Hi, I'm Nezumi (or Nezu, whichever you prefer ^_^). I've been actively watching anime since 2006, as much as my time allows it. I'm always open to conversation, so feel free to message me if you want.
This is how I liked the anime I've watched and the manga I've read thus far. If I don't enjoy something, I just give up after a couple of episodes/chapters and don't really bother to add it to my dropped list, unless I really want to make a point out of dropping a particular title. I love getting immersed in stories and trying to figure out how characters think and why they act a certain way. I always connect to something in everything that I watch/read (otherwise I just stop). When I rate anime/manga, I reward the strengths rather than penalize the faults. This is me and this is how I see things. Yoroshiku ^_^
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By the way, your birthday is very close to my absent Italian pen pal. Turned 32 on November 25th.
Anyway miss, I'll catch you later. I also got lots of Kurogane no Linebarrel left to read.
I'm glad you managed to find some time for anime. I kinda feel the same, i don't have a lot of free time, but i would rather watch an anime in that moment rather than just sit around. There are also many good shows airing right now. 3-gatsu FTW!
How are you doing? Haven't seen you on Twitch for a while... I hope you're going to stream soon, it was very fun watching you play :D
OMG! I'm so sorry! :( I just felt liek saying that ca mereu comenteaza urat de un amv sau altul. De ce sa-ti dea lacrimile? AMV-ul tau e net superior al lui. ce frames...come on, ca el are aceeasi secventa repetata la nesfarsit e mai bine? XD He's just jealous. Acum ma simt prost, mai bine nu spuneam ca-mi place amv-ul tau, but I do si nu cred ca sunt singura care crede asta. L-am aratat si ieri la cineva care a vazut o parte din amv-ul meu, ca sa vada cum e competitia si mi-a spus: "sper ca asta e pretendentul pentru locul 1." XD
Don't cry, really, tipul e disperat si probabil din cauza ca, dupa cum ti-am spus, are cunostinte tehnice, but no talent. Si e frustrat ca la final ideea e mai punctata decat restul :P.
Chiar, cum bagi contrastul?
Acum ascult Eyes of Tomorrow. Awsome! Abia astept amv-ul :D .
Acum cred ca inteleg la ce te referi. Daca cei care-ti comenteaza amv-ul sunt la fel de disperati ca si tipul in cauza e clar XD.
Asta deja se numeste comentare subiectiva, daca-mi amintesc eu bine XD.
Ga rei zero a fost frumos. Banuiesc ca nu-ti pare rau ca l-ai vazut :P .
cum ai facut sa ai culorile similare? Ca fiecare anime are stilul lui de grafica/fading. Stiu ca era o metoda sa le faci "blending", dar nu stiu cum. eu pana acum am facut doar schite si nu am reusit niciodata sa fac un amv din mai multe anime-uri. de fapt, amv-ul care o sa-l postez acum [daca se extinde perioada de inscriere] o sa fie primul meu amv intreg. si cum nu prea stiu sa folosesc efecte o sa fie destul de simplist la capitolul asta. enlist I'm hoping for the sync to be right XD.
Si amv-u; meu are rexolutie mai mica, din cauza raw-urilor, dar sper sa fie acceptat. Eu am folosit Amazing nuts pt. melodie, iar daca tu ai 50 de minute din care sa alegi sa faci un amv de 3 min, eu am doar 10 *wahhh*. Si o parte din ele imi sunt complet inutile. Dar o scot eu cumva la capat XD.
Si, incercarea moarte nu are :P .
O sa ti-l trimit cand e gata. Maybe you can give me some suggestions :) .
*hugs tight*
Eu sper sa se extinda perioada ca sa pot trimite si eu ceva, desi nu va fi nici pe sfert la fel de awsome ca al tau.
Anyway, teach me how to make them also XD.
Cel putin, din ce am vazut pana acum, al tau pare cel mai bun. Ma rog, cateva nici macar nu pareau amv-uri.... :(
Nice to meet ya![si aici, pe mal] [in case you're wondering, sunt aceeasi Akai Hiya de pe anime-mania :)]
Am avut parte de o compatibilitate si mai mare,dar a scazut in timp.Momentan cu tine este cea mai ridicata. xD