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May 3, 2010 9:47 AM

Jun 2009
another read the manga-ending...
I was expecting some love confession...but nothing happened
at least give me their kissing scene -.-"
May 20, 2010 9:04 PM

May 2010
I hope Kimi ni Todoke will have a sequel, well the ending is not that bad but, It would've been better if it will have a sequel to complete the story, like Clannad that had a sequel Clannad ~After Story~, I think it's much be better to have a sequel for this, anyways great story, great anime!

May 29, 2010 6:44 PM

Sep 2008
Well, I wouldn't call it a masterpiece, but based on enjoyment I would still give this 9/10. :) Perhaps it was just too slow in some places for me, but I still loved watching it... It was a great ride! The art was excellent, I liked the OP and ED enough to listen to them most episodes, the characters were spectacular and the interactions between all these characters... were truly heart-warming (for the most part -- obviously some of them were purely comical XD).

I'm disappointed that there was no confession, but... still relatively satisfied I suppose! Everyone can see what couples would form, and both Sawako and Kazehaya know that they like each other... All that's left is for them to actually express it~ :>

So yeah. 9/10 for me~
May 29, 2010 8:01 PM

Jan 2009
Omg is there even enough manga material to cover a second season???
Jun 4, 2010 6:26 PM

Apr 2009
No kiss :(
Jun 6, 2010 6:53 AM

Jul 2009
Amazake!!!!!!!!!!!!!!=)))) but I really loved the development between Kazehaya and Sadako they are the best couple !!!! Yeah!!! And of course i'm going to Japan right now if they won't make a 2nd season:)))
Jun 7, 2010 7:32 PM

Dec 2009
nice ending, good anime! but somehow lame it ended without an confession...
Jun 12, 2010 12:08 AM

Mar 2010
It was a great anime but what a rip off ending!! I mean not kissing is bad enough but they didn't even confess!! What kind of ending is that!?!?!
Jun 14, 2010 8:12 AM

Jul 2008
For me, the ending is what made it so good.

At first I was like, WHAT NO KISS WTF but after a few minutes of pondering the series, I came to the conclusion that it wasn't really about Sawako and Kazehaya so much as it was about Sawako growing up and making friends -- sort of finding her place in her school, I guess.

The fact that they didn't kiss gave the series a sort of realistic touch, I think.
Jun 15, 2010 12:54 AM
Mar 2009
I liked this anime at first, but the end was so slow, I don't give it more than 7/10 for the whole serie, 6/10 for the last episode.

In the end, they kind slow down on the jokes, but don't give more emotions or drama on the other hand, so it was kinda dull. The last episode saws nothing happen, and is just a advertisement for the next season. Personnaly, except for the confession and Sawako+Kazehaya, I don't really see why there should be a second season. True, the final relationship between Chi and Ryu would not have been seen, but sometimes, you have to choose the most important characters.
If there is another season, I really don't know if I'll watch it. We'll see if I'm bored or not. Probably will wait for the whole serie to be subbed and than watch all the episodes in a row and get done with it.
Jun 15, 2010 5:33 PM

Jul 2009
Love the ending though would have prefer to have a kissing scene still sawako learned alot with her friends and kazehaya helping her along the way. hopefuly there would be a second season where they finally admit to each other that they love one another(although in the end they already realize it) still 10/10 this show is soooo Lovely :)
Jun 16, 2010 4:49 AM

Nov 2008
0k, yesterday I finished this anime and I need to say this somewhere or I'll explode: This anime has one of the worst end i've ever seen in a Shoujo series.

No confession, of course no kiss.... Come on producers, director... are you kidding? I understand the difficult personality of Sawako and her problem to understand the feelings and all that but...dude you had 25 episodes, there are no excuses. There must be some progress in a Shoujo serie, before the end.

They will probably wait for the second season.. well, I HOPE so. I still remember what happened whit Bokura Ga Ita for example, waiting for a second season that doesn't come yet. I already don't trust.

Calmer now I think in general, despite of it's slow and it's end "Kimi ni Todoke" is the best Shoujo so far.

pd: hell yes, it is a bit contradictory to what I said. xDD
Jun 16, 2010 3:18 PM

Dec 2009
head-go-boom said:
What the hell. No confession? It just ends? Aggghh, that bothers me a lot. >:/ Still, a nice episode.

I'm with you! It was one missed opportunity after the next, and it drove me BATTY! I kept thinking to myself, "OK, Sawako...just grab the back of his jacket, close your eyes, and count to five! Now!!" Arrrrggghhh!!! *pant pant pant*

Ehem...all in all, I found myself smiling stupidly, even tearing up, pretty much throughout the entire season. It was sweet, & a decent representation of practically every emotion I was a slave to throughout those tumultuous teenage years. I'm SO glad those days are over...

Now all that's left to decide is whether or not I can hold out & not run to the manga just to get my fix on everyone hooking up.

Must...not..give in! XD
Jun 17, 2010 3:24 AM

Oct 2009
6/10, Was forced finishing this series just because of Ryuu. lol
Jun 22, 2010 8:30 AM

May 2008
sad sad just sad , he is the one i like NICE WAY TO END oh well wanted more from that relationship, Chizuru and Ryuu too

Awesome Sig by Lailide
Jun 23, 2010 10:45 PM

Jul 2009
Disappointing ending indeed. But in some ways, I felt closure. She emitted her love to Kazehaya. I have to say that this anime was incredible, very hilarious and brilliant. You really do feel sympathy for characters and also would like to cheer them on each step of the way. It had good flow, nothing felt too forced.

With all that said, there are two flaws that I've seen. The first is the 'pretty villain'. She is introduced half way in the series and exits half way in the story. I would have liked if she played a more 'after role'. What kind of rival gets no screen time after being classed as a rival. The next flaw is like what most people said about how they didn't kiss or at least confess. That's nothing to big but it's just a little beef of mine when I don't get a typical ending because there's a reason why animes use the same ending over and over, it's because it's good! and draws a closing!

Oh well, 9.6/10 but too bad there's no tenths of a rating, I gave it a 10.
Jun 26, 2010 8:40 AM

Jul 2008
No confessions.. nothing. Well scratch that, Yano x Pin ftw.

Jun 26, 2010 5:08 PM

May 2010
I just watched the last Episode... I DONT WANT IT TO BE OVER :,(
I'll probably die waiting for a second season. Jesus, I hope there'll be one, otherwise Kimi ni todoke will be the first manga I read, because I want to know hoes it goes on...
Jun 27, 2010 5:54 AM

May 2009
I'm also disappointed with the ending...nothing was really resolved. But hey this is one of two shoujo I've actually watched after a few episodes, the other being Lovely complex.

A feel good show, loved the characters esp ryuu and kurumi, excellent romcom not quite up there with lovecom but it sure as hell beats most shonen romance..wouldve been 10/10 if not for this episode and the shoujo pacing 9/10.

I'll watch the sequel if there is one but i dont think it will be as good because sadako development/friendship was the best part of the anime..and now theres not much development left cos sadako has everything and no i dont wanna watch sadakoxkazehaya fumbling and blushing for another 25 eps
Jul 1, 2010 5:28 PM

Aug 2009
Plot is developing very slowly but it was really a masterpiece till the recap episode. I don't recall it actually is it 15? or 16 maybe.Well, It doesn't really matter.

The characters are so kind and innocent that its like a fantasy anime, not a slice-of-life. It's not that I'm complaining though.

There are lots of admirable characters out there and for me umm.. it might be Ryu which I find close to me 'cuz he is definitely a "cool n womanizer" type. And also yes: He never lies.

Also I'm taking my hat off to the most well-drawed blushes of the entire anime history, oh and there must be second season; therefore I'm gonna be a little generous rating Kimi ni Todoke...Butterfly effect maybe?
Anime List:
Night is the darkest just before the dawn.

Jul 20, 2010 7:40 PM

Nov 2009
What is it with people having a problem with the pacing of Kimi ni Todoke? The pacing is part of the show: it's just an element that can't be missed. Without it, it won't be Kimi ni Todoke anymore. Think about it: what makes this anime so special?

To me, it was that feeling in the stomach. That feeling that makes your heart flutter and just feel all warm and good. Kimi ni Todoke is one of the few anime that managed to pull this off. Now, to completely explain this in a rational way, the pacing was a huge part of delivering that feeling. Because the story progressed slowly, the animators were capable of explaining things much more in detail than in other comparable anime.

It's like you're reading a book and every nook and cranny is explained of the situation. You know what people say that have read a good book? They say that it felt like they've gone on an adventure and experienced all those wonderful things as if it were real. THAT is the power of Kimi ni Todoke. If you look at the slow pacing this way, it actually makes a lot of sense. The pacing made it possible for the anime to have a ''real'' feeling. It explained all those things making the situations believeable and made the characters out of flesh and blood. It was crucial in creating that serene and honest feel Kimi ni Todoke has.

So, I can at least understand people having a problem with slow pacings in general. But please realize that here, in Kimi ni Todoke, it's part of the big plan to make it so darn good.

9.5/10 (so it's a 10)
RekshoJul 20, 2010 7:45 PM
Jul 27, 2010 2:35 AM

Jul 2008
This needs a second season so bad!
Jul 28, 2010 3:10 PM

Aug 2009
Not impressed with this episode. Yeah, the series was good and everything, but 20-odd episodes where the main characters like each other and nothing happening is frustrating. If it was more like taking 20 episodes for their feelings to develop in the first place, then fine. But they knew they had a crush on each other sooo many episodes ago. I got slightly bored with the whole Shouta and Sawako relationship thing. I don't dabble in Shoujo that much because it can be too slow.
Slow pacing is good. Crawling is not- some of the episodes were just repeats in a sense.

Now Ryuu and Chizuru- that was much more gripping! And Pin in general was just squee!

Best thing about this episode was Ryuu finally got his amazakeeeee~! Woop! And I liked it when we saw Ryuu smile.

All-in-all, a good series, with very likable characters. =D

Can't wait for the film- the actor playing Shouta is HAWT!
頭脳は子供、見た目は大人! ƪ(˘⌣˘)ʃ
Aug 1, 2010 9:50 PM

Feb 2010
Urgh. These last few episodes were so... lackluster. For me, it went into decline from the time the Chizu and Ryuu story arc ended. From them, we were tossed back into the stagnating relationship between Sawoko and Kazehaya. I would have preferred some kind of of acknowledgment of progression - it did not have to be wholly dramatic, but goddamit, give me something. Also, they could have probably accomplished everything they wanted in 13 episodes.

I started out enjoying this anime immensely, but it became more and more forced on Sawoko's part. By the time you got past twenty episodes, she was still tearing up constantly, still going on about her firsts, and still lacking confidence in certain things (like asking if it was alright to reply to a text from her friends - for the love of...). Too damn repetitive. Kazehaya really didn't display much personality, now that I think about it. Hell, I'm much more interested in knowing about other characters like Chizu, Ayane, Ryu and Pin.

7/10. I wouldn't give it more than that because a higher score would place it on the same level as Clannad and Lovely Complex, which I felt were better and more satisfying romance anime.
Aug 9, 2010 12:43 AM
Sep 2009
Ah, this episode kind of leaves things hanging, kind of irritating. Still, this is possibly the best shoujo anime I've seen, and definitively earns a place in my favorites.
Laugh and the world laughs with you. Weep and you weep alone.
Aug 12, 2010 5:52 AM
Apr 2010
I loved that anime alot alot. And that episode was great but i hoped that i can see the kiss at the end.. I hope there's coming 2nd season :):)
Aug 18, 2010 12:52 AM

Aug 2010
Whhhhaaaaat!!!!! no confession after 25 episodes D:<. Cant say i didnt like it though, series gets a 7/10 from me
Aug 21, 2010 2:53 AM

Dec 2008
Eh and wheres the end , no confession,no hug, no kiss ,
well I could imagine that Kazehaya and Sawako will become a couple in the future, but I wanted to see that in the anime.
It was such great show, but such a lame ending.
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Aug 29, 2010 11:08 PM

Sep 2008
My, is that all love is about to most people? xD;; A kiss? I thought this anime was sweet. I've read the first chapter of the manga a while, but decided to start with the anime (which I've finished in one sitting OTL). This anime was very sweet and innocent. I do admit, I've shed several tears xD This was honestly amazing.

But, really. It's a shame people are mad just because they didn't kiss >>;; A good romance shouldn't have to be about the fanservice or physical contact, in my opinion ;w; I know I can name one.
Aug 29, 2010 11:35 PM

Feb 2010
Ariirii said:
My, is that all love is about to most people? xD;; A kiss? I thought this anime was sweet. I've read the first chapter of the manga a while, but decided to start with the anime (which I've finished in one sitting OTL). This anime was very sweet and innocent. I do admit, I've shed several tears xD This was honestly amazing.

But, really. It's a shame people are mad just because they didn't kiss >>;; A good romance shouldn't have to be about the fanservice or physical contact, in my opinion ;w; I know I can name one.

It's not just the lack of a kiss that annoyed people, it was the lack of an open acknowledgment of feelings, like a confession.

I mean, at the end of Clannad

I don't think Kimi ni Todoke needed something as dramatic as Clannad, but dammit, it needed something more in my opinion. Also, most people in general prefer their romances to climax in something tangible like a kiss or a confession. I know I do. But then, that's just me.
Sep 5, 2010 7:28 PM

Dec 2008
As much as I loved this series, I am pretty dissapointed that there was no kiss or some sort of confession. D: I really really hope there will be a second season!

Overall, I gave this series an 8/10.

Sep 5, 2010 7:44 PM
Feb 2010
I know a lot of people complain about it's slowness, and I have to agree that scenes do take a while, due to obligatory bubbles and sparkles flying around everywhere. But I still loved the pacing. I'm a sucker for slow pacing, as long as things happen which aren't forgotten the next episode. (I'm looking at you, Lovely Complex.)

Waiting for second season patiently. The way this series ended, there is no way in hell a second season isn't planned. I'd be really upset if that second season couldn't make it out for other reasons though. I plan on reading the manga soon.

5/5 for this episode.
Sep 23, 2010 4:46 AM

Aug 2009
This is getting the second season, so all 'no-confession' whiners can go to hell.

This was the best ending that shoujo can ever get. Simply, look at the title of this anime; Kimi Ni Todoke. This series entirely focuses on the development of the relationship between Sawako and Shouta. If it ended with confession, it's just ruining the core theme of this series.

10/10. The best shoujo I've seen.
Sep 24, 2010 9:59 AM

May 2010
This really needs S2..

Anyway, the confession is what I expected but too bad it didn't happen..

Though, it has some funny moments.. I still liked it.
Sep 24, 2010 11:32 PM

Dec 2009
Wow, somehow I feel like I haven't watched anything at all. I don't mind neither cheesiness nor that "I-don't-know-if-he-loves-me" thing[hey, I'm a shoujo fan] but I think it's okay to expect some plot or romance development. There's no need for 25 episodes if nothing was going to happen.

IMO, KnT strong points are the art, voice acting and the following characters : Ryuu, Chizuru, Ayane and Pin.

I knew I should have gone straight to the manga [hope it has a nice pace]. I'll probably watch it if a S2 is out, though.
Sep 28, 2010 8:49 PM

Sep 2010
It took me awhile to get used to it, but I don't really mind the slow pacing. I suppose I prefer a slow paced anime to one that is wrought with undeveloped confessions.

Overall, a good ending. I'll admit, I sort of wanted it end like this:
Shouta walks Sawako home, turns to walk away, but Sawako grabs the back of his shirt and closes her eyes for 5 seconds. I hoped it would finish what Episode 17 (I think it was?) left open.

Am I the only one that feels this way? hahaha.
Oct 5, 2010 7:07 PM

Jan 2008
That's what we get for a finale after waiting for 24 episodes?! That was lame. No closure at all. Past episodes were more romantic than this one. For a romance series, I don't see what everyone why everyone was always paraising it so much. 7/10
Oct 16, 2010 7:04 AM
Jan 2010
Seeing as how there will be a second season, this ending isn't really that bad in that light.
...although they barely even held hands
still, it's a 10/10 from me.
StardustReverieOct 16, 2010 7:07 AM
Oct 26, 2010 2:46 PM

Jun 2009
I don't know why, I like this series a lot, but I don't feel like giving it a 10
Maybe I will change opinion later but idk I fell like the ep was incomplete or something like that, I would have to think it twice I guess
Oct 28, 2010 3:40 AM

Feb 2009
Ughh, i really really loved these series, but the ending, well, without the confession or kiss, the story just got stuck and unfinished for me. I know there's a second season but still, the ending lacked. It was the perfect scene and time for a confession or kiss, but it wasnt used...
Dec 4, 2010 7:17 PM

May 2008
Well, it's a lot easier to take the whole lack of them getting their relationship off the ground since I know there'll be a second season, but if nothing happens until the last episode of *that* I'll be one unhappy camper.
Dec 10, 2010 1:53 AM

Dec 2010
I'm not too crazy about the ending though... although it's not that bad either... i cant wait for season two!
"Either Die as a Hero... or live long enough to see yourself becoming the villain..."

Dec 23, 2010 11:50 PM

Jul 2010
I was going so crazy on this episode. My mind kept silently shouting, "Confess! Kiss her! Hug her! Hold her hand on the way home! Do something, you idiot!" XD

I'm so glad there's a second season, otherwise I'd probably be raging hard-core. Haha, but no, I'm really happy with this show. I do love a good innocent romance, and since it's almost New Year's, the timing for me to watch this show was perfect. I plowed through it in only a couple days. I'm so glad I did that, too, because the anticipation for each episode would have been too much if I had watched this while it was airing. ^_^

Great show. I'm looking forward to season 2. January's bringing me all sorts of presents! :)

"I want to drink amazake..."
IiliaDec 24, 2010 2:17 PM
Dec 24, 2010 7:30 PM

Oct 2008
Can't wait for season 2. :D
Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated.~
Dec 25, 2010 12:13 AM

Nov 2007
Just rewatched the episode. Wow. Can't believe we are going to have an S2. I am so excited!
Stay Home and Wash Your Hands.
Protect Yourself. Protect Your Loved Ones.
Protect Your Community and Help Defeat
Dec 26, 2010 6:24 AM

Jun 2010
Iilia said:
I was going so crazy on this episode. My mind kept silently shouting, "Confess! Kiss her! Hug her! Hold her hand on the way home! Do something, you idiot!" XD

Me too! This episode (or the last one?) when she was wondering what to text him, I kept thinking, "大好き!大好き!" and then they didn't even kiss at the end. ;_; I really loved this series, but the ending was disappointing. :(
Dec 28, 2010 3:34 AM

Sep 2010
No confession? Now it's not as good. D: But hey, I (hopefully) have the 2nd season for that!
Sawako's final words made that ending pretty depressing (in a bad way).
Other than that, this series was really good.
Dec 28, 2010 6:58 PM

Oct 2007
Ugh, am I the only one who found this series painfully boring? Too much cliches, too freaking slow, barely no character development. Seriously, I can't even call this a romance...=_=
Dec 30, 2010 1:56 PM

Aug 2010
2nd season won't be that long now, glad I marathon'd 25 episodes in 4 days :]

Jan 3, 2011 10:23 AM

Oct 2008
Good thing I read this thread and saw there will be a second season. Episode 25 was really good, no hugs were given though :( so I was a little miffed by their time together only to just fizzle out at the very end. I didn't like that much how it ended without a confession or anything and he was just like walking away, but it's not that bad now since I know there will be a second season. I'm so excited!
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