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A Certain Magical Index (light novel)
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Dec 17, 2010 8:15 AM

Nov 2007
Nooooooo! Himegami!!

I Two Syaorans from Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE and TRC!!!
Dec 17, 2010 8:30 AM

Dec 2007
boah so much blood... Normally a human is dead with that kind of bleeding x_x
Dec 17, 2010 8:31 AM

Oct 2009
Fuck yea-i mean, nooooooouuuughh

The review here
chalcoDec 17, 2010 9:37 AM

Dec 17, 2010 8:52 AM

May 2010
I like how Anime Season actually added "harem" to the genre lol
Dec 17, 2010 12:30 PM

Nov 2008
Geeze Oriana was that even necessary, well at least her attack did not causing any civilian casualties, I was liking Oriana but now she's must recieve what she deserves ala Touma like every other batshit insane woman in the series.

Dec 17, 2010 12:49 PM

Sep 2010
Oriana is a great bitch. Anieze was kawaii and she'll soon be on Touma's side, but Oriana is a real fuc*ing bitch!
Dec 17, 2010 2:47 PM
Jun 2010
If someone is wondering, the sms touma received was written in italian.

it says: "i quote here the informations that she (he?) found in the British Library"
Dec 17, 2010 3:41 PM

Apr 2008
OMG! Himegami went *SPLAT* D8.
Meanwhile I think they screwed up on Kuroko's wheelchair condition....
IT'S A MIRICLE! oh wait... nevermind...
IchiroEXDec 17, 2010 3:52 PM
Dec 17, 2010 4:29 PM

Feb 2008
Yeah too much blood spashing a normal person would die while losing so much blood.

Himegami :(

Nothing ventured, nothing gained (Girls und Panzer der Film ) / from Nishizumi Miho

Dec 17, 2010 4:32 PM

Apr 2010
Poor Himegami getting hurt while she isn't even involved, and she got hurt in a pretty cruel way as well.
Makes me even wonder if she is still alive with so much blood lose.
Hopefully she will be alright.
Oriana surely isn't a nice lady, she stops at nothing to achieve her goals.

Touma getting Misaka Kuroko and Index angry because of Index tho partly his own mistake as well.
Why where they so surprised about Missaka's mother being in a University?
I mean it happens pretty often here that people go to a school again to boost there level of education, besides if you got the money and the time why not?
It increases your chances on the job market after all.
Dec 17, 2010 4:33 PM

Apr 2009
Himegami! At least from now on I don't what's really coming in this arc.
Dec 17, 2010 4:38 PM
Lewd Depresso

Jul 2008
grr!!! IMAGINE BREAKER NEEDS LIKE POWER UP. Like New Powers which can meant for extreme attack power and etc.. xD well at least something new -.- Kill Oriana!!
Dec 17, 2010 4:56 PM

Apr 2009
vaikepois said:
grr!!! IMAGINE BREAKER NEEDS LIKE POWER UP. Like New Powers which can meant for extreme attack power and etc.. xD well at least something new -.- Kill Oriana!!

Agreed give him a weapon or some new magical power.
"Honesty is the first chapter in the book of wisdom.
Alien vs Predator 2 is the movie version of that book"
Dec 17, 2010 4:59 PM

Sep 2009
Touma, you didn't punch a girl this episode?

What a chump! You should of at least shoved kokoro to make her fall from her wheelchair...god knows that bitch deserves better redeem yourself in the next ep
Dec 17, 2010 5:07 PM
Jun 2010
Inarius said:
Touma, you didn't punch a girl this episode?

that's indeed a shame xD
Dec 17, 2010 5:47 PM

Apr 2010
Why didn't Oriana used that kind of spell against Touma and co. when she's 100% sure they're after her and instead used it on a probable pursuer??

and I'm quite angry how Touma reacted after seeing Himegami that way.. I mean he seemed so much angrier when Fukiyose accidentally triggered Oriana's spell which wasn't intentional, and comparing that to the bloody Himegami he looks so much more docile..
Dec 17, 2010 5:53 PM
Jan 2010
That sucks for Himegami. I hope she is OK.

Although Oriana's fighting style is... interesting.
Dec 17, 2010 6:22 PM

Jan 2008
Orianna's spell was a bit extreme. No one else has experienced that kind of wrath yet.

Touma's going to absolutely brutalize her now.

I love how hugging a girl and resting your ear against their stomach can tell how fat you are. I call BS on that one. Although, it was cute how Touma realized that if you ate more, Misaka and Index would get larger chests. XD
I reject your reality, and substitute my own.
Dec 17, 2010 7:14 PM

Mar 2010
Inarius said:
Touma, you didn't punch a girl this episode?

I was thinking the same thing. I'm sure next episode we will see plenty of it.

I'm just confused on something.....I could have sworn that someone in this episode and a couple episodes back said that the sword that kills saints in one hit or w/e doesn't exsist. If that was the case, why are they chasing Orianna over something that is not real? I'll probably watch the start of the arc again at work in the morning but maybe someone can answer before I get there.
Dec 17, 2010 8:45 PM

Jul 2010
Wow, poor Himegami...that was A LOT of blood. Odd how she did absolutely nothing, but received one of the nastiest spells yet. I was pretty surprised at Touma's reaction (or rather lack thereof), but in any case it looks like Oriana is gonna have to go down pretty soon.
Dec 17, 2010 9:00 PM

Oct 2009
Wow, what a fucking bitch! She just screwed up two the hot chicks with black hair. WOW! She better get her ass whooped by Touma or I'ma gonna be mad >:(.

Muchan said:
Inarius said:
Touma, you didn't punch a girl this episode?

I was thinking the same thing. I'm sure next episode we will see plenty of it.

I'm just confused on something.....I could have sworn that someone in this episode and a couple episodes back said that the sword that kills saints in one hit or w/e doesn't exsist. If that was the case, why are they chasing Orianna over something that is not real? I'll probably watch the start of the arc again at work in the morning but maybe someone can answer before I get there.

It was reavealed that Orianna possess that Cross (forgot name) that's is able to make any place part of that Church. Aka take over Academy City and wreck the balance between Magic and Science.
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Dec 17, 2010 9:30 PM

Apr 2008
that was freaking bloody o-o

Dec 17, 2010 9:55 PM

May 2008
Im having a really sad Saturday lol

First after watching Togainu no Chi
Then Fortune Aterial Akai Yakusoku
now Himegami

though i wonder if she could use this magic on touma in the first place lol it looks like such a powerful magic im sure she could have used one of her weaker ones on Himegami instead

Awesome Sig by Lailide
Dec 17, 2010 10:17 PM
Jun 2009
Muchan said:
Inarius said:
Touma, you didn't punch a girl this episode?

I was thinking the same thing. I'm sure next episode we will see plenty of it.

I'm just confused on something.....I could have sworn that someone in this episode and a couple episodes back said that the sword that kills saints in one hit or w/e doesn't exsist. If that was the case, why are they chasing Orianna over something that is not real? I'll probably watch the start of the arc again at work in the morning but maybe someone can answer before I get there.

basically they found out that its the cross of something *I think it was something to do with Saint Peter* and that whatever land it is stuck into becomes territory of the roman catholic church. it seems that that one sister in white, and maybe the rest of the roman catholics, are planning to use it to take control of the city.
Dec 17, 2010 10:52 PM

Feb 2009
Loved Tsuchimikado's fight with Oriana. Especially Oriana's position when Tsuchimikado went for the attack.
Himegami having something for Touma seemed to come out of the blue that it feels out of place. Yeah, he saved her in s1 but there wasn't much development for both of them to justify what she feels now.
But damn, that was brutal of Oriana. Hope she's alright.
And Touma, people die when they are killeddon't think you can heal people with your right hand. That's for punching girls.
Dec 17, 2010 11:05 PM

Jun 2010
Another great episode. Shame what happened to Himegami, but she'll be alright. All it did was spark the fire in Touma's woman punching fist. I also loved Index having Touma measure if she'd gotten bigger by placing his arms around her waist. Biribiri's reaction was pretty golden. And I just loved Stiyl taunting Komoe with his cigarette pack.

I think I fell in love with Touma's mother this episode too.

Tsuchimikado's fight with Oriana was pretty good too, but boy did he get man handled like a doll. Can't wait for the next episode. Index is just getting cuter now that she's become more self conscious.
Dec 17, 2010 11:10 PM

Oct 2010
The first was rather enjoyable with Index since I know now the reasons of why she does not want to bite Touma since now it's officially kind fo a kiss. Misaka punching Touma was gold comedy of the best
and of course Misaka/Shirai combo against Touma. Seeing Sherry Cromwell again was pure joy to me. OST during the fight with Oriana VS Tsuchimikado was excellent from where it started! Komoe was rather amusing with Magnus and of course Himegami fan service always welcomed although I did not think she had big breasts like that.

This was completely crazy! Oriana you bitch! We of the Himegami fandom shall not forgive you for this! Anyone who likes Himegami will never forgive Oriana for this. Who gives a rats ass for her reasoning! I am completely angry at all this shit to endure in the spoiler,
can't even believe someone made a GIF of this scene around the net. Probably the mostly painful episode of all index in regards to being bloody. I hope Himegami does not die!
belatkuro said:
Loved Tsuchimikado's fight with Oriana. Especially Oriana's position when Tsuchimikado went for the attack.
Do hope you mean the part in the spoiler
because that position is you know what.
DoubleDango said:
Wow, what a fucking bitch! She just screwed up two the hot chicks with black hair. WOW! She better get her ass whooped by Touma or I'ma gonna be mad >:(.
Same feelings here.
Yumekichi11Dec 18, 2010 5:13 PM

- BLOG - My Club- Easiest way to reach the rest of my thoughts!
Dec 17, 2010 11:18 PM

May 2009
Oriana's got a serious right-handed beatdown coming her way. What she did to Himegami was brutal and difficult to watch.
Dec 17, 2010 11:53 PM

Sep 2007
Why are you so damn delicious, Oriana!? Spreading her legs open while fighting Tsuchimikado made me lol. I'm glad this series finally got a villain that can actually kick some fucking ass instead of constantly getting bitched out by Railgun or Imagine Breaker. Too bad they'll over dramatize Touma punching her because of it. Add in some ridiculous self serving monologue from him and we'll get a typical Index end to the arc. They need to just give up on these crappy slice of life parts of the show and just opt for complete action and plot. I mean seriously, Touma holding up Index to do what? Measure her fucking waist?

Index useless as ever and this is a magic arc too. Touma's also exhibiting typical main character stupidity as usual.
WasabiDec 18, 2010 1:05 PM
Dec 18, 2010 12:34 AM

Sep 2009
Looks like we are all ready for Oriana to get what's coming.
Dec 18, 2010 1:33 AM
Nov 2010
Oriana deserves a quad-sided punches. >,< I was shocked when Moe-sensei was trying to cast the spell. Too bad she lacks knowledge x.x But I really do hope Stiyl can cast it. Then they can bring Himegami to the Gekota doctor.

Although I still like Oriana, she still deserve a quadruple sided punches from Oriana. I mean, each punch should be double stronger than Accelerator's single punche against Awaki.
Dec 18, 2010 2:03 AM
Mar 2010
Me: "Oh look, Oriana is glaring at Himegami's cross...O MY GOD WTF"
Index is surprisingly gory and brutal, especially with the girls.
Dec 18, 2010 3:06 AM

Jul 2009
Blackbird said:
Yeah too much blood spashing a normal person would die while losing so much blood.
Indeed the amount of blood on the ground would most likely be all the blood in her.. Since a full grown adult got about 4-5 liters of blood and she's a young growing girl^^
And the average human can survive losing about 40% of their blood, any more and it's certain death unless you get immediate medical assistance and a transfusion.

So yes she is dead as a stone^^

And the only thing that would get her back up is a resurrection spell =P

Any way, the best part of this episode was when Stiyl kept taunting Komoe with the cigarettes, hilarious (^.^)
Dec 18, 2010 3:32 AM

Feb 2010
lol Himegami blood loss is ridiculous :P
Dec 18, 2010 3:55 AM

Oct 2009
Just as bloody as the Himegami arc in season 1, if not more. I think they should short the red liquid substance down to a reasonable amount. ;_;
Dec 18, 2010 6:06 AM

Mar 2009
In my opinion this episode was poor...and there was too little biribiri too..such a shame >_>
Dec 18, 2010 6:16 AM

Jul 2008
F**kin' hell why is it taking too long??? We need to see Touma being bad-ass again
Dec 18, 2010 6:47 AM

Feb 2008
and so, Index suddenly became gory...

too much blood in that scene with Himegami...

but seriously, Oriana victimizing Fukiyose was still tolerable... it was accidental, after all...

but this on she did to Himegami is oh so unforgivable...

Touma now ought to stop talking needlessly and just hit Oriana in the face real hard...

as for the rest of the episode:

Misaka mom - hot.. 4/5
Kuroko on a wheelchair - ok. just ok.
Kuroko suddenly standing straight - HUH?!
Tsuchimikado/Oriana fight scene - personally, didn't like Tsuchimikado's fighting style.. 3/5

Orsola - nice.. 4/5
Oriana's voice - sexy. very sexy. 5/5
Himegami wet shirt - yey! 4/5
music - now THAT is what background music should be - 6/5

i want the music. now.

side note: problems with raw delayed subbed releases... Ayako quite screwed up, so i went for UTW-Mazui's almost-half-gigabyte HQ release... i won't do that again...
Dec 18, 2010 8:27 AM

Feb 2008
Oriana's going to get a well deserved punch to her face next week. Touma might be generous and give another one to her friend.

As for the blood, the alchemist arc in s1 was about as gory, so it's not like Index became gory all of a sudden. Feel really bad for Himegami though.

Dec 18, 2010 8:36 AM

Jan 2010
the bloodiest episode of Toaru i ever seen so far
Dec 18, 2010 9:05 AM
Nov 2009
Wow wtf y did it happen to himegami T_T she was sitting on the sidelines in the first season and they bought her back to get owned by the worst spell yet.

Oh yea and himegami was attracted to touma from season one for the guy who didnt see the development it was just that she was shown so little it was very easy to miss. But i liked himegami so NOOOOOOOOOO
Dec 18, 2010 9:24 AM

Nov 2008
Himegami! D:
Inarius said:
Touma, you didn't punch a girl this episode?

Next episode will it go x2? xD
Dec 18, 2010 10:08 AM

May 2010
Aw shit himegami is hurt, oriana just went too far !!

Dec 18, 2010 11:15 AM

Jul 2009
My eyes. They bleedin'.
Dec 18, 2010 11:47 AM

Nov 2008

-I guess no one will oppose on Touma punching Oriana next episode? xDD

-We will see Komoe-sensei do the healing magic again next episode, hopefully she will imagine a cute angel like in Index-tan special xDD

-Good to see Sherry back :D

-Wow Tsuchimikado can make a swan origami in a matter of seconds lol xDD

-Funny how Tsuchimikado casts a spell.

-Himegami is NOT a normal human being so I wont be worried if she suffered blood loss. She'll be fine I guess.

-Oh BTW there's a trivia:
Komoe-sensei is older than Stiyl. Stiyl is 14 while Komoe is 18+ or so she says xDD

-One more thing:
Is it just me or the drawings of this episode is kind of messed up? o_O

Next episode: Belvedere... New type of dere? XDDD
DenjaXDec 18, 2010 12:10 PM

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .anime . manga . updates . ♫♪ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Dec 18, 2010 12:33 PM

Oct 2010
woah yeah that was unexpected. i dont think that she wil die though. wasnt she a vampire anyway?i think i didnt understand or forgot the important story parts.
Dec 18, 2010 12:34 PM

Jun 2010
DenjaX said:

-Funny how Tsuchimikado casts a spell.

Yeah, he dispelled the barrier preventing Stiyl and Touma from finding his location that Oriana set up.

DenjaX said:

-Oh BTW there's a trivia:
Komoe-sensei is older than Stiyl. Stiyl is 14 while Komoe is 18+ or so she says xDD

She's 30+.

DenjaX said:

-One more thing:
Is it just me or the drawings of this episode is kind of messed up? o_O

Next episode: Belvedere... New type of dere? XDDD

It isn't just you. Some of the scenes look really off. Like the scene with Index and Touma after the diner scene, Touma's face and hair looked wrong. For example:

Dec 18, 2010 12:44 PM

Aug 2010
Sartaj said:
DenjaX said:

-One more thing:
Is it just me or the drawings of this episode is kind of messed up? o_O

Next episode: Belvedere... New type of dere? XDDD

It isn't just you. Some of the scenes look really off. Like the scene with Index and Touma after the diner scene, Touma's face and hair looked wrong. For example:

This show is starting to piss me off, and this didn't help.
Dec 18, 2010 12:47 PM

Oct 2008
XyCo said:
Wow wtf y did it happen to himegami T_T she was sitting on the sidelines in the first season and they bought her back to get owned by the worst spell yet.

Oh yea and himegami was attracted to touma from season one for the guy who didnt see the development it was just that she was shown so little it was very easy to miss. But i liked himegami so NOOOOOOOOOO

Yeah, that's because of the separated arcs of the 1st season there were very few characters that got screen time in all the arcs and those that did (besides tomou and index) got very little in most of them. Himegami was just not much of an exception.

Komoe-sensei doesn't even act like she's an adult. I see her as a child prodigy who got her teaching degree too early.
Dec 18, 2010 1:53 PM

Nov 2009
He actually measured her chest size with a hug... -,-

Okay okay, the fighting was so so since Tsuchi can't use magic, but he pulled a nice trick. There was a little quality with Kuroko walking despite needing the wheelchair, and there was a bit too much blood for Hime to be living. I also didn't remember who she was until the flashback.
Despite all the ranting it was (Fine 6/10)
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