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Jan 17, 2011 7:49 PM

Oct 2010
Episode was rather good in filling up some things like how did Ayumu meet Hellscythe. It was also good in the introduction of Sera, the vampire ninja. Personally Ayumu was stupid to get himself killed. That's because he rushed into save someone without a plan and no weapons. Furthermore I think th culprit that killed him is a monster of some type because to be bale to paralyze Ayumu the way it happened looked to me like magic was involved. Despite all that I liked seeing Hellscythe rather better with Ayumu's imagination that last time. I also wonder if Hellscythe sees things the way she saw Ayumu doing his break dancing.
Rest in spoiler
Found nice renders of her in the spoiler
Also is that 2 Nintendo DS systems with a PSP and XBoX system that I see? Anyways great episode!
Oosran said:
2) I kinda like this new girl. Way more than Haruna at least. Haruna's just annoying.
No she is not annoying at all. She is cute and her expression are cute. I think Sera might be annoying with just her breasts bouncing around just like a certain girl in HOTD.
Yumekichi11Jan 17, 2011 7:58 PM

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Jan 17, 2011 8:08 PM

Dec 2010
Reversify said:
Ayumu should totally have a dance off with TK.

I second this.
This episode wasn't comedic as the first, but I enjoyed it nonetheless, especially the cute scenes with Yuu XD. I wonder if Ayumu even feels any pain at all despite being a zombie...
Jan 17, 2011 8:13 PM

Oct 2010
iMinato said:
Reversify said:
Ayumu should totally have a dance off with TK.
I second this.
I third this but I was also baffled at how Ayumu was still not in pain after that wrist twist. That is just plain weird.

- BLOG - My Club- Easiest way to reach the rest of my thoughts!
Jan 17, 2011 8:14 PM

Jul 2008
flame_master_14 said:
Isn't sacrificing humor for plot unusual for the second episode of a harem anime?

Either way, I feel like that scream came from the killer (her?)self, and that it was simply to lure in another victim. Am I thinking too much?

Actually in the OP there is a girl which is said ''She is ... a XXX'' and since it was a girl that was screaming in the house this could actually makes sense. Who would be more fitting to live in this household than the now friend killer.
Jan 17, 2011 8:18 PM

Dec 2008
liked the episode overall, and enjoyed some backstory as well as some humor as well. Lol at how Yuu and Ayumu first met though:

Ayumu: Gah, I screwed up my first impression . . . let`s breakdance!

Found the fight scene to be quite good and animated well as well.
Jan 17, 2011 8:26 PM

Dec 2008
This was an excellent episode. Great job to the staff on finding a very satisfying balance between plot/character development whilst retaining the idiosyncratic behaviors that primarily drive the humor aspect of this series, though they are becoming somewhat annoying now but seeing as how that's pretty much how the characters are, there's not much else to do but to accept it. However, Haruna's tamago tea got me snorting for a good while; that was gold (no pun intended), and I swear that, for the breakdance scene, Ayumu totally channeled T.K. there. =p

Totally looking forward to the next episode; I hope to see more interactions between the heroines.
Will I fall in love someday? I wonder?

Jan 17, 2011 8:33 PM

Aug 2010
Definitely getting my hopes of for this show. Although the animation is a little more slack from the first episode... guess DEEN hasn't turned a new leaf quite yet.

I was eating tamagoyaki while watching this, although mine wasn't as good =[
Jan 17, 2011 8:43 PM

Nov 2008
Judging from the OP I think this is the xxx girl xDD:

I'm in love with Eu Hellscythe... Am I that CRAZY?!? DX

also I think Eu thinks that it was her fault that Ayumu died that's why she took responsibility and stayed with him o.o not that I'm stating that she is the culprit, don't misunderstand xDD
DenjaXJan 17, 2011 9:00 PM

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .anime . manga . updates . ♫♪ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Jan 17, 2011 8:53 PM

Nov 2009
Worse than the first episode that got me hooked, but not bad overall.

Ayumu is such a nice guy...
Jan 17, 2011 9:20 PM
Mar 2010
Not as nearly as hilarious as the first. They should have made the vampire ninja girl's appearance in the next episode or focus about her appearance for the entire episode because Eu and Ayumu's past totally overwhelmed it.

Where's my Ayumu Masou Shoujo transformation??? D:<
Jan 17, 2011 9:25 PM
Jan 2009
not quite as funny as the first episode but we got Ayumu's story and a new character.
Jan 17, 2011 9:34 PM

Jun 2009
Wasn't especially fun or something, but this was a really enjoyable episode. We've got new character Sera, and more of Yuu - just great. Oh, and Sera seiyuu did some awesome job here, i guess it's her best role i've heard.
レッツゴー ED イケイケゴーゴー
Jan 17, 2011 9:36 PM

Oct 2010
DenjaX said:
Judging from the OP I think this is the xxx girl xDD:
Yeah it's her but they are not revealing her powers for some strange reason.
DenjaX said:
I'm in love with Eu Hellscythe... Am I that CRAZY?!? DX
No, I like her too but I wish she started speaking some words. At least during the slap scene.

- BLOG - My Club- Easiest way to reach the rest of my thoughts!
Jan 17, 2011 9:46 PM

Nov 2008
This episode turned things even more interesting. I liked Eu from the beginning, now I like her even more. Thanks to her I'll watch till the end.

The harem is building, I guess that next week we'll see the other girl come in. I just hope that there is some action behind all of this, after all it is an impressive gathering of individuals in that home.
Jan 17, 2011 9:51 PM

Jul 2010
This episode was lightyears better than the last one.

Yuu is definitely my favorite character. It's like Yin from Darker Than Black all over again. Haruna reminds me of a lot of characters. She irritates me, but definitely not as much as other tsunderes like her. Hopefully she'll get better. And I do like Seraphim, even if she is going to be a fanservice magnet... Her seiyuu sounded a lot like Itou Shizuka, who's voicing Hilda in Beelzebub.

Lol'd at the "substitution jutsu" Sera used. It reminded me of Naruto.
The terrible "rapping/rhyming" also reminded me of Killer Bee from Naruto, and the breakdancing reminded me of TK from Angel Beats.
Jan 17, 2011 10:37 PM

Oct 2010
Iilia said:
I do like Seraphim, even if she is going to be a fanservice magnet... Her seiyuu sounded a lot like Itou Shizuka, who's voicing Hilda in Beelzebub.
ROFL, her seiyuu did the voice of Mio from K-ON and Hana from Seikon no Qwaser so I am pretty sure she will do a good voice with Sera but of all things this same seiyuu did Maya in Occult? I had no idea, definitely interesting. On the other hand Haruna's seiyuu did Nymph (from Sora no Otoshimono), Rinko (from Omamori Himari) and Antonia (from Asobi ni Iku yo!) voices. Maybe that's why I like Haruna but I need more episodes with Sera to decide.

- BLOG - My Club- Easiest way to reach the rest of my thoughts!
Jan 17, 2011 10:57 PM

Nov 2008
It`s good to see some back story and the introduction of a new character, a vampire ninja xD
Jan 17, 2011 11:05 PM

Apr 2008
LOL delicious tamago xD

Jan 17, 2011 11:15 PM

Jul 2010
Yumekichi11 said:
ROFL, her seiyuu did the voice of Mio from K-ON and Hana from Seikon no Qwaser so I am pretty sure she will do a good voice with Sera but of all things this same seiyuu did Maya in Occult? I had no idea, definitely interesting. On the other hand Haruna's seiyuu did Nymph (from Sora no Otoshimono), Rinko (from Omamori Himari) and Antonia (from Asobi ni Iku yo!) voices. Maybe that's why I like Haruna but I need more episodes with Sera to decide.
Ah, I know that Sera isn't voiced by Shizuka, Itou (just saying so in case it somehow sounded like I thought she was). And I do like Hikasa, Youko's voicing for Sera. The only one of the roles that you mentioned that I know of is Maya. She's also voicing Houki from IS: Infinite Stratos this season, which I didn't catch at all.

I think I'm a bit biased towards Seraphim's character since I just like the personality type. I could live without the "You piece of shit" lines, but they are kind of funny. I just hope they don't get over-used.
Jan 17, 2011 11:21 PM

Nov 2010
I'm kinda surprised at how fast his harem is building, and how they introduced a new character AND revealed some good backstory (I like Yuu WAY better now :D). I think they're trying to get the setting set up as quickly as possible so that they won't have to rush and cram everything into the last couple episodes, kinda like they did with Angel Beats and with Demon King Daimou. Overall I loved this episode, it was still pretty funny, but the serious half of it has now solidified this show as one of my favourites for the season. I hope they can keep this balance of comedy and story.
Jan 18, 2011 12:05 AM
Sep 2010
this show is great. i thought this episode did a good job of developing the characters and plot too. i see no problems with it whatsoever
Jan 18, 2011 12:36 AM

Nov 2010
This anime, I must say, has impressed me a lot and if this keeps up it's going to go on my top 5 list.

Loved the episode. It was funny and touching at the same time, and Ayumu just shows he's a damn badass. He freaking threw his own severed arm at Seraphim. So far I'm liking all the characters, even Haruna who's tsundereness is just play straight out and in-your-face with.
Jan 18, 2011 12:47 AM
Dec 2010
mmm... that tamago made me hungry...

Funny ep.
Jan 18, 2011 12:57 AM

Oct 2010
ryanxwonbin said:
Loved the episode. It was funny and touching at the same time, and Ayumu just shows he's a damn badass. He freaking threw his own severed arm at Seraphim.
Actually it is more than that. I think he projected it mentally. That would mean he can control any of his body parts at will, even doing a kick with a severed leg as long as it's close by to him. Pretty cool stuff I would say for a zombie.

- BLOG - My Club- Easiest way to reach the rest of my thoughts!
Jan 18, 2011 1:04 AM

Feb 2010
2 new girls + backstory and we have already our harem after 2 ep not bad. pacing and plot looks good so far.
Jan 18, 2011 1:08 AM

Jan 2010
wooooow what a huge breast , but i like her

BTW i LOL'd at the bento part xD
Jan 18, 2011 2:06 AM

Jan 2009
Yumekichi11 said:
Oosran said:
2) I kinda like this new girl. Way more than Haruna at least. Haruna's just annoying.
No she is not annoying at all. She is cute and her expression are cute. I think Sera might be annoying with just her breasts bouncing around just like a certain girl in HOTD.
Opinions. Heard of 'em?
I just pretty much said that I find Haruna to be terribly annoying, and somehow that we'd be better off without her in the show. (Well except that Ayumu wouldn't get that delicious lunch anymore.)
Protip: I don't really check the forums anymore, so if you want something, take it on my profile.
Is it time for my long-awaited return to the forums? щ(゚Д゚щ) Nope™, probably not.
Jan 18, 2011 2:26 AM

Oct 2010
Oosran said:
Opinions. Heard of 'em? I just pretty much said that I find Haruna to be terribly annoying, and somehow that we'd be better off without her in the show. (Well except that Ayumu wouldn't get that delicious lunch anymore.)
Yeah I know IMOs but replying to you that's only because I wanted my opinion as a con to yours. Haruna goes back to being good comedy and her annoyance is part of that comedy whether it is funny to some or annoying to others. I swear of all the anime I have seen I never saw any idea as unique as this one with this particular setup.
desolatoJan 20, 2011 5:56 AM

- BLOG - My Club- Easiest way to reach the rest of my thoughts!
Jan 18, 2011 2:41 AM

May 2010
After a long while, a comedy anime that's actually funny, I thought after the first episode.

And now this. Life sure is a cruel bitch.

I'd like to have my hopes up for the third episode but frankly, I can not. That didn't mean I wont watch it.
Jan 18, 2011 3:03 AM

Nov 2010
I generally don't like tsunderes, but I have to agree with Haruna being an awesome character; a lot of funny moments so far have been the results of her antics. Me liking her also might have to do with the fact that the directors are purposely straight out showing you that she's a tsundere for comedic purposes (Like the bento and "Go die" scenes).
Jan 18, 2011 3:28 AM

May 2008
that girl's a b1tch normal ppl would have thrown her out lol.

yuu is cute as always but of course the best would be the unpredictably egg that brings shiver down everyone's (except yuu's) spine

Awesome Sig by Lailide
Jan 18, 2011 3:29 AM

Jun 2009
Another long black hair chara for Hikasa Youko...
make me wonder role as Mio really unforgettable...
Jan 18, 2011 3:36 AM

Nov 2009
Loved it. Although they made the girls appearance really random, everything else was fine.
Jan 18, 2011 4:09 AM
Oct 2009
-Quasar said:
Well, at least Ayumu is an amusing, capable fighter male lead which is quite rare in this kind of anime.

I laughed so hard on the break-dancing, reminded me of TK.

Yeah, TK just popped in my mind as soon as Ayumi started his mating dance. The guy is just a few steps from becoming my favorite harem lead, but first he needs to adapt this masou shoujo thing into a power full of testosterone. A match to death with his killer would also be nice. A match to death? Oh, wait-
Jan 18, 2011 5:50 AM
Nov 2009
Spirit_Sempai said:
Another great episode ^^
One of my favourites this season

^This! haha i like the part when he breakdanced lol
Jan 18, 2011 6:11 AM
Jul 2010
hahah the breakdance part made me lol, sins i breakdance myself i couldn't help rofl ^^
Jan 18, 2011 6:17 AM

Nov 2009
Yuu is awesome, I also love the fact that Ayumi is envisoning Mika Kanai as her Voice lol xD;

Would be funny if it really turned out to be =P
Jan 18, 2011 6:18 AM

Mar 2010
This ep was a lot better than the first one and I realised that the OP is good. The best character so far is Hellscythe =D
Jan 18, 2011 6:24 AM

Nov 2010
Imo so far he best anime this season

Extremely funny and breakdancing reminded me of TK
Jan 18, 2011 7:07 AM
Aug 2009
I lol'd at the fight, when Ayumu throws his arm like a weapon xDD.
Really fun.
Jan 18, 2011 7:50 AM

May 2010
I thought this ep would center Seraphim. She's really a hot ninja btw, :D

What was that jellylike thing? O.o

And also, liked Ayumu in pervert Lelouch pose. :D

His breakdancing was funny.

But what made this ep good is the origin of Eu and Ayumu's relationship.

Eu's moments just put up a big smile in my face. :)
Jan 18, 2011 7:53 AM

Nov 2010
greenmush said:
that girl's a b1tch normal ppl would have thrown her out lol.

yuu is cute as always but of course the best would be the unpredictably egg that brings shiver down everyone's (except yuu's) spine

We don't know Yuu's reaction, since they cut it (for a purpose, lol). I hope this is something that I could see in BD rather than some useless uncensored patch.

This episode is solid. I'm glad that this anime shows that a funny harem anime could also entertain people with some lil but nice character depth and story. Wish that every too-much-fanservice anime could learn from this, rather than keep fanservice dominating the anime.

Yes, I'd also like to see some fanservice (whatever it is, moe, humor, echii, or anything else), but I also need depth as well.
Jan 18, 2011 8:06 AM

Jul 2010
So hes going to be

a vampire ninja, zombie, magical girl?

Why didn't he transform during the battle?

If that vampire chick wasn't fine, I would kick her ass out.
Jan 18, 2011 8:25 AM

Jun 2009
lol at the break dancing. Overall it was good episode :)

Jan 18, 2011 8:45 AM

Jul 2010
Omg the breakdance was awesome :P

I'm glad they showed what happened to him in the past but it's such a sad "ending" for him.. I'm glad she saved him ^^

I didn't really liked the new girl, she is just violent, rude and I think she'll be kinda useless.. but who knows, maybe I'm wrong.

I liked the episode a lot though but I hope they'll stop with the "piece of shit" "joke" since it's kinda boring after the 4th time :O
Jan 18, 2011 10:08 AM

Jul 2010
I laughed hard at the break dancing. Wasn't expecting that at all!
Jan 18, 2011 10:45 AM

Oct 2009
Jan 18, 2011 12:51 PM

Aug 2009
Unless you're a zombie I doubt you can kick Sera's ass out. I'm one of the few that thinks Sera > Haruna.
Jan 18, 2011 1:04 PM

Jul 2009
Yuu is so adorable... I don't even... I died a little of her cuteness in this episode!

But this series is a lot better than I thought it was going to be. Ayumu is actually an awesome protagonist and I'm really hoping for some kind of Ayumu/Yuu ending slakdjfsdf * A*

Jan 18, 2011 1:14 PM

Dec 2007
Fuck, I love this anime !
HaroutJan 18, 2011 1:21 PM
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