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Jul 12, 2010 11:11 AM

Jan 2010
SirensRequiem said:
Eternal_Shield said:
what is the point making second season anyways

It's a giant money maker. If it didn't have this much of a following, I doubt it'd get another season.

xlunedanslecielx said:
Crappy season that is. I think it's their purpose to confuse people with it.

Epic WIN
Jul 12, 2010 11:45 AM
Aug 2009
I'm glad that in this episode there was no sign of Alois and Claude, I really hate them :/
Nice episode, but I have feeling like something is missing and this eason is not so great as previous. Maybe this is just bad feeling after first episode, full of Alois and Claude ^^'

But, I'm sure that I'll kill Elisabeth one day :/
Jul 12, 2010 11:58 AM

Aug 2009
Fractured timeline... ('cause that definitely didn't happen after the whole London Fire thing, but I'd be disappointed if episode 2 all came from Ciel's imagination, rather than his memories)

...Way to confuse me even more than the first episode did. Next episode, we're back to dark and sinister, but who knows if we'll get more answers. Someone should publish a manual of all possible clues they've dropped so far, but NOTHING has been obvious.

Elizabeth wasn't that bad, but I think I can only stand her in small doses. If she's ever in two episodes in a row this season, then I'll get annoyed.

Gya! The Undertaker makes his return! Kuroshitsuji is the only show that makes me watch the previews for the next episode.

I liked the new opening. More structured, less dizzying. Although if Sebastien loses to Claude, I'll be majorly annoyed.

Alois > Ciel
Sebastien > Claude

I think my love for Sebastien wins out, so
Jul 12, 2010 12:46 PM

Apr 2009
I think it's kind of early to judge this season after 2 episodes. I agree that this ep wasn't the most exciting one and leaves us all confused. But I'm happy Ciel is back and I love Sebastian! ^^

It surprises me how many people miss Alois and Claude...a couple of months ago everybody was complaining how they could dare making a season without Seb and Ciel. Things change fast...
Jul 12, 2010 2:40 PM

Sep 2009
InezMaria said:
But, I'm sure that I'll kill Elisabeth one day :/
and for sure I will help you out in this homicide. Shes just so irritating that I want to pull my hair Arrggghhh

We have to consider this episode as a filler that should have been included in season 1 before Ciel gave away his ring. Next episode must be around the time after Madam Red's Ciel looks highly shocked by her appearance. By watching Grell's is the period before William's appearance.

Basically the producers wants us to relive through the periods of season 1 before they get us back into the main plot of the 2nd season. I believe we just have to wait.

If anyone found the ending theme could you please provide a link :D
ValentilnJul 12, 2010 2:51 PM
Jul 12, 2010 2:48 PM

Jun 2010
So either i'm really dumb or this episode was very confusing ._.

I'm REALLY happy that Undertaker is coming back, since he is my favorite character *__*

And i'm glad Alois and Claude aren't showing up. It took me a long time to get used to Sebastian and Ciel, i only started liking them in the middle of the show, so i suppose i'm not quite used to these two yet.

Anyway, i'm just hoping that episode 3 makes things clearer. I mean, is this supposed to be before Ciel's death or did he revive or something...? *is totally dumb/confused*
Jul 12, 2010 3:20 PM
Jul 2018
xlunedanslecielx said:

And for those of you who have read the manga, does this have anything to do with it? Like does it seem familiar in any way shape or form?

Heh, not at all.
In fact, nothing about Kuroshitsuji seasons 1 OR 2 are even like the manga. I mean, the first few episodes of season 1 followed the manga up to a point, but then it surpassed the manga and had to come up with it's own storyline.

However, I think Toboso is consulted as far as the anime goes, so it's...uhm, not that bad?
Yeah, I dunno...
Jul 12, 2010 4:43 PM

Jun 2010
This episode felt nicer, and im glad Lau is back, him and his 'sister'.
Jul 12, 2010 5:55 PM
Sep 2008
hi there

you people dont u think that They deceived us!!

to make the hero another person but he is just ciel as we know ?
i think that they make Alois stand by XD
Jul 12, 2010 6:12 PM

Aug 2009
SubDesu got the subs out. Get it at Nyaa or their own website if anyone's interested.
no Shinsen yet.
Jul 12, 2010 8:30 PM
Oct 2008
Ok..what happened to the first season?
What is this crap? It made no sense to me at all.
Jul 12, 2010 8:58 PM

May 2010
If by next episode, no real plot or action happens I'm dropping this, I don't feel like ruining the good image I had of season 1.
Jul 12, 2010 8:59 PM
OG Rewriter

Aug 2009
Also, they still haven't said a damn thing about why Ciel was in a suitcase, or how Sebastian got his arm back, or why Ciel still has a seal on his eye, or how Ciel's ring ended up in Alois's basement, or how exactly Claude and Sebastian know each other, or how Ciel and Alois know each other.

And another thing, why is Ciel acting like the end of season 1 never happened? Surely he remembers all that. And Lau and Ranmao were trying to kill him last time we saw them, so why is he acting like he acting like he usually did with Lau?

Also, let's not forget his mansion. It was crispy the last time anyone saw it, but it seems to be intact.

I can't help it, I wanna know NOW. lol.

reem791 said:
If by next episode, no real plot or action happens I'm dropping this, I don't feel like ruining the good image I had of season 1.

Pfft. Even if it was terribad, I'd still watch it for Sebastian and Grell lol.

Oh, and Sebastian......PUNCH!

And according to the Kuroshitsuji wikia,

Aberline has shaggy, auburn hair and blue eyes. As a police offer, he dresses in a way fitting his role, including a suit, green tie, dark grey trench and bowler hat. In the manga, he also has a mustache.

So, if what I'm guessing is correct, this is Aberline:

And according to the SubDesu translation, Sebastian says "this is the young master's first time seeing this [Grell]."

At least I think that's what he's referring to.

Maybe we've got ourselves an alternate timeline, but then why was Ciel wearing his "funeral clothes" when Sebastian got him out of the suitcase.

Then again, they could be showing us back story.

Long post is long.
-renn-Jul 12, 2010 9:42 PM
Jul 12, 2010 9:07 PM

Oct 2008
Ok, subs are out. Will watch it in a while again.

But I terribly think that it's still bad.

Edit: Watched it
Still as boring as hell
I always checked for how many time passed by from it :/

First: Lizzy must die as soon as possible.

And I'm starting to hate Ciel and Sebastian
Alois is loads better than both of them combined.

I hope that they haven't changed Grell and Undertaker in some way or another cause I will consider dropping the show.
shadowswordJul 12, 2010 9:36 PM
Jul 12, 2010 9:28 PM

Jul 2010
I agree with mostly everything that's been said here...
Especially about being CONFUSED!
Why are all the characters alive again, with no explanation?
Ciel, Lau, even the inspector that died (sorry, forgot his name ;) )?!?

My guess is that this actually takes place at some point before the end of kuroshitsuji. like after madame red died, but before pluto... but then the whole ciel-in-a-box and the ring thing don't make sense... :(
i hope the creators dont seem something lame, like, i dunno, say, mess up the whole series and screw with everyone's minds by changing what happened?
lol, that's totally what's gonna happen XD
Jul 12, 2010 9:29 PM

Aug 2008
I'm going to need an explanation as to why everyone is alive before I start liking the show. This is too ridiculous for me.
Jul 12, 2010 10:04 PM

Dec 2008
synaesthesia said:
After finishing the episode ~

Where's Alois and Claude?!?! We didn't even see them in the preview for the next episode.

I thought Lau died...?

Moar ElizabethxCiel! Yeah I know I'm the only one who likes this v_v

This episode wasn't as good as the last one. I guess it was just to reintroduce the characters, so hopefully the plot will start rolling with the next episode.

Yeah! I though Lau died too? & then he's back all of a sudden with no explanation whatsoever =_=

BUTTT..anyways the new OP is great! It's great to see more Ciel & Sebby again, even though I want to see more Alois & Claude too :3 LOL Elizabeth is still annoying as ever ughh.

&OMGOSH GRELL IS BACKK! Yay! XD XD I'm really hoping they start to explain stuff more when the series progresses, cause I'm still hella confused about some stuff :P

& &
Jul 12, 2010 10:15 PM

Dec 2008
& I totally agree with you Grayghostreborn.

Like why the HELL is EVERYONE back & they don't explain why? It's like they just jump into the 2nd season like nothing in the 1st season never happened or something =_= SO CONFUSING!! rofl

& &
Jul 12, 2010 10:16 PM

Oct 2008
wait so Ciel is still alive? XP
Jul 12, 2010 11:45 PM

Dec 2008
ShounenAi said:
holypoop said:
I couldn't resist:


LOLL! I never thought anyone would do something like this ROFLL XD XD TEAM PHANTOMHIVE OFC! Love Alois & Claude, but Sebby & Ciel are EPIC !
Chen-tanJul 12, 2010 11:58 PM

& &
Jul 12, 2010 11:54 PM

Oct 2009
Tanaka-San is back ;_;...
(Ciel and Sebby are good too, but i never thought i would see Tanaka-San again.. :.....) Im actually happy to see all of them... "Okaerinasai Minna-san" ^^)
I feel like a Baka now.. ;_;

♥*♡∞:。.。 True Love 。.。:∞♡*♥
Jul 13, 2010 12:18 AM

Oct 2009
SubDesu just subbed the second ep (according to anidb), they aren't the best group but their work should be 100times better than the YT one, ne?
Going to watch it now, c'ya ^_^
Jul 13, 2010 12:19 AM

Oct 2007
yay for "real" sub files. though i will say next ep looks more promising
Jul 13, 2010 12:33 AM

Jan 2008
I spent every hour for the past two days refreshing tokyotoshokan and finally the subs...but I was disappointed that this episode didn't explain anything. I guess I will wait a bit longer since the preview looks like it won't explain much either. I kind of miss Alois too -___-

Lizzy's voice is sooo is really annoying and she's so whinny but I like how Ciel cares about her. Although when she ran away after calling him baka...I was like shouldn't you go after her? (I thought she was going into the woods or something) but it turns out she went onto the boat...sigh. I would have rather they animated the hunting scene in the manga for canon chivalry from Ciel.

Also Aberline with a mustache? He didn't have one in the anime but why would he start having one now x__x? Would like to see the Circus arc animated too.

Out of all the hypotheses proposed, I would like it if this was some sort of dream Ciel is having rather than it being a situation set somewhere in season 1.
Jul 13, 2010 12:41 AM

May 2008
Great episode, I missed the atmosphere very much and now I'm so glad everyone's returned.~
Jul 13, 2010 1:02 AM

Dec 2009
It was an okay episode, but God I want to see the Trancy household. I'm getting bored of the Phantomhives.
Jul 13, 2010 1:08 AM

May 2009
i LOOOOVVVEEDD the episode....huge Ciel x Elizabeth fan so i know this was the episode for me. yeah it didnt really explain alot but iam happy either way....and alot of people seem depressed that alois x claude arent around....first they hate the idea of new characters and want ciel's gang back and now their all depressed that the new characters arent around...people change so fast....i cant believe people like them after the first episode.......there probably just trying to get the story straight on ciels part...i mean they are the main attraction...and they might get back to alois when the time calls for it...they wouldnt introduce new characters for nothing.....the rivalry will soon start....not complaining here since i dont like the knockoffs.

Jul 13, 2010 1:31 AM

Apr 2009
This is probably some dream world that Sebastien is using to troll Ciel... Maybe it's Alois trolling Ciel and Sebastien, but I hope they shed some light on that soon. Otherwise, if they drag it on too long it won't even come close to the first season. I don't really remember, but I'm fairly certain Lau died last season.
Jul 13, 2010 4:37 AM
Jul 2010
This episode was okay, but it's a total disappointment.

First of all, they don't even explain why all the characters are back. It's as if
nothing from the first season ever happened.
How can Ciel act normally?
Why was Ciel's ring in Trancy's house?
Where did Alois and Claude go? I need more of them, they are far more interesting, besides I'm bored with season 1 characters already and I've lost interest for the next
episode too because there's not a trace of Trancy. They better NOT be minor characters.

Lizzie is still annoying, but I think how Ciel is starting to show more care for her is cute.
To me, this is a filler episode and nothing more. I hope our questions will be answered as the series goes on. Who knows, maybe Sebastian erased Ciel's memory of what happened. Why he did that when he was supposed to devour him is a question annoying my head.
Aoiyuki92Jul 13, 2010 4:43 AM
Jul 13, 2010 5:20 AM

Sep 2008
A farm?
That word only reminds me of how much fun Sebastian had in that shack whatever thing so long ago.
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Jul 13, 2010 8:03 AM

Aug 2007
I feel kind of deceived...It's as if things never happened...You know, the ending and the rest..
I got the feeling that this episode was a just something that happened in the past...
I very happy to see more Ciel and Sebastian but I would really like to see more Alois and Claude!
Jul 13, 2010 9:07 AM

Apr 2010
Wow, I'm late watching this episode...anyway, I enjoyed it. I strongly doubt that this entire season is going to ignore what happened in the first episode, or in the end of the last season, so I'm being patient. I don't really care when they explain things, I'm just happy seeing Sebastian and Ciel again. Though I also like Claude and Alois (as rivals).

I tried not to be annoyed with Elizabeth, but it was hard, lol...I didn't care for her at first when she appeared last season, but eventually I started liking her a lot, mostly during that Shard of Hope arc. Well, I understand that she is trying to bring Ciel happiness, so I'm okay :3

Also, I love the new opening! Especially Grell kissing the Sebastian doll and stabbing Ciel and Alois'.

Speaking of Grell, I can't wait for the next episode, the preview was cool o.o Sebastian's little jokes amuse me...and is that Madame Red?? Even if she only appears in a flashback, I'll be glad to see her. The Jack the Ripper arc from the first season was my favorite.
Jul 13, 2010 9:17 AM

Apr 2009
Just me who rember wrong our didn Lau and Ranmao not die in Season 1?
Jul 13, 2010 9:47 AM

Dec 2009
NorikoW said:
This episode was okay, but it's a total disappointment.

First of all, they don't even explain why all the characters are back. It's as if
nothing from the first season ever happened.
How can Ciel act normally?
Why was Ciel's ring in Trancy's house?
Where did Alois and Claude go? I need more of them, they are far more interesting, besides I'm bored with season 1 characters already and I've lost interest for the next
episode too because there's not a trace of Trancy. They better NOT be minor characters.

Sigh.. I can't agree with you more! I want Trancy!
Jul 13, 2010 9:53 AM

Dec 2009
Linalee-Stratos said:
Basically the producers wants us to relive through the periods of season 1 before they get us back into the main plot of the 2nd season. I believe we just have to wait.

I hope you are right :)
Jul 13, 2010 10:16 AM

Jan 2008
Even though I would only want Ciel x Sebastian in all the episodes , you can see from the OP that this will be indeed an vs. series.
Jul 13, 2010 10:17 AM
Jul 2010
I like Ciel and Sebastian but I'm just too curious about the new characters.

I don't think Kuroshitsuji would leave unanswered questions for us either, so I'm hoping will find out why things happened in the coming episodes. I'll be patient, even though I'm not the patient type.
Jul 13, 2010 11:27 AM

May 2009
Luchixa said:
i LOOOOVVVEEDD the episode....huge Ciel x Elizabeth fan so i know this was the episode for me. yeah it didnt really explain alot but iam happy either way....and alot of people seem depressed that alois x claude arent around....first they hate the idea of new characters and want ciel's gang back and now their all depressed that the new characters arent around...people change so fast....i cant believe people like them after the first episode.......there probably just trying to get the story straight on ciels part...i mean they are the main attraction...and they might get back to alois when the time calls for it...they wouldnt introduce new characters for nothing.....the rivalry will soon start....not complaining here since i dont like the knockoffs.

Agreed (: When I saw that this episode was all about them, I was squealing with excitement & happiness. Ciel & Sebastian are just SO amazing, it's hard not to like a whole episode dedicated to them. Ciel & Sebby are waaay better than Alois & Claude in my opinion (:P), but I'm kinda curious about the others, too. Glad that they're back, though!
Jul 13, 2010 11:39 AM

Jan 2009
InezMaria said:
I'm sure that I'll kill Elisabeth one day :/
Linalee-Stratos said:
...and for sure I will help you out in this homicide. Shes just so irritating that I want to pull my hair Arrggghhh
shadowsword said:
First: Lizzy must die as soon as possible.

Aye to all of you.. I'll totally volunteer. She really gets on my nerves! UGH!

Selinea said:
Fractured timeline....Someone should publish a manual of all possible clues they've dropped so far,
Linalee-Stratos said:
we have to consider it as a filler

It's really fractured.. I totally agree :/ Someone REALLY should. I'm starting to think that this is a parallel time to season 1 Like an alternate... but the Sebastian-getting-Ciel's-ring thing doesn't really make sense if it is..

Carolina said:
What is this crap?

Well said.

SirensRequiem said:
Also, they still haven't said a damn thing about why Ciel was in a suitcase, or how Sebastian got his arm back, or why Ciel still has a seal on his eye, or how Ciel's ring ended up in Alois's basement, or how exactly Claude and Sebastian know each other, or how Ciel and Alois know each other.

And another thing, why is Ciel acting like the end of season 1 never happened? Surely he remembers all that. And Lau and Ranmao were trying to kill him last time we saw them, so why is he acting like he acting like he usually did with Lau?

Also, let's not forget his mansion. It was crispy the last time anyone saw it, but it seems to be intact.

I can't help it, I wanna know NOW. lol.

lol glad I'm not the only one! I was waiting for Sebastian to POUNCE the minute he sees Lau and Lanmao. :/

Lau and Lanmao are supposed to be dead right? And the inspector (with the pregnant wife) is supposed to be dead right? (IF these plotlines were supposedly after the 'departure') And Sebby is supposed to be armless right? I'm not going crazy right? We're all confused right?
xlunedanslecielxJul 13, 2010 11:45 AM
Jul 13, 2010 12:16 PM

Jan 2009
Yeah... I literally got a fan-gasm after seeing the opening *_*
GRELL will be BACK !!!!!!!!!!!!! [I missed him so :((, we don't see much of him in the manga :(( ]
And that final scene where Sebastian and Ciel vanish... What's up with that anyway???

Nevertheless, after that... A whole 20 minutes of Elizabeth's whining :|. Don't get me wrong, I 'm expecting this season to let me down, just like the first one did, but I still hate her blonde curled little figure :D

I enjoyed seeing Lau again though >:D< [I missed him too... Don't know why... I see a lot of him in the manga...]. Oh and Ranmao giving a 'Basic Intinct - Sharon Stone' move to gather the gamblers... Priceless :P

Oh and aside from the fact that everyone acts as if season 1 never happened [I guess we'll find out pretty soon why] and we'll probably have Grell playing the Reaper next episode once again, just one question: can we suppose everyone knows about Sebastian being a demon /:) ? Cause he flew and broke a freaggin dam and no one seemed surprised at all
diamond9393andaJul 13, 2010 12:20 PM

Jul 13, 2010 12:18 PM

Aug 2008
xlunedanslecielx said:

Lau and Lanmao are supposed to be dead right? And the inspector (with the pregnant wife) is supposed to be dead right? (IF these plotlines were supposedly after the 'departure') And Sebby is supposed to be armless right? I'm not going crazy right? We're all confused right?

That's what bothered me during the whole episode... especially, since it seemed like ep 1 was a continuation of season 1...
Then again, maybe they decided to show the time inbetween season1 and ep 1 of season 2? Although, that still wouldn't explain what ep 2 is doing in there? Unless of course it's some weird-ass tactic to confuse everyone... *grumbles*

diamond9393anda I wouldn't bet on people knowing that. Well the servants just sort of always expected Sebastian to be a strong/smart/good-looking genius. As for Lau, hm... good question. But I don't think he'd suspect Sebastian of not being human though.
neetaJul 13, 2010 12:21 PM
Jul 13, 2010 12:21 PM
Jul 2008
What's with all this Lizzy hate? I don't get it.

I so want to see Grell next time *.* Yes bb pls *.*
Jul 13, 2010 12:21 PM

Jan 2008
Fairly boring episode.


Grell :3 and the title of the episode is lol...
Jul 13, 2010 12:26 PM
Apr 2009
My guess is that it's some sort of dream for Ciel. Like, he's still dead and he's in limbo/purgatory? Or something like that? It would explain why Ciel's alive, and also why Lau and Ranmao are alive and why Sebastian and Ciel aren't trying to kill them.

I sort of liked Alois, to be honest. He's totally nuts, but that's what makes him interesting. Still, he's in the opening, so he should still be a main character.

The total lack of continuity sort of annoyed me. The dream theory is something I'm telling myself to keep from bashing a hole in my wall. Bah. Manga's better, but I haven't yet given up on the anime. Getting close, though. :/
Jul 13, 2010 1:09 PM
Jul 2010
Meri said:
What's with all this Lizzy hate? I don't get it.

I so want to see Grell next time *.* Yes bb pls *.*

Me too I want Grell, oh how much we love crazy characters xD

About Lizzy, she screams a lot and her voice is loud. A crybaby
and she wasted the episode by doing careless things. I don't like
her character but I live with it for the show, at least she doesn't show up
on every episode.
Jul 13, 2010 1:12 PM

Jun 2009
Meri said:
What's with all this Lizzy hate? I don't get it.

I so want to see Grell next time *.* Yes bb pls *.*

In my opinion Lizzy is a little bit too whiny. She is driven by her desire to both weight the plot down and to satisfy herself. Due to this point, she disgraces Ciel with her whining and does not uphold herself like a women of that time period. That is my problem with her.

Where there is no imagination there is no horror. || Arthur Conan Doyle || Happy Halloween!
Jul 13, 2010 1:13 PM

Jun 2009
Meri said:
What's with all this Lizzy hate? I don't get it.

I so want to see Grell next time *.* Yes bb pls *.*

In my opinion Lizzy is a little bit too whiny. She is driven by her desire to both weight the plot down and to satisfy herself. Due to this point, she disgraces Ciel with her whining and does not uphold herself like a women of that time period. That is my problem with her.

I agree though, I can't wait for Grell~

Where there is no imagination there is no horror. || Arthur Conan Doyle || Happy Halloween!
Jul 13, 2010 1:32 PM
Jul 2008
Lizzy is what, 11-12 yo aristocratic girl.
Ofc she whines and is needy, wants things her way. There is no surprise in that.
She's an example of a rich brat, and she plays the part perfectly.

I always thought she fits in this anime completely because of it's setting. I have no problem with her being there. In fact, she makes quite perfect sense.
Jul 13, 2010 2:22 PM

Aug 2009
Is this a filler or what? I don't see any relevance to the main plot but it was good nonetheless. Elizabeth was kind of annoying but she's still cute. :3

Okay so Lao is back. I was like "Okay I know this dude from the first episode but I forgot his name." I loved how he made a betting game out of Ciel and Elizabeth's boat time. It's good to see him back as long as those 3 supernatural servants and Tanaka.

So, no Aloius and Claude in this episode huh? Next episode should be about Grell so we won't be seeing Alouis for a while. :(
Jul 13, 2010 2:51 PM
Jul 2010
Meri said:
Lizzy is what, 11-12 yo aristocratic girl.
Ofc she whines and is needy, wants things her way. There is no surprise in that.
She's an example of a rich brat, and she plays the part perfectly.

I always thought she fits in this anime completely because of it's setting. I have no problem with her being there. In fact, she makes quite perfect sense.

But as a noble she is supposed to act like how a high class should act
in front of people instead of embarrassing Ciel like that.. Well, sometimes
she adds to the humor so I don't wanna complain a lot.

More than that, I want Alois to meet Ciel, I wanna see those take action together <3
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