya be the only guy to fall in love with her.
Look at the interaction between Kazehaya and Sawako: there's no way an outsider can tell they're in love with each other.
In Kent's view Kazehaya only pities the ugly duckling (and might lose interest now she's getting accepted), which would be cruel if it were true.
And matters being as they are between Sawako and Kazehaya, ' May the best man win' is still playing it fair imo.

Meronpan_Chan said:
Kent must die for making Sawako-chan cry like that. That is all.

Hm, I think it's Kazehaya's vagueness that's the cause for it in the 1st place.
Luckily now he has to kick himself and clear up the misunderstandings.
Feb 9, 2011 7:08 AM

Jan 2011
Yano-chin is such a nice friend. Chizu looked very lovely.

Ryu…Ryu, in how many ways do I love thee? I love when he told Chizu that he’s not going to act on her behalf but for himself because he’s concerned about Shota and also proceeds to tell her that what ever Shota tells him will remain with him. Now that’s a guy who not only knows his own mind, he can be safely trusted with secrets.

It was nice seeing Ryu, Kazehaya and Pin together. It almost felt like the first season again. Pin’s line upon greeting Kazehaya in the cafeteria made me chuckle but his advice to Kazehaya was really nice with a touch of tough love.

And now to the most face-palming moment of the episode for me, written in paraphrase, “I don’t mind being your consolation prize.” Once again Miura has, as they say, put his foot in it. That single line, however well-meaning it may seem, only serves to strengthen my opinion that Miura deals with Sawako on a shallow basis. Not only does he underestimate her as a person, since it’s quite inconceivable to him that there’s anything that someone like Kazehaya would find remotely attractive or interesting in her (something that those who truly knows her would disagree with), he also goes and devalues her feelings for Kazehaya. Has he been reading Naruto and somehow agrees with Kishi that a woman’s heart is as fickle as the autumn sky? Meanwhile, just moments before he kept thinking what an insensitive jerk Kazehaya is and yet he goes and say something as insensitive as that, which, folks, is pretty much like Ayane’s flinch-inducing line to Chizu when she told her that there are better guys out there than Tohru. By their nature, lines like those imply that the person’s feelings for the other person are not being taken seriously. Yano-chin knew that and immediately regretted saying it particularly because Chizu visibly flinched.

Again, Miura remains blissfully unaware of the situation. The fact that Kazehaya defended Sawako to him and Sawako defended Kazehaya to him should have given him a hint to the beginning of the truth, but alas, I believe he’s so smugly convinced that he knows the situation and is so caught up in his idea of philanthropy that the truth, which is staring him in the face, continues to evade him. Perhaps, just perhaps if he had instead tried to get to know Sawako as a person rather than showering her with advice about her external appearance, he might have realized that there is much more to Sawako than a gloomy girl in need of savior, aka HIMSELF.

Anyway, I liked that in Sawako’s thoughts she acknowledges that Kazehaya has always treated her like a normal person. Too bad that she’s now convinced that Kazehaya only treated her that way because, again, he can’t help reaching out to outcasts. Congratulations Miura! You’ve done a flawless job of creating and strengthening misunderstandings in the lives of people you barely know. All that’s left for me to do is sit back and watch as this mess gets even messier.

That said, I don't hate Kento. I dislike his meddlesome behavior but what Kurumi will do to him will definitely appease me enough that I can forgive his nosiness.
Feb 9, 2011 7:36 AM

Oct 2010
Taylor_elle said:
Nicely said and guess the rage might have been as great as mines but I am a Sawako x Kazehaya shipper so no surprise why I really angry. I agree with you fully about your point in regards to Kento since I have calmed and decided to thinks things over.
cleo said:
So much hate for Kent.
Look at Sawako: why would Kazehaya be the only guy to fall in love with her.
Because he did so much for her and Kento did shit all compared to the value of Kazehaya's time and emotions spent on her. No I don't like guys in any anime that barge in and win it all fast. It takes cultivation for a love to have its fruits.
cleo said:
Look at the interaction between Kazehaya and Sawako: there's no way an outsider can tell they're in love with each other.
In Kent's view Kazehaya only pities the ugly duckling (and might lose interest now she's getting accepted), which would be cruel if it were true.
That's exactly the problem that Kento brainwashed Sawako with. It's only a looks like it situation while reality is bottled up inside of both waiting to spur out at the right moment. It was about to come but Kento screwed it up and wasted Ryuu's time with Kazehaya on that one.
cleo said:
And matters being as they are between Sawako and Kazehaya, ' May the best man win' is still playing it fair imo.
Perhaps but with dirty lying tactics it's unacceptable and I tap my foot in anger to that. No way is it okay.
Meronpan_Chan said:
Kent must die for making Sawako-chan cry like that. That is all.
cleo said:
Hm, I think it's Kazehaya's vagueness that's the cause for it in the 1st place.
Luckily now he has to kick himself and clear up the misunderstandings.
I think it's more Kento's fault for suggesting shit to Sawako although parts of it did make her realize things. I think my avatar shows my feelings towards Kento. For me it's a no in accepting his actions.

- BLOG - My Club- Easiest way to reach the rest of my thoughts!
Feb 9, 2011 7:54 AM

Jan 2008
Exciting episode...but wait 'till the next will be a total tears cascade.
Feb 9, 2011 8:26 AM

Feb 2010
And bubbles! Don't forget the bubbles ^^

/ignores all the angry rants of obsessive fandom
Feb 9, 2011 8:43 AM
Jan 2008
I was hoping kazehaya would drag sawako away from kent like he did when sawako was talking to ryu back in season 1. =/
Feb 9, 2011 8:53 AM

Nov 2007
Taylor_elle said:
Perhaps, just perhaps if he had instead tried to get to know Sawako as a person rather than showering her with advice about her external appearance, he might have realized that there is much more to Sawako than a gloomy girl in need of savior, aka HIMSELF.

I read that scene differently. Imo he was showing her that she's no longer in need of a savior, because she's blending in more and more.
Sure he's meddlesome, but his actions [c]do[/c] help her to gain confidence in herself.
Yes, he's smug in thinking he understands the situation so well, but I think his main objective is to get rid of the 'outcast girl needs savior' scenario.
And as long as Kent's actions help Sawako to see she's no longer in need of pity/a savior, I'm all for that.
Kazehaya defended Sawako, but that can be read as pitying her just as easily.
For the most part Kazehaya was being evasive, giving Kent the wrong impression, so he's very much to blame for the situation as well.

Taylor_elle said:
By their nature, lines like those imply that the person’s feelings for the other person are not being taken seriously. Yano-chin knew that and immediately regretted saying it particularly because Chizu visibly flinched.

True, he could have voiced it better.
Yet, like you said, loads of people say lines like that while meaning well, just like Yano.
We know Yano isn't shallow, and I'm really not sure if Kent is.
Feb 9, 2011 9:05 AM

Jun 2008
Honestly im a big shipper of Kazehaya and Sawako, but i dont think Kento did it with a mean attitude. Before he know that Sawako liked Kazehaya, he was already trying to help her. He never avoided her since the first moment he met her. Give the guy a chance, he´s not a bad person.
And c´mon, his character brought a new life to the show, im loving him, he´s putting angst and jeallous in Kazehaya, which i think is good, because it will help Kazehaya to confess to herXD

ワンダーランド花 ♥

Feb 9, 2011 9:19 AM

Nov 2007
Yumekichi11 said:
Because he did so much for her and Kento did shit all compared to the value of Kazehaya's time and emotions spent on her. No I don't like guys in any anime that barge in and win it all fast. It takes cultivation for a love to have its fruits.

What I meant to say was: she has grown since S1, looking prettier. It's not so strange another guy falls in love with her. I agree on the cultivating, but at this point (frustrating enough) Kazehaya isn't exactly doing much on that front either.

Yumekichi11 said:
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