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Jul 19, 2010 3:55 AM

May 2008
Glad to see they kept the Shaun reference, although it's kind of harder to get without the cricket bat at his side.
Jul 19, 2010 4:03 AM

Jan 2009
the wait between episode is killing me!!!
Jul 19, 2010 4:19 AM

Feb 2010
It's less gore more whore. Allthoug the whore is a man. I wonder why they didn't just kick that teacher out of their bus and everyone else who disagrees with them. There is no Democracy under the Dead. It's the right of the strongest!
Jul 19, 2010 4:35 AM

Jul 2009
Seems like the overhype is finally settling down i presume?
I told you there will be a douche bag in this episode XD

Oosran said:

And while Inoue Marina is no doubt a capable seiyuu, I realized now that she doesn't really suit Rei. : /
Anyway, Saeko <3 Just sayin', just sayin'.
Jul 19, 2010 4:38 AM
Jul 2009
Well this was deffinatlyanimated better then 2, I thought they gave up trying to animate the show seriously, but it looked great this time, so I guess were at the whim of the producers for each ep.
Its funny how they bring up the pleague as if thats even whats going on, if the plague killed people and they just got back up and started walking around, then I'd see a resemblance. But what is making them come back to life, its imposible for a desiese, unless it was a very smart one, but then just about every living thing would become zombies. The last part of this ep came out really great with respect ot the manga version, alittle different but really cooler.
Jul 19, 2010 4:41 AM

Jul 2009
Again a great episode, which caught my attention all the ~23 minutes. Very thrilling *_*

Can't wait to see the next episode, one week is sooo long ~o~

Jul 19, 2010 4:45 AM

Feb 2009
Peralisc said:
Oldy said:
Inarius said:

thanks for the spoiler ~.~

Note the Aizen avatar!
All according to plan ^_^
Jul 19, 2010 4:52 AM

Oct 2009
Sent with Mal Updater

Amazing, yeah; this was an amazing episode alright...

Nice preview. Can't wait for next episode.
YanofliesJul 19, 2010 4:55 AM
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Jul 19, 2010 4:54 AM

May 2008
he is wearing a helmet for god sake, the pressure from the plate wont be enough to kill him

Awesome Sig by Lailide
Jul 19, 2010 5:04 AM

Sep 2007
Lol Shindou. The guy's a total nutjob. I'm glad they totally left in the Shaun of the Dead reference. It wouldn't be HSotD without it.

If Madhouse really insists on an original ending, I'm guessing it'll end

I miss Shizuka's boin boin already.
Jul 19, 2010 5:04 AM

Jul 2007
This episode was great. I didn't really liked first 2 eps but my adrenaline was running wild in this one :p I hope the next eps coming have the same feeling this one had.
Jul 19, 2010 5:11 AM

Mar 2009
SwordWielder said:
Haylias said:
Apparently Shaun was in this episode, I'm glad they kept the cameo.

he was? when?

The Clerk in the store

Anyways, sux.
More gore, people! More gore! You can't have zombies without gore. Ugh... I'm losing my faith in anime again...
Signature? I ain't got no signature! I don't need no signature! I don't have to show you any stinkin' signature!
Jul 19, 2010 5:26 AM
May 2010
Things in Highschool of the Dead are getting more interesting! The newest episode introduced a few more characters (one is a bitch who believes only the strong survive and the weak should die and one reminds me of Simon as a kid in Gurren Lagann) and I just realized one of the main characters last names is Miyamoto. Shaun of the Dead cameo for the win!

For some reason I really liked the music in this episode and the worldwide disaster deal. The characters are growing a lot and the situation is fleshing out. Still a lot of unknowns but the series is really starting to build it's foundation and story past "OMG THERE'S ZOMBIES." Though this is a character driven story so keep that in mind.

Also those students are totally that teacher's bitches. I can understand the main characters having a big problem with that egomaniac and his democracy to throne himself as the leader.
Jul 19, 2010 5:30 AM
Jun 2008
i wonder how they become zombie in the first place?? hmm,hope they will reveal it soon ^^
Jul 19, 2010 5:34 AM

Aug 2009
Another O__O moment with the teacher kicking the student in the face. Though my favourite scene is still episode 1, kicking the bff down the stairs.

Lol @ Shizuka trying to fix her seatbelt.
Jul 19, 2010 5:37 AM

Aug 2009
I very loved this episode. It was so action packed, and I enjoyed every minutes of it brainlessly.The best part is when DITZ NURSE DRIVIN FUCKIN INSANELY. It seriously rocked.

Shidou's world greatest fag. Good thing is that he kinda redeemed Rei from being annoying head forever. Thank god. Students clapping was far too random; I hated that part in manga, too.

This week's ending was too good.
ringoo4Jul 19, 2010 5:41 AM
Jul 19, 2010 5:38 AM

Mar 2010
Oh,it seems that these creatures,whatever they are, die with fire (or die again..).

The situation is quite a nightmare..I don't think everyone will make it safe..It doesn't look like a humans' world anymore..It's more like a game of who gets to live by killing the others..And even if you survive, what's the point??You'll have killed many-including your friends- just to assure that you 'll be able to continue living in a rotting world, that either eats your flesh or your soul..I just hope something like this never happens..
Jul 19, 2010 5:42 AM

Apr 2008
MorningGlory said:
i wonder how they become zombie in the first place?? hmm,hope they will reveal it soon ^^

Not gonna happen if they follow the manga T_T. The cause of the outbreak is still unknown
Jul 19, 2010 5:44 AM

Mar 2009
akromataof said:
Oh,it seems that these creatures,whatever they are, die with fire (or die again..).

The situation is quite a nightmare..I don't think everyone will make it safe..It doesn't look like a humans' world anymore..It's more like a game of who gets to live by killing the others..And even if you survive, what's the point??You'll have killed many-including your friends- just to assure that you 'll be able to continue living in a rotting world, that either eats your flesh or your soul..I just hope something like this never happens..

Fun, isn't it? XD
Signature? I ain't got no signature! I don't need no signature! I don't have to show you any stinkin' signature!
Jul 19, 2010 5:45 AM

Feb 2007
I think this was the best episode so far, there wasent that much fan service in this one to ruin the mood, and that kid got frikkin stomped xD

Jul 19, 2010 5:51 AM

Jul 2008
The end is so foreseeable
It will be the first zombie harem anime ever
Jul 19, 2010 5:52 AM

Mar 2009
Oldy said:
The end is so foreseeable
It will be the first zombie harem anime ever

Ok, so, what happens in the end, Oldy?
Signature? I ain't got no signature! I don't need no signature! I don't have to show you any stinkin' signature!
Jul 19, 2010 5:56 AM
Jul 2010
I just notice that as the anime episode progress, the ED themes add photos of victims that has fallen to the zombies.
Jul 19, 2010 5:59 AM
Feb 2010
ringoo4 said:

Shidou's world greatest fag.

^ Agreed and lol.
| "In my time, the wowd is WUINED AND WIFEWESS!."

- Paradox (Yugioh: Bonds Beyond Time Abridged Movie) |

Jul 19, 2010 6:04 AM

Aug 2009
Oldy said:
The end is so foreseeable
It will be the first zombie harem anime ever
Two sentence, full of flaws.
Jul 19, 2010 6:06 AM
Jun 2008
The only thing i can predict is that more Zombie gonna die and more people gonna become Zombie...or more people gonna die before turning into zombie...
I guess the Zombie is just a main tool for the character's development in the story.
( if they don' improve the main tool........)
Darklight0303 said:
MorningGlory said:
i wonder how they become zombie in the first place?? hmm,hope they will reveal it soon ^^

Not gonna happen if they follow the manga T_T. The cause of the outbreak is still unknown
maybe I shouldn't put my hope there, maybe I hope there are more badass freedom fighter zombie fighter to join the party.
Jul 19, 2010 6:18 AM
May 2010
I'm starting to hate that teacher already.

Good episode
Jul 19, 2010 6:24 AM

Sep 2009
Overall this was a little better than the first 2 episodes....though there's still some annoying stuff in this one.
Jul 19, 2010 6:46 AM

Aug 2009
Shidou is insane and annoying, yet, at the same time, he is the smex.
Okay, I may be slightly biased thanks to him being voiced by a certain Mr-Sex-On-legs himself....

YAY!!! for British cameos xD
頭脳は子供、見た目は大人! ƪ(˘⌣˘)ʃ
Jul 19, 2010 7:04 AM

Feb 2008
After this episode my urge to bash Shidou's head in grew even more :D Nevertheless, it was another great episode.
Jul 19, 2010 7:11 AM

Jul 2008
ringoo4 said:
Oldy said:
The end is so foreseeable
It will be the first zombie harem anime ever
Two sentence, full of flaws.

so what? sue me
Jul 19, 2010 7:15 AM
Jun 2008
Jul 19, 2010 7:19 AM

Jun 2009
Oldy said:
ringoo4 said:
Oldy said:
The end is so foreseeable
It will be the first zombie harem anime ever
Two sentence, full of flaws.

so what? sue me

That's great. Someone on the internet that admits that they are wrong. Well done.

One thing I always liked about the manga was that the main characters are smart enough not to make the common mistakes in a zombie Apocalypse. For example, in this episode they brought up the idea of the zombies rotting to death. I always wondered why nobody in zombie movies never brought that up. Because if it was the case then all you have to do is haul up in a mall for about a few months or so and wala! Problem solved.

"I always take life with a grain of salt, a slice of lemon, ...and a shot of tequila."

Jul 19, 2010 7:22 AM

Aug 2009
Oldy said:
ringoo4 said:
Oldy said:
The end is so foreseeable
It will be the first zombie harem anime ever
Two sentence, full of flaws.

so what? sue me

Let's lose together!!
Jul 19, 2010 7:26 AM

Sep 2008
Interesting episode, not quite as good as the firs two, but still very enjoyable. That new teacher seems like an interesting character as well...Kind of looking forward to his inevitable douchebaggery.

Jul 19, 2010 7:27 AM
Dec 2009
Jul 19, 2010 7:28 AM
Jul 2010
AidanAK47 said:
Oldy said:
ringoo4 said:
Oldy said:
The end is so foreseeable
It will be the first zombie harem anime ever
Two sentence, full of flaws.

so what? sue me

That's great. Someone on the internet that admits that they are wrong. Well done.

One thing I always liked about the manga was that the main characters are smart enough not to make the common mistakes in a zombie Apocalypse. For example, in this episode they brought up the idea of the zombies rotting to death. I always wondered why nobody in zombie movies never brought that up. Because if it was the case then all you have to do is haul up in a mall for about a few months or so and wala! Problem solved.

Well, there is a movie call "28 weeks later" that show the entire zombies population in England ended in 7 months....problem is how the heck are we gonna survive without food and water for 7 freak months. A mall would seems to be the ideal place to defend for its supplies of food and water and equipments.
Jul 19, 2010 7:35 AM
Jun 2010
They had to ruin this great episode with the stupid clamping ._.

Rei and Takashi are once again alone, I hope they won't destroy this moment with romance or any other cliché crap.

Looks like there's going to be a boob scene according to the preview in episode 4 and it doesn't even involve a zombie. Hmm...
supersayenJul 19, 2010 7:54 AM

Jul 19, 2010 7:37 AM

Jul 2009
Is it just me, or is the pink haired (forgot her name) girl really begining to grate!
She constantly rants, then gets rescued by another; it seems she values her smart-alec mouth over her saftey?

Rei was quite selfish in not wanting to rescue the an entire group of innocents just because of one bad apple, the putting herself in danger (she may have good reason? Yet still, there's a time and a place).
She could have always saw him off later, the others are likely to help, he's a horrid teacher afterall.;P

Jul 19, 2010 7:52 AM

Oct 2009
Those kids clapping were creepier than the zombies. More brain-dead, too. I mean, who in their right mind would pick that idiot teacher as their leader just because he's a teacher ? It's da freaking zombie apocalypse, people, think for yourselves dammit.
Other than that, nice episode.
Jul 19, 2010 7:57 AM

Jun 2010
Sigh....its just not zombie related if there isnt a power struggle. Still wonder why she felt so strong against him to begin with, doesnt seem like a pervert but who knows, probably once tried to screw her ex or something. Oh well before I saw the preview I was expecting lovey dovey moments for the next episode since they are alone, but no, more angst and drama, but more ecchi so meh.
Jul 19, 2010 7:59 AM

Jan 2008

Alright episode I guess.
PaulJul 19, 2010 8:27 AM
Jul 19, 2010 8:07 AM

Feb 2009
Paul said:

Alright episode I guess.
Tag that!
Jul 19, 2010 8:09 AM

Mar 2010
This was a pretty good episode, I kinda like the teacher my self just cause it gives something else for the kids to avoid/kill other than just zombies. When that blonde haired guy got knocked out by Rei it was the first time I didn't hate her, but she still annoyed me when she was super clingy to Takashi in the first half of the show then second half her attitude completely changed to "I'm leaving I don't care what you say!".
Can't wait to see if they make a uncensored version sometime in the future, the random screen going black or screen moves away from the hitting and just shows the blood was like "really? you're cutting out the best part!"

Jul 19, 2010 8:23 AM

Aug 2009
Oh yes!
Almost forgot. Not sure if anybody's already mentioned it in this thread (too lazy, didn't read) But the name tag on the SOTD look-alikey clerk's name tag said 才門, which can be read 'Saimon' AKA Simon Pegg, who wrote and starred in Shaun of the Dead

Gotta have us some Brits!
頭脳は子供、見た目は大人! ƪ(˘⌣˘)ʃ
Jul 19, 2010 8:33 AM

Oct 2007
MrHatandClogs said:
I watched it on, bought a subcsription just for this show.

Sorry >.<

You, sir, are a bit of an idiot.

I think I might put this on hold for a while, so I can marathon it later. As people have said, this would be better marathoned.
Jul 19, 2010 8:34 AM

Oct 2008
SurferDude said:
I mean, who in their right mind would pick that idiot teacher as their leader just because he's a teacher ? It's da freaking zombie apocalypse, people, think for yourselves dammit.

People who are weak and can't think for themselves look to someone for guidance. Simple as that. Too bad for them they don't know he has a major in advanced faggotry.
Jul 19, 2010 8:38 AM

Jul 2009
ringoo4 said:
Shidou's world greatest fag. Good thing is that he kinda redeemed Rei from being annoying head forever. Thank god. Students clapping was far too random;
So fucking true

Saya,why you mad at Hirano when he tried to save your ass from zombies while bitching that he interrupt your talks >.> But i love her expression when Hirano responding to her xD

Next episode, in which Rei gets molested according to the preview...OMG.
Jul 19, 2010 8:39 AM

Feb 2010
Enjoyable episode :D
Now Takashi and Rei have a dirt bike for transportation instead of running around.
Jul 19, 2010 8:40 AM

Jun 2009
wow it always ets better and better i mean the first ep rocked already but now im speechless for sure cant wait for the next ep

im curioius abot this creepy teacher

but i think thje best leader would be takashi or the kendo teacher
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