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The Place Promised in Our Early Days
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May 3, 2010 11:08 PM
Jun 2009
Not the best I have seen.
May 6, 2010 5:52 PM

Mar 2009
This film has really risen up the ranks for me. Everytime that I see it I love it more and more. I can't put my finger on it; the first 26 minutes or so before the meat of the plot gets introduced are absolutely captivating to me. I really think the central metaphor represented by the tower is nice, if simplistic. I have a tough time swallowing the fact that someone would potentially risk the entire world for a girl who, last he knew, was only a friend. The "science" behind the film is more psuedo-science too, but the movie is still packed with enough power and heartache that I love it. I also enjoy the ending. It's simultaneously happy and sad at the same time.

Dreams are fleeting, and when we finally reach them, they're over all too soon. Something about that, and the rest of this film really resonates with me. And the scene where they "touch" even when apart worlds... so good. :D
May 9, 2010 3:47 AM
Mar 2010
Hey all

I am a bit confused about the movie.

Why does some people think it is a sad ending?

What exactly does that tower represent? (I am not that good with symbolism)

And the thing she feels she lost? The knowledge of loving Hiroki or? And I don't really get how that fits with the fact that she confesses to Takuya early in the movie.

I hope some people in here can clear things up for me.

In advance thanks!
May 9, 2010 9:07 PM
Feb 2009
teanut said:
The first half of the movie (the childhood days) was good and had a simple yet pleasant feel going for it but then it went downhill with the confusing sci-fi plot and went straight down the drains with it's ending. Maybe i'm just not getting it but the two-world and dream plotline was incredibly absurd and overly dramatized.

The music was mostly decent but horrible compared to Shinkai's other works. The piano and violin bgm sounded really amateurish and got me wondering why they couldn't get any better soundtracks for this movie which obviously cost a fortune to make with it's stunningly beautiful animation and visuals.

I agree with most people here who say that it was boring. This certainly isn't a great movie but on the same boat, not a complete waste of time.

sums up my feelings perfectly
May 21, 2010 3:43 PM

May 2008
I enjoyed watching the movie, but mostly because of the truly amazing background's....Breathtaking and mind blowing ....just like 5cm, beautiful ....
The story it's not bad, it has a good premise, but in the end I got this feeling that something was missing...

From Makoto Shinkai I've only watched 5cm and this one and I'm really enjoying his amazing artwork, I love the way he makes all those light effects, I don´t really know how to explain it, but I just love it!
Jun 2, 2010 2:47 PM

Apr 2009
Fucking SLOW AS HELL--WAYYYY TOO DRAGGY. C'mon, who the hell wasn't waiting for the flying scenes already?
Jun 20, 2010 1:08 AM

Jan 2009
I like it. But 5 cm per sec is far better than Place Promised. It didn't make me cry [5 cm did.] but I will gave 10/10 because of amazing animation and backgrounds and due to that some other anime has 9/10 in my score and it would be a sin to compere these with Place ^^
Jul 5, 2010 10:52 PM

May 2008
It's a good movie. I did not expect a happy ending, I was hoping for the air plane to explode and crash their dreams, but that didn't happen :\
6/10 worth watching.
ClosedCXJul 5, 2010 10:56 PM
Jul 11, 2010 6:10 AM

Jul 2008
Very slow movie that made little sense of the universe that the characters are in. I suppose I could watch it again and get a better understanding of what was reality and what the dreams/alternate-realities, but that just seems like a waste of time given how deplorably slow this movie was. There really is no indication of why she would love the narrator character over the friend, she was alone in her dreams and it was her memories of both of them that gave her her small grip on reality. Oh, . . . I suppose they were connected through dreams that led to this love. And then to say that it was no coincidence that these unusual circumstances are because she is the grandaughter of the tower's creator and then not explore that plot point to any further extent is a slap to the face to the viewers. Instead I'm left to speculate about a universe from a movie that really doesn't intend to keep its viewers pondering. Music and animation were superb, but this movie could have been a lot better. 7/10.
Jul 27, 2010 10:29 AM

Feb 2009
Good watch, great romance and sci-fi setting. However it felt slow at parts and didn't manage to get me on an emotional level.

I felt like I've watched this before (5cm per second) but if I had to choose the better movie I would say this one, since now, 5cm per Second looks like a recycled version of this, without the war setting.
Jul 27, 2010 12:06 PM

Dec 2008
I kinda liked it. I probably won't watch it again. I felt like something was the story wasn't complete.
Jul 29, 2010 7:56 PM

Jul 2010
Coming off of this, I really have to wonder whether or not Shinkai has a grasp on how to tell a story. I'll give him points for nailing human emotion and crafting an interesting world that didn't hijack the story but I hope whatever he does next, he tries to tell it in a more traditional or linear fasion.

I don't mean to sound but so negative; I did like the film but I wanted and tried so desperately to love it. Like "Voices of a Distant Star", the human emotion emanating from it drew me in to care about the characters while dragging my feet through a dull plot told in a somewhat incoherent fasion only to end right when I finally invest myself into their struggle. I was ultimately pleased to finally see the main characters get their happy ending, but I didn't get an emotional payoff from it.

Overall, better than I feared but worse than I hoped. Gave it a 3/5 here and a 7/10 after marking its completion in my list.
Aug 21, 2010 11:06 PM

Jan 2010
It's not a movie I'll watch again but I did quite like it.
Did bore me out at times. The beginning was good but the sci-fi in it all really did kill it.
Could of been a better movie definitely.
It has something missing as said, but I don't know what exactly for me =/
Aug 29, 2010 7:31 PM

Feb 2009
This movie fell in the category of something that could have been made even better. One thing though I wish all three of them was in that plane.
Aug 30, 2010 12:37 PM
Jul 2010
i really don't see why some one wouldn't like this. i thought it was a good looking anime that did its job. i did fell that there was something missing but it was still good and if you cant sit threw a 90 minute or more movie stop watching movies
Makota508Aug 30, 2010 12:40 PM
Oct 14, 2010 6:23 PM
Apr 2010
oh wow..did the guy who did 5cm reall do this piece of work?It was um..god awful.Somewhere in the half it started to go downhill to the point where by the end I said to my self "This sucks".
I read from one of the reviews this was his first work? glad to see he improved in 5cm though i enjoyed that one ;)
Sent with Mal Updater
Nov 10, 2010 1:52 PM

Aug 2010
It takes talent to make the same story 3 times and still have me enjoy each of them.

I wasn't a major fan of the scifi aspect to this film, I'm not sure i fully understand it now.Anyway it could have been written to make more sense therefore improving the film, but oh well.

The beginning of the film i enjoyed, i did presume that Sayuri's dreams were going to be related to the tower and other worlds.

The dream connection between Sayuri and Hiroki was beautiful, another great way of showing love over distance by Shinkai.

The ending, hmmmm. I'm undecided on if i liked it or not. It's sad but also happy, you do get the feeling of a fresh start but it's also sad that the love has just kinda vanished.

Overall I think i'll give this a high 8/10. If the "science" was better explained and there was more character development it would have got a 9/10 for sure.

5 Centimetres Per Second > The Place Promised in Our Early Days > Voices Of A Distant Star.
fuck everything and rumble
Dec 7, 2010 8:43 AM

Jun 2009
I usually love and worship Shinkai Makoto’s works, his style is unique, but sadly, The Place Promised in Our Early Days didn’t captivate me as much as his others films.

The premise of the story was very interesting, I thought it had a big potential since the beginning, Sci-Fi setting and the theories of parallel universes attracted me. But it wasn’t completely developed, that was the main fault. A lot of things weren’t explained, just mentioned, and the storytelling kept jumping which made somewhat difficult to understand certain parts.

The art was amazing, the backgrounds detailed and nostalgic, the landscapes simply beautiful and the character design pretty good, a clear improvement when you compare it with Voices of a distant star, for example. I couldn’t be more pleased with the art and animation section.

The music was good, it wasn’t overwhelming or underwhelming. I wished the soundtrack and theme song had more impact, though, it could’ve been used in the climax of the movie and would’ve made it more memorable.

The characters were nice, they can be understood and the way they think is something you might find really close to reality.

Regardless all the good factors, as a whole, the movie bored me. A lot.
The fact the pace was excruciatingly slow didn’t help. And what bothered me the most it’s that I didn’t felt anything, not a single want to shed tears, I couldn’t feel moved. It just didn’t make an emotional impact on me; I couldn’t really get into the story for much I tried to.

So, I’m quite disappointed by this movie, I was looking forward to it since some time ago, but I didn’t enjoy it as much as I thought I would. It wasn’t anything special for me.
I think, then procrastinate.
Therefore, I am.
Dec 8, 2010 9:38 PM
Dec 2010
I still don't get the "emotional point" of this anime. Sure, I understand the promise and friendship theme, but loneliness? Then there's a lot of missing plot information and even some inconsistencies...

The art style was good though.

I don't know, it didn't hook me.

Anyone care to elaborate on how it was emotionally appealing?
Dec 19, 2010 10:11 PM

Feb 2008
GoodEnoughForMe said:
This film has really risen up the ranks for me. Everytime that I see it I love it more and more. I can't put my finger on it; the first 26 minutes or so before the meat of the plot gets introduced are absolutely captivating to me. I really think the central metaphor represented by the tower is nice, if simplistic. I have a tough time swallowing the fact that someone would potentially risk the entire world for a girl who, last he knew, was only a friend. The "science" behind the film is more psuedo-science too, but the movie is still packed with enough power and heartache that I love it. I also enjoy the ending. It's simultaneously happy and sad at the same time.

Dreams are fleeting, and when we finally reach them, they're over all too soon. Something about that, and the rest of this film really resonates with me. And the scene where they "touch" even when apart worlds... so good. :D

Totally Agree!! xD very good movie 8/10
Jan 11, 2011 9:58 AM

Apr 2010
meh. okay movie. never really sucked me in.
Jan 11, 2011 9:36 PM

Jun 2008
This was so beautiful.
It's going to take me a while to absorb.


Feb 9, 2011 2:09 PM

Jan 2008
A 9/10 from me even though I thought it was lacking something.

And the ending is not sad. It's not happy either. It's a mixed one. Even though she had woken up (the happy part) she has the feeling of losing something important (the sad part).
Feb 11, 2011 10:57 AM

Mar 2009
I had someone watch this movie recently, and he said it was too mellow. I totally understand complaints about pacing with this film. It is plodding. This will not be for everyone.

I am a little confused by the demands for more exposition, not only on this forum, but others I've seen. Do we really need the connection between granddaughter and grandfather explained in detail? Do we need exactly how the tower works explained? I don't see why we would. It's not the point of the film to dote upon weird sci-fi anymore than it already does. Hell, imagine if everyone demanded this of Star Wars after the first movie. "Dear Lucas, please explain how hyperdrive and reflector shields work in The Empire Strikes Back. Thanks." It's pointless. Not to mention, it would have made the film even sloooooooooower. They're plot devices. The tower is a metaphor, if it can even be considered that. It's about dreams; Sayuri's actual dreams, and the desires we all have. They want to see the tower in person. It's their one goal. And just like life, we always have these heartfelt desires, and before you know it, it's over. It's a very fleeting feeling. Yet there is that perfect moment when it finally happens, when the rest of the world seems to not matter. That stillness when the plane crashes through the clouds on it's way, as if the whole world has gone silent... so good.

Maybe it's just the fan in me speaking, but the last thing I want for this film is Inception like exposition. That would most definitely make it too slow.
Feb 26, 2011 1:15 AM

Jul 2010
Once in a while, you come across an Anime that gives you a feeling of satisfaction due to a beautiful story. The Place Promised in Our Early Days is definitely one of those anime. Some parts felt slow and dragged on and the ending felt like it was missing something, but those are the only two points I can say I have against it.
9/10 from me, definitely a worthwhile viewing if you are looking for a movie or something short to watch.
Will you be able to do.... what must be done?

Mar 12, 2011 7:36 AM
Feb 2011
I watched this with VERY little hope for the romance in this movie. having seen Voices of a Distant Star and 5cm Per Second. I was waiting for one of the boys to get shot, or for the girl to not be able to wake up or something. I was surprised to have what i felt was a quasi-good ending. But even with that ending, i still did not understand this movie. which frustrates me immensely because i was able to understand the ending of Neon Genesis Evangelion. which is WAY more confusing than this could ever be. I'm sure its my problem, because people are giving it 9s and 10s in reviews. what was the tower really? what did parallel universes have to do with anything? what were those scientists doing and where? How is the girl connected to the tower? why when she woke up did the universe's negative space or whatever swallow up the surounding area? i dont get it. someone explain please......
Mar 12, 2011 7:36 AM
Feb 2011
I watched this with VERY little hope for the romance in this movie. having seen Voices of a Distant Star and 5cm Per Second. I was waiting for one of the boys to get shot, or for the girl to not be able to wake up or something. I was surprised to have what i felt was a quasi-good ending. But even with that ending, i still did not understand this movie. which frustrates me immensely because i was able to understand the ending of Neon Genesis Evangelion. which is WAY more confusing than this could ever be. I'm sure its my problem, because people are giving it 9s and 10s in reviews. what was the tower really? what did parallel universes have to do with anything? what were those scientists doing and where? How is the girl connected to the tower? why when she woke up did the universe's negative space or whatever swallow up the surounding area? i dont get it. someone explain please......
Mar 29, 2011 11:24 AM

Jun 2009
Nice story and beautiful art. The tower looked amazing from the view of the landscape, that airplane look cool too. Characters was fitted in and the many deep thing were included.

Apr 9, 2011 9:01 AM

May 2010
Honestly, I didn't get this movie, but I liked the Romance in it. ^^
Apr 10, 2011 12:53 PM

Dec 2009
i didn't like it.. :S though the style was beautiful, i didn't like the rest.. or just that i didn't understand the story? well, now (and i suppose later too..) i will consider this one and a half hours watching this movie a complete was of time.. :-/
Apr 12, 2011 4:45 PM

Jul 2009
The artistry was pretty and the main romance was OK. The more I think about this the more the entire plot is nonsensical though. It's not that it's hard to understand. It just doesn't make sense. The Union is really going to create a tower that replaces the space around it with a parallel universe? That's not practical at all. Why would Grandpa link it to his granddaughter born years after the tower was constructed? Just to screw with her? Questions like that go on and on and the only answer seems to be to add drama. I can overlook a few things like that, but not the entire story. 5/10
Jun 7, 2011 6:34 PM

Aug 2008
The art is really beautiful. It took me almost 2 hours to watch this because I kept pausing and replaying every landscape.

The story was decent although I did not feel as emotionally attached as I should be compared to Makoto's other films. One thing I notice is that he likes to focus on the main characters' everyday life by animating transport, school, people on the streets etc to further portray the mundaneness and loneliness his characters feel.
I feel this movie didn't do enough of that whereas I can clearly understand the emotions of the couple in Voices of a Distant Star although it was only like what, 30 mins?

All in all, a pretty good film. Yay for happy endings. :)
Jun 12, 2011 7:24 PM

Feb 2011
Love this movie the only one thing i didn't get is in the end thet get togther but in the beginning he act like she died or somthing?!!?!?! LIEK WTH WHAT HAPPEN?!
Overall it a great movie.
Jul 11, 2011 10:31 PM
Aug 2010
it is very nice movie I like it so mush ,,, " That is why like about Anime " NOT like bull shot Naruto 200 ep
Jul 17, 2011 7:28 AM

Oct 2009
One trick pony... Not watching anything else this guy makes... Even though it wasn't bad I just can't stand his movies anymore.
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Jul 25, 2011 1:59 PM
May 2010
Happy ending? That opening scene is after the battle, and he is sad without her.
Isn't she asleep again? Or they aren't together.
Aug 2, 2011 5:14 AM

Jul 2011
liked it 8/10
much better than 5 centimers//second , 5 cm is basically this minus the sci-fi with wtf ending.
Aug 7, 2011 10:09 AM

Jul 2011
it was amazing, beutiful story ^^
Oct 11, 2011 10:38 PM

Sep 2007
This film was great, I absolutely love the way Shinkai chose to portray the feeling of isolation.

Looking at this thread though, I get the feeling that a lot of people missed some of the more subtle plot points.
Oct 27, 2011 4:30 AM

Aug 2010
The only constant problem of mine with the works of Shinkai Makoto is that they are not long enough, and while they build up a great atmosphere, the rushing plot takes away some of its value. Here however, the pacing is right, but the plot seemed to promise more than what it actually delivered, a bit disappointing. I'm glad for the happy end though, that's my weakness. 7/10.

Ps: Loved the visuals.
Nov 19, 2011 3:43 PM
Aug 2011
What a beautiful movie, if you have the patience that is. Story was pretty good, the characters were well written and expressed themselves well. Some plot holes do exist but that is to be expected from time to time with anime.

Overall it was a good movie, with a happy ending in my opinion. Don't think to literally about everything and piece it together yourself if some things seem odd or hard to understand. A lot of time these movies are that way on purpose.
Nov 19, 2011 3:48 PM
Aug 2011
Wehr said:
Happy ending? That opening scene is after the battle, and he is sad without her.
Isn't she asleep again? Or they aren't together.

You raise an interesting point, though I am not sure if that beginning scene came before or after he wakes her up.
Dec 23, 2011 9:23 AM

Mar 2010
It was a really great movie. I do admit it started out slow but it was worth it for the other 40mins of the movie. I gave it a 10. Probably one of the most beautiful anime movies I've seen.
Jan 13, 2012 8:13 AM

Aug 2009
nice this director is really starting to grow on me. i liked it very much, and i need to check out his other movies :)
Feb 4, 2012 11:03 AM

Nov 2011
I really loved 5 Centimeters per second (I gave it a 10/10), but I was really disapointed by that movie. Actually the plot is about nothing, not really making much sense, naive and ... boring. Really, big, big, dissapointment. The idea was good, but the realisation got completely wrong. What a shame.
Mar 17, 2012 11:21 AM

Feb 2011
After some thought here is what I believe the plot to be.

In a earlier scene he came to relise something in a dream he had when sleeping at the station. He realized that he loved her but the relization slipped away as he awoke people who dreamed may have experienced this before.

She relizes in her 'dream' that she loves him but like him it slips away, she left with the sad feeling knowing only that she has lost something important.

At the beginning we are shown that he is alone so I take it that the two of them didnt work out. Years later he has come to realize somethings thoughts, feelings and meanings of words.

Based on his other works it seems the the characters never get together and the life lesson is meant to be learnt that if you love someone tell them you love them before you lose them.

*EDIT but his words at the end would seem to hint at a good ending
KidNemoMar 17, 2012 12:09 PM
Mar 19, 2012 12:33 AM
Dec 2008
that was beautiful
my type of film,
i was filled with emotion, and still am.
this movie was almost in tears
my first shinkai makoto film
gets a 10/10
Mar 19, 2012 12:47 AM

Nov 2011
Interesting movie, I enjoyed it tbh
May 6, 2012 10:08 PM

Nov 2011
So lovely
One of the best anime movies out there with ease.
Jul 31, 2012 4:29 AM

Sep 2008
Okay, yet another romance anime with sci-fi elements. It was good, but I'm starting to feel fed up with the concept.
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